Re: [mythtv-users] Lirc and 2 virtual Desktops

2005-10-03 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 15:03:39 -0700 (PDT)
Jordack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have 2 virtual desktops but the remote seems to only
> work on one of the 2 screens.  And it's not the one I
> would like it to display on?  Other then switching the
> monitors and reconfiguring them is there and easy way
> to have it control say the left screen rather then the
> right?
> Haugwhocanspellit 250 - New Grey Remote

It sounds like you're using irexec and 'CurrentWindow', as
opposed to native lirc entries like this:

## in lircrc
  prog = mythtv
  button = Record
  config = R

With the 'prog' specified, the MythTV desktop need not be focused for
the remote to work (most the time .. see below).

If your question is, how can I focus a given desktop so I can control
MythTV and* any popups/dialogs it uses? My problem was the latter, so
I just used this:

  prog = irexec
  button = Asterisk
  config = DISPLAY=:0.1 wmctrl -s 1; sleep 1; DISPLAY=:0.1 wmctrl -s 0

wmctrl site:

I didn't research other solutions, but judging from the archive, the
topic of "lirc focus" is not a new one. 

[UPDATE] I spoke too soon, this is much better:

DISPLAY=:0.1 wmctrl -a mythfrontend


I must admit, I'm confused why (precisely) 'prog = mythtv' is correct,
when xwininfo reports 'mythfrontend' for both the main window and
dialogs. I suspect the answer lies in the source, but ..

I'm further* confused by what happened while checking xwininfo:
if I run an additional window on :0.1 (xterm in this case), and give
it focus before leaving :0.1, keyboard focus will stay here on :0.0
(where I'm editing this email) but popups on :0.1 receive lirc focus
as desired. (leaving == moving mouse to :0.0)

Note: Any time I leave :0.1, mythfrontend will move on top of any
windows there. I assume it's because I'm running it in fullscreen

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Home Media Network Advice. Help! :-)

2005-09-27 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 05:40:44 -0700 (PDT)
chicken bigger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I'd like to do is have a central media server in
> the basement, and client media adapters (players) in
> other rooms. What would be great is if the clients
> could schedule recordings independently but share each
> other's streams, along with DVD backups hosted on the
> central server.

Since you mentioned sharing streams .. part of my story:

We just re-purposed our garage and added a pool table. In order to
watch Myth out there without the expense of a new frontend, I
decided to use a modulator. I chose the Channel Vision E1200,
although 'fancier' models w/IR passing & stereo audio do exist. To
get a good signal throughout the house, I needed an extra 15dB
cable amp.

The MP3 server in the garage (a lowly P1-233) forwards IR requests
to control a 'shared' frontend, I'm happy with it (for the price).

If you should decide you want simulcast like this, consider the
coax run from the modulator:

Since I first installed the modulator, I've moved it to a basement
closet. As a result, I had to re-run the coax from the modulator
to the back of the house where it meets up with the incoming cable
signal. (TMTOWTDI)

I also wish I'd run an extra CAT5 throughout the house, for the
time being I'd use it for adding serial receivers, but could be
used for more advanced all-in-one CAT5 based wall units.

It's not exactly as elegant as structured wiring solutions, but
upfront cost combined with the unknown of whether it'll actually*
be used, has been a big issue for me.


As long as I'm here: The idea of a "Mega" MythTV server where each
frontend is simply an IR receiver or repeater, is appealing to me.
The idea has been kicked around here before, see archive under
"mythtv broadcast".

However, by my calculations, the cost of additional modulators (or
multiple-output model) and TV-out capable cards .. ends up being
just as expensive as building multiple PC frontends. :-/

So! While I like having one modulated channel, that's probably as
far as I'll go for now.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Setting up slave backend system

2005-09-19 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 19:57:05 -0700
Bruce Markey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jay Jarvinen wrote:
> ...
> > Bruce, you magic-hater you, of course there's magic.
> There is no magic. Digital logic is deterministic and there are
> specific causes for the events when the code is executing.
> You screwed up but I have never seen anyone so hyper-sensitive
> and ramble on so redundantly with such self-absorbed wussy
> defensiveness as this message. What a wimp. Grow up.

