Re: Manual references to safe_mysqld

2002-02-14 Thread Michael Widenius


(Please continue this thread only on the internals list)

 Ken == Ken Menzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ken Hi Monty and Jeremy,

 We have been a bit reluctant to update the manual, as most of our
 users are still using 3.23 and could easily be confused by this.
 I think we should wait until 4.0 goes into beta before doing the
Ken update.

Ken If I may suggest,  Could we have two manuals online then?  One for
Ken 4.x,  and one for version 3.  I think that this would avoid confusion.
Ken Furthurmore,  I will volunter some time from my web staff to help
Ken maintain this (I do understand it is almost double work to have two
Ken manuals online) if that would help any.

I don't know if this is really necessary.  As long as we are clearly
marking the 4.0 features as such in the manual, we should be ok.

Ken With all the great stuff (or differences) in 4.0 that is not (or
Ken different) in 3.23.xx I feel it can already be confusing!  IE
Ken (Referential integrity,  Replication, Cascadining Deletes, UNIONS,
Ken FULLTEXT Features, Table to table UPDATE syntax, table details,
Ken security(SSH?), etc (long list!) ).

Ken MySQL 4.0.1 is running VERY well here, but I think it may be confusing
Ken even during the beta stage to have only the beta manual
Ken online/available for download.  I think both should be there.

Ken The other suggestion would be to make the online manual only
Ken the -stable manual,  I know how to build the manual for 4.0 from the
Ken source,  but I personally like the idea of both the alpha/beta and the
Ken stable manual being available!  You guy's are doing alot of great work
Ken it would be good to have it online ASAP!

As the 4.0 manual includes a lot of new stuff, that is highly relevant
also for 3.23, I don't think this is a good way to go either.


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Re: Manual references to safe_mysqld

2002-02-12 Thread Michael Widenius


 Jeremy == Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jeremy On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 03:27:17PM -0500, Ken Menzel wrote:
 With MySQL 4.0 are we not supposed to be using mysqld_safe?
 Should'nt references in the manual be modified from safe_mysqld to

Jeremy I think so.  I just did that recently in my book.  Imagine how many
Jeremy times I got it backwards and ended up second-guessing myself. :-(

Yes, on is suppled to use mysqld_safe on MySQL 4.0.

We have been a bit reluctant to update the manual, as most of our
users are still using 3.23 and could easily be confused by this.

I think we should wait until 4.0 goes into beta before doing the update.

 I could make this change if you like.  Also I am getting ready to
 update references to freebsd.  Not being familiar with bitkeeper I
 assume I use: bk send -d manual.texi

This would be ok.

Jeremy I'm not sure how they're generated (possibly from the manual), but the
Jeremy INSTALL-SOURCE and INSTALL-BINARY files in 4.x also have references to
Jeremy safe_mysqld rather than mysqld_safe.

These files are automaticly generated from the manual.


For technical support contracts, goto
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Helsinki, Finland

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Re: Manual references to safe_mysqld

2002-02-12 Thread Michael Widenius


 Ken == Ken Menzel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ken Hi Jeremey!
 I think so.  I just did that recently in my book.  Imagine how many
 times I got it backwards and ended up second-guessing myself. :-(

Ken Yes I have that confusion all the time, but it is good to have all
Ken mysql tools begin with my or mysql.  Also because the installation of
Ken MySQL does not remove or alter safe_mysqld, on ends up with two
Ken scripts startin mysql.  This may not be a problem today however if in
Ken the future the mysqld_safe script is altered for (saftey/features/some
Ken important reason)  people may end up using the wrong startup script.
Ken I know my servers use the wrong script!

Ken My suggestiion would be to check if safe_mysqld exists during the 4.0
Ken install and if it does remove it, then create a link to mysqld_safe
Ken named safe_mysqld.  This maintains compatibility for anyone who has
Ken existing scripts and uses only one!  Then in 4.1 perhaps deprecate the
Ken safe_mysqld completely,  but  I don't think it's a big problem to
Ken maintain the link if it exists.

Ken Thoughts anyone?

Sounds like a good suggestion.  We will look into fixing this for our


Ken One other thing,   I noticed that Multi-table update is mentioned in
Ken the 4.0.2 release notes,  but the syntax is not yet in the manual and
Ken I didn't see the commit!  Did I miss the commit?  I want to pull this
Ken ASAP and test it.

