Re: [mythtv-users] MythWeb + myth-remote-control

2006-01-29 Thread Adam Bodnar
You really wouldn't need a cgi script.

With the telnet interface, you can have php open a socket to the ip
the backend is on and have it issue the commands.

Something like this.

> I've been thinking a bit recently about a feature I mentioned a couple
> months ago, and it seems more implementable now.  (Is MythWeb covered
> by the current feature freeze? :)
> The idea is to be able to browse recordings in MythWeb, but, if you
> clicked on the image in any given row, to have the frontend play it
> instead of having it streamed to the browser.  This is handy in
> situations where you don't necessarily have a pre-established
> playlist, and would like to start the next recording on the fly while
> the previous one is still playing.  (Useful for VJ'ing, for meetings
> in which you're presenting a bunch of short clips, for those of us who
> find a browser on a close-up high-res screen much more readable than
> the TV on the other side of the room, etc etc.)  Obviously, this would
> be optional, so the existing behavior of streaming directly to the
> browser still works for those who want it.
> Originally, it looked like the way to do this was to send a different
> URL to the browser such that the image link ran a cgi script that then
> talked to the frontend (which might not be the same as the backend
> machine), and which then ran mplayer right on top of the frontend GUI.
> This is inelegant in a number of ways, though.
> But with the recent work that went into SVN (courtesy of the bounty
> that was paid for the added functionality) for remote-controlling the
> frontend from elsewhere, this could be a lot easier:  Each of the rows
> in MythWeb's recorded-programs page has a URL that runs a cgi script
> that gets handed some ID for the program (whatever's easiest to put in
> the URL and look up in the DB later), and the cgi script then commands
> the frontend to play that recording directly, just as if the user
> navigated there via the frontend's UI.  Seems very simple.
> The clean way to implement this would be to augment MythWeb to run an
> arbitrary script (e.g., the cgi script gets configured to call one of
> potentially several scripts, and hands it the program ID), and the
> first (but maybe not only) script to actually get written would be the
> one that takes the program ID and tells the frontend remote-control to
> play it.
> MythWeb would need two additional configuration options somewhere:
> o Whether to enable this behavior at all
> o Which frontend to use, if there is more than one
> How feasible does this sound?
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Has somebody got a *complete* list of dependencies for mythburn?

2006-01-20 Thread Adam Bodnar
Were you running the CVS version of mythburn on .18 or SVN?

On 1/11/06, Sdk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/11/06, Thomas R. Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Crew:
> >
> > I've been trying to get mythburn running.  This appears to be a matter
> > of getting it from CVS and then trying to follow a progression of
> > bug-stomps reported via various discussion spaces.  I'm having trouble
> > doing this, for a couple of reasons strongly tied to my own ignorance
> > about how transcoding and DVD burning work, made worse by the scattered
> > nature of information about mythburn.
> >
> > First, which packages/software does mythburn require as prerequisites
> > for installation?  Which version of ProjectX, for example? Does someone
> > have a comprehensive list, including further dependencies by required
> > packages? (for example, ProjectX is either bitching that it needs more
> > java libraries from somewhere or other, or it's bitching that it needs
> > the means to get them itself, I can't tell which).  I'm installing on
> > top of FC4.
> >
> > Second, can someone briefly describe for me, step-by-step, the process
> > that mythburn is implementing?  It would be very useful to know what
> > sort of intermediate files/outputs it's expecting from one stage to the
> > next, as I have no conceptual map of what series of transformations it's
> > trying to make.
> >
> > Just trying to catch a clue here, but lacking a net.
> >
> > Best,
> > Tb.
> >
> > --
> > +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
> > Thomas R. Bruce ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > Director, Legal Information Institute
> > Cornell Law School
> >
> > +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
> >
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> This really may not be complete. I'm doing this mostly off the top of
> my head and this is my experience with mythburn CVS installing on
> Fedora Core 3 as of about 3 weeks ago.
> This is the howto I loosely followed when installing.
> 1) ProjectX .82 ( You may be able to use .90 but youll have to muck
> around with the mythburn scripts.
> 2) Xvfb
> 3) dvdauthor
> 4) mjpegtools
> 5) ImageMagic
> For projectx, I made a shell script called /usr/local/bin/projectx
> containing the following:
> #!/bin/bash
> java -jar /usr/local/bin/projectx_dir/ProjectX.jar $@
> The projectx_dir above is just a directory where I untarred projectx .82 into.
> I followed the instructions on pulling down the latest from CVS, but
> instead of mkdir /myth/mythburn, I just did mkdir /myth because I had
> trouble with the install script looking for files it couldnt find.
> Thats all I remember now.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Adjusting End Time After Record Start

2006-01-17 Thread Adam Bodnar
What happens if you go into like MythWeb and change the value for End
Late while the program is recording?