Pfeh. Whatever, you confuse politeness for wimpyness and come back
with this machismo bullshit, being anal about digital logic,
woop-dee-doo. Furthermore, I seriously doubt you actually read my

Sure, "digital logic" is what the "poor guy" wants to hear about when
his SBE isn't working.

Misinformation? My setup works.

Bruce: "BS, 1 + 2 != 3 damnit, but two plus one equals three."

Your tough-guy routine needs works, but at least you're convinced.

-Jay Jarvinen

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Setting up slave backend system

2005-09-19 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 15:12:49 -0700
Bruce Markey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is no magic. That post was very misleading. Cards must be
> configured locally. You must add the slave card by running
> mythtv-setup on the slave host.
> Once you can connect from your slave host and mythtv-setup sees your
> existing video sources, then you can move forward by; checking the
> IP addresses in General, adding your local card(s), and associating
> your inputs with your existing sources.
> --  bjm

Bruce, you magic-hater you, of course there's magic. The master
"knows" about cards local to slaves, without user intervention ON the
master by way of MBE mythtv-setup, database, or any other means. How?
Because mythtv-setup on the slave does the work.

Very misleading? Pardon me. From his statement, he was attempting to
configure slave* cards on his MBE (assuming using mythtv-setup). To
which I replied, "You don't".

Him: "Maybe what is confusing me is how to get the capture cards on
the SBE configured on the MBE."

Me: "You don't. The MBE automagically finds available cards on slave
 backend(s), if/when the SBE mythbackend is running."

Could I have worded it more verbosely as to explicitly point out that
"available cards" refers to ones [properly and locally] configured on
slave backends that will be utilized IF the slave is available?

Was anyone confused that I was suggesting the master server just
probes the LAN for 'available cards'? I doubt it. Where did I suggest
slave cards be configured anywhere but on slave machines?

(Wishlist: braindead SBE starts mythbackend with it's mysql.txt
configured, SBE offers local resources (hd space, tuners, etc) to MBE
server and prompts user)

I fail to see how database records of a properly configured
master/slave setup are misleading. 

However, I feel your characterizing my post in this way, and then
later restating what I've already demonstrated in numerous ways, is of

What was the great danger you perceived? That users might _stay away_
from the MBE during slave configuration? That's .. the correct method.

Meanwhile, as you were busy setting the record straight with your
first reply, my second post hit the list. You then reestablished
points already made, only to turn around and re-explain things in even
more ambiguous terms. (Examples of this, available upon request)

Granted, my statement that "the slave mythtv-setup needs the MBE
IP/port configured in order to retrieve available sources", is more
correctly stated as "needs the MySQL IP/port configured", which need
not necessarily reside on the MBE. But since the MySQL DB _is_
residing on the MBE, in context of this thread, it is therefore moot.

Bruce - your long history and contributions to MythTV are much
appreciated.  But, it doesn't excuse what I would call
"pseudo-moderating" perfectly valid attempts to help other users. This
only stifles well intentioned posters that would most likely "get by"
without your expert attention or criticism.

Anyway, despite all our efforts, (according to the latest message),
the original poster is still wondering if a MySQL DB is needed on the
slave, go figure.  Knock yourself out..

-Jay Jarvinen

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppauge PVR-150MCE

2005-09-19 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:51:38 -0700
"Curt McNamee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My current system is a system with the following specs:  P4 1.5Ghz,
> 512MB, 8x AGP Nvidia GeForce4 MX 64MB, 120GB hard drive, and
> Hauppauge PVR-150MCE capture card.  I am assuming if this is
> powerful enough to work under the immense overheard of windows, that
> Linux with it's less overhead would run even faster, am I right?

