Re: Out of memory error

2010-11-04 Thread Johan De Meersman
Out of your 4 gigabyte of memory, you allocate 2G to the innodb pool.
Assuming you're using mostly innoDB, that's good. Say there's also about
300M allocated to the OS - assuming a dedicated server; that leaves about
1.7G for non-InnoDB operations.

You have configured your server for 500 connections, and specified both
join_buffer_size and sort_buffer_size as 8M.

Every session that needs to do a sort allocates one sort buffer of the
specified size. One join buffer of *minimum* this size is allocated for
every full join between two tables, so multiple buffers may be needed for a
single query.

8M * 500 connections = 2G.

Do you see where this is going ? :-)

Not every connection will need to allocate join or sort buffers, but it may
be well worth to see what's happening on your server when you get these out
of memory errors, and maybe you can optimize some queries to use indices for
sorting, add indices to remove full joins, et cetera.

I keep telling people this: set up Munin or Cacti, and graph anything you
can find about your server. Trending gives you both the ability to look back
at what was going on when a problem occured, and look forward to see
problems coming ahead of time.

Bier met grenadyn
Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

Re: Out of memory error

2010-11-03 Thread Sharl.Jimh.Tsin
upgrade to the lastest MySQL 5.1.x branch GA and try again.

Best regards,
Sharl.Jimh.Tsin (From China **Obviously Taiwan INCLUDED**)

2010/11/4 김수영
 Dear MySQL users,

 I got an Out of memory error message on server yesterday.
 I restarted mysqld, and everything was go back to normal and now is fine.

 It happened already twice in this weekend even.
 But I don't know what's wrong.

 Server has QuadCore Xeon CPU, 4G ECC RAM, 2G x 49(ea) ibdata files, mostly 
 based on using InnoDB typed tables.

 Below is server condition details.

 [r...@svr40 mysql]# ulimit -a
 core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
 data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
 scheduling priority             (-e) 0
 file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
 pending signals                 (-i) 77824
 max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 32
 max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
 open files                      (-n) 1024
 pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
 POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
 real-time priority              (-r) 0
 stack size              (kbytes, -s) 10240
 cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
 max user processes              (-u) 77824
 virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
 file locks                      (-x) unlimited
 [r...@svr40 mysql]# uname -a
 Linux 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5PAE #1 SMP Wed Jan 20 08:16:13 EST 
 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
 [r...@svr40 mysql]# cat /etc/redhat-release
 CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
 [r...@svr40 mysql]# rpm -qa | grep MySQL
 [r...@svr40 mysql]# tail -50 svr40..err
 101103 15:12:25 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:12:25 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:12:25 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:12:25 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:12:28 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095116 bytes)
 101103 15:12:38 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:12:38 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:12:42 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095236 bytes)
 101103 15:12:43 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095584 bytes)
 101103 15:12:45 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:12:45 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:12:47 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095200 bytes)
 101103 15:12:51 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095116 bytes)
 101103 15:13:12 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095120 bytes)
 101103 15:13:16 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:13:16 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:13:19 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095120 bytes)
 101103 15:13:22 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095548 bytes)
 101103 15:13:23 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:13:23 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:13:28 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095548 bytes)
 101103 15:13:32 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:13:34 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095500 bytes)
 101103 15:13:38 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095548 bytes)
 101103 15:13:38 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095392 bytes)
 101103 15:13:40 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095120 bytes)
 101103 15:13:40 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095120 bytes)
 101103 15:13:41 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:13:41 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095132 bytes)
 101103 15:13:45 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095548 bytes)
 101103 15:13:49 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095200 bytes)
 101103 15:13:51 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095128 bytes)
 101103 15:13:51 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095284 bytes)
 101103 15:13:52 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095548 bytes)
 101103 15:13:57 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095128 bytes)
 101103 15:13:57 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 2095284 bytes)
 101103 15:14:02 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown

 101103 15:14:02 [Note] Event Scheduler: Purging the queue. 0 events
 101103 15:14:04  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
 101103 15:14:08  InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 10 437654676
 101103 15:14:08 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

 101103 15:14:08 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/lib/mysql/ 

Re: “Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory;” error

2007-10-04 Thread Krishna Chandra Prajapati

Configure my.cnf in such a way so that it uses 3.5 GB of physical memory.
Please check max_connecions. Out of memory problem also occur due to lots of


On 9/27/07, Amarnath Shivashankar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We have found that the MYSQL on all Email DB servers starts throwing Out
 memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory;
 error. The error goes once we restart MySQL. But after a week again the
 problem occurs. We have 4 GB of physical memory on the server but Mysql
 utilizes only up to 2.5 GB  starts throwing Out of memory error

 Please help me to resolve this.

Re: Re: Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; error

2007-10-03 Thread amarnath.shivashankar

Hi Mathieu,


I found that innodb_buffer pool value isn't set..The whole innodb
settings are commented.

