Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-04-03 Thread Antonio Gulli

Un update, the problem was solved thanks to Gerald Clarke and Bob Hall. 
They said:

t(6), date date, origine varchar(16));

"The use of a reserved word as a column name probably is the reason  
that your table is corrupted as soon as it is created."

I also declared some fields to be NOT NULL as cried by TYPE=ISAM table 
(why not by TYPE=MYISAM, which i currently use ?)

now the schema is

mysql> describe keywordsn;
| Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| querystring | varchar(255) |  | MUL | |   |
| numref  | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| multiword   | smallint(6)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| dt  | date | YES  | | NULL|   |
| origine | varchar(16)  |  | MUL | |   |
5 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> show index from keywordsn;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | 
Collation | Car
dinality | Sub_part | Packed | Comment  |
| keywordsn |  1 | qfindex  |1 | querystring | A 
| keywordsn |  1 | qindex   |1 | querystring | A 
   NULL | NULL | NULL   |  |
| keywordsn |  1 | orindex  |1 | origine | A 
   NULL | NULL | NULL   |  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

but still i create a table from scratch, the import data  then

mysql> use queries
Database changed
mysql> delete from keywordsn where numref=1;
ERROR 1034: Incorrect key file for table: 'keywordsn'. Try to repair it
mysql> CHECK TABLE  keywordsn;
| Table | Op| Msg_type | Msg_text   
| keywordsn | check | warning  | Table is marked as crashed 
| keywordsn | check | error| Key in wrong position at page 
92947456 |
| queries.keywordsn | check | error| Corrupt
3 rows in set (6.28 sec)

mysql> REPAIR TABLE  keywordsn;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| queries.keywordsn | repair | status   | OK   |
1 row in set (27 min 56.34 sec)

mysql> CHECK TABLE  keywordsn;
| Table | Op| Msg_type | Msg_text   
| keywordsn | check | warning  | Table is marked as crashed 
| keywordsn | check | error| Key in wrong position at page 
92947456 |
| queries.keywordsn | check | error| Corrupt

[root@ideare  queries]# myisamchk  -o keywordsn
- recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywordsn.MYI'
Data records: 2849895

mysql> use queries
Database changed
mysql> CHECK TABLE keywordsn;
| Table | Op| Msg_type | Msg_text |
| queries.keywordsn | check | status   | OK   |
1 row in set (48.14 sec)

mysql> delete from keywordsn where numref=1;
Query OK, 1556747 rows affected (11 min 56.94 sec)

mysql> OPTIMIZE TABLE  keywordsn;
| Table | Op   | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| queries.keywordsn | optimize | status   | OK   |
1 row in set (11 min 26.70 sec)

Antonio gulli wrote:

Bob Hall wrote:

>> Hello Bob, first at all thank you for your support.
>> Bob Hall wrote:
>>> Let me see if I understand you correctly. You created a new table 
>>> (CREATE TABLE?) and you imported data from a file that had nothing 
>>> to do with MySQL (comma or tab delimited file?), and

Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-04-02 Thread Bob Hall

>Hello Bob, first at all thank you for your support.
>Bob Hall wrote:
>>Let me see if I understand you correctly. You created a new table 
>>(CREATE TABLE?) and you imported data from a file that had nothing 
>>to do with MySQL (comma or tab delimited file?), and therefore 
>>couldn't be affected by whatever crashed your server. And this 
>>brand new table with pristine data was corrupted?
>Yep this is whats happen. I first i got a corrupted table, i tried 
>to repair the table following all known
>strategies... then i create a table from scratch and use a perl 
>program for importing data, but at the end
>i got a corrupted table and no way to rapair it. This is the schema:
>use queries
>drop table keywords;
>create table keywords (querystring varchar(255), numref int(11), 
>multiword smallin
>t(6), date date, origine varchar(16));

The use of a reserved word as a column name probably is the reason 
that your table is corrupted as soon as it is created. Since your 
server is working normally, and this particular table and only this 
particular table was corrupted ab ovo, then the problem seems to be 
specific to the table. In general, use of a reserved word as a column 
name is definitely a problem.

