Re: [mythtv-users] Think table as Class and record as Object

2006-01-13 Thread David Rudder
I think this is a good idea, but it's not as easy as all that. This is a 
fairly standard programming problem. The problem with simply modeling 
each table as a class is that it doesn't take into account foreign 
relationships. For instance, with the CardInput class, you'd want to be 
able to store a reference to the CaptureCard class, not just an integer 
CardID. So, you can say "CaptureCard card = cardInput.getCaptureCard()" 
and it will return a CaptureCard. Rather than having to say "CaptureCard 
card = database.loadCaptureCard(cardInput.getCaptureCard())".

I guess what I'm saying is that I think you have a good beginning here 
to make some very useful automation code, but you have to be careful 
that your classes match the data model, or it'll end up being difficult 
to use.

There's a Java project called Druid (available in Sourceforge. Search 
google for it). It'll automatically generate C, C++ or Java code for 
representing the data. It should help you get started.

Feel free to email me off line at
drig at noses dot org


P.S. I also have 45 tables.
P.P.S. Once you have the database modeled in code, what are you going to 
do with it? Any cool tools?

YanJun Lu wrote:

> Hi All
> How many tables in your database of MythTV,As for me, There are 45 
> tables in my MySQL. I have a idea for that create Class for every 
> tables, Well, I mean that we can think table as an Class and record of 
> table as Object, So do my idea is good?
> 雅虎1G免费邮箱百分百防垃圾信 
> 雅虎助手-搜索、杀毒、防骚扰 
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Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV, smooth playback on 3ghz, and 1080i?

2006-01-01 Thread David Rudder
I have almost the exact same setup and my playback is fine.  I'm running 
on an Athlon 2600+, which is much less than 3HGhz.  I have an nvidia 
6200, but I don't think that makes a huge difference with 2D 
performance.  One thing you didn't mention is whether your recordings 
are in SD or HD.  Mine are in SD, which might make the difference.  I 
have a couple videos recorded off a video camera that are at 780x480, 
which are my largest, and they run fine, too, but nothing even close to 
1920x540 (which is the real resolution of 1080i).

One factor that was huge for me was finally getting Xv (not XvMC) to 
work properly.  TTYTT, I forget what I did, but I remember I got help 
from the mailing list archives.  I think I had to remove the "-zoom" 
option from mplayer, since that does software scaling.  I know for a 
fact that the videos were choppy with really poor playback until Xv 
worked properly, so that'll be something to try.

Try just running from a command line, like so
mplayer -fs -vo xv file.nuv
If that works properly, check your mythtv playback configuration.


Rob wrote:

Got a question for those of you running 3ghz processors [b]without[/b] XvMC
decoding 1080i and deinterlacing successfully.  What is your secret?  I've
tried 3 different machines with 3ghz (or close to it), and none of them come
anywhere close to being able to do 1080i video smoothly in Myth.   I'm
running Deban and have built Myth and have tried optimizing it for the
processor I'm using and such, and it never seems to matter.The OSD is
the worst offender by far, when that is up it's jerk city.   1080i video
sometimes managed to get by at full framerate and sometimes doesn't, it's

Now, I can enable XvMC and everything plays back perfectly smooth, but as
noted by most FAQs, the OSD is in black and white, sometimes flickers badly,
and causes the screen to jerk.  Once it goes away everything works okay.
Most of the FAQs and posts I've read from people seem to indicate a 3ghz
processor is plenty of horsepower to do 1080i without xvMC.  Why does it
perform so badly on my system?   I think perhaps if I can find my
performance problem even xvMC will work work better. 

I apologize if this is in a FAQ or has been discussed ad nauseum, but I've
been at this for over a week and haven't found anything.