I found the below values from the my.cnf file:


# Uncomment the following if you are using InnoDB tables

#innodb_data_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql/

#innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend

#innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql/

#innodb_log_arch_dir = /var/lib/mysql/

# You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %

# of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high

#innodb_buffer_pool_size = 256M

#innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20M

# Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size

#innodb_log_file_size = 64M

#innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M

#innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1

#innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50


here is the memory settings:







































Please help me out to change the parameter values



Amarnath S


Amarnath Shivashankar wrote :
 We have found that the MYSQL on all Email DB servers starts throwing
Out of
 memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available
 error. The error goes once we restart MySQL. But after a week again
the same
 problem occurs. We have 4 GB of physical memory on the server but
 utilizes only up to 2.5 GB  starts throwing Out of memory error
 Please help me to resolve this.
Mathieu Bruneau wrote: 

This looks like the traditionnal 32 bits limitation ... You're using a 
32 bits system right ? Because of many reasons (lots of documentation on

the net about that) MySQL is in practice limited to about 2.4-2.6G of 
memory, thus the error you see.

When I experienced this errors, I lowered the mysql_buffer and 
innodb_buffer so that mysql would stay below this limit and never had 
other issue with it. (It was crashing with an error 11 before). I kept 
this settings till I could upgrade to a 64 bits host.

Mathieu Bruneau
aka ROunofF



Amarnath Shivashankar

SQL Database Management 

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Re: “Out of memory; check if mysq ld or some other process uses all availab le memory;” error

2007-09-27 Thread Mathieu Bruneau

Amarnath Shivashankar a écrit :

We have found that the MYSQL on all Email DB servers starts throwing Out of
memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory;
error. The error goes once we restart MySQL. But after a week again the same
problem occurs. We have 4 GB of physical memory on the server but Mysql
utilizes only up to 2.5 GB  starts throwing Out of memory error

Please help me to resolve this.

This looks like the traditionnal 32 bits limitation ... You're using a 
32 bits system right ? Because of many reasons (lots of documentation on 
the net about that) MySQL is in practice limited to about 2.4-2.6G of 
memory, thus the error you see.

When I experienced this errors, I lowered the mysql_buffer and 
innodb_buffer so that mysql would stay below this limit and never had 
other issue with it. (It was crashing with an error 11 before). I kept 
this settings till I could upgrade to a 64 bits host.

Mathieu Bruneau
aka ROunofF

GPG keys available @

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Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

2006-04-27 Thread Carlos Proal
As far as i remember you must set that variable in order to send huge blobs,
and the error message can vary because it can means that the current memory
space for that connection has been filled. Why not do you try to set it up,
as mentioned in the manual and check the results.

Im forwarding this to the java list, maybe Mark can reserve a liitle time
from the Mysql Users Conference and give us some feedback.


On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's not set, but I am streaming the LOG to the server, would max packet
 impact this situation? Also, wouldn't I get a different error, i.e.
 Packet Too Large?


 From: Carlos Proal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:59 PM
 To: Robert DiFalco
 Subject: Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

 And whats the size of your  max_allowed_packet variable ?


 On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 I am, the java heap is set to 2G. But I don't think it is my
 process that is running out of memory, I believe it is the MySQL

 -Original Message-
 From: Carlos Proal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:53 PM
 Subject: Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

 Hi Robert, are you using the extended parameters to increase the
 heap memory ?


 java -Xms256m -Xmx512m 


 On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Getting this error from JDBC while inserting a VERY large

  MEDIUMTEXT field, ~250MB. I'm guessing this is an error from
  Is there a way to have the server start streaming to disk
 sooner with
  a LOB? Is there a property I'm not setting?
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives: To
 unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
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RE: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

2006-04-27 Thread Robert DiFalco
Setting max_allowed_packet does not seem to make a difference on how
large the blob to the database can be. The MySQL server still gives the
OOM exception after streaming ~600mb to a LOB regardless of how
max_allowed_packet is set.

From: Carlos Proal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 11:31 AM
To: Robert DiFalco
Subject: Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

As far as i remember you must set that variable in order to send huge
blobs, and the error message can vary because it can means that the
current memory space for that connection has been filled. Why not do you
try to set it up, as mentioned in the manual and check the results. 

Im forwarding this to the java list, maybe Mark can reserve a liitle
time from the Mysql Users Conference and give us some feedback.


On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

It's not set, but I am streaming the LOG to the server, would
max packet
impact this situation? Also, wouldn't I get a different error,
Packet Too Large?

From: Carlos Proal [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:59 PM
To: Robert DiFalco
Subject: Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ... 

And whats the size of your  max_allowed_packet variable ?


On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

I am, the java heap is set to 2G. But I don't think it
is my
process that is running out of memory, I believe it is
the MySQL 

-Original Message-
From: Carlos Proal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

Hi Robert, are you using the extended parameters to
increase the
heap memory ? 


java -Xms256m -Xmx512m 


On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Getting this error from JDBC while inserting a VERY

 MEDIUMTEXT field, ~250MB. I'm guessing this is an
error from
 Is there a way to have the server start streaming to
sooner with
 a LOB? Is there a property I'm not setting?



