Need help with a sql query

2007-10-21 Thread Imran
Hello all:


I have two tables:


1. MenuAccess:








2. MenuOptions





I would like to get all of the records in MenuOptions and any record in
MenuAccess with a specific fkGroupid. For example:


A. MenuAccess


AccessId   fkMenuID   fkgroupid   view  execute

1  1  2  1

2  2  2  1

3  3  2  0

4  1  1  1


B. MenuOptions


Menuid  MenuName

1 Order Maintenance

2 Customer Maintenance

3 Reports




IIf I run a query for fkgroupid = 1 I should get


AccessId   fkMenuID   fkgroupid   view  execute
MenuId  MenuName

1  1  2  1
1  1  Order Maintenence

Null   Null   Null   Null
Null   2  Customer Maintenence

Null   Null   Null   Null
Null   3  Reports



Any help will be appreciated.




Re: Need help with a sql query

2007-10-21 Thread mysql

Imran wrote:

Hello all:


I would like to get all of the records in MenuOptions and any record in
MenuAccess with a specific fkGroupid. For example:


IIf I run a query for fkgroupid = 1 I should get


AccessId   fkMenuID   fkgroupid   view  execute
MenuId  MenuName

1  1  2  1
1  1  Order Maintenence

Null   Null   Null   Null
Null   2  Customer Maintenence

Null   Null   Null   Null
Null   3  Reports

You'll need a UNION for:

SELECT ma.AccessId, ma.fkMenuID, ma.fkgroupid, ma.view, ma.execute, 
mo.MenuId, mo.MenuName

FROM MenuAccess AS ma
LEFT JOIN MenuOptions AS mo ON mo.Menuid = ma.fkMenuID
WHERE ma.fkgroupid = 1
FROM MenuOptions
(SELECT fkMenuID FROM MenuAccess WHERE fkgroupid = 1);

(untested but it looks about right)

Note that the second WHERE clause has a subquery where you have to 
repeat the given fkgroupid. Otherwise, you'll get 2 rows for Order 
Maintenence. I'm sure there's a much more elegant way to achieve this.

As an aside, you really should pick one column-naming convention and 
stick to it. The case of the column names is all over the place 
(fkMenuID, fkgroupid, MenuID). This can only cause you headaches down 
the road when you're trying to remember if it was MenuID, menuId, 
menuid, or something altogether different.

Personally, I use fk_menu_id.

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-06 Thread Gobi

Rhino wrote:

I'm glad the explanation helped. I figured that the solution alone wouldn't
be very useful if it wasn't explained since it is not obvious to most people
how correlated queries work :-)

I really wasn't trying to center you out with my rant about MySQL version.
It's been a long-running frustration for me; I've tried to urge people to
give this information in their notes to the list but an awful lot of people
never think to mention their version. Then, an already lengthy reply gets
even longer as you try to explain: If you have Version 3.x, the solution is
this If you have Version 4.x the solution is this. If you have
Version 5.x, the solution is this. You get the picture.

Okay, let me explain the temp tables approach now.

Most subqueries are not correlated so the subquery gets done once and then
its result gets plugged into the outer query. For example, given a table
called Employee in the Sample database which has one row for each employee
and each row contains an employee number, last name, and salary, this query
will return the employee number and last name of every employee who makes
more than the average salary for all employees in the table:

select empno, lastname
from Sample.Employee
where salary 
(select avg(salary)
from Sample.Employee);

If subqueries are supported, as in Version 4.1.x or above of MySQL, you just
run that exact query and you will get a list of all of the people who make
more than the average salary.

However, if you are using an older version of MySQL which doesn't support
subqueries, you need to use a temporary table approach. Basically, you
create a temporary table that contains the same results that the subquery
would have given you, then join it to the outer query. [Many, but not all,
subqueries can be rewritten as joins.] For example:
#Create the temporary table that will contain the average salary for all
create table if not exists temp_average_salary (average_salary

#Populate the temporary table with the average salary for all employees.
insert into temp_average_salary(select avg(salary) from Sample.Employee);

#Do a join of the employee table and the temporary table to obtain only
employees who make
#more than the average salary.
select empno, lastname, salary
from Sample.Employee e inner join temp_average_salary t
where e.salary  t.average_salary;

This would give the same result as the original solution that used
subqueries although there is obviously more work to do in accomplishing the
desired result.