I know during the Rose Bowl I was out at a friends and when UT ended
up winning it, I wanted to not have it transcoded down so that I could
eventually archive it to dvd. So I logged in through ssh and then
lynx'd to the webserver and change the recording profile to a non
transcode one and it worked fine.

On 1/17/06, Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 17/01/06, George Galt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > All:
> >
> >  So last night was the season premiere of 24.  Unfortunately, on the East
> > Coast, the football game went over by about 15 minutes.  Since the guide
> > data could not anticipate this, my recording was set for 8-10 pm and I would
> > have lost the last 15 minutes of the show.  Fortunately, I noticed the
> > problem and was able to set up a manual recording from 10-10:30 to pick up
> > the last portion of the show.  However, it got me thinking if there was a
> > way to adjust recording times after a recording had started.  I looked
> > through the menus and in the documentation, but couldn't find anything (and
> > I didn't want to experiment during a recording that is crucial to the
> > happiness of my wife).  Does anyone know if this can be done?
> This would be a _very_ useful feature to have. (It's come up before on the 
> list)
> Nick
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Logrotate settings for mythbackend.log?

2006-01-13 Thread Adam Bodnar
Just a thought, but could be part of the reason it's not working is
caue you have it set to rotate at 100 megs?

Mine is set to:

/var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log {
compresscmd /usr/bin/bzip2
uncompresscmd /usr/bin/bunzip2
compressext .bz2
rotate 4
size 10M

and my log is only 3 megs and been running since July of 2005. So
unless you have alot of output, I don't think you'd hit that 100 megs
anytime soon.

Don't quote me on this though.

On 1/13/06, Joseph A. Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, well I thought this was working, but I guess it's not.  Anybody have
> a good logrotate configuration for mythbackend.log?  Here's mine, but
> it doesn't seem to be working.  (I'm running FC3)
> (in /etc/logrotate.d/mythtv
> /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log {
> weekly
> size 100M
> rotate 1
> copytruncate
> compress
> compresscmd /usr/bin/bzip2
> uncompresscmd /usr/bin/bunzip2
> notifempty
> missingok
> notifempty
> }
> Thx,
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Is atrpms down?

2005-11-15 Thread Adam Bodnar
Just a note, but check this out

On 11/15/05, Thom Paine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/15/05, Steve Malenfant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I know this is a bit out of topic, but many of us probably rely on
> > atrpms for mythtv installation.  Sorry if this was posted before, but
> > I couldn't find anything in the mailing list.
> >
> > I've been trying to connect to atrpms today from work and again
> > tonight.  Keep getting those connection refused with yum and the web
> > site is unreachable.
> >
> > Anybody knows why atrpms can't be reached?
> >
>  Of course my post was a couple of minutes slower.
>  Same here Steve. I'm in Canada and tried on my cable connection as well as
> my dsl one. Same on both.
> --
> -=/>Thom
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
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[mythtv-users] Speaking to control MythTv

2005-10-19 Thread Adam Bodnar
So I was reading PVR Wire and saw a story about this software for the

I thought this would be something cool for Myth Tv and from what just
doing some quick browsing that there are apps to control linux.
However, I'm not sure if they just launch applications or can issue

Of course the obvious problem would be having your computer trigger on
sound from the tv. But there are some ways you could work around this
by adding a trigger word or just have the application not be activated
when the tv is playing something.

I could so see my friends thinking I'm insane if they saw me talking to my tv.