 MySQL General Mailing List 
 For list archives: To
unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

2006-04-26 Thread Carlos Proal
Hi Robert, are you using the extended parameters to increase the jvm heap
memory ?


java -Xms256m -Xmx512m 


On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Getting this error from JDBC while inserting a VERY large VARBINARY or
 MEDIUMTEXT field, ~250MB. I'm guessing this is an error from the server?
 Is there a way to have the server start streaming to disk sooner with a
 LOB? Is there a property I'm not setting?



 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

2006-04-26 Thread Robert DiFalco
I am, the java heap is set to 2G. But I don't think it is my java
process that is running out of memory, I believe it is the MySQL server.

-Original Message-
From: Carlos Proal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

Hi Robert, are you using the extended parameters to increase the jvm
heap memory ?


java -Xms256m -Xmx512m 


On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Getting this error from JDBC while inserting a VERY large VARBINARY or

 MEDIUMTEXT field, ~250MB. I'm guessing this is an error from the
 Is there a way to have the server start streaming to disk sooner with 
 a LOB? Is there a property I'm not setting?



 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

2006-04-26 Thread Carlos Proal
And whats the size of your  max_allowed_packet variable ?


On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am, the java heap is set to 2G. But I don't think it is my java
 process that is running out of memory, I believe it is the MySQL server.

 -Original Message-
 From: Carlos Proal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:53 PM
 Subject: Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

 Hi Robert, are you using the extended parameters to increase the jvm
 heap memory ?


 java -Xms256m -Xmx512m 


 On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Getting this error from JDBC while inserting a VERY large VARBINARY or

  MEDIUMTEXT field, ~250MB. I'm guessing this is an error from the
  Is there a way to have the server start streaming to disk sooner with
  a LOB? Is there a property I'm not setting?
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

2006-04-26 Thread Robert DiFalco
It's not set, but I am streaming the LOG to the server, would max packet
impact this situation? Also, wouldn't I get a different error, i.e.
Packet Too Large?

From: Carlos Proal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:59 PM
To: Robert DiFalco
Subject: Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

And whats the size of your  max_allowed_packet variable ?


On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: 

I am, the java heap is set to 2G. But I don't think it is my
process that is running out of memory, I believe it is the MySQL

-Original Message-
From: Carlos Proal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:53 PM 
Subject: Re: Out of memory (Needed xxx ...

Hi Robert, are you using the extended parameters to increase the
heap memory ?


java -Xms256m -Xmx512m 


On 4/26/06, Robert DiFalco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Getting this error from JDBC while inserting a VERY large

 MEDIUMTEXT field, ~250MB. I'm guessing this is an error from
 Is there a way to have the server start streaming to disk
sooner with
 a LOB? Is there a property I'm not setting?



 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives: To
unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Out Of Memory problems: One MySQL user, 86 minutes sleeping

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

  1981 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:03.53 mysqld

  1982 mysql 20   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1983 mysql 17   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1984 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

These are the threads of the same mysqld process which is using only

72m of virtual memory. May be you should find out other process

which is consuming memory. If you are sure that MySQL is guilty

than send to the list the output of 'SHOW VARIABLES' statement.

thomas Armstrong wrote:



 Using MySQL 4.1.9 on Linux FedoraCore2 (kernel 2.6.9),

 I'm suffering several memory problems ('Out Of Memory'

 problem) on my server.


 Playing around with my server:




  Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info

 20138 | user1 | localhost | user1_db | Sleep | 5295 | NULL


 (why is this user1 sleeping for 86 minutes?)





 Qcache_free_blocks  =0956

 Qcache_free_memory =0911676280

 Qcache_hits =09762140

 Qcache_inserts  =09109122

 Qcache_lowmem_prunes =0912575

 Qcache_not_cached =09897

 Qcache_queries_in_cache =09644

 Qcache_total_blocks =091582



 []# top


 top - 12:55:40 up 1 day,  2:18,  2 users,  load average: 0.39, 0.35, 0.29

 Tasks:  88 total,   2 running,  86 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie

 Cpu(s):  0.0% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 99.7% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% s=


 Mem:508072k total,   499980k used, 8092k free,69828k buffers

 Swap:  1084376k total, 2176k used,  1082200k free,   116264k cached


  1980 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:03.24 mysqld

  1981 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:03.53 mysqld

  1982 mysql 20   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1983 mysql 17   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1984 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1985 mysql 17   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1986 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.21 mysqld

  1987 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.13 mysqld

  1988 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

  1989 mysql 16   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.06 mysqld

 14337 mysql 20   0 72064  42m 6172 S  0.0  8.5   0:00.00 mysqld

 17323 apache15   0 42056  30m  16m S  0.0  6.1   0:02.44 httpd

  2316 ogo   16   0 36092  28m  23m S  0.0  5.7   0:01.25 ogo-webui-1.0a

 11228 apache16   0 36600  24m  18m S  0.0  4.9   1:51.20 httpd

 14276 apache15   0 34408  24m  16m S  0.0  4.8   0:58.17 httpd

 15737 apache15   0 34120  23m  16m S  0.0  4.8   0:32.92 httpd



 []# more /etc/my.conf









 # Slow queries log

 log-slow-queries =3D /var/log/mysql/slow-queries.log

 long_query_time =3D 5













 []# free -m


  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached

 Mem:   496487  8  0 68113

 -/+ buffers/cache:305190

 Swap: 1058  2   1056



 I'm trying to find out the reason of my memory problems. I suspect this

 sleeping user is to blame. Any suggestion?


