Re: [mythtv-users] mythfrontend laptop linux distro???

2006-01-22 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Saturday 21 January 2006 11:09 am, mike choy wrote:
 Matt wrote:
  I think the days of what distro is best
  is out the window.  Ask a group of 10 people and you'll get 10
  different answers when it comes to distros.

 I  Agree... its SUSE :-)

 Mike C

nope, it's GENTOO

(2 down, 8 to go)

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythfrontend laptop linux distro???

2006-01-22 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Sunday 22 January 2006 1:54 am, Rudy Zijlstra wrote:
 Mathew Mrosko wrote:
 On Saturday 21 January 2006 11:09 am, mike choy wrote:
 Matt wrote:
 I think the days of what distro is best
 is out the window.  Ask a group of 10 people and you'll get 10
 different answers when it comes to distros.
 I  Agree... its SUSE :-)
 Mike C
 nope, it's GENTOO
 (2 down, 8 to go)

 Nagh, all you new-fangled players, its Slackware of course ! :-)

In case you haven't seen that :)

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Importing recordings after losing entire database and reinstalling

2006-01-18 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Wednesday 18 January 2006 6:33 pm, Steve Adeff wrote:
 I could modify my script to accept arbitrary filenames and ask for
 the show title and season/episode number if this is something folks would
 fine usefull in this situation?

I searched the last 2 months of my myth e-mails and can't find your 
script... Where can I find it?  I thought after the - 
transition there was no new helpful script... I have been out of touch on 
these lists for some time now.

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] DirectTV external tuner help

2005-08-03 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Tuesday 02 August 2005 03:19 pm, Alex Van Deusen wrote:

 I have a Sony Bat55 directv box. It is connected via a serial cable to
 my mythbackend. The ports are enabled in bios.

I use two Sat B55's Here are the scripts I use, in case yours are 
different, try these out.  The uses /dev/ttyS0, and the 
uses /dev/ttyS1 (kinda obvious, no?).

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com

Description: application/tgz
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Clean the database

2005-07-29 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Friday 29 July 2005 07:42 am, Daniel Agar wrote:
in mysql:

delete from recorded;
delete from oldrecorded;
delete from recordedmarkup;
delete from recordedprogram;

there might be a couple other tables that hold stuff about old recordings, but 
these should be sufficient to clear your previous recording stuff...

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] New Install Recommendations

2005-07-13 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Wednesday 13 July 2005 06:29 pm, Thom Paine wrote:
 I know everyone has their preference, and I've used RedHat for a long
 time, but for ease of installation and maintenance, what are some of
 the other installs that people are using?

 I tried MythDora, and I always seem to have some sort of a snag. Just
 when I thought it was working good, I find that it doesn't tune to the
 proper channel for recording.

 I'm downloading KnoppMyth as I type this, and will give it a try.

 I recently tried installing Gentoo on my spare laptop, and had had
 really good success. Many people running Gentoo using Myth?

 Basically I'm looking for solid backend and and will likely use Xboxes
 for frontends where I have TV's.

 I've been using FC4 on my good laptop, and I'd think that I wouldn't
 want to run this on the backend just yet. I like FC3, but these few
 changes is making it hard to get a working install.


Depending on your setup, there are other pluses to gentoo besides ease, and 
customizability.  If you're like most gentoo ricers (myself included), you 
want to compile everything from source, specific to your system.  I have a 
backend, and 3 remote frontends.  The three remote frontends are dell 
optiplexes (they're small, don't look that bad in a entertainment center 
rack, and they're cheap!)  Look up the Dell GX150 on eBay and you'll see.  
Anyways, back to my point.  I use distcc to distribute the compile over the 
network (  I also have one frontend 
set to use the buildpkg feature, which will make packages of the things it 
This makes it so that when I update my 3 frontends, everything is compiled 
from source specific to it's arcitecture, and with distcc, I can update all 3 
frontends in minutes instead of hours.  The combined forces of distcc and 
building packages, makes gentoo IDEAL for a setup with LIKE machines such as 
I have.

Also, another fun package most people should know about for using gentoo and 
compiles is screen.  This is a terminal emulator which you can detach from.  
In other words, you can ssh to your box, start compiling, and detach from the 
session and the compiles will continue.  Most people will just ssh to a 
machine, and must leave the session open to allow the compiles to continue, 
however, screen helps this out!

Hope that helps!

