MySQL Cluster 7.1.33 has been released

2014-10-21 Thread sunanda menon
   of the option (--database) did not work properly. (Bug

 * Using the --help option with ndb_print_file caused the program
   to segfault. (Bug #17069285)

 * For multithreaded data nodes, some threads do communicate
   often, with the result that very old signals can remain at the
   top of the signal buffers. When performing a thread trace, the
   signal dumper calculated the latest signal ID from what it
   found in the signal buffers, which meant that these old
   signals could be erroneously counted as the newest ones. Now
   the signal ID counter is kept as part of the thread state, and
   it is this value that is used when dumping signals for trace
   files. (Bug #73842, Bug #19582807)

 * Cluster API: The fix for Bug #16723708 stopped the
   ndb_logevent_get_next() function from casting a log event's
   ndb_mgm_event_category to an enum type, but this change
   interfered with existing applications, and so the function's
   original behavior is now reinstated. A new MGM API function
   exhibiting the corrected behavior ndb_logevent_get_next2() has
   been added in this release to take the place of the reverted
   function, for use in applications that do not require backward
   compatibility. In all other respects apart from this, the new
   function is identical with its predecessor. (Bug #18354165)

 * ClusterJ: Retrieval of values from BLOB and TEXT columns by
   ClusterJ column accessor methods was not handled correctly.
   (Bug #18419468, Bug #19028487)

On Behalf of The Oracle/MySQL RE Team,
Sunanda Menon

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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MySQL Community Server 5.6.14 has been released

2013-09-20 Thread Sunanda Menon
   permitting concurrent kills to happen for the same thread ID.
   (Bug #16959022)

 * The my_strtoll10() function could incorrectly convert some
   long string-format numbers to numeric values and fail to set
   the overflow flag. (Bug #16997513)

 * Excessive memory consumption was observed for multiple
   execution of a stored procedure under these circumstances: 1)
   The stored procedure had an SQL statement that failed during
   validation. 2) The stored procedure had an SQL statement that
   required repreparation. (Bug #16857395)

 * For partitioned tables, queries could return different results
   depending on whether Index Merge was used. (Bug #16862316)

 * For some statements, memory leaks could result when the
   optimizer removed unneeded subquery clauses. (Bug #16807641)
   References: This bug is a regression of Bug #15875919.

 * Password rewriting in the general query log now also applies
   to prepared statements. (Bug #16732621)

 * Within a stored procedure, repeated execution of a prepared
   CREATE TABLE statement for a table with partitions could cause
   a server exit. (Bug #16614004)

* For debug builds, when the optimizer removed an Item_ref
   pointing to a subquery, it caused a server exit. (Bug
   References: This bug is a regression of Bug #16318585.

 * If the primary key for the mysql.proc system table was removed
   (an unsupported and not-recommended operation), the server
   exited for subsequent stored procedure invocation. Similar
   problems could occur for other system tables. Now an error
   occurs instead. (Bug #16373054)

 * Deadlocks involving metadata locks and InnoDB deadlocks were
   both reported as an ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK error, but only InnoDB
   deadlocks rolled back the transaction. Now both deadlocks roll
   back the transaction. (Bug #14188793)

 * Metadata returned for a prepared SELECT statement that had
   outer joins could indicate that columns containing NULL values
   were NOT NULL. (Bug #12818811)

 * For queries that accessed an INFORMATION_SCHEMA table in a
   subquery, and attempt to lock a mutex that had already been
   locked could cause a server crash. (Bug #11765744)

 * For failure to create a new thread for the event scheduler,
   event execution, or new connection, no message was written to
   the error log. This could lead to the impression that the
   event scheduler was running normally when it was not. (Bug
   #67191, Bug #14749800, Bug #16865959)

 * mysqldump wrote SET statements as SET OPTION, which failed
   when reloaded because the deprecated OPTION keyword has been
   removed from SET syntax. (Bug #67507, Bug #15844882)

 * For better robustness against stack overflow, the server now
   accounts for the size of the guard area when making thread
   stack size requests. (Bug #35019, Bug #11748074)