 Thank you very much.


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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)

2005-10-11 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 the problem is that after around 160,000 rows inserted with success ,

then i get Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes) error many times.

Does your program report this error or MySQL Server?

 Can someone give me an advice with some optimization or if something

is wrong in mysql server configuration?

At least check that memory which might be used by MySQL Server can't be

more than amount of your RAM. See:

Use a formula similar to this:

min_memory_needed = global_buffers + (thread_buffers * max_connections)

where thread_buffers includes the following:








and global_buffers includes:





In case

Andrei wrote:

 Hi list,


 i have a linux server with mysql 4.1.14 


 and i'm trying to execute a program wich read a file with 100's tohusands 

 lines and for every line must do a SELECT and then an INSERT .


 the SELECT use 2 InnoDB tables and the INSERT use a MyISAM table.


 the problem is that after around 160,000 rows inserted with success , then i 

 get Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes) error many times.


 i will try to increase the RAM size but i don't know if this is the problem 

 (for sure it will help , but ... )


 so, i suspect that after these 160,000 rows ... the SELECT for the following 

 records is not successfully ending but the INSERT is ok.


 Can someone give me an advice with some optimization or if something is wrong

 in mysql server configuration?



  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached

 Mem:514460 238972 275488  0  28824 131024

 -/+ buffers/cache:  79124 435336

 Swap:  1975912  200521955860




 | Variable_name   | Value


 | back_log| 50

 | basedir | /opt/sql/mysql-4.1.14/

 | binlog_cache_size   | 32768

 | bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608

 | character_set_client| latin1

 | character_set_connection| latin1

 | character_set_database  | latin1

 | character_set_results   | latin1

 | character_set_server| latin1

 | character_set_system| utf8

 | character_sets_dir  

 | /opt/sql/mysql-4.1.14/share/mysql/charsets/

 | collation_connection| latin1_swedish_ci

 | collation_database  | latin1_swedish_ci

 | collation_server| latin1_swedish_ci

 | concurrent_insert   | ON

 | connect_timeout | 5

 | datadir | /opt/sql/mysql-data/

 | date_format | %Y-%m-%d

 | datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s

 | default_week_format | 0

 | delay_key_write | ON

 | delayed_insert_limit| 100

 | delayed_insert_timeout  | 300

 | delayed_queue_size  | 1000

 | expire_logs_days| 0

 | flush   | OFF

 | flush_time  | 0

 | ft_boolean_syntax   | + -()~*:|

 | ft_max_word_len | 84

 | ft_min_word_len | 4

 | ft_query_expansion_limit| 20

 | ft_stopword_file| (built-in)

 | group_concat_max_len| 1024

 | have_archive| NO

 | have_bdb| NO

 | have_blackhole_engine   | NO

 | have_compress   | YES

 | have_crypt  | YES

 | have_csv| NO

 | have_example_engine | NO

 | have_geometry   | YES

 | have_innodb | YES

 | have_isam   | NO

 | have_ndbcluster | NO

 | have_openssl| NO

 | have_query_cache| YES

 | have_raid   | NO

 | have_rtree_keys | YES

 | have_symlink| YES

 | init_connect|

 | init_file   |

 | init_slave  |

 | innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 20971520

 | innodb_autoextend_increment | 8

 | innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb   | 0

 | innodb_buffer_pool_size | 167772160

 | innodb_data_file_path   | ibdata1:10M:autoextend

 | innodb_data_home_dir| /opt/sql/mysql-data/

 | innodb_fast_shutdown| ON

 | innodb_file_io_threads  | 4

 | innodb_file_per_table   | OFF

 | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  | 1


Re: Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)

2005-10-10 Thread Andrei
On Monday 10 October 2005 13:42, Hugh Sasse wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Oct 2005, Andrei wrote:
  Hi list,

  i have a linux server with mysql 4.1.14
  and i'm trying to execute a program wich read a file with 100's tohusands
  lines and for every line must do a SELECT and then an INSERT .

 Written in what language? 

 What does it do about clearing up after 
 each line read?
good question ! 
that helped ! 

 How much does it read in at once?
one row

 Does it rely on  
 garbage collection?  Can you run it on a different machine from the
yes ... but the same error.

 I think people will need more concrete information to help you debug



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Re: Out of memory, mysqld got signal 6;

2005-06-03 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Switch to the latest release 4.1.12 (or 4.0.24). 

It is strongly recommended to use official binaries.

Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,


 Over the last couple of days, a MySQL 4.0.21 server of ours has crashed

 a couple of times, with the error message listed below. It has

 previously been running without problems since being installed (about

 150 days so far).


