Re: [mythtv-users] Cost of MythTV Machines -- tangential to topic -- PVR-150

2006-01-23 Thread Darren Black
On 1/23/06, H P Ladds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you mind me asking -- what Distro and did you update your HauppaugeWinTV-150 drivers/firmware?I foobared my card by improperly updating the firmware (using yum --not the method prescribed by Video4Linux ). Now my machine fails to
recognize the card. I suspect that updating the firmware of anunrecognized card will be a challenge, but I found drivers/firmware atV4L and am wondering if I'm on the right path.Thanks for any help you might offer.
PrestonThe firmware of the pvr cards is uploaded to the card whenever the ivtv driver is loaded if I am not mistaken. Certainly, the firmware is not resident in any sort of flash ram on the card. Just getting hold of and using the correct firmware should solve the problem in this case. Have a look at, that should sort you out./drdaz
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Oops, sorry (was: Setting up an FAQ for LiveTV changes)

2006-01-15 Thread Darren Black
On 1/15/06, Jens Baumeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/15/06, Jens Baumeister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> On 1/15/06, Tom E. Craddock Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Feel free to ignore me if you can't or don't want to help me gathering> info, but don't treat me like a NewbieSorry Tom and everybody, I misread that mail - I'm tired, stressed outand not a native speaker, so I thought Tom was mocking me for asking
for pointers when he was just wondering whether documentation isnecessary. As for that: Like I said, it's my way of giving somethingback to the community.So please, ignore my ranting - I'll go and have a good night's rest now.
*Reminds himself to re-read mails before answering them next time around...*Actually, you're not the only one who read it that way.../drdaz 
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Project Grayhem Wide weird font size issue...

2006-01-15 Thread Darren Black
On 1/12/06, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thursday 12 January 2006 12:58, Justin Hornsby wrote:> On 1/12/06, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > yea, I don't get it either... DPI, first thing I checked, but Xorg's log
> > shows> > it setting DPI to 100...> >> > ughh.> > thanks,> > Steve>> Well Steve..  one thing you can check for is that you have the Tahoma (for
> the wide theme) or Verdana (for the 4:3 theme) font installed - if mythtv> can't find the font it'll substitute its own choice in, which may be> 'sub-optimal'.>> You could also try taking the menu text font size down a notch.. in
> theme.xml, line 40:>> 21>> adjust that a little to see if that helps.  You'll need to quit> mythfrontend & restart it to see any changes though.
>> Aside from that, making the button area larger (higher and slightly wider)> may help.. and that's defined in line 4 of theme.xml:>>  80,200,390,338
>> Where 80,200 are the co-ordinates of the top left corner and 390,338 are> the width & height respectively.>> I've been asked by another user to enlarge the button area, so I'll
> probably do that myself for the next version.Tahoma! that was it, installed it and now my screen fonts are fixed. I'dsuggest mentioning this on your web page since many people may not have itinstalled as its not one of the default fonts with X.
Hmm... I'm sitting in very much the same situation as you were, only having installed the font from an rpm I found on the net things havent changed. I was just wondering where the font was stored on your system since it fixed the issue - the rpm I installed threw Tahoma and the other 'Microsoft' fonts in /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/ (I'm running FC4 btw).
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Before I install - adding hard drives

2006-01-14 Thread Darren Black
On 1/14/06, Dorsey Graphics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello   I'm attempting a Myth Install today. I'll be installing it on an80GB IDE drive, and I also have a 160GB Serial ATA drive on the system.   I want to add 2 more 120GB serial ATA drives later on (I'll be
taking them out of my old Beyond TV box when I get the Myth box upand running). Will this be difficult? I'll be running Redhat FC4(downloaded last night), and an intel mobo with SATA onboard.   I am a total Linux newbie (I built and ran Myth about 2 years ago
for a while, but some dependencies broke and I couldn't fix it, so Iswitched to BeyondTV). I'm VERY VERY much a GUI person (if that makesa difference).[Darth Vader](heavy breathing through mask)
Soon you will feel the power of the command line.[/Darth Vader]The harddisks shouldn't be an issue as far as I know, but it may be worthwhile using LVM when partitioning your media storage partitions, depending on how you want to 'add' the extra space. (ie. I have a directory on my system called /video, which utilises about 50Gb from one of my disks and the whole 250Gb of the other. I achieved this using LVM. It also allows me to add extra space to the volume at a later date if I need to. Unfortunately, JFS doesn't allow you to shrink volumes and that's what I am using. Other formats do allow for this though.)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [Semi-OT] Intel 2200 Wireless chipset with Myth...

2005-12-04 Thread Darren Black
On 12/4/05, Louie Ilievski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Saturday 03 December 2005 01:27 pm, Darren Black wrote:> I just bought myself a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop (wasn't keen on buying> Dell, but the price was good and it's a surprisingly nice machine). The
> machine contains an Intel 2200 wifi card as part of the Centrino package.> My attempts to get the card working well in FC4 have been, well... ugly> would probably be the best word. That's perhaps a little beside the point
> of this post.>> What I'm really wondering is if anybody here uses such a card under linux> to stream TV/recordings over. In the times I have actually had the card> functioning, the wireless connection was unable to sustain a constant
> stream (without pausing and jitter). My streams are from a PVR150 card and> encoded at up to 8500kbit/sec. I have tried turning the bitrate down to> 6500 which helped, but not for very long. My previous wireless gear was
> some DLink "b+" standard equipment. My current router is a Linksys WRT54GS.> I should be getting better throughput with this setup, however this is not> the case in Linux (to this point at least). Performance in Windoze is alot
> better - the same recordings play back problem free using dsmyth.>> I suspect that my inability to configure the card correctly is the cause of> the poor performance, but I'd like some feedback to either confirm or
> disprove this hypothesis. So do let me know :-)>> Cheers,> /drdazI had an issue as well, and there are two things I did that made it work fine(although I haven't used my laptop a whole lot lately for mythtv):
First, put your router in G-only mode, if possible.  This increases thethroughput by a considerable amount (for me, mixed mode gave me around 1meg/sec transfers, while G-only mode gave me around 2 megs/sec).
For the ipw2200, I noticed that when trying to stream mythtv stuff, I get alot of errors in dmesg regarding the firmware messing up or something.  Ithink this is due to hardware encryption.  If you use WEP on your network,
then add the module parameter hwcypto=0.  This eliminated that issue for me.These two things made everything stream just fine for me even at pretty highbitrates.  I did LiveTV before and it worked ok.
~Lou___mythtv-users mailing for the replies! As it happens I'm using the ipw2200 driver - I built the latest version on sourceforge and use the newest firmware. Oddly enough wpa_supplicant is able to authenticate with the router, but for the most part ipw2200 is unable obtain an IP. I'll keep tinkering... If I can't get wpa to work consistently soon I'll try dropping back to WEP protection since that seems to have better in-driver support. I read in the driver docs that WPA is enabled in the newest version of the driver, but I have no idea how to utilize it :-|
Oh well.. Enough rambling from me. Thanks! Anybody else who feels they have something to add here, I'd still gladly hear from you :-)/drdaz
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] [Semi-OT] Intel 2200 Wireless chipset with Myth...

