Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-24 Thread douglass_davis

David Blomstrom wrote:

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


In my opinion:

The easiest thing for you to do right now would be  a
table like

ID (primary key) NAME PARENTID

You don't need PARENT, because you have the PARENTID,
you can always retrieve parent.   Although... i still
think it would have been simpler to do separate tables
for each taxonomic level, and this single table design
may cause problems down the road if you start adding
more fields... but anyway.

Keep it simple.  One ID is all you need to identify
any row.   As far as the URL, you could use the scheme
i gave earlier for the URLs (if you can absolutely
guarantee 100% every NAME-PARENT combination will be
unique), but it would be more complicated PHP code and
more complicated queries, and links would break when
spellings changed.   Just use the ID in the URL, it's

If you add or delete rows, or change spelling, the
keys stay the same,  primary keys don't change.  Just
make sure you don't delete anything's parent and
everything will be just fine.

* * * * *

OK, thanks. I'll give that a try. I'll probably try to
combine it with the recursive array described at
(after I learn how to do it).

Let me throw one more curve ball at you, though. I now
understand that I can't combine my primary key with
the field Name, like 8leo. But do you know if I could
combine numerals from this "tree traversal" script
with Name?

Here's why numerals appeal to me. If I combine fields
like Name/Parent ID - e.g. leo/Pan, then it will be
more difficult when I want to separate them. If I
combine Name with a numeral - e.g. leo/8 - then all I
need is a script that weeds out all numerals. I think.

Does this make sense?


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All you need is one ID to identify anything in there.  No need to 
combine anything .  Keep it simple.


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Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-24 Thread David Blomstrom
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In my opinion:
The easiest thing for you to do right now would be  a
table like
ID (primary key) NAME PARENTID
You don't need PARENT, because you have the PARENTID,
you can always retrieve parent.   Although... i still
think it would have been simpler to do separate tables
for each taxonomic level, and this single table design
may cause problems down the road if you start adding
more fields... but anyway.
Keep it simple.  One ID is all you need to identify
any row.   As far as the URL, you could use the scheme
i gave earlier for the URLs (if you can absolutely
guarantee 100% every NAME-PARENT combination will be
unique), but it would be more complicated PHP code and
more complicated queries, and links would break when
spellings changed.   Just use the ID in the URL, it's
If you add or delete rows, or change spelling, the
keys stay the same,  primary keys don't change.  Just
make sure you don't delete anything's parent and
everything will be just fine.

* * * * *

OK, thanks. I'll give that a try. I'll probably try to
combine it with the recursive array described at
(after I learn how to do it).

Let me throw one more curve ball at you, though. I now
understand that I can't combine my primary key with
the field Name, like 8leo. But do you know if I could
combine numerals from this "tree traversal" script
with Name?

Here's why numerals appeal to me. If I combine fields
like Name/Parent ID - e.g. leo/Pan, then it will be
more difficult when I want to separate them. If I
combine Name with a numeral - e.g. leo/8 - then all I
need is a script that weeds out all numerals. I think.

Does this make sense?


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Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-24 Thread David Blomstrom
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> You have confused front end representation with
> back-end data design. How 
> you store your data and create your data
> relationships is only marginally 
> related to what your code makes it look like when it
> presents your data 
> for the user. Why just create longer unique path
> names that represent the 
> actual taxonomic path you have to take to get to an
> animal? What's wrong 
> with:
> Those are unique and they accurately model your
> heirarchy. It's a good 
> learning tool too as it documents the actual lineage
> of an animal in its 
> URL. Each level of the path could resolve to
> something distinctive about 
> each taxonomic group
> http://geozoo/stacks/mamalia/carnivora/canidae/
> would take you to a page 
> about the dog family
> http://geozoo/stacks/mamalia/carnivora/ would take
> you to a page about the 
> order of carnivores
> ... and so on
> You don't have to worry about reorganziation of your
> taxonomic tree 
> breaking your links (like you were when you wanted
> to link based on ID). 
> You can add and delete nodes in your taxonomy at
> will (a deleted node 
> could show some default "sorry, no profile exists
> yet. This site is still 
> under construction" - type message).
> What's wrong with returning two responses if someone
> searched on the 
> species "leo". What if they didn't know about Canis
> leo? That could be a 
> cool surprise. Let the user figure out which one
> they really wanted to 
> see. That means that with your existing tree, you
> have to search the tree 
> for leo and if there is only one match you show the
> matching page, 
> otherwise you have to present a page that shows them
> the options 
> available.