 * The libmysql.dll library was missing several symbols: my_init,
   mysql_client_find_plugin, mysql_client_register_plugin,
   mysql_load_plugin, mysql_load_plugin_v, mysql_options4, and
   mysql_plugin_options. (Bug #69204, Bug #16797982, Bug #62394)

 * If one connection changed its default database and
   simultaneously another connection executed SHOW PROCESSLIST,
   the second connection could access invalid memory when
   attempting to display the first connection's default database.
   memory. (Bug #58198, Bug #11765252)

 * Full-text search on InnoDB tables failed on searches for words
   containing apostrophes when using boolean operators. (Bug
   #69932, Bug #17276125)

 * InnoDB deadlock caused transaction rollback but did not
   release metadata locks, blocking concurrent DDL on the
   transaction tables until the connection that got the deadlock
   issued an explicit COMMIT or ROLLBACK. (Bug #69668, Bug

 On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team,

 Sunanda Menon

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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MySQL Connector/Python 1.1.1-alpha has been released

2013-09-10 Thread Sunanda Menon
 row. (Bug #17041412)

* Previously, executing a statement after the connection was
  closed raised an OperationalError with an unclear error.
  Connector/Python now returns the client error 2006, MySQL
  Server has gone away, with an extra message.
  The Error() class has been extended to accept a new argument,
  extra_msg. When given, it is appended between brackets. For
  example: [2000] Unknown MySQL Error (Some extra message) (Bug

* LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE failed for files approximately 14MB or
  larger. (Bug #17002411)

* An InternalError was raised during transaction rollback if
  there were unread results. The MySQLConnection.rollback()
  method now consumes unread results instead of raising an
  error. (Bug #16656621)

* Python 2.6 and 2.7 raised a UnicodeDecodeError when
  unicode_literals was used and a database name contained
  nonlatin Unicode characters. (Bug #16655208)

* An unclear OperationalError was raised if a cursor object was
  closed while there were unread results. Connector/Python now
  raises an InternalError indicating that there are still unread
  results. This provides information that to avoid the error it
  is necessary to consume the result by reading all rows. (Bug
  #67649, Bug #17041240)

* The MySQLCursor.executemany() method raised an exception when
  a SQL function was used as a column value when executing an
  INSERT statement. (Bug #69675, Bug #17065366)



The source distribution includes the manual in various formats under
the docs/ folder.

Reporting Bugs

We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:


On Behalf of the MySQL RE team at Oracle,

Sunanda Menon

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Community Server 5.6.13 has been released

2013-07-31 Thread Sunanda Menon

 * sql-common/client_plugin.c contained a nonportable use of a
   va_list parameter. (Bug #62769, Bug #13252623)

 * mysqldump assumed the existence of the general_log and
   slow_log tables in the mysql database. It failed if invoked to
   dump tables from an older server where these tables do not
   exist. (Bug #65670, Bug #14236170)

 * Full-text search on InnoDB tables failed on searches for words
   containing apostrophes. (Bug #69216, Bug #16801781)

 * Full-text search on InnoDB tables failed on searches for
   literal phrases combined with + or - operators. (Bug #68720,
   Bug #16516193)

 * Optimizations that used extended secondary keys (see Use of
   Index Extensions
   ) worked only for InnoDB, even for storage engines with the
   requisite underlying capabilities. (Bug #68469, Bug #16391678)

 * With big_tables enabled, queries that used COUNT(DISTINCT) on
   a simple join with a constant equality condition on a
   non-duplicate key returned incorrect results. (Bug #52582, Bug

 * mysql_install_db incorrectly tried to create the
   mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats tables
   if InnoDB was not available. (Bug #68438, Bug #16369955)

 * If one session had any metadata lock on a table, another
   session attempting CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] for the same
   table would hang. This occurred due to an attempt in the
   second session to acquire an exclusive metadata lock on the
   table before checking whether the table already existed. An
   exclusive metadata lock is not compatible with any other
   metadata locks, so the session hung for the lock timeout
   period if another session had the table locked.
   Now the server attempts to acquire a shared metadata lock on
   the table first to check whether it exists, then upgrade to an
   exclusive lock if it does not. If the table does exist, an
   error occurs for CREATE TABLE and a warning for CREATE TABLE
   IF NOT EXISTS. (Bug #63144, Bug #13418638)

