Re: 6.0.3 package has broken mysqld_safe

2008-02-03 Thread sol beach
It exists on my system.

ls -l /usr/local/mysql-6.0.3-alpha-linux-i686-glibc23
-rw-r--r-- 1 root mysql 36766 Nov 20 10:47 /usr/local/mysql-

On Feb 3, 2008 6:47 AM, Baron Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just downloaded mysql-6.0.3-alpha-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tar.gz for my
 AMD64 machine to play with it.  I started out with Giuseppe's
 mysql-sandbox script to try to set up a throwaway.  This has always
 worked great for me before, but the server wouldn't start this time.
 I looked in the error log:

 080203 09:35:55 mysqld_safe The file /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld
 does not exist or is not executable. Please cd to the mysql installation
 directory and restart this script from there as follows:
 See for more

 I tried starting mysqld_safe manually, and got the same thing.  It
 looks like it's not detecting the directories right.  So I looked at
 the bin/mysqld_safe script and saw this:

 205 MY_PWD=`pwd`
 206 # Check for the directories we would expect from a binary release
 207 if test -f ./share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys -a -x ./bin/mysqld
 208 then
 209   MY_BASEDIR_VERSION=$MY_PWD # Where bin, share and data are
 210   ledir=$MY_BASEDIR_VERSION/bin # Where mysqld is
 211 # Check for the directories we would expect from a source install
 212 elif test -f ./share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys -a -x ./libexec/mysqld
 213 then
 214   MY_BASEDIR_VERSION=$MY_PWD # Where libexec, share and var are
 215   ledir=$MY_BASEDIR_VERSION/libexec # Where mysqld is
 216 # Since we didn't find anything, used the compiled-in defaults
 217 else
 218   MY_BASEDIR_VERSION=/usr/local/mysql
 219   ledir=/usr/local/mysql/bin
 220 fi

 The problem I see is, there's no share/mysql/english/ directory after
 untarring the downloaded file:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mysql_source/6.0.3$ find -name english

 Looks to me like the package has a broken mysqld_safe script.  Any
 comments on this, or should I file a bug?

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V6.0.3 XML files

2007-11-27 Thread sol beach

Above command is now valid in V6.0.3  cleanly ingests properly
formatted XML files.

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What is MYSQL's equivalent to Oracle's DBMS_OUTPUT

2007-09-26 Thread sol beach
Oracle provides a stored procedure called DBMS_OUTPUT which primarily is
used to write/print/display text string to StandardOut (a.k.a. the
In V5 MYSQL is there a functional equivalent? If so, what is it called.
I am willing to RTFM if somebody provides me a clue as to which manual
contains the answer to my question.
I have Guy Harrison's MYSQL Stored Procedures but could not find what I'm
looking for in it.
Since I am not sure if what I want exists or what it may be called, I just
may be looking in the wrong places for the answer.


Re: Open Source Application Server

2007-09-01 Thread sol beach
Spamming for maximum exposure?

On 9/1/07, john_sm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Guys, can you suggest any Open Source Application Server for SOA
 deployments.  Also, wondering, if our needs are somewhat lightweight, is
 there some lightweight open source Application Server you could Suggest.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the MySQL - General mailing list archive at

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Re: looking for a good book for learning mysql

2007-08-02 Thread sol beach
MYSQL Third Edition by Paul DuBios (a frequent list contributor)

On 8/2/07, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello, I've got a good book for learning php, very complete and goes
 through almost everything. However I'm now looking for a good mysql
 book. I don't want ebooks, only paper versions.

 I know how to connect and the real basics of mysql (I can connect, do a
 basic search, insert data etc ... but would like to go alot further. I'm
 still a beginner but I learn fast, so I don't want something to simple,
 I need something that can get me going and can also push me alot further.

 Thanks in advance !

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MYSQL data replication

2007-06-07 Thread sol beach

I have limited experience with MYSQL replication; which is why I am hoping
others with more experience can answer a question or two.
Let's say I have a MASTER MYSQL database.
Let's say there are 50 - 60 other systems where I'd like to have MYSQL
running on these slave systems.
These slave systems need to be kept in synch with the Master, but it does
NOT need to be anywhere near real time.
The data in the slaves could lag as much a an hour or two.
The amount of data in total in the MASTER is in the range of 100MB - 250MB
The rate of changes to the data is in the range 2000 - 5000 DML per 24 hour
We control the application so we can/will include date/time each record is
created or modified.
You can assume that no records ever get physically deleted; only INSERT 

What are some alternative ways to keep the slave systems current?


