Re: [mythtv-users] capturing VCR input (macrovision?)

2005-03-17 Thread jonr
Ajay Sharma wrote:
jonr wrote:
Ajay Sharma wrote:
Have you tried to copy any macrovision-protected VHS tapes?  If so, 
does your capture card generate all these jacked up video files as if 
you were doing a VHS->VHS copy?

I don't think I have ever tried to copy one of those, is there 
something on the VHS that would let me know if it had this type of 
protection? If so, I could try it out and then see what happens.

Well, when I used to do VHS->VHS copies back in the day the resulting 
tape would have really bad lighting which would fade in and out.  That's 
usually the sign of macrovision.  I hear they are developing something 
similar for DVD's so that you can't copy them with software like DVDShrink.

Thanks for checking for me!
Ahhh, I was wondering if that was macrovision. I had run into that also 
when I was trying to paste together a bunch of different clips from VHS 
videos to make a video presentation for a class, colossal waste of time.

The recording I got from the VHS tape was just as good as if I were 
watching it off of the VHS itself. I would expect to see the video 
fading in and out with poor lighting but I get none of that. So it looks 
like the macrovision is not an issue when recording this way.

I will pay closer attention from now on and let you know if I ever 
notice anything different but from all the VHS tapes I have copied to my 
HD, I have never had that problem.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] directv and dish network

2005-03-17 Thread Robert Denier
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 18:02 -0500, David George wrote:
> On 03/16/2005 05:46 PM, Ricardo Kleemann wrote:

> >If I hooked up a VCR to save some tapes to disk (or even burn DVDs), how
> >would I control that from mythtv?
> >  
> >
> There isn't an easy one-button way of doing this.  Sometimes it is just 
> easier to press play on the VCR and type 'cat /dev/video > video.mpg'.  
> What I did once was setup an input source on one of my capture cards 
> called vcr and setup a dummy source for it.

Interesting, I'm assuming this only works with hauppage pvr cards? ?

What does a file read on /dev/video do for ordinary cards?
Is the format parsable?

cat /dev/video0 does manage to completely corrupt my ssh window beyond
even a 'reset' ;p  

On a more serious note I was thinking of eventually making a gpl library
for Labview for manipulating video.  If I can just do a read of that
'file' and run it through a function or what not to extract it out to
RGB or YUV, then it would likely be enough.  (Note that Labview is a
visual programming language some scientists and engineers like.)

If would of course have to use existing linux code.  Of course there
isn't a high demand for this, but it might be nice for some people who
would need it to have an alternative to the expensive national
instruments package.  Of course this is getting off topic..

Robert Denier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
PhD Electrical Engineering (May 2005)
University of Missouri-Rolla

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Problems deleting

2005-03-17 Thread Chris Pinkham
> > This has happened to me on two seperate occasions lately, the touch
> > worked for me, but I would have to think that the developers are going
> > to be solving this issue shortly as it really can be a pain in the...
> I think I remember rather a heated thread on this a few weeks ago. I
> wouldn't bank on it being addressed in the near future!

This was fixed in CVS by allowing Deletes to happen in cases where the file
does not exist and the filesize in the database is 0 bytes.  If the filesize
in the DB is greater than 0, it means that a file was recorded and Myth will
not allow deleting the data from the DB unless the file is present.  If
you move a file out from under Myth, don't expect Myth to continue working.
If you have some other reason the file was (re)moved, then the problem lies
there, not with Myth's delete.



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV & pcHDTV

2005-03-17 Thread Brandon Beattie
On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 12:16:13PM -0500, Eric Nichols wrote:
> Playback of the initial recorded show is very jittery and the front end log
> shows buffering problems.  I've RTFM'ed and read as many posts I could find. 
> I am running a 2ghz machine with nv 5200/256m video card.  Yes all the
> switches are turned on for XV and advanced sound buffering.  And yes I have
> pulled the frontend cvs and compiled it.  No luck, same problem.

As Doug said, 2ghz is underpowered.  XvMC may help some, but 2ghz is
really pushing the border still.  Some people have been able to get AMD
2400 systems working decently with using the libmpeg/alternative player
(set this in setup->setup->tv playback.  

You can try setting a program to be transcoded after it is recorded.
This would be done on the backend and on 2ghz I'd guess would take 3-4
times as long as the show to do.  I haven't done this for some time but
I set a couple shows earlier this week but haven't had a chance to see
if it worked yet.  If others have done it and could report that would be
the best, otherwise I'll report in a week or two.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Blue band right side of picture

2005-03-17 Thread Phill Edwards
> I just switched from my nVidia TV-out back to my PVR350. The TV Quality
> is much better... however, now I seem to be having this same problem!!!
> I have a thin blue line down the rightside of my screen, with a thicker
> black (dead) area to the right of that. overscan doesn't seem to fix
> anything... this seems to be the area where the right side of the PVR350
> Has anyone experienced this? Any fixes? I tried running xvidtune, but
> PVR350 doesn't seem to like any of the modlines involving making the
> picture wider!

Errmmm - what's wrong with the solution posted in this thread re xvattr?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] soundblaster sound sync

2005-03-17 Thread Phill Edwards
> Hi Guys,
> Knoppmyth ver R4V5 , Leadtek winfast 2000 XP and soundblaster live.
> I have routed sound from tvcard to SB live via the internal audio
> cable. Sound is always there and out of sync by a couple of seconds
> After googling I have tried changing the settings of sound card with
> ALSAMIXER but no luck yet.
> Could someone please post there settings for soundblaster live for me
> to compare on my setup , especially alsamixer settings.
> Thanks in advance

If the sound is ahead of the video then it could be what you're
hearing is the sound as it comes in on the TV signal, rather than the
sound as captured and recorded with the video which is usually 2-3
seconds behind the signal coming in. You need to mute the line in on
your mixer and set capture to record. Should be able to find lots
about that in the archives or Jarod's guide.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Problems deleting

2005-03-17 Thread Phill Edwards
> This has happened to me on two seperate occasions lately, the touch
> worked for me, but I would have to think that the developers are going
> to be solving this issue shortly as it really can be a pain in the...

I think I remember rather a heated thread on this a few weeks ago. I
wouldn't bank on it being addressed in the near future!

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HDMI-DVI => Safe for HDTV?

2005-03-17 Thread Nathan Poznick
Thus spake Scott Matheson:
> I'm certainly not complaining -- this was way easy -- I just don't want 
> to be lulled into a false sense of security and fry the CRT-projector 
> TV. Will the tv's HDMI input prevent this? What should I be looking for 
> as signs of a problem? The TV manual is singularly unhelpful.

I've been using a DVI->HDMI connector for my Myth box for a few months
now with no problems.  I say no problems--due to the nvidia driver bug
it won't actually push 1080i, but I've been running in 720x480 without
any issues.  It's even survived my repeated attempts to get 1080i
working.  Does your TV return EDID information to X?  If so, sticking
closely to those scan rates and resolutions should keep you pretty safe.

Nathan Poznick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Occupation is the scythe of time. - Napoleon Bonaparte

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Any reason not to run commflag as a cron job

2005-03-17 Thread Chris Pinkham
> Any reason not to run commflag as a cron job? I do a lot of recording at
> night while I'm playing vengeance on my server and if commflag starts up
> the server starts laggin and people start complaining. Is there any reason
> I cant have commflag run at 1:00am.

There's no reason you can't run mythcommflag in a cron if you want.  I am
going to add a time window for the JobQueue sometime soon, it will allow
you to specify a window of time to allow new jobs to start up.  So you
could tell Myth to only start new jobs from 6am-6pm.  The settings will
be host-specific, so you could have one host that could run new jobs all
day long while another only runs them during the day, etc..

For now a cron should accomplish what you want.  Just turn off automatic
commercial flagging and run mythcommflag manually and it will flag all
unflagged shows.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: MythTV & pcHDTV

2005-03-17 Thread Chris Pinkham
> Thanks for the clarification.  Things make sense now that your mention that HD
> is broadcast in MPEG.  So changing the quality level of the recording has zero
> effect on how the video is initially stored.  So really the menu item for
> pcHDTV transcoder should be removed?

More that the options for bitrate, resolution, etc. should be removed.  The
transcode option should stay.  I have 2 Air2PC cards and record shows
at HDTV resolution, but don't have a frontend (yet) that's powerful enough to
display the recordings.  So, I've done some work recently on mythtranscode
which allows me to transcode down those recordings to something that will
play on my slower frontends.  Then when I get around to upgrading my
frontends to something more powerful, I can turn off transcoding if I
want and watch the recordings in all their glory.  Right now I'm still
enjoying the benefits of digital even though I spend a bit of CPU converting
the recordings down to a lower resolution MPEG4 nuppel file.



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] EXTREMELY choppy video

2005-03-17 Thread Jarod Wilson
On Thursday 17 March 2005 18:17, Paul Leppert wrote:
> Here is the result of mythfrontend -v playback and playing back a
> 1080i stream with the XvMC checkbox checked:
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.465 Over/underscan. V: 0, H: 0, XOff: 0, YOff: 0
> Using XvMC version: 1.0
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w 1920, h 1, c 0, i 2,
> m 0,sw 0, sh 139, disp, p<= 139, 10880 <=p, port, surfNum)
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 Trying XvMC port 139
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w 1920, h 1, c 1, i 2,
> m 0,sw 0, sh 139, disp, p<= 139, 10880 <=p, port, surfNum)
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 Trying XvMC port 139
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.472 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w 1920, h 1, c 0, i 2,
> m 0,sw 0, sh 139, disp, p<= 139, 10880 <=p, port, surfNum)

Something looks goofy there... w 1920 is correct, but I don't think h 1 is 
right (should be 1080)... Have you possibly made changes to the video output 
size, done something with xrandr, etc, and accidentally set the horizontal 
size to 1?

> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.656 prebuffer wait timed out..

Not a good thing.

> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.759 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.

Won't be a huge help to fix this, but every little bit adds up w/HDTV... Like 
someone else suggested, chmod +s the frontend binary.

> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 nVidiaVideoSync: VBlank ioctl did not work,
> unimplemented in this driver?

No worries, the vblank ioctl is only 4663 and earlier nvidia drivers, I see 
the same.

> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 DRMVideoSync: Could not open device
> /dev/dri/card0, No such file or directory

Also not a problem.

> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 RTCVideoSync: Could not set RTC frequency,
> Permission denied.

echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq

That may help a little bit also. I use OpenGL for vsync myself, but this one 
worked well enough for me as well.

> 2005-03-17 19:43:44.160 waiting for prebuffer...
> 2005-03-17 19:43:44.230 A/V diverged by -30 frames, dropping frame to
> keep audio in sync
> 2005-03-17 19:43:44.233 dropping back audio_buffer_unused
> 2005-03-17 19:43:44.296 A/V diverged by 30 frames, extending frame to
> keep audio in sync

Seems familiar to me, I had some messages like that at one time, but I don't 
remember exactly what fixed what anymore...

> I get a bunch of the last message in a row and performance with XvMC
> is really poor (and CPU usage on an XP 2000+ is pegged at 100%).

Hm, not so good, that definitely shouldn't be the case.

> I don't know what is different, but today I do get the black and white
> OSD, so XvMC is definitely working.  Additionally, non-XVMC is even
> worse (just get a blue screen with audio, no picture).

Huh. Beats me...

> I'm assuming the following messages are bad?

Not fatal, no.

> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 nVidiaVideoSync: VBlank ioctl did not work,
> unimplemented in this driver?

Nope, see above.

> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 DRMVideoSync: Could not open device
> /dev/dri/card0, No such file or directory

Nope, not a problem, I don't think the nvidia driver supports that method.

> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 RTCVideoSync: Could not set RTC frequency,
> Permission denied.

See above on this one.

> Any ideas?

Not at the moment, save things I've already written above...

Jarod Wilson

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Job Queues to run by default

2005-03-17 Thread Chris Pinkham
> I've made a Job Queue which works great when I specify to run Job #1
> when I schedule a recording.  But I can't figure out how to make Job
> #1 run by default for all recording.  Where are those default
> settings?
> Is this something missing or I just don't know how to enable it?

There isn't a setting to turn User Jobs on my default when creating
new scheduled recordings, you can only do this with Commercial Flagging.
I didn't add this ability when I created the JobQueue.

If anyone wants to submit a patch to create an option to do this,
feel free, otherwise you'll have to wait until I find a job that I want
to run for every recording and get the urge to implement the feature. :)



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] EXTREMELY choppy video

2005-03-17 Thread Jarod Wilson
On Thursday 17 March 2005 14:11, Paul Leppert wrote:
> Thanks for the response!

No prob.

> On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 12:32:42 -0800, Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hitting the checkbox is all I have to do. I presume you're running with
> > an nVidia graphics card, the XvMC support in the ATrpms packages will
> > only work with nVidia cards.
> I'm running with an nVidia Geforce4 TI 4200. I noticed that my
> previous success with XvMC was on my other machine (a Geforce FX
> 6600), so maybe the 4200 doesn't support XvMC???

The Ti series only do half the XvMC spec, IIRC. The 4MX, all FX and 6000 
series cards support full XvMC.

> > > I don't see anything in the standard log for mythfrontend.  If I turn
> > > on additional logging, what, if anything should I be looking for?
> >
> > Launch the frontend from a console:
> >
> > $ mythfrontend -v playback
> >
> > Should be something in the output there about XvMC...
> I will try with that (-v playback).  However, I ran the frontend with
> -v all and I didn't see anything on xvmc.

Was XvMC enabled in settings? Looks like no, per your next message (which I'll 
get to in just a bit). :-)

> I am also trying to run with mplayer (mplayer -vo xvmc -vc ffmpeg12mc
> recordedfile.nuv) and I get messages about using XVMC (no errors that
> I can tell), but I don't get a picture (it says something about not
> being able to get the correct resolution, repeats that message several
> times at the bottom of the output).

Hm, dunno what's up there.

> I also tried with xine (which is what I use for my video playback (per
> your Tips and Hints)) and used the xine-check script.  Unfortunately,
> I don't know how to tell xine to use xvmc (or if it even does) nor how
> to tell if it is using it.  xine-check didn't find any problems
> though.

I think you need pcHDTV's modified xine to get XvMC playback.

> Any other suggestions are appreciated...

Nothing comes to mind at the moment...

Jarod Wilson

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MythTV, Fedora Core & ATrpms documentation:
MythTV Searchable Mailing List Archive

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mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] HDMI-DVI => Safe for HDTV?

2005-03-17 Thread Scott Matheson
So I'm a little freaked out about running DVI out into my HDTV HDMI. I 
have a 47" Panasonic, so I copied Jarrod's modelines, hooked it up 
(hovering near the tv power button all the while) and booted up the 
computer. All seemed well, I ran it for a few minutes, played back a 
DVD and a HD recording. I got good signal from BIOS, grub, nvidia 
splash, X (KDE) and Myth.

I'm certainly not complaining -- this was way easy -- I just don't want 
to be lulled into a false sense of security and fry the CRT-projector 
TV. Will the tv's HDMI input prevent this? What should I be looking for 
as signs of a problem? The TV manual is singularly unhelpful.

Thanks for any ideas.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR350 Decoding HD?

2005-03-17 Thread Jarod Wilson
On Thursday 17 March 2005 14:13, Mario L wrote:
> Would the PVR350's MPEG2 decoder be able to handle decoding HD over
> SVIDEO.  We weren't planning on buying and HDTV yet, but would still
> like the improvement involved of running a regular TV at 1024x768, and
> downscaling the HD if at possible?