>create FULLTEXT INDEX qfindex ON keywords(querystring);
>create INDEX qindex ON keywords(querystring);
>create INDEX orindex ON keywords(origine);
>2) Importing data with perl program
>3) Corrupted table
>>I have limited experience maintaining MySQL databases on Linux, and 
>>I have very limited knowledge of the internal workings of MySQL. 
>>The only thing that I know of that you haven't mentioned trying is 
>>recreating the table description file from backup. However, if 
>>CREATE TABLE statements are creating corrupted tables, then I 
>>believe that the server itself is corrupted. If I were in your 
>>shoes, I would reinstall, after backing up everything short of the 
>>refrigerator. Perhaps someone else can give you better advice.
>The strange thing is that this is a production server used by a lot 
>of programs and they works.
>Now i'm tring to use ISAM (instead of MYISAM) table with such schema:
>use queries
>drop table keywords;
>create table keywords (querystring varchar(255) NOT NULL, numref 
>int(11), multiwor
>d smallint(6), date date, origine varchar(16) NOT NULL) TYPE = ISAM;
>create INDEX qindex ON keywords(querystring);
>create INDEX orindex ON keywords(origine);
>I don't know if this work at the moment it is importing...
>Notice a strange thing, ISAM ask for not null definition of indexed 
>fields, MYISAM not .. why ?
>>Bob Hall
>>>I tried -r
>>>I tried -o
>>>I tried to truncate the table and re-build the index from scratch.
>>>I tried to create ex-novo a table, import data from scratch and it 
>>>result in a corrupted table.
>>>None of these seems to work
>>>Bob Hall wrote:
Sir, I looked quickly through the mass of data supplied below, 
and it looks like you only tried m
  with the -r -q option combination. Try it with just -r. If that 
doesn't work, try it with -o. If that doesn't work, restore from 

Got backup?

Bob Hall

>Antonio gulli wrote:
>  > Any help is appreciated
>  >
>  > Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
>  > Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
>  >
>  > myisamchk  -V
>  > myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
>  >
>  > a) Trying a recovery.
>  >
>  > myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
>  > - check key delete-chain
>  > - check record delete-chain
>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>  > Data records: 2062985
>  > 7000
>  > [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
>  > -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M
>  > keywords
>  > - check key delete-chain
>  > - check record delete-chain
>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>  > Data records: 2062985
>  >
>  > -
>  >
>  > - check key delete-chain
>  > - check record delete-chain
>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>  > Data records: 2062985
>  >
>  > b) Trying a check 
>  >
>  > Database changed
>  > mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
>  > 
>  > Table| Op| Msg_type |
>  > Msg_text
>  > 
>  > keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
>  > 24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
>  > Corrupt
>  > 

Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-04-02 Thread Gerald Clark

'date' is a reserved word.
Try renaming your date column, and see if the problem remains.