Video card is a FX5200
Nvidia 7676 driver
Currently testing with P4 3ghz, but have also tried Athlon 2800+

Things I've tried:

Open GL overlay (does this even work with NVidia drivers?)
MPEG2Dec decoder (seems to make it worse)
Various deinterlace modes - performance is just as bad with it "off"
Sync to video
Myth "stable" version 18.1 and the SVN head

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Re: [mythtv-users] (please respond) How do you use the keyboard instead

2005-12-28 Thread David Rudder
As always, the answer is "it depends".  Generally, try ctrl-alt-F7 or 
alt-F7.  If that doesn't work, try F8 instead, or F9.  You can also try 
issuing the command "chvt 7", "chvt 8" or "chvt 9".

Richard Bronosky wrote:

I'm shocked that I have not heard any answers to this this question.  So
I'm warming the thread.

I'm also going to ask what I believe is a simpler question.  I did
verify that my keyboard is not broken by doing Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a
terminal screen (with a cool looking KnoppMyth "LCD TV" border images) 
I can log in and navigate around, but I cannot figure out how to return

to the x-windows desktop.  All I can do to get back there is to call
"reboot now".

How do I return to the x-windows desktop after using Ctrl+Alt+F1 to jump
to a terminal?

Richard Bronosky wrote:

I used to know this, but I am now drawing a complete blank.

I have installed KnoppMyth, but in a fit of rage destroyed my mouse.  I used to
be able to use the numeric pad in place of the mouse, but now I cannot get that
to work at all.  at all...  so much so that I think my keyboard is also broken.

Please advise.

Thank you for your time,
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Protect yourself by avoiding Internet Explorer & Outlook/Outlook Express.
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Re: [mythtv-users] Commercial Flagging, what are the best

2005-12-21 Thread David Rudder
This is a pretty off-the-wall suggestion.  Is there anyway to detect 
V-Chip signals?  I know within the US, all broadcast and cable shows 
have a V-Chip signal, but it's turned off during commercials.  This 
would be a 100% reliable way of detecting commercials, but I have no 
clue whether the signal could be picked up by myth.

I would be ironic to have something good come out of V-Chip, eh?


cardboil wrote:

In my experience, blank frame detection (with strict detection) works 
great most of the time in many US channels (at least the major 
networks).  However, outside the US, many channels don't do blank 
frames.  On those channels, I use logo detection and that works like a 
charm.  Of course, that assumes that the broadcaster turns off the 
logo during commercials (which many of them do).  I do have a few 
channels where neither blank frames nor logo off/on is used by the 
network.  In those cases, I think I'm out of luck.  I tried scene 
change detection and it hasn't worked well, plus it wrongly flags 
scenes changes inside the show or in the midst of comm breaks.

I wonder if the mythcommflag code catches things like volume levels 
(many of my channels turn noticeably louder during comm breaks).

May be Chris P can give us some pointers?

On 12/13/05, *Steve Adeff* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

On Tuesday 13 December 2005 12:04, Beny Spensieri Jr wrote:
> >From: Phil Bridges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >On 12/13/05, Beny Spensieri Jr < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> >> I have found that the commercial flagging feature
> of
> >> Mythtv is not doing a great job of flagging
> >> commercials.  As a result, playback is not skipping
> >> the commercials as I have indicated.
> >>
> >> Any advise on what combination of settings will
> >> produce the most accurate commercial detection?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Beny
> >
> >Just out of curiosity - have you set the frontend to
> >automatically
> >skip commercials?  Are you using the 'z' key to skip?
> >
> >What are your current detection settings?
> I initially set it to blank frame detection, which
> didn't work very well.  Then I set it to blank frame +
> scene change, this is also not great.
> I have now set commercial detection to ALL, but I have
> yet to record and test anything yet.
> I have set playback to automatically skip the
> commercials.
> Anything else?
> Thanks,
> Beny

I have mine set to ALL currently with manual skipping and find it
to be quite
accurate on about 90% of the channels I've recorded with about 75%
on the last 10%. It seems to sometimes find too many or not enough
points when it gets it wrong.

I'm in the U.S.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Glitches in firewire capture from DCT-6200

2005-12-17 Thread David Rudder
According to Dan Dennedy (one of the linux1394 authors), data_rate is a 
code.  0 means 100Mbps.  1 means 200Mbps.  2 means 400Mbps.  If you have 
it set to 100Mbps in the Mythtv setup, Mythtv will cause this change.  I 
don't have the original email that has this info.  You can probably find 
it in the linux1394 mailing list archives.  You can try upping this 
value in Myth.  It might be worth a look at your disk speed, too.