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Image gallery shows no previews

2005-07-09 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Saturday 09 July 2005 07:28 am, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:
 I'm running 0.18.1, FC3, atrpms thanks to Jarod's Guide.

 When I go to the Image Gallery, I don't get any previews
 on the folders or on regular images.  I know when I
 compiled from source back in the 0.14 or so days, I
 had little preview images.  What should I be looking
 for to fix the problem?


Check that myth has write permissions to your image directory.  It creates a 
folder called .thumbnails so if it can't write there, it won't make your 

I believe I saw a patch a while ago about adding something to the setup to 
allow the thumbnails to be written somewhere else, but I'm not sure about 

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythWeb Gentoo

2005-06-29 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Tuesday 28 June 2005 10:01 pm, Daniel Segel wrote:
 I think portage installs it into /usr/share/webapps/mythweb; I just cp'd
 it from there to /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mythweb and it works fine.
The e-build I use (it's kind of old... it sits in my overlay directory) 
automatically copies them to /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mythweb   The only 
things you will have to configure are the conf/config.php files and getting 
apache to have php_mod working.  To do that in gentoo, all you need to do is 
add APACHE2_OPTS=-D PHP4 or APACHE2_OPTS=-D PHP5 (depending on your 
version of mod_php) in /etc/conf.d/apache2.

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Defrag XFS?

2005-06-25 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Friday 24 June 2005 02:48 pm, j2 wrote:
 Not strictly a MythTV question, but is there a util (apart from
 backup/restore) to defrag XFS? My recording partition is getting very
 sluggish after being in use for a while?

how much ram do you have?  how big is your swap space?
you're probably just swapping after a while, which will bog things down... 
(type free -m at a prompt to see mem/swap usage in megabytes)

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Channel Surfing is a Myth

2005-06-24 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Thursday 23 June 2005 09:05 pm, J. Scott wrote:
 I'm not real clear on why anyone would channel surf and try to figure out
 what to watch via their mythtv box. First of all, you'll have to watch
 commercials (blech!). Second, you have to deal with the pause between
 channels, not to mention the fact that your box is running hard for no
 reason, having to compress a video signal, write it to disk, read it from
 the disk, decompress it, and deliver the video output.

 At our house, on the rare occasion that we watch live TV, we just bypass
 the MythBox. On the even more rare occasion that we find something on live
 TV that we might want to pause or be able to rewind, we'll just switch over
 to Myth. I'd say that happens maybe once every 60-90 days, max.

 Maybe I'm in the minority, but 'Live-TV' is by far the least used function
 on my Myth.

Good for you.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Adding a second disk to current LVM

2005-06-23 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Thursday 23 June 2005 06:27 pm, A JM wrote:
 I've read the docs with regard to adding a second hard drive to an
 existing LVM group and I need some clarification and maybe a slight
 how to.

 The VG VGforMyth has been created and is working fine. I've added a
 second hard drive and have created a primary partition on the drive
 using the entire disk and have changed the Hex code to 8e so I think
 the drive is about ready.

 Here is my confusion, according to the docs I'm supposed use
 pvcreate to create the PV then vgextend to add the volume to the
 group, is that it? Don't I need to tell the VG that it's been enlarged
 or something?

There are other parts of the docs that say once you add it to the vgextend you 
need to resize it to include all PE portions to make the size bigger.  Some 
say to just keep resizing it bigger until it is full, but look for the 
command (i think it's pvdisplay) and the line that has Total PE: X will 
be your key to make it use the whole drive.  This is in the LVM HOWTO.

 This drive has not been formatted so doesn't that process also need to
 take place? I've never seen an OS that could write to a drive not
 formatted and I don't see mention of that in the docs?

IIRC pvcreate puts the info on the drive that the LVM will need, as far as the 
XFS stuff, read on!

  My original  
 drive in the VG is formatted with XFS so I assumed I would need to
 format the new drive the same?

The new drive will be ready for XFS when you run the command to GROW the xfs 
size.  One of the great things about XFS is that you can leave it mounted 
when you grow the FS.  This is also in the HOWTO.

 Thanks for any light you can shed.
Sorry it wasn't too technical, and sort of RTFM format, but still, I hope 
that helps!

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythWeb Disc Usage calculation

2005-06-07 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Monday 06 June 2005 08:48 am, Chris Petersen wrote:
 How much should that number actually be?  The filesize calculation
 changed in CVS recently, and due to math limitations in php, I think
 that anything beyond 4TB of disk space will confuse it.