2005-12-03 Thread Darren Black
I just bought myself a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop (wasn't keen on buying Dell, but the price was good and it's a surprisingly nice machine). The machine contains an Intel 2200 wifi card as part of the Centrino package. My attempts to get the card working well in FC4 have been, well... ugly would probably be the best word. That's perhaps a little beside the point of this post.
What I'm really wondering is if anybody here uses such a card under linux to stream TV/recordings over. In the times I have actually had the card functioning, the wireless connection was unable to sustain a constant stream (without pausing and jitter). My streams are from a PVR150 card and encoded at up to 8500kbit/sec. I have tried turning the bitrate down to 6500 which helped, but not for very long. My previous wireless gear was some DLink "b+" standard equipment. My current router is a Linksys WRT54GS. I should be getting better throughput with this setup, however this is not the case in Linux (to this point at least). Performance in Windoze is alot better - the same recordings play back problem free using dsmyth.
I suspect that my inability to configure the card correctly is the cause of the poor performance, but I'd like some feedback to either confirm or disprove this hypothesis. So do let me know :-)Cheers,/drdaz

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD Stuttering

2005-11-03 Thread Darren Black
On 11/3/05, Michael T. Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11/03/05 13:17, Tom Lichti wrote:> Darren Black wrote:>>> It's kinda odd... but this has simply never worked for me. My>> previous myth setup on FC3 and my current FC4 installation simply
>> refuse to allow realtime scheduling of the display thread. I>> installed using Jarod's guide (and thus Axel's rpms) but despite>> carrying out the instructions above (using the appropriate path since
>> the rpms don't install to the same place) I still get this message:>>>>  Realtime priority would require SUID as root.>>>> Any suggestions?>> I get the same thing. I've done everything right, still get the same
> message you do.selinux?Mike___No sir. It's disabled.../drdaz 
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD Stuttering

2005-11-03 Thread Darren Black
On 10/31/05, Michael T. Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
tgate wrote:> On Oct 31, 2005, at 10:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:>>> I found that setting mythfrontend to be suid-root made the stuttering go away.>>> Do I need to do anything special to make this happen?  Or is it
> literally a matter of logging in as root and running mythfrontend?  Or> perhaps "sudo mythfrontend"?
See the section "Enabling real-time scheduling of the display thread."MikeIt's kinda odd... but this has simply never worked for me. My previous myth setup on FC3 and my current FC4 installation simply refuse to allow realtime scheduling of the display thread. I installed using Jarod's guide (and thus Axel's rpms) but despite carrying out the instructions above (using the appropriate path since the rpms don't install to the same place) I still get this message:
 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.Any suggestions?Cheers/drdaz
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Trouble getting component outputs to work with nVidia 6200 ...

2005-10-05 Thread Darren Black
On 10/5/05, Mark Linford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, after following Jarod's Fedora guide (excellent, btw), I've gottena rudimentary MythTV box up and running. However, I'm now at the pointwhere I want to go from my monitor out to my TV/component outs, and I'm
having a heck of a time with X trying to make it work. Here's my setup:* Fedora Core 4* Gigabyte 6200-based video card, w/component-out breakout box* Latest (7676) nVidia drivers* Dell 2405W monitor (hooked up to its component-inputs) for testing,
though eventually I want to hook it up to my projector in my media roomFirst, I thought I'd cheat, see if anybody was already using thisconfiguration, and just copy their xorg.conf. Well, no such luck. So,
per Jarod's advice I tried the PowerStrip route. Booting off of aWindowsXP drive, I used PowerStrip to find settings for 720x480p andtweeked the setttings until it looked decent (I'll worry aboutperfection later). Here's the mode line that PowerStrip gave me:
Linux modeline parameters:"720x480" 26.625 720 752 824 896 480 481 484 497 -hsync -vsyncSo, I edited my xorg.conf file with the followingSection "Monitor"   Identifier "Monitor0"
   VendorName "Some Vendor"   ModelName "HDTV"   HorizSync 31.5 - 37.9   VertRefresh 59.9 - 60.1   ModeLine "720x480" 26.625 720 752 824 896 480 481 484 497 -hsync
-vsyncEndSectionSection "Screen"   Identifier "Screen0"   Device "Videocard0"   Monitor "Monitor0"   DefaultDepth 24   SubSection "Display"
   Depth 24   Modes "720x480"   EndSubSection   Option "TVStandard" "HD480p"   Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"EndSection
Now, at first, this failed completely, and X wouldn't even start. Afterchecking out my Xorg.0.log file, I saw that it didn't like the hsyncrange of my 720x480 Mode. However, it did like the default 800x600
mode.! So, just for fun, I changedModes "720x480"toModes "800x600"Now, I'm getting closer (I think). X will start without errors, but Ionly get a blank screen. I can drop down to a console, and I get text
via the component outputs, but when I switch back to X, just black.Strangely, my monitor thinks it's getting a 480p signal, but I seenothing ...Is it possible this setup just won't work? Googling and searching
various forums about my configuration just brought results stating thatmy configuration (6200, component outputs) was possible, but nothingfrom anyone who actually got it up and running!My X configuration skills are suspect at best, so I'm really not sure
how to even proceed from this point. I really want to get thisconfiguration up and running, though :) Any advice on where to go fromhere would be appreciated.Mark___
mythtv-users mailing listmythtv-users@mythtv.org
Hello,Looking at the config it might be worth changing TVStandard to PAL or NTSC or whatever would be appropriate for your TV. Not sure tho... /drdaz
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] [Semi-OT] Dependency problems w/atrpms, extras, freshrpms

2005-10-05 Thread Darren Black
I realize this is pretty much the wrong place to be posting this, but I given the popularity of Jarod's guide I expect there are a number of people here who have run into this situation...I just rebuilt my mythbox from scratch using Jarod's guide and FC4. It was alot less painful this time than my first attempt :-) However, now when I attempt to run a yum update, the update cannot complete due to 2 dependency problems:
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package transcodeError: Missing Dependency: is needed by package mplayerSome snooping around indicates that the first dependency problem is apparent in the atrpms repo, since the new version of mjegtools is there while the newest version of transcode depends on the previous version of the mjpegtools package. The second error appears to be due to a new directfb release in fedora's extras repo, while the build of mplayer in atrpms depends on the older version.
Am I the only person to have run into this? If not, what have you guys done to get around it?Cheers,/drdaz
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Upgrading FC3 -> FC4?

2005-09-02 Thread Darren Black
On 9/2/05, Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tuesday 30 August 2005 09:36, Darren Black wrote:> Hi there,>> I'm considering upgrading m mythbox to Fedora Core 4. I followed Jarrod's> guide to set up my system initially, although I have a number of other
> services and bits and bobs running on it now. I was considering using the> method described here:>>
>> What I'd really like is any experience (especially bad!!) using this> procedure or any others. Quite simply, I am unable to perform a full backup> of my system at present (gonna need to get a 300Gb+ external drive before
> that's a realistic prospect) and would like to know what experiences people> have had with the upgrade process.I had very few problems upgrading from FC3 to FC4. Quite the painless upgradewith yum and/or apt (I'm using apt less and less lately, due to the lack of
multi-arch support). A slightly more painful, but also doable upgrade, wasRH9 to FC4, which I successfully pulled off using a combo of apt and yum,just a few weeks ago (for work-related purposes).--
Mmmyes... While this is undoubtedly stating the obvious, for anybody
thinking of doing this upgrade using yum, make sure that yum can
complete an 'update' in FC3 before trying to upgrade to FC4. I didn't
and I'm quite glad I used dd to make a backup of my root partition
before I started. ;-)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Upgrading FC3 -> FC4?