Antonio Gulli wrote:
> Hello Bob, first at all thank you for your support.
> Bob Hall wrote:
> > Let me see if I understand you correctly. You created a new table
> > (CREATE TABLE?) and you imported data from a file that had nothing to
> > do with MySQL (comma or tab delimited file?), and therefore couldn't
> > be affected by whatever crashed your server. And this brand new table
> > with pristine data was corrupted?
> Yep this is whats happen. I first i got a corrupted table, i tried to
> repair the table following all known
> strategies... then i create a table from scratch and use a perl program
> for importing data, but at the end
> i got a corrupted table and no way to rapair it. This is the schema:
> 1)
> use queries
> drop table keywords;
> create table keywords (querystring varchar(255), numref int(11),
> multiword smallin
> t(6), date date, origine varchar(16));
> create FULLTEXT INDEX qfindex ON keywords(querystring);
> create INDEX qindex ON keywords(querystring);
> create INDEX orindex ON keywords(origine);
> 2) Importing data with perl program
> 3) Corrupted table
> >
> > I have limited experience maintaining MySQL databases on Linux, and I
> > have very limited knowledge of the internal workings of MySQL. The
> > only thing that I know of that you haven't mentioned trying is
> > recreating the table description file from backup. However, if CREATE
> > TABLE statements are creating corrupted tables, then I believe that
> > the server itself is corrupted. If I were in your shoes, I would
> > reinstall, after backing up everything short of the refrigerator.
> > Perhaps someone else can give you better advice.
> The strange thing is that this is a production server used by a lot of
> programs and they works.
> Now i'm tring to use ISAM (instead of MYISAM) table with such schema:
> use queries
> drop table keywords;
> create table keywords (querystring varchar(255) NOT NULL, numref
> int(11), multiwor
> d smallint(6), date date, origine varchar(16) NOT NULL) TYPE = ISAM;
> create INDEX qindex ON keywords(querystring);
> create INDEX orindex ON keywords(origine);
> I don't know if this work at the moment it is importing...
> Notice a strange thing, ISAM ask for not null definition of indexed
> fields, MYISAM not .. why ?
> >
> > Bob Hall
> >
> >> I tried -r
> >> I tried -o
> >> I tried to truncate the table and re-build the index from scratch.
> >> I tried to create ex-novo a table, import data from scratch and it
> >> result in a corrupted table.
> >>
> >> None of these seems to work
> >>
> >> Bob Hall wrote:
> >>
> >>> Sir, I looked quickly through the mass of data supplied below, and
> >>> it looks like you only tried m
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >>>  with the -r -q option combination. Try it with just -r. If that
> >>> doesn't work, try it with -o. If that doesn't work, restore from
> >>> backup.
> >>>
> >>> Got backup?
> >>>
> >>> Bob Hall
> >>>
>  Antonio gulli wrote:
>   > Any help is appreciated
>   >
>   > Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
>   > Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
>   >
>   > myisamchk  -V
>   > myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
>   >
>   > a) Trying a recovery.
>   >
>   > myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
>   > - check key delete-chain
>   > - check record delete-chain
>   > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>   > Data records: 2062985
>   > 7000
>   > [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
>   > -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M
>  -Osort_buffer_size=256M
>   > keywords
>   > - check key delete-chain
>   > - check record delete-chain
>   > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>   > Data records: 2062985
>   >
>   > -
>   >
>   > - check key delete-chain
>   > - check record delete-chain
>   > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>   > Data records: 2062985
>   >
>   > b) Trying a check 
>   >
>   > Database changed
>   > mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
>   >
>  +--+---+--+---
>  -+|
>   > Table| Op| Msg_type |
>   > Msg_text
>   >
>  |+--+---+--+--
>  --+|
>   > keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
>   > 24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
>   > Corrupt
>   >
>  |+--+---+--+--
>  --+2
>   > rows in set (10.12 sec)
>   >
>   > yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
>   > -Oread_buf

Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-03-31 Thread Antonio Gulli

Hello Bob, first at all thank you for your support.

Bob Hall wrote:

> Let me see if I understand you correctly. You created a new table 
> (CREATE TABLE?) and you imported data from a file that had nothing to 
> do with MySQL (comma or tab delimited file?), and therefore couldn't 
> be affected by whatever crashed your server. And this brand new table 
> with pristine data was corrupted?

Yep this is whats happen. I first i got a corrupted table, i tried to 
repair the table following all known
strategies... then i create a table from scratch and use a perl program 
for importing data, but at the end
i got a corrupted table and no way to rapair it. This is the schema:

use queries
drop table keywords;
create table keywords (querystring varchar(255), numref int(11), 
multiword smallin
t(6), date date, origine varchar(16));
create FULLTEXT INDEX qfindex ON keywords(querystring);
create INDEX qindex ON keywords(querystring);
create INDEX orindex ON keywords(origine);

2) Importing data with perl program

3) Corrupted table

> I have limited experience maintaining MySQL databases on Linux, and I 
> have very limited knowledge of the internal workings of MySQL. The 
> only thing that I know of that you haven't mentioned trying is 
> recreating the table description file from backup. However, if CREATE 
> TABLE statements are creating corrupted tables, then I believe that 
> the server itself is corrupted. If I were in your shoes, I would 
> reinstall, after backing up everything short of the refrigerator. 
> Perhaps someone else can give you better advice.

