From SQL Server: Jobs

2004-03-30 Thread Matt Chatterley
Hi all,

I hope I've chosen a suitable list for this post. If not, please feel free
to redirect me! :)

By day, I am a SQL Server (and .NET) programmer. By night, my current
project (a space-based trading/strategy game to be delivered on the web,
should anyone be interested in contacting me off-list) is being constructed
in PHP (primarily - some light javascript is bound to work its way in, and
there are plans for a java applet chat client to be integrated into the
pages), with a MySQL 5.0 back-end.

I'm currently prototyping, and trying out a few things which I wish to
implement in the long run - hence why I'm using MySQL 5, to try it out (and
because I want to house data-related logic IN the database itself - so
Stored Procedures are a must).

In-between lamenting the lack of views, one of the things I most miss from
SQL Server, and which I need, is the Job System. For those unfamiliar with
the concept from SQL Server, it is a way to set up one-shot or scheduled
tasks to run within the database - these execute SQL statements when run,
and can be started manually, from a procedure call, or from a schedule.

My current prototype involves creating a small schema, with associated
stored procedures, and a PHP script which runs a simple loop, detecting
which jobs are cached for execution and then, based on the job-code, loading
an XML definition file, creating and executing the required SQL statements.
For the most part these will be parameterized Stored Procedures - the 'cache
data' will dictate the parameters to be passed in.

A future implementation (if the project ever reaches fruition and opens to
the public) will likely be based in VB or Java (since those are the two
application languages I am most comfortable with -- most likely Java, as
then I can run it on both Linux and Windows) and will be dual-mode - running
either as a monitoring console, or an 'authoritative instance' which
actually provides the loop and executes the queries.

To the point. My question: Has anyone out there attempted (or seen
attempted) such a thing for MySQL?

The need has arisen from the fact that I will need to run a number of
regular maintenance jobs (such as a map-expansion routine, and various
statistical updates) as well as some ad-hoc processes which I would prefer
to handle outside of page requests (these would be 'one shot' jobs).

I'm really fishing for comments and suggestions as to this implementation -
particularly if there are any fatal flaws in my theory, or if it has already
been done - Wheel reinvention is not one of my favourite pastimes!!

Many thanks,


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Re: From SQL Server: Jobs

2004-03-30 Thread Gabriel Guzman
On Tuesday 30 March 2004 10:53 am, Matt Chatterley wrote:
 Hi all,


 In-between lamenting the lack of views, one of the things I most miss from
 SQL Server, and which I need, is the Job System. For those unfamiliar with
 the concept from SQL Server, it is a way to set up one-shot or scheduled
 tasks to run within the database - these execute SQL statements when run,
 and can be started manually, from a procedure call, or from a schedule.

maybe I am missing something, but why not just use cron?  you can even write 
'command line' php scripts and have cron execute them at your convienience.  
Then, you can 1. run the scripts manually (from the command line), 2. have 
cron run them from a schedule or 3. exec them from a function.

seems like what you want IMO. 

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