2005-08-30 Thread Darren Black
BTW, what method did you use to upgrade? Was it something similar to
what was described in that link? I also didn't answer your question it
seems... There is a 10 gig (roughly IIRC) root partition which I expect
can be backed up in the way you suggest. I'd still like to hear
people's experiences with the various upgrade methods though :-)

/drdazOn 8/30/05, Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is the 300Gb on a separate partition?  If so, then you should be able tojust backup the root drive.  PLEASE NOTE - I am basing this solely offof my experience installing FC4 over FC1.  My LVM partition information
was preserved, so all I had to do was remount those drives and all of mydata was still there.Darren Black wrote:> Hi there,>> I'm considering upgrading m mythbox to Fedora Core 4. I followed
> Jarrod's guide to set up my system initially, although I have a number> of other services and bits and bobs running on it now. I was> considering using the method described here:>>>> What I'd really like is any experience (especially bad!!) using this> procedure or any others. Quite simply, I am unable to perform a full
> backup of my system at present (gonna need to get a 300Gb+ external> drive before that's a realistic prospect) and would like to know what> experiences people have had with the upgrade process.>
> Cheers,> /drdaz>>>>___>mythtv-users mailing list>>>>
___mythtv-users mailing listmythtv-users@mythtv.org

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Upgrading FC3 -> FC4?

2005-08-30 Thread Darren Black
My partitioning and organizing of the 2 HDs I have in my box is rather
ad-hoc and 'interesting'. The 300Gb I mentioned in my mail was a 300Gb
external that I'm considering getting for the purpose of periodically
backing up my mythbox and all its contents (my system contains 1*160Gb
and 1*200Gb Western Digital harddisks.

I've started considering such a device since it occured to me in the
event of a failure, besides losing the large quantity of irreplacable
data (music and video) in there, the quite obscene amount of time I've
spent setting the system up would also be lost. If that were to happen,
pathetic as this may seem, I would most likely cry. A lot. ;-)

/drdazOn 8/30/05, Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is the 300Gb on a separate partition?  If so, then you should be able tojust backup the root drive.  PLEASE NOTE - I am basing this solely offof my experience installing FC4 over FC1.  My LVM partition information
was preserved, so all I had to do was remount those drives and all of mydata was still there.Darren Black wrote:> Hi there,>> I'm considering upgrading m mythbox to Fedora Core 4. I followed
> Jarrod's guide to set up my system initially, although I have a number> of other services and bits and bobs running on it now. I was> considering using the method described here:>>>> What I'd really like is any experience (especially bad!!) using this> procedure or any others. Quite simply, I am unable to perform a full
> backup of my system at present (gonna need to get a 300Gb+ external> drive before that's a realistic prospect) and would like to know what> experiences people have had with the upgrade process.>
> Cheers,> /drdaz>>>>___>mythtv-users mailing list>>>>
___mythtv-users mailing listmythtv-users@mythtv.org

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Upgrading FC3 -> FC4?

2005-08-30 Thread Darren Black
Hi there,

I'm considering upgrading m mythbox to Fedora Core 4. I followed
Jarrod's guide to set up my system initially, although I have a number
of other services and bits and bobs running on it now. I was
considering using the method described here:

What I'd really like is any experience (especially bad!!) using this
procedure or any others. Quite simply, I am unable to perform a full
backup of my system at present (gonna need to get a 300Gb+ external
drive before that's a realistic prospect) and would like to know what
experiences people have had with the upgrade process.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Watching nuv in windows.

2005-08-30 Thread Darren Black
On 8/30/05, Joshua King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 30/8/05 7:04 PM, "Darren Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Heh... Thing is, even when I do that, the seek bar/time remaining values dont> change. If I let the thing record for two minutes then attempt to watch, I'll
> get two minutes of video. After that I'll need to re-open the file to see more> and repeat until the recording finishes (quite dull).Okay Darren, this could be my bad then. Like I said I was testing everything
so the ringbuffer had been allowed to fill a bit and I wasn't payingattention to it that closely... I would hazard a guess that if I tried againI would have the same experience as you (for what it's worth if you want to
troubleshoot it, I'm running MythTV 0.17 so DSMyth 0.9.0). 
>> Several people have said this works for them though, and there's even a
> message about using Media Player Classic in this way on the DSMyth website...> It just doesn't work on my end. I must be missing some vital detail here.I can't comment on Media Player Classic, haven't used it. Unfortunately
Windows support isn't my priority at the moment.
Heh np... I'm actually hoping it's not your bad cos I'd really like to
get this working ;-). Several people have apparently had success with
various media players but alas I can't figure out what they're doing
right that I'm not :-|


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Watching nuv in windows.

2005-08-30 Thread Darren Black
On 8/30/05, Joshua King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Okay I opened myself up for this...On 30/8/05 1:10 AM, "Darren Black" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> On 8/29/05, Joshua King <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>>> * Supports Live TV>> Does it??! I mean I know it officially does, but I have been unable to> find a player that does the business... What media player software are
> you using? And what kind of card do you have in your backend?Typing mythlivetv:// into Firefox launched Windows Media Player (in the oldskin mode) and it played for at least a couple of minutes. I know there's a
known issue with MPEG2 and live TV according to the website. (PVR-150 in thebackend). I've yet to sit there and use it (the Windows machines in thehouse aren't mine to touch, getting permission to install DSMyth to try took
subtefuge as it was ;P)Changing channels is buried behind too many screens in Windows Media Playerthat I probably wouldn't bother with it. What I suggested my folks do isselect the program from the program guide, choose Record this showing, click
Record and wait a few seconds for it to start recording and then view that,avoiding live TV altogether.Joshua King
Heh... Thing is, even when I do that, the seek bar/time remaining
values dont change. If I let the thing record for two minutes then
attempt to watch, I'll get two minutes of video. After that I'll need
to re-open the file to see more and repeat until the recording finishes
(quite dull).

Several people have said this works for them though, and there's even a
message about using Media Player Classic in this way on the DSMyth
website... It just doesn't work on my end. I must be missing some vital
detail here.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Watching nuv in windows.

2005-08-29 Thread Darren Black
On 8/29/05, Joshua King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Supports Live TV

Does it??! I mean I know it officially does, but I have been unable to
find a player that does the business... What media player software are
you using? And what kind of card do you have in your backend?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-29 Thread Darren Black
On 8/29/05, Martin Bene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for the quick response... I certainly thought
> > dvdauthor installed without a hitch *Blushes*.
> > Gonna have to have another look at that...
> Actually, I'd recommend sticking with the 0.6.11 version you've got now.
> I've definitely had strange problems with the 0.6.12 alpha version.
> (dvdauthor, that is. Spumux from the alpha package works fine).
> Home you'll get back to a working system :-)

Heh... I have. For some reason even though the /incoming/FS/ dir had
777 permissions, the script bombed unless the owner of the dir was
apache. I'll stick to the current version since it seems to work...

