Re: [mythtv-users] No TV or Video with SVideo

2006-01-30 Thread James C. Dastrup
I finally got my video card to use the SVideo Out on my nVidia Ti4200. 
However, although the GUI shows up as expected, when I play live TV or
any type of video (like AVI), nothing shows up.  The screen is just
blue.  It's not hung as I can hit escape to get back to the menu.  I
tried searching the list first but wasn't able to locate anything that
helped out.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I'm attaching my
xorg.conf file that I use for the SVideo.

Blue instead of video usually means that the video is being displayed
on another screen.  Common solution is to physically disconnect
any other screens you may have plugged in at the time X loads, since
most cards will detect these screens, even if you don't have them
defined in xorg.conf.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more

2006-01-29 Thread James C. Dastrup
 Can someone please share their combination of nvidia driver, kernel,
 opengl settings, etc. if you have it working?

Thanks a bunch for everyone submitting their configs, now I 'almost'
have my FX5200 running just fine.  Two more problems:

1) The On Screen Display graphics are in black--white and 'blinky',
when XvMC is used.  If I turn of XvMC, then they're in color, but then
CPU is too high and I get prebuffering pauses.  Anyone know how to
get my color OSD back with XvMC?
1) Slight prebuffering pauses while the OSD in displayed, during which
CPU is goes up to about 75%, up from normal 45% during HD playback.
This may be related to problem #1 above.

I'm using nvidia driver 7676. Any thoughts?


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] Dish Network and DVB

2006-01-28 Thread James C. Dastrup
I don't want to create a huge off topic thread.  However, I would like
to know if it's possible in the US to use DVB-S cards to access dish
network streams (legally).  I've been searching for a while now and
can't find a definitive answer.  I currently have a Dish Network
subscription and a receiver, but a DVB card would be preferable over the
receiver if it's possible. 

Huge off topic answer - Legally, no.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] re-record deleted shows

2006-01-28 Thread James C. Dastrup

   I've got a couple of shows I'd like to rerecord.  Some cases I'd
like to re-record all episodes, and in other cases I'd like to
re-record a specific episode.  What's the easiest way to start over
with a blank history for a show?  What's the easiest way to re-record
a particular episode?  I'm familiar with phpMyAdmin, so I can get into
the database and make the changes manually (if needed).

No need to worry about phpMyAdmin or direct database access, as this
ability is already in the GUI.  
Manage Recordings - Previously Recorded - and then find a show you
want to re-record, hit Enter on it, and you have the option to Remove
that Episode, or Remove all Episodes with that title.

Once it's gone, MythTV will never now it ever recorded in the past.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] hd-3000 recording issues while and watchingrecordings from pvr-500

2006-01-27 Thread James C. Dastrup
I have a weird problem when i'm watching recordings on my combined
frontend/backend. If I'm watching tv on or even a recording from my
pvr-500 or 350 while its trying to record a program on the HD-3000 via
QAM.. I get a lot of artifacts in the recording.

If i were to azap -r channel and watch a recording it goes from LOCKED
unlocked LOCKED unlocked LOCKED over and over and over. The CPU is only
being used at about 30% during all of this. If I just do azap -r channel
without watching anything it is LOCKED all of the time.

Anybody have any ideas of how I can track this down and try to fix it?
I'm lost with this one.

debian sarge
ivtv 0.4.2 but these aren't even recording when it happens.
mythtv 0.18.1
sb live
nvidia ti4600 with nvidia


Just one thought, check your interrupts. This has caused problems
for me in the past.

cat /proc/interrupts
From the dmesg output, it looks as if you may be sharing
IRQ's with devices that don't like to be shared. The worst devices I've
seen that often share and often cause problems are USB adapters and 
NIC's.  Don't load the USB drivers if you don't have to. Also, move some 
cards around in the PCI slots if possible.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] hd-3000 recording issues while and watchingrecordings from pvr-500

2006-01-27 Thread James C. Dastrup
James C. Dastrup wrote:
 I have a weird problem when i'm watching recordings on my combined
 frontend/backend. If I'm watching tv on or even a recording from my
 pvr-500 or 350 while its trying to record a program on the HD-3000 via
 QAM.. I get a lot of artifacts in the recording.

 If i were to azap -r channel and watch a recording it goes from LOCKED
 unlocked LOCKED unlocked LOCKED over and over and over. The CPU is only
 being used at about 30% during all of this. If I just do azap -r channel
 without watching anything it is LOCKED all of the time.

 Anybody have any ideas of how I can track this down and try to fix it?
 I'm lost with this one.

 Just one thought, check your interrupts. This has caused problems
 for me in the past.

 cat /proc/interrupts
 From the dmesg output, it looks as if you may be sharing
 IRQ's with devices that don't like to be shared. The worst devices I've
 seen that often share and often cause problems are USB adapters and
 NIC's.  Don't load the USB drivers if you don't have to. Also, move some
 cards around in the PCI slots if possible.

This would make sense in that i only have the problem when sound is
playing back.

0:6427484  XT-PIC  timer
  1: 10  XT-PIC  i8042
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  4:  9  XT-PIC  serial
  5: 110884  XT-PIC  ivtv1
  7:  40564  XT-PIC  parport0
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
  9:  1  XT-PIC  acpi
 10:7099603  XT-PIC  ivtv0, nvidia
 11: 494167  XT-PIC  ivtv2, uhci_hcd:usb1, uhci_hcd:usb2, eth0
 12:5256246  XT-PIC  cx88[0], EMU10K1, cx88[0]
 14:3480859  XT-PIC  ide0
 15:1912283  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
LOC:  0
ERR: 21
MIS:  0

I guess I should go into the bios and try to somehow shove it on another
interrupt? Is it supposed to show up twice like that?

Suere enough, the evil USB's AND you NIC are on the same IRQ. Also, if
possible, disable or don't load your parralel port when you're not using it,
which should free up another IRQ, as well as your USB drivers, if you 
don't use them. My troubels have taught me that you should always have
your NIC on it's own IRQ, same with USB.

If your BIOS supports assigning IRQ's do that, or you may need to move cards
arounds.  Many mobo's have an unavoidable relationship between the 
onboard devices IRQ's and a particular slot, could be any slot, you'll have
to move things around to find out which. The frustarting part of this is some
IRQ's always go unused, no matter what you do, leaving you less to work with.

I don't know whether ivtv or cx88 cards mind if they share IRQ's or not, or if
there are other devices that don't mind. If someone else has experience with 
this, let us know.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] hd-3000 recording issues while andwatchingrecordings from pvr-500

2006-01-27 Thread James C. Dastrup
On 1/27/06, James C. Dastrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

James C. Dastrup wrote:

Suere enough, the evil USB's AND you NIC are on the same IRQ. Also, if
possible, disable or don't load your parralel port when you're not 
using it,
which should free up another IRQ, as well as your USB drivers, if you 
don't use them. My troubels have taught me that you should always have
your NIC on it's own IRQ, same with USB.

Just one quick question, how to tell linux not to load parport during boot-up? 

Same way you would any other driver. Compile it as a module M instead
of built-in * in the kernel. Then, most distros have a config file for what 
to autoload at boot time; don't include it in there either.  If it keeps loading
on you, and you don't need it, just don't even build it at all in the kernel. I 
haven't used a parallel port in at least 5 years, so that's the first thing 
that comes
out when compiling my kernels.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Sports events, LiveTV or Watch Recording?

2006-01-27 Thread James C. Dastrup
 I'd love to be able to say, record 30 minutes late
*unless* it conflicts with another recording on the same channel, but I
haven't found any way to do that yet

There are two areas where you can set this.
In Utilities/Setup, Setup, TV Settings, General, Time to record past end of show
And, in the properties of each recording, you can set it to record past
the end of the show.
I'm pretty sure these settings do exactly what you are asking.  The time 
extensions are ignored if there is a conflict. I use it all the time, but only
in 2 minutes in each direction, just in case a show starts early or late,
and I hate missing the last 10 seconds of a show.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Sports events, LiveTV or Watch Recording?

2006-01-27 Thread James C. Dastrup
But, the global pre-/post-roll have a max of 10 minutes (600 seconds)*. 
Won't work for the OP's desired 30 minutes.

The GUI on my unmodified Gentoo + Myth 0.18.1-r2 allows it to go to
1800 seconds (30 minutes). But, yeah, that would require a lot of storage
in the long run. I like my 2 minute (4 minute total) extensions, and it comes
in handy very often.
Also, interesting that you say the purpose of this feature was to support
slow capture cards, or avoid the OSD display of the source. I would bet
most people had no clue about that, and simply like being able to 
beat the DVR-unfriendly-networks that like to start and stop shows early.
In other words, if all capture cards become fast and the OSD problem
goes away, I hope developers don't remove this feature.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can't get glx to load

2006-01-27 Thread James C. Dastrup
  The main reason I want to reduce CPU usage at this point is that I'm
  playing back 720p HD using libmpeg2 and the CPU is bouncing between
  around 80% and 93%+, with the result that I'm getting stutter.  I'm
  looking for anything that I can do to reduce the CPU load.  I'm
  running a 2.8GHz P4, and I know people have talked about doing HD on
  2.4 GHz machines, so I'm not sure why it's so high.  I'm not running
  any deinterlace.  Can't do XvMC on Sis.
  So, why are you getting rid of the NVIDIA card (which can do XvMC)?  I'd
  say the XvMC is your best bet.  Any other method of reducing CPU usage
  is likely to provide negligible gains during playback--that is any
  method short of transcoding HDTV to a lower resolution.
  Because a Pundit motherboard only has PCI slots, and PCI doesn't seem
  to have the bandwidth for HD.  I'm not sure how much lower XvMC's
  bandwidth requirements are (if at all) than non-XvMC video, but I was
  never able to get XvMC to play acceptably over the PCI.
  The on-board Sis, on the other hand, seems to have the bandwidth, and
  I _should_ have the CPU, but I'm not sure why it's getting maxed out.
  I compiled Myth with O3 and the processor-specific option.

 Ahh.  So, at this point I have to punt and say my only suggestion is a
 different frontend :( or transcoding to a lower resolution.  Perhaps
 someone smarter has better suggestions.

I'm very close - maybe a 5% or 10% reductionin CPU might do it.
Thanks for trying (and for the glx suggestions).

Overclocking is a good way to lower the CPU by a few %'s.  Most modern
mobos and CPU's can handle overclocking a little bit.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Lirc (lirc_serial) with

2006-01-26 Thread James C. Dastrup
Someone got lirc_serial module with 2.6.15 kernel working?

I have the lirc_serial module working with lirc-0.8.0pre3 on gentoo
with a 2.6.15 kernel. I did not use gentoo's lirc, but downloaded from No issues whatsoever.

I tried lirc-0.7.2 some symbol error at module loading. This seems to be
fixed in lirc-0.8. But with 0.8 I have got a seg fault at module
loading. Even lirc-cvs is not working for me.
For now I'm back at kernel 2.6.13...

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more

2006-01-26 Thread James C. Dastrup

 Yeah, driver will not compile with 2.6.15, however the patch to make
 them compile is this one:

 I heard there's a problem with 2.6.15 and the nvidia drivers.
 There's a
 patch somewhere.

Are you talking about nVidia's 1.0.8178 driver? It compiled cleanly 
for me with 2.6.15, using their supplied installer script.

There were problems with older nVidia drivers not compiling against 
newer kernels IIRC, I think 6169 had a problem with 2.6.14+, even 
though gentoo had them both listed as stable. I had to use the 
unstable package to even get a clean compilation.

The nVidia drivers are one of the few areas where Gentoo's portage 
system seems to screw me up, hence the usage of nVidia's installer.

Just remember that the drivers must be compiled against the actual 
running kernel sources, even a seemingly minor change will require a 

I'm not getting any compile errors or any errors in X or any errors in
Myth. I've tried various version of the kernel and nvidia drivers,
all of which compile and load just fine. I've recompiled myth with the
-opengl USE flag. Playback problems still existed, although they were
slightly different. Still, not watchable. Each time I try a different nvidia 
driver, I recompile myth.

Can someone please share their combination of nvidia driver, kernel,
opengl settings, etc. if you have it working?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] getting more pissed off about IVTV

2006-01-26 Thread James C. Dastrup
Well, the moderator finally reviewed my 4 emails to the ivtv-users and 
ivtv-devel lists.  And I got a unanimous up yours from him.  This is very 

I guess my last hope is the email I sent Hans.  Which is the first in the list 

What more can I do?

It seems several people suggested you get the card replaced, as many other have 
seen the same exact thing you have with one bad tuner.  No good software will 
ever fix bad hardware.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD3000/FC4 not working

2006-01-26 Thread James C. Dastrup
I spent most of last night looking through the list archive and googling
but still can't make headway with my setup.  If I missed something please
feel free to tell me to RTFM, as long as you point me to the FM.

I'm setting up 0.18.2 on FC4 using an Nvidia 5200-based card and an
HD3000 with an OTA antenna.  The system is an Athlon 1700+ with 512MB of
RAM and the latest FC4 kernel and nvidia drivers.