We are pleased by your kind words about our mighty Linux OS, and
hereby grant you future support requests.

This is a fairly common question, but since I recently asked a nearly
identical one, I'll reply by saying:

.. yes, people are using PVR 150, 150-MCE, 250, 350, 500 models, yours
should work. May require recent ivtv drivers.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Setting up slave backend system

2005-09-19 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 17:24:34 -0400
"Scot L. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just to summarize:
> 1. load mythtv-suite on SBE
> 2. configure ivtv
> 3. verified that video can be captured on SBE capture cards
> 4. run mythtvsetup on SBE
> 5. in mythtvsetup  on SBE execute steps 1, 2  (note if I try step 4
> I don't see any option other than none for the video source)
> 6. configure mysql on MBE for access by SBE
> 7. start mythbackend on SBE (confirm in log files that it connects
> to MBE)
> 8. run mythtvsetup on MBE
> 9. in mythtvsetup on MBE add new capture cards with video sources
> 10. ???
> 11. profit!
> I get to step 9 but am unable to see the capture cards located on
> the SBE.  

Hmm, step 9, the cards .. are configured on the machine where they
physically reside. If a SBE goes down, on the status page, you'll see:

"Encoder 3 is remote on SLAVE_HOSTNAME (currently not connected)"
.. the MBE continues on it's way, rescheduling where appropriate.

BTW, can you define "see the capture cards", how? If configured,
http://MBE_hostname_goes_here:6544/ would show Tuner stats. [Likewise
:6544 on SBE shows Tuner* stats, but only for that SBE's card(s)]

mythtv-setup on SBE: you should see the videosource from the MBE (menu
option 3), just don't configure a new one. Then, under input
connections (menu option 4) this source should be available to your
SBE card.

If not, then it sounds like a MySQL issue of some kind. 

I'm not sure what the docs recommend, but I'd move your step #6 to #1.
The mythtv-setup program needs the MBE IP/port configured in order to
retrieve available videosources, etc.

If you're unsure, a quick way to verify mythtv-setup on SBE is
connected, would be to run 'mysqladmin processlist' on the MBE. There
should be 3 threads (I think), with the [EMAIL PROTECTED] you're

I mean no disrespect, but it should be a straightforward setup -
therefore, instinct tells me it's something simple being overlooked.
Then again, I don't surprise easily .. unless something works on the
first try without reading the docs - then I worry.


FYI: I just setup my (1st) SBE in the last 48 hours, but it worked out
of the box, first attempt, recordings and scheduling all in order,
playback = good, "failover" to MBE-only = good.  Ultimately, this
slave will probably take over BE duties, but I can't miss recordings
in the meantime. ;)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Setting up slave backend system

2005-09-19 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:26:00 -0400
"Scot L. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe what is confusing me is how to get the capture cards on the
> SBE configured on the MBE.

You don't. The MBE automagically finds available cards on slave
backend(s), if/when the SBE mythbackend is running.

Like the docs say, don't set up a new videosource (guide data) on the

Maybe this will help, from my master backend database (which BTW, is
the only* database):

(Note: your card #'s may vary (more sequential?))


# select cardid, videodevice, defaultinput, hostname FROM capturecard;
| cardid | videodevice | defaultinput | hostname |
|  1 | /dev/video  | Television   | lian |
|  3 | /dev/video0 | Tuner 0  | duron|
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# select cardinputid, cardid, sourceid, inputname FROM cardinput;
| cardinputid | cardid | sourceid | inputname  |
|   1 |  1 |1 | Television |
|   4 |  3 |1 | Tuner 0|
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

# select sourceid, xmltvgrabber from videosource;
| sourceid | xmltvgrabber |
|1 | datadirect   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

# select count(*) from videosource;
| count(*) |
|1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


Two capture cards, different hosts, same sourceid (videosource).