Thanks for the tips. Actually, I have several
database-driven websites that are organized just as
you describe. However, I'm trying to turn this site
into a content management system, with all the
articles displayed on the same page.

In fact, it will be similar to the Animal Diversity
Website, which displays wolf and Canidae at the
following URL's:

As you can see, they don't just use lupus for wolf;
they pair it with its genus name, Canis_lupus. That's
what I want to do eventually, but there are so many
competing things to figure out - PHP, mod_rewrite,
MySQL, spaces between words, terms from two columns,

I appreciate what you said about the educational value
of a bread crumbs-type URL. However, I have that
sequence represented in the links at the top of my

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Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-24 Thread Peter Brawley


>I can easily substitute integers from my primary key for 
>names, but how do I substitute them for parents? For example:

>10 | Canidae | Carnivora
>11 | Canis | Canidae
>12 | Vulpes |Canidae

>I can easily replace Canis with 11, Vulpes with 12.
>But they both have the same family - Canidae, which
>translates as 10. I could create a new field and
>manually, like this:

>10 | Canidae | Carnivora | 9
>11 | Canis | Canidae | 10
>12 | Vulpes |Canidae | 10

>But if I add or delete a row, the numerals in my
>primary key will change, 

No. Existing autosequential (auto-increment) values are not affected by
new autosequential values.

One argument for keeping each level in its own table is the possibility
of cleanly enforcing referential integrity, eg a constraint that
prevents deletion of a parent row which is referenced in a row of a
child tabke. 

>messing up the values in

No. See above.

>Consider the database table code below, which displays
>animal names (representing all taxonomic heirarchies)
>in a child-parent relationship:

>1 | Mammalia | (NULL)
>2 | Carnivora | Mammalia
>3 | Canidae | Carnivora
>4 | Canis | Canidae
>5 | leo | Canis
>6 | Felidae | Carnivora
>7 | Panthera | Felidae
>8 | leo | Panthera

Sorry, what do you mean by 'database table code'? What I see is a text
representation of some rows from a table.

>Rows 5 and 8 represent identical species names, leo.
>If I type http://geozoo/stacks/leo/ into my browser,
>it defaults to Mammalia > Carnivora > Canidae > Canis
>> leo, rather than the lion, Mammalia > Carnivora >
>Felidae > Panthera > leo

>So I need a way to distinguish one leo from the other.

I gather yuou have some code that reads what the user types in and
tries to complete her request sentence. For the cases where the last
name she typed is the name of more than one entity, you need to provide
the user an interface for making a choice. One possibility for the case
you instance would be a dropdown miniwindow which collects the
possibilities, here leo (Canis) or leo (Panthera), and puts them in a
dropdown for her to choose. Another possibility is to put up a page or
frame that represents the bit of the tree that the user has so far
specified, plus one level, and let her walk down the tree.

>Would it be possible to somehow combine my
>auto-incrementing primary key with the field Name,
>converting leo / leo to 5leo / 8leo?

Sure. You can query on anything you please, and show any part of that
query, or all of it, or none of it. 

>There are two things I'd have to deal with...

>1. I'd need to weed the numerals out of the display,
>which should look like this...

Sure. The user shouldn't have to be bothered with the details of how
you make her job easier.

I do not understand why you think your autoincrement values need to
change. The whole idea is that, once assigned, they _never_ change. If
your update model entails changing primary keys, fix the model.



David Blomstrom wrote:

  --- Peter Brawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"As you note, the names [of animal taxons] aren't
guaranteed to be unique, or to stay the same . . .
One way out is to give every table an
auto-incrementing integer PK, and 
use those keys, which will never change, to mark
parent-child relationships.