I followed Jarod's FC how-to and I have myth installed and configured but
a couple of things are still wrong.  After a reboot I have to manually
modprobe cx88-dvb then chmod /dev/dvb/adapter0/* so that the mythtv user
can read the video card.  (The latest HD3000 firmware is being loaded.)
Once I do that, if I tell myth that the card is a standard v4l it'll pull
in stations but the quality is far worse than with a TV hooked up to the
same line.  It won't let me do a channel scan when set as a standard v4l
card and the audio is often out of sync with the video.

When I set the capture card type as dvb it'll do a channel scan and find
plenty of channels and they do come in very clearly, but they stutter a
lot even though the CPU load is only about .75 and there is at least 100MB
of free RAM. 

Looks to me like you hd3000 is working just fine, at least in DVB mode.  Your
problems now are mythtv/video settings and audio card settings. A good
way to test this is capture a video stream and play outside of myth, with
mplayer or something, and you may notice the playback is fine.

And, I feel yor pain.  I have a new Nvidia 5200 card and I get the same 
only within myth, even with low CPU usage (see my current e-mails since last 
night). Nobody has been able to help yet.

I pop my ATI 9600 card in - and everything is perfect.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nvidia 6x00 vs mythtv and mpeg offload

2006-01-26 Thread James C. Dastrup
On 1/26/06, Big Wave Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I believe most people feel it is the Nvidia 5200.  To some degree this
 is a hot topic, where people have their die-hard opinions.  It seems
 as if the general opinion though is that MythTV favors Nvidia.

I have had quite a bit of pain with the 6xxx cards.. the 5xxx cards just 

5200's just work? Really? Please, let me in on your secret. I've built several 
systems, always with ATI, and now *that's* a video card that just works. No
worries about opengl, XvMC, OSD, driver versions, compile options, etc.

People may be getting sick of me today, but my new 5200 is still giving me
headaches.  And it seems I'm not the only one, with other recent posts.
Sure, the nvidia driver is running great for everything I do, including
playing HD video full screen with mplayer, but once I try to play video in myth,
even SD content, playback is horrible.

All I'm asking is for someone that has a 5200 that works, to provide me 
their kernel version, nvidia driver version, xorg.conf, mythtv version and
compile settings, nvidia-settings, etc, but I haven't received anything yet. 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nvidia 6x00 vs mythtv and mpeg offload

2006-01-26 Thread James C. Dastrup
 5200's just work? Really? Please, let me in on your secret. I've built 
 several myth
 systems, always with ATI, and now *that's* a video card that just works. No
 worries about opengl, XvMC, OSD, driver versions, compile options, etc.

No worries about OpenGL 2.0--because ATI's drivers only support OpenGL
1.3.  No worries about XvMC--because ATI's drivers don't support XvMC.  :)

Exactly. And if my HD content plays just fine without that support, then
I'm not exactly sure why I need it. Kinda like if my Toyota gets me to 
work in the same amount of time as Ferrari, I'm not exactly impressing my 
but my boss (wife) doesn't really care. And at least my Toyota (ATI) isn't
in the shop all the time, unlike my Ferrari (nvidia).
Oh, BTW, the latest ATI drivers support OpenGL 2.0.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Quick Question (MythDVD)

2006-01-25 Thread James C. Dastrup
Ronald Kohsman wrote:
 I keep clicking on the rip dvd and nothing happens. I'm not sure where
 the log file is or where to look for the error.

 I looked in the /var/log/mythtv


Are you getting the initial prompt to Start the MythTranscoding daemon (mtd)?
If this appears, you should hit a number to start it. Or you may start it
manually. It may be helpful to start it manually, from a terminal window, so
you can see much easier what is going on.

Be sure you start mtd under the same user account as mythfrontend! If you 
sudo mythfrontend, then be sure to sudo mtd as well.

Once mtd is running, you should be able to hit 0, and the contents of your
DVD will appear.  Once you have select at least one title to process, hit 0

At this point, if you get nothing, or it returns to the main screen, the mtd
has it's own log file that it keeps.  'mtd.log' is found in the directory
you specify in setup for the location of the video temp directory.
Hope something here helps,
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Quick Question (MythDVD)

2006-01-25 Thread James C. Dastrup
I am not getting to next screen...just acts as if I am clicking it...nothing 


I gave a few other suggestions, such as starting mtd manually, and looking in
the mtd.log file. What is the result of these?

On 1/25/06, James C. Dastrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Ronald Kohsman wrote:
 I keep clicking on the rip dvd and nothing happens. I'm not sure 
 the log file is or where to look for the error.

 I looked in the /var/log/mythtv 


Are you getting the initial prompt to Start the MythTranscoding daemon 
If this appears, you should hit a number to start it. Or you may start 
manually. It may be helpful to start it manually, from a terminal 
window, so 
you can see much easier what is going on.

Be sure you start mtd under the same user account as mythfrontend! If 
sudo mythfrontend, then be sure to sudo mtd as well.

Once mtd is running, you should be able to hit 0, and the contents of 
DVD will appear.  Once you have select at least one title to process, 
hit 0

At this point, if you get nothing, or it returns to the main screen, 
the mtd
has it's own log file that it keeps.  'mtd.log ' is found in the 
you specify in setup for the location of the video temp directory.

Hope something here helps,

mythtv-users mailing list

Ronald Kohsman
Secure Applications Group
(614) 530-0911 Direct
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] nvidia, opengl, kernel and more

2006-01-25 Thread James C. Dastrup
I've been using ATI cards with lots of success for a while now. Just for fun,
I decided to try nvidia, so I have a new FX5200, based on everything I've read
that should be a good card. Brand new gentoo installation, myth 0.18.1, P4
3.0, HD tuner cards.

Anyway, I'm running into lots of playback problems. No crashing, myth is
running great as always, but playback of live tv or recorded programs is
giving me lots of problems. I haven't tried all yet, but several combinations of
nvidia drivers, kernel (2.6.14 and 2.6.15), XvMC on/off,  ffmpeg2, 
opengl (BTW, if I understand correctly, to turn opengl on/off with gentoo, I
just recompile mythtv with the USE flag of opengl or -opengl, right?).

Anyway, sometimes the CPU is too high, or choppy video, or black-n-white OSD,
prebuffering pauses, choppy audio, stuttering, etc.

I must add that using mplayer to view any video plays it *perfectly* on this
computer, and playing the video on my other frontends (ATI cards and a ROKU)
also plays everything perfectly.

I guess my question is, What is the best combination for nvidia? What driver 
What kernel? What opengl setting? Xorg.conf settings? If anyone has similar 
hardware and has it running well, please let me know your working combination.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mountable IR receiver

2006-01-24 Thread James C. Dastrup
Is anyone aware of an IR receiver that is designed to be mounted
in an external drive bay? Either a full-size 5.25 bay or a floppy
bay would be fine. I may have to make my own, but I'd rather pay
for a more professional looking solution.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mountable IR receiver

2006-01-24 Thread James C. Dastrup
James C. Dastrup wrote:
 Is anyone aware of an IR receiver that is designed to be mounted
 in an external drive bay? Either a full-size 5.25 bay or a floppy
 bay would be fine. I may have to make my own, but I'd rather pay
 for a more professional looking solution.
Google on Soundgraph iMon. There are various internal and external
versions of an IR receiver/VFD combo. The IR/VFD units are the ones in
the Silverstone line of cases and the drivers are available in lirc.

Nice stuff, thanks. Of course, it's a little pricey for a simple IR receiver,
since I don't really need the remote, much less the VFD. Might as well
buy another Silverstone case, which I already with another frontend.
Trying to make use of leftover/cheaper stuff for the kids TV.  But I'll
definitely keep this in mind.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mountable IR receiver

2006-01-24 Thread James C. Dastrup
 James C. Dastrup wrote:
  Is anyone aware of an IR receiver that is designed to be mounted
  in an external drive bay? Either a full-size 5.25 bay or a floppy
  bay would be fine. I may have to make my own, but I'd rather pay
  for a more professional looking solution.
 Google on Soundgraph iMon. There are various internal and external
 versions of an IR receiver/VFD combo. The IR/VFD units are the ones in
 the Silverstone line of cases and the drivers are available in lirc.

 Nice stuff, thanks. Of course, it's a little pricey for a simple IR receiver,
 since I don't really need the remote, much less the VFD. Might as well
 buy another Silverstone case, which I already with another frontend.
 Trying to make use of leftover/cheaper stuff for the kids TV.  But I'll
 definitely keep this in mind.

I'm not clear on why you want it to fit in an external drive bay

Same reason why I like internal harddrives, internal TV tuners,
internal dvd-drives, etc. The first company to sell a DVR, or any
home theater component, with  an external IR receiver you
have to hang off the side, will be the last DVR that company
ever sells (and I'm not talking about optional IR extenders, which
are a great idea).
I'm not sure why there aren't more internally-mounted
IR receivers. It's nice on the Silverstone and other high-end cases, 
but it would also be nice to have a budget case or add-on 
internal IR receiver.

  -- but
if you're just looking for an IR receiver in a nice case check out They offer an OEM model which
comes without a shiny black case if you want to mount it in an existing

They are a little pricey but they work flawlessly with lirc, have their
own micro-controller to avoid polling by the cpu (minimal as it may be),
and use standard ethernet cable to transmit the signal (the upside being
that you can get around the serial cable length issue; I run mine
through more than 75 feet of cable through multiple walls and floors).

Still, looks like a good product

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] whats the best graphics card for HD playback?

2006-01-23 Thread James C. Dastrup
 The truth is graphics drivers aren't there yet, for any card, for the
 kind of tasks we might want to do with mythtv, when it comes to HD.

What tasks might I want to do, besides watch TV, that mythtv, the driver
and card aren't able to handle? Because watching TV is just fine.
I have an ATI 9600, and even with everything you hear about how bad 
ATI's card are in Linux, I have a beautiful HD picture with no problems.
I have yet to discover a problem with my card and HD playback.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] whats the best graphics card for HD playback?

2006-01-23 Thread James C. Dastrup
On Monday 23 January 2006 12:17, James C. Dastrup wrote:
  The truth is graphics drivers aren't there yet, for any card, for the
  kind of tasks we might want to do with mythtv, when it comes to HD.

 What tasks might I want to do, besides watch TV, that mythtv, the driver
 and card aren't able to handle? Because watching TV is just fine.

 I have an ATI 9600, and even with everything you hear about how bad
 ATI's card are in Linux, I have a beautiful HD picture with no problems.
 I have yet to discover a problem with my card and HD playback.

James are you running 1080i through the DVI port with this card? I've been
thinking of getting an ATI card since I from what I understand they can do
interlaced modes using the DVI output, just want to verify.

One frontend is using 720p over VGA and the other is running 1080i over DVI.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cost of MythTV Machines

2006-01-23 Thread James C. Dastrup
Subscription-based and pre-built HD DVR's are coming around. For example,
Dish recently announced their dual-tuner, dual-TV HD DVR. This is probably
the closest system to MythTV that I've seen, even has news, weather, caller
ID, and games. See it here, pictures, specs, even pricing:

So, if all you want is a HD DVR for not a lot of money, you're looking in the 
place. But people here like building computers, like electronics, like the 
challenges, etc.

If you really like flying, are you going to just buy tickets and fly from 
to airport all day in someone else's jet with someone else flying, or are you
going to go out and get yourself a pilot's license, co-op a plane, and get in 
cockpit? It's not going to be cheaper, but much more fulfilling at the end
of the day.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] whats the best graphics card for HD playback?

2006-01-23 Thread James C. Dastrup
On 1/23/06, Greg Estabrooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 I have been surprised that the Dxr6 / EM8621 video decoder cards 
 gotten any traction with the MythTV crowd.   It seems to be an ideal 

Got a link to these cards?   Maybe I've just being blind (wouldn't be 
first time) but all I can find are the chips themselves and not 
available pci cards with them onboard.

The only one I found is the AllWell EM6821 PCI card,  their site has some 
links to docs for it ( ).

Other links with info:

So, if I understand correctly, this can potentially do for HD content what a 
PVR-350 currently 
does for SD content?  Awesome.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] XP2100 outperforms my P4-3.2Ghz

2006-01-18 Thread James C. Dastrup
AMD XP2100 proc
Nvidia FX5200
Fedora Core 3
2.6.10 kernel
Hauppauge PVR250

P4 3.2Ghz proc
ATI X300 
Fedora Core 4
2.6.14-SMP kernel
Hauppauge PVR250 

Where you using the Nvidia drivers for the XP2100?  I would bet the driver 
some of the playback to the video card.  I would try the FX5200 in the new 
system with 
the Nvidia dirvers and see what happens.


Even with the offloading that Nvidia drivers do, there is obvisouly some sort 
of problem
here.  I have a P4 3.0 with an ATI 9600 (AGP) and I don't experience any 
pauses or stuttering, and my CPU will hang around 70% during 1080i content.