Maybe in my dreams it's 4TB!!! I only have 562 Gigs... I know the old output 
used to be the whole disk usage as opposed to what was used for just 
recordings, but I don't know what's wrong... I have 494 Gigs used, and 319 
Gigs of that are the recordings.  Does the new code rely on the video_dir 
and/or video_url?  I don't think I have that video_url line UNcommented from 
the config file.  The links and everything work without it, so I guess I'll 
try that until I hear of anything else!

Thanks for the reply Chris!!!
mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MythWeb Disc Usage calculation

2005-06-04 Thread Mathew Mrosko
Hi everybody!  My mythweb recorded_programs.php page does not show any disc 
usage on the bottom... all I get is 334 programs, using B (273 hrs 41 mins) 
out of B.  I thought maybe it was a CVS issue, and never saw any posts, and 
also, waited a few days, got new CVS built, and all the new plugins, but this 
still remains the same... this leads me to believe that something's wrong 
with my configuration... Is there anything in the DB used for this 
calculation?  Do I need to change permissions somewhere?


mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Network speed.

2005-05-29 Thread Mathew Mrosko
I have a question about a network setup issue.  My uncle is building a new 
house, and I'll be setting up a nice myth setup for him.  I have a Cisco 1900 
series 24 port switch.  The switch has 24 10Mbit ports and 1 100 Mbit port.  
I'm just wondering if the 10 Mbit speed would be enough to run 3 or 4 
frontends if the backend was on the 100 Mbit port.  I know straight number 
wise, since 10 Mbit is fast enough, that you should be able to put 10 ports 
against the 1 100 Mbit one, but if there's one thing i've learned in 5 years 
as a CS major, it's that the numbers in computing (especially when talking 
about the retail side of things) are skewed in favor of looking better than 
it is...

-Mat Mrosko

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Network speed.

2005-05-29 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Sunday 29 May 2005 09:06 pm, Mark Knecht wrote:

I just bought a cheap Netgear 5 port 100Mb switch for $20 @ Frys.
 Why bother with the old stuff? You don't need a 24-port switch for 3-4
 frontends. You need the little guy I bought.

A) Because I already have it, why buy new, and just throw yet another thing 
that could be useful away?  I'm no tree-hugger but I hate to throw 
something away that will just take up more space in a land-fill somewhere, 
especially when it could be useful still.

B) Because already having it is still cheaper than $20 @ Frys.

C) Because it takes me over 1 1/2 hours to get to the neartest Frys.


(Sorry, I didn't mean to be a dick, the whole reason I posted to the mailing 
list wasn't to get hey, just buy something new messages...  I could have 
easily done that, I was just wondering if it would work with something I 
already have.)


mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythVideo category doesn't stick

2005-05-28 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Saturday 28 May 2005 07:45 am, Phil Bridges wrote:
 Is anyone else having this problem?

I've seen this brought up at least one other time, but I don't think there was 
ever a resolution other than Edit the database yourself.  Manually editing 
the database has seemed to work for me, plus, it's quicker!

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can't Emerge Latest Mythmusic Ebuild

2005-05-28 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Saturday 28 May 2005 10:29 am, Michael Haan wrote:
 I get the following:

 aacdecoder.cpp: In member function `bool aacDecoder::initializeMP4()':
 aacdecoder.cpp:298: error: cannot convert `long unsigned int*' to
 `uint32_t*' for argument `4' to `int8_t faacDecInit2(void*, uint8_t*,
 uint32_t, uint32_t*, uint8_t*)'
 make[2]: *** [aacdecoder.o] Error 1
 make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
 make[2]: Leaving directory
sic' make[1]: *** [sub-mythmusic] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [sub-mythmusic] Error 2

 when trying to:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] haanm # ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~amd64 emerge  mythmusic

try #USE=-aac ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~amd64 emerge mythmusic

if that works, a more permanent approach would be to run this:
#echo media-plugins/mythmusic -acc  /etc/portage/package.use


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] haanm # emerge -s myth
 [ Results for search key : myth ]
 [ Applications found : 13 ]

 *  media-plugins/mythbrowser [ Masked ]
   Latest version available: 0.18.1
   Latest version installed: 0.18.1


that doesn't help anything... it'd be better to see the output of emerge 


mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] WHISH-LIST: what I always wanted.

