[API C] Little problem with MYSQL_ROW

2004-04-14 Thread NighTiger
After I've filled my MYSQL_ROW variable, I would like print it into the
  MYSQL_ROW lop;

  lop = db.PreRow();   // return the reference to filled row

  for(int i = 0; i = 7; i++)
cout  lop[i]  endl;

but, if I would print from 0 to 7 don't print nothing, if I print from 1
to 1 I received the data but the first char of the first value is
anybody know why?

  snprintf(c_query, DIMQUERY,SELECT pg_id, nome, cognome, altezza,
peso, eta, sesso, pi.descr, pl.descr, cl.descr, ln.descr, ms.descr\
  FROM pg\
  JOIN pg_info AS pi ON pi.ex_pg_id =
  JOIN popoli AS pl ON pi.ex_pl_id =
  JOIN clan AS cl ON pi.ex_cl_id = cl.cl_id\
  JOIN lingue AS ln ON pi.ex_ln_id =
  JOIN mestieri AS ms ON pi.ex_ms_id =
  WHERE pg.pg_id = %i;, mui_pgID);

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medida do tempo de consulta em API C

2004-04-06 Thread Volnei Galbino
Olá pessoal,
Estou fazendo um trabalho em API C na área de otimização de consulta. O
meu problema esta em medir o tempo utilizado pela consulta. Estou usando
difftime(end,start) para avaliar o tempo, só ele está fornecendo o temo
em segundos, o que, na maioria das vezes, não é relevante. Como fazer
para que o tempo seja fornecido em centésimos de segundo, por exemplo?
Há como fazer isto?
Um abraço, 
Volnei Galbino

Re: medida do tempo de consulta em API C

2004-04-06 Thread Victor Medina
Volnei Galbino wrote:
Olá pessoal,
Estou fazendo um trabalho em API C na área de otimização de consulta. O
meu problema esta em medir o tempo utilizado pela consulta. Estou usando
difftime(end,start) para avaliar o tempo, só ele está fornecendo o temo
em segundos, o que, na maioria das vezes, não é relevante. Como fazer
para que o tempo seja fornecido em centésimos de segundo, por exemplo?
Há como fazer isto?
Um abraço, 
Volnei Galbino

Please, this list is in english, try posting in english =)


 |  _    _|Victor Medina M   |
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 | / / / |___|  __/ ___ \ |[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 |/_/_/|_|_| /_/   \_\|Tel: +58-241-8507325 - ext. 325   |
 ||Cel: +58-412-8859934  |
 ||geek by nature - linux by choice  |


2004-02-27 Thread Galbino

I made a compilation test, to see how it works, and already the first
beginner problems came.

#include sys/time.h
#include stdio.h
#include mysql.h

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  MYSQL_RES *result;
  MYSQL_ROW  row;
  MYSQL *connection, mysql;
  int state;
  /* Conectando com MySQL */
  printf(Iniciando o MySQL!!!);
  connection =
  if (connection ==  NULL){
 printf(Não conectado!!!);
 return 1;
  /* Close connection */
  printf(\nSaindo! \n);

When I try to compile, with the command below, he says that cannot find
the - lsocket.  
Is the command correct?  
Which the problem?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] teste]# gcc -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
-I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql -o teste teste.c -lmysqlclient -lnsl
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsocket
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Removing the command - lsocket, the compilation is executed, however
when I will execute, appears the message, as shown below.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] teste]# gcc -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
-I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql -o teste teste.c -lmysqlclient -lnsl

[EMAIL PROTECTED] teste]# ./teste
./teste: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient.so.14:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

what this happening?

Volnei Galbino.

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2004-02-27 Thread Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes
Hi Galbino

is the MySQL-client and  MySQL-devel package instaled


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2004-02-27 Thread Bernard Clement
Hi Volnei,

Under Linux you do not need the -lsocket.  (If I recall correctly that is for 
SUN Solaris but I might be wrong)

As for your run-time error, the DLL libmysqlclient.so is not in the library 

Either modify /etc/ld.so.conf to include where is that library (it seems to 
be /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql from your gcc command line).  In which case do 
not forget to run ldconfig -n


Set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to where the library is installed 
(again from your gcc command line it seems to be /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql).