I also have another frontend with a P4 2.26 and an ATI 9600.  This also handles 
pretty well, with only minor stuttering when the video first starts and CPU 
about 90%.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pauses during hd playback

2006-01-17 Thread James C. Dastrup
I have been running mythtv for almost two years now and until 
recently everything has been fine. It seems that in the last few 
months, when I playback HD content on the frontend it will seem to 
skip a few seconds and show mpeg noise on the screen. When the 
backend starts recording, it gets worse. It starts to pause every few 
seconds. I am only showing about 20% cpu usage on X on the frontend 
while it is happening.

The frontend is a P4 3ghz with 1gig memory, NVIDIA card.
The backend is an Athlon XP 2000 with 512 megs memory.

The backend has been able to record 2 HD streams and 1 250 at the 
same time while I playback one on the frontend (until recently). I 
have updated to the latest cvs yesterday. I am usually a few weeks 
behind. It has not made any difference. The backend seems to be 
having problems. I am no expert, but here is the TOP results:

Is it an interrupt problem? I noticed that ivtv1 is on an interrupt 
by itself, but ivtv0, eth0, and skystar2 are on one interrupt with 
the highest number and the ERR number keeps rising:

   0: 1095715619  XT-PIC  timer
   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
   3:   6114  XT-PIC  ohci_hcd
   5:  1  XT-PIC  ohci_hcd
   8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
   9:  0  XT-PIC  acpi
10: 398925  XT-PIC  Skystar2, SiS SI7012
11:4301199  XT-PIC  ivtv1
12:  180839091  XT-PIC  ehci_hcd, eth0, ivtv0, Skystar2
14:   38733591  XT-PIC  ide0
15: 554797  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
ERR:  13806

My next question would be how to change / move what interrupts the 
cards use and how I should group them.
The frontend reports 'video behind (or audio ahead), playing video at 
double speed'.

Even the fastest machines out there can be affected by IRQ sharing. I've
especially seen problem with NIC's and USB controllers sharing IRQ's with
anything else.  To solve this, first attempt to spread out the IRQ's using
your computer's BIOS.  Also, trying moving some cards from one slot to
another, as it's common for particular slots to share with on-board devices.
Also, disable unused devices in the BIOS and don't load drivers for devices
you don't use. For example, do you really need three USB host controllers
loaded on your backend?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Setting up an FAQ for LiveTV changes

2006-01-16 Thread James C. Dastrup

. the new MythTV Wiki is up, and those who wish to support MythTV by
writing helpful FAQ's etc should take advantage of it.

Is there a link to this wiki from the main page at  I couldn't
find one.  

In my opinion, it would only make sense that's it's linked, and this ought
to be considered the official wiki/FAQ for mythTV. The mailing lists
are great, but they're not for everyone, especially because they aren't
organized. But this wiki does need to start getting filled out a bit. I added
a little bit to it yesterday, and I'll add more as I get a chance.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Video Database Protection needed

2006-01-16 Thread James C. Dastrup
I was wondering if a little clarification could be added here about how
to clear out the database entries once the videos have been deleted or
moved. Mine still thinks I have them. You mentioned something about a

When you go in Utilities/Setup - Video Manager, the frontend will do a quick
scan to verify that all the videos in the database actually exist. If they are 
or even if the path is not there and they can't be found (not mounted?), then 
you will get a prompt to keep or delete the database record.  You also have the 
option for 'No to All' and 'Yes to All'.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Nearly 100% install of MYTHYV...

2006-01-15 Thread James C. Dastrup
On my slave backend, which does not run mysql, the script also failed.
Not sure if this is the same situation you are in, but it is very easy to create
your own init script, since you've already discovered that mythbackend runs
fine from a command line.  The Gentoo install docs a pretty clear on how
to create your own.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Jerry McBride
Sent: Sun 1/15/2006 2:47 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: [mythtv-users] Nearly 100% install of MYTHYV...

I've just finished trying to iron out a mythtv install here in my house. I've
got it all running as smooth as silk, save one single problem

I am unable to start the mythbackend server via it's startup script. During
restart or from a command line, executing the startup script on my gentoo
server, /etc/init.d/mythbackend start results in normal output, but the
backend shuts down almost immediately. There's no error messages in dmesg,
messages or even mythbackend.log... The script executes normally, it's just
that mythbackend shuts down

Now... if I run the backend server from the commandline like a normal program

mythbackend --logfile /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log
--pidfile /var/run/ --daemon --verbose all 

The backend server stays up and everything operates normally. The parameters
are the same as provided in the startup script... nothing changed.

Anyone have a clue where to start looking

Thank you, in advance,
 Jerry McBride
mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Wireless Keyboards Learning Remotes, Just don't get it!

2006-01-14 Thread James C. Dastrup
Hello All,
Please don't flame me as I have been scouring the net and this list in 
particular for several days trying to figure out exactly how to use my 
learning remote with my wireless keyboard.

I understand the idea, but I don't understand exactly how to carry out 
the process. 
I know how to teach my remote a key, but I don't get how you know 
what codes are being sent by the keyboard.

Maybe I am missing something, or using the wrong search terms, but 
something is preventing me from getting the whole picture. 

I have a One For All 6131 Remote, unmodified.

On the back it says: URC-6131nB00
I don't remember what brand my keyboard is, and it doesn't say anything 
anywhere on it other than the FCC label. 

(If there is a way to discover the internals of the kbd, it would be 

Regardless, it is a PS/2 wireless keyboard/mouse combo that comes with a 
rather ugly and cumbersome remote that I would rather not use. 

If someone could either tell me, or point me in the right direction to the 
process of finding the keyboard codes or whatever I need to proceed, it would 
be greatly appreciatd.

Again, I have searched and have found info so close to what I need, but not 
quite there, that I may just be using the wrong search terms. 

Please, only constructive criticism and advice, I feel dumb enough already ;).

Thanks in advance
First of all, there is a difference between a programmable remote and a learning
remote.  A programmable remote requires you to tell your remote the device
you want it to control. This usually means selecting a 3 or 4 digit code and 
that in your remote.  Then all the buttons are set to control your device.

A learning remote does not use a code to define your device. You teach the
remote, button-by-button, how to control your device. This usually is done by
pointing the original device's remote to your learning remote, pressing some 
as described in the manual, and then your new remote learns the signal sent 
by your device's remote.

With IR keyboards, it is probably very unlikely that your keyboard has a device
code available for your remote.  Therefore, you need to put your remote in 
learning mode, and teach it, key-by-key, all the commands,  A, B, C, D, F1, F2,
Enter, Shift, CTRL, ALT, etc... that you need on your remote.  You don't need to
know the brand, model, part#, of your keyboard at all.

As far as how you make your particular remote learn, you'll just have to read 
manual. Then, use your IR keyboard as the sending remote as if it was a regular
remote control.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] modeline for Samsung HLR5067W?

2006-01-13 Thread James C. Dastrup
On Sat, Jan 07, 2006 at 10:44:14PM -0700, James C. Dastrup wrote:
 much.  Finally I learned that I didn't need a modeline and Xorg
 would determine the settings on its own using the PC Input. Now,
 the picture is perfect, with only a slight overscan, maybe 5-15
 pixels in each direction.  When watching TV,  a little overscan is
 _good_, since most broadcasts have a crappy edge because overscan

What video card do you have?  I'm assuming you have the resolution
set to 1280x720?
I'm using an ATI 9600 SE at 1280x720

I'm using the same Modeline you posted in your original post right
now, with no overscan and just a slight black border.  It's *almost*
perfect, but I agree with you, a hint of overscan would be
preferable (if for no other reason than I paid a lot for this TV and
I don't want to lose a single inch of viewable area!).

Yes, the black border was there, until I used the TV's internal
adjustments to get rid of it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Questionaire: What do you have your casepowerbutton do?

2006-01-12 Thread James C. Dastrup

 I'd like to know how you turn your myth box on using the IR remote
 though.  I'm using the IR receiver that came with my Hauppauge Nova-t
 and IFAIK I can't use this for powering up [I'd be happy to be proved

I'd also be very interested in knowing how this is done. Currently, my
power button kills mythfrontend and since its a combined FE/BE and the
BE is set to shutdown if idle, this will also shut the machine down
assuming nothing is recording and there are no flagging jobs running.
I use nvram-wakeup then to automatically power the machine on when it
needs to record the next show

I have an IR keyboard. The BIOS is configured
to power-on with any key-press.  I programmed my remote to send
the key-presses from my keyboard. That's also how I send all other
commands. I don't use LIRC at all on the front end.  My keyboard
is  always put away and I only need it if I'm working on that 
computer for some other purpose.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Questionaire: What do you have your casepowerbutton do?

2006-01-12 Thread James C. Dastrup
 I have an IR keyboard. The BIOS is configured
 to power-on with any key-press.  I programmed my remote to send
 the key-presses from my keyboard. That's also how I send all other
 commands. I don't use LIRC at all on the front end.  My keyboard
 is  always put away and I only need it if I'm working on that
 computer for some other purpose.

So why doesn't a remote signal meant for your TV, VCR, stereo, etc wake your
computer?  This always seemed to be the biggest roadblock for using the
remote to wake my frontend.

If your logic is correct, then every command sent by any remote would activate
any IR receiver and process any command on any device. The answer is the 
same reason that when you power on your TV with your remote, you're DVD player 
doesn't also turn on.
The signal sent for the TV is ignored by the keyboard's IR Receiver. The IR 
Keyboard receiver only picks up keyboard commands. If I program one
button on my remote to send the letter A, and another button to send
the TV's Volume Up, only the letter A will turn the computer on, since the
keyboard doesn't even have a Volume Up button, much less matching
the same IR signal that the TV would accept.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Questionaire: What do you have yourcasepowerbutton do?

2006-01-12 Thread James C. Dastrup
 I have an IR keyboard. The BIOS is configured
 to power-on with any key-press.  I programmed my remote to send
 the key-presses from my keyboard. That's also how I send all other
 commands. I don't use LIRC at all on the front end.  My keyboard
 is  always put away and I only need it if I'm working on that
 computer for some other purpose.

That's a neat idea.  Was it hard to find a keyboard and remote that
share the same protocol?

All of my programmable remotes, a cheap-o $10 one, a $60 one, and
a $250 Harmony 880 are able to learn and send the commands from my
Fentek IR keyboard.  I never even thought there would be a problem,
but I suppose maybe other keyboards or other remotes may not work.

Although, it is a real PITA to get the commands working properly.
Too often, the commands are sent too much or not at all, so I've had to
re-learn every command several times until it was perfect. I think the
reason has something to do with the repeat rate in a keyboard, but
possibly something deeper into the protocol. But now, every signal is
sent every time just right.

Someday I'd like to use LIRC to read the keyboard's signals, then clean
them up in lircd.conf, then send them with LIRC back to a learning
remote. I think this may help solve the trail-and-error method I did.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Questionaire: What do you have yourcasepowerbutton do?

2006-01-12 Thread James C. Dastrup
 I have an IR keyboard. The BIOS is configured
 to power-on with any key-press.  I programmed my remote to send
 the key-presses from my keyboard. That's also how I send all other
 commands. I don't use LIRC at all on the front end.  My keyboard
 is  always put away and I only need it if I'm working on that
 computer for some other purpose.

That's a neat idea.  Was it hard to find a keyboard and remote that
share the same protocol?

All of my programmable remotes, a cheap-o $10 one, a $60 one, and
a $250 Harmony 880 are able to learn and send the commands from my
Fentek IR keyboard.  I never even thought there would be a problem,
but I suppose maybe other keyboards or other remotes may not work.

Although, it is a real PITA to get the commands working properly.
Too often, the commands are sent too much or not at all, so I've had to
re-learn every command several times until it was perfect. I think the
reason has something to do with the repeat rate in a keyboard, but
possibly something deeper into the protocol. But now, every signal is
sent every time just right.

Forgot to mention - what helped teach the learning remote was how long
I held the keyboard's key while learning. For example, many learning
remotes say that during the learning process, to hold down the sending
remote button until the learning remote lights up as successful. But, this
often failed.  I usually had to press the key very quickly;  .1 second, 
in order to learn the signal properly. Depending on how long I pressed
the keyboard's key during learning determined how it worked.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Software RAID problems - theunspokenmythtvproblem?

2006-01-12 Thread James C. Dastrup
for what its worth, I am using 2 firewire encoders with a local 7
drive raid5.  I am using latest ATrpms on FC3.  kernel 2.6.12 smp.

 I have had no problems with simultaneous HD recordings (even starting
at the same time), and the performance seems to be better than my old
2 drive LVM configuration.

No recording problems at all.  I actually stopped getting glitches in
my HD records (part due to better RAID performance, part due to no
longer running commercial detection)

Interesting you mentioned commercial detection as a source of problems.
I, too, have _almost_ no more problems with HD recording anymore on
my remote (NFS) software raid5 recordings, after I disabled 
commercial detection.
I did notice a couple glitches during a show last night. I was a little
surprised, because I haven't see any problems in days.  Afterwards,
I noticed my MRTG monitoring found a spike in CPU at the same time.
I think it was my cron job of backing up the mysql database, which
also backs it up to the same remote NFS server. Guess I should move
it to a better time.