Re: Consenus on best column type for Latitude / Longitude?

2006-05-12 Thread sol beach

I worked on a system years ago that used binary encoded integer for
latitude  longitude.
The Most Significant Bit (MSB) was a sign bit ( + or -).
The next bit was 180 degrees
The next bit was 090 degrees
The next bit was 045 degrees.
Functions were written to transform these into human readable vlaues.
The beauty of this was that integer addition and subtraction could used
directly on these values.

On 5/12/06, sheeri kritzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We use float.  I have no idea if that's better or worse, but that's what
we use.


On 4/26/06, René Fournier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just curious the majority use. I've been using decimal(18,14), but
 that appears bigger than necessary... Maybe varcar(21) for latitude,
 and varchar(22) for longitude?


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MYIsam vs. BDB

2006-05-11 Thread sol beach

In a high activity OLTP environment with heavy UPDATE activity, which
table type is better?
I have one table which has many readers  a decent amount of UPDATE
Will BDB or MYIsam result in better performance  by how much better (please

How to login to MYSQL as root without knowing the passward

2006-01-30 Thread sol beach
I've been asked to assist the folks who own the data in the database, but
folks who used to maintain it are no longer with the company.
This installation resides on a Windows 2003 server to which I have local
admin rights.
What is the most painless way to get root access to this database?
I am more than willing to RTFM, if anyone will point me at which FM to read.


Re: How to login to MYSQL as root without knowing the passward

2006-01-30 Thread sol beach
Sounds reasonable, but how do I shutdown down MYSQL so I can restart with

On 1/30/06, Dan Trainor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sol beach wrote:
  I've been asked to assist the folks who own the data in the database,
  folks who used to maintain it are no longer with the company.
  This installation resides on a Windows 2003 server to which I have local
  admin rights.
  What is the most painless way to get root access to this database?
  I am more than willing to RTFM, if anyone will point me at which FM to

 Hi -

 I've always used the startup option of '--skip-grant-tables'.  This may
 or may not be the correct way to do so, but we'll see what kind of
 feedback we get.

 I do this, then update the Password field in the mysql.user table.


What is MYSQL equivalent to Oracle's NVL function?

2005-11-29 Thread sol beach
The subject says it all!

Re: location

2005-07-23 Thread sol beach
I suspect a case problem

ln -s /usr/lib/dbd/ # perhaps?


On 7/23/05, Tim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Using mysql 3.23 on Red Hat 9.0 partition,
   mysql 4.0.20 on Slack 10.0 partition.
 I have reviewed some code for a lisp mysql library using
 the Foreign Function Interface (exposing the C API).
 the shared object referenced in the code is
 I am not able to locate a file with that name on either of
 my linux partitions. The library developer is primarily a
 windows programmer and has told me that this file should
 be included with the distribution.
 Can anyone clarify this matter for me? Do I need a symlink?
 If so to what?
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Re: How do you think about PostgreSQL and mysql?

2005-06-25 Thread sol beach
As previously posted to this list.

On 6/24/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do you think about PostgreSQL and mysql? want to know which is good? How 
 to choose database for the web?

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mysql Ver 11.16 Distrib 3.23.49

2005-06-10 Thread sol beach
Yes, I know it is old  obsolete.

How do I query mysql to determine which hosts would benefit from a
FLUSH HOSTS command?

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Re: mysql and php

2005-05-29 Thread sol beach

THREE elements need to be match what is stored inside MYSQL DB.
1) username
2) password
3) hostname

You need to enable MYSQL logging, restart the DB,  try to login from PHP.
Then, take a look at what MYSQL shows in its logfile  post the results here!