I wanted to follow up on this. I can easily substitute
integers from my primary key for names, but how do I
substitute them for parents? For example:

10 | Canidae | Carnivora
11 | Canis | Canidae
12 | Vulpes |Canidae

I can easily replace Canis with 11, Vulpes with 12.
But they both have the same family - Canidae, which
translates as 10. I could create a new field and
manually, like this:

10 | Canidae | Carnivora | 9
11 | Canis | Canidae | 10
12 | Vulpes |Canidae | 10

But if I add or delete a row, the numerals in my
primary key will change, messing up the values in

Along similar lines, I have another question...

Consider the database table code below, which displays
animal names (representing all taxonomic heirarchies)
in a child-parent relationship:

1 | Mammalia | (NULL)
2 | Carnivora | Mammalia
3 | Canidae | Carnivora
4 | Canis | Canidae
5 | leo | Canis
6 | Felidae | Carnivora
7 | Panthera | Felidae
8 | leo | Panthera

Rows 5 and 8 represent identical species names, leo.
If I type http://geozoo/stacks/leo/ into my browser,
it defaults to Mammalia > Carnivora > Canidae > Canis
leo, rather than the lion, Mammalia > Carnivora >

  Felidae > Panthera > leo

So I need a way to distinguish one leo from the other.

Would it be possible to somehow combine my
auto-incrementing primary key with the field Name,
converting leo / leo to 5leo / 8leo?

There are two things I'd have to deal with...

1. I'd need to weed the numerals out of the display,
which should look like this...


Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-24 Thread SGreen
David Blomstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/24/2005 03:31:19 

> --- Peter Brawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "As you note, the names [of animal taxons] aren't
> guaranteed to be unique, or to stay the same . . .
> > One way out is to give every table an
> > auto-incrementing integer PK, and 
> > use those keys, which will never change, to mark
> > parent-child relationships.
> I wanted to follow up on this. I can easily substitute
> integers from my primary key for names, but how do I
> substitute them for parents? For example:
> 10 | Canidae | Carnivora
> 11 | Canis | Canidae
> 12 | Vulpes |Canidae
> I can easily replace Canis with 11, Vulpes with 12.
> But they both have the same family - Canidae, which
> translates as 10. I could create a new field and
> manually, like this:
> 10 | Canidae | Carnivora | 9
> 11 | Canis | Canidae | 10
> 12 | Vulpes |Canidae | 10
> But if I add or delete a row, the numerals in my
> primary key will change, messing up the values in
> Along similar lines, I have another question...
> Consider the database table code below, which displays
> animal names (representing all taxonomic heirarchies)
> in a child-parent relationship:
> 1 | Mammalia | (NULL)
> 2 | Carnivora | Mammalia
> 3 | Canidae | Carnivora
> 4 | Canis | Canidae
> 5 | leo | Canis
> 6 | Felidae | Carnivora
> 7 | Panthera | Felidae
> 8 | leo | Panthera
> Rows 5 and 8 represent identical species names, leo.
> If I type http://geozoo/stacks/leo/ into my browser,
> it defaults to Mammalia > Carnivora > Canidae > Canis
> > leo, rather than the lion, Mammalia > Carnivora >
> Felidae > Panthera > leo
> So I need a way to distinguish one leo from the other.
> Would it be possible to somehow combine my
> auto-incrementing primary key with the field Name,
> converting leo / leo to 5leo / 8leo?
> There are two things I'd have to deal with...
> 1. I'd need to weed the numerals out of the display,
> which should look like this...
> http://geozoo/stacks/leo/";>leo
> not this...
> http://geozoo/stacks/8leo/";>8leo
> 2. The numerals would have to be fluid, as I will be
> adding and deleting rows. Thus, the lion could be 8leo
> one day and 9leo the next.
> I can take this to a PHP forum to learn how to
> implement it. But I thought someone on this forum
> might tell me if it can be done in the first place.
> Thanks.

You have confused front end representation with back-end data design. How 
you store your data and create your data relationships is only marginally 
related to what your code makes it look like when it presents your data 
for the user. Why just create longer unique path names that represent the 
actual taxonomic path you have to take to get to an animal? What's wrong 


Those are unique and they accurately model your heirarchy. It's a good 
learning tool too as it documents the actual lineage of an animal in its 
URL. Each level of the path could resolve to something distinctive about 
each taxonomic group

http://geozoo/stacks/mamalia/carnivora/canidae/ would take you to a page 
about the dog family
http://geozoo/stacks/mamalia/carnivora/ would take you to a page about the 
order of carnivores
... and so on

You don't have to worry about reorganziation of your taxonomic tree 
breaking your links (like you were when you wanted to link based on ID). 
You can add and delete nodes in your taxonomy at will (a deleted node 
could show some default "sorry, no profile exists yet. This site is still 
under construction" - type message).

