Re: [mythtv-users] Do I really need a mouse on the frontend?

2006-01-01 Thread Grant Emsley
- Original Message - 
From: "Gavin Haslett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Discussion about mythtv" 
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 11:02 AM
Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] Do I really need a mouse on the frontend?

I think the true answer is; it depends. In my case, WAF (Wife Approval
Factor) is extremely important. Trying to get my wife to change channels
and operate my Mythbox with a keyboard would be less than optimal. A
remote is designed for a particular job, a keyboard is designed for
another. While the keyboard can do the job of the remote, it's not the
optimal tool for the job.

Just my 2c worth.

I've found having a remote far more convenient than a keyboard/mouse.  And 
more importantly my fiance is actually willing to use the remote... 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Static on only One Channel

2005-12-27 Thread Grant Emsley

- Original Message - 
From: "Bruce Markey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Discussion about mythtv" 
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2005 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Static on only One Channel

Steve Nuffer wrote:
I have changed finetune to +2,+1,0, -1, and -2 with no real change.  Does 
anyone have a suggestion? Some of them actually get worse.

Get an adjustable wrench and screw down all the F-connectors in
your house (not just the cable connected to your myth box).

--  bjm

This is especially true if it is one of the lower channels (in the 2-13 
range) since these seem to be more suseptible to loose connections. 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] False "previously recorded" flag for new episode?

2005-12-12 Thread Grant Emsley
My copy of Grey's Anatomy recorded fine.  I'm on Rogers in the Grand River 
area (Ontario), so recording from channel 12 at 22:00-23:00.

Hmmnext week it's scheduled for conflicts though so it 
should still record.

- Original Message - 
From: "Cymen Vig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Discussion about mythtv" 
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] False "previously recorded" flag for new 

On 12/11/05, Universo Dos Mil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12/11/05, Mark Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Universo Dos Mil wrote:
> > For some reason, tonight's new episode of Grey's Anatomy (which had
> > the correct Zap2It description & whatnot) didn't record on my Myth
> > box, being marked as "previously recorded," even though it obviously
> > wasn't. Anyone know why this happened and if there's a fix?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > -David
> If you go into Manage Recordings -> Upcoming Recordings and then select
> the show (it will probably be designated 'R' indicating that show has
> already been recorded), you can then choose the option 'record anyway'
> Not much help for a past event, though.
> mark
That I know.  I'd like to find out why this happened, though, and how I 

prevent it from happening again.

The same thing happened to me. I took a look at the Sunday lineup and
opened up the show from listings. It was not attached to any schedule
even though I thought it would be. I noticed my recording schedule did
have 9:01 PM - 10:00 PM on that channel while the show last night was
listed in 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM. Maybe that was a factor? I added a
second schedule to see what happens in the future.
mythtv-users mailing list 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Absolute NEWBIE, question about Linux

2005-11-07 Thread Grant Emsley

- Original Message - 
From: "Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 7:32 PM
Subject: [mythtv-users] Absolute NEWBIE, question about Linux

Hi all.  I just joined this mailing list about 2 days ago, and have been 
reading almost every message for tips and tricks.  I am completely new to 
the MythTV scene and am very interested in becoming a part of the growing 
community.  One thing that I have noticed in the messages and on the 
increasing number of websites is that it seems to require quite a bit of 
knowledge when it comes to Linux.  I have been a dedicated PC/Windows guy 
since Windows 3.1 and the day's of DOS.  However, I don't really know 
anything about Linux and the like.  How much into Linux should I go as far 
as training for preparations?  I downloaded KnoppMyth and ran the front 
end only to kinda get the basics, but even that has me overly confused.  I 
downloaded the SUSE Live Eval DVD and have been experimenting with that. 
I'm not a slow learner, and have never taken any courses to learn any of 
this.  I'm a self-taught computer fanatic/hobbyist so I'm not scared to 
learn something new.  I'm just curious how much into Linux I should read 
about and play with to get a good system up and running.  Any help, and/or 
ideas on directions to go would be great.