Initially, I was almost certain that this approach could not be made to work
for your problem due to its correlated nature but a couple of experiments
persuaded me that it was possible after all. It's actually quite similar to
the example I gave above, except that this time the temporary table is not
just a single value on a single row but a table containing one row for each
VBS_id, showing the max (latest) date for any row containing that VBS_id.
Here's the definition of the table and the correct method of populating the

create table if not exists temp_table
(VBS_id int not null,
max_date date not null);

insert into temp_table (select VBS_id, max(date) from VBS_table group by

If you display the contents of the temporary table, you get:


Now, you simply join the VBS_table and the temp_table, as follows:
select v.VBS_id,, v.weight
from VBS_table v inner join temp_table t
on v.VBS_id = t.VBS_id
and = t.max_date;

The result is exactly what you wanted:

You could apply this solution to versions of MySQL that don't have subquery
support; just remember that you need to re-create the temp_table immediately
before you do the join each time; otherwise, you are going to determine
whatever weights were in effect whenever you first populated the temp_table,
not the current weights.

In your case though, you can make life better for yourself. Since you have
view support, you can simply create a view that is the equivalent to the
temp_table and then join the view to the VBS_table to get the data you want.
Since the view is always up-to-date, you eliminate the need to have the
temp_table at all. Something like this:

create view VBS_max_dates
(VBS_id, max_date)
as select VBS_id, max(date)
from VBS_table
group by VBS_id;

select v.VBS_id,, v.weight
from VBS_table v inner join VBS_max_dates z
on v.VBS_id = z.VBS_id
and = z.max_date;

Note that the view is only created once, not each time you are about to do
the join!!

One other solution jumps to mind that should be just as good. Instead of
creating temp tables or views, why not just put the original correlated
subquery that I gave you into a stored procedure? Then, all you'd need to do
is call that stored procedure every 

Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-05 Thread Gobi

Rhino wrote:

I can't test this in MySQL- I'm using an older version of MySQL that doesn't
support subqueries - but it works in DB2 and it should do the trick for
getting the current weight of each VBS_id value:

select VBS_id, date, weight
from VBS_table x
where date =
(select max(date) from VBS_table
where VBS_id = x.VBS_id);

I'm assuming you are using a more version of MySQL which DOES support
subqueries! If not, you may be able to get the same result with temp tables
but I haven't tried that. Make sure to say something if you don't know how
to use temp tables to simulate subqueries. I'm dubious that this query can
be simulated with temp tables though

(Rant: I REALLY wish people (all people, not just you) posting questions to
this mailing list would get in the habit of specifying which version of
MySQL they are using!! The answers to questions FREQUENTLY depend on the
MySQL version so it would really help reduce the size of answers if people
volunteered this information in the original question.)

Also, I'm assuming that that MySQL supports correlated subqueries; I'm
really not sure so I'll let you try the actual query and see if it works for

Here's an explanation of how this query works, in case you've never seen one
like this before.

This is called a correlated subquery; the key thing that makes it obvious
that this is a correlated subquery (in case you have to recognize one) is
that a correlation name, in this case 'x', appears in the FROM clause of the
outer query and again in the WHERE clause of the subquery. The subquery
appears in brackets in case you are not familiar with subqueries.

A correlated subquery works backwards to a normal subquery. In a normal
subquery, the subquery is executed first and is only executed once: its
result is plugged into the outer query which then executes just once as
well. In a correlated subquery, both the outer query and the subquery are
executed _repeatedly_, possibly MANY times each.

The outer query is executed in order to obtain one row, THEN the subquery is
executed to see if the row found by the outer query can be kept. In this
case, let's say that the outer query returned the first row of the table,
which has a VBS_id of 11 and a date of '10/3/2005': the subquery
determines the maximum (most recent) date for any row that has same VBS_id
as the one just found by the outer query; if the maximum date differs from
the date found by the outer query, the outer query row is discarded and does
not appear in the final result set. In this case, the maximum date for
VBS_ID is 10/8/2005 which is not equal to the value found by the outer
query, so that row is discarded.

Having dealt with the first row of the outer query, the outer query executes
again and gets another row. Again, the subquery is executed to see if the
date is the same as maximum date for that VBS_id and again, the outer row is
only kept if its date matches the maximum date found by the subquery. And so
it goes, one row at a time, until the outer query has read every row of the
table; a single row of the outer query is obtained, then the subquery
determines if that row contains the maximum date for the VBS_id that was
just found by the outer query. The final result will contain only rows that
have the maximum dates for each VBS_id and will show the VBS_id, the maximum
date, and the weight at that date. That is the result you requested.