What's wrong with returning two responses if someone searched on the 
species "leo". What if they didn't know about Canis leo? That could be a 
cool surprise. Let the user figure out which one they really wanted to 
see. That means that with your existing tree, you have to search the tree 
for leo and if there is only one match you show the matching page, 
otherwise you have to present a page that shows them the options 

Make sense?
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

RE: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-24 Thread Gordon Bruce
I think you misunderstand how auto_increment works. Primary keys using
auto_increment are NOT row numbers.

If your table has a primary key that is an auto_increment field then
when you add a row to the table the value of the primary key of the new
row is 1 greater than the max(Value) before the row was added. 

Once added the value in the field does not change. Let's say you have 
ID  V1  V2
1   a   b
2   x   y 
3   x   u 
4   b   a 
Now you delete the row with ID = 2. The row where V1=x and V2=u still
has a value of 3 in the ID field. 

>From reading the post I think to need to look at some refernces on
handling tree/hierarchie structures in a relational table.
Here are 2 references out of many.

They should help you understand your 2nd question 
" So I need a way to distinguish one leo from the other."

-Original Message-
From: David Blomstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

--- Peter Brawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"As you note, the names [of animal taxons] aren't
guaranteed to be unique, or to stay the same . . .
> One way out is to give every table an
> auto-incrementing integer PK, and 
> use those keys, which will never change, to mark
> parent-child relationships.

I wanted to follow up on this. I can easily substitute
integers from my primary key for names, but how do I
substitute them for parents? For example:

10 | Canidae | Carnivora
11 | Canis | Canidae
12 | Vulpes |Canidae

I can easily replace Canis with 11, Vulpes with 12.
But they both have the same family - Canidae, which
translates as 10. I could create a new field and
manually, like this:

10 | Canidae | Carnivora | 9
11 | Canis | Canidae | 10
12 | Vulpes |Canidae | 10

But if I add or delete a row, the numerals in my
primary key will change, messing up the values in

Along similar lines, I have another question...

Consider the database table code below, which displays
animal names (representing all taxonomic heirarchies)
in a child-parent relationship:

1 | Mammalia | (NULL)
2 | Carnivora | Mammalia
3 | Canidae | Carnivora
4 | Canis | Canidae
5 | leo | Canis
6 | Felidae | Carnivora
7 | Panthera | Felidae
8 | leo | Panthera

Rows 5 and 8 represent identical species names, leo.
If I type http://geozoo/stacks/leo/ into my browser,
it defaults to Mammalia > Carnivora > Canidae > Canis
> leo, rather than the lion, Mammalia > Carnivora >
Felidae > Panthera > leo

So I need a way to distinguish one leo from the other.

Would it be possible to somehow combine my
auto-incrementing primary key with the field Name,
converting leo / leo to 5leo / 8leo?

There are two things I'd have to deal with...

1. I'd need to weed the numerals out of the display,
which should look like this...


not this...


2. The numerals would have to be fluid, as I will be
adding and deleting rows. Thus, the lion could be 8leo
one day and 9leo the next.

I can take this to a PHP forum to learn how to
implement it. But I thought someone on this forum
might tell me if it can be done in the first place.


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Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-24 Thread David Blomstrom
--- Peter Brawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"As you note, the names [of animal taxons] aren't
guaranteed to be unique, or to stay the same . . .
> One way out is to give every table an
> auto-incrementing integer PK, and 
> use those keys, which will never change, to mark
> parent-child relationships.

I wanted to follow up on this. I can easily substitute
integers from my primary key for names, but how do I
substitute them for parents? For example:

10 | Canidae | Carnivora
11 | Canis | Canidae
12 | Vulpes |Canidae

I can easily replace Canis with 11, Vulpes with 12.
But they both have the same family - Canidae, which
translates as 10. I could create a new field and
manually, like this:

10 | Canidae | Carnivora | 9
11 | Canis | Canidae | 10
12 | Vulpes |Canidae | 10

But if I add or delete a row, the numerals in my
primary key will change, messing up the values in

Along similar lines, I have another question...