Please search the list archive next time, this has been beaten to death in the 

1) No, the 350's decoder won't handle HDTV-sized MPEG2.
2) The 350 can't output at 1024x768, only 720x480 in NTSC land, 720x576 in PAL 

Jarod Wilson

Got a question? Read this first...
MythTV, Fedora Core & ATrpms documentation:
MythTV Searchable Mailing List Archive

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Where is Jarod's guide to automatic shutdown and restart?

2005-03-17 Thread Jarod Wilson
On Thursday 17 March 2005 18:49, Jim Gifford wrote:
> I have setup nvram-wakeup with the current fedora, if people are
> interested I can post my working configuration information here, or I
> can see if Jarod would take my notes and add it to his tips and tricks
> section of the mythtv fedora how-to.

Sure, bring it on. You can even grab my php source and add everything 
yourself, if you like, then send me an updated file.

Jarod Wilson

Got a question? Read this first...
MythTV, Fedora Core & ATrpms documentation:
MythTV Searchable Mailing List Archive

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] VIA EPIA-M

2005-03-17 Thread Ivor Hewitt
On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 22:56, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 20:13 +, Ivor Hewitt wrote:
> > On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 19:16, Torsten Schenkel wrote:
> > > I don't know for sure, but I seriously doubt the Epia has the muscle
> > > for on the fly compression decompression and i/o bandwidth for twice
> > > full size PAL video (to and fro the processor) and twice compressed
> > > video (to and from HD)
> >
> > Many people are successfully using EPIA based myth boxes... and if you're
> > using the embedded mpeg decoder they're not even stretched.
> How is that done?  By using a closed-source driver?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] VIA EPIA-M

2005-03-17 Thread Ivor Hewitt
On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 22:33, Torsten Schenkel wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 17.03.2005, 20:13 + schrieb Ivor Hewitt:
> > On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 19:16, Torsten Schenkel wrote:
> > > I don't know for sure, but I seriously doubt the Epia has the muscle
> > > for on the fly compression decompression and i/o bandwidth for twice
> > > full size PAL video (to and fro the processor) and twice compressed
> > > video (to and from HD)
> >
> > Many people are successfully using EPIA based myth boxes... and if you're
> > using the embedded mpeg decoder they're not even stretched.
> I know, me being among the first ones :-)
> But as you said: H/W mpeg decoder, which goes with a h/w mpeg encoder as
> the pvr250 or combined en-/decoder as the pvr350. S/W mpeg2 encoding is
> out of the question on the EPIA, divx encoding might just be ok, but
> doing both and the bandwidth for the 2 uncompressed and the 2 compressed
> streams will kill of the small thing i guess.
The bandwidth won't kill it but you're correct there's absolutely no way 
you're going to do live mpeg2 compression on an epia. I doubt you'd be able 
to do mpeg4 either.

And scrolling back I see the original question is about using an analogue 
capture card in an EPIA. so quite right... it's not going to work.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] EXTREMELY choppy video

2005-03-17 Thread Howard Cokl
as root
chmod a+s /usr/local/bin/mythfrontend

then try it again
--- Paul Leppert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jarod,
> Here is the result of mythfrontend -v playback and
> playing back a
> 1080i stream with the XvMC checkbox checked:
> 2005-03-17 19:43:29.515 mythfrontend version:
> 0.17.20050130-1
> 2005-03-17 19:43:29.515 Enabled verbose msgs :
> important general playback
> 2005-03-17 19:43:30.083 Switching to square mode
> (Titivillus)
> 2005-03-17 19:43:30.785 Registering Internal as a
> media playback plugin.
> 2005-03-17 19:43:30.792 Joystick disabled.
> 2005-03-17 19:43:30.810 Registering MythDVD DVD
> Media Handler as a media handler
> 2005-03-17 19:43:30.811 Registering MythDVD VCD
> Media Handler as a media handler
> 2005-03-17 19:43:30.885 Key I is already bound in
> context Gallery.
> 2005-03-17 19:43:31.037 Registering MythMusic Media
> Handler as a media handler
> 2005-03-17 19:43:31.310 Starting media monitor.
> 2005-03-17 19:43:38.203 All Programs
> 2005-03-17 19:43:39.908 Connecting to backend
> server:
> (try 1 of 5)
> 2005-03-17 19:43:39.914 Using protocol version 14
> adding pes stream at pid 0x51 with type 2
> adding pes stream at pid 0x54 with type 129
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.009 AVFD
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD: Opening Stream #0:
> codec id 2
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 detectInterlace(Detect Scan,
> Detect Scan,
> 29.97, 1088) ->Interlaced Scan
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 Interlaced: Interlaced Scan 
> video_height:
> 1088  fps: 29.97
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD: Looking for decoder
> for 2
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD: Opening Stream #1:
> codec id 86020
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD: Looking for decoder
> for 86020
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.012 Estimated bitrate = 19776
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.346 Image size. dispxoff 0,
> dispyoff: 0, dispwoff:
> 0, disphoff: 0
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.346 Image size. imgx 0, imgy: 0,
> imgw: 1920, imgh: 1080
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.347 positionMap[ 0 ] == 3008.
> adding pes stream at pid 0x51 with type 2
> adding pes stream at pid 0x54 with type 129
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.404 AVFD
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.404 AVFD: Opening Stream #0:
> codec id 2
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 detectInterlace(Detect Scan,
> Detect Scan,
> 29.97, 1088) ->Interlaced Scan
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 Interlaced: Interlaced Scan 
> video_height:
> 1088  fps: 29.97
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 AVFD: Looking for decoder
> for 3
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 AVFD
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 AVFD: Opening Stream #1:
> codec id 86020
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 AVFD: Looking for decoder
> for 86020
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.407 Estimated bitrate = 19776
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.441 Position map filled from DB
> to: 53837
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.442 SyncPositionMap prerecorded,
> from DB: 1995 entries
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.442 Position map found
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.448 Opening audio device
> 'spdif'.
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.465 Over/underscan. V: 0, H: 0,
> XOff: 0, YOff: 0
> Using XvMC version: 1.0
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w
> 1920, h 1, c 0, i 2,
> m 0,sw 0, sh 139, disp, p<= 139, 10880 <=p, port,
> surfNum)
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 Trying XvMC port 139
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w
> 1920, h 1, c 1, i 2,
> m 0,sw 0, sh 139, disp, p<= 139, 10880 <=p, port,
> surfNum)
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 Trying XvMC port 139
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.472 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w
> 1920, h 1, c 0, i 2,
> m 0,sw 0, sh 139, disp, p<= 139, 10880 <=p, port,
> surfNum)
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.472 Trying XvMC port 139
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.472 Found a suitable XvMC
> surface 0
> XvMC found and using MC surface
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.472 Using XV port 139
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.521 waiting for prebuffer...
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.529 Image size. dispxoff 0,
> dispyoff: 0, dispwoff:
> 1376, disphoff: 768
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.529 Image size. imgx 0, imgy: 0,
> imgw: 1920, imgh: 1080
> 2005-03-17 19:43:41.656 prebuffer wait timed out..
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.759 Changing from None to
> WatchingPreRecorded
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.759 Realtime priority would
> require SUID as root.
> picture structure FRAME
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.788 XvMC will use bob
> deinterlacing
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.788 Using deinterlace method
> bobdeint
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 nVidiaVideoSync: VBlank
> ioctl did not work,
> unimplemented in this driver?
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 DRMVideoSync: Could not open
> device
> /dev/dri/card0, No such file or directory
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 RTCVideoSync: Could not set
> RTC frequency,
> Permission denied.
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 Set video sync frame
> interval to 33366
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.890 Using audio as timebase
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.890 Video timing method: USleep
> with busy wait
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.890 Refresh rate: 17357, frame
> interval: 33366
> 2005-03-17 19:43:43.890 waiting for prebuffer...
> 2005-03-17 19:43:44.025 prebuffer wait timed out..
> 2005-03-17 19:43:44.025 waiting for prebuffe

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Joseph Caputo
Justin Gombos wrote:
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 17:41]:
When you configure your card, what are you setting up as your video
source, and are you binding it to the Composite1 input?  

For the 'Capture Card Setup', I have the following attributes set for
exactly one capture card:
  Card Type: Standard V4L capture card
  Video Device: /dev/video0
  VBI device: /dev/vbi
  Audio device: /dev/dsp
  Audio sampling rate limit: (none) [unchecked box] Do not adjust vol
  Default input: Composite1
I haven't even begun to work on the audio.  I'm pretty certain the
onboard sound card was not detected, but I'm not concerned with it
right now.  Live tv gives a no audio error, but lets me continue with
video, at which point it displays a blank screen.

How many inputs show up in Myth & what are they named?  

  [Video Sources]
Video source name: myVideoSource
XMLTV listings grabber: North America (DataDirect)
User ID:  Password: 
Data Direct Lineup: 
Channel frequency table: us-cable

Video source name: blah
(same settings as myVideoSource)

  [Input connections]
Capture device:   [V4L: /dev/video0]
Video source: myVideoSource
Input preference: 0
(all other fields are blank)
I've got a couple channels set up, one for channel 3, and one
without a channel.  I wasn't sure if those were relevent or if you
wanted to see all the fields for those.
If you've got more than one channel configured, have you specified an 
external channel-changing script?  Otherwise maybe Myth is trying to 
change channels via v4l on a card that doesn't have a tuner.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Recycled PC as a frontend- disapointment?

2005-03-17 Thread J. Scott
 Thanks for the help on this, guys. I installed the Gatos drivers and now the 
video on my Celeron 466 machine is perfect. 
-Original Message from Shawn Flynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>-
> When I run lspci I get the following 
> VGA Compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage IIC AGP (Rev 7a) 

> There is no entry in the XFree86.0.log for: 
> (II) Loading extension XVideo 
> The output of xvinfo is: 
> "no adaptors present" 
> I checked out the gatos site, but wasn't clear what to do with the info 
> there. 

Yep. You'll need to install the gatos ati.2 drivers in order to get Xv to 
work on that setup. I have a similar machine that I press into service every 
once in a while. It's a Celeron 500 with an onboard ATI RageIIc. It played 
video at 1 frame per second until I installed the gatos drivers. Now it's 
capable of playing 480x480 mpg4 nuv files in Myth without dropping frames. 

To install the binary drivers, go to 
and follow the instructions under the "Installing ati.2 binaries" heading. 
It's as simple as downloading the appropriate tarball, unpacking it to the 
correct location and restarting X. If I can do it, anyone can :-) 

Shawn Flynn 
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] It worked, for a few seconds

2005-03-17 Thread Joseph Caputo
Justin Gombos wrote:
I just got live tv to work, for about five seconds.  When choosing
'watch tv', it was blank, then gave the no /dev/dsp device error
asking me if I want to continue w/out sound.  I answered yes, and got
some choppy video for a few seconds, then it went blank again.
That only happened once.  Other times it's blank for a couple seconds,
and returns back to the menu without even giving me the sound card
warning.  And sometimes it's just blank until I give up and escape
back to the menu manually.
Any messages on the terminal?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MobileMyth?

2005-03-17 Thread Robert Denier
On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 17:52 -0800, Aaron Stewart wrote:
> I kicked this idea around for a while (I think my post on it is in the
> archives somewhere) but didn't get terribly far with it (was just working
> on building out hardware).
> Though my idea had to do with syncing using WiFI to a master server while
> the car is parked, rather than physically attached storage.

Thats what I would do as well.  You need to have some kind of cron job
in either the car computer or a home pc that tests if the car is around.
>From there just setup an rsync server to mirror a tree on the car

Rsync also seems to be great for web sites, especially if you are on a
modem or what have you.  With a cron job setup on the server to sync
occasionally and a private rsync server, the job of keeping the site in
sync even on a really slow connection is quite easy.

> On Thu, 17 Mar 2005, Andrew Close wrote:
> > On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:59:48 -0700, Nathan Hesson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Rather new to the mythtv scene but had an idea and wanted to see what
> > > kindof response this got.  I know some c++ programming and am looking
> > > at trying to build a MobileMyth extension.  It would be a complete
> > > linux from scratch operating system that is intended to run on a
> > > lightweight, machine for your car.  My idea is that you have an
> > > external harddrive (be it usb or firewire or flashdrive or whatever
> > > and you select from a mythweb interface or interfacein mythtv what
> > > content you would like to transfer (music movies games recordings
> > > images)  You then transfer then to the drive and plug the drive into a
> > > seperate computer in your car.  It then reads the drive and you have a
> > > mythtv interface to select all of the content that you just selected.
> > > I know you could export everything and load it to a notebook or
> > > something but i am looking at doing something that would take very
> > > little time to select.  Kindof a set it and forget it.  Also it would
> > > be very cool if you could control it via a touchpanel but that
> > > shouldnt be too hard to interpret mouse movements.  Anyway, that was
> > > kind of long so I will shutup and see what everyone thinks.
> > > Thanks
> > > Nathan
> > > p.s.  If this has been talked about before please let me know.  i
> > > looked around and could not find anything.
> >
> > hi Nathan,
> >
> > i like the idea of a mobileMyth.  there may be other plugins out there
> > that provide some of this functionality.  one of my future projects is
> > to put together a carputer and i thought Myth would be a great
> > frontend.  add a MythGPS plugin and maybe a MythOBDII plugin. :)
> > instead of LFS you may want to look into borrowing from KnoppMyth
> > since it's already a paired down distro that is set up for Myth use.
> > unless you have LFS experience or are itching to try...
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
Robert Denier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
PhD Electrical Engineering (May 2005)
University of Missouri-Rolla

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] capturing VCR input (macrovision?)

2005-03-17 Thread Ajay Sharma
jonr wrote:
Ajay Sharma wrote:
Have you tried to copy any macrovision-protected VHS tapes?  If so, 
does your capture card generate all these jacked up video files as if 
you were doing a VHS->VHS copy?
I don't think I have ever tried to copy one of those, is there something 
on the VHS that would let me know if it had this type of protection? If 
so, I could try it out and then see what happens.
Well, when I used to do VHS->VHS copies back in the day the resulting 
tape would have really bad lighting which would fade in and out.  That's 
usually the sign of macrovision.  I hear they are developing something 
similar for DVD's so that you can't copy them with software like DVDShrink.

Thanks for checking for me!
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] old sound thread

2005-03-17 Thread Marcelo Toledo
Someone started this thread a while back:

> Ståle Undheim wrote:
>> After some problems I finally got sound working in video4linux. Sound
>> is through a cabel into line-in on my soundcard. The TV card is
>> pinnacle PCTV pro - running linux debian sid 2.6.9-1-686. It works
>> fine in tvtime and xawtv, but not in mythtv.
>> The first thing I found that I should correct was to set the recording
>> flag on line-in, and mute it. I did this. Then I tried tvtime again,
>> no sound, as expected. But if I do aplay /dev/dsp I get the tv-sound,
>> although a bit delayed.
> Good. That means that it is recording and playing back the
> digital data correctly.
>> In mythtv I have /dev/dsp as the sound device, but still no sound.
> There are two places you should check. In the backend setup
> program "Capture cards" section you need to set "Audio device"
> to /dev/dsp for recording. In "mythfrontend" Setup->General
> page 3, you need to set "Audio output device" to /dev/dsp for
> palyback.
> -- bjm 

I have the same problem, and I have done the same things, all my devices
are set to /dev/dsp and I still can't hear the sound in
mythtv. Permissions are ok and my mixer is set to:

$ amixer set Master,0 100%,100% unmute
$ amixer set PCM,0 100%,100% unmute
$ amixer set CD,0 75%,75% mute captur <-- NOTE The CD
$ amixer set Capture,0 100%,100% captur
$ su
# alsactl store
# exit

Any idea?
Marcelo Toledo
Mobile: 55 71 9116-1101
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Where is Jarod's guide to automatic shutdown and restart?