Bear in mind that a correlated query can perform much more poorly than a
regular subquery, although the optimizer sometimes has tricks that make the
performance quite tolerable.

There may be a solution that doesn't involve a correlated subquery but it's
not coming to me. However, others who are better at SQL may think of
something that does the job.


Wow, excellent explanation.  By the way, my apologies... I am using 
MySQL 5.0.15.  I would be interested in knowing how to use temp tables 
to simulate subqueries though.  I found out that the sql statement, 
although it returns the correct result, does not work in a view because 
MySQL Views does not allow subqueries.

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-05 Thread Rhino
 that result.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: Help with an SQL query

 Rhino wrote:

 I can't test this in MySQL- I'm using an older version of MySQL that
 support subqueries - but it works in DB2 and it should do the trick for
 getting the current weight of each VBS_id value:
 select VBS_id, date, weight
 from VBS_table x
 where date =
 (select max(date) from VBS_table
 where VBS_id = x.VBS_id);
 I'm assuming you are using a more version of MySQL which DOES support
 subqueries! If not, you may be able to get the same result with temp
 but I haven't tried that. Make sure to say something if you don't know
 to use temp tables to simulate subqueries. I'm dubious that this query
 be simulated with temp tables though
 (Rant: I REALLY wish people (all people, not just you) posting questions
 this mailing list would get in the habit of specifying which version of
 MySQL they are using!! The answers to questions FREQUENTLY depend on the
 MySQL version so it would really help reduce the size of answers if
 volunteered this information in the original question.)
 Also, I'm assuming that that MySQL supports correlated subqueries; I'm
 really not sure so I'll let you try the actual query and see if it works
 Here's an explanation of how this query works, in case you've never seen
 like this before.
 This is called a correlated subquery; the key thing that makes it obvious
 that this is a correlated subquery (in case you have to recognize one) is
 that a correlation name, in this case 'x', appears in the FROM clause of
 outer query and again in the WHERE clause of the subquery. The subquery
 appears in brackets in case you are not familiar with subqueries.
 A correlated subquery works backwards to a normal subquery. In a normal
 subquery, the subquery is executed first and is only executed once: its
 result is plugged into the outer query which then executes just once as
 well. In a correlated subquery, both the outer query and the subquery are
 executed _repeatedly_, possibly MANY times each.
 The outer query is executed in order to obtain one row, THEN the subquery
 executed to see if the row found by the outer query can be kept. In this
 case, let's say that the outer query returned the first row of the table,
 which has a VBS_id of 11 and a date of '10/3/2005': the subquery
 determines the maximum (most recent) date for any row that has same
 as the one just found by the outer query; if the maximum date differs
 the date found by the outer query, the outer query row is discarded and
 not appear in the final result set. In this case, the maximum date for
 VBS_ID is 10/8/2005 which is not equal to the value found by the outer
 query, so that row is discarded.
 Having dealt with the first row of the outer query, the outer query
 again and gets another row. Again, the subquery is executed to see if the
 date is the same as maximum date for that VBS_id and again, the outer row
 only kept if its date matches the maximum date found by the subquery. And
 it goes, one row at a time, until the outer query has read every row of
 table; a single row of the outer query is obtained, then the subquery
 determines if that row contains the maximum date for the VBS_id that was
 just found by the outer query. The final result will contain only rows
 have the maximum dates for each VBS_id and will show the VBS_id, the
 date, and the weight at that date. That is the result you requested.
 Bear in mind that a correlated query can perform much more poorly than a
 regular subquery, although the optimizer sometimes has tricks that make
 performance quite tolerable.
 There may be a solution that doesn't involve a correlated subquery but
 not coming to me. However, others who are better at SQL may think of
 something that does the job.

 Wow, excellent explanation.  By the way, my apologies... I am using
 MySQL 5.0.15.  I would be interested in knowing how to use temp tables
 to simulate subqueries though.  I found out that the sql statement,
 although it returns the correct result, does not work in a view because
 MySQL Views does not allow subqueries.

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Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Gobi
Not sure if this is the right place to ask.  I have a table, Weight, 
with the following test data:

idx  VBS_ID   DateWeight
2119/5/2004  10

What I would like to do is to get the most recent weight for each unique 
VBS_ID.  So, in this case, I want a result of:

11, 10/8/2005, 11.52
12, 10/8/2005, 10.5

Can anyone tell me how to do this?  Thanks.