The strange thing is that this is a production server used by a lot of 
programs and they works.
Now i'm tring to use ISAM (instead of MYISAM) table with such schema:

use queries
drop table keywords;
create table keywords (querystring varchar(255) NOT NULL, numref 
int(11), multiwor
d smallint(6), date date, origine varchar(16) NOT NULL) TYPE = ISAM;
create INDEX qindex ON keywords(querystring);
create INDEX orindex ON keywords(origine);

I don't know if this work at the moment it is importing...

Notice a strange thing, ISAM ask for not null definition of indexed 
fields, MYISAM not .. why ?

> Bob Hall
>> I tried -r
>> I tried -o
>> I tried to truncate the table and re-build the index from scratch.
>> I tried to create ex-novo a table, import data from scratch and it 
>> result in a corrupted table.
>> None of these seems to work
>> Bob Hall wrote:
>>> Sir, I looked quickly through the mass of data supplied below, and 
>>> it looks like you only tried m
>>>  with the -r -q option combination. Try it with just -r. If that 
>>> doesn't work, try it with -o. If that doesn't work, restore from 
>>> backup.
>>> Got backup?
>>> Bob Hall
 Antonio gulli wrote:
  > Any help is appreciated
  > Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
  > Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
  > myisamchk  -V
  > myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
  > a) Trying a recovery.
  > myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
  > - check key delete-chain
  > - check record delete-chain
  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
  > Data records: 2062985
  > 7000
  > [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
  > -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M 
  > keywords
  > - check key delete-chain
  > - check record delete-chain
  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
  > Data records: 2062985
  > -
  > - check key delete-chain
  > - check record delete-chain
  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
  > Data records: 2062985
  > b) Trying a check 
  > Database changed
  > mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
  > Table| Op| Msg_type |
  > Msg_text
  > keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
  > 24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
  > Corrupt
  > rows in set (10.12 sec)
  > yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
  > -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
  > \Checking MyISAM file: keywords
  > Data records: 2062985   Deleted blocks:   0
  > myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
  > - check file-size
  > - check key delete-chain
  > - check record delete-chain
  > - check index reference
  > - check data record 

Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-03-31 Thread Bob Hall

Let me see if I understand you correctly. You created a new table 
(CREATE TABLE?) and you imported data from a file that had nothing to 
do with MySQL (comma or tab delimited file?), and therefore couldn't 
be affected by whatever crashed your server. And this brand new table 
with pristine data was corrupted?

I have limited experience maintaining MySQL databases on Linux, and I 
have very limited knowledge of the internal workings of MySQL. The 
only thing that I know of that you haven't mentioned trying is 
recreating the table description file from backup. However, if CREATE 
TABLE statements are creating corrupted tables, then I believe that 
the server itself is corrupted. If I were in your shoes, I would 
reinstall, after backing up everything short of the refrigerator. 
Perhaps someone else can give you better advice.

Bob Hall

>I tried -r
>I tried -o
>I tried to truncate the table and re-build the index from scratch.
>I tried to create ex-novo a table, import data from scratch and it 
>result in a corrupted table.
>None of these seems to work
>Bob Hall wrote:
>>Sir, I looked quickly through the mass of data supplied below, and 
>>it looks like you only tried m