On 5/29/05, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 here is a workaround that might help you.
 I guess you have a Network card. So instead of using 'localhost' as host
 use your ip e.g ';. That will force MySQl use TCP/IP instead
 of socket.
 Just have in mind that:
 1. In /etc/my.cnf You should comment skip-networking if presenet
 2. Make sure your user is allowed to make connections from YOUR_IP
 3. Make sure you do not have Iptables rule that may block your access.
  Remember guys, I went through this on the phpmyadmin list before
  turning here.
  I was told to run the command 'mysqladmin variables' to find out  where
  the the socket was; I did that successfully and it showed up  at
  And viola, now with mysqld running, it does show up there, at /var/
  When I shutdown mysqld it is gone, from /var/mysql.
  (Btw, once in a recent post of mine, Philip referred to my leaving  out
  the leading / at 'var', that was simply a typo and it was in the  script
  So, running 'mysql variables' is giving me the socket path and I'm
  still lost as to what's going why I cannot connect with a simple php
  Help?!  I'll look for the mysql error log.
  On May 29, 2005, at 3:59 PM, Philip George wrote:
  mysql.sock is created by mysqld when it starts, and destroyed when
  it stops.
  haha.  you're absolutely right.  that doesn't make any sense.  i
  wasn't thinking about the nature of socket files when i wrote that.
  now that i go back and read the post i was referring to, i think  the
  poster was actually talking about the privileges of the  enclosing
  folder, not the socket itself.  my bad.
  but, regardless, i think it's a path problem anyway, as i mentioned
  pardon the misfire.  running on zero sleep.
  - philip
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Re: newbie: delete row xy

2005-05-02 Thread sol beach
 I want to delete e.g  row 1433 

There is NO row 1433!
1433  would depend upon which column(s) specified in ORDER BY clause.
A table is a collection and a collection has NO inherent order.

On 5/2/05, Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I now how to use delete together with a WHERE statement. But e.g. after
 some warnings revealed me certain rows being inconsisent, and I want to
 delete them- how can I do this? I just know that I want to delete e.g
 row 1433 (I have no special id)
 thanks for a hint
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ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

2005-03-18 Thread sol beach
I've tried looking up this error code on  via Google.

I'm not sure it matters but if you look closely at the SQL below,
you can see it is working on file page_path.tab4.

It has already successfully loaded files page_path.tab1 thru  page_path.tab3

I seriously could use a CLUE on what needs to be changed to avoid this error.


Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 183 to server version: 3.23.58-max

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/b/martgen/mysql/bingrep -i large show-variables.log
large_files_support ON
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/b/martgen/mysql/binuname -a
Linux 2.4.21-4.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 3 17:52:56 EDT
2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/b/martgen/mysql/bin

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missing my.cnf file?

2005-01-31 Thread sol beach
I have inhertited this old Solaris x86 system with MYSQL installed on it.

mdb:/tmp 15:38:08 [539]# uname -a
SunOS 5.7 Generic_106542-24 i86pc i386 i86pc

I would rate myself as an advanced novice WRT MYSQL
To a large deree this system is running OK.

However, it does seem to be smacking into the limit of 100 concurrent
AFAIK, no /etc/my.cnf file  no $HOME/.my.cnf file exist.
I've looked  looked at the startup scripts  do not see any
--config-file qualifier be specified.

datadir=/a/mysqldata/   and there is no *cnf file in this folder either

# find / -name \*cnf -ls
941333 -rw-rw  1 root dba  2179 Apr  9  2002
941343 -rw-rw  1 root dba  2464 Apr  9  2002
941353 -rw-rw  1 root dba  2480 Apr  9  2002
941363 -rw-rw  1 root dba  2502 Apr  9  2002
3826293 -rw-r--r--  1 root dba  2179 Nov 15 09:57
3826303 -rw-r--r--  1 root dba  2464 Nov 15 09:57
3826313 -rw-r--r--  1 root dba  2480 Nov 15 09:57
3826323 -rw-r--r--  1 root dba  2502 Nov 15 09:57
6962157 -rw-r--r--  1 root other7146 Jul 11  2002

I may be wrong but I am convinced that MYSQL is reading some file to
acquire values for its varialbles.
How do I identify which file it is using?

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show table types

2005-01-20 Thread sol beach
SHOW TABLE TYPES became available in MYSQL 4.1.

What is the equivalent for MYSQL 3.23.49?

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Listing all connected users?

2005-01-18 Thread sol beach
How do I see who is currently connected to MYSQL  from where they originate?

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Re: big table corruption

2005-01-03 Thread sol beach
Random hardware failures will NOT only impact a single file.
The only thing that I know that will consistantly fail at the same spot is s/w.

