Re: Slow query using between

2006-05-05 Thread Dan Buettner

Good morning James -

It looks like you have a multi-column index on the startIpNum and 
endIpNum columns, but it's not doing you any good, at least not for 
this query.

You don't mention how many rows of data you're searching against, 
which would give a better idea as to what might be reasonable to 
expect for maximum speed of this query.

Part of the reason is that MySQL (at least prior to 5) will only use 
one index per instance of a table per query, and it has chosen the 
primary index from that t2 table.  Another part of the reason is 
that MySQL can't compare a value to a value in an index that is not 
at the beginning of said index.

A final reason you may experience a speed problem is that you've put 
the number inside quotes, which makes it a string and could well be 
forcing MySQL to do a datatype conversion on the data in your tables 
prior to comparisons.  Try your query without quotes first to see 
what kind of difference that makes for you.

Otherwise -
Try joining on the second table again, and comparing against 
startIpNum on that table.  This makes your query more complex but 
might allow MySQL to better use your existing indices.  You could 
take it a step further and add an index on endIpNum all by itself, 
and add the table in a third time, also.

select, t1.region, t1.latitude, t1.longitude
from hn_iplocation as t1, hn_iprange as t2, hn_iprange as t3
where t1.locid=t2.locid
and t1.locid = t3.locid
and t2.locid = t3.locid
and (2720518136 between t3.startIpNum and t3.endIpNum)
limit 1

or for real fun, add an index to endIpNum and run:

select, t1.region, t1.latitude, t1.longitude
from hn_iplocation as t1, hn_iprange as t2, hn_iprange as t3, hn_iprange as t4
where t1.locid=t2.locid
and t1.locid = t3.locid
and t1.locid = t4.locid
and t2.locid = t3.locid
and t2.locid = t4.locid
and t3.locid = t4.locid
and (2720518136 = t3.startIpNum)
and (2720518136 = t4.endIpNum)
limit 1

Hope this helps!



	I am running Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.12, for redhat-linux-gnu 
(i386) using readline 4.3 on a Dual Xeon 2.4Ghz RHEL4 box with 4GB 
of RAM.

	I have a query that takes anywhere from .25 - .85 seconds to 
run. Following are the query and the related table structures I have 
currently set up and the output from 'explain'. After twiddling with 
this query for some time, i cannot seem to get it to run any faster 
and was curious if i am over looking something, or am i simply stuck 
with a slow query. The problem is that this query runs each time a 
user comes to our website, so the slowness tends to add up a little.

select, t1.region, t1.latitude, t1.longitude from 
hn_iplocation as t1,hn_iprange as t2 where t1.locid=t2.locid and 
('2720518136' between t2.startIpNum and t2.endIpNum) limit 1

mysql explain select, t1.region, t1.latitude, t1.longitude 
from hn_iplocation as t1,hn_iprange as t2 where t1.locid=t2.locid 
and ('2720518136' between t2.startIpNum and t2.endIpNum) limit 1\G

*** 1. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
table: t1
 type: ALL
possible_keys: PRIMARY
  key: NULL
  key_len: NULL
  ref: NULL
 rows: 20029
*** 2. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
table: t2
 type: ref
possible_keys: locId
  key: locId
  key_len: 5
  ref: helloneighbour_com_1.t1.locId
 rows: 4
Extra: Using where
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Table structure T1:
mysql describe hn_iplocation;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| locId  | int(16) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| country| char(2)  | YES  | | NULL
| region | char(2)  | YES  | | NULL
| city   | varchar(45)  | YES  | MUL | NULL
| postalCode | varchar(7)   | YES  | MUL | NULL
| latitude   | float(9,5)   | YES  | | NULL
| longitude  | float(9,5)   | YES  | | NULL

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Table structure T2:
mysql describe hn_iprange;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| startIpNum | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
| endIpNum   | int(10) unsigned | YES  | | NULL|   |
| locId  | int(16) unsigned | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |

Slow query using between

2006-05-04 Thread James Riordon


	I am running Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.12, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386)  
using readline 4.3 on a Dual Xeon 2.4Ghz RHEL4 box with 4GB of RAM.