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythbackend fails silenty

2005-09-14 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 08:52:50 +0100
Graeme Wilford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I had the exact same problem.
> Turned out that running mythbackend on the command line caused it to
> pick up mysql.txt from ~root/.mythtv/ and running it via 'service'
> or directly via the init script caused it to pick up mysql.txt from
> /.mythtv/ This is on FC3.

This 'gotcha' got me too. I run it as user 'mythtv', and should have
been editing /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt (in my case), which caused
my init.d script to fail at startup, but work for root (after

(I was changing DBHostName in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt or
/root/mythtv/mysql.txt instead .. oops)


google fodder:

No setting found for this machine's BackendServerIP. Please run setup
on this machine and modify the first page of the general settings.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythweb dies

2005-09-13 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 00:17:39 -0400
d <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> *Warning* at /var/www/html/mythweb/includes/mythbackend.php, line
> 102: fsockopen(): unable to connect to
> *Fatal Error* at
> /var/www/html/mythweb/includes/mythbackend.php, line 32: Unable to
> connect to mythbackend, is it running?
> I know that the backend is running since I can use Myth on my tv at
> the same time. What else could be causing this issue? 

Without looking at lines 32 and 102 of the .php file, I'd have to
point towards MySQL. Anything in those logs?

mythweb's conf.php is configured with user/pass?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150 (Model 1045) - $64.99 @ CompUSA + FAQ

2005-09-11 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 14:59:16 -0700
Mark Menke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do you have to passs any special flags to the ivtv module when you
> load it?  I 've got the same card, but can't get the audio to work. 
> cat/dev/video0 leaves my with an mpg that has great video and no
> audio.


Try: ivtvctl -q 1

My first test, as I stated, was DVD capture over composite. Since my
IR receiver project is done, I plugged in the coax and tested .. same
problem as you describe.

Oddly enough, I did find the audio for the tuner on 'Audio Line 1'
instead of 'Tuner Audio In'.

So for the tuner + audio, I'm using:

ivtvctl -p 6 -q 1

There's a bit of a high-pitch 'squeel', but I think* it's unrelated.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] ripping EVERYTHING on a DVD to a single file

2005-09-11 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 19:17:36 -0400
Jesse Guardiani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> How do I just rip an entire DVD (without transcoding) to disk
> as a single file?

Sounds like 'vobcopy':

"vobcopy copies DVD .vob files to harddisk, decrypting (if you have
libdvdcss installed) them on the way (thanks to libdvdread and
libdvdcss) and merges them into file(s) with the name extracted from
the DVD."

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Please help!

2005-09-11 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 15:43:15 -0400
Tony Paterra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So something I noticed...  I took the splitter out of the way and
> and put it directly into the Tivo box...  The behavior was slightly
> better but still not close to clear.  I also tried putting the
> splitter back in the equation and running the Tivo's line to a
> separate TV and the picture is fine.  For some ASCII wiring
> diagrams...

I'm still a bit confused, and coming late to the thread.

no splitter (tivo line) -> tivo = not close to clear
but ..
splitter (tivo line) -> other TV = fine?

A simple splitter by nature, degrades signal quality.
( )

I'm not clear whether you've ever been satisfied with the wiring, or
recently added more splitters, etc ..

Irregardless, I'd suggest just forking over $30-50 on bidirectional
amp. Or, haggle with the cable guy, maybe they'll provide it for free.

A mere 8dB gain here at my place, fixed ghosting on one TV (ch 11),
and another TV had several go from "good" to "perfect".

FWIW - as I was rewiring, to speed things up, I grabbed an old coax
cable with push-on F-connectors. I used all 3' of it from the wall to
digital cable box, suddenly 15 of ~200 channels would intermittently
pause w/"one moment please". Turns out it was an RG-59 cable, not

(I can't explain why that RG-59 was unsuitable, don't really care to
investigate .. RG-6 = simple fix).