By the way, many of my recordings are transcoded to mpeg4... Should I
assume this script won't transcode them properly?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-29 Thread Darren Black

Thanks for the quick response... I certainly thought dvdauthor
installed without a hitch *Blushes*. Gonna have to have another look
at that... But I suspect you were hit the nail on the head re: the
permissions of the /incoming/FS/ directory. I'll fiddle some more...

Oh and the touching the working system thing... It's a problem I have.
I can't help myself. I will try and seek help ;-).


On 8/29/05, Martin Bene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Darren,
> > It worked for a single burn and now having updated
> > some packages, it's broken once again.
> > Here's a log output:
> > dvdauthor -o /incoming/mythburn/FS -x
> /incoming/mythburn/tempdvdauthor2.xml
> So far, it all looks OK.
> > DVDAuthor::dvdauthor, version 0.6.11.
> > Build options: gnugetopt magick iconv freetype fribidi Send
> > bugs to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > INFO: Locale=C
> > INFO: Converting filenames to ANSI_X3.4-1968
> > INFO: dvdauthor creating VTS
> > STAT: Picking VTS 01
> >
> > STAT: Processing /incoming/mythburn/final_sceneselection1.mpg...
> > ERR:  Error opening
> > /incoming/mythburn/FS/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB: No such file or directory
> > I've installed the alpha version of dvdauthor to go along
> > with the updated version of ImageMagick, but still no go... Any ideas?
> Thats after the run above? Because the version clearly states that the
> log was made by 0.6.11, not by 0.6.12 alpha.
> Have you doublechecked the existiens of /incoming/mythburn/FS and the
> directory permissions of that directory? Thats pretty much the only
> thing I can think of, since DVDauthor seems to fall flat on ist face
> right when first trying to access the DVD directory. You could just
> rerun the mythburn installation script to reset permissions for the DVD
> directory (and create it if neccessary). Can't think of anything elese
> ATM.
> Bye, Martin
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-29 Thread Darren Black
ection menu and music together
Building menus using SPUMUX
DVDAuthor::spumux, version 0.6.11.
Build options: gnugetopt magick iconv freetype fribidi
Send bugs to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

INFO: Locale=C
INFO: Converting filenames to ANSI_X3.4-1968
INFO: Picture /incoming/mythburn/sceneselectionbutton1.png had 2 colors
INFO: Picture /incoming/mythburn/sceneselectionbutton1.png had 2 colors
INFO: Constructing blank img
INFO: Pickbuttongroups, success with 1 groups, useimg=1
INFO: Found EOF in .sub file.
INFO: Max_sub_size=1350
WARN:  Read 0, expected 4
INFO: 1 subtitles added, 0 subtitles skipped, stream: 32, offset: 0.18

- Processed 0 subtitles.
- The longest display line had -1 characters.
- The maximum number of displayed lines was 0.
- The normal display height of the font arial.ttf was 0.
- The bottom display height of the font arial.ttf was 0.
- The biggest subtitle box had 1350 bytes.
- datestamp=29-08-2005 17:12
Encoding menu images to MPEG2 files
- datestamp=29-08-2005 17:12
Multiplexing the main menu and music together
Building menus using SPUMUX
DVDAuthor::spumux, version 0.6.11.
Build options: gnugetopt magick iconv freetype fribidi
Send bugs to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

INFO: Locale=C
INFO: Converting filenames to ANSI_X3.4-1968
INFO: Picture /incoming/mythburn/select1.png had 2 colors
INFO: Picture /incoming/mythburn/select1.png had 2 colors
INFO: Constructing blank img
INFO: Pickbuttongroups, success with 1 groups, useimg=1
INFO: Found EOF in .sub file.
INFO: Max_sub_size=80
WARN:  Read 0, expected 4
INFO: 1 subtitles added, 0 subtitles skipped, stream: 32, offset: 0.18

- Processed 0 subtitles.
- The longest display line had -1 characters.
- The maximum number of displayed lines was 0.
- The normal display height of the font arial.ttf was 0.
- The bottom display height of the font arial.ttf was 0.
- The biggest subtitle box had 80 bytes.
Menu Creation Complete
Sent UDP/XML packet to IP and port: 6948
Using following DVDAuthor XML configuration file


jump menu 2;


jump cell 1;

g1=0; g2=1; g4=1; jump titleset 1 menu entry root;

if (g3==1) button=1024; else button=s7*1024; g3=0;

jump title 1 chapter 1;
jump title 1 chapter 2;
jump title 1 chapter 3;
jump title 1 chapter 4;
jump title 1 chapter 5;
jump title 1 chapter 6;
jump title 1 chapter 7;
jump title 1 chapter 8;
jump title 1 chapter 9;
g1=0; jump vmgm menu 2;
jump cell 1;

if (g4 == 1) {g4=0; jump title 1 chapter 1;} if (g1 == 0) jump
vmgm menu 2; g1=0; g3=1; jump menu 1;

call vmgm menu 2;

- datestamp=29-08-2005 17:12
dvdauthor -o /incoming/mythburn/FS -x /incoming/mythburn/tempdvdauthor2.xml
DVDAuthor::dvdauthor, version 0.6.11.
Build options: gnugetopt magick iconv freetype fribidi
Send bugs to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

INFO: Locale=C
INFO: Converting filenames to ANSI_X3.4-1968
INFO: dvdauthor creating VTS
STAT: Picking VTS 01

STAT: Processing /incoming/mythburn/final_sceneselection1.mpg...
ERR:  Error opening /incoming/mythburn/FS/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB: No
such file or directory
MythTV BurnDVD stopped due to error
Sent UDP/XML packet to IP and port: 6948

I've installed the alpha version of dvdauthor to go along with the
updated version of ImageMagick, but still no go... Any ideas?


On 8/28/05, Darren Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> n1... I must have borked my mjpegtools installation at some point. I
> reinstalled w/ yum and it seems the isos are creating fine :D Haven't
> burned and tested yet, will let you know if something isn't right.
> Cheers,
> /drdaz
> On 8/28/05, Martin Bene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Actually, in this case I've only selected one file... The file to be
> > > demuxed exists in /video/recordings (myth's recordings directory), and
> > > for some reason, it's looking for it in the destination directory
> > > /incoming/mythburn... Looking at the file names in the log I'm pretty
> > > sure it's only trying to process one file.
> >
> > Sorry you're right - I overlooked one "datestamp" statement; yes,
> > processing only one file.
> > The demux process should write to the temp directory and mplex should
> > save the remultiplexd file with the .nuv extension in the temp
> > directory; so the place tcdemux is looking at is correct.
> >
> > Settings also look OK...
> >
> > > >  - contents of the temp directory after mythburn stops with
> > > > the error
> >
> > > drwxrwxrwx  3 apache apache87 Aug 28 01:59 .
> > > drwxrwxrwx  6 mythtv

Re: [mythtv-users] Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-28 Thread Darren Black
n1... I must have borked my mjpegtools installation at some point. I
reinstalled w/ yum and it seems the isos are creating fine :D Haven't
burned and tested yet, will let you know if something isn't right.