 I've not had much luck in tracking down what signal 6 means - the

 references I can find on the 'net seem to be from people running MySQL

 on a *BSD machine, while ours is on a RHEL3 server.


 Can anyone please point me in the right direction to track down what

 this might be? The server has 10GB of RAM, and MySQL has been compiled

 with -fomit-frame-pointer. I can re-compile MySQL without this option if

 it's absolutely necessary.






 050602 17:18:47 Out of memory;  Check if mysqld or some other process

 uses all available memory. If not you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow

 mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space

 mysqld got signal 6;

 This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this


 or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly


 or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning


 We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help


 the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely


 and this may fail.







 It is possible that mysqld could use up to

 key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections

 =3D 3281785 K

 bytes of memory

 Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.



 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out

 where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went

 terribly wrong...

 frame pointer (ebp) is NULL, did you compile with

 -fomit-frame-pointer? Aborting backtrace!

 Trying to get some variables.

 Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...

 thd-query at 0x1a70a218  is invalid pointer


 The manual page at contains

 information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

 Fatal signal 11 while backtracing




 Andrew Hill

 Software Developer

 m3 Media Services Limited

 Kirkman House, 12-14 Whitfield Street, London W1T 2RF

 T: +44 (0)20 7299 7370  F: +44 (0)20 7299 7371

 IRC: #max on


For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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RE: Out of memory, mysqld got signal 6;

2005-06-03 Thread Andrew Hill
 -Original Message-
 From: Gleb Paharenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 03 June 2005 12:29
 Subject: Re: Out of memory, mysqld got signal 6;
 Switch to the latest release 4.1.12 (or 4.0.24). 
 It is strongly recommended to use official binaries.

Sure, can do - but is this a known issue with 4.0.21? I wasn't able to
find anything in the bug tracker...


Andrew Hill
Software Developer
m3 Media Services Limited
Kirkman House, 12-14 Whitfield Street, London W1T 2RF
T: +44 (0)20 7299 7370  F: +44 (0)20 7299 7371
IRC: #max on  

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Re: Out of memory, mysqld got signal 6;

2005-06-03 Thread Gleb Paharenko

This could be not exactly 4.0.21 issue, but issue of a compiler, say, if

you've built MySQL manually. 


 Sure, can do - but is this a known issue with 4.0.21? I wasn't able to

 find anything in the bug tracker...





 Andrew Hill

 Software Developer

 m3 Media Services Limited

 Kirkman House, 12-14 Whitfield Street, London W1T 2RF

 T: +44 (0)20 7299 7370  F: +44 (0)20 7299 7371

 IRC: #max on =20




For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: Out of memory, but plenty of swap space left

2005-04-08 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Does the problem remains if you're executing the query just after

the 'FLUSH TABLES' statement.

Jon Wagoner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Recently I've been getting error 1041 at times, which gives the message

 to update the ulimit or add swap space. =20


 This is a dedicated MySQL server, so I have no ulimit set for MySQL.

 According to /proc/meminfo I have over 1GB of swap free.

 Mem:  2118533120 2067628032 509050880 19677184 1659768832

 Swap: 1998733312 686882816 1311850496

 MemTotal:  2068880 kB

 MemFree: 49712 kB

 MemShared:   0 kB

 Buffers: 19216 kB

 Cached:1320684 kB

 SwapCached: 300184 kB

 Active: 943996 kB

 Inactive:  1008424 kB

 HighTotal: 1179484 kB

 HighFree: 2044 kB

 LowTotal:   889396 kB

 LowFree: 47668 kB

 SwapTotal: 1951888 kB

 SwapFree:  1281104 kB


 The mysqld section of my.cnf contains the following:



 server-id  =3D 106

 basedir =3D /usr

 datadir =3D /var/lib/mysql

 tmpdir  =3D /tmp

 language=3D /usr/share/mysql/english


 set-variable=3D key_buffer=3D512M

 set-variable=3D max_allowed_packet=3D1G

 set-variable=3D table_cache=3D3072

 set-variable=3D sort_buffer=3D2M

 set-variable=3D record_buffer=3D2M

 set-variable=3D thread_cache=3D8

 set-variable=3D thread_concurrency=3D8

 set-variable=3D myisam_sort_buffer_size=3D64M

 set-variable=3D thread_stack=3D128K

 set-variable=3D open_files_limit=3D8192

 set-variable=3D tmp_table_size=3D50M

 max_tmp_tables =3D 100

 innodb_data_home_dir =3D /var/lib/mysql/

 innodb_data_file_path =3D ibdata1:10M:autoextend

 innodb_log_group_home_dir =3D /var/lib/mysql/

 innodb_log_arch_dir =3D /var/lib/mysql/

 set-variable =3D innodb_buffer_pool_size=3D384M

 set-variable =3D innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=3D20M

 set-variable =3D innodb_log_file_size=3D5M

 set-variable =3D innodb_log_buffer_size=3D8M


 set-variable =3D innodb_lock_wait_timeout=3D50








 Does anyone have any suggestions as to why I'm getting out of memory

 errors?  Do I have some of the settings wrong?