So it seems that NFS storage and/or software raid, although it works,
is  just very sensitive to anything else going on.  Hopefully I can
make it a little more robust with gigabit links and maybe even
hardware raid in the future. But like others, I'm just afraid of hardware
raid in the long run, esp with the questionable ability to replace a 
failed HBA in the future with a compatible one.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Suspend options with mythtv

2006-01-11 Thread James C. Dastrup
HI everybody,

I've been thinking about the things that still bother me about my mythtv
setup, and the worst one is definately boot time on the frontend.  It takes
my P3-733 a couple of minutes to boot fully in to mythtv. 

I was hoping that some sort of hibernation/suspend to disk setup would help me
with this. 

Does anyone out there do this sort of  thing?  Any mythtv related caveats? 
How about root over NFS?

My system has a hard drive that I boot from, and then spin down.  I suppose I
could spin it back up to do the suspend to disk... 

How much faster would a resume be than a full boot?


I've done this using Suspend2 ( and it works just fine
suspending to disk. Definitely speeds up the boot-up process.

I haven't been able to get it working with my P3 HT frontend, since it doesn't
seem to like SMP, although it's supposed to work.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] AV sync and PVR-150

2006-01-11 Thread James C. Dastrup
I know this topic has been discussed before, so if someone can direct me to
a previous thread that addressed my exact issue, let me know. I couldn't
find one.
I have a PVR-150 and every recording it makes has an audio delay of exactly
111 ms. How do I know the exact amount? Because when I open the .nuv
file in avidemux2, it tells me. Also, the slight delay is noticeable when 
in myth, mplayer, windows, or just about anywhere else.  If I play the file in 
mplayer with the -delay .111 option, then it is perfect.  It's only slight, 
which is
why I've been living with it for a long time.  It does NOT seem to be related to
my audio receiver, sound card, NFS, HDD, cabling, etc., but rather to original
recorded stream itself.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on? As far as a workaround, is it 
to have a default a/v sync when playing back recordings from the PVR-150? Or,
even better, is it possible to avoid the delay when it originally records?  Is 
possible to adjust the delay in the ivtv drivers? Is the problem in the 
I've tried a couple different driver versions, currently on gentoo's 0.4.0-r3, 
but the
delay is always the same.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Questionaire: What do you have your case powerbutton do?

2006-01-11 Thread James C. Dastrup
 But I was wondering, what do other folks use their power button for if not to
 turn off/suspend their machine?

Mine does a controlled shutdown of the whole machine.

You must not have small children.  My power and reset button just make a 
clicking sound - cause I disconnected the wires to it! Even my littlest figured 
how to hold the button for 4 seconds to power it off.

It turns on by IR remote, and shuts down cleanly by IR remote. If I have to 
it off, I pull the plug.

Also, mythfrontend runs from a script which starts it in a loop. So if it ever 
(which it rarely ever does), or if someone accidentally exits out of it (more 
likely), it 
starts right back up.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Questionaire: What do you have your casepowerbutton do?

2006-01-11 Thread James C. Dastrup
Also, mythfrontend runs from a script which starts it in a loop. So if it 
ever crashes
(which it rarely ever does), or if someone accidentally exits out of it (more 
likely), it 
starts right back up.

Could you possibly post that script your're using to make the frontend restart 
exited/crashed? I've been just browsing around trying to guess how to do it, 
havn't really searched hard enough :). Thanks.

Sure. Here it is.

#This script starts the MythTranscode Daemon and
#start mythfrontend in a loop, in case it closes
sudo mtd -d
while [ /bin/true ]
sudo killall mythfrontend
sudo mythfrontend
sleep 2

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] question about RAID

2006-01-10 Thread James C. Dastrup
 Don't do this.

 You shouldn't mix raidtab and mdadm
 raidtab is obsolete with newer md. Uninstall it.

 using mdadm the above would be:
 mdadm --create /dev/md0 --chunk=32 --level=raid0 --raid-devices=2
 /dev/hda1 /dev/hdc1

 I suggest reading man mdadm (and why are you setting chunk to 32?)

 If you decide to go raid5 then you *must* use mdadm -F (otherwise you
 may well miss a disk failure - it's easy to do). Of course if you use
 raid0 this isn't important since you'll spot a drive failure as soon as
 the system crashes ;)



do you have a good source of reading on mdadm other than the Software RAID
HOWTO? I'm going to be setting up my RAID5 across 3 drives today and want to
make sure I do it correctly.

Whether you use the a raidtab file and mkraid, or the mdadm command above,
the end result is exactly the same. md-based Software RAID is Software RAID,
regardless of which tools get you there. In fact, if you find a good HOWTO (are 
referring to the Gentoo HOWTO? If so, it works fine), then I suggest following 
No sense is trying to figure it out with man pages.

In my opinion, man pages suck as a learning tool.  They are just a reference 
if you already have an idea what you're doing, and they are written without the 
intent of teaching people how to do something. How's that? Because most man 
pages don't even include examples! A good HOWTO or walk-through is vastly
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Software RAID problems - the unspokenmythtvproblem?

2006-01-10 Thread James C. Dastrup
 ...a proper server
  setup should have more than enough bandwidth for even the largest
  software RAID 5 setups. Note I wrote proper server setup. By this
  I mean a high-quality motherboard with 64-bit PCI-X or PCI Express
  slots and multiple buses serving the expansion slots. My RAID 5
  array is on a Supermicro X5DAL-G motherboard with two 64-bit 133MHz
  PCI-X slots and three buses (one for each of the PCI-X slots and a
  third for the regular PCI slots; there is a reason why 3Ware cards
  support 64-bit PCI-X). By contrast, simply stuffing controller cards
  and drives into the old unused consumer-grade system you have
  sitting in the closet is not ideal. At best performance will be
  acceptable; at worst your poor motherboard--never designed for the
  amount of stress you're applying to its (likely single) bus by
  sending so much data over it at once--will freak out, causing parity
I think the point here is that we know spending a months salary or 
more will get us a superior system, which is obviously what you've
done, unless you have more creative ways of obtaining your hardware,
but myself and others believe we are just building a fancy VCR, and we
actually enjoy pushing the envelope of our older unused hardware, 
and we simply enjoy the challenge. It's fun to find out how far some old 
motherboard can go and what we can do for cheap. I'm much more
impressed by someone who can get MythTV up and running on some
old junk than by those that do it the proper way.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] fusionhdtv 5 lite -- how do i make it work?

2006-01-10 Thread James C. Dastrup
i just added a fusionhdtv 5 lite to my box...linux knows it's there, it can 
pick up 
channels with a scan, and mythfilldatabase has been run. yet when i tune to 
it, i 
get nothing...blackness and then mythfrontend drops back to the main menu.

what am i doing wrong?

Sounds exactly what I experienced earlier this week installing a new DVB card.
The solution was to set the starting channel in mythtv-setup. By default, it's 
Be sure to put in a valid channel, e.g. 5-2
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] NFS or SAMBA for Video Stream

2006-01-10 Thread James C. Dastrup
I am running mythtv with a separate video server.  I currently have it connect 
with a smb share.  The only problem is a quick pause in movies every 5 minutes 
or so.  Not really a bother, but is a tweek to smb available or would nfs do 

Movies ripped by mythtv don't require much bandwidth at all to play - I would be
surprised if it had anything to do with NFS vs SAMBA and proper tuning.  Have
you verified that there is no pause if you were to play them from a local HDD 
to the frontend? Can you play them from another frontend or even a Windows PC?

It could be something else, such as an IRQ conflict between your NIC and another
device, another process using high CPU every 5 minutes, etc.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] NFS or SAMBA for Video Stream

2006-01-10 Thread James C. Dastrup
 Samba is great dealing with windows machines

Only because on Windows, you don't have any choice.
Windows Services for Unix (SFU) is a choice. I couldn't tell you
how well it works.

 Just my $.02.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] question about RAID

2006-01-09 Thread James C. Dastrup
All RAID0 does is join (or grow) partitions together.  It is very useful if
you have, for example, three 100GB disks about like them joined into a 300GB

Not exactly. A true RAID 0 (or a striped set) alternates writing each block
from one disk to the other. This increases performance because 2 chunks
of data can be written at the same time - one chunk to disk 1, one chunk to
disk2, etc.

Joining partitions together, or extending a volume, is not RAID 0. This does
not necessarily increase performance, because data typically won't be written
to the second disk until the first is full.
In both scenarios, your useable space equals all your disks combined, but
only the striped set improves performance.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] 64bit IDE RAID options?

2006-01-09 Thread James C. Dastrup
Is anyone aware of a PCI-X  64bit / 133MHz capable IDE RAID HBA?
Or, how about a PCI  64bit / 33 Mhz MHz capable IDE RAID HBA?
All the ones I'm seeing are 32-bit / 33mhz.
In case you're wondering why, I have a server-class machine (hence the unique 
PCI slots)
but would like to make use of my fairly new IDE drives. Maybe they don't exist?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] question about RAID

2006-01-09 Thread James C. Dastrup
?On Monday 09 January 2006 14:53, James C. Dastrup wrote:
 All RAID0 does is join (or grow) partitions together.  It is very useful
  if you have, for example, three 100GB disks about like them joined into a
  300GB partition.

 Not exactly. A true RAID 0 (or a striped set) alternates writing each block
 from one disk to the other. This increases performance because 2 chunks
 of data can be written at the same time - one chunk to disk 1, one chunk to
 disk2, etc.

 Joining partitions together, or extending a volume, is not RAID 0. This
 does not necessarily increase performance, because data typically won't be
 written to the second disk until the first is full.

 In both scenarios, your useable space equals all your disks combined, but
 only the striped set improves performance.

So what will mdadm do? What is my best option for using 2 drives to get the
most speed out of them as a combined drive?

mdadm does a true RAID 0

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Import existing video file?

2006-01-09 Thread James C. Dastrup
I don't think the video manager is what I want.  First of all, it's
apparently only designed for using an external player, not for playing
within the MythTV frontend.  Secondly, the video manager seems
completely messed up when you are running multiple frontends, since
they are recorded in the global backend database but only referenced
relative to the frontend's local filesystem.
1) Change the player to Internal for just that recording, then it uses
MythTV's native internal player.

2) Change the Video path so it matches on all frontend. This is easily done by
just adjusting your mount points.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] question about RAID

2006-01-09 Thread James C. Dastrup
 So what will mdadm do? What is my best option for using 2 drives to get
  the most speed out of them as a combined drive?

 mdadm does a true RAID 0

Ok, let me ask the question again...

I have 2, possibly 3, 320gig SATA drives. I want to build a RAID array that
will maximize the speed of read and writes to the array. I have no concern
with redundency because I will archive what I wish to keep to another drive.

Using mdadm or lvm2, what type or RAID setup should I use?

mdadm RAID 0 with 3 drives, JFS (my favorite) or XFS file system.
Some may disagree, but in such a simple setup, I don't see any reason to 
add lvm on top of this RAID array, but others may prefer it.
Also note, I don't believe you can boot off of a md RAID 0 drive, so you'll
need another driver (or network boot) for your boot partition.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] question about RAID

2006-01-09 Thread James C. Dastrup
 mdadm RAID 0 with 3 drives, JFS (my favorite) or XFS file system.

 Some may disagree, but in such a simple setup, I don't see any reason to
 add lvm on top of this RAID array, but others may prefer it.

 Also note, I don't believe you can boot off of a md RAID 0 drive, so you'll
 need another driver (or network boot) for your boot partition.

Ok, thats what I thought. do I have to use any special mdadm settings in order
to do RAID0 and have it stripe across the drives?

Nothing special. Just a /etc/raidtab like so:
# /var/video (RAID 0)
raiddev /dev/md0
raid-level  0
nr-raid-disks   2
chunk-size  32
persistent-superblock   1
device  /dev/hda1
raid-disk   0
device  /dev/hdc1
raid-disk   1

Is it possible to add another drive to the RAID0 later to increase the speed
later? I have the feeling the 2 will be enough for now, but...
I don't know. I think this is where lvm come in handy, but I've never done it.
But, since your data isn't important, you shouldn't have to worry about losing
it and creating a new array if something goes wrong
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Software RAID problems - the unspoken mythtvproblem?

2006-01-09 Thread James C. Dastrup
Just another datapoint - I've been using a software raid setup for 12
months now with no issues with mythtv.  My raid arrays are in a
seperate machine from my dedicated backend and two frontends, they are
all networked over gigibit ethernet using NFS.  I've recorded 4
streams from PVR250s before while watching another stream without a
problem.  I am using ext3 filesystem on my arrays and the file server
is a Duron 1Ghz machine.  I have 9 drives connected to several $20
Promise IDE cards.  Server is currently running Debian Sarge using
mdadm tools.
Most of the complaints I see around software raid come from people
with HD tuners.

I've been using software RAID for a few weeks and I'm seeing the same
problems others are.  I have two HD tuners and one PVR150
with a 100mbit remote storage of 4 IDE drives in RAID 5.  The PVR 150
recordings are fine, but HD streams are not so great, especially
if I have auto-commercial detection running or anything else going
on while recording. I wonder if you had an HD tuner if any problems
would creep up.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] modeline for Samsung HLR5067W?