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Arno Coetzee

Gobi wrote:

Not sure if this is the right place to ask.  I have a table, Weight, 
with the following test data:

idx  VBS_ID   DateWeight
2119/5/2004  10

What I would like to do is to get the most recent weight for each 
unique VBS_ID.  So, in this case, I want a result of:

11, 10/8/2005, 11.52
12, 10/8/2005, 10.5

Can anyone tell me how to do this?  Thanks.

select VBS_ID , max(Date)
from weight

Arno Coetzee
Flash Media Group
Office : +27 12 342 3490
Mobile : +27 82 693 6180
Fax : + 27 12 430 4269

FMG Total messaging solution.  For all your GSM (SMS and USSD) messaging needs.  
Quick and easy do-it-yourself interfaces. 

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Gobi

Arno Coetzee wrote:

Gobi wrote:

Not sure if this is the right place to ask.  I have a table, Weight, 
with the following test data:

idx  VBS_ID   DateWeight
2119/5/2004  10

What I would like to do is to get the most recent weight for each 
unique VBS_ID.  So, in this case, I want a result of:

11, 10/8/2005, 11.52
12, 10/8/2005, 10.5

Can anyone tell me how to do this?  Thanks.

select VBS_ID , max(Date)
from weight

Actually, I tried that.  For one thing, using max() also requires a 
GROUP BY clause.  Otherwise, mysql complains.  So I am forced to run the 
following statement:

Select VBS_ID, max(Date) from Weight Group By VBS_ID

And it returns:


At first, I thought I had it right but when I look more closely, the 
weights are incorrect.  The weight for 11 on 10/8/2005 should be 
11.52.  It looks look it is just returning the weight for 10/3/2005.

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Gobi

Gobi wrote:

Arno Coetzee wrote:

Gobi wrote:

Not sure if this is the right place to ask.  I have a table, Weight, 
with the following test data:

idx  VBS_ID   DateWeight
2119/5/2004  10

What I would like to do is to get the most recent weight for each 
unique VBS_ID.  So, in this case, I want a result of:

11, 10/8/2005, 11.52
12, 10/8/2005, 10.5

Can anyone tell me how to do this?  Thanks.

select VBS_ID , max(Date)
from weight

Actually, I tried that.  For one thing, using max() also requires a 
GROUP BY clause.  Otherwise, mysql complains.  So I am forced to run 
the following statement:

Select VBS_ID, max(Date) from Weight Group By VBS_ID

And it returns:


At first, I thought I had it right but when I look more closely, the 
weights are incorrect.  The weight for 11 on 10/8/2005 should be 
11.52.  It looks look it is just returning the weight for 10/3/2005.

As a further note on my above post, I added idx to my query:

Select idx, VBS_ID, max(Date) from Weight Group By VBS_ID

and it returned:

1  1110/8/200511.5
5  1210/8/200510.5

So actually, it is returning the wrong rows.

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Johan Höök

Hi Gobi,
there was a similar posting in august.
which I think describes what you want.
I'll include a bit of it here as well

This is out of the MySQL class and is called the Max-Concat trick.

What is the biggest country in each continent?
The Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum of a Certain Field

MySQL Select Continent,
-  SUBSTRING(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),11) AS
- 0+LEFT(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),10) AS
- From Country
- Group By Continent
- Order By Population DESC;


Gobi wrote:

Gobi wrote:

Arno Coetzee wrote:

Gobi wrote:

Not sure if this is the right place to ask.  I have a table, Weight, 
with the following test data:

idx  VBS_ID   DateWeight
2119/5/2004  10

What I would like to do is to get the most recent weight for each 
unique VBS_ID.  So, in this case, I want a result of:

11, 10/8/2005, 11.52
12, 10/8/2005, 10.5

Can anyone tell me how to do this?  Thanks.

select VBS_ID , max(Date)
from weight

Actually, I tried that.  For one thing, using max() also requires a 
GROUP BY clause.  Otherwise, mysql complains.  So I am forced to run 
the following statement:

Select VBS_ID, max(Date) from Weight Group By VBS_ID

And it returns:


At first, I thought I had it right but when I look more closely, the 
weights are incorrect.  The weight for 11 on 10/8/2005 should be 
11.52.  It looks look it is just returning the weight for 10/3/2005.