I'm going to look into this a little more, but if anyone has any
ideas, let me know.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Apple iMac Remote

2005-10-13 Thread Adam Bodnar
You can get the IR remote separately as it's being sold separately to
control a new dock for the ipod that has an IR receiver as well that
can control the iPod

On 10/13/05, Joseph A. Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 13 October 2005 12:32, cryptodigm * wrote:
> > Are there any Mac enthusiasts out there that know the detials on the
> > new
> > iMac remote?
> >
> >
> > It's Apple, so it's sure to be expensive, but if it works on bluetooth
> > or a
> > LIRC capable IR freq, I'd love to use one with myth.
> >
> > Anyone know where to find more details on it or how to get one?
> From what I've read, it's an IR remote, which means it can probably be
> used with almost any LIRC-compatible receiver (except possibly the ones
> that come with most Hauppauge cards, as they only receive RC-5 IR
> protocol, which I doubt is what Apple's remote sends).
> As far as getting one, at the moment I doubt you'd be able to get one
> without purchasing a new iMac.  However, with these new Apple products,
> a 3rd-party market "design-alike" market usually crops up pretty
> quickly, so there may soon be some remotes on the market that have a
> similar design but offer features that Apple's doesn't.
> With built-in IR and iSight, the new iMac would make a sweet frontend,
> if a bit pricey.  Though, if you figure in the cost of an equivalent
> flat panel display + frontend PC, it's probably not that expensive.
> Anybody care to comment on how quiet (or not) recent iMacs are?
> -JAC
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
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Re: [mythtv-users] Auto transcode and commercial cutting not happening

2005-09-21 Thread Adam Bodnar
Not sure whether you're using FC or debian or gentoo...but least with
the ATrpms, they were set to log all backend stuff to
/var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log or maybe I turned that on...either way
it's a great place to watch cause you will see lines like this in the

2005-09-21 20:01:00.694 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Lost"
recorded from channel 1003 at Wed Sep 21 19:00:00 2005.
2005-09-21 20:01:00.708 commflag: Commercial Flagging Starting
2005-09-21 20:01:03.349 New DB connection, total: 1
2005-09-21 20:01:03.419 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-09-21 20:17:47.120 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2005-09-21 20:17:47.156 adding: localhost.localdomain as a client (events: 0)

2005-09-21 20:31:35.058 commflag: Commercial Flagging Finished
2005-09-21 20:31:35.067 Finished, 6 break(s) found.
2005-09-21 20:32:02.878 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-09-21 20:32:02.898 Transcoding from
/video/recordings//1003_2005092119_2005092120.nuv to

On 9/21/05, Craig Hagerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/22/05, Robert Tsai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You are using the wrong command-line arguments. You need to be using
> > "-s" and "-c":
> >
> > % mythtranscode -c 1025 -s 2005-04-28T19:30:00
> >
> > Easiest thing to do is to use Myth frontend to Start Transcoding, and
> > use "ps" to see what is going on.
> >
> > --Rob
> >
> Thanks Rob, but -c and -s are the flags for transcoding on the fly
> aren't they? I have a file that has already been recorded and want to
> transcode that. I don't need to tell it a channel or starttime, but
> rather an input file. And it fails. (Also, I am doing this all from
> the commandline or through mythweb - backend is in a remote location
> so I don't watch / transcode through the front end)
> Craig
> mythtranscode --help gives this information:
> # mythtranscode --help
> Usage: mythtranscode <--chanid >
> <--starttime > <--profile >
> [options]
> --chanid   or -c: Takes a channel id. REQUIRED
> --starttimeor -s: Takes a starttime for the
> recording. REQUIRED
> --infile   or -i: Input file (Alternative to -c and -s)
> --profile  or -p: Takes a profile number of 'autodetect'
> recording profile. REQUIRED
> --honorcutlist or -l: Specifies whether to use the cutlist.
> --allkeys  or -k: Specifies that the output file
> should be made entirely of keyframes.
> --database or -d: Store status in the db
> --fifodir  or -f: Directory to write fifos to
> If --fifodir is specified, 'audout' and 'vidout'
> will be created in the specified directory
> --fifosync  : Enforce fifo sync
> --buildindex   or -b: Build a new keyframe index
> (use only if audio and video fifos are read independantly)
> --showprogress  : Display status info to the stdout
> --help or -h: Prints this help statement.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Auto transcode and commercial cutting not happening

2005-09-21 Thread Adam Bodnar
Transcoding still keeps it in a .nuv file.

.nuv is just a container for the video stream. Just like .avi doesn't
mean it's always a divx. It could be a xvid or 3ivx or I think even an
mpeg 4.

As for commercial cutting, it doesn't delete the commercials from the
video. It just marks the time or frame(can't remember which) the
commercial was detected and depending on your settings Myth may notify
you or auto skip or do nothing.

Now, you can load the commercial skip list into the cut list and then
have something like nuvexport cut the commercials out when the video
is exported out.