2005-03-17 Thread Jim Gifford
Peter Loron wrote:
Partly it is an expense. In some places (like California), electricity 
is very expensive. Having a 100+ watt machine on all the time adds up. 
You also are pumping heat into the room, which you may be paying again 
to extract with your air conditioning.

Aside from any cost constraints, there's the environmental aspect: 
you're using energy that you don't need to use, and it probably comes 
from burning fossil fuel. If it's not a big hassle, just stop doing 
it. Like turning off the lights when you leave a room or the heater/ac 
when you're not at home.

You have a point about powering the box on and off being harder on the 
components than just leaving it on all the time. If you are doing a 
bunch of recording during each day, then it probably is best to just 
leave the machine on. In my case I'll often go > 24 hours between 
recordings, sometimes several days. Not much of a reason to leave the 
machine on when it is busy a few % of the time. The components of the 
system are designed to deal with some power cycling. Typically new 
components either fail quickly or they last. Usually you'll be able to 
get them replaced under warranty when they puke. Aside from a rash of 
bad hard drives (replaced under warranty, run in a 24x7 box), I almost 
never have had a component die before it is retired during an upgrade.

Interesting OT research topic: where is the line between leaving the 
machine on all the time and power cycling? It seems like there's a 
point where the wear from being on without being used much is more 
than the wear from startup for those occasional uses would be. Can 
anybody point to data?

John Andersen wrote:
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 21:43, Jarod Wilson wrote:
On Monday 14 March 2005 04:21, Phill Edwards wrote:
I went looking for this as nvram-wakeup's not working for me any more
for some reason, and I remembered that Jarod uses wake-on-lan from
another machine.

I think you may have me confused with someone else, I've never used 
All my boxes are just on 24x7.

Often wondered about why people are so concerned about WOL
for a myth box.  Where is Electricity so expensive that leaving it
on 24/7 is a problem?
If you turn off the monitor you kill off 80% of the electricity usage
I've metered boxes doing nothing.  They draw squat.
Its harder on the machine being powered on and off all the time than 
it is to just leave it on.

I have setup nvram-wakeup with the current fedora, if people are 
interested I can post my working configuration information here, or I 
can see if Jarod would take my notes and add it to his tips and tricks 
section of the mythtv fedora how-to.


Jim Gifford
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth .17 on FC3 - Live TV jerky

2005-03-17 Thread Rob Greene
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:05:59 +0100, Kees van Bemmel
> I got everything running on the 681 kernel, but it's still jerky...
> does anyone have the same problem?! I stuck on how to fix this...

I'm running the 2.6.10 kernel and for me it was the TV Settings ->
Playback -> Enable realtime priority threads. I unchecked it and the
stuttering went away. HTH!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] EXTREMELY choppy video

2005-03-17 Thread Paul Leppert

Here is the result of mythfrontend -v playback and playing back a
1080i stream with the XvMC checkbox checked:

2005-03-17 19:43:29.515 mythfrontend version: 0.17.20050130-1
2005-03-17 19:43:29.515 Enabled verbose msgs : important general playback
2005-03-17 19:43:30.083 Switching to square mode (Titivillus)
2005-03-17 19:43:30.785 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
2005-03-17 19:43:30.792 Joystick disabled.
2005-03-17 19:43:30.810 Registering MythDVD DVD Media Handler as a media handler
2005-03-17 19:43:30.811 Registering MythDVD VCD Media Handler as a media handler
2005-03-17 19:43:30.885 Key I is already bound in context Gallery.
2005-03-17 19:43:31.037 Registering MythMusic Media Handler as a media handler
2005-03-17 19:43:31.310 Starting media monitor.
2005-03-17 19:43:38.203 All Programs
2005-03-17 19:43:39.908 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5)
2005-03-17 19:43:39.914 Using protocol version 14
adding pes stream at pid 0x51 with type 2
adding pes stream at pid 0x54 with type 129
2005-03-17 19:43:41.009 AVFD
2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD: Opening Stream #0: codec id 2
2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 detectInterlace(Detect Scan, Detect Scan,
29.97, 1088) ->Interlaced Scan
2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 Interlaced: Interlaced Scan  video_height:
1088  fps: 29.97
2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD: Looking for decoder for 2
2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD
2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD: Opening Stream #1: codec id 86020
2005-03-17 19:43:41.010 AVFD: Looking for decoder for 86020
2005-03-17 19:43:41.012 Estimated bitrate = 19776
2005-03-17 19:43:41.346 Image size. dispxoff 0, dispyoff: 0, dispwoff:
0, disphoff: 0
2005-03-17 19:43:41.346 Image size. imgx 0, imgy: 0, imgw: 1920, imgh: 1080
2005-03-17 19:43:41.347 positionMap[ 0 ] == 3008.
adding pes stream at pid 0x51 with type 2
adding pes stream at pid 0x54 with type 129
2005-03-17 19:43:41.404 AVFD
2005-03-17 19:43:41.404 AVFD: Opening Stream #0: codec id 2
2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 detectInterlace(Detect Scan, Detect Scan,
29.97, 1088) ->Interlaced Scan
2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 Interlaced: Interlaced Scan  video_height:
1088  fps: 29.97
2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 AVFD: Looking for decoder for 3
2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 AVFD
2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 AVFD: Opening Stream #1: codec id 86020
2005-03-17 19:43:41.405 AVFD: Looking for decoder for 86020
2005-03-17 19:43:41.407 Estimated bitrate = 19776
2005-03-17 19:43:41.441 Position map filled from DB to: 53837
2005-03-17 19:43:41.442 SyncPositionMap prerecorded, from DB: 1995 entries
2005-03-17 19:43:41.442 Position map found
2005-03-17 19:43:41.448 Opening audio device 'spdif'.
2005-03-17 19:43:41.465 Over/underscan. V: 0, H: 0, XOff: 0, YOff: 0
Using XvMC version: 1.0
2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w 1920, h 1, c 0, i 2,
m 0,sw 0, sh 139, disp, p<= 139, 10880 <=p, port, surfNum)
2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 Trying XvMC port 139
2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w 1920, h 1, c 1, i 2,
m 0,sw 0, sh 139, disp, p<= 139, 10880 <=p, port, surfNum)
2005-03-17 19:43:41.471 Trying XvMC port 139
2005-03-17 19:43:41.472 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w 1920, h 1, c 0, i 2,
m 0,sw 0, sh 139, disp, p<= 139, 10880 <=p, port, surfNum)
2005-03-17 19:43:41.472 Trying XvMC port 139
2005-03-17 19:43:41.472 Found a suitable XvMC surface 0
XvMC found and using MC surface
2005-03-17 19:43:41.472 Using XV port 139
2005-03-17 19:43:41.521 waiting for prebuffer...
2005-03-17 19:43:41.529 Image size. dispxoff 0, dispyoff: 0, dispwoff:
1376, disphoff: 768
2005-03-17 19:43:41.529 Image size. imgx 0, imgy: 0, imgw: 1920, imgh: 1080
2005-03-17 19:43:41.656 prebuffer wait timed out..
2005-03-17 19:43:43.759 Changing from None to WatchingPreRecorded
2005-03-17 19:43:43.759 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.
picture structure FRAME
2005-03-17 19:43:43.788 XvMC will use bob deinterlacing
2005-03-17 19:43:43.788 Using deinterlace method bobdeint
2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 nVidiaVideoSync: VBlank ioctl did not work,
unimplemented in this driver?
2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 DRMVideoSync: Could not open device
/dev/dri/card0, No such file or directory
2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 RTCVideoSync: Could not set RTC frequency,
Permission denied.
2005-03-17 19:43:43.889 Set video sync frame interval to 33366
2005-03-17 19:43:43.890 Using audio as timebase
2005-03-17 19:43:43.890 Video timing method: USleep with busy wait
2005-03-17 19:43:43.890 Refresh rate: 17357, frame interval: 33366
2005-03-17 19:43:43.890 waiting for prebuffer...
2005-03-17 19:43:44.025 prebuffer wait timed out..
2005-03-17 19:43:44.025 waiting for prebuffer...
2005-03-17 19:43:44.160 prebuffer wait timed out..
2005-03-17 19:43:44.160 waiting for prebuffer...
2005-03-17 19:43:44.230 A/V diverged by -30 frames, dropping frame to
keep audio in sync
2005-03-17 19:43:44.233 dropping back audio_buffer_unused
2005-03-17 19:43:44.296 A/V diverged by 30 frames, extending frame to
keep audio in sync

I get a bunch of the last message in a row

[mythtv-users] Job Queues to run by default

2005-03-17 Thread Steve Malenfant
I found some cool scripts in the contrib folders about doing "pretty"
symbolic link and I've made my own which actually copies the new
recording to my nslu2 via NFS after recording.

I've made a Job Queue which works great when I specify to run Job #1
when I schedule a recording.  But I can't figure out how to make Job
#1 run by default for all recording.  Where are those default

Is this something missing or I just don't know how to enable it?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV Presentation - Requesting Comments/Opinions

2005-03-17 Thread Max Waterman
Brad Templeton wrote:
Myth and Tivo and the rest are
still largely schedule oriented for non-series -- browse the movies and
shows that are on the schedule for the next two weeks regularly, and pick
shows to record. I wanted to reverse that -- list all the movies you
are interested in watching, and they just show up. (Sort of like you
might use netflicks.) But importing other people's recommendations
goes a level beyond that so it's what I will explore next.
I used to have (actually, I still have, but I moved while it didn't) a 
ReplayTV and one of the things I liked about that was the  (IIRC) Replay 
Zones. I forget exactly how it worked, but it would allow me to select 
*types* of shows which were similar to ones I knew I already liked. I 
think it worked really nicely - but was somewhat awkward. My roommates 
never used it though. I think they made more use of it to record shows 
they already liked.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: 1000th picture quality question SOLVED?

2005-03-17 Thread Howard Cokl
Mark and Chad and anyone else watching this,

No luck.  Still having occasional lockups, I'm
thinking it's xvmc but if I disable xvmc my CPU shits
the bed if I'm watching HDTV.  AFAIK the picture
quality may have always been sub par and I didn't
notice, but now that I have noticed I want to fix it. 
I got my AA9A60 today and set that up but may do it
over again tomorrow and set up an interlaced modeline
so I can see if I can get rid of mythtv deinterlace. 
Some questions:
1.  what resolutions are you using?  I think my
freestyle captures @ 640x480 so myth has to bump that
up for me since my resolution is now 720x510.
2.  What kind of CPU do you have and what is the load
on it when watching live TV?  I have an Athlon XP
2700+ and watching live TV using the freestyle puts me
at about 87% idle.
3.  Have you tried cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg and then
watching that?


--- "Mark L. Cukier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Howard:
> Any Luck?
> - Mark
> Howard Cokl wrote:
> >Mark,
> >I may have been too hasty.  Couldn't fully test
> last
> >night since my wife is a Survivor freak and had to
> >watch.  The little testing I did the picture
> quality
> >is as close as I think I can get it.  However now
> this
> >morning I have had 2 hard lockups, can ping the box
> >but that's all.  I'll keep you posted.
> >
> >--- "Mark L. Cukier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>Howard:
> >>
> >>I'll have to try recompiling tonight... did you
> >>alter any other 
> >> options? (besides XvMC?).
> >>
> >>Just so I'm clear, in the end you ended up keeping
> >>MythTV set to use XvMC?
> >>
> >>And, you're had:
> >>
> >>XvMC on, OpenGL on.
> >>
> >>Thanks! Looking forward to giving this a try!
> >>
> >>- Mark
> >>
> >>Howard Cokl wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>I've been messing with this most of the day,
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>benefit of being a stay at home 
> >>
> >>
> >>>dad, and I think I have mine figured out.  I
> turned
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>off xvmc in MythFrontend 
> >>
> >>
> >>>Setup and in my xorg.conf, this caused the a
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>greater load on the CPU but the 
> >>
> >>
> >>>picture in Myth is the same as straight from
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>DirecTV.  I think the reason 
> >>
> >>
> >>>that DVD playback looked so good while TV looked
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>uncrisp is that the default 
> >>
> >>
> >>>playback command has mplayer use -vo xv instead
> of
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>-vo xvmc.
> >>
> >>
> >>>But I need xvmc, I don't think my athlon XP 2700+
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>can handle HDTV without it.  
> >>
> >>
> >>>So I followed this thread 
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>>all except the modeline, recompiled mythtv with
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>OpenGL, and added Option  
> >>
> >>
> >>>"XvMCUsesTextures" "True" to my
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>.  This seems to give me a 
> >>
> >>
> >>>picture that is the same as directv and watching
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>live tv puts the cpu at 86% 
> >>
> >>
> >>>idle using encoder 1 which is the freestyle card.
> >>>
> >>>Of course I'm going to have to dick around with
> it
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>some more since my AA 9A60 
> >>
> >>
> >>>should be here this week but now it seems that
> all
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>is good.
> >>
> >>
> >>>On Tuesday 15 March 2005 19:32, Chad Delatte
> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> Alright, excuse me for my newbness here, but yes
> I
> meant to say the itvc16 chipset.
> I'm trying to establish that the problem we are
> >>having
> >>
> >>
> is with the newer revision of the pvr 250.
> So far we have the following list of people with
> >>the
> >>
> >>
> new cards and have the same issue with
> sharpness.
> hojoloco,
> You also have a newer design card and maybe the
> >>cause
> >>
> >>
> of the problems.
> 1. MeITVC-16
> 2. hojoloco  ITVC-15 (but it's a frestyle)
> 3. dan   ITVC-16
> ross.campbell , I did everything in your list
> >>except
> >>
> >>
> for
> 1. try a different decoder card (my M-179 had
> poor
> quality compared to my pvr-250) Have one on
> ordser, but think I got ripped off on ebay
> 2. upgrade/downgrade your video driver and hack
> on
> >>the
> >>
> >>
> config files to optimize for the best resolution
> >>and
> >>
> >>
> refresh rate for outputting recorded TV -
> Not
> >>sure
> >>
> >>
=== message truncated ===

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] NUVEXPORT and FFMPEG

2005-03-17 Thread Jay Swackhamer
I can export to svcd with the USE flags of
USE="x86 mmx 3dnow sse alsa avi crypt cscope dvd flac gif imlib jpeg lirc
mad mpeg mysql oggvorbis opengl png quicktime sdl tiff truetype X xmms xv
zlib nvidia -arts transcode xinerama net joystick matroska apache2 xvid
v4l2 theora gd dba session mjpeg stream streamout bidi wxwindows faad
httpd xosd"

You could try an
emerge -eD nuvexport
to rebuild any nuvexport dependencies with the addtional flags.

> Hi,
> After excitedly discovering NUVEXPORT, I decided to give it a go.
> I've downloaded the most recent version but can't get SVCD export
> working as it complains that my FFMEG does not support encoding with
> mpeg2video.
> Indeed on the main menu, all of the options are marked as "(disabled)".
> This is on a Gentoo system. I checked all the flags that I can find and
> rebuilt FFMPEG. Still no joy. :(
> I have trawled through the source of FFMPEG and I can't actually find
> support for this codec anywhere, anyway. (!?!?)
> Can anybody give me any tips as to what I am doing wrong/things I can
> look at.
> Cheers, in advance,
> Ralph
> -
> Tribal Data Solutions has moved, please visit our website for more details
> This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and are sent on the basis
> of our copyright, e-mail and security policy which can be inspected by
> visiting
> If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete
> this message. Thank you.
> ---
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Jay Swackhamer
Reboot The User
15791 West Dodge Road
Suite 135
Omaha, NE 68118
(402) 933-6449
(402) 933-6456 Fax

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au issues in ACT

2005-03-17 Thread Rob Hillis
Matthew Phillips wrote:
I know this is a little off topic and I appologies, I am having
problems getting updates for ACT Free to air programming information
when I run mythfilldatabase I get the following errors.
d1 doesn't provide data for all states, even though their web service 
claims otherwise. In those states (SA, where I am, is one) you need to 
use an alternate tv_grab_au that scrapes another site. One written by 
Damon Searle (thanks btw!) uses I can repost 
that if needed.
The additional "advantage" of using the ninemsn scraper is that you get 
program information for ABC 2 and SBS News if you are using a DVB card.  
Not a massive advantage I will admit, but an advantage nonetheless.