	I have a query that takes anywhere from .25 - .85 seconds to run.  
Following are the query and the related table structures I have  
currently set up and the output from 'explain'. After twiddling with  
this query for some time, i cannot seem to get it to run any faster  
and was curious if i am over looking something, or am i simply stuck  
with a slow query. The problem is that this query runs each time a  
user comes to our website, so the slowness tends to add up a little.

select, t1.region, t1.latitude, t1.longitude from  
hn_iplocation as t1,hn_iprange as t2 where t1.locid=t2.locid and  
('2720518136' between t2.startIpNum and t2.endIpNum) limit 1

mysql explain select, t1.region, t1.latitude, t1.longitude  
from hn_iplocation as t1,hn_iprange as t2 where t1.locid=t2.locid and  
('2720518136' between t2.startIpNum and t2.endIpNum) limit 1\G

*** 1. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
table: t1
 type: ALL
possible_keys: PRIMARY
  key: NULL
  key_len: NULL
  ref: NULL
 rows: 20029
*** 2. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
table: t2
 type: ref
possible_keys: locId
  key: locId
  key_len: 5
  ref: helloneighbour_com_1.t1.locId
 rows: 4
Extra: Using where
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Table structure T1:
mysql describe hn_iplocation;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default |  
Extra  |
| locId  | int(16) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL|  
auto_increment |
| country| char(2)  | YES  | | NULL 
| region | char(2)  | YES  | | NULL 
| city   | varchar(45)  | YES  | MUL | NULL 
| postalCode | varchar(7)   | YES  | MUL | NULL 
| latitude   | float(9,5)   | YES  | | NULL 
| longitude  | float(9,5)   | YES  | | NULL 

7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Table structure T2:
mysql describe hn_iprange;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| startIpNum | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
| endIpNum   | int(10) unsigned | YES  | | NULL|   |
| locId  | int(16) unsigned | YES  | MUL | NULL|   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Index from T1:
mysql show index from hn_iplocation;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name   | Seq_in_index |  
Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null |  
Index_type | Comment |
| hn_iplocation |  0 | PRIMARY|1 |  
locId   | A |   20029 | NULL | NULL   |  |  
BTREE  | |
| hn_iplocation |  1 | postalcode |1 |  
postalCode  | A |1820 | NULL | NULL   | YES  |  
BTREE  | |
| hn_iplocation |  1 | city   |1 |  
city| A |1820 | NULL | NULL   | YES  |  
BTREE  | |

3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Index from T2:
mysql show index from hn_iprange;
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name |  
Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type |  
Comment |
| hn_iprange |  1 | locId|1 | locId   |  
A |   20587 | NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE   
| |
| hn_iprange |  1 | 

Re: using between

2005-03-26 Thread Jigal van Hemert
From: Rob Brooks

 Well, we have this db with various ip address ranges and the country of
 origin associated with each ... the format is:

 countryOfOrigin FromIP ToIP
 --- -- 
 US some lower bound some upper bound
 Canada some lower bound some upper bound

 So the real statement would be:

 Select countryOfOrigin From IPRangeTable where targetIP between FromIP and

What about creating an index on both FromIP and ToIP and using a query like:

SELECT `countryOfOrigin` FROM `IPRangeTable` WHERE `FromIp` = targetIP AND
`ToIP` = targetIP;

This way MySQL can use the index to search the record and only needs a
single read on the table itself to fetch the countryOfOrigin.

Regards, Jigal.

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using between

2005-03-25 Thread Rob Brooks

Is there a way when searching for a range of values for a particular field
that mysql would not have to look at the entire table ... I'm guessing with
some type of composite key or something? ...