Consider the database table code below, which displays
animal names (representing all taxonomic heirarchies)
in a child-parent relationship:

1 | Mammalia | (NULL)
2 | Carnivora | Mammalia
3 | Canidae | Carnivora
4 | Canis | Canidae
5 | leo | Canis
6 | Felidae | Carnivora
7 | Panthera | Felidae
8 | leo | Panthera

Rows 5 and 8 represent identical species names, leo.
If I type http://geozoo/stacks/leo/ into my browser,
it defaults to Mammalia > Carnivora > Canidae > Canis
> leo, rather than the lion, Mammalia > Carnivora >
Felidae > Panthera > leo

So I need a way to distinguish one leo from the other.

Would it be possible to somehow combine my
auto-incrementing primary key with the field Name,
converting leo / leo to 5leo / 8leo?

There are two things I'd have to deal with...

1. I'd need to weed the numerals out of the display,
which should look like this...


not this...


2. The numerals would have to be fluid, as I will be
adding and deleting rows. Thus, the lion could be 8leo
one day and 9leo the next.

I can take this to a PHP forum to learn how to
implement it. But I thought someone on this forum
might tell me if it can be done in the first place.


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Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-23 Thread David Blomstrom
--- Peter Brawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David,
>  >1. Some species names are shared by more than one
>  >mammal. For example, there's a marsupial named
>  >Antechinus leo.
>  >2. Species are more properly cited with the name
> of
>  >their parent (genus), so I eventually want my
> species
>  >URL's to look like this:
> As you note, the names aren't guaranteed to be
> unique, or to stay the 
> same either, therefore they won't do as primary
> keys, therefore they 
> won't do as foreign keys. Also our understanding of
> these taxonomic 
> relationships can change even when the names don't,
> and it's considered 
> a design error to make it necessary to edit primary
> keys in order to 
> update database tables.
> One way out is to give every table an
> auto-incrementing integer PK, and 
> use those keys, which will never change, to mark
> parent-child relationships.

I already have an auto-incrementing integer PK, but I
haven't used it in my queries, as I thought I'd need
actual names to work with my scripts. But now that you
mention it, I'm probably mistaken, so I'll give it a


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Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-23 Thread David Blomstrom
I'll give that a try. Thanks.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> David Blomstrom wrote:
> >-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Can
> >>you just concatenate 
> >>the two strings together after you get them from
> the
> >>database? e.g. 
> >>$parent.$name?  And, just split() or explode() the
> >>string when you get it from the URL?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Consider the following URL's:
> >
> >1. stacks/leo
> >
> >2. stacks/Panthera_leo
> >
> >The first is "recognized" by my database and
> fetches
> >information. The second doesn't work. If I
> concatenate
> >then split the link as you suggest, will it produce
> a
> >link that looks like #2 yet is recognized by my
> >database?
> >
> >If so, I'll learn how to do those functions.
> >
> >  
> >
> Yes.
> The problem here is a PHP one, not an SQL one..  
> MySql doesn't know 
> anything about your links, that's not it's job, but
> it does know about 
> fields. It's PHP's job to know about links and make
> MySql "recognize" 
> the links by formatting them in an appropriate way
> in the SQL.
> in the taxonomic names, replace spaces with '-'
> (look that up... it's 
> one of the PHP string functions)  By the way, I hope
> the names don't 
> have any ' or , in them, if so, you'll need to do
> more replacing.  
> Search for replace on the php site.
> Then, concatenate like this:
> $parent.'_'.$name 
> Add that to the end of your URL.
> then when you get the URL parameter 'taxon',
> explode() it on '_', then 
> replace all - with spaces in each of the two values
> you get. 
> >
> >Yes, there will definitely be spaces between words.
> I
> >haven't yet decided whether I'll replace them with
> -,
> >_ or . (period). However, I'm leaning towards
> >underscores ( _ ) for this particular page and
> hyphens
> >( - ) on a topics page.
> >
> >T
> >
> don't use periods. those have other meanings in PHP,
> and it can get to 
> be confusing.
> -- 

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Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-23 Thread douglass_davis

David Blomstrom wrote:



you just concatenate 
the two strings together after you get them from the
database? e.g. 
$parent.$name?  And, just split() or explode() the

string when you get it from the URL?