The script will need a little modification to add the new channels - 
look for the section defining channels for your region (circa line 260 
for Melbourne) and add $channels("ABC2")="ABC2" and $channels("SBS 
News")="SBSN".  This will cause the new channels to appear with 
appropriately named XMLTV IDs.

SBS News is not likely to be of much interest to you unless you speak a 
language other than English.  ABC 2 can be good for catching programs 
that were missed due to conflicts, though they do seem to repeat stuff 
ad-nauseum.  (Sure, I can now catch MediaWatch, but I don't really need 
to see it five times a week)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nuvexport using FMP4

2005-03-17 Thread Jay Swackhamer
I've been using
. ' -vtag divx'

which works for mplayer/xine and (also windows users)

>> nuvexport seems to be outputting DivX using the fourCC FMP4, which
>> doesn't work in any of the players ive got.  According to one of the
>> ffmpeg mailing lists, you can override the tag using the -vtag option.
>> Can anyone tell me where to modify nuvexport so that it calls ffmpeg
>> likw this??  Failing that does anyone know any other ways round it.
> I'm happy to add this in, but could you tell me which tag it's supposed
> to be?  Only example I could find was for ASF type files.
> -Chris
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Jay Swackhamer
Reboot The User
15791 West Dodge Road
Suite 135
Omaha, NE 68118
(402) 933-6449
(402) 933-6456 Fax

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Any lightweight window managers that support ALT-TAB functionality?

2005-03-17 Thread Eric Gilbert
On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 10:43:35 +1100, Carl Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aaron Aguilar wrote:
> > IceWM works for me
> >
> Old school - tvtwm. you can easily set the bindings to do anything you
> want.

I'm a fan of evilwm. 

Of course everytime I think of it this quote comes to mind  

 "So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always
triumph because good is dumb."

could just be me though ;)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MobileMyth?

2005-03-17 Thread Aaron Stewart

I kicked this idea around for a while (I think my post on it is in the
archives somewhere) but didn't get terribly far with it (was just working
on building out hardware).

Though my idea had to do with syncing using WiFI to a master server while
the car is parked, rather than physically attached storage.

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005, Andrew Close wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:59:48 -0700, Nathan Hesson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Rather new to the mythtv scene but had an idea and wanted to see what
> > kindof response this got.  I know some c++ programming and am looking
> > at trying to build a MobileMyth extension.  It would be a complete
> > linux from scratch operating system that is intended to run on a
> > lightweight, machine for your car.  My idea is that you have an
> > external harddrive (be it usb or firewire or flashdrive or whatever
> > and you select from a mythweb interface or interfacein mythtv what
> > content you would like to transfer (music movies games recordings
> > images)  You then transfer then to the drive and plug the drive into a
> > seperate computer in your car.  It then reads the drive and you have a
> > mythtv interface to select all of the content that you just selected.
> > I know you could export everything and load it to a notebook or
> > something but i am looking at doing something that would take very
> > little time to select.  Kindof a set it and forget it.  Also it would
> > be very cool if you could control it via a touchpanel but that
> > shouldnt be too hard to interpret mouse movements.  Anyway, that was
> > kind of long so I will shutup and see what everyone thinks.
> > Thanks
> > Nathan
> > p.s.  If this has been talked about before please let me know.  i
> > looked around and could not find anything.
> hi Nathan,
> i like the idea of a mobileMyth.  there may be other plugins out there
> that provide some of this functionality.  one of my future projects is
> to put together a carputer and i thought Myth would be a great
> frontend.  add a MythGPS plugin and maybe a MythOBDII plugin. :)
> instead of LFS you may want to look into borrowing from KnoppMyth
> since it's already a paired down distro that is set up for Myth use.
> unless you have LFS experience or are itching to try...
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] use EIT in DVB

2005-03-17 Thread Rudy Zijlstra
Doug Larrick wrote:
Rudy Zijlstra wrote:
Then how do i get it to fill the program database? The EPG is still very
empty, even after watching RTL for quit some time, and with 2 LNBs
available on the same satelite.

Also double check that you have UNchecked "Open DVB card on demand"
(mythtv-setup, Capture card setup, Advanced Configuration, Recording
I've restarted the backend with -v all and got:
2005-03-18 01:34:03.925 SIParser: No Private Types defined for NetworkID 133
2005-03-18 01:34:04.334 SIParser: Table[6]->Complete() == true
2005-03-18 01:34:04.335 SIParser: Table[5]->RequirePIDs() == true
2005-03-18 01:34:04.336 SIParser: Adding PID   11 Filter 46 Mask fb 
Buffer 40960
2005-03-18 01:34:05.007 SIParser: SDT: NetworkID=1 TransportID=1089
2005-03-18 01:34:05.011 SIParser: SDT: sid=12003 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=RTL Television
2005-03-18 01:34:05.011 SIParser: SDT: sid=12020 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=RTL2
2005-03-18 01:34:05.015 SIParser: SDT: sid=12040 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=Super RTL
2005-03-18 01:34:05.016 SIParser: SDT: sid=12060 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=VOX
2005-03-18 01:34:05.016 SIParser: SDT: sid=12090 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=n-tv
2005-03-18 01:34:05.017 SIParser: SDT: sid=12080 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=RTL Shop
2005-03-18 01:34:05.018 SIParser: SDT: sid=12095 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=Traumpartner TV
2005-03-18 01:34:05.019 SIParser: Table[4]->RequirePIDs() == true
2005-03-18 01:34:05.020 SIParser: Adding PID   12 Filter  0 Mask  0 
Buffer 4096000
2005-03-18 01:34:05.022 SIScan#0: Updating Services
2005-03-18 01:34:05.027 SIScan#0: Service table up to date for this network.
2005-03-18 01:34:05.027 SIScan#0: Service Update Complete
2005-03-18 01:34:06.988 SIParser: SDT: NetworkID=1 TransportID=1089
2005-03-18 01:34:06.991 SIParser: SDT: sid=12003 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=RTL Television
2005-03-18 01:34:06.991 SIParser: SDT: sid=12020 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=RTL2
2005-03-18 01:34:06.995 SIParser: SDT: sid=12040 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=Super RTL
2005-03-18 01:34:06.995 SIParser: SDT: sid=12060 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=VOX
2005-03-18 01:34:06.996 SIParser: SDT: sid=12090 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=n-tv
2005-03-18 01:34:06.997 SIParser: SDT: sid=12080 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=RTL Shop
2005-03-18 01:34:06.997 SIParser: SDT: sid=12095 type=1 eit_present=1 
eit_requested=0 name=Traumpartner TV

Should this result in input in the database?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MobileMyth?

2005-03-17 Thread Andrew Close
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:59:48 -0700, Nathan Hesson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rather new to the mythtv scene but had an idea and wanted to see what
> kindof response this got.  I know some c++ programming and am looking
> at trying to build a MobileMyth extension.  It would be a complete
> linux from scratch operating system that is intended to run on a
> lightweight, machine for your car.  My idea is that you have an
> external harddrive (be it usb or firewire or flashdrive or whatever
> and you select from a mythweb interface or interfacein mythtv what
> content you would like to transfer (music movies games recordings
> images)  You then transfer then to the drive and plug the drive into a
> seperate computer in your car.  It then reads the drive and you have a
> mythtv interface to select all of the content that you just selected.
> I know you could export everything and load it to a notebook or
> something but i am looking at doing something that would take very
> little time to select.  Kindof a set it and forget it.  Also it would
> be very cool if you could control it via a touchpanel but that
> shouldnt be too hard to interpret mouse movements.  Anyway, that was
> kind of long so I will shutup and see what everyone thinks.
> Thanks
> Nathan
> p.s.  If this has been talked about before please let me know.  i
> looked around and could not find anything.

hi Nathan,

i like the idea of a mobileMyth.  there may be other plugins out there
that provide some of this functionality.  one of my future projects is
to put together a carputer and i thought Myth would be a great
frontend.  add a MythGPS plugin and maybe a MythOBDII plugin. :)
instead of LFS you may want to look into borrowing from KnoppMyth
since it's already a paired down distro that is set up for Myth use. 
unless you have LFS experience or are itching to try...
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au issues in ACT

2005-03-17 Thread Matthew Phillips
On 18/03/2005, at 10:09 AM, Kevin Saenz wrote:
Hi all,
I know this is a little off topic and I appologies, I am having
problems getting updates for ACT Free to air programming information
when I run mythfilldatabase I get the following errors.
ERROR! - no channel icon found for freesd.Canberra.9!
ERROR! - no channel icon found for freesd.Canberra.9-EPG!
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-18
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-19
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-20
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-21
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-22
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-23
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-24
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-18
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-19
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-20
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-21
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-22
this continues for all the channels I have tried free to air option,
free to air digital, and free to air HD, for ACT.
so far my
does anyone know what is wrong? or is it that D1 is a little flakey?
d1 doesn't provide data for all states, even though their web service 
claims otherwise. In those states (SA, where I am, is one) you need to 
use an alternate tv_grab_au that scrapes another site. One written by 
Damon Searle (thanks btw!) uses I can repost 
that if needed.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: 1000th picture quality question SOLVED?

2005-03-17 Thread Chad Delatte
How did you disable/enable xv support in xorg.conf?  I
didn't know you could enable it or disable it.  I'm
was using the atrpm version of myth-suite and it
doesn't have xvmc enabled by default.  I did try using
xvmc on a past install and didn't clear things up.
Please explain

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] use EIT in DVB

2005-03-17 Thread Doug Larrick
Rudy Zijlstra wrote:
Then how do i get it to fill the program database? The EPG is still very
empty, even after watching RTL for quit some time, and with 2 LNBs
available on the same satelite.
Also double check that you have UNchecked "Open DVB card on demand"
(mythtv-setup, Capture card setup, Advanced Configuration, Recording

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] PVR 250, Picture, No Sound..IVTV problem? Read archives....tried most everything, but, am stuck...

2005-03-17 Thread Kelly
Hello all!!

First, I pretty much had myth 0.15 working on a slower boxbut, sound was 
choppy no matter what I, I built another box, ASUS motherboard, 
Athlon processor 

servername 2.6.8-gentoo-r8 # uname -a
Linux servername 2.6.8-gentoo-r8 #3 SMP Sat Oct 16 06:00:33 CDT 2004 i686 AMD 
Athlon(tm)  AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

500 MB ram

Audigy2 soundcard

Other than that...I used the same working prv250 card, and harddrives. I'm 
running Gentoo with a 2.6 kernel

I'm trying to get myth 0.16 running. I've to pretty much everything going on 
it with the exception of sound with the video. On music...sounds plays great. 

I can get myth to record video, just no sound. I can watch tv live, but, no 

I tried mplayer /dev/video0picture, but, no sound.  So, I'm guessing it is 
ivtv error. When I start the mplayer...I get no appears to be 
trying to play sound.

I have ivtv 0.2.0_rc3-r3 (I emerged with gentoo's package mgmt 
says it is already set up to run with pvr 250/350and it worked last time 
before rebuilding box )

I've been reading through the archives, and the links to the wiki...and have 
tried the following:

n /etc/modules.conf add or edit this line: 
options msp3400 once=1 simple=1 standard=XX 
or on the command line, type: 
insmod msp3400 once=1 simple=1 standard=XX 
where XX is one of: 
0x20 USA, Argentina 
0x21 USA, Argentina 

However, doing the insmod msp3400 gave the following:
2.6.8-gentoo-r8 # insmod msp3400 once=1 simple=1 standard=0x20
insmod: can't read 'msp3400': No such file or directory

However lsmod shows I have tht module:
2.6.8-gentoo-r8 # lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
snd_pcm_oss50088  0
snd_mixer_oss  18176  1 snd_pcm_oss
orinoco_pci 5440  0
orinoco40268  1 orinoco_pci
hermes  7808  2 orinoco_pci,orinoco
lirc_dev   13708  0
ivtv  514452  0
tuner  18576  0
saa711511908  0
msp340021908  0
i2c_algo_bit8840  1 ivtv
videodev7872  1 ivtv
i2c_core   19648  5 ivtv,tuner,saa7115,msp3400,i2c_algo_bit
nvidia   4819092  18
snd_emu10k193000  1
snd_rawmidi21028  1 snd_emu10k1
snd_pcm83844  2 snd_pcm_oss,snd_emu10k1
snd_timer  22084  1 snd_pcm
snd_seq_device  7240  2 snd_emu10k1,snd_rawmidi
snd_ac97_codec 64964  1 snd_emu10k1
snd_page_alloc  9480  2 snd_emu10k1,snd_pcm
snd_util_mem3904  1 snd_emu10k1
snd_hwdep   7812  1 snd_emu10k1
snd47140  12 

(I have not tried to get lirc working yet...and am just playing to my monitor 
right now.)

I tried the suggestions on this thread that seemed to be the most relavent:;#80563

But these failed...

I checked and my msp3400 seems to be in the correct place
From the /lib/modules/2.6.8-gentoo-r8 directory I do:

find . -name "msp3400*"

(the _old files are just where I backed up the original case I was 
to try to move them...but, I've not done anythig here as of yet)

When I do:
2.6.8-gentoo-r8 # modinfo msp3400
parm:   probe:List of adapter,address pairs to scan additionally
parm:   probe_range:List of adapter,start-addr,end-addr triples to 
scan additionally
parm:   ignore:List of adapter,address pairs not to scan
parm:   ignore_range:List of adapter,start-addr,end-addr triples not 
to scan
parm:   force:List of adapter,address pairs to boldly assume to be 
description:device driver for msp34xx TV sound processor
author: Gerd Knorr
vermagic:   2.6.8-gentoo-r8 SMP K7 4KSTACKS gcc-3.3

Now according to the manual I got from seems to indicate that 
since I don't have parm: standard int, that I may be using the wrong 
modulebut, I'm at a loss on this issue...

I've seen where myth does seem to try to mute things and have toggled the 
ivtvctl -y mute=0with no avail.

lspci give this:

2.6.8-gentoo-r8 # lspci
:00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AGP (different version?) 
(rev c1)
:00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 0 (rev 
:00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 4 (rev 
:00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 3 (rev 
:00:00.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 2 (rev 
:00:00.5 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Memory Controller 5 (rev 

Re: [mythtv-users] VIA EPIA-M

2005-03-17 Thread Paul Bender

Ron Johnson wrote:
On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 20:13 +, Ivor Hewitt wrote:
On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 19:16, Torsten Schenkel wrote:

I don't know for sure, but I seriously doubt the Epia has the muscle for
on the fly compression decompression and i/o bandwidth for twice full
size PAL video (to and fro the processor) and twice compressed video (to
and from HD)
Many people are successfully using EPIA based myth boxes... and if you're 
using the embedded mpeg decoder they're not even stretched.

How is that done?  By using a closed-source driver?
As of MythTV 0.17, people use the open source unichrome driver.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] capture size & viewing on TV

2005-03-17 Thread Ricardo Kleemann
Hi folks,

If the capture card only captures 320x240, and I have mythtv hooked up to a
TV, what will it look like?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What card for "cable/sat" capture?

