Re: [mythtv-users] Help Developing MythWeb

2006-01-25 Thread Michael Freeman
actually, in the case of xfree86, that wasn't the bsd license. that was the MIT X license.the bsd license dropped its advertising clause a lng time ago...but to be safe you'd have to check the exact text they use for that project.
the most modern version of the bsd license is compatible with the's a suggestion for mythweb:frontend profile management.i think it would be a lot nicer if the frontends had remote settings set up...say...2 profiles of frontend settings for 4 do that on mythweb.
then on the frontends, all you need is a remote that you can hit 1 or 2 the frontend knows to request config profile 1 or 2.why would this be useful?for one, if you have multiple frontends on the same type of hardware (
e.g. you bought three PCs / Mac Minis / etc at the same time for frontend work), it would be the only way to clone the settings to all of them as far as i know.for another, it would allow you to set up the frontend settings before you set up the frontend...meaning you might never even *need* to buy a keyboard for a frontend, let alone bring one into your living room.
(hell...i think mythtv-setup shouldn't exist as an app...make it a webpage...move some of the options into a config webserver hard-linked into the backend...move others into a backend profile set up via mythweb, like the frontend profile idea)
On 1/25/06, Chris Petersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Really, I have no idea about how all the licensing works.Any flash/actionscript gurus care to recreate something like musicplayer?Ah, if it's flash-based, it's probably fine.The issue with BSD is that it requires attribution, and the GPL
explicitly forbids clauses that require you to do anything to the codeother than keep it GPL.-Chris___mythtv-users mailing list
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Re: [mythtv-users] LiveTV related ideas/comments

2006-01-18 Thread Michael Freeman
less than two minutes...hmmI find myself leaving a lot of three minute recordings as i attempt to explore the undocumented realm of comcast unencrypted QAM feeds (i have to wait through ads to find out what station i just discovered)
The only way for me to jack that 2 minute limit up to something like ten would be to change a copy of the source for myself, right?On 1/18/06, Isaac Richards
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:On Wednesday 18 January 2006 17:07, Ross Campbell wrote:
  The Watch Recordings menu seems a little clunky with  respect to this new LiveTV, however.What do you guys think of having a  LiveTV  program group? DISCLAIMER: I'm not running SVN, but I've followed this discussion and the
 questions/flames/etc about it closely. I *THINK* I understand how this works...You don't. The enhancement I'd like to see to LiveTV based on my understanding of how it will work for 
0.19 is the ability to set a minimum time threshold for keeping LiveTV recordings when changing channels. For me, I'd set that to something like 10 minutes. This would ensure that anyone who uses mythtv to channel surf old school style won't fill up the
 recordings menu with 15 second snippets of garbage.Short recordings ( 2 minutes) are auto-expired almost immediately.No'LiveTV' recordings are shown in the recordings menu _at all_ unless you
specifically select the LiveTV group.Isaac___mythtv-users mailing
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Re: [mythtv-users] Entering USA Cable channels into the DVB tables

2006-01-15 Thread Michael Freeman
you don't need to enter the PIDs. you need the service ID from PID 0x for each channel.if you set the mplexid and the serviceid, myth will find the rest automatically (as a crapcast subscriber, i'm envious that you have actual PSIP data for your channels)
On 1/15/06, Len Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm using 0.18.2There have been a number of posting on the DVB channel tables, but itstill isn't clear to me.I've also looked at with an example someone can clear it up.I have an HD5000 card connected to cable.Here is a sample channel, asseen by azap.Using this information, I can use the DVB utils to
capture the signal and play it via mplayer. The following example is formy local (Atlanta) FOX affiliate on Gwinnett Charter cable, for whatit's worth:FOX:66900:QAM_256:2048:2049:2So, my dtv_multiplex table has an entry with
mplexid=4, frequency=66900, sourceid=qam_256, etc.In the database, Fox digital is my chanid 3785.So I assume I shouldupdate channel set freqid = 4 where chanid = 3785;where '4' is the mplexid from the dtv_multiplex table for 669Mhz.
I further guess that the channel table should get the serviceid (lastcolumn of the azap line, 2):update channel set serviceid = 2 where chanid = 3785;Where do I encode the video and audio pids (2048 and 2049 in hex, 8264
and 8265 in decimal)?Now, assuming that I can get this all working, do I then need anadditional rows in dtv_multiplex for the other channel on 669 MHz?CBS:66900:QAM_256:2176:2177:1Thanks for the help,
Len___mythtv-users mailing
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Re: [mythtv-users] Entering USA Cable channels into the DVB tables