Consider the following URL's:

1. stacks/leo

2. stacks/Panthera_leo

The first is "recognized" by my database and fetches
information. The second doesn't work. If I concatenate
then split the link as you suggest, will it produce a
link that looks like #2 yet is recognized by my

If so, I'll learn how to do those functions.



The problem here is a PHP one, not an SQL one..   MySql doesn't know 
anything about your links, that's not it's job, but it does know about 
fields. It's PHP's job to know about links and make MySql "recognize" 
the links by formatting them in an appropriate way in the SQL.

in the taxonomic names, replace spaces with '-' (look that up... it's 
one of the PHP string functions)  By the way, I hope the names don't 
have any ' or , in them, if so, you'll need to do more replacing.  
Search for replace on the php site.

Then, concatenate like this:

Add that to the end of your URL.

then when you get the URL parameter 'taxon', explode() it on '_', then 
replace all - with spaces in each of the two values you get. 

Yes, there will definitely be spaces between words. I
haven't yet decided whether I'll replace them with -,
_ or . (period). However, I'm leaning towards
underscores ( _ ) for this particular page and hyphens
( - ) on a topics page.


don't use periods. those have other meanings in PHP, and it can get to 
be confusing.


Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-23 Thread Peter Brawley


>1. Some species names are shared by more than one
>mammal. For example, there's a marsupial named
>Antechinus leo.

>2. Species are more properly cited with the name of
>their parent (genus), so I eventually want my species
>URL's to look like this:

As you note, the names aren't guaranteed to be unique, or to stay the 
same either, therefore they won't do as primary keys, therefore they 
won't do as foreign keys. Also our understanding of these taxonomic 
relationships can change even when the names don't, and it's considered 
a design error to make it necessary to edit primary keys in order to 
update database tables.

One way out is to give every table an auto-incrementing integer PK, and 
use those keys, which will never change, to mark parent-child 

It is indeed confusing to try to work out user interface and database 
design issues at the same time. The usual suggestion is to solve the 
database structure problem before you lay a hand on the UI problem. The 
idea is to write a query or query template for every question yoiur 
system may ever be asked, and build the tables that those queries need.


David Blomstrom wrote:

I'm trying to make my first content management system
and am wrestling with a problem that seems to be about
equal parts PHP, Apache mod_rewrite and MySQL. I
wondered if anyone on this list can suggest a MySQL
solution - or partial solution.

I'm dealing with a single database table named
gzanimals that lists animal taxons (orders, families,
species, etc.) in a child-parent relationship (with
fields named "Name" and "Parent". For example:

Animalia | (NULL)
Mammalia | Animalia
Carnivora | Mammalia
Felidae | Carnivora
Panthera | Felidae
leo | Panthera

The code above illustrates the taxonomic hierarchy
linking the lion (Panthera leo) to the animal kingdom
(Animalia). With Apache mod_rewrite, my URL's look
like this:

There are two problems with this strategy:

1. Some species names are shared by more than one
mammal. For example, there's a marsupial named
Antechinus leo.

2. Species are more properly cited with the name of
their parent (genus), so I eventually want my species
URL's to look like this:

* * * * *

I can manipulate my PHP script and mod_rewrite to draw
from two fields and display Panthera_leo instead of

The problem is that I more or less lose contact with
my database; it recognizes leo as a row identifier,
while Panthera_leo is an unknown.

* * * * *

You can see a good example of what I'm trying to do at Two separate
scripts drive the bread crumbs-style links at the top
of the page and the list of "children" (carnivore
families, in this case) in the column on the right.

If you click Felidae, the children change to a list of
genera that belong to the family Felidae. Click
Panthera - - and
the children change to species that belong to the
genus Panthera.

As you can see, I've modified these so they display
the genus (parent) + species (child) name, both
physically and in the link. However, they are
nonfunctioning, as I haven't yet figured out how to to
deal with the space between the two values.