2005-03-17 Thread Ricardo Kleemann
Does the PVR250 have multiple input ports, or only single?

> PVR 250 with s-video input (gives me superb capture) . I suspect that 
> it's as good as you can get for SD TV.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] capturing VCR input (macrovision?)

2005-03-17 Thread jonr
Ajay Sharma wrote:
Jon Reynolds wrote:
How do you do that?  I want to do that too!

Ok, take the line carrying your cable/satellite hook-up and do it like 

Take the line from your provider and connect that to the 'input' of your
cable/satellite box. From the 'output' of your cable/satellite box go 
to the
input of your vcr. From the 'output' of your vcr connect to the 
'input' of your
capture card. Then turn on the vcr change the channel to 3 or 4 on 
Myth and you
should see your vcr tape playing inside of "Watch LiveTV". Record 
that. :)
You might need to hit the 'TV/VCR' button on the vcr.

Have you tried to copy any macrovision-protected VHS tapes?  If so, does 
your capture card generate all these jacked up video files as if you 
were doing a VHS->VHS copy?

My friend has been asking me to test this out for months and I haven't 
gotten around to capuring video from a VCR with my PVR-250.

I don't think I have ever tried to copy one of those, is there something 
on the VHS that would let me know if it had this type of protection? If 
so, I could try it out and then see what happens.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MobileMyth?

2005-03-17 Thread Nathan Hesson
Rather new to the mythtv scene but had an idea and wanted to see what
kindof response this got.  I know some c++ programming and am looking
at trying to build a MobileMyth extension.  It would be a complete
linux from scratch operating system that is intended to run on a
lightweight, machine for your car.  My idea is that you have an
external harddrive (be it usb or firewire or flashdrive or whatever
and you select from a mythweb interface or interfacein mythtv what
content you would like to transfer (music movies games recordings
images)  You then transfer then to the drive and plug the drive into a
seperate computer in your car.  It then reads the drive and you have a
mythtv interface to select all of the content that you just selected. 
I know you could export everything and load it to a notebook or
something but i am looking at doing something that would take very
little time to select.  Kindof a set it and forget it.  Also it would
be very cool if you could control it via a touchpanel but that
shouldnt be too hard to interpret mouse movements.  Anyway, that was
kind of long so I will shutup and see what everyone thinks.
p.s.  If this has been talked about before please let me know.  i
looked around and could not find anything.
Nathan Hesson
AV Systems Programmer
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] record HDTV over Satellite is now possible?

2005-03-17 Thread Griffon --
That is an interesting product line, I would love to See some
alternatives to the HD Tivo but this company seems to be charging a
ridiculous premium and they are not offering an open support mode or
anything to really give incentive to what could be a large audence for
them (the MythTV users)l. Seems like a business model that will never
mange to expand, but who knows.

It dose give me hope that maybe (just maybe) somebody will come out
with or we can import in, a proper PCI capture card that we can work
with D*TV or that somebody else will start selling these same modified
boxes for a lot less (some of them are double the cost of a unmodified

I have never quite understood what is so hard, it looks like the HD
Tivo just has a in line decoder and couple raw capature cards which
makes it all a driver hissue, but I'm certinaly no expert :).

I looked over on the AVS but didn't see any success stories with Myth
.17. If anyone here dose try one of these out and it works let us
know, it's still probable a cheaper option then the HD Tivo (which I
own and would like a lot more if D*TV would ever let it be networked
so I can hook MythTivo up, bastards).


On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:45:21 -0500, Kyle Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vincent K. Britton wrote:
> > Does anyone here have experience integrating this in to MythTV.  Do you
> > think it would work with .17 with its new Firewire Recording capability?
> I looked into this a few months ago, and (at least at the time) their
> hardware/software interface was proprietary, so they would not release
> the source code to their driver.  I'm trying to keep the number of
> crappy closed source drivers to a minimum (NVidia's being the only one I
> use), so I scrapped the idea.  I would be very interested if they
> decided to GPL the driver, because it would be the only real non-OTA
> option for unencrypted HDTV short of performing a DIY illegal import of
> some unlicensed cablecard->USB or cablecard->PCI interface.
> Cheers,
> Kyle
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] capturing VCR input (macrovision?)

2005-03-17 Thread Ajay Sharma
Jon Reynolds wrote:
How do you do that?  I want to do that too!
Ok, take the line carrying your cable/satellite hook-up and do it like so:
Take the line from your provider and connect that to the 'input' of your
cable/satellite box. From the 'output' of your cable/satellite box go to the
input of your vcr. From the 'output' of your vcr connect to the 'input' of your
capture card. Then turn on the vcr change the channel to 3 or 4 on Myth and you
should see your vcr tape playing inside of "Watch LiveTV". Record that. :)
You might need to hit the 'TV/VCR' button on the vcr.
Have you tried to copy any macrovision-protected VHS tapes?  If so, does 
your capture card generate all these jacked up video files as if you 
were doing a VHS->VHS copy?

My friend has been asking me to test this out for months and I haven't 
gotten around to capuring video from a VCR with my PVR-250.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] It worked, for a few seconds

2005-03-17 Thread Justin Gombos
I just got live tv to work, for about five seconds.  When choosing
'watch tv', it was blank, then gave the no /dev/dsp device error
asking me if I want to continue w/out sound.  I answered yes, and got
some choppy video for a few seconds, then it went blank again.

That only happened once.  Other times it's blank for a couple seconds,
and returns back to the menu without even giving me the sound card
warning.  And sometimes it's just blank until I give up and escape
back to the menu manually.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Any lightweight window managers that support ALT-TAB functionality?

2005-03-17 Thread Carl Lewis
Aaron Aguilar wrote:
IceWM works for me
Old school - tvtwm. you can easily set the bindings to do anything you 

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Justin Gombos
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 17:41]:
> When you configure your card, what are you setting up as your video
> source, and are you binding it to the Composite1 input?  

For the 'Capture Card Setup', I have the following attributes set for
exactly one capture card:

  Card Type: Standard V4L capture card

  Video Device: /dev/video0

  VBI device: /dev/vbi

  Audio device: /dev/dsp

  Audio sampling rate limit: (none) [unchecked box] Do not adjust vol

  Default input: Composite1

I haven't even begun to work on the audio.  I'm pretty certain the
onboard sound card was not detected, but I'm not concerned with it
right now.  Live tv gives a no audio error, but lets me continue with
video, at which point it displays a blank screen.

> How many inputs show up in Myth & what are they named?  

  [Video Sources]

Video source name: myVideoSource
XMLTV listings grabber: North America (DataDirect)
User ID:  Password: 
Data Direct Lineup: 
Channel frequency table: us-cable

Video source name: blah
(same settings as myVideoSource)

  [Input connections]

Capture device:   [V4L: /dev/video0]
Video source: myVideoSource
Input preference: 0

(all other fields are blank)


I've got a couple channels set up, one for channel 3, and one
without a channel.  I wasn't sure if those were relevent or if you
wanted to see all the fields for those.

> When you try Myth or MPlayer, is there actually a video signal going
> in to the composite input?

Yeah, I have one of these portable 7 inch dvd players to test with,
and I'm sending a constant signal of Richard Stallman giving a talk on
copyrights (his speech at UNM).  This is what I (successfully) tested
Xawtv with.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] tv_grab_au issues in ACT

2005-03-17 Thread Kevin Saenz
Hi all,

I know this is a little off topic and I appologies, I am having
problems getting updates for ACT Free to air programming information
when I run mythfilldatabase I get the following errors.

ERROR! - no channel icon found for freesd.Canberra.9!
ERROR! - no channel icon found for freesd.Canberra.9-EPG!

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-18

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-19

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-20
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-21

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-22

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-23

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-24

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-18

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-19

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-20

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-21

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-22

this continues for all the channels I have tried free to air option,
free to air digital, and free to air HD, for ACT.
so far my 
does anyone know what is wrong? or is it that D1 is a little flakey?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] VIA EPIA-M

2005-03-17 Thread Ron Johnson
On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 20:13 +, Ivor Hewitt wrote:
> On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 19:16, Torsten Schenkel wrote:
> >
> > I don't know for sure, but I seriously doubt the Epia has the muscle for
> > on the fly compression decompression and i/o bandwidth for twice full
> > size PAL video (to and fro the processor) and twice compressed video (to
> > and from HD)
> >
> Many people are successfully using EPIA based myth boxes... and if you're 
> using the embedded mpeg decoder they're not even stretched.

How is that done?  By using a closed-source driver?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

"... going to war without France is like going deer hunting
without an accordion. You just leave a lot of useless noisy
baggage behind."
Jed Babbin, former deputy undersecretary of defense in the first
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Description: This is a digitally signed message part
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: apache 2gb limit? mythweb

2005-03-17 Thread Jeff Simpson
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:28:49 -0800, "M. Barnabas Luntzel"
> I think the culprit is php. I didn't bother digging into it because I 
> didn't care enough before. but since you asked...
> is something like this in your error log?
> [Thu Mar 17 14:22:31 2005] [error] [client] (75)Value too 
> large for defined data type: access to 
> /mythweb/video_dir/1501_2005031318_2005031319.nuv failed, 
> referer: http://.xx:8080/mythweb/recorded_programs.php
> bug seems to be kinda old:
> but I think thats what you're up against. may need to recompile php, 
> but thats a pain if you're sticking to rpms like I am. I especially 
> like this line:
> [22 Oct 2004 1:53am CEST] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This bug has been fixed in CVS.
> I didn't dig too much further, there might be a similar bug posted that 
> I didn't check for.
> On Mar 17, 2005, at 1:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > If you are transmitting a large file then the browser you are 
> > connecting to the webserver with will also need handle large files. 
> > When I was coding my webserver I ran into this issue and found that 
> > the problem usually lies on the browser side.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Jeff Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:10 pm
> > Subject: [mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb
> >
> >> Not directly myth related, but I'm sure that somebody else on this
> >> list has run into it before. I'd like to use mythweb as a way to get
> >> an http link to the raw NUV files (to use with wget or similar). When
> >> attempting to download files > 2gb in size, apache throws a strange
> >> error (I don't have the error handy, but it was clear that it was a
> >> file size issue). Is there a particular way that apache needs to be
> >> compiled so that large files will work? I'm running 2.0.52-rc1 on a
> >> gentoo system. (maybe a use flag that enables large file support?)
> >>
> >> -- 
> >> email me if you want a gmail invite, I have some
> >> ___
> >> mythtv-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >

email me if you want a gmail invite, I have some invites

Bingo! That's just what it was. I didn't think it was really a PHP
error - but I guess it may well be. I guess I get to emerge php again
:-) I'll give that a shot once I get home
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] VIA EPIA-M

2005-03-17 Thread Torsten Schenkel
Am Donnerstag, den 17.03.2005, 20:13 + schrieb Ivor Hewitt:
> On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 19:16, Torsten Schenkel wrote:
> >
> > I don't know for sure, but I seriously doubt the Epia has the muscle for
> > on the fly compression decompression and i/o bandwidth for twice full
> > size PAL video (to and fro the processor) and twice compressed video (to
> > and from HD)
> >
> Many people are successfully using EPIA based myth boxes... and if you're 
> using the embedded mpeg decoder they're not even stretched.

I know, me being among the first ones :-)

But as you said: H/W mpeg decoder, which goes with a h/w mpeg encoder as
the pvr250 or combined en-/decoder as the pvr350. S/W mpeg2 encoding is
out of the question on the EPIA, divx encoding might just be ok, but
doing both and the bandwidth for the 2 uncompressed and the 2 compressed
streams will kill of the small thing i guess.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb

2005-03-17 Thread Steve Malenfant
I've heard that Apache 2.1 will support LFS, not before.
I have apache 1.3 running on Sun Ultra5 which has LFS support.
I think that apache 1.3 can be compiled with LFS.
Athlon 64 might be able to use Apache 2.0 with LFS (not sure about
that, but would native 64 bit need LFS support???)


On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:28:49 -0800, M. Barnabas Luntzel
> I think the culprit is php. I didn't bother digging into it because I
> didn't care enough before. but since you asked...
> is something like this in your error log?
> [Thu Mar 17 14:22:31 2005] [error] [client] (75)Value too
> large for defined data type: access to
> /mythweb/video_dir/1501_2005031318_2005031319.nuv failed,
> referer: http://.xx:8080/mythweb/recorded_programs.php
> bug seems to be kinda old:
> but I think thats what you're up against. may need to recompile php,
> but thats a pain if you're sticking to rpms like I am. I especially
> like this line:
> [22 Oct 2004 1:53am CEST] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This bug has been fixed in CVS.
> I didn't dig too much further, there might be a similar bug posted that
> I didn't check for.
> On Mar 17, 2005, at 1:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > If you are transmitting a large file then the browser you are
> > connecting to the webserver with will also need handle large files.
> > When I was coding my webserver I ran into this issue and found that
> > the problem usually lies on the browser side.
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Jeff Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:10 pm
> > Subject: [mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb
> >
> >> Not directly myth related, but I'm sure that somebody else on this
> >> list has run into it before. I'd like to use mythweb as a way to get
> >> an http link to the raw NUV files (to use with wget or similar). When
> >> attempting to download files > 2gb in size, apache throws a strange
> >> error (I don't have the error handy, but it was clear that it was a
> >> file size issue). Is there a particular way that apache needs to be
> >> compiled so that large files will work? I'm running 2.0.52-rc1 on a
> >> gentoo system. (maybe a use flag that enables large file support?)
> >>
> >> --
> >> email me if you want a gmail invite, I have some
> >> ___
> >> mythtv-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] VIA EPIA-M

2005-03-17 Thread Torsten Schenkel
Am Donnerstag, den 17.03.2005, 20:13 + schrieb Ivor Hewitt:
> On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 19:16, Torsten Schenkel wrote:
> >
> > I don't know for sure, but I seriously doubt the Epia has the muscle for
> > on the fly compression decompression and i/o bandwidth for twice full
> > size PAL video (to and fro the processor) and twice compressed video (to
> > and from HD)
> >
> Many people are successfully using EPIA based myth boxes... and if you're 
> using the embedded mpeg decoder they're not even stretched.

I know, me being among the first ones :-)

But as you said: H/W mpeg decoder, which goes with a h/w mpeg encoder as
the pvr250 or combined en-/decoder as the pvr350. S/W mpeg2 encoding is
out of the question on the EPIA, divx encoding might just be ok, but
doing both and the bandwidth for the 2 uncompressed and the 2 compressed
streams will kill of the small thing i guess.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb

2005-03-17 Thread M . Barnabas Luntzel
I think the culprit is php. I didn't bother digging into it because I didn't care enough before. but since you asked...

is something like this in your error log?

[Thu Mar 17 14:22:31 2005] [error] [client] (75)Value too large for defined data type: access to /mythweb/video_dir/1501_2005031318_2005031319.nuv failed, referer: http://.xx:8080/mythweb/recorded_programs.php

bug seems to be kinda old:

but I think thats what you're up against. may need to recompile php, but thats a pain if you're sticking to rpms like I am. I especially like this line:

[22 Oct 2004 1:53am CEST] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
This bug has been fixed in CVS.

I didn't dig too much further, there might be a similar bug posted that I didn't check for. 

On Mar 17, 2005, at 1:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you are transmitting a large file then the browser you are connecting to the webserver with will also need handle large files. When I was coding my webserver I ran into this issue and found that the problem usually lies on the browser side.