 If it matters, I have about 50GB worth of data, split between InnoDB and

 MyISAM tables.  I last got the error updating records in one of the

 MyISAM tables which was about 1MB in size.


For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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RE: Out of memory, but plenty of swap space left

2005-04-08 Thread Jon Wagoner

Yes, I'm running MySQL on 32-bit Linux.

I think maybe something had just gotten corrupted.  MySQL restarted
itself yesterday, with the following in the error log:

050407 16:24:49 [ERROR] Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other
process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit'
to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections
= 1342686 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
frame pointer (ebp) is NULL, did you compile with
-fomit-frame-pointer? Aborting backtrace!
Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort...
thd-query at 0x59f907f8  is invalid pointer
The manual page at contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.
050407 16:24:51  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!


Unless you tell me different, I'll just plan on upgrading to 4.1.11 (I'm
still running 4.1.8) 

-Original Message-
From: Heikki Tuuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: Out of memory, but plenty of swap space left


are you running on a 32-bit computer? Then, normally, the process size
limited to 2 GB.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up

- Original Message - 
From: Jon Wagoner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:31 PM
Subject: Out of memory, but plenty of swap space left

 Recently I've been getting error 1041 at times, which gives the
 to update the ulimit or add swap space. =20

 This is a dedicated MySQL server, so I have no ulimit set for MySQL.
 According to /proc/meminfo I have over 1GB of swap free.
 Mem:  2118533120 2067628032 509050880 19677184 1659768832
 Swap: 1998733312 686882816 1311850496
 MemTotal:  2068880 kB
 MemFree: 49712 kB
 MemShared:   0 kB
 Buffers: 19216 kB
 Cached:1320684 kB
 SwapCached: 300184 kB
 Active: 943996 kB
 Inactive:  1008424 kB
 HighTotal: 1179484 kB
 HighFree: 2044 kB
 LowTotal:   889396 kB
 LowFree: 47668 kB
 SwapTotal: 1951888 kB
 SwapFree:  1281104 kB

 The mysqld section of my.cnf contains the following:

 server-id  =3D 106
 basedir =3D /usr
 datadir =3D /var/lib/mysql
 tmpdir  =3D /tmp
 language=3D /usr/share/mysql/english
 set-variable=3D key_buffer=3D512M
 set-variable=3D max_allowed_packet=3D1G
 set-variable=3D table_cache=3D3072
 set-variable=3D sort_buffer=3D2M
 set-variable=3D record_buffer=3D2M
 set-variable=3D thread_cache=3D8
 set-variable=3D thread_concurrency=3D8
 set-variable=3D myisam_sort_buffer_size=3D64M
 set-variable=3D thread_stack=3D128K
 set-variable=3D open_files_limit=3D8192
 set-variable=3D tmp_table_size=3D50M
 max_tmp_tables =3D 100
 innodb_data_home_dir =3D /var/lib/mysql/
 innodb_data_file_path =3D ibdata1:10M:autoextend
 innodb_log_group_home_dir =3D /var/lib/mysql/
 innodb_log_arch_dir =3D /var/lib/mysql/
 set-variable =3D innodb_buffer_pool_size=3D384M
 set-variable =3D innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=3D20M
 set-variable =3D innodb_log_file_size=3D5M
 set-variable =3D innodb_log_buffer_size=3D8M
 set-variable =3D innodb_lock_wait_timeout=3D50


 Does anyone have any suggestions as to why I'm getting out of memory
 errors?  Do I have some of the settings wrong?
 If it matters, I have about 50GB worth of data, split between InnoDB
 MyISAM tables.  I last got the error updating records in one of the
 MyISAM tables which was about 1MB in size.

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe

Re: Out of memory, but plenty of swap space left

2005-04-07 Thread Heikki Tuuri
are you running on a 32-bit computer? Then, normally, the process size is 
limited to 2 GB.

Best regards,
Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for InnoDB which also backs up MyISAM 

- Original Message - 
From: Jon Wagoner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:31 PM
Subject: Out of memory, but plenty of swap space left