You sound like you learn the same way I do, so I think the best thing I can 
suggest for learning linux is the way that I did it.  Get a spare computer, 
install linux (I personally prefer Debian which is the distro 
that knoppix is based on), and play around with it.  If you are used to DOS, 
you should be able to get used to linux.  A LOT of stuff is done from the 
command line, and I've seen a few tutorials for people switching from DOS to 
Linux (google for them).

Figure out what you want to do with it.  My linux machine runs mythtv 
(frontend and backend), a small webserver, and acts as a file server for all 
my windows machines.

Best way to learn (at least for me) is to just dive in, and whenever I get 
stuck, try to find the solution myself (man pages and google are your 

Best of luck! 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Frontend for home theater

2005-11-06 Thread Grant Emsley

On 11/4/05, Michael Tiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At work we just got a $700 computer projector that looks fantastic. I
hooked my laptop up to it while watching a widescreen DVD and it even 

to support the widescreen format quite nicely.

So, I'm thinking about getting one of these for my basement. My plan would
be to mount it on the ceiling and project it against a wall. I'd also like
to hook a very simple MythTV frontend up to it. My plan would be to have
only a DVD reader, small hardrive (if necessary), network and video card 

it (i.e. no tuner cards and no direct live TV feed to the projector...only
live TV from a backend over the network).

The only thing I'd caution you about a projector is bulb life/cost.  I know 
the newer projectors have a longer bulb life than they used to, but last 
time I was looking into it replacement bulbs were at least a couple hundred 

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Updating SVN?

2005-11-02 Thread Grant Emsley
I'm currently running the SVN version of mythtv.  I finally figured out that 
to do SVN update you have to be in the directory it downloaded the source to 
(silly) me.

So if I originally ran the "svn co ..." command in ~/mythsource, I assume 
that to update I do this:

cd ~/mythsource
cd mythtv
svn update
make install

cd ../mythplugins
svn update
./configure --enable-all
make install

(and for myththemes too)

Does that look right?  Also, do I need to stop mythbackend/mythfrontend 
before doing "make install", or restart them once everything is installed?

Grant Emsley 

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Feature suggestions

2005-11-01 Thread Grant Emsley
I was writing down some of the things I would like to eventually see in 
mythtv.  Does anyone know if any of these are being worked on, already 
requested as a feature, been rejected, or already possible and I just missed 
it?  I know a little bit of programming but not likely enough to implement 
any of these things, though I might try it anyways just for fun.  Any 
comments on these ideas would be appreciated.

File browser --> Browse through all files in any preset directories, and 
launch the default program associated with that file when selected.

CD/DVD File Burning --> Relates to file browser, select files to be burn to 
DVD, allow you to organize them into directories, then burn to disc.

Text entry from remote --> Allow you to enter text anywhere that needs it 
from the remote either using a popup keyboard or cellphone style entry.

Writing lircrc from within mythfrontend --> Let you define the remote 
control keys from within the frontend, like you can from the keys editor now 
for keyboard controls. Additionally a help button that will show what button 
does what (increases wife accceptance factor)

Joystick control --> Would be really nice when using mythgame to not have to 
switch between joystick and remote

RSS Ticker --> Overlay RSS news feeds over playback/live tv and mythmusic 

Cut commercials without transcode --> Would it be possible to cut out 
commercials without transcoding?  I suppose it could only be cut on 
keyframes, but it would be nice to be able to just cut out the commercials 

Scrolling text --> There are many places (eg. program description, system 
status, song names in mythmusic) where text is too long to fix on the screen 
at a reasonable size.  Automatically scrolling it would be nice

Kids Mode --> A setting that can prevent any or all of:  Setup, deleting 
programs, deleting scheduled recordings, adding scheduled recordings, 
conflict management.  Require a password to exit this mode.  This would make 
it so you could give the remote to your kids and not have to worry about 
them randomly mashing buttons, since they can't change any settings.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Page down in mythmusic?

2005-11-01 Thread Grant Emsley
Is there any key that does page down in mythmusic?  I have mostly singles, 
and have a giant directory of MP3s...scrolling with the remote is far too 
slow.  Even scrolling with the keyboard, which has a much faster repeat rate 
takes forever.

mythtv-users mailing list