Alex Brekken wrote:

Steve, running the commands you and curtis specified:

plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].channel=63
plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].bcast_connection=1

greatly improves my firewire reliability.  However, I still find it 
almost unusable due to some slowdown/stuttering in the image.  (I also 
have a PVR-250 which works flawlessly)  I know it's not my network, so 
I was very curious to try out the data_rate command you listed above, 
thinking that it might fix this issue.  (plugctl -n 2 

Running this command and then plugreport shows that the data_rate 
variable does get set to 3, (before it was zero), HOWEVER, as soon as 
I begin to record a show or watch live TV, it immediately gets set 
back to zero.  You mentioned that you run this through a cron job 
every hour, although I'm finding that if I try to set the data_rate 
back to 3 while something is recording, it immediately freezes and 
stops recording. 

Any other tricks or ideas to somehow keep this setting  at 3?  (or 
anything greater than zero) 

On 12/16/05, *David Rudder* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 

Are you sure this isn't a drive-speed issue?  Check hdparm -v
/dev/.  Also, make sure you have at least a 7200 RPM drive.
The dct-6200 will send out an mpeg stream.  I think MythTV just copies
it to disk.  So, there's very little CPU or memory involved.

You can try running test-mpeg2 (from the libiec61883 package).  It
outputs the raw mpeg stream from the 6200.  If it gets the same
corruption you see in myth, then you know it's not a myth issue.
test-mpeg2 > file.mpg
wait maybe 30 seconds, then hit ctrl-c.  mplayer file..mpg should
the file.


Azmat wrote:

>I've been using this script in a cron job for the last week, but I'm
>still seeing glitching.  Its mostly occurring at the start of a show
>and then clears up in the middle.  Is it possible that I might
need to
>use a faster processor or bump up my RAM?  Right now I'm running an
>Athlon XP 2400+ with 1G of RAM.  Thanks in advance for the help.
>On 12/9/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>there was a thread a while back regarding this. You can search
on Gossamer for
>>more info. basically you want to run this bash script. It will
set the p2p or
>>broadcast connection to 1 depending on what your machine will
use. From what
>>I've found bcast is prefered when available, which is why it
comes second
>>(since its one or the other) p2p is sometimes only available and
when this is
>>the case its fine. data_rate doesn't need to be 3, but it
increases speed if
>>your using firewire for capture and not just channel changing. I
have it run
>>before mythbackend starts when I run it via init.d and I've
found it resets
>>sometimes so I run it hourly as a cron job.
>>oh, and the -n # is which node it is. In case you have more than
one firewire
>>connection have it run for each connection as well.
>>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].channel=63
>>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].n_p2p_connections=1
>>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].bcast_connection=1
>>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].data_rate=3
>>On Friday 09 December 2005 14:52, Azmat wrote:
>>>Here's my plugreport output:
>>>Host Adapter 0
>>>Node 0 GUID 0xd10080357942
>>>libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
>>>libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR
>>>Node 1 GUID 0x4279358080357942
>>>libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
>>>libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR
>>>Node 2 GUID 0x000f9e103008
>>>oMPR n_plugs=1, data_rate=2, bcast_channel=63
>>>oPCR[0] online=1, bcast_connection=0, n_p2p_connections=0
>>>channel=63, d

Re: [mythtv-users] Glitches in firewire capture from DCT-6200

2005-12-16 Thread David Rudder
Are you sure this isn't a drive-speed issue?  Check hdparm -v 
/dev/.  Also, make sure you have at least a 7200 RPM drive.   
The dct-6200 will send out an mpeg stream.  I think MythTV just copies 
it to disk.  So, there's very little CPU or memory involved. 