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150 (Model 1045) - $64.99 @ CompUSA + FAQ

2005-09-11 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 14:59:16 -0700
Mark Menke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do you have to passs any special flags to the ivtv module when you
> load it?  I 've got the same card, but can't get the audio to work. 
> cat/dev/video0 leaves my with an mpg that has great video and no
> audio.

FYI regarding thread subject - deal is expired, back to $99.

No sir, nothing special, and my cat /dev/video0 test came with crystal
clear audio and CPU only spiked briefly (to ~20%) at startup, then
back to about 3-5% .. which is normal.

I spose I should point out, I captured DVD output using composite
cables (which was on Composite 1: ivtvctl -p 3). I don't recall having
to manually set a corresponding audio input.

I used the firmware from the included CD, and had to tweak to do so. I may heed the warning of it's being
"buggy!!!" and use one from the ivtv site.

Since my shiny new PVR-150 will live under the staircase, I had to
build a serial IR receiver in the time since I last replied here (to
my amazement, it works!).

Point being - I'm probably the _least_ qualified to debug this issue,
but I've included my relevant dmesg output. (You may wanna take this
to the ivtv list)

Having said that - how are you determining the audio is missing? 

Also, according to dmesg, do you see 'tveeprom: audio processor =
CX25841 (type = 23)' or similar?

How about 'ivtv: Create DMA encoder PCM audio stream: 0 x 4608 buffers
(0KB total)'?

Any error messages?

If not, maybe it's as simple as using ivtvctl to get the proper


ivtv: version 0.3.8 (svn snapshot revision 2638) loading
ivtv: Linux version: 2.6.10-5-k7 preempt K7 gcc-3.3
ivtv: In case of problems please include the debug info
ivtv: between the START INIT IVTV and END INIT IVTV lines when
ivtv: mailing the ivtv-devel mailinglist.
ivtv: Autodetected WinTV PVR 150 card (iTVC16 based)
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0a.0[A] -> GSI 14 (level, low) -> IRQ 14
lirc_i2c: chip found @ 0x71 (Hauppauge IR (PVR150))
ivtv: i2c attach to card #0 ok [client=Hauppauge IR (PVR150), addr=71]
lirc_dev: lirc_register_plugin: sample_rate: 10
tveeprom: Hauppauge: model = 26032, rev = C199, serial# = 0123456
tveeprom: tuner = TCL 2002N 5H (idx = 99, type = 50)
tveeprom: tuner fmt = NTSC(M) (eeprom = 0x08, v4l2 = 0x1000)
tveeprom: audio processor = CX25841 (type = 23)
tveeprom: decoder processor = CX25841 (type = 1c)
ivtv: i2c attach to card #0 ok [client=tveeprom[50], addr=50]
tuner: chip found at addr 0xc2 i2c-bus ivtv i2c driver #0
ivtv: i2c attach to card #0 ok [client=(tuner unset), addr=61]
cx25840: loading /lib/modules/HcwMakoA.ROM
ivtv: i2c attach to card #0 ok [client=cx25840[50], addr=44]
ivtv: i2c attach to card #0 ok [client=wm8775[50], addr=1b]
ivtv: loading /lib/modules/ivtv-fw-enc.bin
ivtv: Encoder revision: 0x02050032
ivtv warning: Encoder Firmware can be buggy, use version
ivtv: Create DMA encoder MPEG stream: 0 x 32768 buffers (0KB total)
ivtv: Create DMA encoder YUV stream: 0 x 10800 buffers (0KB total)
ivtv: Create DMA encoder VBI stream: 0 x 17472 buffers (0KB total)
ivtv: Create DMA encoder PCM audio stream: 0 x 4608 buffers (0KB
tuner: type set to 50 (TCL 2002N) by ivtv i2c driver #0
ivtv: Initialized WinTV PVR 150, card #0
ivtv:   END INIT IVTV  
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150 (Model 1045) - $64.99 @ CompUSA + FAQ

2005-09-08 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Thu, 8 Sep 2005 06:47:43 -0400
Todd Houle wrote:

[snip offlist reply]
>I was going to save up and buy a PVR-350..
> Todd

My choice to get away from my Leadtek Winfast TV-2000 XP Deluxe (could
it have a longer name with more M$ references please?) .. was driven
by price and local availability.

