Re: Compiling MySQL on Windows

2003-07-07 Thread miguel solórzano
At 10:40 07-07-2003 -0300, Dyego Souza do Carmo wrote:
I get the last bk tree of mysql and want to compile on windows...

i have the VC++ 6.0 whith SP5 and PROCESSOR PACK... but i try to
compile using the Vc++Files directory and the MySQL print an error...
what is the steps to compile on windows the LAST BK TREE ?
- First compile it on Linux.
- If you are compiling the 4.1 tree there is a script for to
  prepare the Windows source
  otherwise copy the tree on windows drive and rename the files
  *.cc to *.cpp and put in place the VC++ *.dsw and *.dsp
  projects files.
 - Left blank the innobase\ib_config.h file.
- Compile it.

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Compiling MySQL on Windows

2003-07-07 Thread Dyego Souza do Carmo
I get the last bk tree of mysql and want to compile on windows...

i have the VC++ 6.0 whith SP5 and PROCESSOR PACK... but i try to
compile using the Vc++Files directory and the MySQL print an error...

what is the steps to compile on windows the LAST BK TREE ?


  ++  Dyego Souza do Carmo   ++   Dep. Desenvolvimento   
 E S C R I B A   I N F O R M A T I C A
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