>>  with the -r -q option combination. Try it with just -r. If that 
>>doesn't work, try it with -o. If that doesn't work, restore from 
>>Got backup?
>>Bob Hall
>>>Antonio gulli wrote:
>>>  > Any help is appreciated
>>>  >
>>>  > Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
>>>  > Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
>>>  >
>>>  > myisamchk  -V
>>>  > myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
>>>  >
>>>  > a) Trying a recovery.
>>>  >
>>>  > myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
>>>  > - check key delete-chain
>>>  > - check record delete-chain
>>>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>>>  > Data records: 2062985
>>>  > 7000
>>>  > [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
>>>  > -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M
>>>  > keywords
>>>  > - check key delete-chain
>>>  > - check record delete-chain
>>>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>>>  > Data records: 2062985
>>>  >
>>>  > -
>>>  >
>>>  > - check key delete-chain
>>>  > - check record delete-chain
>>>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>>>  > Data records: 2062985
>>>  >
>>>  > b) Trying a check 
>>>  >
>>>  > Database changed
>>>  > mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
>>>  > 
>>>  > Table| Op| Msg_type |
>>>  > Msg_text
>>>  > 
>>>  > keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
>>>  > 24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
>>>  > Corrupt
>>>  > 
>>>  > rows in set (10.12 sec)
>>>  >
>>>  > yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
>>>  > -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
>>>  > \Checking MyISAM file: keywords
>>>  > Data records: 2062985   Deleted blocks:   0
>>>  > myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
>>>  > - check file-size
>>>  > - check key delete-chain
>>>  > - check record delete-chain
>>>  > - check index reference
>>>  > - check data record references index: 1
>>>  > - check data record references index: 2
>>>  > - check data record references index: 3
>>>  > myisamchk: error: Key in wrong position at page 24942592
>>>  > - check record links
>>>  > myisamchk: error: Keypointers and record positions doesn't match
>>>  > MyISAM-table 'keywords' is corrupted
>>>  >
>>>  > 3) Describe this table ...
>>>  >
>>>  >  myisamchk -dvv keywords
>>>  >
>>>  > MyISAM file: keywords
>>>  > Record format:   Packed
>>>  > Character set:   latin1 (8)
>>>  > File-version:1
>>>  > Creation time:   2001-03-28 10:02:22
>>>  > Recover time:2001-03-29 11:01:02
>>>  > Status:  crashed
>>>  > Data records:  2062985  Deleted blocks: 0
>>>  > Datafile parts:2062985  Deleted data:   0
>>>  > Datafile pointer (bytes):4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):4
>>>  > Datafile length:  79274620  Keyfile length:  99454976
>>>  > Max datafile length:4294967294  Max keyfile length: 4398046510079
>>>  > Recordlength:  281
>>>  >
>>>  > table description:
>>>  > Key Start Len Index   Type Rec/key Root
>>>  > Blocksize
>>>  > 1   5 254 fulltext varchar packed 0
>>>  > 26022912   2048
>>>  > 1 4   float  0
>>>  > 2   266   16  multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
>>>  > 56983552   1024

Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-03-30 Thread Antonio Gulli

I tried -r
I tried -o
I tried to truncate the table and re-build the index from scratch.
I tried to create ex-novo a table, import data from scratch and it 
result in a corrupted table.

None of these seems to work

Bob Hall wrote:

> Sir, I looked quickly through the mass of data supplied below, and it 
> looks like you only tried myisamchk with the -r -q option combination. 
> Try it with just -r. If that doesn't work, try it with -o. If that 
> doesn't work, restore from backup.
> Got backup?
> Bob Hall
>> Antonio gulli wrote:
>>  > Any help is appreciated
>>  >
>>  > Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
>>  > Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
>>  >
>>  > myisamchk  -V
>>  > myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
>>  >
>>  > a) Trying a recovery.
>>  >
>>  > myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
>>  > - check key delete-chain
>>  > - check record delete-chain
>>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>>  > Data records: 2062985
>>  > 7000
>>  > [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
>>  > -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M 
>> -Osort_buffer_size=256M
>>  > keywords
>>  > - check key delete-chain
>>  > - check record delete-chain
>>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>>  > Data records: 2062985
>>  >
>>  > -
>>  >
>>  > - check key delete-chain
>>  > - check record delete-chain
>>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>>  > Data records: 2062985
>>  >
>>  > b) Trying a check 
>>  >
>>  > Database changed
>>  > mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
>>  > 
>> +--+---+--+--- 
>> -+|
>>  > Table| Op| Msg_type |
>>  > Msg_text
>>  > 
>> |+--+---+--+-- 
>> --+|
>>  > keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
>>  > 24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
>>  > Corrupt
>>  > 
>> |+--+---+--+-- 
>> --+2
>>  > rows in set (10.12 sec)
>>  >
>>  > yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
>>  > -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
>>  > \Checking MyISAM file: keywords
>>  > Data records: 2062985   Deleted blocks:   0
>>  > myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
>>  > - check file-size
>>  > - check key delete-chain
>>  > - check record delete-chain
>>  > - check index reference
>>  > - check data record references index: 1
>>  > - check data record references index: 2
>>  > - check data record references index: 3
>>  > myisamchk: error: Key in wrong position at page 24942592
>>  > - check record links
>>  > myisamchk: error: Keypointers and record positions doesn't match
>>  > MyISAM-table 'keywords' is corrupted
>>  >
>>  > 3) Describe this table ...
>>  >
>>  >  myisamchk -dvv keywords
>>  >
>>  > MyISAM file: keywords
>>  > Record format:   Packed
>>  > Character set:   latin1 (8)
>>  > File-version:1
>>  > Creation time:   2001-03-28 10:02:22
>>  > Recover time:2001-03-29 11:01:02
>>  > Status:  crashed
>>  > Data records:  2062985  Deleted blocks: 0
>>  > Datafile parts:2062985  Deleted data:   0
>>  > Datafile pointer (bytes):4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):4
>>  > Datafile length:  79274620  Keyfile length:  99454976
>>  > Max datafile length:4294967294  Max keyfile length: 4398046510079
>>  > Recordlength:  281
>>  >
>>  > table description:
>>  > Key Start Len Index   Type Rec/key Root
>>  > Blocksize
>>  > 1   5 254 fulltext varchar packed 0
>>  > 26022912   2048
>>  > 1 4   float  0
>>  > 2   266   16  multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
>>  > 56983552   1024
>>  > 3   2 255 multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
>>  > 30499840   2048
>>  >
>>  > Field Start Length Nullpos Nullbit Type
>>  > 1 1 1
>>  > 2 2 2551   1   no endspace
>>  > 3 257   4  1   2   no zeros
>>  > 4 261   2  1   4   no zeros
>>  > 5 263   3  1   8   no zeros
>>  > 6 266   16 1   16  no endspace
>>  >
>>  > 4) Re-check it 
>>  >
>>  > mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
>>  > 
>> +--+---+--+--- 
>> -+|
>>  > Table| Op| Msg_type |
>>  > Msg_text
>>  > 
>> |+--+---+--+-- 
>> --+|
>>  > keywords | check | warning  | Table is marked as
>>  > crashed || keywords | check | error| Key in
>>  > wrong position at page 74375168 || queries.keywords | che

Re: Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-03-30 Thread Bob Hall

Sir, I looked quickly through the mass of data supplied below, and it 
looks like you only tried myisamchk with the -r -q option 
combination. Try it with just -r. If that doesn't work, try it with 
-o. If that doesn't work, restore from backup.

Got backup?