SELECT aField FROM aDatabase WHERE aVariable BETWEEN field1 AND field2;

Field1 and field2 are indexed but that doesn't help because you're looking
for a range of values instead of a particular value

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Re: using between

2005-03-25 Thread mos
At 01:48 PM 3/25/2005, you wrote:
Is there a way when searching for a range of values for a particular field
that mysql would not have to look at the entire table ... I'm guessing with
some type of composite key or something? ...
SELECT aField FROM aDatabase WHERE aVariable BETWEEN field1 AND field2;
Field1 and field2 are indexed but that doesn't help because you're looking
for a range of values instead of a particular value
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around your example.It's 
like the tail wagging the dog.g

Putting variables and columns to your syntax I get:
select cust_num from table_invoices where 5 between invoice_amt and tax;

I think you meant to say:
select aCol from aTable where aCol between val1 and val2;
If aCol is indexed, then MySQL will use the index to get a Range on val1 
and val2. Just use Explain and you'll see the index that it's using.


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RE: using between

2005-03-25 Thread Rob Brooks
Well, we have this db with various ip address ranges and the country of
origin associated with each ... the format is:

countryOfOrigin FromIP  ToIP
--- --  
US  some lower boundsome upper bound
Canada  some lower boundsome upper bound

So the real statement would be:

Select countryOfOrigin From IPRangeTable where targetIP between FromIP and

Obviously, this looks at every record to see if targetIP is in the range.

I'm just trying to think of a better way to do it 

The ranges are mutually exclusive so once it finds it, that would be it.

I guess I could put a 'limit 1' on there to get it to quit once it finds it.
Is there something better?

-Original Message-
From: mos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 2:36 PM
To: MySQL list
Subject: Re: using between

At 01:48 PM 3/25/2005, you wrote:

Is there a way when searching for a range of values for a particular field
that mysql would not have to look at the entire table ... I'm guessing with
some type of composite key or something? ...


SELECT aField FROM aDatabase WHERE aVariable BETWEEN field1 AND field2;

Field1 and field2 are indexed but that doesn't help because you're looking
for a range of values instead of a particular value

 I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around your example.It's 
like the tail wagging the dog.g

Putting variables and columns to your syntax I get:

select cust_num from table_invoices where 5 between invoice_amt and tax;

I think you meant to say:

select aCol from aTable where aCol between val1 and val2;

If aCol is indexed, then MySQL will use the index to get a Range on val1 
and val2. Just use Explain and you'll see the index that it's using.


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RE: using between

2005-03-25 Thread Matt Babineau
Have you considered just doing a parse on the the IP ranges and having 8
columns in your database, then write your query to work inside the 8 columns

Cols = from_zone, from_net, from_subnet, from_node, to_zone, to_net,
to_subnet, to_node

Then just parse the ip you are looking up and write your query that way.
MySQL should beable to reduce the amount of rows it needs to look at pretty
quickly this way.

Matt Babineau
p: 858.733.0160

-Original Message-
From: Rob Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 1:05 PM
To: 'mos'; 'MySQL list'
Subject: RE: using between

Well, we have this db with various ip address ranges and the country of
origin associated with each ... the format is:

countryOfOrigin FromIP  ToIP
--- --  
US  some lower boundsome upper bound
Canada  some lower boundsome upper bound

So the real statement would be:

Select countryOfOrigin From IPRangeTable where targetIP between FromIP and

Obviously, this looks at every record to see if targetIP is in the range.

I'm just trying to think of a better way to do it 

The ranges are mutually exclusive so once it finds it, that would be it.

I guess I could put a 'limit 1' on there to get it to quit once it finds it.
Is there something better?

-Original Message-
From: mos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 2:36 PM
To: MySQL list
Subject: Re: using between

At 01:48 PM 3/25/2005, you wrote:

Is there a way when searching for a range of values for a particular 
field that mysql would not have to look at the entire table ... I'm 
guessing with some type of composite key or something? ...