2005-05-26 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Thursday 26 May 2005 01:33 pm, James Oltman wrote:

  When I go to use the remote, it gives me 2 keypresses instead of one
 for EVERY command I learned.  Did you do something special?

prog = mythtv
button = menu
config = m
delay = 2

Put that delay in all of your lircrc button sections, and lirc will
basically treat 2 keypresses as 1, this avoids those double keypresses.

mythtv [at] matmrosko [dot] com
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Playlist Speed (Maintaining Time Stretch)

2005-05-06 Thread Mathew Mrosko
I was wondering if anybody has worked on a patch to maintain play speed for a 
playlist, and how hard others think this would be to impliment.  I've only 
peeked at playback code once, earlier today for a short time.  If it is 
unclear what I'm talking about, here is an example... if you have a playlist, 
and while watching an episode, you change the time stretch to 1.2x... when 
that file is done, and the second show starts, the time goes back to 1.0x...

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Will we be watching pictures with background music?

2005-04-28 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Thursday 28 April 2005 06:12 am, Fredrik Karlsson wrote:

Do you ever read the lists?  This has been talked about a hundred times in the 
last month or so.


 Hi all,

 Honestly, I have to say that looking throught the feature set of
 MythTV in comparison with the the other HTPC/PVR solutions out there
 in the OSS world, I get impressed with the featured I have availible
 to me as a MythTV user. However, there is one thing that Freevo has
 that MythTV has that I know would make me (and my family) jump with
 joy, and that is the ability to de-attach music playing so that it
 continues when viewing pictures (for instance).

 Is this in the roadmap for Myth? Would it be hard to do?


Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 0.18 (gentoo/nvidia) blue video preview

2005-04-26 Thread Mathew Mrosko
 On 4/26/05, Julian Rendell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone have any suggestions?

No, just a comment!

Me too!  I am running the 0.18 ebuilds that are no longer masked.
with nvidia 1.0.6111-r3

Hope there's a fix soon!

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Request: Do you have recordings that don't commflag well?

2005-04-26 Thread Mathew Mrosko
I think I've read about this before, so I think it's a known issue, but when 
recording Jeopardy on ABC in the US the final jeopardy section is 
completely cut off as a commercial... The last jump on the episode is usually 
10 minutes, when it should be about 3 minute, final jepoardy for 3, and then 
another commercial break for about 3 minutes.

I'm running 0.18 gentoo ebuilds, and I would be able to get a NUV to a large 

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Typo in error message

2005-04-24 Thread Mathew Mrosko
This error message is probably rarely seen, but I updated mythtv to 0.18 
today, but haven't restarted the running frontend.  When going to  Watch 
Recordings  I get this error message:

Myth could not locate the selector object within your theme. Please 
that your ui.xml is valid.

Myth will now exit.

I believe the message should say Please make SURE that your  Just 
thought I'd point this out... Tonight if I get home early enough, and still 
give a damn, I'll make a patch and submit it to the dev list.

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: VNC launches second mythfrontend

2005-04-19 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Tuesday 19 April 2005 12:23 pm, Nate Thompson wrote:

 I used to have this problem. To get around it, I simply enabled
 'Desktop Sharing' in the KDE Control Panel under Internet Components.

If you don't want to use the WAY TO BIG FOR MYTH window manager KDE, just get 
x11vnc... it will bind to an already running session, so you can control the 
ONE instance of mythfrontend that you have running.

$x11vnc -display :0

when run on the myth box will start the x11 server on port 5900 with your 
current X session... I have a script on my remote machine so I can just run 
it from the remote machine easily and quickly:

echo x11vnc -display :0 | ssh matltwifi 
sleep 2
krdc -m -s vnc://  sleep 2

The first sleep is to let the ssh log-in and get x11vnc running, the second 
sleep is so that the output of my prompt doesn't get drawn before the final 
steps of the vnc disconnect.  Hope this helps!

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Remote stops working for 1-3 minutes

2005-04-17 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Saturday 16 April 2005 11:45 pm, Stutty wrote:
 Does the sun come out when it stops working?

 Try closing the curtains/blinds :-)

At first, I thought you were joking... but no, the sunlight has no effect... 
My window faces away from the sun most of the day, and I rarely open my 
blinds very much.  Plus the remote will stop working at night sometimes too.  
Thanks for the suggestion though!