- Original Message -
From: Jeff Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:10 pm
Subject: [mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb

Not directly myth related, but I'm sure that somebody else on this
list has run into it before. I'd like to use mythweb as a way to get
an http link to the raw NUV files (to use with wget or similar). When
attempting to download files > 2gb in size, apache throws a strange
error (I don't have the error handy, but it was clear that it was a
file size issue). Is there a particular way that apache needs to be
compiled so that large files will work? I'm running 2.0.52-rc1 on a
gentoo system. (maybe a use flag that enables large file support?)

email me if you want a gmail invite, I have some
mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Joseph Caputo
Justin Gombos wrote:
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 14:38]:
Try specifying a channel, as in "mplayer tv://3"

That doesn't change things.  The following commands all cause a green
box to be displayed:
  mplayer tv://
  mplayer tv://3
  mplayer tv://3 driver=v4l2
  mplayer tv:// driver=v4l2
  mplayer tv:// driver=v4l

Hmmm, interesting.  MPlayer is only detecting one input: Composite1.
It doesn't appear to be detecting the tuner.

I don't believe this card has a tuner.  It only has two physical
ports, an RCA and an S-Video, both of which are inputs.  And it seems
they are considered the same port internally.  
Aha.  It might have helped if you'd mentioned that before.
Is it your understanding of tuners that they demultiplex one signal
from many coming in on a coaxial line?  Since this card just has an
RCA/S-Video input, I believe it inherently requires an external tuner
to ensure that there is only one signal on the line.  If I'm right,
then there is no tuner at all.  My cable box has an RCA out, so I
guess there is no need for a tuner in the PVR.
Technically, yes, but I don't know if anyone has ever tried Myth using a 
framegrabber card without a tuner, though I know several people have 
asked about it in the past; none of them actually had such a card, though.

Still, I'd think you might be able to get things working.  Forget 
MPlayer.  If Xawtv is working, you should try Myth.  When you configure 
your card, what are you setting up as your video source, and are you 
binding it to the Composite1 input?  How many inputs show up in Myth & 
what are they named?  When you try Myth or MPlayer, is there actually a 
video signal going in to the composite input?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb

2005-03-17 Thread Mario L
Based upon this post:

I wouldn't go quickly to blame it on apache.

Also a look at the possible useflags for apache, it doesnt seem that
there is any useflags that would enable large file support on the

supermario supermario # emerge -pv apache

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild U ] net-www/apache-2.0.53 [2.0.52-r2] -apache2 -debug -doc
-ldap -mpm-leader -mpm-peruser -mpm-prefork -mpm-threadpool
-mpm-worker -no-suexec +ssl -static-modules -threads 5,009 kB

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:31:57 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If you are transmitting a large file then the browser you are connecting to 
> the webserver with will also need handle large files. When I was coding my 
> webserver I ran into this issue and found that the problem usually lies on 
> the browser side.
> - Original Message -
> From: Jeff Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> Date: Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:10 pm
> Subject: [mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb
> > Not directly myth related, but I'm sure that somebody else on this
> > list has run into it before. I'd like to use mythweb as a way to get
> > an http link to the raw NUV files (to use with wget or similar). When
> > attempting to download files > 2gb in size, apache throws a strange
> > error (I don't have the error handy, but it was clear that it was a
> > file size issue). Is there a particular way that apache needs to be
> > compiled so that large files will work? I'm running 2.0.52-rc1 on a
> > gentoo system. (maybe a use flag that enables large file support?)
> >
> > --
> > email me if you want a gmail invite, I have some
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> > 
> > 
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: 1000th picture quality question SOLVED?

2005-03-17 Thread Mark L. Cukier
Any Luck?
- Mark
Howard Cokl wrote:
I may have been too hasty.  Couldn't fully test last
night since my wife is a Survivor freak and had to
watch.  The little testing I did the picture quality
is as close as I think I can get it.  However now this
morning I have had 2 hard lockups, can ping the box
but that's all.  I'll keep you posted.
--- "Mark L. Cukier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll have to try recompiling tonight... did you
alter any other options? (besides XvMC?).

Just so I'm clear, in the end you ended up keeping
MythTV set to use XvMC?
And, you're had:
XvMC on, OpenGL on.
Thanks! Looking forward to giving this a try!
- Mark
Howard Cokl wrote:

I've been messing with this most of the day,

benefit of being a stay at home 

dad, and I think I have mine figured out.  I turned

off xvmc in MythFrontend 

Setup and in my xorg.conf, this caused the a

greater load on the CPU but the 

picture in Myth is the same as straight from

DirecTV.  I think the reason 

that DVD playback looked so good while TV looked

uncrisp is that the default 

playback command has mplayer use -vo xv instead of

-vo xvmc.

But I need xvmc, I don't think my athlon XP 2700+

can handle HDTV without it.  

So I followed this thread

all except the modeline, recompiled mythtv with

OpenGL, and added Option  

"XvMCUsesTextures" "True" to my /etc/X11/xorg.conf

.  This seems to give me a 

picture that is the same as directv and watching

live tv puts the cpu at 86% 

idle using encoder 1 which is the freestyle card.  

Of course I'm going to have to dick around with it

some more since my AA 9A60 

should be here this week but now it seems that all

is good.

On Tuesday 15 March 2005 19:32, Chad Delatte wrote:

Alright, excuse me for my newbness here, but yes I
meant to say the itvc16 chipset.
I'm trying to establish that the problem we are


is with the newer revision of the pvr 250.
So far we have the following list of people with


new cards and have the same issue with sharpness.
You also have a newer design card and maybe the


of the problems.
1. MeITVC-16
2. hojoloco  ITVC-15 (but it's a frestyle)
3. dan   ITVC-16
ross.campbell , I did everything in your list


1. try a different decoder card (my M-179 had poor
quality compared to my pvr-250) Have one on
ordser, but think I got ripped off on ebay
2. upgrade/downgrade your video driver and hack on


config files to optimize for the best resolution


refresh rate for outputting recorded TV - Not


how to do this.
I noticed when I went to lower settings i had your
problem.  May want to start a thread about that


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*Mark L. Cukier*, /Design Engineer/  
P&E Microcomputer Systems   
710 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215  
phone : (617) 353-9206 x19
fax   :   (617) 353-9205

visit us on the web at: http: //

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list


*Mark L. Cukier*, /Design Engineer/  
P&E Microcomputer Systems   
710 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215  
phone : (617) 353-9206 x19
fax   :   (617) 353-9205

visit us on the web at: http: //

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] LiveTV jerky on FC3

2005-03-17 Thread Mark L. Cukier
I had a similar issue... it was solved by lowering my bitrate.
Kees van Bemmel wrote:
Tom, Gerhard,
has either one of you already solved this jerky live tv problem yet? I
can't get it to go away...
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 23:39:09 -0500, Tom Lichti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Paul Bender wrote:

As a mentioned in a previous mail today, I had the same poblem until I
rolled back to an earlier kernel RPM (version 681).

Running 2.6.9 here. What would you reccomend?
mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list


*Mark L. Cukier*, /Design Engineer/  
P&E Microcomputer Systems   
710 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215  
phone : (617) 353-9206 x19
fax   :   (617) 353-9205

visit us on the web at: http: //

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] PVR350 Decoding HD?

2005-03-17 Thread Mario L
Would the PVR350's MPEG2 decoder be able to handle decoding HD over
SVIDEO.  We weren't planning on buying and HDTV yet, but would still
like the improvement involved of running a regular TV at 1024x768, and
downscaling the HD if at possible?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] EXTREMELY choppy video

2005-03-17 Thread Paul Leppert
Thanks for the response!

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 12:32:42 -0800, Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hitting the checkbox is all I have to do. I presume you're running with an
> nVidia graphics card, the XvMC support in the ATrpms packages will only work
> with nVidia cards.

I'm running with an nVidia Geforce4 TI 4200. I noticed that my
previous success with XvMC was on my other machine (a Geforce FX
6600), so maybe the 4200 doesn't support XvMC???

> > I don't see anything in the standard log for mythfrontend.  If I turn
> > on additional logging, what, if anything should I be looking for?
> Launch the frontend from a console:
> $ mythfrontend -v playback
> Should be something in the output there about XvMC...

I will try with that (-v playback).  However, I ran the frontend with
-v all and I didn't see anything on xvmc.

I am also trying to run with mplayer (mplayer -vo xvmc -vc ffmpeg12mc
recordedfile.nuv) and I get messages about using XVMC (no errors that
I can tell), but I don't get a picture (it says something about not
being able to get the correct resolution, repeats that message several
times at the bottom of the output).

I figure I'll mess about with mplayer and see if I can get it to work
there first before trying again with mythtv.  I only had limited time
last night, so I'll try again today and post my results from mplayer.

I also tried with xine (which is what I use for my video playback (per
your Tips and Hints)) and used the xine-check script.  Unfortunately,
I don't know how to tell xine to use xvmc (or if it even does) nor how
to tell if it is using it.  xine-check didn't find any problems

Any other suggestions are appreciated...


I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.  --  Confucius
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [ G400 ] Hotwo enable flicker filters

2005-03-17 Thread Cory Papenfuss
How do i enable any kind of flicker filter to the matroxfb? Picture quality 
with mplayer, G400 and the RGB-cable ist fantastic, but any X appication, 
especially MythTV GUI flickers terribly. Somwhere in the web i've read this 
would be an issue of human optical perception. Perception of hard edges in 
GUI's at low frequencies (50Hz) causes the flickering. So many graphic cards 
support flicker filters to blur the image. From the windows driver i know the 
matrox g400 does to. But i didn't find anything about flicker filters with 
the G400 under linux in web. Does sombebody knows how to enable flicker 

I'm using the matrox g400 dual max with the kernel matrox framebuffer, second 
head connected to tv with the self build VGA to SCART cable.

	Flicker filtering screws with the picture by definition.  The 
video being played *IS* interlaced, and should be played interlaced. 
Flicker filters are an artifact of trying to reduce perceived flicker from 
computer-generated images, but it's horribly bad for maintaining video 
quality from an interlaced source to interlaced display.

	All that's really needed is to make a MythTV theme that has this 
in mind.  Once upon a time, X11's 100dpi fonts did this by making sure 
there were no single horizonal lines.  If they were double, the flicker 
wouldn't be noticed as much.  That's the correct solution (short of using 
progressive scan TV)

 	There was some talk awhile back about making such a theme, but I'm 
not sure how far it got.

* Cory Papenfuss*
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student   *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University   *
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] LiveTV jerky on FC3

2005-03-17 Thread Kees van Bemmel
Tom, Gerhard,

has either one of you already solved this jerky live tv problem yet? I
can't get it to go away...


On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 23:39:09 -0500, Tom Lichti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul Bender wrote:
> > As a mentioned in a previous mail today, I had the same poblem until I
> > rolled back to an earlier kernel RPM (version 681).
> Running 2.6.9 here. What would you reccomend?
> Thanks
> Tom
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MythTV-0.17 failing to record

2005-03-17 Thread mythtv-users
I've got a little problem with my mythtv box that is getting me loads of
grief from SWMBO,
basically every now and then (it's happened three times that I've noticed so
far) the box stops recording,
backend is up and (apparently) working, but doesn't record (again).

It also doesn't auto-shutdown and mythweb doesn't work.

No errors, no (apparent) problems the programs are scheduled to record it
just doesn't record.

Example, it should have recorded Friends at 07:29-08:01 this morning, a peek
in the backend log shows

2005-03-16 13:36:14.199 PruneOldRecords...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.257 AddNewRecords...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.334  |-- Start DB Query...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.838  |-- 264 results in 0.449266 sec. Processing...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.891  +-- Cleanup...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.892 Sort by time...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.919 PruneOverlaps...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.963 Sort by priority...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.968 BuildListMaps...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.968 SchedNewRecords...
2005-03-16 13:36:14.969 Scheduling:

 +Friends - "The One Where Ross Got H4 1004  17 07:29-08:01  1 1 1  A 1

2005-03-16 13:36:15.603 ClearListMaps...
2005-03-16 13:36:15.603 Sort by time...
2005-03-16 13:36:15.604 PruneRedundants...
--- print list start ---
Title - SubtitleChan ChID Day Start  End   S C I  T N

Friends - "The One Where Ross Got H4 1004  17 07:29-08:01  1 1 1  A 1

2005-03-17 07:26:59.659 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1005 @ 20050315175900 in Finished state.

2005-03-17 07:26:59.694 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1005 @ 20050316175900 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:27:59.701 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4,
found 13 total jobs
2005-03-17 07:27:59.701 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1004 @ 20050314072900 in Finished state.

2005-03-17 07:27:59.707 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1005 @ 20050316175900 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:28:59.714 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4,
found 13 total jobs
2005-03-17 07:28:59.715 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1004 @ 20050314072900 in Finished state.

2005-03-17 07:28:59.719 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1001 @ 20050315193000 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:29:02.002 backend still changing state, waiting..
2005-03-17 07:29:59.728 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4,
found 13 total jobs
2005-03-17 07:29:59.728 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1004 @ 20050314072900 in Finished state.

2005-03-17 07:29:59.776 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1005 @ 20050316175900 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:30:59.783 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4,
found 13 total jobs
2005-03-17 07:30:59.784 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1004 @ 20050314072900 in Finished state.
2005-03-17 07:30:59.785 JobQueue::GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials'
Job for 1001 @ 20050314133900 in Finished state.

Nothing about trying to start recording!

There are no (related) errors in the syslog (only the normal cron/ssh
messages), plenty of disk space (3Gb free on the system disk and

For reference this is on a Pundit-R with a pvr-350/Nova-T with tv/X out of
the pvr-350 running SuSE 9.1 (2.6.11-rc2-bk3-20050125153357-default), Mythtv
0.17, ivtv: version 0.3.2 (h), mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.18, for
suse-linux (i686)



mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] audio resample

2005-03-17 Thread Marcel Janssen
On Thursday 17 March 2005 22:12, Marcel Janssen wrote:
> On Thursday 17 March 2005 21:15, Marcel Janssen wrote:
> > How can I get pcm to play at 48000Hz ?
> Can mythmusic do the resampling or does one need to use Alsa for it ?

It seems like the following in .asoundrc works :

pcm.!default { 
type plug 
slave.pcm "spdif"
  slave {
   pcm "spdif"
   rate 48000

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb

2005-03-17 Thread sschaefer1
If you are transmitting a large file then the browser you are connecting to the 
webserver with will also need handle large files. When I was coding my 
webserver I ran into this issue and found that the problem usually lies on the 
browser side.

- Original Message -
From: Jeff Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 17, 2005 4:10 pm
Subject: [mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb

> Not directly myth related, but I'm sure that somebody else on this
> list has run into it before. I'd like to use mythweb as a way to get
> an http link to the raw NUV files (to use with wget or similar). When
> attempting to download files > 2gb in size, apache throws a strange
> error (I don't have the error handy, but it was clear that it was a
> file size issue). Is there a particular way that apache needs to be
> compiled so that large files will work? I'm running 2.0.52-rc1 on a
> gentoo system. (maybe a use flag that enables large file support?)
> -- 
> email me if you want a gmail invite, I have some
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] [ G400 ] Hotwo enable flicker filters

2005-03-17 Thread Bernd Müller
How do i enable any kind of flicker filter to the matroxfb? Picture quality with 
mplayer, G400 and the RGB-cable ist fantastic, but any X appication, especially 
MythTV GUI flickers terribly. Somwhere in the web i've read this would be an 
issue of human optical perception. Perception of hard edges in GUI's at low 
frequencies (50Hz) causes the flickering. So many graphic cards support flicker 
filters to blur the image. From the windows driver i know the matrox g400 does 
to. But i didn't find anything about flicker filters with the G400 under linux 
in web. Does sombebody knows how to enable flicker filters?

I'm using the matrox g400 dual max with the kernel matrox framebuffer, second 
head connected to tv with the self build VGA to SCART cable.

