RE: AMD64 Linux MySQL Error 1041 Out of Memory

2005-06-20 Thread Joe Kislo
On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 21:06, Richard Dale wrote:
  So we have recently started stress testing Mysql on an Opteron dual
  machine running Ubuntu Hoary.  We are using the 64-bit GCC
  4.0.24-standard binary from mysql.  The stress test that I'm currently
  running on it involves inserting a large database (from a mysqldump)
 Which linux kernel are you running?

2.6.10, specifically the ubuntu compile:


 Why not consider MySQL 4.1? It's now a stable production release.

Unfortunately when we tried to run our application on MySQL 4.1, we
were bit by a number of features of MySQL 4.1.  MySQL 4.1 now silently
returns Long objects instead of Integers for most functions (COUNT),
causing class cast exceptions in Java... Also a number of our queries
which used to compare binary and non-binary fields, now nolonger cast
automatically... Requiring some additional SQL which our database
abstraction layer is not aware of needing.  A lengthy porting process
ensued... and has been completed, but our application is still quite a
ways from being fully certified to run on MySQL 4.1.  :(  The MySQL 4.1
upgrade was 10x nastier than our 3.23-4.0 upgrade.

 Also, consider visiting:
 We would welcome a section on there about Ubuntu and x86-64.

Yes, I will be updating that wiki once I've got it running stably.  I
ran into some libc issues with Ubuntu already, as seen here:

However I've compiled my own replacement libc with patches applied to
fix the issues, which I will make available to all.  Except for this
memory problem, the machine is ready for our burnin testing.


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RE: AMD64 Linux MySQL Error 1041 Out of Memory

2005-06-20 Thread Joe Kislo
On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 21:06, Richard Dale wrote:
  So we have recently started stress testing Mysql on an Opteron dual
  machine running Ubuntu Hoary.  We are using the 64-bit GCC
  4.0.24-standard binary from mysql.  The stress test that I'm currently
  running on it involves inserting a large database (from a mysqldump)

So I don't think this has anything to do memory consumption anymore. 
I've been able to get the problem to repeat with mysqld's memory
footprint being about 800+megs (545M resident).  I also was able to get
it to happen with the ubuntu stock mysqld my.cnf aswell... which uses
ridiculously conservative memory settings.  (The key cache is so small
it takes 4x as long to run the test).  With an identical configuration
as my normal setup, running the 32bit binary doesn't appear to trigger
the problem.

I'll try 64bit with linuxthreads next.

Somebody asked for a show processlist and show status... Here's the data
pretty close to when it happened...

| Variable_name| Value  |
| Aborted_clients  | 4  |
| Aborted_connects | 0  |
| Bytes_received   | 3638957151 |
| Bytes_sent   | 18427266   |
| Com_admin_commands   | 5  |
| Com_alter_table  | 10996  |
| Com_analyze  | 0  |
| Com_backup_table | 0  |
| Com_begin| 0  |
| Com_change_db| 9  |
| Com_change_master| 0  |
| Com_check| 193|
| Com_commit   | 0  |
| Com_create_db| 57 |
| Com_create_function  | 0  |
| Com_create_index | 0  |
| Com_create_table | 5505   |
| Com_delete   | 0  |
| Com_delete_multi | 0  |
| Com_drop_db  | 57 |
| Com_drop_function| 0  |
| Com_drop_index   | 0  |
| Com_drop_table   | 0  |
| Com_flush| 3  |
| Com_grant| 0  |
| Com_ha_close | 0  |
| Com_ha_open  | 0  |
| Com_ha_read  | 0  |
| Com_insert   | 334612 |
| Com_insert_select| 0  |
| Com_kill | 0  |
| Com_load | 0  |
| Com_load_master_data | 0  |
| Com_load_master_table| 0  |
| Com_lock_tables  | 5505   |
| Com_optimize | 0  |
| Com_purge| 0  |
| Com_rename_table | 0  |
| Com_repair   | 0  |
| Com_replace  | 0  |
| Com_replace_select   | 0  |
| Com_reset| 0  |
| Com_restore_table| 0  |
| Com_revoke   | 0  |
| Com_rollback | 0  |
| Com_savepoint| 0  |
| Com_select   | 1  |
| Com_set_option   | 0  |
| Com_show_binlog_events   | 0  |
| Com_show_binlogs | 0  |
| Com_show_create  | 0  |
| Com_show_databases   | 2  |
| Com_show_fields  | 0  |
| Com_show_grants  | 0  |
| Com_show_keys| 0  |
| Com_show_logs| 0  |
| Com_show_master_status   | 0  |
| Com_show_new_master  | 0  |
| Com_show_open_tables | 0  |
| Com_show_processlist | 2  |
| Com_show_slave_hosts | 0  |
| Com_show_slave_status| 0  |
| Com_show_status  | 1  |
| Com_show_innodb_status   | 0  |
| Com_show_tables  | 9  |
| Com_show_variables   | 0  |
| Com_slave_start  | 0  |
| Com_slave_stop   | 0  |
| Com_truncate | 0  |
| Com_unlock_tables| 5491   |
| Com_update   | 0  |
| Com_update_multi | 0  |
| Connections  | 182|
| Created_tmp_disk_tables  | 0  |
| Created_tmp_tables   | 0  |
| Created_tmp_files| 43 |
| Delayed_insert_threads   | 0  |
| Delayed_writes   | 0  |
| Delayed_errors   | 0  |
| Flush_commands   | 1  |
| Handler_commit   | 0  |
| Handler_delete   | 0  |
| Handler_read_first   | 1  |
| Handler_read_key | 0  |
| Handler_read_next| 0  |
| Handler_read_prev| 0  |
| Handler_read_rnd | 0  |
| Handler_read_rnd_next| 9  |
| Handler_rollback | 0  |
| Handler_update   | 0  |
| Handler_write| 617450860  |
| Key_blocks_used  | 478697 |