On Wednesday 25 February 2004 09:37, Galbino wrote:

 I made a compilation test, to see how it works, and already the first
 beginner problems came.

 #include sys/time.h
 #include stdio.h
 #include mysql.h

 int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
   MYSQL_RES *result;
   MYSQL_ROW  row;
   MYSQL *connection, mysql;
   int state;
   /* Conectando com MySQL */
   printf(Iniciando o MySQL!!!);
   connection =
   if (connection ==  NULL){
  printf(Não conectado!!!);
  return 1;
   /* Close connection */
   printf(\nSaindo! \n);

 When I try to compile, with the command below, he says that cannot find
 the - lsocket.
 Is the command correct?
 Which the problem?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] teste]# gcc -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
 -I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql -o teste teste.c -lmysqlclient -lnsl
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsocket
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

 Removing the command - lsocket, the compilation is executed, however
 when I will execute, appears the message, as shown below.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] teste]# gcc -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
 -I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql -o teste teste.c -lmysqlclient -lnsl

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] teste]# ./teste
 ./teste: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient.so.14:
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

 what this happening?

 Volnei Galbino.

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Update through API C

2004-01-23 Thread Salvo Di Fazio
I've wrote this lines of code

mysql_query(mp_cnn, UPDATE pg_info SET x=3, y=5 WHERE pg_id=0);

but when I controll my db the record isn't change.


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Update through API C

2004-01-23 Thread NighTiger
I've wrote this lines of code

mysql_query(mp_cnn, UPDATE pg_info SET x=3, y=5 WHERE pg_id=0);

but when I controll my db the record isn't change.


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Re: Update through API C

2004-01-23 Thread NighTiger
mmm I've deleted a select before the update function

-- SELECT --
  // usiamo mysql_real_query al posto di mysql_query xche' la prima e'
piu' veloce
  if (mysql_real_query(mp_cnn, c_query, strlen(c_query)) != 0)
return (-1);
mp_res = mysql_use_result(mp_cnn);  // resultset
row = mysql_fetch_row(mp_res);  // analizzo la riga e salvo i
dati dentro row

-- UPDATE --
  if (mysql_real_query(mp_cnn, c_query, strlen(c_query)) != 0)
return (-1);
cout  mysql_affected_rows(mp_cnn)  endl;  // mi ritorna quante
righe ho modificato

  cout  c_query  endl;
  return (0);

and now the update is right...

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Re: MySQL API C leaks

2003-08-29 Thread Andreï V. FOMITCHEV
gerald_clark wrote:

Andreï V. FOMITCHEV wrote:

Hello everyone,
I use Valgrind to check my programs and this last found leaks in 
My code is simple:

 char * requete = SELECT * FROM NOM_TABLE_1; 
Looks like a misplaced '' . 
#define NOM_TABLE_1 files
The problem is a function get_charset() used in libmysqlclient.so
This function defined in
mysql-4.0.14/include/my_sys.h:213:extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset(uint 
cs_number, myf flags);
mysql-4.0.14/mysys/charset.c:375:CHARSET_INFO *get_charset(uint 
cs_number, myf flags)

If you use Vagrind (valgrind -v --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes) 
for checking your program, does it find errors or leaks?