(c; bernd
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [Australian Program Guide Listings - FoxtelMissing]

2005-03-17 Thread Ben de Luca
The alternative, that we currently use, is to set each program up to
"record only this time", so you can manually adjust the end time for
each time slot. Unfortunately, TV stations seem to swap/change TV
shows so often that this frequently results in missing a show.
I've also use the global 'record an extra number of seconds' option 
gets ignored if recording string together, or manually scheduling the 
of time instead.
Huge time swaps dont happen all that often, usually what happens is the 
guide data gets changed between grabbing and recording. It worth 
grabing each days today fresh every morning.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] audio resample

2005-03-17 Thread Marcel Janssen
On Thursday 17 March 2005 21:15, Marcel Janssen wrote:
> How can I get pcm to play at 48000Hz ?

Can mythmusic do the resampling or does one need to use Alsa for it ?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] apache 2gb limit? mythweb

2005-03-17 Thread Jeff Simpson
Not directly myth related, but I'm sure that somebody else on this
list has run into it before. I'd like to use mythweb as a way to get
an http link to the raw NUV files (to use with wget or similar). When
attempting to download files > 2gb in size, apache throws a strange
error (I don't have the error handy, but it was clear that it was a
file size issue). Is there a particular way that apache needs to be
compiled so that large files will work? I'm running 2.0.52-rc1 on a
gentoo system. (maybe a use flag that enables large file support?)

email me if you want a gmail invite, I have some
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Any reason not to run commflag as a cron job

2005-03-17 Thread Craig Partin
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 12:46:56 -0800 (PST), Listman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any reason not to run commflag as a cron job? I do a lot of recording at
> night while I'm playing vengeance on my server and if commflag starts up
> the server starts laggin and people start complaining. Is there any reason
> I cant have commflag run at 1:00am.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

No reason at all.  Just turn off the automatic flagging.  I used to do
this when I had a 500Mhz Celeron and flagging would cause video
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Any reason not to run commflag as a cron job

2005-03-17 Thread Josh Burks
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 12:46:56 -0800 (PST), Listman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any reason not to run commflag as a cron job? I do a lot of recording at
> night while I'm playing vengeance on my server and if commflag starts up
> the server starts laggin and people start complaining. Is there any reason
> I cant have commflag run at 1:00am.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Hey, as long as they are flagged by the time you want to watch the
recordings, I'd say there's no problem, IMHO.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] OT (sort of): TiVo Granted Eight New Domestic and Foreign Patents

2005-03-17 Thread Lachlan McIntosh

According to

"Key inventions claimed in the patent include methods for: the efficient
and low-cost processing and synchronizing of various multimedia streams
in a television signal; a storage format that easily supports advanced
TrickPlay capabilities (i.e., pausing live TV, fast-forwarding,
rewinding, instant replays, and slow motion); automatically determining
the start and end times of a program; creating custom video sequences;
and transferring programs to a VCR or DVD recorder."
I wonder if the patent includes having humans sitting in front of a
screen to watch moving pictures...  :oP

Lachlan McIntosh

Phone: 07 33994977
Fax:   07 33994988 


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Justin Gombos
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 14:59]:
> Could you please post the output of the following commands (might need 
> to be root):
>   grep -i -e "tv" -e "tuner" -e "msp" /var/log/messages

This is a huge amount of data, so I just captured the "tv" messages
here.  The original output was too large, and the mailing list tool
rejected my post, so I've trimmed it down.  I think the stuff from
past bootups is redundant anyway, so here is the log of the most
recent bootup today:
  Mar 17 08:36:55 mythtv kernel:  <4>mtrr: 0xf400,0x40 overlaps 
existing 0xf400,0x20
  Mar 17 08:37:16 mythtv kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.
  Mar 17 08:37:16 mythtv kernel: Kernel log daemon terminating.
  Mar 17 08:37:16 mythtv exiting on signal 15
  Mar 17 19:07:58 mythtv syslogd 1.4.1#16: restart.
  Mar 17 19:07:58 mythtv kernel: klogd 1.4.1#16, log source = /proc/kmsg 
  Mar 17 19:07:58 mythtv kernel: Inspecting /boot/
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Loaded 30397 symbols from 
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Symbols match kernel version 2.6.9.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: No module symbols loaded - kernel modules not 
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Linux version 2.6.9-chw-4 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
(gcc version 3.3.4 (Debian 1:3.3.4-9)) #1 SMP Fri Feb 4 20:15:03 EST 2005
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel:  BIOS-e820:  - 
0009fc00 (usable)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel:  BIOS-e820: 0009fc00 - 
000a (reserved)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel:  BIOS-e820: 000e - 
0010 (reserved)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel:  BIOS-e820: 0010 - 
0700 (usable)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel:  BIOS-e820: 0700 - 
0800 (reserved)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel:  BIOS-e820: fec0 - 
fec01000 (reserved)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel:  BIOS-e820: fee0 - 
fee01000 (reserved)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel:  BIOS-e820: fffc - 
0001 (reserved)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: 0MB HIGHMEM available.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: 127MB LOWMEM available.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: DMI 2.1 present.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Built 1 zonelists
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Kernel command line: auto BOOT_IMAGE=Linux ro 
root=301 hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi hde=scsi hdf=scsi hdg=scsi 
hdh=scsi apm=power-off nomce
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: ide_setup: hda=scsi
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: ide_setup: hdb=scsi
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: ide_setup: hdc=scsi
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: ide_setup: hdd=scsi
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: ide_setup: hde=scsi
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: ide_setup: hdf=scsi
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: ide_setup: hdg=scsi
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: ide_setup: hdh=scsi
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: No local APIC present or hardware disabled
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Initializing CPU#0
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 9, 8192 
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Detected 398.397 MHz processor.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Using tsc for high-res timesource
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Console: colour dummy device 80x25
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 
5, 131072 bytes)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 
4, 65536 bytes)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Memory: 12k/131068k available (2769k 
kernel code, 6076k reserved, 1040k data, 196k init, 0k highmem)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Checking if this processor honours the WP bit 
even in supervisor mode... Ok.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Security Scaffold v1.0.0 initialized
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: SELinux:  Initializing.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: SELinux:  Starting in permissive mode
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 
4096 bytes)
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: CPU: L2 cache: 512K
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: CPU0: Intel Pentium II (Deschutes) stepping 01
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: per-CPU timeslice cutoff: 1464.09 usecs.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: task migration cache decay timeout: 2 msecs.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: SMP motherboard not detected.
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Local APIC not detected. Using dummy APIC 
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: Brought up 1 CPUs
  Mar 17 19:07:59 mythtv kernel: checking if image is isn't (no 
cpio magic); looks like an initrd
  Mar 17 19:07

[mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Justin Gombos
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 14:38]:
> Try specifying a channel, as in "mplayer tv://3"

That doesn't change things.  The following commands all cause a green
box to be displayed:
  mplayer tv://
  mplayer tv://3
  mplayer tv://3 driver=v4l2
  mplayer tv:// driver=v4l2
  mplayer tv:// driver=v4l

> Hmmm, interesting.  MPlayer is only detecting one input: Composite1.
> It doesn't appear to be detecting the tuner.

I don't believe this card has a tuner.  It only has two physical
ports, an RCA and an S-Video, both of which are inputs.  And it seems
they are considered the same port internally.  

Is it your understanding of tuners that they demultiplex one signal
from many coming in on a coaxial line?  Since this card just has an
RCA/S-Video input, I believe it inherently requires an external tuner
to ensure that there is only one signal on the line.  If I'm right,
then there is no tuner at all.  My cable box has an RCA out, so I
guess there is no need for a tuner in the PVR.

> So, your current input is Composite1.  I'll be if you had some input
> going into the composite connector on your TV card, you'd see some
> video.  You want the input to be TunerX (probably "Tuner0"), but
> MPlayer isn't auto-detecting it.  You could try passing the "-input"
> option to MPlayer, as: "mplayer tv://[channel] -tv
> device=/dev/video0:input=X", where "X" is a number (typically 0 - 4
> or so).  Right now it's defaulting to "0", try 1,2,3 & 4.

All those input numbers give the same results: a green box, and the
following output:

  MPlayer 1.0pre5-3.3.4 (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team
  CPU: Intel Celeron Covington/Pentium II Deschutes,Tonga/Pentium II Xeon 398.7 
MHz (Family: 6, Stepping: 1)
  Detected cache-line size is 32 bytes
  CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 0 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 0 SSE2: 0
  Compiled with runtime CPU detection - WARNING - this is not optimal!
  To get best performance, recompile MPlayer with 
  Reading config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf: No such file or 
  Reading config file /root/.mplayer/config
  Reading /root/.mplayer/codecs.conf: Can't open '/root/.mplayer/codecs.conf': 
No such file or directory
  Reading /usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: Can't open 
'/usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
  Using built-in default codecs.conf.
  font: can't open file: /root/.mplayer/font/font.desc
  font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
  Using Linux hardware RTC timing (1024Hz).
  Can't open input config file /root/.mplayer/input.conf: No such file or 
  Can't open input config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/input.conf: No such file 
or directory
  Falling back on default (hardcoded) input config
  Setting up LIRC support...
  mplayer: could not connect to socket
  mplayer: Connection refused
  Failed to open LIRC support.
  You will not be able to use your remote control.
  Playing tv://3.
  TV detected! ;-)
  Selected driver: dummy
   name: NULL-TV
   author: alex
  Selected input hasn't got a tuner!
  vo: X11 running at 1600x1200 with depth 24 and 32 bpp ("" => 
remote display)
  It seems there is no Xvideo support for your video card available.
  Run 'xvinfo' to verify its Xv support and read DOCS/HTML/en/devices.html#xv!
  See 'mplayer -vo help' for other (non-xv) video out drivers. Try -vo x11
  Opening video decoder: [raw] RAW Uncompressed Video
  VDec: vo config request - 320 x 200 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
  VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
  Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
  VO: [x11] 320x200 => 320x200 Planar YV12 
  Shared memory not supported
  Reverting to normal Xlib
  SwScaler: using unscaled Planar YV12 -> BGR 32-bit special converter
  Selected video codec: [rawyv12] vfm:raw (RAW YV12)
  Audio: no sound
  Starting playback...
  New_Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong.
  Please supply the text font file (~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf).
  subtitle font: load_sub_face failed.
I wonder what it means by not being able to connect to a socket.  I
noticed the same error in my mythtvbackend.log file.

> You'll definitely want to address this eventually; for now you could try 
> "-vo sdl", "-vo gl" or "-vo gl2".  Use "-vo x11" as a last resort.

Those options result in a green box as well.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Any reason not to run commflag as a cron job

2005-03-17 Thread Listman
Any reason not to run commflag as a cron job? I do a lot of recording at
night while I'm playing vengeance on my server and if commflag starts up
the server starts laggin and people start complaining. Is there any reason
I cant have commflag run at 1:00am.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] record HDTV over Satellite is now possible?

2005-03-17 Thread Kyle Rose
Vincent K. Britton wrote:
Does anyone here have experience integrating this in to MythTV.  Do you 
think it would work with .17 with its new Firewire Recording capability?
I looked into this a few months ago, and (at least at the time) their
hardware/software interface was proprietary, so they would not release
the source code to their driver.  I'm trying to keep the number of
crappy closed source drivers to a minimum (NVidia's being the only one I
use), so I scrapped the idea.  I would be very interested if they
decided to GPL the driver, because it would be the only real non-OTA
option for unencrypted HDTV short of performing a DIY illegal import of
some unlicensed cablecard->USB or cablecard->PCI interface.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] NVidia, Hardware, Japan, Linux ... HELP!!! I'm going crazy!!!

2005-03-17 Thread Jarod Wilson
On Wednesday 16 March 2005 16:45, Hirobumi Shimada wrote:
> David Bennett wrote:
> > (3) Tuner/decoder. I would like the Haupage but am in Japan. I have
> > been told that the Kurotoshiko card is a clone. Its model number is
> > CX23416GYC-STVLP/R. Is this an actual Haupage card or just using the
> > same chips?

Very similar chips, but not exactly the same. Both have the Conexant cx23416 
mpeg2 encoder, but some of the other chips on the card differ.

> > Will it work the same as a "real" Haupage card?

You'll definitely need the paken ivtv for that card to fully work.

> > If I can  
> > find another Tuner that uses this chip is it safe to go with it?
> > (basically a list of mpeg2 decoders that will work with Myth and can
> > be bought in Japan would be great.)
> I don't know Haupage, but most Japanese use MythTV with following mpeg2
> cards.
> Kurotoshiko CX23416GYC-STVLP/R (I use it, cheapest)
> IO-DATA   GV-MVP/RX2  (minor change of GV-MVP/RX)
> IO-DATA   GV-MVP/RX2W (double tuner version of GV-MVP/RX2)
> Thease cards work in a modified version of ivtv driver in the following
> site.

Note that there are some variants of the Kurotoshiko card that don't actually 
have the GYC (ghost reduction, y/c separation) portions on them, and they do 
NOT fully work, even with the paken ivtv driver (at least they didn't last I 
checked -- I have one of these). I believe all the versions sold to the 
Japanese market do have the GYC components though. Cards sold into other 
markets eliminate them, because some of the functionality is specific to the 
NTSC-J TV standard.

Jarod Wilson

Got a question? Read this first...
MythTV, Fedora Core & ATrpms documentation:
MythTV Searchable Mailing List Archive

Description: PGP signature
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Joseph Caputo
Justin Gombos wrote:
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 14:59]:
Could you please post the output of the following commands (might
need to be root):
	grep -i -e "tv" -e "tuner" -e "msp" /var/log/messages

It turns out there are no messages containing "tuner" or "msp".
What about "tv" ?

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# /sbin/lspci
  bash: /sbin/lspci: No such file or directory
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# lspci
  :00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX Host bridge (rev 02)
  :00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX AGP bridge (rev 02)
  :00:02.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ISA (rev 02)
  :00:02.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)
  :00:02.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev 01)
  :00:02.3 Bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 02)
  :00:03.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corp. 82557/8/9 [Ethernet Pro 100] (rev 05)
  :00:12.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)
  :01:01.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. Trio 64 3D (rev 01)

mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] EXTREMELY choppy video

2005-03-17 Thread Jarod Wilson
On Wednesday 16 March 2005 07:52, Paul Leppert wrote:
> I updated my 0.17 environment last night with Axel's latest RPMs (via
> apt-get dist-upgrade) and I cannot seem to get XvMC support to work
> correctly.  The checkbox appears in the setup screen, but regardless
> of whether or not it is checked, it doesn't seem to make any
> difference (I've used XvMC before from CVS, but this install was via
> Jarod's guide on FC3).  With XvMC checkbox selected, it doesn't seem
> to make any difference in the processing used (reported via top) and
> the OSD is not black and white (I'm assuming this hasn't been fixed
> yet?).
> Is there something additional that has to be done to take advantage of
> XvMC in MythTV?

Hitting the checkbox is all I have to do. I presume you're running with an 
nVidia graphics card, the XvMC support in the ATrpms packages will only work 
with nVidia cards.

> I don't see anything in the standard log for mythfrontend.  If I turn
> on additional logging, what, if anything should I be looking for?

Launch the frontend from a console:

$ mythfrontend -v playback

Should be something in the output there about XvMC...

Jarod Wilson

Got a question? Read this first...
MythTV, Fedora Core & ATrpms documentation:
MythTV Searchable Mailing List Archive

Description: PGP signature
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] lightweight machines

2005-03-17 Thread Justin Gombos
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 14:59]:
> I doubt you'll be able to watch LiveTV on a PII-400 or whatever it
> is you have.  That's a pretty lightweight box to try and serve as a
> combined backend/frontend IMHO, even *with* Xv.