Recently I've been getting error 1041 at times, which gives the message
to update the ulimit or add swap space. =20
This is a dedicated MySQL server, so I have no ulimit set for MySQL.
According to /proc/meminfo I have over 1GB of swap free.
Mem:  2118533120 2067628032 509050880 19677184 1659768832
Swap: 1998733312 686882816 1311850496
MemTotal:  2068880 kB
MemFree: 49712 kB
MemShared:   0 kB
Buffers: 19216 kB
Cached:1320684 kB
SwapCached: 300184 kB
Active: 943996 kB
Inactive:  1008424 kB
HighTotal: 1179484 kB
HighFree: 2044 kB
LowTotal:   889396 kB
LowFree: 47668 kB
SwapTotal: 1951888 kB
SwapFree:  1281104 kB
The mysqld section of my.cnf contains the following:
server-id  =3D 106
basedir =3D /usr
datadir =3D /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir  =3D /tmp
language=3D /usr/share/mysql/english
set-variable=3D key_buffer=3D512M
set-variable=3D max_allowed_packet=3D1G
set-variable=3D table_cache=3D3072
set-variable=3D sort_buffer=3D2M
set-variable=3D record_buffer=3D2M
set-variable=3D thread_cache=3D8
set-variable=3D thread_concurrency=3D8
set-variable=3D myisam_sort_buffer_size=3D64M
set-variable=3D thread_stack=3D128K
set-variable=3D open_files_limit=3D8192
set-variable=3D tmp_table_size=3D50M
max_tmp_tables =3D 100
innodb_data_home_dir =3D /var/lib/mysql/
innodb_data_file_path =3D ibdata1:10M:autoextend
innodb_log_group_home_dir =3D /var/lib/mysql/
innodb_log_arch_dir =3D /var/lib/mysql/
set-variable =3D innodb_buffer_pool_size=3D384M
set-variable =3D innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=3D20M
set-variable =3D innodb_log_file_size=3D5M
set-variable =3D innodb_log_buffer_size=3D8M
set-variable =3D innodb_lock_wait_timeout=3D50
Does anyone have any suggestions as to why I'm getting out of memory
errors?  Do I have some of the settings wrong?
If it matters, I have about 50GB worth of data, split between InnoDB and
MyISAM tables.  I last got the error updating records in one of the
MyISAM tables which was about 1MB in size.
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Re: Out of memory

2004-12-29 Thread Philippe Poelvoorde

See what happens if you try it with the --quick option.  This will 
prevent mysqldump from writing to memory before writing to the dump file.

yes, it seems to work so far.
Thanks for your quick reply.
Philippe Poelvoorde
COS Trading Ltd.
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Re: Out of memory

2004-12-24 Thread lists
Philippe Poelvoorde wrote:
mysqldump returns with this error on one of my nightly batch :
mysqldump: Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
mysqldump: Got error: 2008: MySQL client run out of memory when 
retrieving data from server
Fri Dec 24 00:00:22 CET 2004

Is there any way to avoid this particular error ?
(bear I mind that I don't have any access to my.cnf on this environnement!)
The last table in the dump (and not dump, it stops just after the CREATE 
TABLE) is not that big (less than 8Mo on disk).

See what happens if you try it with the --quick option.  This will 
prevent mysqldump from writing to memory before writing to the dump file.

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Re: Out of memory on INSERT

2004-06-17 Thread Garth Webb
On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 08:08, J S wrote:
 I have a perl script which runs a bulk insert. When I run an insert with 
 about 100,000 lines it keels over with the following message:
 DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Out of memory (Needed 6100848 bytes) at 
 ./ line 227,  line 15.
 There is 8GB of memory on the box so I'm sure there is enough memory there. 
 Is there a setting in my.cnf which I need to tweak?

How large is the data?  How much of that 8GB is used by other
processes?  Have you watched the output of 'top' while the script is
running?  MySQL has tweakable limits on how large a particular insert
can be, but this error looks like perl is truely running out of memory,
rather than being denied by MySQL.

. Garth Webb
. shoes *  * schoenen *  * chaussures * zapatos
. Schuhe *  * pattini *  * sapatas * 

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Re: out of memory error and update problem

2004-03-25 Thread gerald_clark

Chip Wiegand wrote:

When running mysql from the command line (Putty terminal) and trying to do 
some updates the updates fail. First the query I am running -

mysql update warranty_temp, warranty_old set 
warranty_old.OwnerName=warranty_temp.OwnerName where 
warranty_old.WarrantyID between 75 and 100 AND warranty_temp.WarrantyID 
between 75 and 100;
Query OK, 119 rows affected (50.97 sec)
Rows matched: 14641  Changed: 119  Warnings: 0

This is not a join, it is a cartesian product of the 2 table ranges.

The results of this query are that the OwnerName in record 75 is copied 
into the OwnerName for records 75 thru 100. That shouldn't be, there 
should be a differant OwnerName for each row being copied into each row of 
the target table. Now the table has 119 rows with the same OwnerName.


mysql update warranty_temp, warranty_old set 
warranty_old.OwnerName=warranty_temp.OwnerName where
warranty_old.WarrantyID=warranty_temp.WarrantyID and 
warranty_old.WarrantyID between 75 and 100 ;

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Re: out f memory error

2003-06-05 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2003-06-04 16:37:08 +0300:
 I have  a program that runs a loop,in every loop I execute a query.
 the query itself is very efficient, the result of the query is 4 rows at
 most but...
 after a while I get the following error:
 Out of memory!
 Bus error (core dumped)
 how can I increase the memory that is used for the query?

most probably it's your program that's getting out of memory, and
the problem is completely unrelated to MySQL.

If you cc me or remove the list(s) completely I'll most likely ignore
your message.see

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For list archives:
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RE: Out of memory on simple question.

2002-06-24 Thread Simon Green

Thanks for this...
So I think I need some joins!

-Original Message-
From: Roger Baklund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 24 June 2002 12:19
To: Mysql (E-mail)
Cc: Simon Green
Subject: Re: Out of memory on simple question.