I'm biased towards my new 150, but it's becoming increasingly more
difficult to buy a video card that doesn't have TV-out, therefore I'd
only use a PVR-350 if I were building a tiny HTPC space-conscious type

With the PVR-350 at about $160 these days, to me .. that's like buying
a ~$100 TV-out card, vs $40-50 for a cheapo TV-out vid card.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150 (Model 1045) - $64.99 @ CompUSA + FAQ

2005-09-08 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Mon, 5 Sep 2005 10:41:56 -0500
Jay Jarvinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> FYI, CompUSA has a PVR-150 (Model 1045) after rebate(s) ($35) = $64.99
> According the IvyTV Wiki, this model is "Very close to fully
> functional(in ivtv development branch)". Many reports of success on
> this list back in May 2005, etc.
> Thumbs up?
> Any reason for a bt878 user to wait? Perhaps this signals an imminent
> PVR-500 price drop? Just wondering ;)

Perhaps my subject line was lacking .. so, for the archive, I'll reply
to myself.

I opted to buy this model anyway, despite being less than 100% confident

My confusion stemmed from the various CX23416 based cards listed as
"Known NOT to work" on the ivtv site. A "complaint" best suited for the
ivtv list, I'll grant you.

In any case - yes, thumbs up, success, it works, it's working:

ivtv: version 0.3.8 (svn snapshot revision 2638)
kernel (ubuntu binary): 2.6.10-5-k7

It is indeed a PVR-150 model 1045 (26032, rev C199), with grey Hauppauge
remote, chips are: CX23416-12 and CX25841-23

The card is in a new machine, so I've yet to install MythTV on it, but a
simple 'cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/foo.mpeg' works great, lirc_i2c (mode2
test) works, so I'm confident the Myth setup will be smooth.

My question: "Any reason for a bt878 user to wait?" Absolutely not, get
it. For $65 I regained 33% of my CPU that was busy doing software
compression (at medium resolution even), and I can ditch the audio patch
cable and mixer nonsense once and for all.



Sep  8 02:02:49 localhost kernel: ivtv: version 0.3.8 (svn snapshot
revision 2638) loading
Sep  8 02:02:49 localhost kernel: ivtv: Linux version: 2.6.10-5-k7
preempt K7 gcc-3.3

lspci -v:

:00:0a.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc
 iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)
   Subsystem: Hauppauge computer works Inc.: Unknown device 8003
   Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 14
   Memory at dc00 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=64M]
   Capabilities: [44] Power Management version 2

sharing IRQ 14 with my AC97 Audio Controller, pfeh - I'll hafta look
into that.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: VIA Hardware, good enough to capture analog, maybe play HD?

2005-09-06 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Tue, 6 Sep 2005 18:29:30 -0600
Chad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Thanks for the reply!
> I'm actually giving up on the quest, I figured I blew my BIOS on my
> Asus, so I'm going to call them to see if they'll 'fix' it for me.  If
> not, looking at a new Socket A, and may take the one you linked to,
> but I also found a Foxconn that looks really good.

You're welcome. 

If that doesn't work, might be able to help. I
haven't ordered from them personally, but I've heard success stories.

For the record though, I was merely comparing an "ok" choice with a
"better" choice (the Biostar). I've been lured into the
barebones/bundled quest myself, but ultimately, I've always broken down
and ordered individual parts. I'm still cautiously optimistic though.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: VIA Hardware, good enough to capture analog, maybe play HD?

2005-09-05 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Mon, 5 Sep 2005 22:01:26 -0600
Chad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 9/5/05, Chad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello!
> > 
> > Do the specs of:
> >
> > [For those who don't like links, the basics are:
> > VIA C3 Samual 2 2000+(800MHz/133)
> > North Bridge VIA CLE266
> > South Bridge VIA VT8235
> > Onboard Video Chipset S3 Graphics UniChrome 2D/3D ]
> Don't really need any solid answer, just wondering if it's worth my 50
> bucks.

I don't have first hand knowledge, so .. check the archive for HD
playback CPU requirements. 

In my very informal 'tests' (me looking at top or ps), analog capture
using software (MPEG4) compression, at 480x352, takes around 500MHz of
juice. Playback requires 'very little'. If that's all this box were
doing, it may work fine, with the exception of a hiccup during

And BTW, PCChips? A few years ago I flashed a PI/233 PCChips board,
only to find out I had just joined a long list of people who corrupted
their BIOS chips using the same (known bad) utility *from* the PCChips
site. The board functioned fine, prior the flash, but the company
dropped the ball. I won't touch the brand.

Still, that's pretty cheap for chip+board combo, but if it were me - I'd
spend the extra $20 for the next one down on that list @ Newegg. Like:
BIOSTAR M7VIG400-COMBO5, that'll accept modern Athlon XP, PC2700,
FSB333, etc.

At least with that, you've got room to breath w/new hardware, that Via
C3 Samual w/FSB133 is a relic (albeit a dirt cheap one), in my opinion.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] PVR-150 (Model 1045) - $64.99 @ CompUSA + FAQ

2005-09-05 Thread Jay Jarvinen

FYI, CompUSA has a PVR-150 (Model 1045) after rebate(s) ($35) = $64.99

According the IvyTV Wiki, this model is "Very close to fully functional
(in ivtv development branch)". Many reports of success on this list back
in May 2005, etc.

Thumbs up?

Any reason for a bt878 user to wait? Perhaps this signals an imminent
PVR-500 price drop? Just wondering ;)

Thanks in advance,

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Crackling and popping in non-PVR analog card -- I think I can say it's MythTV's fault

2005-09-02 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Fri, 02 Sep 2005 21:59:39 +0100
Sérgio Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Inside MythTV:
> - The amount of crackling (or at least the loudness) goes up with the 
> loudness of the broadcast; if it's quiet there's almost no crackling, 
> but if there are a lot of people talking or loud sounds, there is a
> lot of crackling
> - Happens with ALSA and OSS

How about crackling on .mp3/wav playback using XMMS or similar player?
ALSA? OSS? (That is, independent of the patch cable from TV card to

My SBLive! (snd-emu10k1) crackles as described, using ALSA, but not OSS.
Specifically, the crackling or 'tapping' sound only occurs when there's
actual wave output, not during silence.

I found similar complaints on the web (mostly Windows-centric forums)
but was unable to find a solution. Sadly, I opted to just use my onboard
sound for Myth, and OSS for the SBLive.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Naive bayes -> Suggestions

2005-08-05 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 01:34:46 -0700
Matt Waddell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ahoy,
> I have been experimenting with learning algorithms which
> make content suggestions to the user.  The only one
> I have implemented so far is a naive bayes classifier, and
> it seems to be working pretty well... although for me
> it has been suggesting a few confusing things.

Hey Matt, just browsing the code now, cool stuff.

The link Nick Rout just provided took some of the steam out of my post,
before I hit send ;)

It (the MythBayes page) mentions:

"Central database somewhere that Myth could submit people's viewing
habits to so you could get an .." [snip]

I was going to suggest a collaborative-database/social-bookmarks type
thing, to help supplement the algorithm.

Personally, after months of MythTV usage, and only recording new-to-me
episodes, I've had to expand my list of shows to record, just to keep a
daily supply of new recordings. Did I mention? I cringe at the thought
of commercial-packed live TV now. (Truth is, I like to see a fresh batch
every day, even if I only watch half of it .. OCD maybe, I dunno).

This thread titled 'recommendations' section, seems relevant as well:

Despite my best efforts to find non-crap and keep my tuner recording
24/7, it still goes idle for hours on end. So, I'd use any feature that
fought against an idle recorder. Not so that I'll have 24+ hours of
on-demand TV available, but so that I may choose more wisely from a
better selection.
What I have in mind for 'collaborative', is basically syndicated
'favorites' from willing (anonymous) MythTV participants. A "trust me,
this is good TV" flag - that would help steer an automated algorithm.

In the event the algorithm is 'confused' about what to suggest, a quick
check of 'public opinion', as it were, seems more logical than a coin
toss, black magic, or arbitrary choice based on priorities or other
hard-coded mechanism. In short, if you could whip up a Fuzzy Logic +
Bayes + plugin, and have it and* those T.P.S. reports
by Monday, that'd be super. ;)

Especially in regard to an idle recorder, that (feature) alone might
help me pick up a better, more diverse group of programs, and some that
I might never have chosen on my own.

Yesterday's a perfect example, X-Games 11 on ESPN just started, I
wouldn't have caught it, but I happened to browse the guide earlier this
week (rare for me). Maybe I'm the only one recording it, albeit at low
priority, but I doubt it.

As Blaise Pascal put it, "I apologize for the length of this letter, for
I lacked the time to make it shorter."


p.s. I'd have yet another project underway, of this nature, if I'd
finished POE-Component-Client-MythTV already.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MySQL too slow in startup?

2005-03-20 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 10:50:49 +0100
Mark Wormgoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am having a problem with MythTV and MySQL on my backend system. 
> MySQL loads during the initrd process and I start mythbackend in
> rc.local(after loading ivtv).
> Mysqld.log shows it is ready:
>   050320 08:43:59  mysqld started
>   /usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
> But Mythbackend cannot yet connect:
>   2005-03-20 08:44:06.869 Unable to connect to database!
>   2005-03-20 08:44:07.190 Driver error was [1/1045]:
>   QMYSQL3: Unable to connect
>   Database error was:
>   Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

It's hiding in plain sight.

MySQL is ready, but [EMAIL PROTECTED] using password was denied access.

Check the appropriate scripts, config files, and MySQL permissions.
These vary per system, so I won't make any assumptions.

Your environment (and user) may differ after startup, which would
explain why it works 'later'. Need more details.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PiP in recordings

2005-03-13 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 07:49:08 +0100
Adam Egger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If there's really no plan to activate PiP for PCs with only one tuner,
> all the PiP stuff should be deactivated for those systems.
> I often get questions about the PiP. The users play with all the
> menues and wonder why nothing happens when they press PiP. Is there an
> argument against disabling PiP in one tuner systems?

In the interim? Makes perfect sense.

Can you defined 'disabled' though? At what level?

My situation is probably unique, occasionally I remove the input source
from 1 of 2 tuners in this box, to use for my own purposes. So ..

(Speaking of, I'm unaware of a better way to temporarily disable)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PiP in recordings

2005-03-13 Thread Jay Jarvinen
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 12:38:08 -0300
"Robson Braga Araujo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to make mythtv able to show a PiP window when I'm
> watching a record. I have only one tuner, but I want to watch some
> movie that I recorded while I keep an eye on the soccer games that are
> going on at the same time.

I'll 'second' that.

Evidently, it's come up before:

In addition, if that were done, I'd like to see an optional reminder via
OSD. As in: "Recording of XYZ starting in 5 minutes, press  to
monitor in PIP".

You should add it here:

Closest existing entry I see is:

"[WWW]BabyCam / security cam via PiP, put a webcam in the babies room
have MythTV display it via PiP. Might also be usefull together with the
mentioned [WWW]Motion software to see if someone at your doorbell.
MythPhone maybe?"

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