Yeah I know.. it's just so I can get a good idea of where PVRs
currently are, and so I can learn how to build these things.  If I'm
impressed with the software and confident in my ability to build a
good PVR, I'll buy better hardware.  I'm thinking I can get multimedia
cards that are good enough that the P2 will be sufficient.  The brunt
of the work should be on the mpeg4 encoder/decoder.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] CIMR 100 remote for free if you want it.

2005-03-17 Thread Louis Adamich
I have a creative cimr 100 receiver and two credit card size remotes 
that I got in a lot of computer stuff I bought it.  If anybody wants it 
you can have it for the price of shipping which I wouldn't think would 
be too much.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What card for "cable/sat" capture?

2005-03-17 Thread Pete Stagman
yep, pvr-250 works for me. I have 2 pvr's capturing two dishnetwork receivers.


On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 20:14:19 +, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> john roberts wrote:
> >All my experience with MythTV has been with OTA.  If I wanted to start 
> >capturing content from digital cable or Sat - what are my options?
> >
> >As I see it:
> >
> >1) pcHDTV 3000 with new QAM support (if the local cable provider is even 
> >using QAM encoding)
> >2) Low end capture card using composite video/audio in
> >3) If the Cable/Sat box does firewire - capture using firewire
> >
> >Am I missing anything?  If I went with option (2) what cards should I look 
> >at?  I wouldn't think I would need something as expensive as the 250/350's 
> >since I wouldn't use the on-board encoders.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >-John
> >
> >
> PVR 250 with s-video input (gives me superb capture) . I suspect that
> it's as good as you can get for SD TV.
> may not be applicable in the US.
> David
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Lirc, FC3, and an Irblaster?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Justin Gombos
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 14:59]:
> Could you please post the output of the following commands (might
> need to be root):
>   grep -i -e "tv" -e "tuner" -e "msp" /var/log/messages

It turns out there are no messages containing "tuner" or "msp".

>   /sbin/lspci
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# /sbin/lspci
  bash: /sbin/lspci: No such file or directory
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# lspci
  :00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX Host bridge 
(rev 02)
  :00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX AGP bridge 
(rev 02)
  :00:02.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ISA (rev 02)
  :00:02.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)
  :00:02.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev 01)
  :00:02.3 Bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 02)
  :00:03.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corp. 82557/8/9 [Ethernet Pro 100] 
(rev 05)
  :00:12.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video 
Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)
  :01:01.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. Trio 64 3D (rev 01)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] audio resample

2005-03-17 Thread Marcel Janssen

I play sound through spdif an need mythmusic to play pcm at 48000Hz.

I have only this in .asoundrc :
 pcm.!default { 
 type plug 
 slave.pcm "spdif"

How can I get pcm to play at 48000Hz ?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] VIA EPIA-M

2005-03-17 Thread Ivor Hewitt
On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 19:16, Torsten Schenkel wrote:

> I don't know for sure, but I seriously doubt the Epia has the muscle for
> on the fly compression decompression and i/o bandwidth for twice full
> size PAL video (to and fro the processor) and twice compressed video (to
> and from HD)
Many people are successfully using EPIA based myth boxes... and if you're 
using the embedded mpeg decoder they're not even stretched.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What card for "cable/sat" capture?

2005-03-17 Thread David
john roberts wrote:
All my experience with MythTV has been with OTA.  If I wanted to start 
capturing content from digital cable or Sat - what are my options?
As I see it:
1) pcHDTV 3000 with new QAM support (if the local cable provider is even using 
QAM encoding)
2) Low end capture card using composite video/audio in
3) If the Cable/Sat box does firewire - capture using firewire
Am I missing anything?  If I went with option (2) what cards should I look at?  
I wouldn't think I would need something as expensive as the 250/350's since I 
wouldn't use the on-board encoders.

PVR 250 with s-video input (gives me superb capture) . I suspect that 
it's as good as you can get for SD TV.

may not be applicable in the US.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] xawtv works - what's the next step?

2005-03-17 Thread Joseph Caputo
Michael Haan wrote:
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:46:34 -0500, Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Justin Gombos wrote:
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 14:17]:
What exactly is Xv?  Is that something that MythTV
depends on?
Yes.  Xv is the X11 extension that enables 2D scaling of video to be
done by your video card hardware.  Without it, your CPU must shoulder
the load.  If you're recording at, say, 640x480, but your display
resolution is 800x600, then to display full-screen the video must be
scaled.  Doing the scaling in software is quite taxing on your CPU,
hence the need for Xv, so you can let your video card do it.  Without
Xv, I doubt you'll be able to watch LiveTV on a PII-400 or whatever it
is you have.  That's a pretty lightweight box to try and serve as a
combined backend/frontend IMHO, even *with* Xv.
I had to turn-off XvMC because it was causing myth to error out.  I'd
like to enable and use it (I think), but not sure how to about it. 
Also, didn't I see somewhere that some of the de-interlacing routines
require XvMC to be disabled?
Xv != XvMC.
Xv is hardware-accelerated 2D scaling.
XvMC is "X-Video Motion Compensation", or in layman's terms, 
hardware-assisted MPEG-1/2 decoding.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] xawtv works - what's the next step?

2005-03-17 Thread Michael Haan
I had to turn-off XvMC because it was causing myth to error out.  I'd
like to enable and use it (I think), but not sure how to about it. 
Also, didn't I see somewhere that some of the de-interlacing routines
require XvMC to be disabled?

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:46:34 -0500, Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Justin Gombos wrote:
> > * Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 14:17]:
> >
> >>Please just try xawtv.  It's *so* much easier.  Also, you're going
> >>to have issues unless you can get Xv working on your video card.
> >
> >
> > Xawtv is the only thing that works for me, and I'm glad you suggested
> > it.  But the goal is to have MythTV work.  I want to take the next
> > baby step.
> >
> > I want to see live tv via MythTV next (which currently displays a
> > blank screen).  I'm sure there's a smaller step I can take to get
> > there.  What other tests and troubleshooting can I do, knowing that
> > Xawtv works, but mplayer doesn't, and I can't even cat from
> > /dev/video0?
> Stop trying to 'cat' from /dev/video0.  You're not supposed to do that
> with a framegrabber card; that test is meant for hardware MPEG encoder
> cards like the PVR-250, that allow you to read an MPEG stream from the
> video device.  DON'T DO IT!!
> > What exactly is Xv?  Is that something that MythTV
> > depends on?
> Yes.  Xv is the X11 extension that enables 2D scaling of video to be
> done by your video card hardware.  Without it, your CPU must shoulder
> the load.  If you're recording at, say, 640x480, but your display
> resolution is 800x600, then to display full-screen the video must be
> scaled.  Doing the scaling in software is quite taxing on your CPU,
> hence the need for Xv, so you can let your video card do it.  Without
> Xv, I doubt you'll be able to watch LiveTV on a PII-400 or whatever it
> is you have.  That's a pretty lightweight box to try and serve as a
> combined backend/frontend IMHO, even *with* Xv.
> -JAC
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Divorcing MySQL from front/backend combo

2005-03-17 Thread Tom Lichti
Cross-posted to discussion board:
I have a single box serving as DB/back/frontend, and I'd like to utilize 
my already running separate DB server, but it doesn't quite work. I 
first dumped all mythconverg data from my running box, imported it into 
my DB server, edited the mysql.txt file to point to the new DB server, 
stopped mysql on the Myth box, and restarted back and front ends. 
Everything works fine, I can watch TV, browse the EPG, record, playback, 
etc, the only thing that doesn't work (and is a showstopper) is that 
mythfilldatabase fails with an error about not being able to connect to 
the database. I haven't dug too much into it, but does mythfilldatabase 
not use the mysql.txt settings? And has anyone done this successfully? 
Perhaps I could setup mythfilldatabase to run on the db serverkind 
of a hack though...

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Joseph Caputo
Justin Gombos wrote:
* MagicITX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 13:56]:
I believe saa7130 is the decoder.

The Philips saa7130 is the chip on the capture card, and I don't
believe it's a decoder or encoder.  It's simply an A/D converter as
far as I know.  It's on an AverMedia DVD EZMaker card, which is simply
a frame grabber.  My video card is an el cheapo on-board card, so
there is no decoder there either.

What is your encoder (e.g. ivtv)?

Maybe.  Certainly there is no hardware encoder, and I know ivtv is in
/etc/modules, so I'm running it.  Is ivtv an encoder?
ivtv doesn't even need to be on your system.  You should remove all 
reference to it from /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf.  ivtv is 
the kernel module/driver for PVR-x50 cards and their equivalents, which 
are all hardware MPEG encoder cards.

That is what will be associated with /dev/video0.

Whatever is associated with /dev/video0, it's broken; but if I'm
understanding Joseph correctly, it's not practical to get a raw video
stream going through /dev/video0 anyway.  And binding a software
encoder to /dev/video0 is probably equally impractical.
Could you please post the output of the following commands (might need 
to be root):

grep -i -e "tv" -e "tuner" -e "msp" /var/log/messages
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] What card for "cable/sat" capture?

2005-03-17 Thread john roberts

All my experience with MythTV has been with OTA.  If I wanted to start 
capturing content from digital cable or Sat - what are my options?

As I see it:

1) pcHDTV 3000 with new QAM support (if the local cable provider is even using 
QAM encoding)
2) Low end capture card using composite video/audio in
3) If the Cable/Sat box does firewire - capture using firewire

Am I missing anything?  If I went with option (2) what cards should I look at?  
I wouldn't think I would need something as expensive as the 250/350's since I 
wouldn't use the on-board encoders.


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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] xawtv works - what's the next step?

2005-03-17 Thread Joseph Caputo
Justin Gombos wrote:
* Joseph Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 14:17]:
Please just try xawtv.  It's *so* much easier.  Also, you're going
to have issues unless you can get Xv working on your video card.

Xawtv is the only thing that works for me, and I'm glad you suggested
it.  But the goal is to have MythTV work.  I want to take the next
baby step.
I want to see live tv via MythTV next (which currently displays a
blank screen).  I'm sure there's a smaller step I can take to get
there.  What other tests and troubleshooting can I do, knowing that
Xawtv works, but mplayer doesn't, and I can't even cat from
Stop trying to 'cat' from /dev/video0.  You're not supposed to do that 
with a framegrabber card; that test is meant for hardware MPEG encoder 
cards like the PVR-250, that allow you to read an MPEG stream from the 
video device.  DON'T DO IT!!

What exactly is Xv?  Is that something that MythTV
depends on?  
Yes.  Xv is the X11 extension that enables 2D scaling of video to be 
done by your video card hardware.  Without it, your CPU must shoulder 
the load.  If you're recording at, say, 640x480, but your display 
resolution is 800x600, then to display full-screen the video must be 
scaled.  Doing the scaling in software is quite taxing on your CPU, 
hence the need for Xv, so you can let your video card do it.  Without 
Xv, I doubt you'll be able to watch LiveTV on a PII-400 or whatever it 
is you have.  That's a pretty lightweight box to try and serve as a 
combined backend/frontend IMHO, even *with* Xv.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] use EIT in DVB

2005-03-17 Thread Rudy Zijlstra
Then how do i get it to fill the program database? The EPG is still very 
empty, even after watching RTL for quit some time, and with 2 LNBs 
available on the same satelite.

John Pullan wrote:
Check the "use on air guide" (next to the xmltvid box) if it's not
already checked.
On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 19:15 +0100, Rudy Zijlstra wrote:

I've enabled EIT during compilation. I cannot find in setup how to 
enable it though. What do i have to do to make mythtv use the EIT data?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Justin Gombos
* MagicITX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-17 13:56]:
> I believe saa7130 is the decoder.

The Philips saa7130 is the chip on the capture card, and I don't
believe it's a decoder or encoder.  It's simply an A/D converter as
far as I know.  It's on an AverMedia DVD EZMaker card, which is simply
a frame grabber.  My video card is an el cheapo on-board card, so
there is no decoder there either.

> What is your encoder (e.g. ivtv)?

Maybe.  Certainly there is no hardware encoder, and I know ivtv is in
/etc/modules, so I'm running it.  Is ivtv an encoder?

> That is what will be associated with /dev/video0.

Whatever is associated with /dev/video0, it's broken; but if I'm
understanding Joseph correctly, it's not practical to get a raw video
stream going through /dev/video0 anyway.  And binding a software
encoder to /dev/video0 is probably equally impractical.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Simple video tests are failing -- what other tests are helpful?

2005-03-17 Thread Joseph Caputo
See comments inline...
Justin Gombos wrote:
* Justin Gombos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-16 19:23]:
The mplayer test I've seen folks use to test also fails:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/mythtv# mplayer /dev/video0
 MPlayer 1.0pre5-3.3.4 (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team

I got a slightly better failure with the following:
  # mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l
  # mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2
Try specifying a channel, as in "mplayer tv://3"
Instead of seg faulting, it at least pops up a window, but nothing
appears in the window.  The terminal window fills with the error:
  v4l2: ioctl dequeue buffer failed: Input/output error, idx = 0
This is the complete terminal window output:
  MPlayer 1.0pre5-3.3.4 (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team
  Playing tv://.
  TV detected! ;-)
  Selected driver: v4l2
   name: Video 4 Linux 2 input
   author: Martin Olschewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   comment: first try, more to come ;-)
  Selected device: AVerMedia DVD EZMaker
   Tuner cap:
   Tuner rxs:
   Capabilites:  video capture  video overlay  VBI capture device  tuner  read/write  streaming
   supported norms: 0 = PAL; 1 = PAL-BG; 2 = PAL-I; 3 = PAL-DK; 4 = NTSC; 5 = SECAM; 6 = PAL-M; 7 = PAL-Nc;

   inputs: 0 = Composite1;
Hmmm, interesting.  MPlayer is only detecting one input: Composite1.  It 
doesn't appear to be detecting the tuner.

   Current input: 0
So, your current input is Composite1.  I'll be if you had some input 
going into the composite connector on your TV card, you'd see some 
video.  You want the input to be TunerX (probably "Tuner0"), but MPlayer 
isn't auto-detecting it.  You could try passing the "-input" option to 
MPlayer, as: "mplayer tv://[channel] -tv device=/dev/video0:input=X",
where "X" is a number (typically 0 - 4 or so).  Right now it's 
defaulting to "0", try 1,2,3 & 4.

   Current format: BGR24
  v4l2: current audio mode is : MONO
  vo: X11 running at 1600x1200 with depth 24 and 32 bpp ("" => 
remote display)
  It seems there is no Xvideo support for your video card available.
  Run 'xvinfo' to verify its Xv support and read DOCS/HTML/en/devices.html#xv!
  See 'mplayer -vo help' for other (non-xv) video out drivers. Try -vo x11
You'll definitely want to address this eventually; for now you could try 
"-vo sdl", "-vo gl" or "-vo gl2".  Use "-vo x11" as a last resort.

  Opening video decoder: [raw] RAW Uncompressed Video
  VDec: vo config request - 640 x 480 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
  VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
  Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
  VO: [x11] 640x480 => 640x480 Planar YV12 
  Shared memory not supported
  Reverting to normal Xlib
  SwScaler: using unscaled Planar YV12 -> BGR 32-bit special converter
  Selected video codec: [rawyv12] vfm:raw (RAW YV12)
  Audio: no sound
  Starting playback...
  v4l2: ioctl dequeue buffer failed: Input/output error, idx = 0

My guess is that MPlayer is not able to see/handle your tuner.  Perhaps 
the kernel module for your tuner needs to be configured.  Depending on 
your distro, this would be done in /etc/modules.conf or 
/etc/modprobe.conf.  As to why Xawtv works, perhaps it's better at 
auto-detecting things.

mythtv-users mailing list

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