2006-01-15 Thread Michael Freeman
for instance, my fox affiliate is on 675 MHz as service 1 according to PID 0x...which is mplexid 274, serviceid 1 for digital channel 168 in my channels dbOn 1/15/06, 
Michael Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
you don't need to enter the PIDs. you need the service ID from PID 0x for each channel.if you set the mplexid and the serviceid, myth will find the rest automatically (as a crapcast subscriber, i'm envious that you have actual PSIP data for your channels)
On 1/15/06, Len Reed 
I'm using 0.18.2There have been a number of posting on the DVB channel tables, but itstill isn't clear to me.I've also looked at with an example someone can clear it up.I have an HD5000 card connected to cable.Here is a sample channel, asseen by azap.Using this information, I can use the DVB utils to
capture the signal and play it via mplayer. The following example is formy local (Atlanta) FOX affiliate on Gwinnett Charter cable, for whatit's worth:FOX:66900:QAM_256:2048:2049:2So, my dtv_multiplex table has an entry with
mplexid=4, frequency=66900, sourceid=qam_256, etc.In the database, Fox digital is my chanid 3785.So I assume I shouldupdate channel set freqid = 4 where chanid = 3785;where '4' is the mplexid from the dtv_multiplex table for 669Mhz.
I further guess that the channel table should get the serviceid (lastcolumn of the azap line, 2):update channel set serviceid = 2 where chanid = 3785;Where do I encode the video and audio pids (2048 and 2049 in hex, 8264
and 8265 in decimal)?Now, assuming that I can get this all working, do I then need anadditional rows in dtv_multiplex for the other channel on 669 MHz?CBS:66900:QAM_256:2176:2177:1Thanks for the help,
Len___mythtv-users mailing

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Re: [mythtv-users] DViCO Fusion HDTV 5 Lite status?

2006-01-12 Thread Michael Freeman
i have a fusionhdtv 5 lite are my thoughts.

on #2, yes. 

#3, no...those channel numbers have no logical mapping to what you'll
find with sends a special channel-you-see in listings
and on your digital box - physical channel mapping table down via a
proprietary means. 
mythtv will find the physical channels but probably not the mapping can tune through whatever myth finds and pray that you
can figure out what it is...but invariably a decent portion of it will
be encrypted (or maybe even all, depending where you are).

also, for one thing, i had to change part of the driver to get myth to
work with mine...apparently the driver developer hardcoded the driver
to always return a signal level of myth never wanted to tune in
on the card.
comcast doesn't put much program data out (where i am, anyway).
one QAM channel carrying hidef local tv looks like there's epg data
compliant with SCTE standard #54, but myth doesn't seem to know that
spec. nothing else seems to have data.

On 1/12/06, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I ordered by DViCO Fusion HDTV Lite card at CyberEStore. Once I install thiscard, I will have a total of 2 HD tuners. The first one was Air2pc. Anyways,I will need some help to make it work properly.1. Am planning to use FusionHDTV5 Lite card to capture via QAM on my
comcast.2. From what I've read, 2.6.15, contains the necessary stable drivers tosupport this card. Am I correct?3. In zap2it, am I correct that I just need to add a new channel lineup forcable tv which includes some HD channels like Discovery?
4. Assuming 2 shows starts at the same time, how do I configure mythtv touse the Air2PC card for the HDTV OTA and the FusionHDTV card to record theshow from Comcast cable?___
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Re: [mythtv-users] fusionhdtv 5 lite -- how do i make it work?

2006-01-11 Thread Michael Freeman
the channel is set properly. everything is set properly. On 1/11/06, James C. Dastrup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i just added a fusionhdtv 5 lite to my box...linux knows it's there, it can pick up
channels with a scan, and mythfilldatabase has been run. yet when i tune to it, iget nothing...blackness and then mythfrontend drops back to the main menu.what am i doing wrong?Sounds exactly what I experienced earlier this week installing a new DVB card.
The solution was to set the starting channel in mythtv-setup. By default, it's empty.Be sure to put in a valid channel, e.g. 5-2___mythtv-users mailing list

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[mythtv-users] fusionhdtv 5 lite -- how do i make it work?

2006-01-10 Thread Michael Freeman
i just added a fusionhdtv 5 lite to my box...linux knows it's there, it
can pick up channels with a scan, and mythfilldatabase has been run.
yet when i tune to it, i get nothing...blackness and then mythfrontend
drops back to the main menu.

what am i doing wrong?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] xmltv error / mixing in data from canada?

2006-01-08 Thread Michael Freeman
i recently noticed something interesting in the xmltv (US) listings for
stargate atlantis. they're saying that the new episodes on scifi
have already aired...which is true -- but they aired only in canada (on
some generic channel i'd have no hope in hell of picking up here), not

is this an xmltv glitch, scifi feeding them bad data, or something else? (and is there anywhere i can complain to?)

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[mythtv-users] mythtv svn: livetv buffers and recordings forced to live in the same directory...mythweb recorded programs page goes way down performancewise if you channel surf too often

2006-01-07 Thread Michael Freeman
why were livetv buffers and intentional recordings put in the same
directory and / or why aren't my livetv feeds being deleted on exit
(since they become worthless to me at that point)? 