Bob Hall

>Antonio gulli wrote:
>  > Any help is appreciated
>  >
>  > Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
>  > Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
>  >
>  > myisamchk  -V
>  > myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
>  >
>  > a) Trying a recovery.
>  >
>  > myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
>  > - check key delete-chain
>  > - check record delete-chain
>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>  > Data records: 2062985
>  > 7000
>  > [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
>  > -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M
>  > keywords
>  > - check key delete-chain
>  > - check record delete-chain
>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>  > Data records: 2062985
>  >
>  > -
>  >
>  > - check key delete-chain
>  > - check record delete-chain
>  > - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
>  > Data records: 2062985
>  >
>  > b) Trying a check 
>  >
>  > Database changed
>  > mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
>  > 
>  > Table| Op| Msg_type |
>  > Msg_text
>  > 
>  > keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
>  > 24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
>  > Corrupt
>  > 
>  > rows in set (10.12 sec)
>  >
>  > yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
>  > -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
>  > \Checking MyISAM file: keywords
>  > Data records: 2062985   Deleted blocks:   0
>  > myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
>  > - check file-size
>  > - check key delete-chain
>  > - check record delete-chain
>  > - check index reference
>  > - check data record references index: 1
>  > - check data record references index: 2
>  > - check data record references index: 3
>  > myisamchk: error: Key in wrong position at page 24942592
>  > - check record links
>  > myisamchk: error: Keypointers and record positions doesn't match
>  > MyISAM-table 'keywords' is corrupted
>  >
>  > 3) Describe this table ...
>  >
>  >  myisamchk -dvv keywords
>  >
>  > MyISAM file: keywords
>  > Record format:   Packed
>  > Character set:   latin1 (8)
>  > File-version:1
>  > Creation time:   2001-03-28 10:02:22
>  > Recover time:2001-03-29 11:01:02
>  > Status:  crashed
>  > Data records:  2062985  Deleted blocks: 0
>  > Datafile parts:2062985  Deleted data:   0
>  > Datafile pointer (bytes):4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):4
>  > Datafile length:  79274620  Keyfile length:  99454976
>  > Max datafile length:4294967294  Max keyfile length: 4398046510079
>  > Recordlength:  281
>  >
>  > table description:
>  > Key Start Len Index   Type Rec/key Root
>  > Blocksize
>  > 1   5 254 fulltext varchar packed 0
>  > 26022912   2048
>  > 1 4   float  0
>  > 2   266   16  multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
>  > 56983552   1024
>  > 3   2 255 multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
>  > 30499840   2048
>  >
>  > Field Start Length Nullpos Nullbit Type
>  > 1 1 1
>  > 2 2 2551   1   no endspace
>  > 3 257   4  1   2   no zeros
>  > 4 261   2  1   4   no zeros
>  > 5 263   3  1   8   no zeros
>  > 6 266   16 1   16  no endspace
>  >
>  > 4) Re-check it 
>  >
>  > mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
>  > 
>  > Table| Op| Msg_type |
>  > Msg_text
>  > 
>  > keywords | check | warning  | Table is marked as
>  > crashed || keywords | check | error| Key in
>  > wrong position at page 74375168 || queries.keywords | check | error|
>  > Corrupt
>  > 
>  > rows in set (9.12 sec)
>  >
>  > 5) Stage 3: Difficult repair
>  >
>  > francesca> mysql queries
>  > mysql> SET AUTOCOMMIT=1;
>  > mysql> TRUNCATE TABLE keywords;
>  > mysql> quit
>  >
>  > myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_bl

Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-03-29 Thread Antonio gulli

Antonio gulli wrote:

> Any help is appreciated
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log
> myisamchk  -V
> myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686
> a) Trying a recovery.
> myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
> - check key delete-chain
> - check record delete-chain
> - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
> Data records: 2062985
> 7000
> [root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
> -Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M
> keywords
> - check key delete-chain
> - check record delete-chain
> - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
> Data records: 2062985
> -
> - check key delete-chain
> - check record delete-chain
> - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
> Data records: 2062985
> b) Trying a check 
> Database changed
> mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
> +--+---+--++|
> Table| Op| Msg_type |
> Msg_text
> |+--+---+--++|
> keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
> 24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
> Corrupt
> |+--+---+--++2
> rows in set (10.12 sec)
> yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
> -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
> \Checking MyISAM file: keywords
> Data records: 2062985   Deleted blocks:   0
> myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
> - check file-size
> - check key delete-chain
> - check record delete-chain
> - check index reference
> - check data record references index: 1
> - check data record references index: 2
> - check data record references index: 3
> myisamchk: error: Key in wrong position at page 24942592
> - check record links
> myisamchk: error: Keypointers and record positions doesn't match
> MyISAM-table 'keywords' is corrupted
> 3) Describe this table ...
>  myisamchk -dvv keywords
> MyISAM file: keywords
> Record format:   Packed
> Character set:   latin1 (8)
> File-version:1
> Creation time:   2001-03-28 10:02:22
> Recover time:2001-03-29 11:01:02
> Status:  crashed
> Data records:  2062985  Deleted blocks: 0
> Datafile parts:2062985  Deleted data:   0
> Datafile pointer (bytes):4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):4
> Datafile length:  79274620  Keyfile length:  99454976
> Max datafile length:4294967294  Max keyfile length: 4398046510079
> Recordlength:  281
> table description:
> Key Start Len Index   Type Rec/key Root
> Blocksize
> 1   5 254 fulltext varchar packed 0
> 26022912   2048
> 1 4   float  0
> 2   266   16  multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
> 56983552   1024
> 3   2 255 multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
> 30499840   2048
> Field Start Length Nullpos Nullbit Type
> 1 1 1
> 2 2 2551   1   no endspace
> 3 257   4  1   2   no zeros
> 4 261   2  1   4   no zeros
> 5 263   3  1   8   no zeros
> 6 266   16 1   16  no endspace
> 4) Re-check it 
> mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
> +--+---+--++|
> Table| Op| Msg_type |
> Msg_text
> |+--+---+--++|
> keywords | check | warning  | Table is marked as
> crashed || keywords | check | error| Key in
> wrong position at page 74375168 || queries.keywords | check | error|
> Corrupt
> |+--+---+--++3
> rows in set (9.12 sec)
> 5) Stage 3: Difficult repair
> francesca> mysql queries
> mysql> SET AUTOCOMMIT=1;
> mysql> TRUNCATE TABLE keywords;
> mysql> quit
> myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
> -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
> - check key delete-chain
> - check record delete-chain
> - recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
> Data records: 0
> mysql> use queries;
> Database changed
> mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
> +--+---+--++|
> Table| Op| Msg_type |
> Msg_text
> |+--+---+--++|
> keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
> 65639424 || queries.keywords | check | error|
> Corrupt
> |+---