 * Attempts to build from a source RPM package could fail because
   the build process attempted to refer to a pb2user that might
   not exist. (Bug #64641, Bug #13865797, Bug #69339, Bug

 * A typo in cmake/dtrace.cmake prevented DTrace support from
   being enabled by -DENABLE_DTRACE-on. (Bug #60743, Bug

 * When an internal buffer was too small for the workload, the
   Performance Schema could spend a lot of time in an internal
   spin loop attempting to allocate a memory buffer, and fail.
   (Bug #69382, Bug #16945618)

 * Some LEFT JOIN queries with GROUP BY could return incorrect
   results. (Bug #68897, Bug #16620047)
   References: This bug is a regression of Bug #11760517.

 * For queries with ORDER BY ... LIMIT, the optimizer could
   choose a nonordering index for table access. (Bug #69410, Bug

 * When selecting a union of an empty result set (created with
   WHERE 1=0 or WHERE FALSE) with a derived table, incorrect
   filtering was applied to the derived table. (Bug #69471, Bug
   References: This bug is a regression of Bug #15848521.

* Comparison of a DATETIME value and a string did not work
   correctly for the utf8_unicode_ci collation. (Bug #68795, Bug

 On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team,

 Sunanda Menon

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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MySQL Connector/Python 1.0.10 has been released

2013-05-06 Thread Sunanda Menon

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Python v1.0.10 is a new version of the 1.0 production
release of the pure Python database driver for MySQL.

MySQL Connector/Python version 1.0 is compatible with MySQL Server
versions 5.5 and greater, but should work with earlier versions
(greater than v4.1). Python v2.6 and greater as well as Python v3.1
and greater are supported. Python v2.4 and v2.5 are known to work,
but are not officially supported.

MySQL Connector/Python v1.0.10 is available for download from

A brief summary of changes in MySQL Connector/Python v1.0 is listed
below. Please check the ChangeLog file inside the distribution for a
more complete list of changes or online at:

Changes in MySQL Connector/Python v1.0.10 (7 May, 2013)

Functionality Added or Changed:

* A new connection option ssl_verify_cert checks the SSL
  certificate for the server against the certificate found in
  the file specified by the ssl_ca option. This option is
  disabled by default. Any certificate mismatch of invalid
  combination of SSL options will raise a ValueError exception.
  (Bug #16400735)

* Connector/Python now supports the LOCAL keyword for LOAD DATA
  LOCAL. (Bug #16369511, Bug #16736916)

* The MySQLConnection.cmd_shutdown() method now accepts an
  optional shutdown type. A new ShutdownType constants class was
  added. (Bug #16234441)

* The GPL Connector/Python packages contained non-GPL
  documentation. This could be an issue when Linux distributions
  would like to repackage. PDF and other documentation formats
  now are removed from the GPL packages, which point in the
  README_DOCS.txt file to online availability of the manual.
  (Bug #68509, Bug #16430013)



The source distribution includes the manual in various formats under
the docs/ folder.

Reporting Bugs

We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:


On Behalf of the MySQL/Oracle RE Team,

Sunanda Menon

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Community Server 5.5.30 has been released

2013-02-05 Thread Sunanda Menon
 sometimes failed
   to delete all applicable rows. (Bug #51763, Bug #11759445)

 * The mysql client could mishandle the delimiter command if it
   occurred on a line during which mysql was looking for the end
   of a quoted string. (Bug #64135, Bug #13639125)

 * mysqld_safe used the nonportable -e test construct. (Bug
   #67976, Bug #16046140)

 * Configuring the server with
   performance_schema_events_waits_history_size=0 and
   performance_schema_events_waits_history_long_size=0 could
   cause a Performance Schema segmentation fault. (Bug #68008,
   Bug #16060864)

  * DECIMAL multiplication operations could produce significant
   inaccuracy. (Bug #45860, Bug #11754279)

 * For subqueries executing using a filesort, the optimizer could
   produce an incorrect result containing wrong rows. (Bug
   #66845, Bug #14636211)
   References: See also Bug #12667154.