 MYSQL * mysql = mysql_init((MYSQL *)NULL);
 MYSQL_RES * mysql_resultat;
 MYSQL_ROW mysql_ligne;
 if(mysql == NULL)
 if (!mysql_real_connect(mysql, ADRESSE_BDD, LOGIN_BDD, PASSWORD_BDD, 
NOM_BDD, 0, NULL, 0))
   fprintf(stderr, Impossible de se connecter au serveur %s\n 
Error=%s\n, ADRESSE_BDD, mysql_error(mysql));
 if(mysql_query(mysql, requete) != 0)
   fprintf(stderr, Impossible d'executer la requête %s\nError=%s\n, 
requete, mysql_error(mysql));
   mysql_resultat = mysql_store_result(mysql);
   if(mysql_resultat != NULL)
 for(i = 0; i  mysql_resultat-row_count; i++)
   mysql_ligne = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_resultat);
   // traitement

Result of Valgrind: ==3691== 64 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable 
in loss record 1 of 2
==3691==   at 0x4015E310: malloc (vg_clientfuncs.c:103)
==3691==   by 0x40254A2D: my_malloc (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025A218: init_dynamic_array (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025AE96: init_available_charsets (in /usr/lib/mysql/ 
==3691== ==3691== 4088 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss 
record 2 of 2
==3691==   at 0x4015E310: malloc (vg_clientfuncs.c:103)
==3691==   by 0x4025A64C: my_once_alloc (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025ACB0: read_charset_index (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025AEAB: init_available_charsets (in /usr/lib/mysql/ 

Is it a BUG or did I something?

Best regards,

Andreï V. FOMITCHEV [Quand faut-il arrêter l'informatique]
Software RD Engineer  [Lorsque, dans un kilo, on trouve 1024 grammes]

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MySQL API C leaks

2003-08-28 Thread Andreï V. FOMITCHEV
Hello everyone,
I use Valgrind to check my programs and this last found leaks in 
My code is simple:

 char * requete = SELECT * FROM NOM_TABLE_1;
 MYSQL * mysql = mysql_init((MYSQL *)NULL);
 MYSQL_RES * mysql_resultat;
 MYSQL_ROW mysql_ligne;
 if(mysql == NULL)
 if (!mysql_real_connect(mysql, ADRESSE_BDD, LOGIN_BDD, PASSWORD_BDD, NOM_BDD, 0, 
NULL, 0))
   fprintf(stderr, Impossible de se connecter au serveur %s\n Error=%s\n, 
ADRESSE_BDD, mysql_error(mysql));
 if(mysql_query(mysql, requete) != 0)
   fprintf(stderr, Impossible d'executer la requête %s\nError=%s\n, requete, 
   mysql_resultat = mysql_store_result(mysql);
   if(mysql_resultat != NULL)
 for(i = 0; i  mysql_resultat-row_count; i++)
   mysql_ligne = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_resultat);
   // traitement
Result of Valgrind: 
==3691== 64 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 1 of 2
==3691==   at 0x4015E310: malloc (vg_clientfuncs.c:103)
==3691==   by 0x40254A2D: my_malloc (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025A218: init_dynamic_array (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025AE96: init_available_charsets (in /usr/lib/mysql/ 
==3691== 4088 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 2 of 2
==3691==   at 0x4015E310: malloc (vg_clientfuncs.c:103)
==3691==   by 0x4025A64C: my_once_alloc (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025ACB0: read_charset_index (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025AEAB: init_available_charsets (in /usr/lib/mysql/ 

Is it a BUG or did I something?

Best regards,

Andreï V. FOMITCHEV [Quand faut-il arrêter l'informatique]
Software RD Engineer  [Lorsque, dans un kilo, on trouve 1024 grammes]

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Re: MySQL API C leaks

2003-08-28 Thread gerald_clark

Andreï V. FOMITCHEV wrote:

Hello everyone,
I use Valgrind to check my programs and this last found leaks in 
My code is simple:

 char * requete = SELECT * FROM NOM_TABLE_1; 
Looks like a misplaced '' .