2006-01-08 Thread James C. Dastrup
Have your tried changing the TV's aspect option from 16:9 to WidePC? 
That should get rid of the black borders, at least it does on my 
That option is only available when using the PCInput, not DVI.  When 
using DVI on these TV's, your options are much more limited. The PC 
input allows you to resize, move up, down, left, right, etc. 
Also, I went back and forth between DVI and PC input, and I could not 
tell a difference in quality - both were great. 

Yes, I've tried that.  I figured I would eventually use that once I stop 
fiddling with 
all the settings of the Linux and Myth.  I  would have to use the GUI offset 
and size
option to center it and fit it on the screen since WidePC causes the image to 
cropped.  (I can't see the login prompt in WidePC)
To get around that problem, I use a console framebuffer splash with padding 
around the text.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] modeline for Samsung HLR5067W?

2006-01-07 Thread James C. Dastrup
I've done a bit of searching, but can't seem to find a definitive
answer to the question, what is the correct xorg modeline to use
for the Samsung HLR5067W HDTV?

This is about the best I've found thus far:

Modeline 1280x720 79.159 1280 1424 1552 1760 720 723 730 750

But it's still overscanned along the bottom edge, a bit too short
and a bit too narrow (actually, it's probably the perfect height,
but the TV adjustments won't let me move the picture up any more, so
there's black along the top and it's cutoff on the bottom).

I'm under the assumption that this modeline should also work for the
whole HLRxx67W series of Samsung HDTVs (which includes HLR4667W,
HLR5067W, HLR5667W, HLR6167W).
I have the HL-R6167W.  I tried forever to to find a good modeline, but never 
I was also using the DVI jack.  Picture was pretty good using this modeline:

Modeline 1280x720 74.500 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync

but there was a slight moire effect and I didn't like the overscan, there was 
much.  Finally I learned that I didn't need a modeline and Xorg would determine 
the settings on its own using the PC Input. Now, the picture is perfect, with 
a slight overscan, maybe 5-15 pixels in each direction.  When watching TV,  a 
overscan is _good_, since most broadcasts have a crappy edge because overscan
is expected on regular TV's. Just have the MythFrontend GUI in a window, adjust
to match your screen area, and play video back full screen. Works perfect for 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] modeline for Samsung HLR5067W?

2006-01-07 Thread James C. Dastrup

I have the HLR5067W.  I'm currently using a nvidia FX5200, VGA out.  Its
also not perfect, I do have some black borders.  In a dark theater room
though, they are not noticable.  I've always planned on using the DVI
instead, I already have the cable, but swapping in a Windows drive just to
run powerstrip is more than I feel like doing right now, just to find what
looks good.
Have your tried changing the TV's aspect option from 16:9 to WidePC?
That should get rid of the black borders, at least it does on my HLR6167.
That option is only available when using the PCInput, not DVI.  When
using DVI on these TV's, your options are much more limited. The PC
input allows you to resize, move up, down, left, right, etc.
Also, I went back and forth between DVI and PC input, and I could not
tell a difference in quality - both were great.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] ATI HDTV working...

2006-01-05 Thread James C. Dastrup
I'm trying to make use of my ATI HDTV Wonder card, which has been collecting 
since I dropped WinMCE. So, I installed the new 2.6.15 kernel, and everything 
is going
well so far, except:
Using azap, I get a happy FE_HAS_LOCK. But, when I:
cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0  test.mpg
the file is empty. I also get this repeating error in dmesg:
cx88[0]/2: queue is empty - first active
cx88[0]/2: cx8802_start_dma w: 0, h: 0, f: 2
cx88[0]/2: setting the interrupt mask
cx88[0]/2: [df081580/0] cx8802_buf_queue - first active
cx88[0]/2: cx8802_timeout
cx88[0]/2: cx8802_stop_dma
cx88[0]/2: restarting queue
cx88[0]/2: cx8802_restart_queue
cx88[0]/2: cx8802_restart_queue: queue is empty

Anyone else working on this? Any ideas what's going on?
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Re: ATI HDTV working...

2006-01-05 Thread James C. Dastrup
James C. Dastrup wrote:
 I'm trying to make use of my ATI HDTV Wonder card, which has been collecting 
 since I dropped WinMCE. So, I installed the new 2.6.15 kernel, and 
 everything is going
 well so far, except:
 Using azap, I get a happy FE_HAS_LOCK. But, when I:
 cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0  test.mpg
 the file is empty. I also get this repeating error in dmesg:

You need to keep azap -r running in a second shell at the same time.
Also, the channels.conf file must specify the audio and video pids.


Yes, that's what I'm doing. It works fine with my HD-3000. That error
must have something to do with it, so I'm still researching that.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Re: ATI HDTV working...

2006-01-05 Thread James C. Dastrup
It's working now!
I re-extracted the firmware using the provided tool and that fixed the error 
But it still wouldn't cat to a file.  I'm not sure why, but after I had both 
azap AND 
dvbtraffic running, then I could create the mpg file, which plays back just 
fine in mplayer.  
If dvbtraffic isn't running, then no output.  Strange, I don't recall having to 
do that 
in the past, but sure enough, I verified I have to do that to capture from my 
HD3000 as well.
Anyway, now I just have to get both of these cards working in the same box
at the same time, and my MythTV will then have 2 ATSC tuners.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] myth and mplayer picture controls

2006-01-04 Thread James C. Dastrup
When I change the picture controls (brightness, contrast, etc) within mplayer 
(using the number keys: 1,2,3,etc)
from MythVideo, I've noticed that those settings are also applied to watching 
live TV or recordings. Is this
supposed to occur? And to make it more frustrating, there doesn't seem to be 
any way of changing it within
MythTV playback so I have to go back to MythVideo (mplayer) and make the 
adjustments there.

Why do the settings carry over to TV? I thought those settings were 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Large LCD Televisions?

2006-01-04 Thread James C. Dastrup
Use the PC-Input instead of HDMI.  With the PC input, X will automatically 
configure itself,
since it will be able to read the monitor information.  You don't even need a 
The Samsung TV's are pretty good, I have one myself.  If you have too much 
overscan or
underscan, you can compensate quite a bit of it using the TV.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Jay R. Ashworth
Sent: Wed 1/4/2006 3:54 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Large LCD Televisions?

On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 05:50:29PM -0500, Joshua Ferraro wrote:
 My problem is that I can't get the TV to display Xorg. I've got a DVI-HDMI
 cable that I'm using to do the display out to the TV, it almost works fine
 in text mode (except for the fact that the screen size seems to be too large
 for the display and my cursor and the left-hand side is cropped off the 
 My xorg.conf file looks mostly like
 except that I've obviously got a different video card. Basically, the only
 error I've got to go off is the TV's 'mode not supported' whenever I try
 to startx.

You are almost certainly overscanning the TV.  I would recommend trying
to get X into a lower resolution mode (if you're configured in the
traditional fashion, Ctrl-Alt-+ and - ought to rotate between them),
and if that works, go into your config file and lock off the modes that
scan too high.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Large LCD Televisions?

2006-01-04 Thread James C. Dastrup
No, PC input is the same quality as DVI. At least on my TV 
(Samsung 61 DLP and ATI 9600), PC and DVI/HDMI quality is equal.
Also FYI, I'm not sure if it's my ATI card's DVI out, or my TV's processing,
but when I use HDMI, there is a slight delay in the picture from the source.
This results in the audio being out of sync, although it is very very slight.
I can compensate with my receiver's adjustements, but I don't have to when
I use PC. 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Joshua Ferraro
Sent: Wed 1/4/2006 4:24 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Large LCD Televisions?

On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 04:05:51PM -0700, James C. Dastrup wrote:
 Use the PC-Input instead of HDMI.  With the PC input, X will automatically 
 configure itself,
 since it will be able to read the monitor information.  You don't even need a 
 The Samsung TV's are pretty good, I have one myself.  If you have too much 
 overscan or
 underscan, you can compensate quite a bit of it using the TV.
Ho hum ... doesn't that defeat the purpose of having digital HDMI in the
first place? I thought the PC output would be much poorer quality than
the DVI on my ATI card ...


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] ATI HDTV Wonder with MythTV?

2006-01-04 Thread James C. Dastrup
I just read that the newly released 2.6.15 kernel has support in it for the 
ATI HDTV Wonder. 
Has anyone gotten it to work with MythTV yet?

Very interesting! I've had an ATI HDTV Wonder sitting around ever since I gave 
up on WinMCE.
It would be nice to get this working with linux.  I'll try it later this week 
maybe, assuming I can get
some time to bring down my backend without missing any shows.

Of note, the kernel changelog has the ATI HDTV updates in the v4l section and 
mentions analog
support only. It may not work for a digital signal.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Large LCD Televisions?

2006-01-04 Thread James C. Dastrup
On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 04:36:46PM -0700, James C. Dastrup wrote:
 No, PC input is the same quality as DVI. At least on my TV
 (Samsung 61 DLP and ATI 9600), PC and DVI/HDMI quality is equal.
Hmmm ... well I might be doing something wrong ... but my first
impression is what I'm seeing in text mode (haven't gotten X to
start yet). With HDMI/DVI, though the terminal does creep off the
screen (meaning I can't actually see the cursor :-)), the clarity
of the ascii chars is crystal; with the PC input, the letters are
blurry and seem to be be shuddering quite a bit.
If the text is blurry using the PC Input, you must not be displaying text in
the LCD's native resolution.  There's no reason text should be blurry or
shuddering. Are you using a framebuffer at the TV's native resolution?
I would suggest the VESA VGA framebuffer, and not the ATI fb driver.
I see a lot of freezing in X if you also have the ATI fb driver loaded.

 Also FYI, I'm not sure if it's my ATI card's DVI out, or my TV's processing,
 but when I use HDMI, there is a slight delay in the picture from the source.
 This results in the audio being out of sync, although it is very very slight.
 I can compensate with my receiver's adjustements, but I don't have to when
 I use PC.
Interesting ... so that means you've actually gotten the DVI/HDMI output
on the ATI working with your Samsung? Weird about the delay ... I wonder
if it has to do with the fact that DVI is only video and you're using anothe
source for audio input from your PC to the TV (rather than using the HDMI
audio which would be ideal if there was a video card that supported HDMI).

Yes, I got a modeline using entech's Monitor Asset Manager on Windows XP
with the same hardware.  It worked fairly well, but I always had a slight
moire pattern in X.  Once I dumped the modeline and plugged in the PC Input,
I got a perfect picture.

About the delay, I thought of that, so I plugged in a PC Monitor to the PC 
and the TV to the DVI output and mirrored the display in X.  Watching both
at the same time, there was definitely a delay on the TV.  Again, not sure if it
was due to the TV or the DVI hardware on the video card.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] ATI HDTV Wonder with MythTV?

2006-01-04 Thread James C. Dastrup
I just read that the newly released 2.6.15 kernel has support in it for the 
ATI HDTV Wonder.
Has anyone gotten it to work with MythTV yet?

Very interesting! I've had an ATI HDTV Wonder sitting around ever since I gave 
up on WinMCE.
It would be nice to get this working with linux.  I'll try it later this week 
maybe, assuming I can get
some time to bring down my backend without missing any shows.

Of note, the kernel changelog has the ATI HDTV updates in the v4l section and 
mentions analog
support only. It may not work for a digital signal.

Doh... nevermind that - I think I see it now:
[PATCH] dvb: add support for plls used by nxt200x
- Added support for the following:
  Philips TUV1236D - ATI HDTV Wonder 
* get_dvb_firmware:
- Added support for the NXT2004 firmware. This firmware works with both
  the ATI HDTV Wonder and the AVerTVHD MCE a180.

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] how to feed 1280x720p to a large TV?

2005-12-31 Thread James C. Dastrup
My Samsung DLP does this as well by default, but there is a menu option on the 
TV to change the aspect
from 'PC' to 'WideTV 16:9'.  Then, the image fills the screen with a little bit 
of overscan, which is easy to
compensate for.  So, what aspect options does your TV have?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Calvin Harrigan
Sent: Sat 12/31/2005 8:56 AM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] how to feed 1280x720p to a large TV?

Eyal Lebedinsky wrote:

I have this LG DLP TV (52SZ8R) which says it has a 1280x720
resolution. What settings do I use so that I feed it this

A quick test (from a Windows machine) that shows 1280x720
fine on my LCD monitor shows the image on the TV with black
borders on all four sides. Maybe the RGB input has some limits?

I plan to feed it DVI once I set up a proper Myth client,
or maybe component. Anyone got a modeline?

Happy New Year everyone.


My Sony does the same thing, from what I've read on the net the TV
itself is doing it to avoid clipping the edges of the display that might
have important info/utilities like the taskbar, etc.  I have yet to find
a way to disable it.  The display looks great, with the lights off I
can't even tell there is a black border, the TV trim is black and the
blacks on the display are really dark.