You can try running test-mpeg2 (from the libiec61883 package).  It 
outputs the raw mpeg stream from the 6200.  If it gets the same 
corruption you see in myth, then you know it's not a myth issue.

test-mpeg2 > file.mpg
wait maybe 30 seconds, then hit ctrl-c.  mplayer file.mpg should display 
the file.


Azmat wrote:

I've been using this script in a cron job for the last week, but I'm
still seeing glitching.  Its mostly occurring at the start of a show
and then clears up in the middle.  Is it possible that I might need to
use a faster processor or bump up my RAM?  Right now I'm running an
Athlon XP 2400+ with 1G of RAM.  Thanks in advance for the help.


On 12/9/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

there was a thread a while back regarding this. You can search on Gossamer for
more info. basically you want to run this bash script. It will set the p2p or
broadcast connection to 1 depending on what your machine will use. From what
I've found bcast is prefered when available, which is why it comes second
(since its one or the other) p2p is sometimes only available and when this is
the case its fine. data_rate doesn't need to be 3, but it increases speed if
your using firewire for capture and not just channel changing. I have it run
before mythbackend starts when I run it via init.d and I've found it resets
sometimes so I run it hourly as a cron job.

oh, and the -n # is which node it is. In case you have more than one firewire
connection have it run for each connection as well.

plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].channel=63
plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].n_p2p_connections=1
plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].bcast_connection=1
plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].data_rate=3


On Friday 09 December 2005 14:52, Azmat wrote:

Here's my plugreport output:
Host Adapter 0

Node 0 GUID 0xd10080357942
libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR

Node 1 GUID 0x4279358080357942
libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR

Node 2 GUID 0x000f9e103008
oMPR n_plugs=1, data_rate=2, bcast_channel=63
oPCR[0] online=1, bcast_connection=0, n_p2p_connections=0
   channel=63, data_rate=0, overhead_id=0, payload=376
iMPR n_plugs=0, data_rate=2

On 12/9/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Friday 09 December 2005 12:44, Azmat wrote:


My mythtv system is running on an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2 GHz) with 1G
RAM, a PVR-350 and firewire capture from my Motorola DCT-6200 cable
box.  Whenever I do firewire capture from the box through Myth, the
recording exhibits a audio/video glitching.  The picture will
momentarily become pixelated and there will be a brief skip.  I can
tell the glitch is in the recording because when I rewind and playback
it is reproducible.  There is no pattern or regularity to the
glitching.  Sometimes it will be at the start of the show and will
disappear in the middle, only to reappear later.  It doesn't prevent
me from recording shows, but is just become a huge annoyance that I'd
like to take care of.  Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong?
Do you think a faster processor would help?

Thanks in advance,


run plugreport and paste the output.





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Re: [mythtv-users] Need some setup help second frontend will not play

2005-12-15 Thread David Rudder
I had this problem.  I use a wireless router as my dhcp server, which 
does not specify hostname.  So, FC4 defaulted to 
"localhost.localdomain".  This is the key used to find the setup in the 
database.  My problem was my backend and frontend used the same fake 
hostname, thus the same setup.  If you hardcode your hostname (I think 
it's in /etc/sysconfig/network), this might help the problem.  It worked 
for me :)


kim gross wrote:


I have a new myth system setup and running.  Both systems in question 
are installed on FC4 via atrpms following Jareds guide for the FE/BE 
system.I have a FE/BE combo maching currently with 1 avermedia 
M179 card that seems to work fine.  I installed the mythfrontend on my 
main desktop to test with before I try to put together a dedicated 
frontend for a tv in the family room.  I can not play recorded shows 
from the second frontend.  I can view live tv without any problems 
though.  When I try to play a recorded show, the frontend just does 
not do anything.  After I exit out of the frontend I see an error 
messages which is attached to this message.  The big problem is that 
it gives me an file not found error with a strange path on it.  If you 
notice the path on the playbox error it has 2 // after the 
/video/store, which is the path on the backend to the video storage.

These same recordings play fine on the combined FE/BE machine.
Any suggestions.