As a further note on my above post, I added idx to my query:

Select idx, VBS_ID, max(Date) from Weight Group By VBS_ID

and it returned:

1  1110/8/200511.5
5  1210/8/200510.5

So actually, it is returning the wrong rows.

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Gobi

Johan Höök wrote:

Hi Gobi,
there was a similar posting in august.
which I think describes what you want.
I'll include a bit of it here as well

This is out of the MySQL class and is called the Max-Concat trick.

What is the biggest country in each continent?
The Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum of a Certain Field

MySQL Select Continent,
-  SUBSTRING(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),11) AS
- 0+LEFT(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),10) AS
- From Country
- Group By Continent
- Order By Population DESC;


Sorry for being slow but this statement is quite confusing and I am 
having difficulty trying to understand it in order to adapt it to my 
table.  Can you explain it?  Thanks.

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Gobi

Johan Höök wrote:

Hi Gobi,
there was a similar posting in august.
which I think describes what you want.
I'll include a bit of it here as well

This is out of the MySQL class and is called the Max-Concat trick.

What is the biggest country in each continent?
The Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum of a Certain Field

MySQL Select Continent,
-  SUBSTRING(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),11) AS
- 0+LEFT(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),10) AS
- From Country
- Group By Continent
- Order By Population DESC;


Actually, taking a closer look at your link, I think my query is 
slightly different from  Kemin's.  Kemin was trying to get the top 
numbers from col2 AND col3 together.  Therefore, in his original 
statement, he was trying to order both col2 and col3 in descending order.

Me, I just want to get the most recent date for each unique VBS_ID.  I 
don't need to get the max weight so I am not sure if it is necessary to 
concat my date and weight together.  Comments?

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Johan Höök

Hi Gobi,
the problem with your original query is that there is no
guarantee that your max(date) and it's associated VBS_ID
is picked, so what you have to ensure is that they get picked
together, so I think your statement should be like this:
SUBSTRING( MAX( CONCAT( LPAD( Date,10,'0'),weight, 11 ) AS D
   LEFT( MAX( CONCAT( LPAD(Date,10,'0'),weight)), 10 ) AS W
What happens here is that you're not doing max on date, you're
doing it on the combination of date and weight. What might be a
problem though is your dateformat, you might run into problems
with that I guess. Also you might have to play with lengths a bit.


Gobi wrote:

Johan Höök wrote:

Hi Gobi,
there was a similar posting in august.
which I think describes what you want.
I'll include a bit of it here as well

This is out of the MySQL class and is called the Max-Concat trick.

What is the biggest country in each continent?
The Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum of a Certain Field

MySQL Select Continent,
-  SUBSTRING(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),11) AS
- 0+LEFT(MAX(CONCAT(LPAD(Population,10,'0'),Name)),10) AS
- From Country
- Group By Continent
- Order By Population DESC;


Sorry for being slow but this statement is quite confusing and I am 
having difficulty trying to understand it in order to adapt it to my 
table.  Can you explain it?  Thanks.

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Re: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Gobi

Figured out the query:

select idx, vbs_id, date, weight from Weight,
(select vbs_id as maxid, max(date) as maxdate from Weight group by 
vbs_id) as t

where vbs_id = maxid and date = maxdate;

It returns the proper weight and idx.

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Fw: Help with an SQL query

2005-11-04 Thread Rhino
Oops, I meant to post this on the list AND copy the person asking the


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Help with an SQL query

 I can't test this in MySQL- I'm using an older version of MySQL that
 support subqueries - but it works in DB2 and it should do the trick for
 getting the current weight of each VBS_id value:

 select VBS_id, date, weight
 from VBS_table x
 where date =
 (select max(date) from VBS_table
 where VBS_id = x.VBS_id);

 I'm assuming you are using a more version of MySQL which DOES support
 subqueries! If not, you may be able to get the same result with temp
 but I haven't tried that. Make sure to say something if you don't know how
 to use temp tables to simulate subqueries. I'm dubious that this query can
 be simulated with temp tables though

 (Rant: I REALLY wish people (all people, not just you) posting questions
 this mailing list would get in the habit of specifying which version of
 MySQL they are using!! The answers to questions FREQUENTLY depend on the
 MySQL version so it would really help reduce the size of answers if people
 volunteered this information in the original question.)

 Also, I'm assuming that that MySQL supports correlated subqueries; I'm
 really not sure so I'll let you try the actual query and see if it works

 Here's an explanation of how this query works, in case you've never seen
 like this before.