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] LAN bandwidth consumption

2005-12-31 Thread James C. Dastrup
I have MRTG running on my network and I can easily see how much bandwidth is 
used on all my computers, backends, frontends, etc. In regards to just network 
bandwdith (ignoring any other limitations - CPU, HDD speed, other network 
traffic, etc), over a 100Mbit network:
1080i HD content uses a good 19 Mbit/sec.  So, I bet you could easily get 3 
frontends showing HD content from one backend.  A fourth would bring it to 76 
Mbit/sec, which would be pushing it, but maybe would work.
SD content is up to 6 Mbit/sec, so theoretically you could have over 10 
frontends pulling content from the same backend. But for some reason I find 
that unlikely due to other factors, but I don't know.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of John P. Mitchell
Sent: Sat 12/31/2005 3:36 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] LAN bandwidth consumption


Let me start by saying I am NOT a computer scientist and do not
fully understand all of the mechanisms involved with the complex systems
we play with now days. So take everything I say with a grain of salt,
and PLEASE feel free to correct me, since I want to know if I have
something wrong.

John Andersen wrote:
 On 12/31/05, Larry's Club Cars [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Newbie here.

I have a 100Mb LAN.
I plan to have 1 Myth backend and 2 frontends.

Assuming that the 2 frontends are running simultaneously.
How much of the 100Mb LAN will be used?

Very good question. But your question does not include enough
information as the answer depends on the bit rate of the recorded
content. I will use my system as an example since I have two frontends
and a backend just like you (I convert roughly to megabytes since that
is what I think in):

I record my content at 4400kilobit/second, which I understand is
something like half quality DVD. I usually have two 4400kilobit/second
or ( (4400 / 8) / 1000 = .55 ) .55megabyte/second streams running across
my ( (100 / 8) * .8 = 10 ) 10megabyte/sec LAN, for a consumption of
about 1.1megabyte/second of a 10megabyte/second network. (The .8
reflects real world utilization versus specification throughput of the
network. Yes I know that certain special built applications can get the
full 12.5megabyte/second throughput, but for general network
applications I think 80% is a safe number. Even at 80% utilization it
would seem you are doing REALLY well or the network is only being
utilized by a single application.)

   Which leads into the next interesting question: what do you want to
do with your content? This question usually dictates your requirements
for recorded bit rate.
I wanted a flexible platform agnostic format that would be easy to
archive to a format that would be platform agnostic once in archived
format. I also wanted to minimize the number of encodings to preserve
the end result content quality as much as possible. Therefore I choose
MPEG2 hardware encoders that record my content at 4400kilobit/second.
This creates about 2gigabyte/hour of recorded content. This fits an
average two and a half hour movie or three average one hour length TV
episodes sans commercials nicely on a DVD-R for archival. The DVD-R
plays nicely on almost every device I have put it in and is easy enough
for the family members (besides me :-) ) to manipulate.

 According to my quick glance at gkrellm, I'm pulling
 600 to 800k bytes per second across lan from my backend
 to my laptop.

 I've pulled two streams over the cat5 100mb lan with
 no problem what so ever.

Interesting response, but still not super helpful as we do not know
the content bit rate.

 mythtv-users mailing list

 John P. Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Email Sticker: My Boss is a Jewish carpenter | User #00010110
mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] OT: Anyone up for a little modeline assistance?

2005-12-19 Thread James C. Dastrup
On my one my front ends I have a Samsung HP-R5072 50 Plasma TV. It is a great 
TV and so far I love it!

I hooked up the front end I built for it which has a 6600GT PCI-E card in it 
using a DVI  HDMI cable for it.

I am having a little bit of an issue getting the proper modeline for it. I 
have tried a couple of the online calculators
and tried their output but the frequency must not be right as the picture 
isn't in sync and text is unreadable. 

I tried using gtf and the same modeline as my BenQ PE7700 projector (both 
using [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and both
display correctly however there is about 10-15% overscan. 

I have also searched but since the best resolution that it suggests is 
1360X768 doesn't seem to standard.

I attached a capture from the manual showing a table of resolutions and 
frequencies and am looking for a bit of help. 

The manual says The PC text quality of HP-R5072 is optimum in WXGA mode (1360 
x [EMAIL PROTECTED]). However 
I am currently using 1280X720 and it looks perfect so I figure I would stick 
with that so my content would look the
same on the projector or plasma. 

I also tried xvidtune, however no matter what I settings I change, I can't see 
any difference in the picture when I apply it. 

So in the overscanned desktop I started the FE and set the GUI to 1280X720 and 
told it to display video at the 
same size. When the FE is running, there is only like 2-5% overscan which 
wouldn't be to big of a deal, but it is right 
on the edge of cutting text off in the GUI so it is kind of annoying. 

Use the PC Input jack instead.
I have a Samsung HL-R6167 61 DLP.  I originally used a DVI-HDMI and tried 
forever to get a perfect modeline.
The best I could get wasn't good enough. I always had a bad moire effect in the 
X grey pattern, although TV viewing
was acceptable.
I finally gave up, and used the PC-input to the TV. Now, no modeline required. 
X determines the appropriate settings
automatically and no moire effect, either. The picture is just as bright and 
clear as with HDMI. Resolution is set the the
TV's native 1280x720.
Using the PC Input there is some overscan, but it's not too bad. Since it 
affects the GUI, just run the GUI in a window
and position and scale it so it fits the screen better.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] RE: Configuring SPDIF digital out.

2005-12-17 Thread James C. Dastrup
I might suggest that all alsa utilities, alsactl, and everything else is NOT 
to use digital out with MythTV.  I'm using MythTV 0.18.1 on Gentoo and I only
have the necessary alsa drivers compiled in the kernel. I've never used 
or alsactl, or installed/emerged alsa-utils, alsamixer, aplay, or anything else 
alsa related. I'm not starting any alsa services during startup. The only thing 
I did is:
Enable alsa support and driver in the kernel.
Put .asoundrc in my home directory.
Set MythTV as follows:
  -Enable AC3
  -Device = ALSA:digital
  -Mixer = digital
and that's it.  I also have all the other mythplugins working by setting their 
to ALSA:digital. Is my setup unique, or are people doing more than need to
to get digital audio working?
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Audio problems - Do I need new hardware?

2005-12-17 Thread James C. Dastrup
 Using 0.18.1, I have two audio problems, both of which I've researched
 quite a bit, but thought I would check one last time if any solutions are
 available. I'm using an ASUS P4P800-VM with on-board AC'97 audio using
 optical audio out to a receiver. Digital audio works fine for HDTV and DVD.
  The two problems are:

 1) Very annoying, loud, audio drum-beat-like sound when playback stops,
 only occurs occasionally. Happens when stopping liveTV, Recorded, mplayer,
 2) MythMusic plays back ripped audio too fast, chipmunk-style.

 From what I can tell, most people don't experience these problems, and
  some have suggested the MythMusic problems is due to cheap audio hardware.
 If I'm going to buy an add-on PCI Audio Card, can anyone recommend one that
 is known to work well with linux/MythTV?

Do you get the drum-beat-like sound during normal playback with low volume

The drum-beat sound only occurs after audio playback has stopped, when
no sound is supposed to be produced. It's almost as if the audio hangs on 
a sound and keeps repeating it in a loop. During playback, audio is perfect.

Considering it happens with mplayer (called from MythVideo), I'm starting
to think it has nothing to do with Myth, but rather the hardware, or maybe
even drivers (It doesn't happen in Windows, same hardware). I ordered 
a Turtle Beach Riviera this morning (thanks, Dewey), and I'll post an update
if it resolves it.

Just an update on this. I received my Turtle Beach Riviera card and it seems
to have fixed all my audio problems! I modified the kernel drivers, and had to
change one line in .asoundrc; from device 4 to device 2; and the problems
described above are gone!
Thanks for all those that helped.  I can't say for certain that the on-board
audio hardware was the cause, but a $25 replacement is a good enough
solution for me.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Audio problems - Do I need new hardware?

2005-12-12 Thread James C. Dastrup
 Using 0.18.1, I have two audio problems, both of which I've researched
 quite a bit, but thought I would check one last time if any solutions are
 available. I'm using an ASUS P4P800-VM with on-board AC'97 audio using
 optical audio out to a receiver. Digital audio works fine for HDTV and DVD.
  The two problems are:

 1) Very annoying, loud, audio drum-beat-like sound when playback stops,
 only occurs occasionally. Happens when stopping liveTV, Recorded, mplayer,
 etc. 2) MythMusic plays back ripped audio too fast, chipmunk-style.

 From what I can tell, most people don't experience these problems, and
  some have

 suggested the MythMusic problems is due to cheap audio hardware.
 If I'm going to buy an add-on PCI Audio Card, can anyone recommend one that
 is known to work well with linux/MythTV?

Do you get the drum-beat-like sound during normal playback with low volume

The drum-beat sound only occurs after audio playback has stopped, when
no sound is supposed to be produced. It's almost as if the audio hangs on 
a sound and keeps repeating it in a loop. During playback, audio is perfect.
Considering it happens with mplayer (called from MythVideo), I'm starting
to think it has nothing to do with Myth, but rather the hardware, or maybe
even drivers (It doesn't happen in Windows, same hardware). I ordered 
a Turtle Beach Riviera this morning (thanks, Dewey), and I'll post an update
if it resolves it.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Audio problems - Do I need new hardware?

2005-12-11 Thread James C. Dastrup
Using 0.18.1, I have two audio problems, both of which I've researched quite a 
but thought I would check one last time if any solutions are available. I'm 
using an
ASUS P4P800-VM with on-board AC'97 audio using optical audio out to a 
receiver. Digital audio works fine for HDTV and DVD.  The two problems are:

1) Very annoying, loud, audio drum-beat-like sound when playback stops, only
occurs occasionally. Happens when stopping liveTV, Recorded, mplayer, etc.
2) MythMusic plays back ripped audio too fast, chipmunk-style.

From what I can tell, most people don't experience these problems, and some 
suggested the MythMusic problems is due to cheap audio hardware.
If I'm going to buy an add-on PCI Audio Card, can anyone recommend one that
is known to work well with linux/MythTV?


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Key mappings in MythVideo

2005-12-09 Thread James C. Dastrup

 Doesn't setting it to internal mean it will use mplayer? I think so,

 No, Internal means it will use the internal mythtv player.  The
same player thatis used for LiveTV/Watching recordings.

 So the keys should be identical. I use the Internal player and have never
had a key not work just like normal.

I have the same problem. I'm using 0.18.1.  I sure wish it was fixed, too.
Maybe it's fixed in the current release? Is the problem even being

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] MythRoku HD1000 Rev A or Rev B

2005-12-08 Thread James C. Dastrup
 Do you need the Rev B HD1000 with the extra RAM or is the Rev A enough for

 I use the HD1000 RevA and it works great. Of course, I always create a swap
 file as well.  A swapfile on a CF card or NFS works fine.

Don't CF cards typically have a limited number of write/rewrite cycles
before they fail?  I'd think a swap file on one would cause it to go
bad very quickly.

Maybe, but not quickly. I used it regularly for a several months with the ROKU
until I bothered to figure out how to automount a swap file on a NFS share 
during the ROKU boot-up.
That same CF card has been around for years with thousands of read/writes
from the ROKU, digital cameras and more. I know they're supposed to have
a limit, but I haven't seen it yet.  I'm still using it.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] MythRoku HD1000 Rev A or Rev B

2005-12-08 Thread James C. Dastrup
I'm thinking about buying a HD1000 for a high def myth frontend, how do you 
it?  Does the UI look ok, is the 30 second skip responsive?

I'm a little worrid about the wife approval factor :)


I think it works well enough for recorded shows. It's very responsive, once you
learn the buttons! If you haven' seen it, the ROKU remote has very limited 
and therefore the same button does several things with MythRoku and it's not 
intuitive. It may be better with another programmable remote, but I haven't
done that. Although LiveTV works, I don't use it often, too cumbersome. Also,
mythroku is just for live or recorded TV viewing, it doesn't have all the other
features that MythTV has.  But, ROKU has it's own image gallery, weather 
forecast, etc, so you can still do more with it.
As a small, perfectly quiet, linux-based, Hi-Def front-end, I would highly
recommend it.
A new version was released this month, but I haven't tried it yet.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] MythRoku HD1000 Rev A or Rev B

2005-12-07 Thread James C. Dastrup
Do you need the Rev B HD1000 with the extra RAM or is the Rev A enough for

I use the HD1000 RevA and it works great. Of course, I always create a swap
file as well.  A swapfile on a CF card or NFS works fine.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Are there any xbox mythtv distrosstillbeingsupported?

2005-12-02 Thread James C. Dastrup
 Does anything exist where I don't have to modify my xbox?  I want to
 be able to play Halo 2 online for a while longer (until the 360 forces
 me to no longer play anything ever again).  I've read that if you
 modify the filesystem on the xbox (or add your own files) that xbox
 live won't let you on.  I've also heard that unless you get a 'mod
 chip' that is switchable (turn it on and off) the same thing applies,
 and then you are risking your xbox (being a hardware mod that is
 soldered on).

Use a free online service for x-box without any stupid restrictions,
such as Mod all you want and still play with yer
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] I'm thinking of switching to windows :(

2005-11-30 Thread James C. Dastrup
Just an off-topic tip:
My biannual Windows reinstall takes 5 minutes. Image a working
system up to your network, then image it down when you need to
rebuild. And if you use sysprep, then even any hardware changes
don't affect the image process. Or, put a sysprep'ed image on 
a DVD and just image it to any computer - you never need to
see the installation again. 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Michael T. Dean
Sent: Wed 11/30/2005 12:27 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] I'm thinking of switching to windows :(

And drivers, and ...  I always set aside a minimum of 8 hours for my
biannual (that's twice a year, not biennial--once every two years)
Windows re-install of my gaming system and I don't have to install any
apps on that system save the one game I'm playing at the time.