* * * * *

At this point, I'm thoroughly confused, especially
since fixes often require tweakingn two or more things
simultaneously - PHP, mod_rewrite and MySQL. But one
thing I haven't experimented with yet is combined

I created a key on two fields - Name and Parent - and
it NameDual. Is there a way to connect with NameDual
in a PHP script, or is it something that only exists
in my database?

For example, I thought I might change...

$taxon = mysql_query ("SELECT Name, NameCommon, Parent
FROM gzanimals AS GZA
WHERE Parent = '$_GET[taxon]'");


$taxon = mysql_query ("SELECT NameDual, Name,
NameCommon, Parent FROM gzanimals AS GZA
WHERE Parent = '$_GET[taxon]'");

...except it didn't work.

Is there a way to do this, or can you see any other
MySQL solutions to my problem?


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Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-23 Thread David Blomstrom

> Can
> you just concatenate 
> the two strings together after you get them from the
> database? e.g. 
> $parent.$name?  And, just split() or explode() the
> string when you get it from the URL?

Consider the following URL's:

1. stacks/leo

2. stacks/Panthera_leo

The first is "recognized" by my database and fetches
information. The second doesn't work. If I concatenate
then split the link as you suggest, will it produce a
link that looks like #2 yet is recognized by my

If so, I'll learn how to do those functions.

> Can there be spaces in these names?  If so, maybe
> use a dash for space, 
> that way, there's no chance of ambiguity.  Get very
> familiar with  the 
> PHP string functions too.

Yes, there will definitely be spaces between words. I
haven't yet decided whether I'll replace them with -,
_ or . (period). However, I'm leaning towards
underscores ( _ ) for this particular page and hyphens
( - ) on a topics page.


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Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-23 Thread douglass_davis

David Blomstrom wrote:

<>I'm trying to make my first content management system
and am wrestling with a problem that seems to be about
equal parts PHP, Apache mod_rewrite and MySQL. I
wondered if anyone on this list can suggest a MySQL
solution - or partial solution.

I'm dealing with a single database table named
gzanimals that lists animal taxons (orders, families,
species, etc.) in a child-parent relationship (with
fields named "Name" and "Parent". For example:

Animalia | (NULL)
Mammalia | Animalia
Carnivora | Mammalia
Felidae | Carnivora
Panthera | Felidae
leo | Panthera

The code above illustrates the taxonomic hierarchy
linking the lion (Panthera leo) to the animal kingdom
(Animalia). With Apache mod_rewrite, my URL's look
like this:

There are two problems with this strategy:

1. Some species names are shared by more than one
mammal. For example, there's a marsupial named
Antechinus leo.

2. Species are more properly cited with the name of
their parent (genus), so I eventually want my species
URL's to look like this:

* * * * *

I can manipulate my PHP script and mod_rewrite to draw
from two fields and display Panthera_leo instead of

The problem is that I more or less lose contact with
my database; it recognizes leo as a row identifier,
while Panthera_leo is an unknown.

* * * * *

You can see a good example of what I'm trying to do at Two separate
scripts drive the bread crumbs-style links at the top
of the page and the list of "children" (carnivore
families, in this case) in the column on the right.

If you click Felidae, the children change to a list of
genera that belong to the family Felidae. Click
Panthera - - and
the children change to species that belong to the
genus Panthera.

As you can see, I've modified these so they display
the genus (parent) + species (child) name, both
physically and in the link. However, they are
nonfunctioning, as I haven't yet figured out how to to
deal with the space between the two values.

* * * * *

At this point, I'm thoroughly confused, especially
since fixes often require tweakingn two or more things
simultaneously - PHP, mod_rewrite and MySQL. But one
thing I haven't experimented with yet is combined

I created a key on two fields - Name and Parent - and
it NameDual. Is there a way to connect with NameDual
in a PHP script, or is it something that only exists
in my database?

For example, I thought I might change...

$taxon = mysql_query ("SELECT Name, NameCommon, Parent
FROM gzanimals AS GZA
WHERE Parent = '$_GET[taxon]'");


$taxon = mysql_query ("SELECT NameDual, Name,
NameCommon, Parent FROM gzanimals AS GZA
WHERE Parent = '$_GET[taxon]'");

this is dangerous on a real website.  see mysql_real_escape_string()

The key just helps you search for the 2 fields at the same time 
quicker.  It doesn't create a new field.  But it's good that you added 
that key though since you are looking up both at the same time..