 This is called a correlated subquery; the key thing that makes it obvious
 that this is a correlated subquery (in case you have to recognize one) is
 that a correlation name, in this case 'x', appears in the FROM clause of
 outer query and again in the WHERE clause of the subquery. The subquery
 appears in brackets in case you are not familiar with subqueries.

 A correlated subquery works backwards to a normal subquery. In a normal
 subquery, the subquery is executed first and is only executed once: its
 result is plugged into the outer query which then executes just once as
 well. In a correlated subquery, both the outer query and the subquery are
 executed _repeatedly_, possibly MANY times each.

 The outer query is executed in order to obtain one row, THEN the subquery
 executed to see if the row found by the outer query can be kept. In this
 case, let's say that the outer query returned the first row of the table,
 which has a VBS_id of 11 and a date of '10/3/2005': the subquery
 determines the maximum (most recent) date for any row that has same VBS_id
 as the one just found by the outer query; if the maximum date differs from
 the date found by the outer query, the outer query row is discarded and
 not appear in the final result set. In this case, the maximum date for
 VBS_ID is 10/8/2005 which is not equal to the value found by the outer
 query, so that row is discarded.

 Having dealt with the first row of the outer query, the outer query
 again and gets another row. Again, the subquery is executed to see if the
 date is the same as maximum date for that VBS_id and again, the outer row
 only kept if its date matches the maximum date found by the subquery. And
 it goes, one row at a time, until the outer query has read every row of
 table; a single row of the outer query is obtained, then the subquery
 determines if that row contains the maximum date for the VBS_id that was
 just found by the outer query. The final result will contain only rows
 have the maximum dates for each VBS_id and will show the VBS_id, the
 date, and the weight at that date. That is the result you requested.

 Bear in mind that a correlated query can perform much more poorly than a
 regular subquery, although the optimizer sometimes has tricks that make
 performance quite tolerable.

 There may be a solution that doesn't involve a correlated subquery but
 not coming to me. However, others who are better at SQL may think of
 something that does the job.


 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 3:05 AM
 Subject: Help with an SQL query

  Not sure if this is the right place to ask.  I have a table, Weight,
  with the following test data:
  idx  VBS_ID   DateWeight
  2119/5/2004  10
  What I would like to do is to get the most recent weight for each unique
  VBS_ID.  So, in this case, I want a result of:
  11, 10/8/2005, 11.52
  12, 10/8/2005, 10.5
  Can anyone tell me how to do this?  Thanks.
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Re: help with an SQL query

2005-02-22 Thread Ian Sales (DBA)
Michael Satterwhite wrote:
As it is, all I can suggest is to JOIN on all 90 tables - and hope MySQL
can handle the query - and that you can type all of them without error.
Note that if you use a UNION query as you suggest above, you will get
the last login FOR EACH DAY - not the overall last loging.
- MySQL will only allow you to join 32 tables in a single SQL statement.
- ian
| Ian Sales  Database Administrator |
|   |
|  All your database are belong to us |
| ebuyer |
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help with an SQL query

2005-02-21 Thread J S
I need a bit of help with a mySQL query. I have a list of users in a text 
file called 'users':

and I need to check the last date each user logged on to the proxy in the 
last 3 months.

In my database, there is a table for the users:
mysql desc user_table;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| ID| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | NULL| auto_increment |
| uid   | varchar(10)  |  | PRI | ||
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
and a table (tYYMMDD) for each days log:
mysql desc t20041209;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| uid  | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| time | timestamp(14)| YES  | | NULL|   |
| ip   | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| urlid| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| timetaken| smallint(5) unsigned | YES  | | 0   |   |
| cs_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| sc_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| method_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| action_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| virus_ID | tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| useragent_ID | smallint(5) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
The time column here gives the actual time the user logged on, but I would 
be happy just to know the date (which I could get from the table name if the 
user's uid was present in there).

Could anyone help me to write an SQL query to do this please?
Many thanks. Please let me know if you need anymore information.