The other problem I am having is very strange.  When I try to rip a 
DVD on the FE/BE machine, I can configure it to do what I want choose 
which sections to rip, even preview, but when I press 0 to start 
ripping, it brings up a screen that says nothing to do, press 0 to rip 
dvd.  If I press 0 again, it takes me to the first menu to choose what 
I want to rip.

Any suggestions on this?

Thanks in advance

2005-12-15 01:23:03.720 New DB connection, total: 1
Total desktop width=1024, height=768, numscreens=1
2005-12-15 01:23:03.831 Using screen 0, 1024x768 at 0,0
2005-12-15 01:23:03.849 mythfrontend version:

2005-12-15 01:23:03.850 Enabled verbose msgs : important general
2005-12-15 01:23:04.677 Switching to square mode (G.A.N.T.)
mythtv: could not connect to socket
mythtv: No such file or directory
lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages
2005-12-15 01:23:05.220 Joystick disabled.
2005-12-15 01:23:05.309 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
2005-12-15 01:23:05.617 Starting media monitor.
2005-12-15 01:23:11.840 All Programs
2005-12-15 01:23:12.369 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5)

2005-12-15 01:23:12.378 Using protocol version 15
Error loading image file: 

Error loading image file: 

Error: File missing

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Best Theme for Interlaced Screen

2005-12-14 Thread David Rudder

Unfortunately, my TV only supports SD (480i) and 1080i.  No 760p :(

Donavan Stanley wrote:

On 12/13/05, *David Rudder* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 

I'm running Myth on a HD-capable television with an Nvidia 6200
1080i.  Movies, TV recordings, etc, look great.  Sometimes the theme
doesn't look perfect.  Pretty much any straight, exactly
horizontal line
flickers really badly.  Right now, I'm using visor, which looks
good and
doesn't have too many lines that flicker.  I was wondering if
there have
been any themes that are specifically written for interlaced screens,
with strong anti-aliasing, curvy or angled lines?

Run your GUI at 720P (the baseline resoiution for widescreen themes) 
and allow Myth to change the reosultion based on the video content via 

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[mythtv-users] Best Theme for Interlaced Screen

2005-12-13 Thread David Rudder

I'm running Myth on a HD-capable television with an Nvidia 6200 running 
1080i.  Movies, TV recordings, etc, look great.  Sometimes the theme 
doesn't look perfect.  Pretty much any straight, exactly horizontal line 
flickers really badly.  Right now, I'm using visor, which looks good and 
doesn't have too many lines that flicker.  I was wondering if there have 
been any themes that are specifically written for interlaced screens, 
with strong anti-aliasing, curvy or angled lines?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] DCT-6200 Firewire issue User Database

2005-12-12 Thread David Rudder

Thanks Steve, for this and the rest of your help!

Steve Adeff wrote:

I'm trying to figure out the issue with this firewire thing. My laptop is 
perfectly accurate when changing channels but my mythbox isn't. theres a 
couple differences between the two though. Since this comes up so much as a 
problem for people I want to start collecting information on the issue to see 
if I can find out where the problem is.

Could anyone that is using firewire to control a Motorola DCT-6xxx series 
cable box respond to me off list with the following info:

1. firewire chipset being used (lspci|grep FireWire)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] proc]# lspci|grep FireWire
00:0b.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. IEEE 1394 Host 
Controller (rev 80)

2. your plugreport output for the Node connected to the DCT.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] proc]# plugreport
Host Adapter 0

Node 0 GUID 0x00152ed1547e
oMPR n_plugs=1, data_rate=2, bcast_channel=63
oPCR[0] online=1, bcast_connection=0, n_p2p_connections=0
   channel=0, data_rate=2, overhead_id=0, payload=376
iMPR n_plugs=0, data_rate=2

Node 1 GUID 0x0011d83491ed
libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR

3. the output from a 6200ch -v channel change

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contrib]# ./6200ch -v 120
node 0: vendor_id = 0x152f model_id = 0x64cb
AV/C Command: 120 = Op1=0x00487C21 Op2=0x00487C22 Op3=0x00487C20
(I had to change some vendor and model ID numbers in the 6200ch source)