Not to mention the obviously-flawed Windows installer to which people
have grown so accustomed that they no longer seem to notice the flaws. 
You start the Windows install, you format your disk, it copies files, it
reboots, and *then* it asks for the CD key.  Gee, thanks Microsoft, for
wiping my disk and preventing me from continuing to use my old OS before
you told me that some crook OEM sold me an unlicensed Windows CD with my
computer.  (OK, this one has never happened to me, but still...  That's
basically imposing the death sentence without judge and jury.)

So, the real flaw--that's always a problem--is the fact that there are
at least three different points during the install at which the entire
process comes to a complete stop waiting for user input.  I was helping
a Windows fan-boy install FC4 and after it asked all the information it
needed and started downloading packages, I said, Oh, wait.  We have a
problem.  I know you really like Windows, and many apps for FC4 are
designed to work like those on Windows, but the installer doesn't.  It
won't stop 45 minutes from now asking for more information, so when we
come back, the install will be complete.

OK, not all Linux distros do their installers correctly, either--yes,
this means you Ubuntu--but come on...  Does Microsoft really expect me
to sit there in front of the installer reading their Windows XP ads for
45 minutes?  If so, you'd think they at least have enough ads that they
don't repeat throughout the install.

And I won't even get into the installer loading drivers for every
possible piece of hardware before the installer can begin.  (Ever hear
of auto-detection, MS?)


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Audio drum-beat problem

2005-11-24 Thread James C. Dastrup
I'm using 0.18.1 on two frontends - SUSE 9.3 and Gentoo. Both systems 
have an identical problem when I stop playback. Sometimes I will get a very 
drumbeat-like sound out of the speakers. In order to stop the sound, I usually 
playback again and then stop, and the sound goes away. It probably happens 5% 
the time.
I'm using SPDIF AC3 audio to a receiver. This seems to happen with both SD and
HD recordings from a HD3000 and PVR150. I think it's most likely a problem with
mythfrontend and not mythbackend or the hardware.
Anyone else experience this? Any solutions?
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Audio drum-beat problem

2005-11-24 Thread James C. Dastrup
This occasionally happens with PVR350 playback (TV Output), when pressing and 
releasing skip repeatedly, so that it wants to play
and needs to skip at the same time. Over half a year this happened about 10 
and I skip a lot. Due to the sound-hell I press a
key (skip/play/other) quickly to start/restart playback to normalize it.
In your case where it get load when you stop playback I never saw.

I'm using 0.18.1 on two frontends - SUSE 9.3 and Gentoo. Both systems 
have an identical problem when I stop playback. Sometimes I will get a very 
drumbeat-like sound out of the speakers. In order to stop the sound, I 
usually start
playback again and then stop, and the sound goes away. It probably happens 5% 
the time.

I'm using SPDIF AC3 audio to a receiver. This seems to happen with both SD and
HD recordings from a HD3000 and PVR150. I think it's most likely a problem 
mythfrontend and not mythbackend or the hardware.

Anyone else experience this? Any solutions?

No PVR 350 here. I'm using DVI out to TV for video, and onboard AC'97 audio.
It doesn't seem related at all to skipping back or forth. It only does it when 
I stop playback, 
either live or recorded.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Re: Hauppauge PVR-250 and PCHDTV-3000 with2.6.14.2 kernel

2005-11-15 Thread James C. Dastrup
So are you saying that the PCHDTV-3000 will not work with the 150 or 500
cards? I currently have that as my hardware setup and was looking to
setup the PCHDTV-3000 within the next few weeks. Now I'm not sure if it
is worth the effort. I don't want to break what I have, my wife wont
forgive me if I do that.

I have a HD-3000 and PVR-150 working just fine together.
Kernel DVB drivers (2.6.13) for the HD-3000 (module cx88-dvb)
ivtv 0.3.7 for the 150.
Ignoring the ivtv instructions, I didn't not replace or overwrite any files,
or do anything except a simple compile and install.
As long as I load the 150 first, the cx88-dvb driver loads just fine.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Attractive cases and cheap DVD burners

2005-11-15 Thread James C. Dastrup
On 11/15/05, tgate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It turns out that all the major noise is coming from my graphics
 card, an nvidia gforce 6600 which has a fan.  Could someone suggest
 an alternative that is good but without a fan.  Or is there some
 clever mod that can be done which makes it okay to unplug the
 graphics card fan?

I use the ATI RADEON 9600 SE. No fan and plays back HD content
perfectly for me. Using ATI's driver, which I know many people
complain about, but HD/SD TV watching it has given me no problems.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Re: Hauppauge PVR-250 and PCHDTV-3000 with

2005-11-13 Thread James C. Dastrup

On 13-Nov-05, at 2:28 AM, Ed Tomlinson wrote:

 On Saturday 12 November 2005 20:06, Dustin Nicholas Jenkins wrote:
 By default, the cx88* drivers load up fine on my Sarge AMD64 install
 and take input from my PCHDTV-3000 card.  I also have an Hauppauge
 PVR-250 that requires the ivtv driver.  My problem is that when I
 the ivtv driver and replace the msp3400, tveeprom, tuner, and tda9887
 modules with the ivtv supplied ones, my cx88* drivers no longer load
 complaining of the following (excerpt from loading cx88-dvb):

 WARNING: Error inserting cx88xx
 Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
 WARNING: Error inserting cx8802
 Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
 FATAL: Error inserting cx88_dvb
 Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

 I ran depmod -a after moving the old versions of the afore mentioned
 modules aside, but no luck.  Are the modules built by ivtv so
 different?  Doesn't depmod take care of this kind of problem?  Or
 should I forget the cx88* drivers that come with the kernel and
 the ivtv and PCHDTV drivers separately?  I've also read that much of
 the ivtv stuff is being built into the video4linux module, so I'm
 wondering if I should build that separately too.

I had a similar problem with my PVR-150 and HD-3000. The solution was:
First, I got my HD-3000 running and tested using the built-in kernal drivers
Then, I download ivtv 0.3.7 (latest at the time) and did a straightforward
compile and install.
There were a few error but I ignored them and didn't do anything else,
didn't edit modprobe.conf or anything. 
Then, as long as I load ivtv first, cx88-dvb loads just fine.  If I load 
first, then neither card works.
Weird, can't explain it, but now both cards work perfectly.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Attractive cases

2005-11-12 Thread James C. Dastrup

I'm coming round to thinking that the nicest case out there is the
Accent HT-400 ( ) since it
is full-size, well-designed, comes with built in IR hardware and an
attractive panel to mount an VFD behind. It's not cheap, though. A close
second seems to be the Ahanix D.Vine 5. I've looked at a few cases by
Silverstone and I just don't think they look as nice (subjective,
obviously). Does anyone have any really good or bad reports about any of
these cases I should take into account?

I think the advantages of the Silverstone cases is they have so
many options when it comes to size, expansion, and looks. For
example, Silverstone offers the only HT-style case I found that
supports 3 full-height expansion slots (1xAGP, 2xPCI) in a low-profile
design, such as the LC-11M, which is also very quiet.
Not everyone wants those boxy-like Shuttle cases, or the
full-size monster PC cases, like the Aristec HT-400 with 6+ expansion
slots in their home-theater. 

No one would ever buy a TiVo that big,
so why make my own that big?

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] pchdtv3000 svideo input w/Dish HD?

2005-11-11 Thread James C. Dastrup

  Replying to my own email.  Heh...

  What about these cards:

Cool, but at $2500 each, and only in quantities of 100...

Doesn't looks like this one supports all HD resolutions, and framerates decline 
in the higher resolutions.

One reason why they'll be expensive - anytime you grab a signal from a
DVI/HDMI cable or component cables, you're pulling the decoded signal.
You'll have to reencode the signal, and that will require some serious
processing power.



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Proliant server as a backend...

2005-11-10 Thread James C. Dastrup
Hi all,

Would the following be acceptable as a media/tuner backend server multiple
(4 or more) frontends...

Proliant 8500r
Quad PIII Xeon 700/2MB CPU's
2GB Ram;
2 x 1000SX Fiber NIC;
1 x Dual 10/100 backup NIC
4 x 73GB U160 SCSI drives, RAID (0/1/5);
2 x PVR250 PAL Tuners;

All PCI slots are 64bit and the NIC's will be in 66mhz slots.

I can chuck a spare SB Live card w/digital/optical 5.1 in, as well as
another couple of tuner cards (either PVR250's or DVB cards).
I may be able to add another 4 CPU's (if I can find them) if that would

Probably would be awesome, but you better check PCI slot compatibilty with 
your tuner cards and audio cards, as many servers supply different 
speeds AND voltages to the PCI slots than your typical consumer-style
PCI expansion cards support. Some cards may fit and not work,
and other cards just won't fit at all, due to the PCI voltage-keyed slots.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Proliant server as a backend...

2005-11-10 Thread James C. Dastrup

If I am going to archive stuff, I can offload to a 1TB fibre attached RAID5
set I have kicking about ... It'll be mainly Wrestling (I know...) and
probably things like the Simpsons/Brainiac that we'd want to keep - or other
such high-brow entertainment! :-)
I'm having trouble picturing a pro-wrestling fan with a small datacenter in his 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] pchdtv3000 svideo input w/Dish HD?

2005-11-10 Thread James C. Dastrup
I'm reading up on all this hdtv stuff so I can drool about it.
I've read that only terrestrial hdtv is available for linux, but
I'm not about to invest money in an antennae. I've got Dish
currently, and I don't plan to go hybrid.

I see that the pchdtv3000 has an svideo input. Shouldn't
this input work with svideo outputs from receivers like the
Dish HD receivers? Or is there a format issue?

Also, can the pchdtv receive normal NTSC input on it's
svideo? Or would one need a pvr x50 for that still?

You would need a card cable of capturing an HD signal
over a wired input, and I'm not aware of any card that will.
SVideo inputs cannot accept an HD signal.
Personally, I wouldn't use the HD-3000 for anything other
than Over-The-Air digital, because you can get a PVR-150
for 1/3 the price to get an svideo signal.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] native resolution vs 1080i for HDTV and SD on1280x768 lcd?

2005-11-10 Thread James C. Dastrup
If I do add a HDTV tuner (planning to use OTA or QAM, not  cable tv provided 
external box) to the setup, 
I'll need to use the FX5200.  I've searched and googled for a few days now and 
perhaps since my questions are so basic, 
I've not found the answers. My questions are- Should I output via DVI at 
native resolution?  Or should I get an external 
transcoder box to process the DVI or VGA out to component 1080i or 720p and 
let the tv scale to 1280x768? What 
about one of the Nvidia 6200 or 6600 cards that have the HDTV  component 
outputs? they have a fan  (a minus), but since 
these cards are now cheaper than a transcoder box may make more sense if the 
component outputs work in Linux.  And 
finally, when you have a SD/HDTV myth setup, do you watch your SD content over 
the 1080i connection and let the video 
card scale?  or would it be best to use 720p and use deinterlacing in mythtv?  
(I will only be getting a few HD channels, 
most of my viewing is still SD)  Or is there another completely differnt way 
to do this and I've just missed it?  Thanks,

I'm not sure what you mean by native resolutions. Do you mean change the 
resolution depending on what you're watching?
Is that possible in Myth? Even if that was possible, only CRT's support all 
native resolutions - all fixed pixel displays, such as
your 30 LCD will do their own conversion, either up or down. I would suggest 
outputting at whatever your TV supports, which sounds like it's probably 
I watch both SD and HD content useing my Radeon 9600 SE's DVI connection 
straight the the HDMI input.
Resolution is set at 1280x720 (matches my TV) and all content gets scaled 
automatically by Myth.  All signals looks great.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] OTA HD Antennas??

2005-11-08 Thread James C. Dastrup
So my requirements are, something I can install in the attic and requires no 
user intevention. 
If you have an attic, just buy the biggest UHF antenna you can fit.  The same 
TV antennas that you've seen on roofs for the past 50 years are the same ones 
work with digital broadcasts. Most places sell them for under $100. Also, when 
testing your signal, if possible, use a tuner other than your Linux HDTV card, 
you're positive that your setup is working perfectly.  Unfortunately, HDTV 
are hard to come by, unless you have a new big TV with it built-in or a HD 
receiver. Otherwise, I might even suggest you get your HD card working under
Windows to test your signal, at least if your background is in Windows.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Long term stability?

2005-11-08 Thread James C. Dastrup
Does anyone have a backend that runs for a week or more under reasonably
heavy use?  By run, I mean with no manual intervention or cron jobs
resetting things/etc.  I still have to occasionally do
a /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart although I'm not quite sure why...