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Re: help with an SQL query

2005-02-21 Thread J S

J S wrote:
| Hi,
| I need a bit of help with a mySQL query. I have a list of users in a
| text file called 'users':
| u655354
| u687994
| u696974
| u728141
| ..
| ..
| and I need to check the last date each user logged on to the proxy in
| the last 3 months.
| In my database, there is a table for the users:
| mysql desc user_table;
| +---+--+--+-+-++
| | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| +---+--+--+-+-++
| | ID| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | NULL| auto_increment |
| | uid   | varchar(10)  |  | PRI | ||
| +---+--+--+-+-++
| 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| and a table (tYYMMDD) for each days log:
| mysql desc t20041209;
| +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | uid  | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | time | timestamp(14)| YES  | | NULL|   |
| | ip   | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | urlid| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | timetaken| smallint(5) unsigned | YES  | | 0   |   |
| | cs_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | sc_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | method_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | action_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | virus_ID | tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | useragent_ID | smallint(5) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| 11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| The time column here gives the actual time the user logged on, but I
| would be happy just to know the date (which I could get from the table
| name if the user's uid was present in there).
| Could anyone help me to write an SQL query to do this please?
| Many thanks. Please let me know if you need anymore information.
Select u.uid, max(l.time) as lastLog
~   From user_table u join t20041209 l on u.uid = l.uid
~   Group by uid;
Thanks Mike. I need to run this query over 3 months though. Is there a quick 
way to write:

t20041101 union t20041102 union t20041103 union ... t20050125 union 


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Re: help with an SQL query

2005-02-21 Thread Michael Satterwhite
Hash: SHA1
J S wrote:
| J S wrote:
| | Hi,
| |
| | I need a bit of help with a mySQL query. I have a list of users in a
| | text file called 'users':
| |
| | u655354
| | u687994
| | u696974
| | u728141
| | ..
| | ..
| |
| | and I need to check the last date each user logged on to the proxy in
| | the last 3 months.
| |
| | In my database, there is a table for the users:
| |
| | mysql desc user_table;
| | +---+--+--+-+-++
| | | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| | +---+--+--+-+-++
| | | ID| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | NULL| auto_increment |
| | | uid   | varchar(10)  |  | PRI | ||
| | +---+--+--+-+-++
| | 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| |
| | and a table (tYYMMDD) for each days log:
| |
| | mysql desc t20041209;
| | +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | | Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| | +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | | uid  | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | time | timestamp(14)| YES  | | NULL|   |
| | | ip   | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | urlid| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | timetaken| smallint(5) unsigned | YES  | | 0   |   |
| | | cs_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | sc_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | | method_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | | action_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | | virus_ID | tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| | | useragent_ID | smallint(5) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| | +--+--+--+-+-+---+
| | 11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| |
| | The time column here gives the actual time the user logged on, but I
| | would be happy just to know the date (which I could get from the table
| | name if the user's uid was present in there).
| |
| | Could anyone help me to write an SQL query to do this please?
| |
| | Many thanks. Please let me know if you need anymore information.
| Select u.uid, max(l.time) as lastLog
| ~   From user_table u join t20041209 l on u.uid = l.uid
| ~   Group by uid;
| Thanks Mike. I need to run this query over 3 months though. Is there a
| quick way to write:
| t20041101 union t20041102 union t20041103 union ... t20050125 union
| t20050126
Not that I know of. Why are you using a different table per day - as
opposed to a single log table with a field containing the day? I'm sure
there's a reason for the current structure, but having a logday field in
a single log table would make this kind of query much easier. A simple
BETWEEN clause would suffice if it was in a single table.
As it is, all I can suggest is to JOIN on all 90 tables - and hope MySQL
can handle the query - and that you can type all of them without error.
Note that if you use a UNION query as you suggest above, you will get
the last login FOR EACH DAY - not the overall last loging.
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Re: help with an SQL query

2005-02-21 Thread Harald Fuchs

 and I need to check the last date each user logged on to the proxy in
 the last 3 months.

 In my database, there is a table for the users:

mysql desc user_table;
 | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
 | ID| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | NULL| auto_increment |
 | uid   | varchar(10)  |  | PRI | ||
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 and a table (tYYMMDD) for each days log:

mysql desc t20041209;
 | Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | uid  | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | time | timestamp(14)| YES  | | NULL|   |
 | ip   | int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | urlid| int(10) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | timetaken| smallint(5) unsigned | YES  | | 0   |   |
 | cs_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | sc_size  | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | 0   |   |
 | method_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
 | action_ID| tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
 | virus_ID | tinyint(3) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
 | useragent_ID | smallint(5) unsigned |  | MUL | 0   |   |
 11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 The time column here gives the actual time the user logged on, but I
 would be happy just to know the date (which I could get from the table
 name if the user's uid was present in there).

 Could anyone help me to write an SQL query to do this please?

Create a MERGE table over all the logs for at least the last three
months, and then proceed as described in the manual under
The Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum of a Certain Field.