SELECT aField FROM aDatabase WHERE aVariable BETWEEN field1 AND field2;

Field1 and field2 are indexed but that doesn't help because you're 
looking for a range of values instead of a particular value

 I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around your example.It's
like the tail wagging the dog.g

Putting variables and columns to your syntax I get:

select cust_num from table_invoices where 5 between invoice_amt and tax;

I think you meant to say:

select aCol from aTable where aCol between val1 and val2;

If aCol is indexed, then MySQL will use the index to get a Range on val1 and
val2. Just use Explain and you'll see the index that it's using.


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Re: Using BETWEEN or = =

2004-01-14 Thread Rory McKinley
On 13 Jan 2004 at 10:11, Eve Atley wrote:

 I am attempting to construct a select statement in which I can find values
 between two fields: start, and end. I have tried using BETWEEN and
 comparing with = and =, but neither meet success. Can someone please set
 me straight? This is meant to be in a PHP page, but I'm assuming the syntax
 is similar if not the same. I understand there is also a min/max, but I'm
 not sure it would work in this instance.
 $sql = SELECT * FROM federal-married WHERE start = .$_POST['salary'].
 AND end = .$_POST['salary'];
 Table: federal-married (finds federal tax rate based on marital status)
 start = min field, ie. 804
 end = max field, ie. 2801
 $_POST['salary'] = salary of individual posted from a form
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Hi Eve

If I assume that you are looking for a salary that lies between the values stored in 
start and end field? In this case your query won't work cos your greater and less 
are a little bit confused. This query (compare with yours above) should work:

$sql = SELECT * FROM federal-married WHERE start = .$_POST['salary'].
AND end = .$_POST['salary'];

Rory McKinley
Nebula Solutions
+27 82 857 2391
There are 10 kinds of people in this world, 
those who understand binary and those who don't (Unknown)

Using BETWEEN or = =

2004-01-13 Thread Eve Atley

I am attempting to construct a select statement in which I can find values
between two fields: start, and end. I have tried using BETWEEN and
comparing with = and =, but neither meet success. Can someone please set
me straight? This is meant to be in a PHP page, but I'm assuming the syntax
is similar if not the same. I understand there is also a min/max, but I'm
not sure it would work in this instance.

$sql = SELECT * FROM federal-married WHERE start = .$_POST['salary'].
AND end = .$_POST['salary'];

Table: federal-married (finds federal tax rate based on marital status)
start = min field, ie. 804
end = max field, ie. 2801
$_POST['salary'] = salary of individual posted from a form

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RE: Using BETWEEN or = =

2004-01-13 Thread Mike Johnson
From: Eve Atley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am attempting to construct a select statement in which I 
 can find values between two fields: start, and end. I have 
 tried using BETWEEN and comparing with = and =, but 
 neither meet success. Can someone please set me straight? 
 This is meant to be in a PHP page, but I'm assuming the 
 syntax is similar if not the same. I understand there is 
 also a min/max, but I'm not sure it would work in this 
 $sql = SELECT * FROM federal-married WHERE start = 
 .$_POST['salary']. AND end = .$_POST['salary'];
 Table: federal-married (finds federal tax rate based on 
 marital status)
 start = min field, ie. 804
 end = max field, ie. 2801
 $_POST['salary'] = salary of individual posted from a form

Have you tried this?

$sql = 
FROM federal-married 
WHERE {$_POST['salary']} BETWEEN start AND end

Mike Johnson
Web Developer
Smarter Living, Inc.
phone (617) 886-5539

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How to select records based on timestamp field (using BETWEEN and AND sql clause

2003-11-18 Thread wu hai
I have a table with one timestamp field named timedate (Unix_timestamp 
format). I used the follow command but it's not working correctly:

mysql select count(*) from tablename where date_format(timedate,%Y-%m-%d) 
between date_sub(now(), interval 1 DAY) and now();
Empty Set

This result is not right since I know there are records in the table that 
got inserted in the past 24 hours. Does anyone know why?

Also it seems unix_timestamp() function only return results in GMT timezone. 
I don't know how it can return results in US central timezone.

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