The multi-table-update is committed, but I haven't had time to review
the code yet;  As soon as this is done, we will update the
documentation about this.

Ken Thanks everyone,

Ken Ken

Ken P.S. to Monty have been trying to recreate the  'row 0' error with
Ken mysqldump unsuccesfully.  I am not sure what has changed.



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Re: Manual references to safe_mysqld

2002-02-12 Thread Ken Menzel

Hi Monty and Jeremy,

 We have been a bit reluctant to update the manual, as most of our
 users are still using 3.23 and could easily be confused by this.

 I think we should wait until 4.0 goes into beta before doing the

If I may suggest,  Could we have two manuals online then?  One for
4.x,  and one for version 3.  I think that this would avoid confusion.
Furthurmore,  I will volunter some time from my web staff to help
maintain this (I do understand it is almost double work to have two
manuals online) if that would help any.

With all the great stuff (or differences) in 4.0 that is not (or
different) in 3.23.xx I feel it can already be confusing!  IE
(Referential integrity,  Replication, Cascadining Deletes, UNIONS,
FULLTEXT Features, Table to table UPDATE syntax, table details,
security(SSH?), etc (long list!) ).

MySQL 4.0.1 is running VERY well here, but I think it may be confusing
even during the beta stage to have only the beta manual
online/available for download.  I think both should be there.

The other suggestion would be to make the online manual only
the -stable manual,  I know how to build the manual for 4.0 from the
source,  but I personally like the idea of both the alpha/beta and the
stable manual being available!  You guy's are doing alot of great work
it would be good to have it online ASAP!

Just my two cents (and web programmers if you want them)

Best wishes,

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Re: Manual references to safe_mysqld

2002-01-30 Thread Ken Menzel

Hi Jeremey!

 I think so.  I just did that recently in my book.  Imagine how many
 times I got it backwards and ended up second-guessing myself. :-(

Yes I have that confusion all the time, but it is good to have all
mysql tools begin with my or mysql.  Also because the installation of
MySQL does not remove or alter safe_mysqld, on ends up with two
scripts startin mysql.  This may not be a problem today however if in
the future the mysqld_safe script is altered for (saftey/features/some
important reason)  people may end up using the wrong startup script.
I know my servers use the wrong script!

My suggestiion would be to check if safe_mysqld exists during the 4.0
install and if it does remove it, then create a link to mysqld_safe
named safe_mysqld.  This maintains compatibility for anyone who has
existing scripts and uses only one!  Then in 4.1 perhaps deprecate the
safe_mysqld completely,  but  I don't think it's a big problem to
maintain the link if it exists.

Thoughts anyone?

 I'm not sure how they're generated (possibly from the manual), but
 INSTALL-SOURCE and INSTALL-BINARY files in 4.x also have references
 safe_mysqld rather than mysqld_safe.

I have noticed someone is looking because I see changes have been made
to the FreeBSD notes section.  I don't know how I could have missed
this as I always look at commits posted to the internals list!

 So,  maybe I should use the comments area of document on the web
site,  hopefully someone looks at that and will include my other
suggestions (Specifcally for BSDi and FreeBSD).  Seems much easier
just to make my comments on the mysql/docs web page!

One other thing,   I noticed that Multi-table update is mentioned in
the 4.0.2 release notes,  but the syntax is not yet in the manual and
I didn't see the commit!  Did I miss the commit?  I want to pull this
ASAP and test it.

Thanks everyone,


P.S. to Monty have been trying to recreate the  'row 0' error with
mysqldump unsuccesfully.  I am not sure what has changed.
Current stats:
| Questions| 345687 |
| Qcache_queries_in_cache  | 5007   |
| Qcache_inserts   | 26136  |
| Qcache_hits  | 205394 |
| Qcache_not_cached| 3670   |
| Qcache_free_memory   | 54115092   |
| Qcache_free_blocks   | 1038   |
| Qcache_total_blocks  | 11830  |

Maybe related to the current great cache hit ratio I am experiencing

 Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
 Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

 MySQL 3.23.41-max: up 26 days, processed 588,003,868 queries
(252/sec. avg)

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