On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 16:32:31 -0800, Mark Maggelet
 Thanks Mike,
 It's hardware raid, but I don't know the manufacturer. I could try to
 find out but if the problem is the hardware there isn't much I can do
 about it anyway without turning it into a big project.
 I'm not really expecting to solve this, I'm just hoping for some advice
 on what the problem is most likely to be (raid,kernel or mysql) or maybe
 there is a variable that I can tweak.
 The thing that makes me think it's mysql is that it always happens to
 the same table (out of 300 or so). The table it happens to has the most
 reads by far but not many writes.
 any other tips are appreciated.
 - Mark
 mos wrote:
  At 12:37 PM 1/3/2005, you wrote:
  I have a big table (900k rows, 200M MYD, 200M MYI) with a fulltext
  index on it. The table gets corrupted every 1 week or so and I have to
  repair it. I've tried upgrading to newer versions of mysql 3 times but
  the problem persists. I think it may have something to do with the
  raid 1 mirror but I can't really tell.
  Does anyone have any ideas?
  - Mark
  This might help
  You can also check the groups;
  You may want to try and narrow down the results by also
  supplying your Raid hardware/software that you're using. It could also
  be processor/OS related.
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How to enable BDB support?

2004-12-16 Thread sol beach
I have two systems running mysql which I have inherited.
On a good day I can spell MYSQL, but I am required to support these DBs.
mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.51, for pc-solaris2.7 (i386) ; without BDB support
| Variable_name | Value |
| have_bdb  | NO|
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
mysql  Ver 11.16 Distrib 3.23.49, for pc-solaris2.7 (i386)
mysql show variables like 'have_bdb';
| Variable_name | Value |
| have_bdb  | YES   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I am more than willing to RFTM if I only knew which FM to read.

What do I need to do to enable BDB support on the system that
currently does not have it?

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table types

2004-12-15 Thread sol beach
How do I find out what table type is associated with each of the
tables in MYSQL?

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Re: Install problems with phpMyAdmin

2004-12-01 Thread sol beach
You might want to consider the following site and collection of s/w

I have successfully installed XAMPP on both Windoze  Linux from their

On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 08:44:49 -0500, Jason McKnight
 This may be a bit off-topic for the MySQL List but see below:
 Gunter Götz wrote:
 Hello experts,
 according the desprictions I have installed the phpMyAdmin (2.6.0-pl3) as
   shell su - enter
   shell mv phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl3.tar.tar /usr/sbin/  enter
   shell cd /usr/sbin/ enter
   shell tar -zxf phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl3.tar.tar enter
   shell rm phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl3.tar.tar
   shell mv phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl3/ phpMyAdmin
   shell phpMyAdmin/ enter
 phpmyadmin is a web application. You extracted it to your /usr/sbin
 directory which is probably not where your web server is looking for
 files (unless you directed it to do so in your httpd.conf). The default
 for Apache is in the apache install directory (often
 At the configuration file I did following changes:
   shell vi
   $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://localhost/phpMyAdmin';
   $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';
   $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = '';
 After that I startet a browser(Mozilla) at that local server and entered:
 But unfortunately it appeared only the message The connection was refused
 when attempting to
 contact localhost.
 Sounds like your web server is either not running or is running on a
 different port (you would have to alter the std port in httpd.conf)
 On that server runs a mysql server (V.4.0.22) which is placed in
 I`m just a beginner with linux, mysql and phpMyAdmin. Who can give me
 support? Is there any
 additional software for PHP necessary?
 To run phpmyadmin you need:
 Web Server that supports php (Apache is good, if you get Apache 2.0 use
 the prefork option with PHP, if you don't know what that is go with the
 1.3.x versions for linux)--
 There are quite a few Linux distro's that can create all of this during
 install for you if you are unfamiliar with installing software on Linux.
 Jason McKnight
 Mgr. Information Services
 The InSite Group,LLC
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What's MYSQL equivalent to Oracle's TRUNC(date_time_var)?

2004-11-12 Thread sol beach
In Oracle TRUNC(data_time_var) returns only the date portion of a
date_time data type.
What's the easiest way in MYSQL to accomplish the same thing?
I tried to RTFM  (Paul DuBios' MYSQL tome; 2nd Ed.), but no clean
solution lept out at me.
It is a GREAT book, but it did not help me in this case.


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