4. Your Kernel (uname -r)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contrib]# uname -r

5. Your 'modinfo raw1394' output

[EMAIL PROTECTED] proc]# modinfo raw1394

vermagic:   2.6.14-1.1644_FC4 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.0
alias:  ieee1394:ven*mo*spA02Dver00010001*
alias:  ieee1394:ven*mo*spA02Dver0100*
alias:  ieee1394:ven*mo*spA02Dver0101*
alias:  ieee1394:ven*mo*spA02Dver0102*
srcversion: 9435F3B41F2674B91625E97

6. your accuracy rate (0 - 5, 5=perfect channel changes, 0=numbers get 
detected but rarely does it work).

5 - The channel change always works, I think. Since so many recordings 
are messed up, it's possible the channel changes are not working 
perfectly and I don't notice.

7. a brief description of what your box does when you try and change channels. 
I have a brief description of what happens to me below in the quoted email.

This is with a DCT-6412.

The channel change always works, but video input only works sporadically 
(25-33% of the time).  I can reproduce this with test-mpeg2, so it's not 
a mythtv thing.  Steve Adeff has given me some good help, and I'm 
looking at swapping my DCT-6412 for a normal DCT-6200.  The more I play 
with this box, the more truly broken is seems.


Hopefully we can figure this out and end the problem.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythPhone compatibility

2005-12-08 Thread David Rudder
MythPhone is based on SIP, which is a standard for VoIP.  It appears to 
use the G711 codec for audio, which is totally standard and should be 
supported by pretty much every SIP compatible voip phone out there.  I 
*think* the video codec is H263, which is also pretty standard.

There's a Java project called Sip-Communicator.  It's a software VoIP 
phone.  It does video and audio.  I've used it for debugging on my 
application, which uses voice only, but the mailing lists report good 
success w/ video.  You might want to download it, install it on a spare 
machine, and see if you can get  a good connection. 

I'm pretty sure, but not being a windows guy I can't be certain, that 
NetMeeting uses a different protocol which SIP is not compatible with.  
You'll have to find other software.  Sip-Communicator is a bear to 
setup, but easy to use once configured, and might not be a terrible option.


Ben Dash wrote:

I'm trying to set up Video Conferencing from the US
with my family back in the UK and I'm trying to find
out how much success others have had with using
MythPhone to do video chat with people who use MS

My family haven't even bought their webcam yet, and I
was pushing them to a Logitec QuickCam Pro 4000, since
that's what I was planning on using on my xBox
mythfrontend since it has a microphone built in.  So
they're open to use whatever software works on Win98,
although they'll probably switch to Linux or OSX soon
since their patience is rapidly running out with MS
due to viruses, spyware, etc.

Please let me know you thoughts and experiences.


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Re: [mythtv-users] DCT-6200 Firewire issue

2005-12-01 Thread David Rudder
Unfortunately, my P2P connections are definitely not working correctly.  
I tried your advice and connected the firewire cable into the other node 
on the DCT box, but I still get nothing over broadcast, and the same 
problems with P2P.  There's a little history with my cable box.  The 
DCT-6412 is a DVR, which I don't need if I'm going to be using myth.  
They gave it to me in error.  So, I'll be bringing it back and getting a 
straight 6200 and seeing if that works any better.

Thanks for your help!

Steve Adeff wrote:

some boxes uses p2p instead of broadband, some boxes have one port set 
for p2p

and one port set to broadband. the people that say to use bcast don't really 
know what they're talking about. if you have the ability, then yes, use it, 
if not, p2p is fine.

the type of connection matters not, my box uses p2p without issue. I'm waiting 
for a compatible firewire card arrive in the mail from newegg before I hook 
it up to MythTV, but when testing with my laptop's built-in firewire I got 
100% channel changes correct and no record issues with test-mpeg. I wrote a 
script that would change the channel +1 run test-mpeg and if data was 
received write the channel and "ok" in a text file. This was so I could 
quickly figure out what channels were 5C'd for me, through the whole script I 
didn't run into a channel change error. I then played around with it (in awe 
that it actually worked of course) and again had no issues. all through p2p.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] DCT-6200 Firewire issue