 * UNION type conversion could incorrectly turn unsigned values
   into signed values. (Bug #49003, Bug #11757005)

 * During the startup process, mysqld could incorrectly remove
   the PID file of an already running mysqld. (Bug #23790, Bug
   References: See also Bug #14726272.

On behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE Build Team,

Sunanda Menon

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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MySQL Community Server 5.1.63 has been released

2012-05-07 Thread Sunanda Menon
, Bug
   #13738989) References: See also Bug #47485.

 * SHOW statements treated stored procedure, stored function, and
   event names as case sensitive. (Bug #56224, Bug #11763507)

 * On Windows, mysqlslap crashed for attempts to connect using
   shared memory. (Bug #31173, Bug #11747181, Bug #59107, Bug

On Behalf of, Oracle MySQL RE Team

Sunanda Menon
MySQL Release Engineer

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Community Server 5.5.5-m3 has been released

2010-07-19 Thread Sunanda Menon

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.5.5-m3, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released.
The -m3 suffix indicates that these releases belong to the third
milestone. According to our milestone release model, also called
Celosia. You can read more about the release model and the planned
milestones at

The new features in these releases are of beta quality. As with any
other pre-production release, caution should be taken when installing
on production level systems or systems with critical data.

Please note that *downgrading* from these releases to a previous
release series, including MySQL Server 5.5 milestone 2 (Betony)
releases, is not supported.

For production level systems using 5.1, we would like to direct your
attention to the product description of MySQL Enterprise at:

MySQL 5.5 is based on MySQL 5.4, which won't get any further updates.
MySQL 5.5 includes several high-impact changes to address scalability
and performance issues in MySQL Server. These changes exploit advances
in hardware and CPU design and enable better utilization of existing

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.5, please see the
section What Is New in MySQL 5.5 online at

For information on installing MySQL 5.5.5-m3 on
new servers, please see the MySQL installation documentation at

For upgrading from previous MySQL releases, please see the
important upgrade considerations at

MySQL Server 5.5 is available in source and binary form for a
number of platforms from the Development Releases selection
of our download pages at

Not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time,
so if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try
again later or choose another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc.:

The complete list of all Bugs Fixed may be viewed online at


Special note for those of you who build from source:

In MySQL 5.5.5-m3, CMake joins GNU autotools as a build framework for
all platforms. We've previously already used CMake on Windows. Our
existing support for GNU autotools isn't going away just yet, but if
you are so inclined, you can now alternatively use CMake as per the
instructions on the web page linked below. The official packages
for this release are the first to be produced using CMake.
As always, we value your feedback!

Changes in MySQL 5.5.5:

|InnoDB is now the default storage engine, rather than MyISAM in|||  the
regular versions of MySQL. This change has the following consequences:

* Existing tables are not affected by this change, only new
  tables that are created.

* Some of the|InnoDB|  option settings also change, so that the
  default configuration represents the best practices for|InnoDB|
  functionality,reliability, and file management:
  |innodb_file_format=Barracuda|  rather than|Antelope|,
  |innodb_strict_mode=TRUE|  rather than|FALSE|, and
  |innodb_file_per_table=TRUE|  rather than|FALSE|.

* The system tables remain in|MyISAM|  format.

*|MyISAM|  remains the default storage engine for the embedded version
  of MySQL

Bugs Fixed:

 * Performance: While looking for the shortest index for a
   covering index scan, the optimizer did not consider the full
   row length for a clustered primary key, as in InnoDB.
   Secondary covering indexes will now be preferred, making full
   table scans less likely.

 * Security Fix: The server failed to check the table name
   argument of a COM_FIELD_LIST command packet for validity and
   compliance to acceptable table name standards. This could be
   exploited to bypass almost all forms of checks for privileges
   and table-level grants by providing a specially crafted table
   name argument to COM_FIELD_LIST.
   In MySQL 5.0 and above, this allowed an authenticated user
   with SELECT privileges on one table to obtain the field
   definitions of any table in all other databases and
   potentially of other MySQL instances accessible from the
   server's file system.
   Additionally, for MySQL version 5.1 and above, an
   authenticated user with DELETE or SELECT privileges on one
   table could delete or read content from any other table in all
   databases on this server, and potentially of other MySQL

MySQL Community Server 5.0.90 has been released

2010-01-28 Thread sunanda menon

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Community Server 5.0.90, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. This Community release 
shares the

version number with its MySQL Enterprise Server counterpart.
Please note that the active maintenance of 5.0 has ended,and this 
version is mostly

provided because of the fix to security bug#50227 as described below.