Re: AMD64 Linux MySQL Error 1041 Out of Memory

2005-06-17 Thread Gleb Paharenko

MySQL on 64-bit AMD rises lots of questions. There is an Opteron HOWTO


I can't give any advice except sending to the list the output of SHOW 

STATUS and SHOW PROCESSLIST statements performed when MySQL uses a lot 

of memory. If you  able check your test on MySQL 4.1.12.

Joe Kislo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


So we have recently started stress testing Mysql on an Opteron dual CPU

 machine running Ubuntu Hoary.  We are using the 64-bit GCC

 4.0.24-standard binary from mysql.  The stress test that I'm currently

 running on it involves inserting a large database (from a mysqldump)

 from three separate windows (so three imports running simultaneously). 

 The database dump is about 3.7 gigs uncompressed, or 580megs

 compressed.  It was dumped using the following dump parameters:

 --add-locks --extended-insert --quick --lock-tables --all --disable-keys


 Each window has as script that creates a database, imports the data,

 dumps the database, and repeats.


 After about 12 cycles (each take about an hour) mysql starts spewing

 these errors:


 ERROR 1041 at line 195: Out of memory;  Check if mysqld or some other

 process uses all available memory. If not you may have to use 'ulimit'

 to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space


 I, unfortunately, have not been at the server when this actually

 happens, however when I come in in the morning top is reporting mysqld

 taking up between 2.7 gigs and 3.2 gigs of memory.  I have had a vmstat

 running all night, and at no point saw the system run out of swap space

 (it did over the course of the 15 hours or so, slowly hit swap up for

 about 60megs out of 2 gigs though).  


 Obviously checking ulimit was my first stop, however I believe MySQLd

 does it's own setuid... And I'm not sure it uses PAM to get it's initial

 ulimits.  Either way, I do this:


 su mysql -s /bin/sh

 sh-3.00$ ulimit -a


 core file size(blocks, -c) 0

 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited

 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited

 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) unlimited

 max memory size   (kbytes, -m) unlimited

 open files(-n) 8192

 pipe size  (512 bytes, -p) 8

 stack size(kbytes, -s) 8192

 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited

 max user processes(-u) unlimited

 virtual memory(kbytes, -v) unlimited


 Which implies it should be able to alloc quite a bit of memory without



 So my first question, is it appears to be konking out around 4 gigs of

 memory.  Is there some reason why mysqld can't allocate more than

 4gigs?  I confirmed I *am* running the 64-bit binary:


 file /usr/sbin/mysqld

 /usr/sbin/mysqld: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1

 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs),



 This system has 4 gigs of memory in it. So if it tried to allocate

4gigs, it would have had to hit swap up harder than 60megs.  It seems

 like mysqld is hitting the 32bit allocation limit, but that doesn't

 particularly make sense to me.  Anybody have their mysqld allocating

4gigs?  Anything else I can try here?


 The second thing is, I have no idea why mysql is taking up so much

 memory.  For the first 5 runs or so, mysql only allocates about 800

 megs.  Sometime during the night, is when it jumps up in memory.. I

 don't really understand why if it didn't need 3+ gigs of memory after

 the first 5 complete runs (x3 of course... since there's 3 running in

 parallel), it would suddenly need more later.


 Either way, lets do some math.  Mysql is 2.7 gigs this morning, which is

 about half a gig less than yesterday morning.


 2.7 gigs


 Key buffer: 512m

 Tmp Table: 128m

 sort buffer size: 512m

 join buffer size: 512m

 query cache: 256m


 KeyBuffer=512m, I could see that possibly not being returned.. So lets

 assume 512M there.  There are no threads connected at the moment because

 I have shutdown the test, so tmptable should take up 0, but lets say it

 didn't return 3x128M (384M).  Sort buffer size is 512M, well it may have

 used that for the alter table  activate keys... and never returned

 it, so 512M there.  Join buffer size, not a single select query was used

 ever, 0M.  Query cache, 0M.  3x16M max packet.


 So I see 512M+384+512M+48M=1.4gigs.  I have no idea why mysql is using

 this much memory... especially after it successfully performs 5 cycles

 with considerably less.