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Files to Backup

2005-04-16 Thread Mathew Mrosko
I am making a simple script to backup my mythbox's config data every day.  I 
don't have the hard drive space to backup all the actual recordings and 
movies, so I'm just backing up important things like the database, logs, etc.  
I was just wondering if anybody has a list of good files to backup regularly 
so that a new setup won't take too long in the event of a hard drive failure 
or something.  So far, I am grabbing all the system logs, all my little 
scripts, my lircrc, fstab, all the files in the /etc/ directory ending in 
conf (for ease, i'm just grabbing them all).  Is there anything I'm 

Also, does anybody know how to grab partition info and LVM info?  I know I 
should be using DD to grab the first 512? bytes of the drive to grab partion 
info, but does anybody have something similar already made?  Anybody know how 
to save all this data?

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] New Program Alerts?

2005-04-11 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Monday 11 April 2005 05:53 am, Marcel Meier wrote:

 (program.title LIKE %Japan%
  OR program.subtitle LIKE %Japan%
  OR program.description LIKE %Japan%) AND
 program.previouslyshown = 0

Is there something I'm missing here... I cannot type a 0 in... The number keys 
put in parts of regular expressions like ascii values, number values, etc.  
How do I insert a 0?

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] remote *receiver* ?

2005-04-05 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Tuesday 05 April 2005 06:48 am, Shawn Flynn wrote:
 Would you mind sharing your
 configuration info with me?

Not at all!

 What version of lirc are you using?


 What does your lircd.conf look like?

# Please make this file available to others
# by sending it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.7.0(serial) on Sun Mar 20 01:26:39 2005
# contributed by
# brand:   ./test
# model no. of remote control:
# devices being controlled by this remote:

begin remote

  name  TiVo_Remote
  bits   16
  aeps  100

  header   9002  4534
  one   574  1658
  zero  574   528
  repeat   9015  2263
  pre_data_bits   16
  pre_data   0xA10C
  gap  108142
  min_repeat  8
  toggle_bit  0

  begin codes
  TIVO 0xF00F
  LIVE 0x8807
  WINDOW   0x220D
  UP   0x2807
  LEFT 0xE807
  DOWN 0x6807
  EXIT 0xA20D
  LIST 0x620D
  SELECT   0x9807
  THUMB_UP 0x5807
  THUMB_DOWN   0x1807
  MUTE 0xD807
  VOL_UP   0x3807
  VOL_DOWN 0xB807
  RECORD   0x040B
  CHAN_UP  0x7807
  PLAY 0x840B
  FFW  0x240B
  REW  0x440B
  SLOW 0xA40B
  TV_INPUT 0x2C03
  TV_POWER 0x0807
  end codes

end remote

 What does your modprobe.conf look like? 

alias char-major-4-* serial
alias char-major-5-* serial

I use my TiVo remote with the packard bell receiver with no problems... It 
might be the remote you were trying to use with the receiver.  I could not 
get the pacbell thing to get anything off my RCA remote.  It's a pos (the IR 
receiver) and doesn't recognize all remotes.  I'm guessing the RCA is 
slightly non-standard or something.

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Suggested Remote Control Setup for MCE Tuner Cards

2005-04-01 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Thursday 31 March 2005 07:04 pm, brian mcgann wrote:
Somebody is selling some old Packard Bell sets on eBay that have a serial IR 
receiver... They work with SOME remotes other than the crappy packard bell 
one it comes with... It works with my TiVo remote, but not my RCA one.  Buy 
them at your own risk!  The IR/Remote combo is like $10-15 on eBay.

 I am putting together a Myth system and would like to use a low-profile
 Hauppauge 150 MCE l.p. or any other low-profile blackbird tuner card, but
 don't know what remote and IR receiver to use.  The Microsoft MCE
 remote/receiver package seems a natural, but I'm resisting using a
 Microsoft branded product in my Myth system.

 Does anyone have any suggestions other than building my own IR receiver?


 Brian McGann

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] ontop or equivalent?

2005-03-18 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 03:04 pm, Shaun Jackman wrote:

In kde, just kill kicker and you won't have the bar anymore...

#pkill kicker


 I'm having this exact same problem on KDE. The menu bar and panel are
 obscuring MythTV. With KDE 3.2.2 and MythTV 0.16, 'kstart --window
 mythfrontend --ontop mythfrontend' would place MythTV on top of the
 menu and panel, but with KDE 3.3.2 and MythTV 0.17 that trick has
 stopped working. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?