On 8/28/05, Martin Bene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Actually, in this case I've only selected one file... The file to be
> > demuxed exists in /video/recordings (myth's recordings directory), and
> > for some reason, it's looking for it in the destination directory
> > /incoming/mythburn... Looking at the file names in the log I'm pretty
> > sure it's only trying to process one file.
> Sorry you're right - I overlooked one "datestamp" statement; yes,
> processing only one file.
> The demux process should write to the temp directory and mplex should
> save the remultiplexd file with the .nuv extension in the temp
> directory; so the place tcdemux is looking at is correct.
> Settings also look OK...
> > >  - contents of the temp directory after mythburn stops with
> > > the error
> > drwxrwxrwx  3 apache apache87 Aug 28 01:59 .
> > drwxrwxrwx  6 mythtv root  61 Aug 28 01:37 ..
> > -rw-r--r--  1 apache apache 0 Aug 28 01:59
> 1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv.tcindex
> > drwxrwxrwx  2 apache apache 6 Aug 27 19:51 FS
> > -rwxrwxrwx  1 apache apache 18818 Aug 28 01:59 mythburn.log
> Now that's definitely _NOT_ ok, there should have been a remultiplexed
> file here... From the logs we can se that projectx worked OK; so the
> problem is with mplex.
> > watched the directory contents during this process). Second, the mplex
> > command isnt added to my /bin directory or path, so I can't run it
> > from the /incoming/mythburn directory.
> Which most likely is your problem. The scripts aren't paranoid enough
> and don't realize they didn't find mplex. The scripts look for mplex in
> standard locations which most probably are also in your path.
> mplex is part of the mjpegtools package - do you actually have that
> installed? If so: where is your mplex executable located? If not, please
> install mjpegtools and retry.
> OK, back to the scripts and add some more checks to make sure all the
> stuff required for successfull DVD creation is available.
> Bye, Martin
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-28 Thread Darren Black
On 8/28/05, Martin Bene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm having some trouble creating the DVD image to be
> > burned... The error is quite odd. I found somebody
> > complaining of the same in one of the mysettopbox threads,
> > but no solution to the problem. Here's the log output:
> > mplex -o /incoming/mythburn/1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv -f
> > 8 1001_2005050220_20050502213500.m2v
> > ./1001_2005050220_20050502213500.mpa
> > - datestamp=27-08-2005 23:49
> > Building MPEG2 GOP index files...
> > - datestamp=27-08-2005 23:49
> > - datestamp=27-08-2005 23:49
> > (ioaux.c) invalid file
> > "/incoming/mythburn/1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv"
> > ***
> > MythTV BurnDVD stopped due to error
> > I'm really not sure why it's looking for .nuv files in there
> > - /incoming is my all purpose dump directory and not where
> > myth's recordings are stored. The script is quite clear about
> > this however, since it demuxes the original.
> It's looking for a file it should have created previously; you've
> selected at least 2 files to put on the dvd, projectx has processed them
> without error and mplex should have created the remultiplexed files in
> the temp directory specified at installation.

Actually, in this case I've only selected one file... The file to be
demuxed exists in /video/recordings (myth's recordings directory), and
for some reason, it's looking for it in the destination directory
/incoming/mythburn... Looking at the file names in the log I'm pretty
sure it's only trying to process one file.

> Now, the scripts try to use tcdemux to build indexes for the
> remultiplexed files. This works OK for the first file, but fails for the
> 2nd file.
> The error message is the one you get if you specify a bad filename/non
> existing file.
> So, let's see if we can find out what's going on; please post
>  - contents of your mythburn.conf file (in the directoy where you put
> mythburn, you might want to remove the mysql password :-))

# Mysqltvburn config settings
projectx="java -jar /home/mythtv/projectx/projectx.jar"

# default settings without interactive configuration
# just change these manually in this file
#flip_thumbnails=" -z"
#blueface=" -k"

>  - contents of the temp directory after mythburn stops with the error
> (ls -la /incoming/mythburn)

drwxrwxrwx  3 apache apache87 Aug 28 01:59 .
drwxrwxrwx  6 mythtv root  61 Aug 28 01:37 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 apache apache 0 Aug 28 01:59
drwxrwxrwx  2 apache apache 6 Aug 27 19:51 FS
-rwxrwxrwx  1 apache apache 18818 Aug 28 01:59 mythburn.log

>  - free space (df)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mythburn]$ df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc3 10760456   5916068   4297780  58% /
/dev/hdc1   101086 22681 73186  24% /boot
none241844 0241844   0% /dev/shm
  81847248  50638560  31208688  62% /music
 216644784 191018000  25626784  89% /video
  20961280   1448088  19513192   7% /incoming

>  - result of rerunning the mplex command that failed to procduce a
> remultiplexed output file(?)
>(cd /incoming/mythburn
> mplex -o /incoming/mythburn/1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv \
>   -f 8 1001_2005050220_20050502213500.m2v \
> ./1001_2005050220_20050502213500.mpa
>  - another ls -l after mplex finishes
>  - result of rerunning tcdemux
>tcdemux -i /incoming/mythburn/1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv
> \
>-W >
> /incoming/mythburn/1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv.tcindex

There are a number of problems in attempting to complete these last
steps. First, the audio and video streams to remux have already been
removed (it appears they are present before the mplex -o command is
executed, but the script deletes them when the error occurs... I
watched the directory contents during this process). Second, the mplex
command isnt added to my /bin directory or path, so I can't run it
from the /incoming/mythburn directory. I expect I could do so from the
directory where mythburn is installed, however this does not overcome
the first problem.

> Hopefully we'll know a bit more and can find out what went wring with
> this information.

I hope so too... Have to admit I'm rather stumped.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Archiving Shows to DVD

2005-08-27 Thread Darren Black
On 8/27/05, Martin Bene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've uploaded a new tarball for mythburn to my server,
> >
> > - reworked the XML structure for dvdauthor:
> And unfortunately got it wrong :-( DVD generation fails without chapter
> menu.
> Fixed version online, (you'll get mythburn_20050827b.tar.gz) if you
> download again; sorry for the fubar.
> Bye, Martin

Hi there,

I'm having some trouble creating the DVD image to be burned... The
error is quite odd. I found somebody complaining of the same in one of
the mysettopbox threads, but no solution to the problem. Here's the
log output:

Re-multiplexing file /video/recordings/1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv
use last config or standard ...
ProjectX TEST PROJECT ONLY , User: apache

quick CL usage: (Note: CL also loads the GUI components, without displaying)
without options start the GUI
[options] ...[]

options: -dvx1..4, -c , -o , -n , -l, -p , -i , -g
-c [path]inifile  ...use that specified iniFile instead of the standard
-dvx1  ...create a .d2v ProjectFile on demux
-dvx2  ...create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
-dvx3  ...create a .d2v ProjectFile + .mpa.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
-dvx4  ...create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav + mpa.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
-o   ...use that specified directory for output
-n   ...use that specified filename for output
-p   ...use that text based file as cutpoint list
-i   ...use only these (P)IDs, separated by comma ","
-g  ...display the GUI using all given CLI options
-l  ...write the normal logfile
use -dvx OR -c & -o/-n/-l/-p/-i/-g or no options (for std)

java.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.home   /usr/lib/jre
java.vm.version 1.4.2_06-b03
java.vm.vendor  Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.nameJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM
java.class.vers 48.0
java.class.path /home/mythtv/projectx/projectx.jar

(1) this is a free Java based demux utility.
(2) It is intended for educational purposes only, as a non-commercial
test project.
(3) It may not be used otherwise. Most parts are only experimental.
(4) released under the terms of the GNU GPL.
(5) there is NO WARRANTY of any kind attached to this software.
(6) use it at your own risk and for your own education as it was meant.