 MYSQL * mysql = mysql_init((MYSQL *)NULL);
 MYSQL_RES * mysql_resultat;
 MYSQL_ROW mysql_ligne;
 if(mysql == NULL)
 if (!mysql_real_connect(mysql, ADRESSE_BDD, LOGIN_BDD, PASSWORD_BDD, 
NOM_BDD, 0, NULL, 0))
   fprintf(stderr, Impossible de se connecter au serveur %s\n 
Error=%s\n, ADRESSE_BDD, mysql_error(mysql));
 if(mysql_query(mysql, requete) != 0)
   fprintf(stderr, Impossible d'executer la requête %s\nError=%s\n, 
requete, mysql_error(mysql));
   mysql_resultat = mysql_store_result(mysql);
   if(mysql_resultat != NULL)
 for(i = 0; i  mysql_resultat-row_count; i++)
   mysql_ligne = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_resultat);
   // traitement

Result of Valgrind: ==3691== 64 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable 
in loss record 1 of 2
==3691==   at 0x4015E310: malloc (vg_clientfuncs.c:103)
==3691==   by 0x40254A2D: my_malloc (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025A218: init_dynamic_array (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025AE96: init_available_charsets (in /usr/lib/mysql/ 
==3691== ==3691== 4088 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss 
record 2 of 2
==3691==   at 0x4015E310: malloc (vg_clientfuncs.c:103)
==3691==   by 0x4025A64C: my_once_alloc (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025ACB0: read_charset_index (in 
==3691==   by 0x4025AEAB: init_available_charsets (in /usr/lib/mysql/ 

Is it a BUG or did I something?

Best regards,

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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Re: Problems with the api c++

2003-03-19 Thread Warren Young
Tuomas Heroja wrote:
I have red hat 8.0, gcc-3.2-7, gcc-c++-3.2-7 and
mysql++-1.7.9-3.rh8x.i386.rpm. When I use the command
g++ -I/usr/include/sqlplus myfirstdatabaseprogram.cpp, I get
several basic errors concerning the include file sqlplus.hh
Right now, MySQL++ isn't very well tuned for modern C++ environments
like g++ 3.x.  The best thing to do is to download the source code,
apply the two GCC 3.x patches.  You may also wish to search out my 
custom.pl patch on the MySQL++ mailing list or ask me to email it to 
you, because that kills a whole bunch of warnings when building 
custom-macros.hh with g++ 3.x.  (I tried to post it to the list but the 
mailing list software rejects messages with attachments.)

With these patches applied, build and install the library.  You'll get 
some warnings, but don't worry about them.

Next, when building code that uses the library, use the -Wno-deprecated
flag to suppress warnings about uses of old pre-Standard header names
and such.
With all of this in place, you shouldn't be getting any warnings any
more.  If you do, send the compiler output to the list so that those
interested in fixing the problem have enough information to do so.  The 
deprecated C++ warnings will be fixed in 1.8.0, but that won't be out 
for a while yet.

You should send such messages to the MySQL++ mailing list, by the way.
It's a very low-volume list, so don't worry about subscribing to it.
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  http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
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Problems with the api c++

2003-03-17 Thread Tuomas Heroja

I have problems  in compiling my program which uses the mysql++-library.

I have red hat 8.0, gcc-3.2-7, gcc-c++-3.2-7 and
mysql++-1.7.9-3.rh8x.i386.rpm. When I use the command
g++ -I/usr/include/sqlplus myfirstdatabaseprogram.cpp, I get
several basic errors concerning the include file sqlplus.hh
(for example,  semicolon is missing from exceptions.hh 134 and so on).
Could somebody tell me what would be the solution. I have istalled the mysql++-
with rpm -i -commmand. 

Tuomas Heroja

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Re: How to insert an Image in a table with libmysqlclient and API C ?

2003-02-01 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann

On Fri 2003-01-31 at 18:56:19 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all, 
 my problem is the following, it's possible to insert an image in a table
 with the libmysqlclient ?


 My language is C 
 i'm working with GNU/Linux



PS: In explanation: if you want a more specific answer, you have to
provide more details... MySQL doesn't care whether you store text
or binary data, so what is the problem?


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How to insert an Image in a table with libmysqlclient and API C ?

2003-01-31 Thread Stephane Wirtel
Hi all, 

my problem is the following, it's possible to insert an image in a table
with the libmysqlclient ?
My language is C 

i'm working with GNU/Linux

Best Regards, 

Stephane Wirtel

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