If people do, perhaps a few could give their

1) PVR hardware
2) Motherboard chipset
3) Kernel version
4) IVTV version.
5) Firmware version?
6) System Memory

I'm running 0.18.1 and my backend has been up for over 3 months solid. I use:
-SuSE 9.3 with a 2.6.13 kernel
-pcHDTV HD-3000 and PVR-150
SuSE doesn't seem all that popular in this crowd, but I think it does
an excellent job with MythTV; hardly any tweaking needs to
be done. For more details, check out

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Tivo/Yahoo deal - How convenient!

2005-11-07 Thread James C. Dastrup
Although the Yahoo portal for your Tivo is new, this feature, with the minimum 
1-hour in advance, 
has been around for a while at  Slowly, the canned and subscription 
DVR's are 
listening to what people really want.  But I don't understand why they won't 
just put a simple 
web interface on their own devices. 
MCE has a similar feature - logon to and schedule a recording, but no 
remote access 
directly to your MCE from a browser.
Reasons like this are why we all love our MythTV.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Mark H
Sent: Mon 11/7/2005 9:03 AM
Subject: [mythtv-users] Tivo/Yahoo deal - How convenient!

Check out the recent deal to schedule Tivo via Yahoo portal.  Like always, 
there is some half-assed Tivo catch.   Here is the kicker:

Sunnyvale, California-based Yahoo advises users to pre-schedule the recordings 
at least an hour ahead of time if the TiVo box is connected to a broadband 
connection on their home network, or at least 36 hours if it is connected via 

-How's that for convenience! 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Tivo/Yahoo deal - How convenient!

2005-11-07 Thread James C. Dastrup
All these average consumers have a public web interface on their 
Linksys, Netgear, D-link  routers already. Are Linksys and Netgear
worried about the security risk? Now, because it's off by default
on the public side and only advanced users know how to go in and
turn it on. And if someone does turn it on and get hacked
because they didn't change the default password, nobody blames
Linksys. Plus, TiVo already has a network connection, and although
it's not using port 80, it doesn't mean it's not hackable.
Having a web interface on a home appliance isn't the problem, it's
the $$. Like William said, they want to track what you're watching
and have all that control.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Joseph A. Caputo
Sent: Mon 11/7/2005 10:25 AM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Tivo/Yahoo deal - How convenient!

On Monday 07 November 2005 11:53, James C. Dastrup wrote:
 Although the Yahoo portal for your Tivo is new, this feature, with the
 minimum 1-hour in advance, 
 has been around for a while at  Slowly, the canned and
 subscription DVR's are 
 listening to what people really want.  But I don't understand why they
 won't just put a simple 
 web interface on their own devices.
 MCE has a similar feature - logon to and schedule a recording,
 but no remote access 
 directly to your MCE from a browser.
 Reasons like this are why we all love our MythTV.

I'd say it's pretty likely that the lack of a web interface in 'canned'
DVR appliances has more to do with security/liability issues.  It's
much more secure for the DVR to query a remote web site every hour than
it is to have an open web server running on the DVR appliance.  After
all, the average consumer may not have a firewall, etc, etc...

Imagine the negative publicity and possible lawsuits that would arise if
a default web server configuration on a Tivo or MCE was found to have
an exploitable security flaw?

At least with MythWeb, the user has to set up  configure their own web
server.  It's not much of a hurdle, but at least any security issues
are entirely the user's own responsibility.

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] HDTV digital static with DVB

2005-11-07 Thread James C. Dastrup

Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question, but I was wondering where
you are located physically and how you can tell that there are digital OTA
broadcasts in your area?  I live in the Phoenix metro area (Chandler) and
can't seem to find any information on whether or not any of the local TV
stations are broadcasting digital (other than the local PBS affiliate KAET). 
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Configuring GUI display for HD

2005-11-04 Thread James C. Dastrup's Monitor Asset Manager on a Windows PC should give you a 
pretty good modeline. 
Or, just google around for what modeline's others with your same TV have used. 
I could be wrong, but the modeline is all about your display, and should not 
be different from one driver to the next.
When you say the desktop is too big, are you sure that's just not from the 
unavoidable overscan?
All TV's have overscan and I think CRT's are the worst.  If you have a decent 
picture but you're losing
the sides, you may be OK - just adjust MythTV's x,y offsets.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Drew Zerdecki
Sent: Fri 11/4/2005 9:39 AM
Subject: [mythtv-users] Configuring GUI display for HD

 I am trying to get the Myth GUI and video to display correctly on my HDTV 
CRT TV (right now the desktop is too big).   Can anyone recommend a framework 
for doing so?  Should I first find a modeline so that X fits perfectly on the 
screen then proceed to tweak Myth's x,y offsets etc?  What is the best way to 
determine the best modeline?  I have used Powerstrip under XP and have found a 
good modeline for Windows, but when I copy this modeline to linux, the display 
is pretty far off.  I imagine this is due to differences in Nvidia's (fx5200) 
drivers between XP and linux.  Is there a Powerstrip type program for linux 
that would enable me to make slight adjustments to the resolution timings in 
real-time so I can see the resulting display as I tweak?
Sorry for all the questions and I appreciate any suggestions.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Re: Usability Issues: WAS Re: Simultaneousrecordings fail spectacularly [SOLVED!]

2005-11-04 Thread James C. Dastrup
Although I think there's room for improvement, I think Myth does a 
darn good job at the UI. Anytime you take the features of a full 
keyboard-and-mouse system and port it to the buttons on a remote, 
you're going to have problems.  But with that said, my wife (NOT a 
techie in anyway) and my kid (6 year old) have absolutely NO 
problem working MythTV. Some of it needs work, and if you want to 
use the advanced features, anything beyond a Tivo or other PVR, 
you better have a programmable remote. I use the Harmony 880, 
which has a great display for adding in those custom buttons.
 things like using the Menu button to select the channel
 in the EPG have *GOT* to be fixed.
Wha? I press OK (Select) in the EPG and it works fine.
So I think we have the starting point, but just add a few extra touches,
such as, If you're supposed to use the Right Arrow Key to pull
up a new menu, then the GUI should indicate that with an right-arrow
icon or something.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Mike Frisch
Sent: Fri 11/4/2005 11:03 AM
Subject: [mythtv-users] Re: Usability Issues: WAS Re: Simultaneousrecordings 
fail spectacularly [SOLVED!]

On Fri, Nov 04, 2005 at 12:42:28PM -0500, R. Geoffrey Newbury wrote:
 Thank you for opening this can of worms. I thought it was just me. Glad to
 know I'm not alone.

Nope, you're definitely not alone.

 We CAN do better.
 If someone points me to the right place in the code, at least I can
 provide some pseudocode for the logical structure which *I* think is
 needed at various places. (Probably the wrong structure on the first pass,
 but a place to start.)

I think a good starting point would be to 'storyboard' or flowchart an
improved OSD/menu system (perhaps based on the behaviour of existing
STBs- satellite receivers, PVRs, cable boxes, etc).

Maybe it's just my configuration (although I used somebody else's
.lircrc) but, things like using the Menu button to select the channel
in the EPG have *GOT* to be fixed.

The EPG/menu interactions don't flow well compared to standalone STBs.

I'd be willing to help in any way possible.  I am a professional
software developer who has built UIs for more than 10 years now.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Re: Re: Usability Issues: WAS Re:Simultaneousrecordings fail spectacularly [SOLVED!]

2005-11-04 Thread James C. Dastrup
As another example, using the menu to get to the EPG.  That option
shouldn't even be there.  Every modern day remote has an EPG/guide
button.  Again, I am still a relative MythTV newbie so perhaps it's
just my config.

This works for me. In TV Playback, there is an Action called GUIDE.
I assigned the letter S to this, and Guide button on my remote sends
the letter S and it works great. It's differnet then the Menu button.

  things like using the Menu button to select the channel
  in the EPG have *GOT* to be fixed.
 Wha? I press OK (Select) in the EPG and it works fine.

Hmmm...  mine does not.

I think there is a setting in Setup of the frontend that allows
you to press 'Enter' on a channel to select it while in the guide.
MythTV button behavior is almost identical to my old
and unused Dish DVR.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Digital Audio and TimeStretch

2005-11-03 Thread James C. Dastrup
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I'm relatively new here. Does 
anyone know
if it's possible to use time streching (faster) and still use AC3 digital 
audio?  As it is right now,
depending on what I watch, I will Enable or Disable AC3 to SPDIF Passthrough, 
since some
shows I want to speed through, and others I want to enjoy.  When I try to time 
with this enabled, the audio is crackly and virtually inaudible. 

If it's technically impossible to speed-up digital audio, it may be a nice 
future feature
if, when timestretching your playback, the audio could automatically revert to 
plain old stereo.
mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] nForce4 Audio on FC4, it plays some of the time....

2005-11-02 Thread James C. Dastrup
I had a very similar problem. I was finally able to figure out that KDE was 
messing with my alsa settings everytime it started, even when I told it not to. 
You can test this by opening up alsamixer and while your audio is playing, mess 
with the settings until you hear something.  I solved this problem by simply 
putting a script in KDE's /.Autostart folder, so after KDE starts, my mixer 
settings go back to the way I want them.  You can find more detail at and look in the Audio section.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Jason Sharpe
Sent: Wed 11/2/2005 2:01 PM
Subject: [mythtv-users] nForce4 Audio on FC4, it plays some of the time

Hey All!

I have been playing with FC4 a couple of months now just learning and playing. 
Something I wanted to tackle was getting spdif optical output on my MOBO 
working so I can run Myth.

I have been partially successful, but I am sure I am missing something. First 
off my stats:

-FC4 x86 (latest kernel installed with yum update on a fresh install)(Sorry at 
work, not in front of the box)
-AMD64 4200+ (Dual Core)
-MSI K8N Platinum Mobo
-2 Gig of Ram
-Gigabyte GeForce 6800 Vid Card
-Plenty of HD Space!
-Running KDE

I hooked up an coax optical cable from my on-board sound to my receiver and I 
followed the instructions at : 

I had a hard time getting the nForce4 audio to work. After searching online for 
a while I was able to find other people that selected OSS in the KDE Sound 
Control Center. Then after locking the frequency to 48k I was about to get the 
optical port on the mobo to light up. 

On the HOW TO there is a link for a test .au file. I downloaded that file and 
if I double click it it opens the default audio player. I can't remember the 
name of it, but I believe it starts with a and is only 4 or 5 letters long. 
(I couldn't find a default package list for FC4 online to try to remember what 
the name is.) It plays just fine if I just play the audio file that way. 

#aplay -l shows this: 

# aplay -l 
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices  
card 0: CK804 [NVidia CK804], device 0: Intel ICH [NVidia CK804] 
Subdevices: 1/1 
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 
card 0: CK804 [NVidia CK804], device 2: Intel ICH - IEC958 [NVidia CK804 - 
Subdevices: 1/1 
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 [/CODE]

I used the .asoundrc listed below as suggested by the HOWTO:

# Override the default output used by ALSA.
# If you do not override the default, your default
# device is identical to the (unmixed) analog device
# shown below.  If you prefer mixed and/or digital
# output, uncomment the appropriate four lines below 
# (only one slave.pcm line).
pcm.!default {
  type plug
## Uncomment the following to use mixed analog by default
#  slave.pcm dmix-analog
## Uncomment the following to use unmixed digital by default 
#  slave.pcm digital-hw
## Uncomment the following to use mixed digital by default
  slave.pcm dmix-digital

# Alias for analog output on the nForce2/4 (hw:0,0)
# - This is identical to the device named default--which
# always exists and refers to hw:0,0 (unless overridden)
# - Therefore, we can specify hw:0,0, default, or analog 
# to access analog output on the nForce2/4
pcm.analog {
 type plug
 slave.pcm analog-hw

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the nForce2 card
ctl.analog {
 type hw
 card 0

# Alias for (rate-converted) mixed analog output on the
# nForce2 (hw:0,0)
#  - This will accept audio input--regardless of rate--and
# convert to the rate required for the dmix plugin
# (in this case 48000Hz) 
pcm.mixed-analog {
 type plug
 slave.pcm dmix-analog

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the nForce2 card
ctl.mixed-analog {
 type hw
 card 0

# Alias for (rate-converted) digital (S/PDIF) output on the
# nForce2 (hw:0,2)
#  - This will accept audio input--regardless of rate--and
# convert to the rate required for the S/PDIF hardware
# (in this case 48000Hz) {
 type plug
 slave.pcm digital-hw

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the nForce2 card {
 type hw
 card 0

# Alias for mixed (rate-converted) digital (S/PDIF) output on the
# nForce2/4 (hw:0,2)
#  - This will accept audio input--regardless of rate--and
# convert to the rate required for the S/PDIF hardware
# (in this case 48000Hz) 
pcm.mixed-digital {
 type plug
 slave.pcm dmix-digital

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the nForce2 card
ctl.mixed-digital {
 type hw
 card 0

# The following devices are not useful by themselves.  They
# require specific rates, channels, and formats.  Therefore,
# you probably do not want to use them directly.  Instead use
# of of the devices defined above. 

# Alias for analog output on the nForce2 (hw:0,0)
# Do not use this directly--it requires specific rate,
# channels, and format
pcm.analog-hw {
 type hw
 card 0

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