On 9/21/05, Craig Hagerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI,
> I am not sure if I have overlooked something or it is just ignorance,
> but mythtv doesn't seem to be either flagging commercials or doing
> automatic transcoding.
> On the mythfrontend settings I have the appropriate checkboxes checked
> to allow for automatic transcoding and commercial detection. On
> mythweb when I set it to record a program the checkboxes for
> "Auto-flag commercials" is checked. However, the shows are not
> transcoded (they are left in .nuv format), and the commercials are
> still present. But then it HAS to be transcoded in order for
> commercials to be cut, right? But Mythweb also has "has cutlist: no"
> ... and I thought this SHOULD be "yes" since it is set to auto-flag
> commercials. Have I misunderstood this?
> Can anyone show me where I might have gone wrong here?
> Craig
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Recordings occurring despite schedule set to only to new episodes

2005-09-12 Thread Adam Bodnar
I imagine this has been noted in svn or even fixed, but wanted to make sure.

I am using 18.1 from atrpms

I set up a recording of Stargate and set it to new episodes only. But
despite that it still has recorded episodes that should of not been.

According to the documentation,

One of the duplicate matching options is "Record new episodes only".
If this is selected, listing that have an original air date of more
than 14 days earlier are considered repeats and are not eligible to
record. Generally, generic episodes will be marked as repeats also.

If this is the case the following episode shouldn't be recorded.

  05:00 PM to 06:00 PM
  Stargate SG-1
  Serpent's Song
  An ancient enemy unleashes a wrathful, destructive spirit.
   Original Airdate:
  Science fiction
  Record at any time on channel 58.

My guess is that there may be a problem with the Original Airdate only
showing a year and not a full date.

This isn't a huge deal for me as it just means more for me to watch
and it's before anything else would record.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Archive Searching

2005-09-09 Thread Adam Bodnar
Gmail is a godsend for mailing lists.

Whenever I'm looking up something on mythtv, I just type the keywords
in and I got all the messages that word was used in.

And sure the archives are only back till you subscribed the email
address, but frankly most questions get rehashed at least once a month
if not more.

On 9/9/05, Tom E. Craddock Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> DSanchez wrote:
> >
> > On 9/9/05, *Greg Estabrooks* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > searching several months at one time?
> >
> >
> > Try the Gossamer archives.
> >
> >
> >
> > Wouldn't
> > a regular web forum be easier for people to find what they are
> > looking for?
> > Sorta like the one used by
> >  or
> > ?
> >
> > Just a thought.
> >
> This has been hashed out so many times on this list.  No, it wouldnt,
> why make everyone search thru forums, sub forums, find where there post
> goes it ivtv or is it mythtvfrontend or mythtvbackend related, get
> the idea?  Email is easier to use, no membership needed, no PMs, just
> straigh up email, read the subject and you know what the topic is,  and
> theres a searchable archive, searchable just like any forum would have.
> Dont fix it if it aint broken.
> Tom
> P.S.  Top posting is evil, you read from top to bottom, not bottom to
> top, the info flows from top down.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How do you adjust font sizes?

2005-09-08 Thread Adam Bodnar
I tried to set X to this resolution, but I got this in the X log file.

(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "720x480" (no mode of this name)

Any ideas how to fix this?

Switched it to 800x600 and still no fix in the fonts. dpi is at 100

On 9/8/05, Robert Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 08/09/05, Adam Bodnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Something I've never quite been cleared on, but for NTSC svideo is it
> > better to run the screen resolution at 1024x768 or 800x600?
> Personally, for NTSC svideo, I've got my box configured @ 720x480 (IE,
> TV resolution).
> Just my £0.02
> --
> Robert "Anaerin" Johnston
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How do you adjust font sizes?

2005-09-08 Thread Adam Bodnar
Something I've never quite been cleared on, but for NTSC svideo is it
better to run the screen resolution at 1024x768 or 800x600?

I've finally configured X to 100dpi and am slowly resolving the issues
to fixing the font size as well.