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

and mirror sites.  Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at
this point in time, so if you can't find this version on some mirror,
please try again later or choose another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches etc.:

This section documents all changes and bugfixes that have been
applied since the last MySQL Community Server release (5.0.89).

If you would like to receive more fine-grained and personalized
update alerts about fixes that are relevant to the version and
features you use, please consider subscribing to MySQL Enterprise
(a commercial MySQL offering). For more details please see



Changes in MySQL 5.0.90

RPM Notes:

* The version information in RPM package files has been changed:
   + The level field of a MySQL version number is now also
 included in the RPM version and in the package file name.
   + The RPM release value now starts to count from 0.
For example, the Rhel, Sles rpm file of 5.0.90 is named as

Bugs fixed:

 * *Security Fix*: For servers built with yaSSL, a preauthorization
  buffer overflow could cause memory corruption or a server
  crash. We thank Evgeny Legerov from Intevydis for providing us
  with a proof-of-concept script that allowed us to reproduce
  this bug. (Bug#50227:,

* *Replication*: FLUSH LOGS did not actually close and reopen the
  binary log index file.
  See also Bug#34582:

* Some prepared statements could raise an assertion when

* Valgrind warnings for CHECKSUM TABLE were corrected.

   * Specifying an index algorithm (such as BTREE) for SPATIAL or
  FULLTEXT indexes caused a server crash. These index types do
  not support algorithm specification, and it is now disallowed
  to do so. (Bug#49250:

* The optimizer sometimes incorrectly handled conditions of the
  form WHERE col_name='const1' AND col_name='const2'.

* Several strmake() calls had an incorrect length argument (too
  large by one).

* On Fedora 12, strmov() did not guarantee correct operation for
  overlapping source and destination buffer. Calls were fixed to
  use an overlap-safe version instead.

* Incomplete reset of internal TABLE structures could cause a
  crash with eq_ref table access in subqueries.

   * Re-execution of a prepared statement could cause a server
  crash. (Bug#48508:

* The error message for ER_UPDATE_INFO was subject to buffer
  overflow or truncation.

* On Solaris, no stack trace was printed to the error log after
  a crash. (Bug#47391:

* Comparison with NULL values sometimes did not produce a
  correct result.

* When compressed MyISAM files were opened, they were always
  memory mapped, sometimes causing memory-swapping problems. To
  deal with this, a new system variable, myisam_mmap_size, was
  added to limit the amount of memory used for memory mapping of
  MyISAM files.


On behalf of the MySQL Build Team,

Sunanda Menon

Sunanda Menon
Database Technology Group
BLR03, x87098/91-80-66937098

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Community Server 5.0.85 has been released

2009-08-24 Thread sunanda menon

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Community Server 5.0.85, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. This and future releases
in the MySQL Community Server 5.0 series share version numbers with
their MySQL Enterprise Server counterparts.

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

and mirror sites.  Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at
this point in time, so if you can't find this version on some mirror,
please try again later or choose another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches etc.

Due to problems making packages for Linux IA64 compiled with icc 
generic, we have decided to not continue providing the IA64, glibc-2.3, 
icc tarballs. Note that Red Hat and SuSE specific RPMs for IA64 
compiled with

icc are still available.

This section documents all changes and bugfixes that have been
applied since the last MySQL Community Server release (5.0.84).

If you would like to receive more fine-grained and personalized
update alerts about fixes that are relevant to the version and
features you use, please consider subscribing to MySQL Enterprise
(a commercial MySQL offering). For more details please see

Bugs fixed:

 *  The server printed warnings at startup about adjusting the
value of the max_join_size system variable. (These were
harmless, but might be seen by users as significant.)