I just noticed that such a change explains why 6 days of frequent
channel changes on livetv (partially due to having tuning problems with
an ivtv driver revision and partially due to me exploring the
unencrypted digital cable world with my new pchd3000) made my mythweb
recorded programs page go straight to hell performance-wise.
there were who-knows-how many entries (4 recordings and a load of
now-worthless residual livetv buffers)...i think i got them all, but
the page is still slow as hell.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythtv svn: livetv buffers and recordings forced to live in the same directory...mythweb recorded programs page goes way down performancewise if you channel surf too often

2006-01-07 Thread Michael Freeman
the frontend can hide livetv recordings if you tell it to keep them separate.

why can't mythweb follow the same rule?On 1/7/06, Tom E. Craddock Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Michael Freeman wrote: why were livetv buffers and intentional recordings put in the same directory and / or why aren't my livetv feeds being deleted on exit (since they become worthless to me at that point)?
 I just noticed that such a change explains why 6 days of frequent channel changes on livetv (partially due to having tuning problems with an ivtv driver revision and partially due to me exploring the
 unencrypted digital cable world with my new pchd3000) made my mythweb recorded programs page go straight to hell performance-wise.there were who-knows-how many entries (4 recordings and a load of now-worthless
 residual livetv buffers)...i think i got them all, but the page is still slow as hell.I assume since your using SVN, youre subscriber to the -dev and -commitlists, please read thru them concerning the changes in LiveTV and why
its doing what you now see.There is no change in how MythTV works, itwill auto expire LiveTV recordings when/if it needs the space.Tom___mythtv-users mailing list

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Re: [mythtv-users] mythtv svn: livetv buffers and recordings forced to live in the same directory...mythweb recorded programs page goes way down performancewise if you channel surf too often

2006-01-07 Thread Michael Freeman
oh...ok then. will this work? i know it's probably ugly, but i tried to
change as few lines as possible...i tested it with a couple livetv
feeds and one archived recording.
it does what i want it to adds an option to hide livetv
recordings from the 'all recordings' / 'all titles' options...if
i select a title, it'll show everything for that title, including
livetv recordings. 
On 1/7/06, Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Saturday 07 January 2006 20:34, Michael Freeman wrote: the frontend can hide livetv recordings if you tell it to keep them separate. why can't mythweb follow the same rule?Because nobody's written that yet?
Isaac___mythtv-users mailing

Description: Binary data
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Re: [mythtv-users] mythtv svn: livetv buffers and recordings forced to live in the same directory...mythweb recorded programs page goes way down performancewise if you channel surf too often

2006-01-07 Thread Michael Freeman
done.On 1/7/06, Steve Adeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Saturday 07 January 2006 22:42, Michael Freeman wrote: oh...ok then. will this work? i know it's probably ugly, but i tried to change as few lines as possible...i tested it with a couple livetv feeds
 and one archived recording. it does what i want it to adds an option to hide livetv recordings from the 'all recordings'/ 'all titles' options...if i select a title, it'll show everything for that title, including livetv recordings.
 On 1/7/06, Isaac Richards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  On Saturday 07 January 2006 20:34, Michael Freeman wrote:   the frontend can hide livetv recordings if you tell it to keep them
   separate.   why can't mythweb follow the same rule?   Because nobody's written that yet?   IsaacYour best bet is to open a ticket at trac: the patch so the devs can test it and it can eventually be officiallyadded.--Steve___
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Re: [mythtv-users] pchdtv 3000 and channels.conf

2005-12-31 Thread Michael Freeman
I have a generic channels.conf i got from

My issue is getting the bleeping scan wizard to show the Import
channels.conf option like all indications say it should for
ATSC cards (which is what it's detecting my pcHDTV 3000 as).

Using dvb-atsc-tools from, I was
able to find that channel 104 was one of my local stations (by
capturing a short clip from it).

I just want to import the channels.conf into mythtv (and i'll then use
C104 as a starting point to figure out what else I can get).
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pchdtv 3000 and channels.conf

2005-12-31 Thread Michael Freeman
i know that i can always fall back to using phpMyAdmin to just put the
damn info in the database, but i'd rather figure out why mythsetup is
just plain not happy.

see as an explanation of what
i'm trying to enable.

On 12/31/05, Michael Haan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 12/31/05, Michael Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a generic channels.conf i got from
  My issue is getting the bleeping scan wizard to show the Import
  channels.conf option like all indications say it should for
  ATSC cards (which is what it's detecting my pcHDTV 3000 as).
  Using dvb-atsc-tools from, I was
  able to find that channel 104 was one of my local stations (by
  capturing a short clip from it).
  I just want to import the channels.conf into mythtv (and i'll then use
  C104 as a starting point to figure out what else I can get).
  mythtv-users mailing list
  That's not exactly how I did it.  It was much more manual.