 Any ideas?


 here's the my.cnf



 user= mysql

 pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/

 socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

 port= 3306

 basedir = /usr

 datadir = /var/lib/mysql

 tmpdir  = /tmp

 language= /usr/share/mysql/english




 key_buffer  = 

AMD64 Linux MySQL Error 1041 Out of Memory

2005-06-16 Thread Joe Kislo

So we have recently started stress testing Mysql on an Opteron dual CPU
machine running Ubuntu Hoary.  We are using the 64-bit GCC
4.0.24-standard binary from mysql.  The stress test that I'm currently
running on it involves inserting a large database (from a mysqldump)
from three separate windows (so three imports running simultaneously). 
The database dump is about 3.7 gigs uncompressed, or 580megs
compressed.  It was dumped using the following dump parameters:
--add-locks --extended-insert --quick --lock-tables --all --disable-keys

Each window has as script that creates a database, imports the data,
dumps the database, and repeats.

After about 12 cycles (each take about an hour) mysql starts spewing
these errors:

ERROR 1041 at line 195: Out of memory;  Check if mysqld or some other
process uses all available memory. If not you may have to use 'ulimit'
to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space

I, unfortunately, have not been at the server when this actually
happens, however when I come in in the morning top is reporting mysqld
taking up between 2.7 gigs and 3.2 gigs of memory.  I have had a vmstat
running all night, and at no point saw the system run out of swap space
(it did over the course of the 15 hours or so, slowly hit swap up for
about 60megs out of 2 gigs though).  

Obviously checking ulimit was my first stop, however I believe MySQLd
does it's own setuid... And I'm not sure it uses PAM to get it's initial
ulimits.  Either way, I do this:

su mysql -s /bin/sh
sh-3.00$ ulimit -a

core file size(blocks, -c) 0
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size   (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files(-n) 8192
pipe size  (512 bytes, -p) 8
stack size(kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes(-u) unlimited
virtual memory(kbytes, -v) unlimited

Which implies it should be able to alloc quite a bit of memory without

So my first question, is it appears to be konking out around 4 gigs of
memory.  Is there some reason why mysqld can't allocate more than
4gigs?  I confirmed I *am* running the 64-bit binary:

file /usr/sbin/mysqld
/usr/sbin/mysqld: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1
(SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs),

This system has 4 gigs of memory in it. So if it tried to allocate
4gigs, it would have had to hit swap up harder than 60megs.  It seems
like mysqld is hitting the 32bit allocation limit, but that doesn't
particularly make sense to me.  Anybody have their mysqld allocating
4gigs?  Anything else I can try here?

The second thing is, I have no idea why mysql is taking up so much
memory.  For the first 5 runs or so, mysql only allocates about 800
megs.  Sometime during the night, is when it jumps up in memory.. I
don't really understand why if it didn't need 3+ gigs of memory after
the first 5 complete runs (x3 of course... since there's 3 running in
parallel), it would suddenly need more later.

Either way, lets do some math.  Mysql is 2.7 gigs this morning, which is
about half a gig less than yesterday morning.

2.7 gigs

Key buffer: 512m
Tmp Table: 128m
sort buffer size: 512m
join buffer size: 512m
query cache: 256m

KeyBuffer=512m, I could see that possibly not being returned.. So lets
assume 512M there.  There are no threads connected at the moment because
I have shutdown the test, so tmptable should take up 0, but lets say it
didn't return 3x128M (384M).  Sort buffer size is 512M, well it may have
used that for the alter table  activate keys... and never returned
it, so 512M there.  Join buffer size, not a single select query was used
ever, 0M.  Query cache, 0M.  3x16M max packet.

So I see 512M+384+512M+48M=1.4gigs.  I have no idea why mysql is using
this much memory... especially after it successfully performs 5 cycles
with considerably less.

Any ideas?

here's the my.cnf

user= mysql
pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/
socket  = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port= 3306
basedir = /usr
datadir = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir  = /tmp
language= /usr/share/mysql/english


key_buffer  = 512M
tmp_table_size  = 128M
max_connections = 2000
max_connect_errors  = 9
table_cache = 1024
myisam_sort_buffer_size =512M
sort_buffer =512M

max_allowed_packet  = 16M
thread_stack= 128K

query_cache_limit   = 1M
query_cache_size= 256M
query_cache_type= 1


and a show variables from a running server after a night's testing:
mysql show variables;

RE: AMD64 Linux MySQL Error 1041 Out of Memory

2005-06-16 Thread Richard Dale
   So we have recently started stress testing Mysql on an Opteron dual
 machine running Ubuntu Hoary.  We are using the 64-bit GCC
 4.0.24-standard binary from mysql.  The stress test that I'm currently
 running on it involves inserting a large database (from a mysqldump)

Which linux kernel are you running?

Why not consider MySQL 4.1? It's now a stable production release.

Also, consider visiting:
We would welcome a section on there about Ubuntu and x86-64.

Also, perhaps this bug is related:

Best regards,
Richard Dale.
Norgate Investor Services
- Premium quality Stock, Futures and Foreign Exchange Data for
  markets in Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, UK  USA - 

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