Re: [mythtv-users] OS X frontend/Knoppmyth backend question

2005-02-21 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On Feb 21, 2005, at 5:25 PM, Jeff McCarty wrote:
By default on the mac, all mounts are in the /Volumes directory. If 
your only other device is a Knoppmyth pc running the backend and 
frontend, it might be easier to create a /Volumes directory there, and 
move your video. If that's too much work, you have two options on the 
IMHO, the best way to set up persistent NFS mounts is through NetInfo. 
There's a slew of tutorials for this, one of the clearest and simplest 
I've found is this:
- Jeremiah
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: [OS X] Updated compile instructions for using Fink

2005-02-21 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On Feb 21, 2005, at 3:57 AM, Andreas Weder wrote:
BTW, are you the lead in porting mythtv (the frontend) to OS X?
Nigel Pearson and I are basically the co-leads. Nigel did a lot of the 
initial work getting Myth to compile (building on Gregorio Gervasio's 
work, I think), wrote the initial video output routines for OS X, and 
tackled the processor-endianness issues. I contributed the audio code 
and the current QuickTime-based video routines. We've collaborated on 
most of the other Mac-friendly functions, like the initial GUI for 
MySQL settings (instead of having to edit a text file) and changing the 
directory assumptions to allow self-contained Mac binaries.

Nowadays I work on cleaning up the code and making it faster on Macs; I 
have a 450 MHz Cube that is occasionally fast enough to be a frontend, 
depending on the state of CVS.

- Jer
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OS X] Updated compile instructions for using Fink

2005-02-20 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On Feb 20, 2005, at 9:09 AM, Andreas Weder wrote:
I've just updated your HowTo on with instructions on how 
to build mythtv 0.17 using Fink.
Terrific, it looks great! Merging the manual steps under the Fink 
directions makes it much easier to follow now.

I wasn't too sure about the format, though. Your instructions are for 
building myth from CVS, mine are targetting mythtv 0.17. I hope the 
result is not too confusing. Maybe we should go for a main page and 
two subpages, one for CVS, one for 0.17. What do you think?
That's a good idea, so that the instructions for 0.17 are still around 
if CVS requires installation changes. Separate pages for "building 0.17 
with Fink", "building 0.17 manually", "building CVS with Fink", etc. 
might be the best way to go -- there's so much info to process, that 
keeping each alternative on a different page would likely be the least 

The main reason I wrote the HowTo was to give folks a standard baseline 
for getting started with Myth. Now that I am providing binaries and 
build scripts for that purpose, I won't be updating the wiki 
instructions much, so feel free to reorganize them as you see fit. I'll 
certainly answer questions and provide info when I can, but I'd 
appreciate it if you or someone else takes the lead on maintaining the 
OS X section.

- Jer
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OS X] mythdvd: linux/cdrom.h

2005-02-20 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On Feb 20, 2005, at 2:02 PM, Andreas Weder wrote:
I'm trying to compile mythdvd (vcd and transcoding enabled). How did 
you get
this to compile?
Disable vcd and transcoding, that's how.
- Jer
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Another Mac Question

2005-02-19 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On Feb 18, 2005, at 11:42 PM, MacNean Tyrrell wrote:
I do have a question tho, I have a DVD burner that i believe is
compatible with the mac mini, from the frontend can i edit the mpeg2
stream from the pvr-250 with iDVD i believe it's called, and burn it
to the dvd without copying the file over to the mac?  Or do i have to
copy the entire files over and do it on the mac?
I don't have iDVD, but from what I've read, it won't allow you to work 
with MPEG-2 files (even though it ultimately encodes as MPEG-2). You 
can use DVD Studio Pro, I think.

Anyway, you should be able to mount your backend's video directory on 
the Mini using NFS or Samba. That will let you work on the files 
without moving them to the Mac.

- Jer
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OS X] 0.17 compilation problem

2005-02-18 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On Feb 18, 2005, at 4:08 AM, Andreas Weder wrote:
During compilation, I get the following error:
Fink installs the X11 version of Qt, not the native Mac version. You'll 
have to install Qt yourself, or see if Fink has a Qt/Mac install 
available now. (I don't use Fink, so I can't help you more than that.)

- Jer
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mac OS X binary for 0.17

2005-02-12 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On Feb 11, 2005, at 9:55 PM, Jesse Perkins wrote:
Which plugins are included in your binary with plugins?
mythdvd (but no ripping or transcoding)
The remaining plugins -- mythphone, mythbrowser, and mythmusic -- 
currently won't compile on OS X. Mythphone is tied to videodev and OSS; 
mythbrowser is tied to KDE; and mythmusic has CD playing and ripping 
functions that need to be made optional or ported to OS X.

- Jer
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mac OS X binary for 0.17

2005-02-11 Thread Jeremiah Morris
For the Mac folks out there, I've got a standalone binary package of 
the 0.17 Myth frontend on my website:
Let me know via this list if you have any problems with it. Remember, 
you still need a separate backend (or at least a MySQL server, if you 
just want to use the plugins).

- Jeremiah
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OS X

2005-01-29 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On Jan 29, 2005, at 6:47 PM, Robert E. Karaffa, II wrote:
It won't
allow me past the initial setup screen because there is no backend.  
If you're talking about the MySQL settings screen, you do still need a 
database server. The "backend" offers two parts: an actual 
"mythbackend" process, and the MySQL database that is used by 
mythfrontend and mythbackend. The "mythbackend" program offers 
TV-watching functionality, the database is used by everything to store 
preferences and various other data. You still need the database half of 
the equation.

The database server can run on your OS X box and be completely separate 
from your KnoppMyth box, though, so you don't get corruption again. I'd 
recommend this setup for you; I don't have any instructions on setting 
up a MySQL server, though I'm sure you can Google for some.

If I've got this all wrong and you're stuck somewhere else, please post 
more details about what's going wrong.

2)  do I need to go through the installation instructions on 
MythOnMacOSX, and
then use the CVS w/plugins version?
No, you don't need to do the MythOnMacOsx instructions if you use the 
binary; it has all of the dependencies included in its bundle.

forgive me for appearing dense!  (tis troo, nonetheless!)
It took me months to figure out how all of the pieces talked to each 
other and when, and I was spending 10 hours a week programming on it. 
Don't feel bad for taking some time to get up to speed.  =)

- Jer
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OS X

2005-01-29 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On Jan 29, 2005, at 12:06 PM, Robert Karaffa wrote:
in the setup screens for MythVideo, I can get MPlayer to start using:
"open /Applications/ (and the rest of the commands like -fs 
--no-splash -zoom %s")
I'm pretty sure you don't want to use the "open" command for this. This 
basically just sends a command to the Finder to launch the app, which 
isn't what you want.

Try calling the app directly, by using 
"/Applications/ ..." instead. 
(Double-check that that's the right path in the Terminal.)  I don't 
actually use mythvideo, though, so I'm probably not the best person to 
answer this question.  ;)

2)  i don't have a TV tuner card of any kind right now.  not 
interested in it at the moment.  how does that impact the fact that my 
backend is 0.16 and my MacMyth frontend is not?
The 0.16 backend and CVS frontend will refuse to talk to each other, 
but since you're not using the TV functionality, that should not 
matter. In fact, you don't need a backend running at all if you're only 
using the video and music functions. You need the database up and 
running, but the backend is superfluous.

The CVS frontend will upgrade the database schema, which could cause 
the 0.16 backend to fail or corrupt your data if you try to actually 
use it, so it's probably best to shut down the backend entirely. If you 
don't use the TV functions, you won't miss it.

- Jeremiah
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mac OS X Compile from CVS Problem

2005-01-18 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On 18 Jan 2005, at 11:33 AM, Nate Thompson wrote:
This is somewhat offtopic, but I was wondering if you can use a CVS 
with a .16 backend.
No, you can't, the protocol between the frontend and backend has 
changed since 0.16 and they'll refuse to talk to each other.

- Jeremiah
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mac OS X Compile from CVS Problem

2005-01-17 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On 17 Jan 2005, at 6:16 PM, Colin Bell wrote:
I did have problem with it not finding qmake so I made a symlink of 
$QTDIR/bin/qmake to /usr/bin.
You shouldn't do that, fix the PATH problem instead (see below). Making 
symlinks like that will really trip you up if you upgrade to a new 
version of Qt.

(tcsh: Bad : modifier in $ (/).)
This is the problem -- you're using tcsh instead of bash as your shell. 
I'm guessing you probably upgraded from an older version of OS X, 
instead of starting with a fresh Panther install. As the howto says: 
"If you don't start from scratch, some of the instructions may not be 
correct for your setup." You've hit one of those places.  =/

The tcsh version needs to be put into .tcshrc instead of .bash_profile, 
and it should look like this:

setenv SRCDIR $HOME/src
setenv QTDIR $SRCDIR/qt-mac-free-3.3.3
setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib:$QTDIR/lib
setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:$QTDIR/bin
Use "source ~/.tcshrc" to load that into your environment, instead of 
". ~/.bash_profile". The rest of the howto should work the same.

If I'm being a pain just ignore me...
Not at all. Being a pain would be making the same mistakes over and 
over, and not listening to solutions. Making mistakes, learning from 
them, and going on to make new mistakes is just a normal and healthy 
part of life. (If I go by the number of mistakes I make, I'm extremely 
successful at life.)

- Jeremiah
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mac OS X Compile from CVS Problem

2005-01-17 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On 17 Jan 2005, at 11:16 AM, Colin Bell wrote:
/usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -lqt-mt
It's not finding your Qt library. Check that your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH 
variable is set correctly, with $QTDIR/lib in it. Also, make sure that 
your Qt build compiled properly, and that you built it multithreaded 
(with the -thread configure option). There should be a file 
"libqt-mt.3.dylib" on your system if Qt built correctly.

- Jeremiah
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RE: Mac OS X installation guide

2005-01-14 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On 14 Jan 2005, at 10:50 AM, Michael J. Sherman wrote:
One note; the mysql package is now 4.1.9, and the 4.1.7 release you 
reference in the doc is no longer available at that URL.  4.1.8 has a 
bug in its, so just use the 4.1.9.
Well, that's why the guide is on the Wiki, so anyone can update the doc 
when it goes out of date. If you find something like that in the 
future, please go ahead and edit the page.

Anyone else excited about the possibility of a mini Mac myth frontend?
I think the 59 messages in the existing Mac Mini thread indicate that 
others are excited. ;) I might get one myself.

Perhaps a USB-based IR dongle  Anyone have ideas on that?
The Mini thread mentioned the Keyspan Express remote, which looked too 
minimal for me. I have mixed feelings about the ATI Remote Wonder II, 
which is what I purchased. I couldn't find an inexpensive generic IR 
receiver for the Mac; if you find one, let us know.

- Jeremiah
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Need to Change OS X Frontend Settings

2004-12-05 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On 5 Dec 2004, at 5:43 PM, Jared McIntyre wrote:
How do you get to the initial setup dialog for the mythfrontend on OS 
X or where are the settings stored so that I can change them?
The settings file is /Users//.mythtv/mysql.txt; delete 
or edit that file.

- Jeremiah
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OS X icon question...

2004-12-03 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On 3 Dec 2004, at 7:47 PM, Calvin Gorriaran wrote:
Sorry, should have been more clear. Basically it wont launch. I am 
able to make the icon. This is most
likely my problem.
I'm glad; if it was the other, I'd have no idea how to help you.  =)
 I should have known that that out of bash that mythfrontend would 
have no idea
where the libraries were. I will read up on this.
Don't feel bad, a lot of Unix converts make the same mistake.  To help 
you get set up, I've updated the compilation tutorial -- see the latter 
part of Section 3.
- Jeremiah

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OS X icon question...

2004-12-03 Thread Jeremiah Morris
On 3 Dec 2004, at 4:25 PM, Calvin Gorriaran wrote:
I have a stupid OS X question. I have compiled mythfrontend on my 
powerbook. Works perfect, though I
am still trying to get mythvideo compiled. One issue I have is I can't 
seem to make an icon for it.
Can you really not create an icon, or is it just that the frontend 
fails to launch?  Double-clicking won't work yet 
without some hacking.  Unless you've modified your environment.plist, won't be able to find the shared libraries it needs if 
you launch it from the Finder or the Dock.  (Your .bash_profile is only 
used in the Terminal, not in the graphical environment.)

You can find out more about environment variables in the GUI here:
- Jeremiah
mythtv-users mailing list