-> to agree to these terms you have to start the GUI first
Saturday, August 27, 2005  11:44:17 PM CEST
ProjectX (07.05.2005)

<<< session infos >>>

-> working with collection 0

-> normal log file
-> write all video data
-> write all other data
-> patch c.d.flagged infos of pictures
-> add sequence end code
-> set resolution in SDE

-> write output files to: ./

-> Input File 0: 
/video/recordings/1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv (3671295936
-> File is MPEG-2 PS/SS (Video/Audio PES)
-> demux
-> found PES-ID 0xE0 (MPEG Video) @ 3820_20050502213500.nuv
-> found PES-ID 0xC0 (MPEG Audio) @ 36878
-> video basics: 720*576 @ 25fps @ 0.6735 (4:3) @ 650bps, vbvBuffer 112
-> starting export of video data @ GOP# 0
!> dropping useless B-Frames @ GOP# 0 / new Timecode 00:00:00.000
100% demuxing A/V PES file 1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv
-> Video: fr/ ct/ 1p/ cg/ og/ dg -> 142402/ 1/ 0/ 11867/ 0/ 0
-> Video length: 142402 frames @ 01:34:56.080
-> GOP summary: min. 20, max. 24 fields; contains interlaced frames
-> avg. nom. bitrate 4504510bps (min/max: 1083200/7152400)
-> set first sequenceheader bitrate to 7152400bps
---> new File: ./1001_2005050220_20050502213500.m2v

--> MPEG Audio (0xC0)
Audio PTS: first packet 00:00:00.320, last packet
Video PTS: start 1.GOP 00:00:00.400, end last GOP 01:34:56.480
-> adjusting audio at video-timeline
!> missing syncword @  2016, @
!> found syncword @ 2304
-> src_audio: MPEG-1, Layer2, 48000Hz, stereo, 384kbps, noCRC @ 00:00:00.000
!> 14 frame(s) (336ms) added @
audio frames: wri/pre/skip/ins/add 237337/0/0/0/14 @ 01:34:56.088 done...
---> new File: ./1001_2005050220_20050502213500.mpa

summary of created media files:
.Video (m2v):   142402 Frames   01:34:56.080   
Audio 0 (mp2):  237337 Frames   01:34:56.0880/0/0/14   
=> 3480668788 bytes written...
mplex -o /incoming/mythburn/1001_2005050220_20050502213500.nuv -f
8 1001_2005050220_20050502213500.m2v
- datestamp=27-08-2005 23:49
Building MPEG2 GOP index files...
- datestamp=27-08-2005 23:49
- datestamp=27-08-2005 23:49
(ioaux.c) invalid file
MythTV BurnDVD stopped due to error
Sent UDP/XML packet to IP and port: 6948

I'm really not sure why it's looking 

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Broadcast flag back-door legislation

2005-06-21 Thread Darren Black
*Crosspost to ivtv-devel list*

On 6/21/05, Bruce J Keeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For those who thought the broadcast flag was dead, I figured I would
> forward this alert which I just received from the EFF.  Apologies to
> those who may have already seen this.
> Bruce
>  Forwarded Message 
> From: EFFector Special Alert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: EFFector Special Alert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: EFFector Special Alert: Forty-Eight Hours to Stop the Broadcast
> Flag
> Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 18:58:36 -0500
> EFFector Special Action Alert, June 20, 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Rumor has it that this Tuesday, June 21st, in a
> sub-committee on Commerce, Science, and Justice, a single
> senator will propose an amendment, hidden among many
> others, to re-animate the MPAA's broadcast flag and burn
> it into law.
> On Thursday, the full Senate Appropriations Committee
> will vote on that amendment. If they nod it through, the
> Broadcast Flag will be law.
> It's the lobbyist's oldest, and most desperate, trick. If
> you can't win in the market, snag a regulator. If you
> can't snag a regulator, get a law passed. And if you
> can't get a law, sneak an amendment into one of
> Congress's giant Appropriations Bills.
> If you've received this mail from us, your senator is one
> of the few with the power to put a stop to the flag.
> Your senator is on the relevant sub-committee or the full
> Senate committee. You have less than 24 hours to warn him
> or her of Tuesday's manoeuvre. You have only 48 hours to
> warn the full committee.
> Letters are too slow. The press will be too slow. Only
> you, as a constituent of a senator on the committee, can
> reach them in time, by personal phone call or by fax.
> Click here to use our action center: read, add your own
> comments, and then send a message directly to your
> senator via fax and email.
> Here are the list of senator contact details. Pick the
> one that matches your state, and leave a personal message
> warning of what's planned in the Appropriations committee.
> Please be cool, collected and polite. There's a sample
> script after the phone list.
> ALABAMA Senator Richard Shelby (202) 224-5744
> ALASKA Senator Ted Stevens (202) 224-3004
> HAWAII Senator Daniel Inouye (202) 224-3934
> IOWA Senator Tom Harkin (202) 224-3254
> KANSAS Senator Sam Brownback (202) 224-6521
> KENTUCKY Senator Mitch McConnell (202) 224-2541
> MARYLAND Senator Barbara Mikulski (202) 224-4654
> MISSOURI Senator Christopher Bond (202) 224-5721
> NEW HAMPSHIRE Senator Judd Gregg (202) 224-3324
> NEW MEXICO Senator Pete Domenici (202) 224-6621
> NORTH DAKOTA Senator Byron Dorgan (202) 224-2551
> TEXAS Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (202) 224-5922
> VERMONT Senator Patrick Leahy (202) 224-4242
> WASHINGTON Senator Patty Murray (202) 224-2621
> WISCONSIN Senator Herb Kohl (202) 224-5653
> MISSISSIPPI Thad Cochran (202) 224-5054
> PENNSYLVANIA Arlen Specter (202) 224-4254
> MONTANA Conrad Burns (202) 224-2644
> UTAH Robert F. Bennett (202) 224-5444
> IDAHO Larry Craig (202) 224-2752
> OHIO Mike DeWine (202) 224-2315
> COLORADO Wayne Allard (202) 224-5941
> WEST VIRGINIA Robert C. Byrd (202) 224-3954
> NEVADA Harry Reid (202) 224-3542
> CALIFORNIA Dianne Feinstein (202) 224-3841
> ILLINOIS Richard J. Durbin (202) 224-2152
> SOUTH DAKOTA Tim Johnson (202) 224-5842
> LOUISIANA Mary L. Landrieu (202) 224-5824
> "Hello, Senator _'s office"
> "Hi, I'm a constituent. I'm registering my opposition to
> the broadcast flag amendment being introduced in the
> Senate Commerce Justice and Science Appropriations
> subcommittee mark-up on Tuesday, and in full committee on
> Thursday."
> (*** You can give your own reasons for opposing the flag
> here. Here's a sample: ***)
> "The Broadcast Flag cripples any device capable of
> receiving over-the-air digital broadcasts. It give
> Hollywood movie studios a permanent veto over how members
> of the American public use our televisions. It forces
> American innovators to beg the FCC for permission before
> adding new features to TV.  "
> "This is an important issue which will affect all
> Americans, and should not be inserted at the last moment,
> with almost no debate."
> "Please oppose the broadcast flag amendment. My name and
> address are ___."
> "Thank you for your time."
> And thank you for reading this,
> The activists at the EFF.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Choppy Video Problems