* Simon Green
 After running this simple question I get this error. I have looked at the
 my.cnf file and all looks fine and the system has 1.256 G of memory.
 Can some one please tell me where I have gone wrong.

  select in_names.Username
  from in_names, in_names2
  where in_names.Username != in_names2.Username;
 ./mysql: Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
 ERROR 2008: MySQL client run out of memory

If you have many names in these tables, this will consume a lot of memory,
yes. You are asking for all combinations of names where the name is not the

This is an example with only five names in each table:

mysql create table in_names (Username varchar(30));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql insert into in_names values(aaa),(bbb),(ccc),(ddd),(eee);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql create table in_names2 select * from in_names;
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql select in_names.Username,in_names2.Username
-  from in_names, in_names2
-  where in_names.Username != in_names2.Username;
| Username | Username |
| bbb  | aaa  |
| ccc  | aaa  |
| ddd  | aaa  |
| eee  | aaa  |
| aaa  | bbb  |
| ccc  | bbb  |
| ddd  | bbb  |
| eee  | bbb  |
| aaa  | ccc  |
| bbb  | ccc  |
| ddd  | ccc  |
| eee  | ccc  |
| aaa  | ddd  |
| bbb  | ddd  |
| ccc  | ddd  |
| eee  | ddd  |
| aaa  | eee  |
| bbb  | eee  |
| ccc  | eee  |
| ddd  | eee  |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I selected both names, so that you can see what is going on. Each name in
one table is matched with _every_ name in the other table, except the one
that is the same... just as you asked for. :)


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Re: Out of memory on simple question.

2002-06-24 Thread Roger Baklund

* Simon Green
 After running this simple question I get this error. I have looked at the
 my.cnf file and all looks fine and the system has 1.256 G of memory.
 Can some one please tell me where I have gone wrong.

  select in_names.Username
  from in_names, in_names2
  where in_names.Username != in_names2.Username;
 ./mysql: Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
 ERROR 2008: MySQL client run out of memory

If you have many names in these tables, this will consume a lot of memory,
yes. You are asking for all combinations of names where the name is not the

This is an example with only five names in each table:

mysql create table in_names (Username varchar(30));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql insert into in_names values(aaa),(bbb),(ccc),(ddd),(eee);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql create table in_names2 select * from in_names;
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql select in_names.Username,in_names2.Username
-  from in_names, in_names2
-  where in_names.Username != in_names2.Username;
| Username | Username |
| bbb  | aaa  |
| ccc  | aaa  |
| ddd  | aaa  |
| eee  | aaa  |
| aaa  | bbb  |
| ccc  | bbb  |
| ddd  | bbb  |
| eee  | bbb  |
| aaa  | ccc  |
| bbb  | ccc  |
| ddd  | ccc  |
| eee  | ccc  |
| aaa  | ddd  |
| bbb  | ddd  |
| ccc  | ddd  |
| eee  | ddd  |
| aaa  | eee  |
| bbb  | eee  |
| ccc  | eee  |
| ddd  | eee  |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I selected both names, so that you can see what is going on. Each name in
one table is matched with _every_ name in the other table, except the one
that is the same... just as you asked for. :)


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RE: out of memory

2001-07-10 Thread Dmitri Lubinski

Hi, David!
Try to write your query without order by ... Sort operations need a
lot of memory.
But, if you want to use sorting, try to split your big table to smaller

Dmitri Lubinski

-Original Message-
From: David Keeney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 6:14 AM
To: MySQL List
Subject: out of memory

Sorry. I omitted an important detail from the previous post:

I have a database of almost 6 million records, and 1.5 Gbyte table
size.   I need to iterate over the table with a Perl script, examining
every record.

This code :

$sth_gnr = $dbh-prepare( 
 WHERE rdid  '' .
 'ORDER BY rdid ' #.
) or die 'bad prepare gnr';


dies (during the execute statement) with the error :

Out of Memory: Killed process 31666 (

The same query executed by the mysql client dies with an almost 
identical error message.

Is there a fast way to iterate over the database with a succession of
'Select ... ' queries?   A statement like 'Select * from Tiger_main
limit 1,1' is very slow, and iterating over the entire table would
take weeks.

I am using MySQL server version 3.23.36 under RH Linux 7.1.

Thanks for any support you can offer.

David Keeney
--- End of forwarded message ---
David Keeney   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Travel By Road

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Re: out of memory

2001-07-10 Thread Brian Reichert

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 08:14:24PM -0600, David Keeney wrote:
 dies (during the execute statement) with the error :
 Out of Memory: Killed process 31666 (

Look for 'SQL_BIG_TABLES' in the Docs...

`SQL_BIG_TABLES = 0 | 1'
 If set to `1', all temporary tables are stored on disk rather than
 in memory.  This will be a little slower, but you will not get the
 error `The table tbl_name is full' for big `SELECT' operations that
 require a large temporary table.  The default value for a new
 connection is `0' (i.e., use in-memory temporary tables).

Brian 'you Bastard' Reichert[EMAIL PROTECTED]
37 Crystal Ave. #303Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
Derry NH 03038-1713 USA Intel architecture: the left-hand path

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