Can't recover a bad corrupeted table...

2001-03-29 Thread Antonio gulli

Any help is appreciated

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 158 to server version: 3.23.36-log

myisamchk  -V
myisamchk  Ver 1.45 for pc-linux-gnu at i686

a) Trying a recovery.

myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 keywords
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
Data records: 2062985
[root@ideare queries]# myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16
-Okey_buffer_size=256M -Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
Data records: 2062985


- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
Data records: 2062985

b) Trying a check 

Database changed
mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
Table| Op| Msg_type |
keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
24942592 || queries.keywords | check | error|
rows in set (10.12 sec)

yisamchk -a -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
-Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
\Checking MyISAM file: keywords
Data records: 2062985   Deleted blocks:   0
myisamchk: warning: Table is marked as crashed
- check file-size
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
- check data record references index: 2
- check data record references index: 3
myisamchk: error: Key in wrong position at page 24942592
- check record links
myisamchk: error: Keypointers and record positions doesn't match
MyISAM-table 'keywords' is corrupted

3) Describe this table ...

 myisamchk -dvv keywords

MyISAM file: keywords
Record format:   Packed
Character set:   latin1 (8)
Creation time:   2001-03-28 10:02:22
Recover time:2001-03-29 11:01:02
Status:  crashed
Data records:  2062985  Deleted blocks: 0
Datafile parts:2062985  Deleted data:   0
Datafile pointer (bytes):4  Keyfile pointer (bytes):4
Datafile length:  79274620  Keyfile length:  99454976
Max datafile length:4294967294  Max keyfile length: 4398046510079
Recordlength:  281

table description:
Key Start Len Index   Type Rec/key Root
1   5 254 fulltext varchar packed 0
26022912   2048
1 4   float  0
2   266   16  multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
56983552   1024
3   2 255 multip. char packed stripped NULL  0
30499840   2048

Field Start Length Nullpos Nullbit Type
1 1 1
2 2 2551   1   no endspace
3 257   4  1   2   no zeros
4 261   2  1   4   no zeros
5 263   3  1   8   no zeros
6 266   16 1   16  no endspace

4) Re-check it 

mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
Table| Op| Msg_type |
keywords | check | warning  | Table is marked as
crashed || keywords | check | error| Key in
wrong position at page 74375168 || queries.keywords | check | error|
rows in set (9.12 sec)

5) Stage 3: Difficult repair

francesca> mysql queries
mysql> TRUNCATE TABLE keywords;
mysql> quit

myisamchk -r -q -Osort_key_blocks=16 -Okey_buffer_size=256M
-Oread_buffer_size=256M -Osort_buffer_size=256M keywords
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- recovering (with keycache) MyISAM-table 'keywords.MYI'
Data records: 0

mysql> use queries;
Database changed
mysql> CHECK TABLE keywords;
Table| Op| Msg_type |
keywords | check | error| Key in wrong position at page
65639424 || queries.keywords | check | error|
rows in set (9.71 sec)

mysql> describe keywords;
ERROR 1016: Can't open file: 'keywords.MYD'. (errno: 145)

Before posting, please che