 On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 19:30:12 -0500, Chris Clarke

  Hi All,
  I've got a dual-head video setup with myth on a TV and a normal
  gnome desktop on a monitor, the only problem is whenever I do
  something on the desktop, gnome panel bars pop up ontop of the myth
  display.  When I'm running mplayer I can use the option -ontop and
  this stops the bars from appearing, is there an equivalent option or
  command I can use to get the same behaviour out of myth?

 mythtv-users mailing list

Mathew Mrosko
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how does mythtv connect to mysql?

2005-03-15 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 05:31 pm, Michael Wester wrote:



 I've had my Mythtv box working fine for months.  Yesterday I started
 installation of new hardware (pvr-500) and now for some reason my
 database is acting up.  I'm having a tough time understanding this
 one.  Maybe if I knew a little better how the program accesses the db,
 I could figure it out.  I'm not finding any solutions in the archive.
 If you know of one, please kindly point me,

 1) When I log in to my x session-kde as root (I know a no no...), I
 can start mythbackend and mythfrontend, no problems.
 2)  When I log in to my x session- kde as user mythtv, I get errors that :

 2005-03-15 17:22:34.161 Unable to connect to database!
 2005-03-15 17:22:34.162 Driver error was [1/2005]:
 QMYSQL3: Unable to connect
 Database error was:
 Unknown MySQL Server Host ' mediabox' (1)
 couldn't open db

 When I go through the setup, I set ip address, indicate user is
 mythtv, and set password to mythtv.  Still cannot connect to db.
 3) from command line:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg
 I enter password=mythtv and I'm in.

 I have a feeling that I'm missing a setting somewhere in mythtv?  but
 where?  Thanks for any insight.

 mythtv-users mailing list

Mathew Mrosko ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] View console on TV while MythTV running

2005-03-15 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 11:12 pm, John Mangan wrote:

Is it possible to ssh in from another machine?  I would think that would be 
much easier, because you're not leaving X on the TV


 I hope this hasn't been answered a hundred times before but I searched the
 archive without success.

 I am using Knoppmyth to run a test system with MythTv. I am using an nVidia
 5200 card with TVOut. It works fine but since I am still testing it would
 be nice to be able to Ctrl-Alt-F1 to a console (XTerm is too small/fuzzy to
 be really workable). However when I change to the console screen I just get
 scrambled lines as though the horizontal hold has gone.

 I am not familiar enough with the XF86Config-4 file to know what needs to
 be changed (and I'm not sure that's where the problem lies since X displays
 perfectly well). Also the text output during bootup displays perfectly

 Any help gratefully received.

Mathew Mrosko ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: How to reply to messages in mythtv-users Archives?

2005-03-11 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Friday 11 March 2005 02:43 am, Mark Crutch wrote:
 1) Subscribe to the list
 2) Set your preferences so that it doesn't deliver any mails to you.
 3) When you find a message you want to reply to in the web archives,
 copy the message subject
 4) Start a new email to
 5) Paste in the subject line; I prefix it with Re: , but I'm not sure
 if that's essential
 6) Copy any text you want to quote from the web archive
 7) Right click in the message in TB and select Paste As Quotation
 8) Fill out the rest of your reply
 9) Send.

 This seems to keep things threaded within the web archives, so I presume
 it also keeps it together with the rest of the thread for those people
 who are receiving the list as emails.

If that's what you did this time, it didn't work...This e-mail you sent did 
not show up threaded with the rest in my email client (KMail).

 I already have enough trouble keeping up with my inbox from other
 mailing lists; at least with this approach I can dip into the archive
 when I have time, and when a subject grabs my attention.

This is why I made a separate e-mail address for the mythtv list.  I have them 
downloaded, but it's not mixed in with all my other stuff.  The other method 
is to set up filters.  Just your mail client to filter all messages from the 
mailing list into a different folder.  This should 
be relatively easy unless you use a primitive client like pine.

 P.S. If this message appears in its own thread on the archive, then I
 guess you can ignore everything I've said ;)

P.S. It didn't, which is why I replied ;)

 This message has been scanned by F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft
e... Microsoft :(

Mathew Mrosko ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Distro of choice?

2005-03-09 Thread Mathew Mrosko
On Wednesday 09 March 2005 05:11 pm, Bryan Halter wrote:
 Louie Ilievski wrote:
  Gentoo here as well.  Never gonna change to anything else.

I run gentoo on my desktop and laptop, but for some reason I thought I'd try 
knoppmyth for my first experiment... that was a mistake... I can't get 
anything to work... will be gentoo VERY soon!  (The only thing is that 
compiling on a 500 MHz machine takes a while!)
Mathew Mrosko ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mythtv-users mailing list