2005-05-22 Thread Darren Black
On 5/22/05,  Childe Roland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I get slow framerates all the time tho.  It's worst when I change
> channels, but I usually get about 20-25 fps just watching a recorded
> show or watching live TV.  Could that be due to my HDD?
> On 5/22/05, Darren Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 5/22/05,  Childe Roland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am having a problem with my new KnoppMyth box.
> > >
> > > 1. Everytime I change the channel the video and sound skip some.
> > > Sometimes this continues, but can be fixed by pausing the video and
> > > waiting a few seconds
> > > 2. Both Live tv and recorded seem to have extremely low frame rates.
> > > The video is much more choppy than it should be
> > >
> > > I don't think it is my system (see specs below) and the TV Tuner
> > > should have hardware encoding.
> > >
> > > I think these problems are both related to the HDD. When I run the
> > > "hdparm -Tt" test I get a cached read in the 400's (MB/sec), but the
> > > timing buffered disk reads only gives me between 9 and 20 MB/sec.
> > > The drive is extremely old and only supports ATA 33.
> > >
> > > Could this be the problem?? I'd like to upgrade to get more space, but
> > > it won't be worth it if it's not going to give me a full 30 fps. Also,
> > > is it perhaps a setting in MythTV that I have missed?
> > >
> > >
> > > My specs -
> > > Athlon Sempron 2400+
> > > 512 MB DDR 333
> > > 20 GB ATA-33 HDD
> > > Hauppauge PVR-150 (non MCE)
> > >
> > > Machine Status:
> > > Load: 1.30, 0.61, 0.23
> > > RAM: 501MB, 396 MB used, 105 MB (20%) free
> > > Swap: 490 MB, 0 used
> > > --
> > > =
> > >  Childe Roland
> > > "I will show you fear in a handful of jellybeans."
> > > ___
> > > mythtv-users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > **Crossposting to ivtv-devel**
> >
> > I am experiencing the same problems. We have similar setups, but my
> > harddisks are fairly new and really not slow. I've crossposted to
> > ivtv-devel because I think the issue is related to the ivtv driver.
> > Mythfrontend outputs 'prebuffering pause' whenever the video stutters.
> > As you say, this only happens when I change channel, and is cured by
> > pausing a couple of seconds.
> >
> > From my browsing in the ivtv posts, I get the idea this has something
> > to do with vbi code (given when this error started occuring) and what
> > people are talking about generally ;) Is there anything that people
> > who really arent looking to use CC/TXT can do to the driver to make
> > this error go away? I perhaps have the wrong idea here... feel free to
> > let me know if I have ;)
> >
> > Regardless... Any suggestions would be welcome.
> > /drdaz
> >
> --
> =
>  Childe Roland
> "I will show you fear in a handful of jellybeans."

Possibly... I'm not sure where you live, but if you live in a PAL
country (I do), the framerate should be 25fps. I have noticed that
compared to normal TV my video looks like its running at a lower
framerate... But I had just kind of accepted that.

The amount of data that needs to be written and read to record and
playback one video stream at a time just isnt that high... My
guesstimation says DVD video would require approximately 1
megabyte/sec to be written and read concurrently. Not sure of the spec
of ata33, but I've got a feeling it can handle that. You could try
reducing the bitrate of the video in recording profiles to check I

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Choppy Video Problems

2005-05-22 Thread Darren Black
On 5/22/05,  Childe Roland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having a problem with my new KnoppMyth box.
> 1. Everytime I change the channel the video and sound skip some.
> Sometimes this continues, but can be fixed by pausing the video and
> waiting a few seconds
> 2. Both Live tv and recorded seem to have extremely low frame rates.
> The video is much more choppy than it should be
> I don't think it is my system (see specs below) and the TV Tuner
> should have hardware encoding.
> I think these problems are both related to the HDD. When I run the
> "hdparm -Tt" test I get a cached read in the 400's (MB/sec), but the
> timing buffered disk reads only gives me between 9 and 20 MB/sec.
> The drive is extremely old and only supports ATA 33.
> Could this be the problem?? I'd like to upgrade to get more space, but
> it won't be worth it if it's not going to give me a full 30 fps. Also,
> is it perhaps a setting in MythTV that I have missed?
> My specs -
> Athlon Sempron 2400+
> 512 MB DDR 333
> 20 GB ATA-33 HDD
> Hauppauge PVR-150 (non MCE)
> Machine Status:
> Load: 1.30, 0.61, 0.23
> RAM: 501MB, 396 MB used, 105 MB (20%) free
> Swap: 490 MB, 0 used
> --
> =
>  Childe Roland
> "I will show you fear in a handful of jellybeans."
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

**Crossposting to ivtv-devel**

I am experiencing the same problems. We have similar setups, but my
harddisks are fairly new and really not slow. I've crossposted to
ivtv-devel because I think the issue is related to the ivtv driver.
Mythfrontend outputs 'prebuffering pause' whenever the video stutters.
As you say, this only happens when I change channel, and is cured by
pausing a couple of seconds.

>From my browsing in the ivtv posts, I get the idea this has something
to do with vbi code (given when this error started occuring) and what
people are talking about generally ;) Is there anything that people
who really arent looking to use CC/TXT can do to the driver to make
this error go away? I perhaps have the wrong idea here... feel free to
let me know if I have ;)

Regardless... Any suggestions would be welcome.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Playback stuttering with 0.3.x ivtv drivers

2005-05-19 Thread Darren Black
Have you found a solution to this?


On 5/15/05, Mitko Haralanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am in the process of installing my new hd3000. I currently
> have 2 pvr-250s and the hd3000 cards in my system. As part of my
> research on this, I read that there might be a problem between the
> hd3000 drivers and the ivtv driver, unless the ivtv drivers were 0.3.x.
> So I got the 0.3.4m drivers from at-testing and they all (ivtv
> and hd3000) load fine. The pvr-250s work fine with one small exception:
> The problem only happens when watching LiveTV. Basically, the
> sound and picture hiccup for a moment several during the initial 2
> minutes of watching live tv. At the time this happens, I get this
> message in the frontend log:
> 2005-05-14 12:00:10.962 prebuffering pause
> This also happens with the 0.3.4o ivtv drivers. However, while
> I had the 0.2.x drivers (from Axel's site), this did not happen at all.
> It seems like a ivtv driver issue, so I am wondering whether
> anyone else is seeing this?
> --
> Mitko Haralanov
> voidtrance at comcast dot net
> ==
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Playback stuttering with 0.3.x ivtv drivers

2005-05-15 Thread Darren Black
I was just about to write a mail about this ;-) I'm getting similar
issues, using 0.3.4o. It's been doing this for a while, but I don't
think it's *always* done it. I started using the ivtv drivers around
0.3.2q I believe, when I bought my pvr150.

One thing I have noticed though, is that this occurs only after I
change channel in myth, but not as soon as I start LiveTV. If I just
start LiveTV and stay on the channel which it starts on, there are no
prebuffering pauses. Is this the same for you?

Much as this probably isn't all that helpful, I think this behaviour
*may* have started when I upgraded to 0.18. I'm running FC3 and using
atrpms myth packages.