Two fields are always going to be two fields.  Perhaps you may be 
confusing the role of PHP with that of MySql... Can you just concatenate 
the two strings together after you get them from the database? e.g. 
$parent.$name?  And, just split() or explode() the string when you get 
it from the URL?

Can there be spaces in these names?  If so, maybe use a dash for space, 
that way, there's no chance of ambiguity.  Get very familiar with  the 
PHP string functions too.



Re: Treating Two Fields Like One

2005-08-23 Thread Enrique Sanchez Vela

--- David Blomstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to make my first content management
> system
> and am wrestling with a problem that seems to be
> about
> equal parts PHP, Apache mod_rewrite and MySQL. I
> wondered if anyone on this list can suggest a MySQL
> solution - or partial solution.
> I'm dealing with a single database table named
> gzanimals that lists animal taxons (orders,
> families,
> species, etc.) in a child-parent relationship (with
> fields named "Name" and "Parent". For example:
> Animalia | (NULL)
> Mammalia | Animalia
> Carnivora | Mammalia
> Felidae | Carnivora
> Panthera | Felidae
> leo | Panthera
> The code above illustrates the taxonomic hierarchy
> linking the lion (Panthera leo) to the animal
> kingdom
> (Animalia). With Apache mod_rewrite, my URL's look
> like this:
> There are two problems with this strategy:
> 1. Some species names are shared by more than one
> mammal. For example, there's a marsupial named
> Antechinus leo.
> 2. Species are more properly cited with the name of
> their parent (genus), so I eventually want my
> species
> URL's to look like this:
> * * * * *
> I can manipulate my PHP script and mod_rewrite to
> draw
> from two fields and display Panthera_leo instead of
> leo.
> The problem is that I more or less lose contact with
> my database; it recognizes leo as a row identifier,
> while Panthera_leo is an unknown.
> * * * * *
> You can see a good example of what I'm trying to do
> at
> Two separate
> scripts drive the bread crumbs-style links at the
> top
> of the page and the list of "children" (carnivore
> families, in this case) in the column on the right.
> If you click Felidae, the children change to a list
> of
> genera that belong to the family Felidae. Click
> Panthera - -
> and
> the children change to species that belong to the
> genus Panthera.
> As you can see, I've modified these so they display
> the genus (parent) + species (child) name, both
> physically and in the link. However, they are
> nonfunctioning, as I haven't yet figured out how to
> to
> deal with the space between the two values.
> * * * * *
> At this point, I'm thoroughly confused, especially
> since fixes often require tweakingn two or more
> things
> simultaneously - PHP, mod_rewrite and MySQL. But one
> thing I haven't experimented with yet is combined
> fields.
> I created a key on two fields - Name and Parent -
> and
> it NameDual. Is there a way to connect with NameDual
> in a PHP script, or is it something that only exists
> in my database?
> For example, I thought I might change...
> $taxon = mysql_query ("SELECT Name, NameCommon,
> Parent
> FROM gzanimals AS GZA
>  WHERE Parent = '$_GET[taxon]'");
> to...
> $taxon = mysql_query ("SELECT NameDual, Name,
> NameCommon, Parent FROM gzanimals AS GZA
>  WHERE Parent = '$_GET[taxon]'");
> ...except it didn't work.
> Is there a way to do this, or can you see any other
> MySQL solutions to my problem?
> Thanks. 

Is NameDual equal to Parent_child? 

Hi, here I will only show how incompeten I am but I
would get rid of the problem the following way...

first: use 
 $newtaxon = html_entity_decode($_GET["taxon"]) 

  so you can get rid of the space encoding. instead of

you will have: leo


next:  use substr_replace to replace spaces with
underscores, if there are no spaces then there will no
be replacements :).


finally: use ...

 $taxon = mysql_query ("SELECT Name, NameCommon,
 FROM gzanimals AS GZA
  WHERE Parent = '$newtaxon' OR
CONCAT_WS('_',Parent,child) = '$newtaxon' ");




Enrique Sanchez Vela
It's often easier to fight for one's||We live in the outer space
principles than to live up to them||Rev. Kay Greenleaf
Adlai Stevenson||

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