Re: Question: Marking records

2004-11-18 Thread Brent Baisley
Sorry, logTable is just an arbitrary name I came up with. You can name 
the table anything you want, like SearchViewTracking.

On Nov 18, 2004, at 12:26 PM, Stuart Felenstein wrote:
--- Brent Baisley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It depends on whether you are tracking info for
individual users
Individual users (lucky me!)
Now, if you want to keep separate logs for each
user, you need to
create a "log" table. The log table would have the
following fields:
relatedRecordID, userID, searchCount, viewCount
I just ran a search on Log Tables.  I'm coming to the
conclusion they are just "tables" , myisam or innodb.
No different , except "log" is how they are used ?
Is this a correct assumption ?

Brent Baisley
Systems Architect
Landover Associates, Inc.
Search & Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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Re: Question: Marking records

2004-11-18 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Brent Baisley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It depends on whether you are tracking info for
> individual users 

Individual users (lucky me!)

> Now, if you want to keep separate logs for each
> user, you need to 
> create a "log" table. The log table would have the
> following fields:
> relatedRecordID, userID, searchCount, viewCount

I just ran a search on Log Tables.  I'm coming to the
conclusion they are just "tables" , myisam or innodb. 
No different , except "log" is how they are used ? 
Is this a correct assumption ?


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Re: Question: Marking records

2004-11-18 Thread Brent Baisley
It depends on whether you are tracking info for individual users or 
just on a global basis. On a global basis, you just need to run an 
update query:
UPDATE dbTable SET searchCount=searchCount+1 WHERE queryparams

The default value for searchCount would be 0, if the record never came 
up in  a search the searchCount is 0.
I wouldn't just track "viewed" or not, you might as well track how many 
times it's been viewed (viewCount). It will give more data without much 
added cost.

Now, if you want to keep separate logs for each user, you need to 
create a "log" table. The log table would have the following fields:
relatedRecordID, userID, searchCount, viewCount

When the user does a search, you first update the searchCount in the 
log table, something like:
UPDATE logTable,mainTable SET searchCount=searchCount+1
WHERE queryparams AND
logTable.relatedRecordID=mainTable.ID AND logTable.userID=###

Then you add log entries, using INSERT SELECT, for records that the 
user has searched on for the first time. Something like:
INSERT INTO logTable (relatedRecordID, userID, searchCount)
SELECT mainTable.ID,,1 FROM mainTable
WHERE queryparams

Updating the log entry to track viewed, is of course just a simple 
UPDATE logTable SET viewCount=viewCount+1 WHERE relatedRecordID=### AND 

On Nov 18, 2004, at 11:14 AM, Stuart Felenstein wrote:
I'm not even sure what this would be called, but maybe
someone (or more then one) can give me some pointers
and where to learn how this is down:
Someone does a search on my system:
1- I need a way to mark (somewhere) that the record
came up in a search.  i.e. 700 records were returned
in a search, each one needs to a) be marked that it
came up in a search b) that number needs to be
2- Step further, out of those 700 records, user
chooses to view details on 30 of them - those records
now need to be marked as "viewed", again ,
incrementing everytime they are viewed is needed.
Sorry,  if this is another lame question.  I am not
looking for the code, just some ideas how these things
get implemented.  Using 4.0.22
Thank you.
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Brent Baisley
Systems Architect
Landover Associates, Inc.
Search & Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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RE: Question: Marking records

2004-11-18 Thread Jay Blanchard
I'm thinking this through.  In other words, when a
record is returned in a search , and insert statement
makes an entry into another table?  This will involve
scripting as well as sql statements ?

Well, you could use triggers and stored procedures, but yeyou are
going to have to do something to add the "marks". 

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RE: Question: Marking records

2004-11-18 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Jay Blanchard

> [snip]
> 1- I need a way to mark (somewhere) that the record
> came up in a search.  i.e. 700 records were returned
> in a search, each one needs to a) be marked that it
> came up in a search b) that number needs to be
> incremented 
> 2- Step further, out of those 700 records, user
> chooses to view details on 30 of them - those
> records
> now need to be marked as "viewed", again ,
> incrementing everytime they are viewed is needed.
> [/snip]
> Additional tables to hold status information is in
> order. You would
> query those tables for their current counts and
> update as required.

I'm thinking this through.  In other words, when a
record is returned in a search , and insert statement
makes an entry into another table?  This will involve
scripting as well as sql statements ?


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RE: Question: Marking records

2004-11-18 Thread Jay Blanchard
1- I need a way to mark (somewhere) that the record
came up in a search.  i.e. 700 records were returned
in a search, each one needs to a) be marked that it
came up in a search b) that number needs to be

2- Step further, out of those 700 records, user
chooses to view details on 30 of them - those records
now need to be marked as "viewed", again ,
incrementing everytime they are viewed is needed.

Additional tables to hold status information is in order. You would
query those tables for their current counts and update as required.

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