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Re: need help on a SQL query: need LEFT JOIN?

2002-09-07 Thread Luís Fernando

You wrote:

 I apologize for asking such a basic SQL question, but I am failing in
 the solution...
 Consider the following table:

 id | option
 1  | a
 2  | a
 2  | b

 I want to find the ids with only a specific set of options.
 For example, if I wanted to get the ids which have option a only, the
 should give me 1 as a result, not 1 and 2.

 I suspect I need to use a LEFT JOIN on the same table, but I have failed
 miserably so far...

 Many thanks in advance to the SQL experts ;-).

 Jean-Luc (

There are no need to use the left join in this query. The best way to do
what you wanna is within the following query:

SELECT id FROM table GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(option) = 1;

You can change the count value to take the ids that have
specified number of options.

Luís Fernando

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Re: need help on a SQL query: need LEFT JOIN?

2002-09-06 Thread jfontain

I wrote:
I apologize for asking such a basic SQL question, but I am failing in finding 
the solution...
Consider the following table:
id | option
1  | a
2  | a
2  | b
I want to find the ids with only a specific set of options.
For example, if I wanted to get the ids which have option a only, the query 
should give me 1 as a result, not 1 and 2.
I suspect I need to use a LEFT JOIN on the same table, but I have failed 
miserably so far...
Many thanks in advance to the SQL experts ;-).

Thank you very much to all for your responses: it led me to the solution and in 
the process improved my SQL level:

select id
from t left join t as u
on ( = and (t.option = u.option) and (
  (t.option = 'a') or (t.option = 'b') or ...
group by
having (count(*) = count( and (count(*) = N)

* with N = number of options to match

Thanks again!

Jean-Luc (

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need help on a SQL query: need LEFT JOIN?

2002-09-05 Thread jfontain

I apologize for asking such a basic SQL question, but I am failing in finding 
the solution...
Consider the following table:

id | option
1  | a
2  | a
2  | b

I want to find the ids with only a specific set of options.
For example, if I wanted to get the ids which have option a only, the query 
should give me 1 as a result, not 1 and 2.

I suspect I need to use a LEFT JOIN on the same table, but I have failed 
miserably so far...

Many thanks in advance to the SQL experts ;-).

Jean-Luc (

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Re: need help on a SQL query: need LEFT JOIN?

2002-09-05 Thread Jed Verity

Does this work?

select,t.option,t2.option from tableName t left join tableName t2 on and t2.option!=t.option where t.option=a and isnull(t2.option);


On the threshold of genius, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I apologize for asking such a basic SQL question, but I am failing in finding
 the solution...
 Consider the following table:
 id | option
 1  | a
 2  | a
 2  | b
 I want to find the ids with only a specific set of options.
 For example, if I wanted to get the ids which have option a only, the query
 should give me 1 as a result, not 1 and 2.
 I suspect I need to use a LEFT JOIN on the same table, but I have failed
 miserably so far...
 Many thanks in advance to the SQL experts ;-).
 Jean-Luc (
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Help with complex SQL Query

2001-04-12 Thread Peter M. Perchansky


Prelude: We have five tables all sharing a very similar structure (each has 
a Customer_ID and Server_ID field for example).

Each table can contain zero to many records with duplicate Server_ID values 

Need: I need to be able to count the distinct Server_ID's across all of the 

Problems: A customer can have one Server_ID in one table, ten Server_ID's 
(some duplicate) in another table and so on. The customer will have the 
same Customer_ID in all tables.

I've tried inner joins, left joins, et all to no avail.

The syntax below will only show two Server_ID's for a customer that has 
close to 10.

SELECT DISTINCT Application.Server_ID FROM Application LEFT JOIN Content ON 
Application.Customer_ID = Content.Customer_ID LEFT JOIN Performance ON 
Content.Customer_ID = Performance.Customer_ID LEFT JOIN Ping ON 
Performance.Customer_ID = Ping.Customer_ID LEFT JOIN Port ON 
Ping.Customer_ID = Port.Customer_ID WHERE Application.Customer_ID = 1 OR 
Content.Customer_ID = 1 OR Performance.Customer_ID = 1 OR Ping.Customer_ID 
= 1 OR Port.Customer_ID = 1;

What is the correct SQL to get a list of all of the distinct Server_ID's 
across the five tables?

Thank you.

Peter M. Perchansky,  Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Dynamic Net, Inc.
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