> > On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 08:32:55 +0100, Lee wrote:
> >> To change the fontsize in the main Myth menus - The example below is
> >> for MythCenter, but you'll ge the idea...
> >>
> >> pico /usr/share/mythtv/themes/MythCenter/theme.xml
> >>
> >> find the  tag, and decrease/increase as necessary, I found
> >> 22 was best.
> >> You will have to change to another theme and then back to see the
> >> changes.
> >
> > This isn't the right way to fix it. What you need to do is make sure
> > that the X server is running at 100dpi, which is what all of the themes
> > are for.
> >
> > This has been covered many times, so just check back in the archives
> > ( for 100 dpi.
> >
> > (Hint, set DisplaySize in xorg.conf or give -dpi 100 to X server.)
> >
> Oh, I played with the whole display size thing until my fingers bled.
> 100dpi just seemed to move things around the screen a bit, but not
> actually fix anything. 75dpi (which was the default when I installed
> KnoppMyth R5A16) was almost there, but adjusting that .xml file made it
> perfect...
> As usual YMMV...
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
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Re: [mythtv-users] Front end choice: Mac Mini versus VIA EPIA. Mac OS X remote control?

2005-08-31 Thread Adam Bodnar
I have a mac mini and will be using it as a frontend. It's pretty damn
quiet, course I have other computers in my room making noise so at
least it's never gotten louder than that.

As for remote control of it, I've gone a little more expensive side
but that was cause I've wanted some more customization. I bought a IR
receiver made by a guy in Germany, it is called IRTrans. More
expensive, but I knew it would work with the Pronto remote I am
wanting to use. The only slight downside to it is that you have to
write AppleScripts to do anything, but that's very minor.

The Keyspan usb IR receiver can actually be programmed to work with
other remotes, just have to teach your remote to be a JVC vcr I think
it was. I found this in their documentation.

The only downside to using the Mac as a frontend is that MythMusic
doesn't currently work under it if I remember correctly from previous
messages on this list. Not a huge concern for me at the moment.

On 8/31/05, Andrew Morley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm at an awkward stage with Myth.
> My back end is pretty much complete and works a treat.  I bought the
> slowest second-hand P4 machine that the local second-hand computer
> shop ( - it's a great place) could
> sell me, installed Gentoo, two Hauppauge Nova-T cards and Myth and
> everything worked pretty easily.  Kudos to the developers, the Gentoo
> ebuild maintainers and the many HOWTO authors.  It records stuff
> reliably and dishes out the video to either a front end running on
> the same machine (in the study) or to my PowerBook plugged in via
> 100-baseT.  It doesn't work too well wirelessly, but that's no
> surprise.
> So, now the difficult bit.  The back end will be hidden away (in the
> attic, probably).  It is time to buy a front end system.  I want
> something quiet, above all, so was considering either a Mac mini or a
> VIA EPIA system.  It would be controlled only via a remote control -
> I've no plans to provide it with a pointing device or to use it for
> general computing.
> While most people have the idea that Macs are expensive, it seems to
> me that a Mac mini actually costs less than an EPIA system with a
> comparably nice looking case.  However I'm not so confident that I
> can turn a Mac mini into a completely remote-controllable system.
> With no serial ports, I can't see how I can use it with LIRC.  There
> are USB-based remote control receivers for Mac use, but they come
> with remote controls with only very few buttons and I don't expect
> they can be used with any other remote.
> So: Has anyone successfully built a complete Mac OS X front end
> system, playing Myth, DVDs, ripped CDs, ripping CDs and DVDs etc, all
> controlled from the remote.  Or should I go for the EPIA?  Or...
> have I overlooked any other machine?
> Finally how quiet is the Mac Mini?  It has a fan, which I couldn't
> hear in the shop, but then shops are noisy.  EPIA 8000s are truly
> silent.
> Andrew
> --
> --
> --
> Andrew Morley   | Cambridge, | Email: ABMorley
>  | England.   |
> --
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Mirroring a sql database

2005-08-26 Thread Adam Bodnar
Yes, you can copy the files, but to make sure you don't corrupt the
database as well as get the latest changes to the database you'd have
to shut down mysql in order to copy the files.

The better way would be to read up on replication. Setting up the one
on your windows machine to be a slave to your myth box.