On 5/15/05, Mitko Haralanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am in the process of installing my new hd3000. I currently
> have 2 pvr-250s and the hd3000 cards in my system. As part of my
> research on this, I read that there might be a problem between the
> hd3000 drivers and the ivtv driver, unless the ivtv drivers were 0.3.x.
> So I got the 0.3.4m drivers from at-testing and they all (ivtv
> and hd3000) load fine. The pvr-250s work fine with one small exception:
> The problem only happens when watching LiveTV. Basically, the
> sound and picture hiccup for a moment several during the initial 2
> minutes of watching live tv. At the time this happens, I get this
> message in the frontend log:
> 2005-05-14 12:00:10.962 prebuffering pause
> This also happens with the 0.3.4o ivtv drivers. However, while
> I had the 0.2.x drivers (from Axel's site), this did not happen at all.
> It seems like a ivtv driver issue, so I am wondering whether
> anyone else is seeing this?
> --
> Mitko Haralanov
> voidtrance at comcast dot net
> ==
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] [Semi-OT] Live TV in Windows with DSMyth... Which player? How?

2005-05-14 Thread Darren Black
Hi there,

I'm wondering if anybody has managed to pull a live TV stream off your
backends from Windoze. I get roughly 2 seconds using just about any
player and a ringbuffer size of 250Mb. One guy on the DSMyth forum
said he had luck with BSPlayer, but I can't say I'm finding that it
acts any differently to the other players I've tried.

Any suggestions?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Playback problems...

2005-05-10 Thread Darren Black
For some reason unknown to me at the moment, I am now unable to watch
a program which is recording the whole way thru... It seems that
playback stops at the point where recording was at the time I began

Coinciding with this problem, I am no longer able to watch the mpeg2
streams which myth has recorded using the Windoze dsmyth filters... No
video stream is provided it seems. There are no problems once the
video has been transcoded however.

Here's a console output from mythfrontend while trying to playback an
ongoing recording:

2005-05-10 21:05:04.515 New DB connection, total: 1
Total desktop width=1280, height=1024, numscreens=1
2005-05-10 21:05:04.646 Using screen 0, 1280x1024 at 0,0
2005-05-10 21:05:04.699 mythfrontend version: 0.18.20050409-1
2005-05-10 21:05:04.700 Enabled verbose msgs : important general
2005-05-10 21:05:05.837 Switching to square mode (Titivillus)
mythtv: could not connect to socket
mythtv: No such file or directory
lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages
2005-05-10 21:05:06.468 Joystick disabled.
2005-05-10 21:05:06.851 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
2005-05-10 21:05:06.930 Registering MythDVD DVD Media Handler as a
media handler2005-05-10 21:05:06.935 Registering MythDVD VCD Media
Handler as a media handler2005-05-10 21:05:07.607 Registering
MythMusic Media Handler as a media handler
2005-05-10 21:05:07.841 New DB connection, total: 2
Failed to find network interface eth0
SIP listening on IP Address :5060 NAT address
SIP: Cannot register; proxy, username or password not set
Destroying SipFsm object
2005-05-10 21:05:08.594 Starting media monitor.
2005-05-10 21:05:15.768 All Programs
Error loading image file: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default/trans-backup.png
2005-05-10 21:05:16.191 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5)
2005-05-10 21:05:16.201 Using protocol version 15
Error loading image file: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default/blank.png
UIImageType::LoadImage() - Cannot find image: blank.png
Error loading image file: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default/blank.png
UIImageType::LoadImage() - Cannot find image: blank.png
Error loading image file: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default/blank.png
UIImageType::LoadImage() - Cannot find image: blank.png
Error loading image file: /usr/share/mythtv/themes/default/blank.png
UIImageType::LoadImage() - Cannot find image: blank.png
2005-05-10 21:05:20.034 Disable DPMS
2005-05-10 21:05:20.047 Using protocol version 15
2005-05-10 21:05:22.046 Opening audio device '/dev/dsp'.
2005-05-10 21:05:22.046 Opening OSS audio device '/dev/dsp'.
2005-05-10 21:05:22.621 Using XV port 177
X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
  Major opcode:  141
  Minor opcode:  14
  Resource id:  0x1a8
2005-05-10 21:05:22.628 Couldn't get the color key color, and we need it.
You likely won't get any video.
2005-05-10 21:05:23.224 New DB connection, total: 3
2005-05-10 21:05:23.224 Changing from None to WatchingRecording
2005-05-10 21:05:23.252 The realtime priority setting is not enabled.
2005-05-10 21:05:23.906 Video timing method: USleep with busy wait
2005-05-10 21:05:56.336 prebuffering pause
2005-05-10 21:06:11.732 Enable DPMS
2005-05-10 21:06:13.059 Disable DPMS
X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
  Major opcode:  141
  Minor opcode:  14
  Resource id:  0x1a8
2005-05-10 21:06:17.508 Couldn't get the color key color, and we need it.
You likely won't get any video.
2005-05-10 21:06:17.858 Changing from WatchingRecording to None
2005-05-10 21:06:17.966 Changing from None to None
2005-05-10 21:06:18.104 Enable DPMS

Any suggestions guys?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth music and cddb

2005-05-07 Thread Darren Black
Do tell if you solve this... It's never worked for me either :-/


On 5/6/05, Barker Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You change the server in ~/.cddbserverrc
> But even when I do this I have no luck.
> Im going to try changing it to use cddb protocol instead of http when I get
> home to see if that helps. Doubt it!
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Garry Cook
> Sent: 06 May 2005 16:03
> To: Discussion about mythtv
> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Myth music and cddb
> On 5/5/05, Patrick @ Mythtv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > check this site and change to another server:
> >
> >
> >
> > this worked for me.
> >
> > patrick
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
> >
> >
> >
> > When I insert a cd into mythmusic it can never retrieve the details off
> > cddb. I have deleted ~/.cddb/ and ~/.cdserverrc (or whatever it is
> called).
> > When mythtv does try and look it up, it just fills a
> ~./cddb/unknown/unknown
> > in.
> >
> >
> >
> > The thing is grip or kaudiocreater can use cddb fine. I am starting to
> think
> > it's a bug somewhere and might look into it?
> >
> >
> >
> > Does anyone else have these problems?
> >
> >
> >
> > Tom
> I'm having this issue as well. I've also deleted ~/.cddb and
> ~/.cdserv. Where do I change the server used? I've looked
> for this setting in mythtv-setup and in the music tools setup, can't
> seem to find it...
> Garry
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
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> is private and is intended solely for the intended recipient(s).
> For those other than the recipient any disclosure, copying, distribution,
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> Emails and other electronic communication with QinetiQ may be monitored.
> Calls to QinetiQ may be recorded for quality control,
> regulatory and monitoring purposes.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythMusic shows no length for MP3s

2005-05-06 Thread Darren Black
If you've got 'Ignore ID3 tags' switched on, it wont read the ID3 tags
(surprise!), which contain the song lengths. I'd love a workaround for
that to be honest... There's no good reason for the player not to try
and ascertain the track length when it's actually playing it.


On 5/6/05, Thomas Börkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI!
> I have encoded some MP3s with lame 3.96.1 and constant bitrate 192 KBit.
> MythMusic 0.18 plays them well, but shows no track length for them
> ("00:00").
> Any hints?
> Thanks!
> Thomas
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
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