  * The server crashed if evaluation of GROUP_CONCAT(... ORDER BY)
required allocation of a sort buffer but allocation failed.

  * After an error such as a table-full condition, INSERT IGNORE
could cause an assertion failure for debug builds.

  * An optimization that moved an item from a subquery to an outer
query could cause a server crash.

  * Several Valgrind warnings were corrected.

  * For problems reading SSL files during SSL initialization, the
server wrote error messages to stderr rather than to the error
log. (Bug#45770:

  * The vendor name change from MySQL AB to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
in RPM packages was not handled gracefully when upgrading
MySQL using an RPM package.

  * Compiler warnings on Windows were fixed.

  * Invalid memory reads could occur using the compressed
client/server protocol.

  * Invalid input could cause invalid memory reads by the parser.

  * The server did not always check the return value of calls to
the hash_init() function.

  * A test for stack growth failed on some platforms, leading to
server crashes. (Bug#42213:

  * SHOW PROCESSLIST could access freed memory of a stored
procedure run in a concurrent session.

  * make_binary_distribution did not always generate correct
distribution names. (Bug#37808:

  * The server crashed when executing a prepared statement
containing a duplicated MATCH() function call in the select
list and ORDER BY clause; for example, SELECT MATCH(a)

  * If InnoDB reached its limit on the number of concurrent
transactions (1023), it wrote a descriptive message to the
error log but returned a misleading error message to the
client, or an assertion failure occurred.


Sunanda Menon
Database Technology Group

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Community Server 5.0.84 has been released

2009-07-24 Thread sunanda menon

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Community Server 5.0.84, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. This and future releases
in the MySQL Community Server 5.0 series share version numbers with
their MySQL Enterprise Server counterparts.

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

and mirror sites.  Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at
this point in time, so if you can't find this version on some mirror,
please try again later or choose another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches etc.:

This section documents all changes and bugfixes that have been
applied since the last MySQL Community Server release (5.0.83).

If you would like to receive more fine-grained and personalized
update alerts about fixes that are relevant to the version and
features you use, please consider subscribing to MySQL Enterprise
(a commercial MySQL offering). For more details please see

Bugs fixed:

* Important Change: Replication: BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK
 statements are no longer affected by --replicate-do-db or
 --replicate-ignore-db rules.

   * Replication: When reading a binary log that was in use by a
 master or that had not been properly closed (possibly due to a
 crash), the following message was printed: Warning: this
 binlog was not closed properly. Most probably mysqld crashed
 writing it. This message did not take into account the
 possibility that the file was merely in use by the master,
 which caused some users concern who were not aware that this
 could happen.
 To make this clear, the original message has been replaced
 with Warning: this binlog is either is use or was not closed
 properly. (Bug#34687:

   * The server crashed for attempts to use REPLACE or INSERT ...
 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE with a view defined using a join.

   * The combination of MIN() or MAX() in the select list with
 WHERE and GROUP BY clauses could lead to incorrect results.

   * Use of ROUND() on a LONGTEXT or LONGBLOB column of a derived
 table could cause a server crash.

   * Index Merge followed by a filesort could result in a server
 crash if sort_buffer_size was not large enough for all sort
 keys. (Bug#44810:

   * The PASSWORD() and OLD_PASSWORD() functions could read memory
 outside of an internal buffer when used with BLOB arguments.

   * Shared-memory connections did not work in Vista if mysqld was
 started from the command line.

   * In the mysql client, using a default character set of binary
 caused internal commands such as DELIMITER to become case
 sensitive. (Bug#37268:

   * On Windows, the _PC macro in my_global.h was causing problems
 for modern compilers. It has been removed because it is no
 longer used. (Bug#34309:

   * The InnoDB adaptive hash latch is released (if held) for
 serveral potentially long-running operations. This improves
 throughput for other queries if the current query is removing
 a temporary table, changing a temporary table from memory to
 disk, using CREATE TABLE ... SELECT, or performing a MyISAM
 repair on a table used within a transaction.


Sunanda Menon
Database Technology Group
BLR03, x87098/91-80-66937098

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe: