Re: [mythtv-users] Compile Problem with SuSE 10.0

2005-11-20 Thread Mark Gardner
On 11/19/05, Dirk Aust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem when trying to compile the 0.18.1 release with SuSE10.0
> X86_64,
> Sorry, the error message is in german, it means incomplete type. The type the
> compiler complains about is AVOption, and it is right, short above these
> lines 61,65 this type is only declared as struct AVOption; but in former
> times the compiler worked.
> Any ideas?

I have never been able to get .18.1 to compile in 64bit mode unde SUSE.

 _\ | /_
    (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Seattle Comcast firewire not working as of today -- 5C?

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Gardner
> I haven't called Comcast yet to complain.  I will do that tomorrow,
> but something tells me that won't get me anywhere.

I'd be interested in finding out how this is goes.   I've been wanting
to get into HDTV but am reluctant to spend money on hardware that I
can't ever use (except for local)

 _\ | /_
    (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] backend cannot find mythcommflag

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Gardner
On 10/17/05, Kevin Kuphal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's the user that runs mythbackend that you need to examine.  This is
> probably started using an init script in /etc/init.d and generally
> speaking, the paths haven't been set at this point.

Here is the file how mythbackend is started this is a custom init.d
script that I wrote.  how would I ensure that the mythcommflag is set
in the path when this starts.

 _\ | /_
(@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
#! /bin/sh
# Author: Mark Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# /etc/init.d/mythbackend
# Provides: mythbackend
# Required-Start: $local_fs $network mysql
# Should-Start: mysql 
# Required-Stop: mysql
# Default-Start: 3 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Short-Description: Start and Stop MythTv Backend Service
# Description: Starts the mythbackend process as a daemon after the XWindows 
#  system is started, in runlevel 5. This allows scheduled 
#  recordings to occur without manual intervention.
# Attempt to conform to LSB 3.0 Specs
. /lib/lsb/init-functions

#export PATH

# Location of Myth Tv Backend Binary

# Full Path of mythbackend log file

# Full Path of mythbackend PidFile
# User that Mythtv should run as
test -x $MBE_BIN || exit 5

# Full Path of mythbackend config file
# Default: /etc/sysconfig/mythbackend

# Source config file if available
if ( test -r $MBE_CONFIG ); then
  #echo Getting config file: $MBE_CONFIG

#Source in rc.Status functions
# Shell functions sourced from /etc/rc.status:
#  rc_check check and set local and overall rc status
#  rc_statuscheck and set local and overall rc status
#  rc_status -v ditto but be verbose in local rc status
#  rc_status -v -r  ditto and clear the local rc status
#  rc_failedset local and overall rc status to failed
#  rc_reset clear local rc status (overall remains)
#  rc_exit  exit appropriate to overall rc status

. /etc/rc.status

# First reset status of this service

case "$1" in
echo "Starting mythbackend service"
# startproc -u $MBE_USER $MBE_BIN -d -l $MBE_LOGFILE 
start_daemon -p $MBE_PIDFILE $MBE_BIN -d -l $MBE_LOGFILE 
--pidfile $MBE_PIDFILE
rc_status -v
echo -n "Stopping mythbackend service"
rc_status -v
$0 stop
$0 start
rc_status -v
$0 stop
$0 start
re_status -v
echo -n "Checking status of mythbacked: "
# Check satus with checkproc(8), if process is running
## checkproc will return with exit status 0.

# Status has a slightly different for the status command:
# 0 - service running
# 1 - service dead, but /var/run/  pid  file exists
# 2 - service dead, but /var/lock/ lock file exists
# 3 - service not running

checkproc $MBE_BIN

rc_status -v
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status}"
exit 1
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Static on only One Channel

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Gardner
I upgraded myth a while ago (svn version from a couple of weeks ago)
and since then I've gotten static on only 1 channel.  Direct to the tv
comes out pretty clean but the myth box has heavy diagonal lines
through the picture.

Viewing comcast regular cable in Provo, Utah and the staticy channel is 28.
Any Idea why this one channel would be staticy?
 _\ | /_
(@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] backend cannot find mythcommflag

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Gardner
On 10/14/05, Kevin Kuphal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Gardner wrote:
> >Commercial Flagging is not working anymore.
> >I'm getting this error in the backend logs.
> >Commercial Flagging ERRORED for The Drew Carey Show "Science Names
> >Suck" recorded from channel 1010 at Fri Oct 14 13:00:00 2005, unable
> >to find mythcommflag, check your PATH and backend logs.
> >
> >mythcommflag is on the path. ( /usr/local/bin )
> >
> >It's running on Open SUSE 10
> >
> >
> Is that path in the path of the user that is running mythcommflag?
> Remember, if mythbackend is running from a startup script, many
> environment variables, including the PATH aren't set yet.
The pathing appears to be all correct.  mythfrontend is started via
symbolic link in ~/.kde/Autostart
mythtv user has /usr/local/bin in its path.
 _\ | /_
(@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] backend cannot find mythcommflag

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Gardner
Commercial Flagging is not working anymore.
I'm getting this error in the backend logs.
Commercial Flagging ERRORED for The Drew Carey Show "Science Names
Suck" recorded from channel 1010 at Fri Oct 14 13:00:00 2005, unable
to find mythcommflag, check your PATH and backend logs.

mythcommflag is on the path. ( /usr/local/bin )

It's running on Open SUSE 10
 _\ | /_
(@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Off Frontend window Behavior

2005-10-06 Thread Mark Gardner
I"m having a wierd problem with the frontend.  I'm running a svn HEAD
snapshot from a few days ago (last saturday IIRC).
Whenever I finish watching a show the frontend moves down the screen,
revealing the desktop behind.  It's behaving as if the offset is
getting reapplied every time the screen refreshes.
RUnning through the apperance setup again corrects the problem, or
restarting the frontend.
I get the same behavior on

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
 _\ | /_
(@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] No more worky job queue

2005-10-06 Thread Mark Gardner
None of my shows are getting comflagged.  It looks like I have two
transcode jobs stuck in the queue.   What now?

 _\ | /_
(@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Need suggestion for Frontend only fanless solution

2005-10-06 Thread Mark Gardner
> I've got a mini-mac I've used as a front end, technically there is
> supposedly a fan in there but I've never heard it and I can't feel any
> air moving around the vents in the back unless I put a cd/dvd in
> there.

Does the mac mini have the kahonies for HDTV?

 _\ | /_
(@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] SUSE 10 and PVR 350 and Lirc

2005-10-04 Thread Mark Gardner
I have a SUSE 10 (atow RC1) box running myth svn snapshot.
I've gotten everything working (capture, tvout, sound) but to my
dismay I've been very unsuccessful in getting the Remote Control that
came with the 350 to work.
I'm unsure where to start so here are some tidbits that I think my be relevant.

lsmod shows that lirc_i2c is loaded.
irw shows no activity
(yes the cable is plugged in correctly, I had the whole thing working
on a Fedora Box with Jarods Guide)

>From the lirc.log file:
Oct  3 22:22:54 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: initializing '/dev/input/ir'
Oct  3 22:23:04 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: removed client
Oct  3 22:23:04 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: closing '/dev/input/ir'
Oct  3 22:29:00 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: accepted new client on /var/run/lirc/lircd
Oct  3 22:29:00 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: initializing '/dev/input/ir'
Oct  3 22:29:08 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: removed client
Oct  3 22:29:08 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: closing '/dev/input/ir'
Oct  3 22:29:48 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: caught signal
Oct  3 22:29:48 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: lircd(any) ready
Oct  3 22:35:47 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: caught signal
Oct  3 22:36:53 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: lircd(any) ready
Oct  3 22:39:39 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: caught signal
Oct  3 22:40:46 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: lircd(any) ready
Oct  3 22:46:24 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: accepted new client on /var/run/lirc/lircd
Oct  3 22:47:00 mythtv lircd 0.7.1: removed client

from /var/log/messages
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: ivtv-osd: mode is 720x480x32, linelength=2880
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: ivtv-osd: fb1: iTVC15 TV out frame buffer device
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: ivtv: Allocate DMA decoder OSD stream:
16 x 65536 buffers (1024KB total)
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: lirc_dev: module not supported by
Novell, setting U taint flag.
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver
registered, at major 60
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: lirc_i2c: module not supported by
Novell, setting U taint flag.
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: bttv: disagrees about version of symbol
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: bttv: Unknown symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: cx88xx: disagrees about version of
symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog
Oct  3 22:40:51 mythtv kernel: cx88xx: Unknown symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog

 _\ | /_
        (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
Feel the Power of myth on SUSE:
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] WinTV PVR 150 vs WinTV PVR 350

2005-10-03 Thread Mark Gardner
> On 10/3/05, Greg Estabrooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The 500 is likely to be cheaper than two 150's, and you
> > It's not. In fact it's usually more expensive than 2 150's
> not a lot cheaper, but it *is* cheaper than 2 PVR-150's.

What about configureation.  Is it easier to get a couple of 150s
working or the 500?

 _\ | /_
(@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] SuSE 9.3 350 Tv out

2005-09-12 Thread Mark Gardner
> >  >Does anyone have a working install of Suse 9.3 with TV out working. 

I have SUSE 10 RC1 with a 350 tvout working.  The instructions and my
notes are here

Mark Gardner
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] TV-out working but not with myth

2005-08-28 Thread Mark Gardner
Platform SUSE 9.3

The tv-out is working splendidly, however I cannot watch tv.  Myth
will record a show just fine (can see it in the recoded progams and
mythweb) However when I try to watch the recording All I get is a
blank screen. no audio.  If I try to watch live tv all I get is a
black screen and then it crashes.  The USE 350 hardware section is

the dd if=/dev/vido0 of=/dev/video16 works kinda...
If the frambuffer is loaded then the fb will stay on top, I assume the
video is playing underneath because I hear the audio.

Not even sure where to start troubleshooting this one.

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: ivtv-osd: OSD: Offset 1388172 is greater than buffer!!!

2005-08-26 Thread Mark Gardner
On 8/26/05, Mark Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My /var/log/message file fills up with these messages when I do the following.
> Boot
> init 3 #to stop X
> modprobe ivtv
> modprobe ivtv-fb
> init 5
> I can see the login screen but it is unresponsive. I'm using version
> 0.3.7h because it is reported working on SUSE 9.3

The problem was the in the xorg.conf was set to PAL-M when the tuner
was set in NTSC mode.  modifying the xorg.conf fixed the problem
I now have a working SUSE 9.3 box with tv-out over the PVR 350


_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] ivtv-osd: OSD: Offset 1388172 is greater than buffer!!!

2005-08-26 Thread Mark Gardner
My /var/log/message file fills up with these messages when I do the following.

init 3 #to stop X
modprobe ivtv
modprobe ivtv-fb
init 5

I can see the login screen but it is unresponsive. I'm using version
0.3.7h because it is reported working on SUSE 9.3

the Xorg.0.log contains the following.
(II) Setting vga for screen 0.
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)Framebuffer id from dev /dev/fb1is 1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video48 returned  6
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)get_fb returned  0 fbid 1
Version of ivtv is too old to support Xv
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video49 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video50 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video51 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video52 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video53 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video54 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video55 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video56 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video57 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video58 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video59 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video60 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video61 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video62 returned  -1
(EE) IVTVDEV_TST(0)open /dev/video63 returned  -1
(**) IVTVDEV_TST(0)Depth 24, (**) framebuffer bpp 32

Thank you for your help!!!

If this is better suited for the ivtvdev list then I'll post there as well.

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
     Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Suse 9.3 PVR 350 Tv-out modprobe.conf

2005-08-26 Thread Mark Gardner
Does anyone have a working installation of Suse 9.3 PVR 350 with tv
out.  I'm so close to getting the tvout working.  I'm just having a
problem with X looking for the framebuffer before ivtv-fb is loaded.
How would you setup the modprobe.conf or modprobe.local or
modprobe.d/tv be setup

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
     Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Missing ivtv dev

2005-08-26 Thread Mark Gardner
On 8/26/05, Mark Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ivtv Version 0.3.7h
> Suse 9.3
> Where Do I get ivtvdev?  I don't understand why ivtv dev did not come
> with the regular install, or do I have to copy something manualy.

Wow I'm doing good and answering my own posts.  For archival purposes
I found the answer from another post.

ivtv installation:
1) Get the latest drivers ( and unpack the tarball.
2) Descend into the "driver" directory.  In this directory, type

> make
> sudo make install

(I generally do these as a reg. user).  FWIW I also follow this with

> sudo /sbin/depmod

3) Leave "driver" and go into "utils" directory.  From here,

> make
> sudo make install

4) From the same utils directory, also type the command

> sudo install -c -m 0444 ivtvdev_drv_o 
> /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/ivtvdev_drv.o

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-150 Setup Problems

2005-08-26 Thread Mark Gardner
On 8/26/05, tufkal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will try to be as thorough as possible to expediate this.  Got a pair
> of PVR-150 cards today to replace my BT878 cards.  Tossed em into my
> backend and dove into HOWTOs and FAQs at various websites.  So far here
> is where I am.

> I got static fading in and out.  Tried changing channels it was the
> same.  Fading in and out of a black screen and static.  I tried cat
> /dev/video0 to a .mpg and playing it with mplayer and found the same
> output.  I also tried using ptune_ui to manually tune it to a channel
> and I got same thing.

Static is a very well documented issue, try searching the archives. 
But i belive it has something to do with the cards no being tuned. 
Load the or utility to set the input and try
changeing chanels.  My problem is usualy that the card is not using
the tuner but some other input sorce.  (not sure how the 150s work
with that though).

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Missing ivtv dev

2005-08-26 Thread Mark Gardner
ivtv Version 0.3.7h
Suse 9.3

Where Do I get ivtvdev?  I don't understand why ivtv dev did not come
with the regular install, or do I have to copy something manualy.

I have a report of version  ivtvdev: 0.10.4 working on my plat.


Here's a snipet of my xorg log

(II) Module drm: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 6.8.2, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.2
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
(II) LoadModule: "ivtvdev"
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module ivtvdev
(II) UnloadModule: "ivtvdev"
(EE) Failed to load module "ivtvdev" (module does not exist, 0)
(II) LoadModule: "kbd"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/kbd_drv.o
(II) Module kbd: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 6.8.2, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.4
(II) LoadModule: "mouse"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/mouse_drv.o
(II) Module mouse: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 6.8.2, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.4
(II) v4l driver for Video4Linux
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(EE) No devices detected.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: SUSE 10 Beta2 - ivtv not loading

2005-08-25 Thread Mark Gardner
On 8/25/05, Mark Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm haveing a firmware problem.  No matter what directory i load in
> the ivtv-fw-enc.bin and ivtv-fw-dec.bin It still dies durring the
> modprobe ivtv.
> Here is the IVTV section from /var/log/message.
> I've tried the following folders
> /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware
> /lib/modules
> /lub/modules/`uname-r`/kernel/drivers/pci/hotplug
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: msp34xx: $Id$ compiled on: Aug 25 2005 11:41:45
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: i2c attach [client=MSP3448W-A2,ok]
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: requesting ivtv-fw-enc.bin from hotplug
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: firmware load failed
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: failed loading encoder firmware
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Error loading firmware -3!
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Error -3 initializing firmware.
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Error -12 on initialization
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv-iTVC15_16_mpg2_encoder_card: probe
> of :00:09.0 failed with error -12
> Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv:   END INIT
> IVTV  

ODD?! Rebooting the box made it work.   Does anyone know what happend?

    _\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] SUSE 10 Beta2 - ivtv not loading

2005-08-25 Thread Mark Gardner
I'm haveing a firmware problem.  No matter what directory i load in
the ivtv-fw-enc.bin and ivtv-fw-dec.bin It still dies durring the
modprobe ivtv.

Here is the IVTV section from /var/log/message.
I've tried the following folders

Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Linux version:
2.6.13-rc6-git7-3-default 586 REGPARM gcc-4.0
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: In case of problems please
include the debug info
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: between the START INIT IVTV and
END INIT IVTV lines when
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: mailing the ivtv-devel mailinglist.
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Autodetected WinTV PVR 350 card
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Found an iTVC15 based chip
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:09.0[A] ->
GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 201
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Unreasonably low latency timer,
setting to 64 (was 32)
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: tveeprom: module not supported by
Novell, setting U taint flag.
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: tveeprom: Hauppauge: model = 48132, rev
= K268, serial# = 2867327
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: tveeprom: tuner = LG TAPE H001F MK3
(idx = 68, type = 47)
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: tveeprom: tuner fmt = NTSC(M) (eeprom =
0x08, v4l2 = 0x1000)
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: tveeprom: audio processor = MSP4448 (type = 1b)
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: tveeprom: decoder processor = SAA7115 (type = 13)
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: i2c attach [client=tveeprom[50],ok]
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Tuner Type 47, Tuner formats
0x1000, Radio: yes, Model 0x00ad2598, Revision 0x0001
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: NTSC tuner detected
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Radio detected
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: tuner: module not supported by Novell,
setting U taint flag.
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: tuner: Ignoring new-style parameters in
presence of obsolete ones
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: tuner: chip found at addr 0xc2 i2c-bus
ivtv i2c driver #0
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: i2c attach [client=(tuner unset),ok]
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: saa7115: module not supported by
Novell, setting U taint flag.
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: saa7115: starting probe for adapter
SMBus Via Pro adapter at 0500 (0x0)
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: saa7115: starting probe for adapter
ivtv i2c driver #0 (0x10005)
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: saa7115: detecting saa7115 client on address 0x42
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: saa7115: writing init values
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: ivtv: i2c attach [client=saa7115[50],ok]
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: saa7115: status: (1E) 0x00, (1F) 0xc0
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: saa7127: module not supported by
Novell, setting U taint flag.
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: saa7127: Ignoring new-style parameters
in presence of obsolete ones
Aug 25 11:47:27 mcbain kernel: saa7127: video encoder driver version V
0.3 loaded
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: saa7127: starting probe on adapter ivtv
i2c driver #0 (0x10005)
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: saa7127: detecting saa7127 client on address 0x88
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: saa7127: Selecting NTSC video Standard
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: saa7127: Selecting S-Video+Composite
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: saa7127: Turn WSS off
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: saa7127: Widescreen Mode 4:3 Full Format
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: saa7127: Selecting Normal Encoder Input
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: saa7127: Enable Video Output
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: i2c attach [client=saa7127[50],ok]
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: msp3400: module not supported by
Novell, setting U taint flag.
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: msp34xx: ivtv version
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: msp34xx: init: chip=MSP3448W-A2, has
NICAM support, simple (D) mode, simpler (G) no-thread mode
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: msp34xx: $Id$ compiled on: Aug 25 2005 11:41:45
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: i2c attach [client=MSP3448W-A2,ok]
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: requesting ivtv-fw-enc.bin from hotplug
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: firmware load failed
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: failed loading encoder firmware
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Error loading firmware -3!
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Error -3 initializing firmware.
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv: Error -12 on initialization
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv-iTVC15_16_mpg2_encoder_card: probe
of :00:09.0 failed with error -12
Aug 25 11:47:28 mcbain kernel: ivtv:   END INIT
_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] 350 Tv Out vs. Nvidia 5200

2005-08-22 Thread Mark Gardner
Can anyone comment on the quality comparison between the two
abovementioned chipsets?

Advantages / Disadvantages, I have a 350 and have struggled on and off
now for about 5 months to get it to work (Got it to work once but then
the HD died).
Mostly interested in quality of TV playback.

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] SuSE 9.3 350 Tv out

2005-08-05 Thread Mark Gardner
Does anyone have a working install of Suse 9.3 with TV out working. 
If so could you post your xorg.conf file here.  I've gotten mine so
close.   Also specify wich version of IVTV you're using.   I've
searched the archive and did not find anything super useful.

Thanks in Advance!!!
_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] No tvout on PVR350

2005-07-22 Thread Mark Gardner
On 7/19/05, Ivan Eulaers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having trouble to enable the tv-out on my PVR350.
> When I hook up my tv to the composite out, I only have
> a black screen in mythtv when I select live tv. I do
> have the images on my monitor. The tv-out option in
> the settings has been selected!
> I'm using SuSe 9.3 and ivtv-0.2.0-rc3j.
I have a similar problem just wonderingif you were able to make any headway

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] IMDB Screen Scrap... legal?

2005-07-08 Thread Mark Gardner

> explicitly forbidden. Only small subsets of filmographies are allowed to be
> quoted, and only on non-commercial websites. The latter restrictions on the
> use of data may be unenforceable, as the U.S. Supreme Court in Feist v.
> Rural ruled that collections of facts are not protected by copyright."
>  With that being said... i can say anything to scare you but that doesn't
> mean i can take it to court and win.

Ok great there is a possible legal loophole that Myth would fit
into.  But as a community project i feel we have a greater
responsibility.  If a site askes not to be screen scraped, whe should
comply with their wishes. Especialy when there is another alternative
that is free, and completely legal.

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] IMDB Screen Scrap... legal?

2005-07-08 Thread Mark Gardner
I don't think that the IMDB screen scraping that mythVideo is using is legal under the rules and conditions with IMDB. 
Does myth tv have written consent to use the information?

The Reason I Ask is that I"m writing my own program and running into
legal problems, and remember that Myth does the same thing. 

--_\ | /_   (@ @)-oOOo-(_)-oOOo-----  ~ Mark     Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] PVR 350 and WinTv Go?

2005-04-18 Thread Mark Gardner
Does anyone have both the PVR 350 w/ TV out working and a WinTv Go as
a seperate tuner.

Do shows recorded by the WinTV Go work with the PVR 350 out (high /
low cpu usage)

I currently have a 350 w/ TV out working an an AMD duron system (*1.3
GHz) and was thinking about adding a dirt cheap card for PIP and when
two shows need to be recorded at the same time.

A search in the archives says that the WInTv Go card uses only Bttv
driver, and that leads me to belive that ouput over the 350 would be

Thank You All
_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Sharing data between two backends

2005-04-15 Thread Mark Gardner
> I like to share recordings between two backends - one
> in the US and one in Germany. Has anyone done this
> yet? Or an idea how to do that. Data could be rsync'ed
> over night but how to get the database updated or how
> to select the recordings I want. This would be a nice
> new feature.
> Thanks.

I think Rsync would be your best option for the Data Portion.  One
idea would be to just point myhth backend to only one of the Mysql
Servers.  IE both US and Germany point to the Mysql instance in
Germany. (Then again i don't know how heavily the database is hit when
starting a show or if the lag would be acceptable.)

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-350 unable to tune any channel...

2005-04-15 Thread Mark Gardner
> Maybe the problem is to set the right tuner (Type 38 i think) and input
> in modprobe.conf

> ivtv: i2c attach [client=tveeprom[0],ok]
> ivtv: Tuner Type 38, Tuner formats 0x00400e17, Radio: yes, Model

What versions of ivtv are you using?
What is the output of lspci -a?  This would also be a good question
for the IVTV list. as it has little to do with myth (only ivtv).  But
we're still happy to help.
_\ | /_
   (@ @)
  ~ Mark
 Gardner ~
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Motherboard Recomendation

2005-03-31 Thread Mark Gardner
I've skimmed the archives and havnt' found an answer to my liking...
so here's the question

I'm planning on building a myth Frontend/Backend box with some
hardware i have around
AMD 1200 Duron (could be Athlon if I need the power)
PVR 350
512 DDR
Will build either on SUSE 9.3 ( I work for novell ) or Fedora Core 

What i'm looking for is a motherboard that won't break the bank, but
just works.  I had one with a VIA chipset that had a bunch of DMA
errors :( But have had many good reports with nForce chipsets.
Preferably the onboard sound should work
Onboard video a plus but not required...

Thanks in Advance.
_\ | /_
   (@ @)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] the ultimate setup

2005-03-03 Thread Mark Gardner
> I was wondering what kind of recommendations folks had for nice
> looking a/v style cases, preferably with quiet power supplies and
> adequate PCI slots.

I've really enjoyed this case!
_\ | /_
   (@ @)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: mythfilldatabase

2005-01-22 Thread Mark Gardner
What version of IVTV are you using.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Getting Started

2005-01-20 Thread Mark Gardner
On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 08:26:44 -0600, Bill Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm new to the list and MythTV!
>  My goal is to build a PVR that's not much (if any) larger than an average
> VCR, has the power necessary to really do the job, but also has low noise
> and doesn't generate excessive heat.  
>  I'm looking for pointers on a mobo and case that will get the job done. 
> Cost matters less than hitting the noise, heat, and size targets because I
> plan to take my time and buy components over a period of months.
I use this case here.
 My wife loves it cause it's only just a little bigger than the VCR. 
It's full size so the PVR 350 fits in with no problem.   I have an
micro Atx motherboard and intel P4.   My only complaint is that the
processor fan is VERY loud. remidiable by purchasing a quieter fan.  I
had an AMD mobo combo in this case earlier this year and it was wisper
quiet so i know it wasnt the case.

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Incomplete Recordings: SOLVED (and bug found?)

2005-01-20 Thread Mark Gardner
On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 08:14:50 -0700, Scott Nicholson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've posted a couple of times over the last few weeks about a problem I
> was having with incomplete recordings (some, but not all, of my
> recordings would halt about 15 seconds in, but mythtv seemed unaware of
> this, as there was no indication of it in the logs and myth would report
> that the recording was completed at the time it was supposed to be
> completed). When a recording was prematurely aborted the backend would
> stop responding until it was restarted.
> I tried ivtv updates and CVS updates to no avail, but then at one point
> I was watching the log (tail -f) when a recording started and watching
> the filesize (F5 in Windows Explorer) grow as the recording started.
> The filesize stopped getting bigger at the precise moment that the
> backend log noted that it had scheduled x items in y seconds.
> So I deduced that something in the scheduler was causing the recording
> to stop.
> On a whim, I decided to remove the one "unique" recording schedule I had
> -- a custom recording that was to grab all shows with "torres" in the
> title (Jacques Torres baking/candymaking shows on FoodTV often have
> different titles)
> voila!
> So... How do I go about reporting this (apparent) bug?

More importantly is can you replicate the but.   If you put torres
back into the scheduler will you get the same output?
_\ | /_
   (@ @)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-350 TV-OUT tests not working

2005-01-18 Thread Mark Gardner
> Jan 17 19:51:48 mbox kernel: saa7127: video encoder driver unloaded
> Jan 17 19:52:09 mbox kernel: saa7127: Unknown parameter `test_image'

This line here makes me nervous.  I'm not sure what package installs
the test images

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mythtv Howto on SUSE 9.2

2005-01-18 Thread Mark Gardner
Finaly a donation better than Gmail invites.   I've setup a wiki that
i'd like devoted to setting up Myth tv on Suse Distributions.   It's
still in it's infancy, so please feel free to add you nuggets of

After using jarods guide for a few installs of myth tv i thought i'd
take some advice and use the Distribution that you're most familiar
with.   So I thought i wold be great to setup a one-stop location for
suse installs.  A "jarods guide" but geared twards the suse

Please feel free to explore.

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Automatic mythtranscode

2005-01-16 Thread Mark Gardner
On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 23:42:55 +0100, Alex Polite
> On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 16:56:28 -0500, William
> > I believe the steps go something like this: Go to your tv recording profiles
> > screen and select transcoding profile. Select your source type and change
> > the destination type to mpeg4 and set the qualitity settings as desired.
> > Once that is done go and set the recordings you want trancoded to transcode
> > after recording and you are done.

Would this make sense on a Frontend/Backend system with only a PVR2
350?  Transcoding to mpeg4 would only mean heavy CPU usage on playback

_\ | /_
   (@ @)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Newbie Question(s)

2005-01-13 Thread Mark Gardner
> I am currently collecting the HW I will use to build my MythTv box.  One
> point i am unclear on is regarding the need for a video card.  I've already
> purchased a WinTv PVR-350 - do I also need a regular video card?  I'm
> planning on using SuSE 9.1.  Do I need a video card to do the OS install, or
> can I do it with just the PVR 350 and a TV (I think the answer should be
> "no")?  If I have a video card, do i even need a TV - can I just stream the
> video to a nice flat-panel LCD and be rid of the TV forever?  Finally, what
> video card would you recommend I use?  For that matter, how about sound
> cards?  I'd like Dolby 5.1, THX, whatever I can get.  Current (planned)
> system specs: 
> 1) AMD64 3800+, 1G RAM, 1.2T SATA HD, WinTv PVR-350 
> 2) SuSE 9.1 
> Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

A couple of pointers.. 
-If this is going to be a dedicated combo frontend / backend I don't
see any reason to fork out the extra cash on a 64 bit system

- Suse 9.2 is out and has the patched kernel for the 350 Card (just to
make life a little easier)  ivtv docs for 9.2 are comming along nicely

- You cannot setup your system with just the 350 you'll need another
monitor.  However if you want to bag the tv idea and just use VGA on
an LCD you can save some more cash if you just purchase the PVR 250
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problem with IVTV does my kernel need patching

2005-01-12 Thread Mark Gardner
I think this would be better suited for ivtv users list but you're all
very good at this and may know if my kernel needs to be patched and if
my 350 Card loaded Corectly.

  ivtv: version 0.2.0 (rc3b) loading
  ivtv: Linux version: 2.6.8-24.10-default 586 REGPARM gcc-3.3
  ivtv: In case of problems please include the debug info
  ivtv: between the START INIT IVTV and END INIT IVTV lines when
  ivtv: mailing the ivtv-devel mailinglist.
  ivtv: Autodetected WinTV PVR 350 card
  ivtv: Found an iTVC15 based chip
  ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:09.0[A] -> GSI 10 (level, low) -> IRQ 10
  ivtv: VIA PCI device: 0x3205 vendor: 0x1106
  i2c-algo-bit.o: (0) scl=1, sda=1
  i2c-algo-bit.o: (1) scl=1, sda=0
  i2c-algo-bit.o: (2) scl=1, sda=1
  i2c-algo-bit.o: (3) scl=0, sda=1
  i2c-algo-bit.o: (4) scl=1, sda=1
  i2c-algo-bit.o: ivtv i2c driver #0 passed test.
  ivtv: i2c attach [client=unset,ok]
  evdev_connect: evdev dde13240 handle dde1325c name event3
  ir-kbd-i2c: i2c IR (Hauppauge) detected at i2c-0/0-0018/ir0 [ivtv
i2c driver #0]
  tveeprom: Hauppauge: model = 48132, rev = K268, serial# = 2867327
  tveeprom: tuner = LG TAPE H001F MK3 (idx = 68, type = 47)
  tveeprom: tuner fmt = NTSC(M) (eeprom = 0x08, v4l2 = 0x1000)
  tveeprom: audio_processor = MSP3440 (type = 11)
  ivtv: i2c attach [client=tveeprom[2],ok]
  tuner: chip found at addr 0xc2 i2c-bus ivtv i2c driver #0
  ivtv: i2c attach [client=(tuner unset),ok]
  saa7115: starting probe for adapter ivtv i2c driver #0 (0x10005)
  saa7115: detecting saa7115 client on address 0x42
  saa7115: writing init values
  ivtv: i2c attach [client=saa7115[2],ok]
  saa7115: status: (1E) 0x48, (1F) 0xe0
  saa7127: Selecting NTSC video Standard
  saa7127: Selecting S-Video+Composite
  saa7127: Turn WSS off
  saa7127: Widescreen Mode 4:3 Full Format
  saa7127: Selecting Normal Encoder Input
  saa7127: Enable Video Output
  ivtv: i2c attach [client=saa7127[2],ok]
  msp34xx: ivtv version
  msp34xx: init: chip=MSP3448W-A2, has NICAM support, simple (D) mode,
simpler (G) no-thread mode
  msp34xx: $Id$ compiled on: Nov  2 2005 11:38:58
  ivtv: i2c attach [client=MSP3448W-A2,ok]
  ivtv: Tuner Type 47, Tuner formats 0x1000, Radio: yes, Model
0x00ad2598, Revision 0x0001
  ivtv: NTSC tuner detected
  ivtv: Radio detected
  ivtv: Encoder revision: 0x02040024
  ivtv: Encoder Firmware is buggy, use version 0x02040011
  ivtv: Decoder revision: 0x02020023
  ivtv: Configuring WinTV PVR 350 card with 9 streams
  ivtv: Create DMA stream 0 using 256 16384 byte buffers  4194304 kbytes total
  ivtv: Registered v4l2 device, streamtype 0 minor 0
  ivtv: Create DMA stream 1 
  ivtv: Registered v4l2 device, streamtype 1 minor 32
  ivtv: Create stream 2 using 40 52224 byte buffers  2097152 kbytes total
  ivtv: Registered v4l2 device, streamtype 2 minor 224
  ivtv: Create DMA stream 3 using 455 4608 byte buffers  2097152 kbytes total
  ivtv: Registered v4l2 device, streamtype 3 minor 24
  ivtv: Create stream 4 
  ivtv: Registered v4l2 device, streamtype 4 minor 64
  ivtv: Create DMA stream 5 using 16 65536 byte buffers  1048576 kbytes total
  ivtv: Registered v4l2 device, streamtype 5 minor 16
  ivtv: Create stream 6 using 1024 2048 byte buffers  262144 kbytes total
  ivtv: Registered v4l2 device, streamtype 6 minor 228
  ivtv: Create stream 7 
  ivtv: Registered v4l2 device, streamtype 7 minor 232
  ivtv: Create DMA stream 8 
  ivtv: Registered v4l2 device, streamtype 8 minor 48
  ivtv: Setting Tuner 47
  tuner: type set to 47 (LG NTSC (TAPE series)) by ivtv i2c driver #0
  ivtv: Setting audio matrix to input 3, output 1
  ivtv: Switching standard to NTSC.
  ivtv: ivtv_enc_thread: pid = 13826, itv = 0xdf4398a0
  ivtv: ivtv_dec_thread: pid = 13827, itv = 0xdf4398a0
  saa7115: decoder set norm NTSC
  saa7115: set audio: 0x01
  saa7127: Setting Encoder Video Standard
  saa7127: Set NTSC Video Mode
  saa7127: Selecting NTSC video Standard
  ivtv: Initialized WinTV PVR 350, card #0
  ivtv:   END INIT IVTV  
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] System crashes when I try to do data transfer over ethernet

2005-01-12 Thread Mark Gardner
> > >Anybody have any ideas?
> sftp and ftp work for me ... smb transfers give me problems

No ideas without more information.  If it's smb transfer problems
the question might be more suited for a Samba Users List.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth on Ubuntu

2005-01-11 Thread Mark Gardner
I guess anothe question would be ... 
does anyone have the PVR 350 w/tvOut  working on Ubuntu.  And is there
a guide similar to Jarods for it?  ( I ask the first to find out if
it's worth my time and the second because if there is none i'd like to
make one)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Myth on Ubuntu

2005-01-11 Thread Mark Gardner
Has anyone got Mythtv Working on Ubuntu?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-350 output hanging

2005-01-11 Thread Mark Gardner
> I have this little weird problem.
> Everything works fine with my PVR-350, I can capture perfectly, tune
> channels, etc.
> But if I try to output through /dev/video16 it hangs after a while.
> I am testing this performing the dd if=/dev/video0 of=/dev/video16 bs=64k
> I tried different versions of the codec 0.2.0rc2f 0.2.0rc3 0.3.0.
> I get kind of the same problem, with the two last I get black and white
> picture.
> Does anyone knows what is happening here? any idea of what to do next?

I had a similar problem because i hae Xv enabled, and the 350 doesn't
support it.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] DMA to ivtv FB problems

2005-01-10 Thread Mark Gardner
Sorry if this is a repost but i never saw it come back on the list.
Weird Problem.
Abit motherboard via chipset
PVR 350
FC2 by Jarods Guide

If i use
cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test_capture.mpg
the resulting file plays fine on another computer. however when I try
to use mplayer i get the following output.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# /usr/bin/mplayer /dev/video0
MPlayer 1.0pre6-3.3.3 (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team
CPU: Advanced Micro Devices Athlon MP/XP Thoroughbred (Family: 6, Stepping: 1)
Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0

Opening joystick device /dev/input/js0
Can't open joystick device /dev/input/js0 : No such device
Can't init input joystick
Setting up LIRC support...
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support.
You will not be able to use your remote control.
Playing /dev/video0.
MPEG-PS file format detected.
VIDEO:  MPEG2  720x480  (aspect 2)  29.970 fps  15000.0 kbps (1875.0 kbyte/s)
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 48000->192000 (384.0 kbit)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm:mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
No vidix driver name provided, probing available ones (-v option for details)!
vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!
vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!
Opening video decoder: [mpegpes] MPEG 1/2 Video passthrough
VDec: vo config request - 720 x 480 (preferred csp: Mpeg PES)
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
The selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec.
VDecoder init failed :(
Opening video decoder: [libmpeg2] MPEG 1/2 Video decoder libmpeg2-v0.4.0b
Selected video codec: [mpeg12] vfm:libmpeg2 (MPEG 1 or 2 (libmpeg2))
Checking audio filter chain for 48000Hz/2ch/16bit -> 48000Hz/2ch/16bit...
AF_pre: af format: 2 bps, 2 ch, 48000 hz, little endian signed int
AF_pre: 48000Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
alsa-init: got device=0, subdevice=0
alsa-init: 1 soundcard found, using: default
alsa: 48000 Hz/2 channels/4 bpf/65536 bytes buffer/Signed 16 bit Little Endian
AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (2 bps)
Building audio filter chain for 48000Hz/2ch/16bit -> 48000Hz/2ch/16bit...
Starting playback...
VDec: vo config request - 720 x 480 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
No accelerated colorspace conversion found
SwScaler: using unscaled Planar YV12 -> RGBA special converter
VO: [ivtvosd] 720x480 => 720x540 RGBA
fb_size=6291456 fb_dev_fd=5
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument% ??% ??,?% 0 0
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument% ??% ??,?% 0 0
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument% ??% ??,?% 0 0

This continues until i hit [CTRL] C .

I've tried to look in the archives and found some stuff similar but no
answer.  Relating to mplayer not being able  to send through the Frame
buffer. but still no answer.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument

2005-01-09 Thread Mark Gardner
Weird Problem.  
Abit motherboard via chipset
PVR 350
FC2 by Jarods Guide

If i use 
cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test_capture.mpg
the resulting file plays fine on another computer. however when I try
to use mplayer i get the following output.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# /usr/bin/mplayer /dev/video0
MPlayer 1.0pre6-3.3.3 (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team
CPU: Advanced Micro Devices Athlon MP/XP Thoroughbred (Family: 6, Stepping: 1)
Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0

Opening joystick device /dev/input/js0
Can't open joystick device /dev/input/js0 : No such device
Can't init input joystick
Setting up LIRC support...
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support.
You will not be able to use your remote control.
Playing /dev/video0.
MPEG-PS file format detected.
VIDEO:  MPEG2  720x480  (aspect 2)  29.970 fps  15000.0 kbps (1875.0 kbyte/s)
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 48000->192000 (384.0 kbit)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm:mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
No vidix driver name provided, probing available ones (-v option for details)!
vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!
vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!
Opening video decoder: [mpegpes] MPEG 1/2 Video passthrough
VDec: vo config request - 720 x 480 (preferred csp: Mpeg PES)
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
The selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec.
VDecoder init failed :(
Opening video decoder: [libmpeg2] MPEG 1/2 Video decoder libmpeg2-v0.4.0b
Selected video codec: [mpeg12] vfm:libmpeg2 (MPEG 1 or 2 (libmpeg2))
Checking audio filter chain for 48000Hz/2ch/16bit -> 48000Hz/2ch/16bit...
AF_pre: af format: 2 bps, 2 ch, 48000 hz, little endian signed int
AF_pre: 48000Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
alsa-init: got device=0, subdevice=0
alsa-init: 1 soundcard found, using: default
alsa: 48000 Hz/2 channels/4 bpf/65536 bytes buffer/Signed 16 bit Little Endian
AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (2 bps)
Building audio filter chain for 48000Hz/2ch/16bit -> 48000Hz/2ch/16bit...
Starting playback...
VDec: vo config request - 720 x 480 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
No accelerated colorspace conversion found
SwScaler: using unscaled Planar YV12 -> RGBA special converter
VO: [ivtvosd] 720x480 => 720x540 RGBA
fb_size=6291456 fb_dev_fd=5
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument% ??% ??,?% 0 0
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument% ??% ??,?% 0 0
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument
Error with sending DMA to ivtv FB! Invalid argument% ??% ??,?% 0 0

This continues until i hit [CTRL] C .

I've tried to look in the archives and found some stuff similar but no
answer.  Relating to mplayer not being able  to send through the Frame
buffer. but still no answer.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] re: Knoppmyth only for frontend?

2005-01-07 Thread Mark Gardner
I went ahead and tried knoppmyth the other night!!!  Almost flawless. 
 It connected just fine and i was able to watch my precious Simpsons. 
 However When i Tried to view live TV it said all the tuners were
being used.  (but they weren't) even restarting the backend didn't fix
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Automatic startup with tv-out - solved

2005-01-07 Thread Mark Gardner
On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 21:41:02 +0100, Sigurd Nes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sigurdne wrote:
> > The X-seesion won't start because /dev/fb1 is not present at the time it 
> > tries
> > to start.
> > I do all the modprobes from a start-script (usr/local/bin/start-ivtv)
> > initiated from '/etc/rc.d/rc.local'
> > I guess what I need to do is to make sure that the start-script is initiated
> > before the X-session is started. How can I accomplish this ?
> >
> > Sigurd
> >
> >
> Sollution:
> 1) Configure gdm to autologin with user mythtv
> 2) Start gdm with /usr/bin/gdm at the end of the start-script

i'm having a similar problem to this one i think.   
PVR 350 w/ TV out

ON Startup.
Computer boots up normaly
rc.local runs but cannot complete stuff becuase /dev/fb1 is not there
X crashes.
gdm does not start
...basically autostart all is dead

I can then recover it by
manualy run rc.local again
login (auto login doesn't work now)
start mythfrontend (KDE autostart didnt' work either)
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: Knoppmyth only for frontend?

2005-01-06 Thread Mark Gardner
> Before i spend the time to download a knopmytht ISO, curious to know
> if this senario will work.  I love simpsons, but my wife can't stand
> them, what i would like to do is borrow my wifes windows box in the
> office and boot knoppmyth and just have a frontend running for a short
> time. (long enought to watch simpsons) then reboot back to windows.

I should have also added that i have a working backend/frontend in the
living room.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Knoppmyth only for frontend?

2005-01-06 Thread Mark Gardner
Before i spend the time to download a knopmytht ISO, curious to know
if this senario will work.  I love simpsons, but my wife can't stand
them, what i would like to do is borrow my wifes windows box in the
office and boot knoppmyth and just have a frontend running for a short
time. (long enought to watch simpsons) then reboot back to windows.

Mark Gardner
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] videos not working...

2005-01-06 Thread Mark Gardner
On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 13:10:02 -0500, PAUL WILLIAMSON
> I've got a problem that is driving me nuts...
> Background: I have a backend and a remote frontend.
> Installation was done via atrpms and Jarod's guide.
> LiveTV works fine.  All recordings work fine.
> Music works fine.  Videos do not.
> No matter what I do, I can't get anything to play saved
> videos.  All the videos show up in the browser, but when
> I select one, it just returns me to the selection screen
> after about 5 seoncds.
> Where do I start?  I have tried both mplayer and xine with
> no luck.  If I fire up the frontend on my backend, I get the
> same result.

I had a similar problem that delt with permissions.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 350 On Screen Display off edges of screen

2005-01-05 Thread Mark Gardner
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 21:16:16 -, John Harvey
> It works for me with no window manager as well.
> If it doesn't work with your window manager then setting the run in window
> option has been none to fix it for some people.

I'd love to run it without a window manager.  Not sure how. 
In the mean time, running myth frontend in a window has made a world
of difference.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] PVR 350 On Screen Display off edges of screen

2005-01-04 Thread Mark Gardner
I'm using FC2 following Jarods Guide.  When i view X or mythfrontend
over the 350's TV out it does not fit in the televisons screen.   I'm
not even sure where to start to resolve this.

Thanks for your help
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] apt-get dist-upgrade conflicts

2005-01-02 Thread Mark Gardner
I just did a fresh install of FC2 this morning and came up with the
same errors does anyone have a solution or should a bug report be

> The following packages have been kept back
>   rpm rpm-build rpm-devel rpm-python
> 176 upgraded, 19 newly installed, 1 replaced, 1 removed and 4 not upgraded.
> Need to get 0B/282MB of archives.
> After unpacking 18.2MB of additional disk space will be used.
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
> Committing changes...
> Preparing...### [100%]
> file /usr/lib/ from install of
> conflicts with file from package rpm-4.3.1-0.3
> file /usr/lib/ from install of
> conflicts with file from package rpm-4.3.1-0.3
> file /usr/lib/ from install of
> conflicts with file from package rpm-4.3.1-0.3
> file /usr/lib/ from install of
> conflicts with file from package rpm-4.3.1-0.3
> E: Error while running transaction
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Poor video quality in PVR-350

2005-01-01 Thread Mark Gardner
> I see this behavior both under WinTV2000 in Windows and MythTV. Videos
> recorded with MythTV have this problem when viewed on my PowerBook in
> VLC, too.

If you are having this behavior with the card in windows too with the
factory drivers.  You may have a bad card.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] [OT] Thanks for the Help

2004-12-21 Thread Mark Gardner
I have 8 gmail invites as a way of saying thanks.  Please reply off list.
Mark Gardner
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] My last few steps to FC3 success :)

2004-12-15 Thread Mark Gardner
> I've run into this.  I believe what happens is that the mythbackend
> starts before the user mythtv autologins to the box, so it's before
> mythtv assumed ownership of the console devices - including /dev/video0.
> That's why a restart fixes the problem - you're restarting the backend
> AFTER mythtv logged in, and so there's no permission issues.
> I think you can find the indicator in the mythbackend.log file,
> something about permission denied when opening video0.
> My fix was just to have the backend restart (as root) in mythtv's login
> sequence.

How do you do that (also FC3)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] a few questions about startup process

2004-12-13 Thread Mark Gardner
> I have been following Jarod's guide for setting up my FC3 mythbox.
> I have 1 sort of working, however not 100%.
> First off, I've added the lines:
> # ivtv modules setup
>   alias char-major-81 videodev
>   alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
> to my /etc/modprobe.conf file however upon reboot, the ivtv drivers are
> not loaded (at least live tv doesn't work and there is nothing in
> /var/messages to indicate it did load)
> If I run the commands:
> /sbin/depmod -a
> /sbin/modprobe ivtv
> Everything starts working again. What am I missing? I never 'get'
> drivers in linux, but don't the lines added to modprobe.conf say which
> drivers to load?

I'm having the same problem.  Havn't found a solution yet.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV refuses to change channel/Problems with modprobe

2004-12-13 Thread Mark Gardner
 I still have no idea why lirc is not
> working, if anyone has some insight as to what this ("lircd dead but
> subsys locked") means i'ld love to know. Hope this helps.

reinstalling lirc seemed to to the trick
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] rc.local not running

2004-12-13 Thread Mark Gardner
I have one of the newer 350 cards that need an extra line in rd.local
to get rid of the green tint.  Would that be better in rc.local or

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 18:08:25 -0800, Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 13 December 2004 17:21, Schwarz, Robert P wrote:
> > The rc.local script runs (I added an "echo `date rc.local`
> >
> > >/home/mythtv/startup" along with the "export MYKERNEL=`uname -r`".  The
> >
> > file get run but you do not get the benefit.  You just cannot set an
> > environemnt variable in rc.local!
> This has already been established, and a better workaround suggested. Please
> look at the rest of the messages in this thread, particularly the one from
> Paul Hamm.
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Phill Edwards
> > Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 7:09 PM
> > Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] [OT] rc.local not running
> >
> > >in Jarods Guide there is a line you add to RC.local to have $MYKERNEL
> > >variable.  i have the following in rc.local but it does not survive
> > >reboot.  Other things that happen too: there's and extra line to add so
> > >
> > >the newer 350s don't have a green screen or blue line on the right
> > >side.  Those don't survive reboot also.
> > >
> > >export MYKERNEL=`uname -r`
> >
> > Just a thought - is your rc.local in /etc or is it under /etc/rc[1-6].d?
> > If it's the latter perhaps you've modified the wrong one - maybe edited
> > the file in rc3.d file instead of rc5.d?
> --
> Jarod C. Wilson, RHCE
> Got a question? Read this first...
> MythTV, Fedora Core & ATrpms documentation:
> MythTV Searchable Mailing List Archive
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] ALSA not comming back after reboot

2004-12-13 Thread Mark Gardner
I'm Following Jarods Guide for FC3 and having problems with alsa. 
If i run alsaconf then my sound works fine.  But if i run kmix it dies
(aplay does not produce sound) until i run alsaconf again. then sound
works.  Here is a copy of my modprobe.conf i don't know what i need to
provide to get some help.

alias eth0 8139too
alias snd-card-0 snd-intel8x0
options snd-card-0 index=0
install snd-intel8x0 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-intel8x0 &&
/usr/sbin/alsactl restore >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
remove snd-intel8x0 { /usr/sbin/alsactl store >/dev/null 2>&1 || : ;
}; /sbin/modprobe -r --ignore-remove snd-intel8x0
alias usb-controller ehci-hcd
alias usb-controller1 uhci-hcd

# --- BEGIN: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
# --- ALSACONF verion 1.0.7 ---
alias snd-card-0 snd-intel8x0
alias sound-slot-0 snd-intel8x0
# --- END: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] [OT] rc.local not running

2004-12-13 Thread Mark Gardner
in Jarods Guide there is a line you add to RC.local to have $MYKERNEL
variable.  i have the following in rc.local but it does not survive
reboot.  Other things that happen too: there's and extra line to add
so the newer 350s don't have a green screen or blue line on the right
side.  Those don't survive reboot also.

export MYKERNEL=`uname -r`
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Frontend vs. backend: Which one needs to be faster?

2004-12-01 Thread Mark Gardner
> On Fri, 2004-11-26 at 17:07 -0500, Khanh Tran wrote:
> > Yes, in almost all cases the frontend needs to be faster.
> >

I hate to hijack the thread but i'm just curious.  I just bought a PVR
350 card and have a Athlon XP 2400 w/ 512 Ram.   Will that be enough
to watch live TV?  and will that be enough to record one show while
watching a second(pre recorded)
mythtv-users mailing list