On 8/26/05, Marc Nicholas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Craig's *almost* right -- your chances of just copying the MySQL files and
> having them work are >99% for a thinly used (i.e. writes) database.
> Do be ware, however, there are times when you could end up with a corrupt
> database when doing this. Oh, and this assumes MyISAM container format.
> -marc
> On Sat, 27 Aug 2005, Craig Tinson wrote:
> > Nathan Hesson wrote:
> >
> >> This is sort of off topic but I like to watch shows that I have recorded
> >> on my windoze laptop, I tried booting a frontend off of knoppmyth but i
> >> get no audio.  anyway i use the dsmyth filters and it is able to grab the
> >> appropriate program info from the db and display it inside my smb mount.
> >> My question is, does anyone know if it is possible to mirror a copy of a
> >> database without having to export and reimport everything.  I have mysql
> >> running on my laptop and it would be cool to be able to copy files
> >> (travelling) and just point the database elsewhere to get the program
> >> info.
> >> TIA
> >>
> >
> > Mysql is just set of files ( /var/lib/mysql/mythconverg/* )
> >
> > In *theory* and I've never tried this - you could use a "rsync for windows"
> > (  to sync between your myth box
> > and your windows laptop.
> >
> > I'm talking off-the-top of my head here and I might have the wrong end of
> > the stick in terms of what you are after
> >
> > hth
> >
> > Craig
> >
> >
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
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Re: [mythtv-users] Pronto TSU3000

2005-08-24 Thread Adam Bodnar
I have the TSU7000 and will be working on one shortly. I just don't
have any artistic ability so I'm going to either borrowing entirely
from the one that is the big sensation on remote central or pay a
friend to create one.

On 8/24/05, Todd Pearsall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone use the TSU3000 with MythTV that has a screen they want to
> share?  Remote central didn't have one so I thought I'd check here before I
> created one from scratch.
> Thanks,
> Todd
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
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Re: [mythtv-users] Problem deleting a recording

2005-08-16 Thread Adam Bodnar
I had something like this as well, in the backend log will be the file
it's trying to delete. I just touched an empty file that was named.
Then I went and tried removing it again from the frontend and all was

On 8/16/05, Scot L. Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Running from atrpms built using Jarod's
> instructions.  Been working great.  :)
> A while back there was a problem that resulted in a recording that was
> deleted but the entry in the list did not get removed.  I noted the
> following error listed in the mythbackend.log file.
> 2005-08-16 20:28:21.145 Couldn't find backend for: Southern Steel :
> Lucas Bike
> I think this can be fixed by manually deleting this residual entry from
> the database.  The question is how to do this without trashing the whole
> database?
> Any pointers would be appreciated.
> ___
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Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] Where to buy a PVR-250

2005-07-28 Thread Adam Bodnar
I just got one off of Ebay from AscendTech for 79.95 + 9.99 shipping.

It's just the card though, no software, no remote.

They were very quick and very responsive.

On 7/28/05, Pat Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Where is a good source for a PVR-250 card (model 980).  I've seen people
> mention that they're available for around $90, but I can't find them any
> less than about $130.  Newegg and Amazon both carry them.  Also, I'm not
> looking at the MCE cards, as I'll be needing the remote.
> Thanks.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
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Re: [mythtv-users] Starting over from scratch; need advice or information

2005-07-21 Thread Adam Bodnar
Take a look at

Jarod does a wonderful job walking you thru step by step in setting a
fully complete system that uses the PVR250(which I can atest works
just fine under Linux) or a bt878 or pcHDTV cards.

On 7/21/05, Joe Marcom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, again.  Having near-total failure watching TV in Linux, and can't
> find the reason; it has to be someting I am "supposed to know", but
> don't.  This is my situation to date:  About this time last year, I
> bought a pcHDTV2000, but was never able to configure it to work, so I
> put it away.  Recently, I installed a Hauppauge WinTV-PVR250 and tried
> a Knoppmyth full-install, which appeared to work, but crashed on reboot.
> I since discovered that the Hauppauge card is not recognized by any
> Linux distro (exactly the same as my ATI AIW Radeon card).  Finally, I
> tried a WinTV-GO card.  It was seen by MDK 9.1, and scanned for channels
> - but has no channel-changing capability. Same for SuSE 9.2.  FC2 finds
> a "Bt878 video capture device", but the TVtime television viewer does
> nothing when clicked.  I am now totally lost and out of ideas.  The work
> has been on my backup PC (Asus A7V600, XP1700, 768 MB ram, ATI AIW
> Radeon 9600 graphics card), and various distros.  Primary PC dual-boots
>   Win98 and SuSE 9.0.  I want to view/capture TV, especially HDTV, and
> will do anything necessary to achieve this...just don't know what to try
> next.
> ___
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Re: [mythtv-users] What's a good mini front-end-only box?

2005-07-14 Thread Adam Bodnar
I'm actually going to use a Mac Mini for my frontend.