2005-11-30 Thread David Rudder

I know this is a linux1394 issue, but I posted to the mailing list and 
have gotten no response.  I was wondering if anyone here has seen this 
problem and maybe can help me out.  TIA.  Here's my email to linux1394:

I'm trying to setup a MythTV to record from my Motorola DCT 6412.  I 
have read through all the documentation and the emails on the various 
lists. I am seeing some of the same problems as others, but the 
work-around isn't working for me.  They say to use plugctl to setup a 
broadcast connection and use broadcast within mythtv.  I have not been 
able to receive video through broadcast.

Basically, I can setup a p2p connection and use test-mpeg to download 
video.  It works some of the time.  The mailing lists say about 50%.  
I'm seeing about 33%, but I think that's a quibble and not really 

But, I can't for the life of me get broadcast connections working.

I have a Texas Instruments firewire card.  I used it in another computer 
to download video from a Sony TRV-120 video camera with Kino.  Made some 
really cute videos of my kids :)  So, I know the card works.  Here's the 
00:08.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB12LV26 IEEE-1394 
Controller (Link)

I have a Motorola DCT 6412 connected via firewire to the host computer.  
Here's plugreport:

Host Adapter 0

Node 0 GUID 0x00309526b0022369
libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR

Node 1 GUID 0x00152ed1547e
oMPR n_plugs=1, data_rate=2, bcast_channel=63
oPCR[0] online=1, bcast_connection=0, n_p2p_connections=2
   channel=0, data_rate=2, overhead_id=0, payload=376
iMPR n_plugs=0, data_rate=2

Here's the output from test-mpeg with a p2p connection:

# test-mpeg2 -r 1 foo.ts
libiec61883 warning: Overlayed connection on channel 0.
You may need to manually set the channel on the receiving node.
Starting to receive
# ls -l foo.ts
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1136460 Nov 28 12:33 foo.ts

As I said, this works about 1/3 of the time.  Playing it with mplayer 
works fine, every time I get any video at all.  I never get corrupted 
video.  It's either works or doesn't work.

I haven't been able to find out for sure how to use test-mpeg with a 
bcast connection.  I think I just supply a bad node.  Like so:

# plugctl -p 0 -n 1 oPCR\[0\].channel=63
# plugctl -p 0 -n 1 oPCR\[0\].bcast_connection=1
# test-mpeg2 -r boogabooga foo.ts
libiec61883 warning: No plugs exist on either node; using default 
broadcast channel 63.

Starting to receive
# ls -l foo.ts
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 0 Nov 28 12:36 foo.ts

Now, to get MythTV to work, everyone says to use a bcast connection.  
Can someone tell me how to get the bcast connection working?  Am I doing 
something wrong?  Is my test-mpeg run correct?  Is my 1394 card hosed?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Gigabyte video card

2005-11-28 Thread David Rudder

I'm looking at a similar card.

I have a couple friends who work for Nvidia, one who makes chips (and, 
no, this doesn't get me any discounts on cards:( ).  He says that the 
6200 series does HDTV very well, and are well supported on Linux.  There 
are a couple caveats:

Make sure your mainboard has PCI-E.  Mine has AGP, so I can't use this 
card.  The AGP options are fewer and more expensive.  I'm not sure the 
difference between the two, except you have to use what you have.

This card may not come with component out.  You may have to purchase the 
connectors seperately.  It supports VGA and DVI natively.  My television 
has DVI, but then I'm still paying for the cables.  A more expensive 
card may support the component outputs, which can use cheaper cables, 
and thus close the money gap.

All that being said, I have not yet picked up a video card (using 
on-board cheapo until I resolve some firewire issues) and all of my info 
is gained from telephone conversations and not real experience.  Caveat 



Has anyone had experience using the Gigabyte GV-NX62TC256DE video card?  It's 
pretty cheap and has outputs for component video.  I'm wondering if it's worth 




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