I really like the size of it and how it looks compared to pretty much
all the other Mini-ITX systems out there and it's very quiet.

I haven't set it up yet with Myth, but should be pretty easy to do.
The only reason I haven't done it yet is I'm still trying to decide on
a good remote to use.

The only ones I've found that at least at an initial glance could work
are these:
- This just doesn't have enough buttons.,CRID=2080
- I really like the 880, but not sure it could control the Mac Mini. - This would work,
but is RF only and thus can't control the tv or any other device. - This is just a IR
transmitter/receiver, but not sure how it would totally work yet.

I'd really like something like the Harmony 880 or a Pronto.

On 7/13/05, Reza Naima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i'm currently using an x-box which seems grossly underpowered.  does
> anyone have any suggestions for a good cheap front-end-only box?
> Something that's good looking.  I've got an hdtv w/ vga&dvi inputs.
> thanks,
> reza
> ___
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[mythtv-users] This sounds like good news.

2005-03-08 Thread Adam Bodnar
Just saw this on Slashdot and I'm sure others will have posted
this...but let's see who is first :P
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Re: [mythtv-users] New Mac Mini

2005-01-11 Thread Adam Bodnar
This seems like how you would get 5.1 sound from it.

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 06:50:25 +0800, Tj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve Frank wrote:
> >So, who wants one of these as a MythTV front end?  I certainly
> >wouldno TV-out, mind you, but otherwise a 2" X 6.5" X 6.5" box
> >that's sleek, does Mac OSX Panther, is nearly silent, and 1.25Ghz @
> >$500...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> It looks nice and attractive. But I'm new to Macs, does it do digital
> out surround sound?
> If no, how do we get surround sound from it? Can we add on a Audigy USB
> (can't remember the name)? Is the creative device supported by OS X?
> Regards.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
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Re: [mythtv-users] New Mac Mini

2005-01-11 Thread Adam Bodnar
What about being able to play standard tv? 

On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:38:57 -0600, Steve Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Steve Frank wrote:
> >> So, who wants one of these as a MythTV front end?  I certainly
> >> wouldno TV-out, mind you, but otherwise a 2" X 6.5" X 6.5" box
> >> that's sleek, does Mac OSX Panther, is nearly silent, and 1.25Ghz @
> >> $500...
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Actually, there's an s-video/composite dongle available.  And
> > the page claims the DVI out works with DVI-equipped HDTVs.
> > If it has the horsepower to decode HDTV, this could be a very
> > interesting little box indeed.
> >
> > -Doug
> Well, it's a Radeon 9200, and a 1.25 Ghz proc (or the 1.43 if you
> upgrade for $100). I wouldn't hold my breath on this being better at
> HDTV, but it would be nice
> ___
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Re: [mythtv-users] Re: New Mac Mini

2005-01-11 Thread Adam Bodnar
It has a ATI 9200 Radeon with 32mb of ram which is really what I think
may not allow it to work well for MythTV.

On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:29:52 -0500, Mike Frisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 02:20:26PM -0600, Adam Bodnar wrote:
> > You actually will be able to hook it into a TV.
> >
> > Apple DVI to Video Adapter
> >
> > Plug Mac mini into the S-video or composite video port of your TV or
> > stereo receiver to view your slideshows and movies anywhere in the
> > house.
> >
> >
> This will just give terrible S-Video out the same way Nvidia and ATI do
> now (not sure which video is on the Mac Mini).
> I am thinking about a Mac Mini and scan converter instead.  Anybody
> recommend one that has better performance than typical video out?
> ___
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Re: [mythtv-users] New Mac Mini

2005-01-11 Thread Adam Bodnar
You actually will be able to hook it into a TV.

Apple DVI to Video Adapter

Plug Mac mini into the S-video or composite video port of your TV or
stereo receiver to view your slideshows and movies anywhere in the

On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 14:04:02 -0600, Steve Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, who wants one of these as a MythTV front end?  I certainly
> wouldno TV-out, mind you, but otherwise a 2" X 6.5" X 6.5" box
> that's sleek, does Mac OSX Panther, is nearly silent, and 1.25Ghz @
> $500...
> ___
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[mythtv-users] OT: New Frontend?

2005-01-11 Thread Adam Bodnar
So does anyone think this would make an excellent frontend?

My only concern is that the video memory is so weak if it'd be able to
handle playback of video.

On a slightly on topic question, is there work to porting the backend
over to the Mac?
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