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[mythtv-users] pchdtv 3000 and channels.conf

2005-12-30 Thread Michael Freeman
I'm trying to use my newly-acquired pcHDTV 3000 to pick up Comcast
unencrypted digital (yeah, I know that for what I get ti'll be a waste
of money, but at least I have one if / when the broadcast flag comes).
 Using the pcHDTV card tools, I was able to lock on to one local
station...but there appears to be no PSIP data.  MythSetup scan can't
find I did some research and supposedly there's a way to
feed in a channels.conf file.  I have that sitting on a volume on the
machine...I'm running myth from SVN...supposedly, the ATSC cards
should have an option to import config from channels.conf.  I've
recompiled three or four times already...that option never shows.

i'm using the pcHDTV 3000 drivers included with gentoo 2.6.12-r9
kernel.  Could those somehow be messing with the ATSC vs QAM vs DVB
logic in mythtv?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] pchdtv 3000 and channels.conf

2005-12-30 Thread Michael Freeman
On 12/30/05, Michael Haan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 12/30/05, Michael Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to use my newly-acquired pcHDTV 3000 to pick up Comcast
  unencrypted digital (yeah, I know that for what I get ti'll be a waste
  of money, but at least I have one if / when the broadcast flag comes).
  Using the pcHDTV card tools, I was able to lock on to one local
  station...but there appears to be no PSIP data.  MythSetup scan can't
  find I did some research and supposedly there's a way to
  feed in a channels.conf file.  I have that sitting on a volume on the
  machine...I'm running myth from SVN...supposedly, the ATSC cards
  should have an option to import config from channels.conf.  I've
  recompiled three or four times already...that option never shows.
  i'm using the pcHDTV 3000 drivers included with gentoo 2.6.12-r9
  kernel.  Could those somehow be messing with the ATSC vs QAM vs DVB
  logic in mythtv?
  mythtv-users mailing list

 Yeah, this is a bit of a chore, but completely do-able.  Where are you at?
 I ask because you my be able to take short-cuts based on that.

 mythtv-users mailing list

do you mean location-wise? jacksonville, florida...if that helps.
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Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Commercial Flagging, what are the best

2005-12-21 Thread Michael Freeman
The ratings that come with the XMLTV data...are they usually accurate?

I have a crazy dream of somehow using *something* in the tv datastream
to catch overtime FOX games and *not* record them
automatically.(I have Myth set up to grab Simpsons @ 8, but I have a
whole half hour on the back end as a buffer in case of OT games)

I know I'm probably talking out of my @$$ here, but if ratings came
with the XMLTV feed, would it be possible for Myth to watch the ratings
and only record when the rating info changed to whatever the program
was supposed to be rated? 
My guess is that live football is rating-less, but once the Simpsons
came on, there'd be a ratingand that could be a signal to *save*
the buffer to disk (in my case, I have no qualms about giving Myth 0.75
to 1.5 GB of RAM if need be for something like this).

I envision something like this:
@ 8 PM, Myth starts buffering video  rating info to RAM for 2-3
min...if it doesn't see a rating that matches what XMLTV says it
should, it starts dropping the oldest portion of that 2-3 min buffer.
If it does see the rating match, it drops everything up to that point
and starts spooling the mess to disk. It then records for the
original length of time, regardless of whether or not that crosses a
boundary (e.g. it records 8:15-8:45 and ignores whatever is
*supposed* to be on at 8:30).

Michael L. Freeman

On 12/21/05, Boleslaw Ciesielski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Isaac Richards wrote:BTW, does Myth read the /dev/vbi output from a PVR-150? Nope, it needs to have the data in the mpeg stream.myth would have to remux things, otherwise, and that's slightly more complicated.
For the actual CC support, yes. But if we only want to flag commercialsand the v-chip method works reliably, we could generate the cutlistwhile recording. Imagine Live TV with commercial skip...But I realize that this may not fit into the general commflag paradigm.
Bolek___mythtv-users mailing
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Re: [mythtv-users] video podcast on mythweb? (and other questions)

2005-12-19 Thread Michael Freeman
cool...gonna have to give it a try. 

On 12/19/05, Brad DerManouelian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Dec 18, 2005, at 11:09 PM, Michael Freeman wrote:Has anyone ever considered making a video podcast option for use with mythweb?  
I could see that coming in handy if you own an ipod with video
capability...have mythbackend automatically transcode a copy of your
recordings to 320x240 (or whatever the ipod's resolution is) and then
make the results available as an RSS feed via you can
subscribe itunes to it and Have your myth recordings on the go

___mythtv-users mailing
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[mythtv-users] video podcast on mythweb? (and other questions)

2005-12-18 Thread Michael Freeman
Has anyone ever considered making a video podcast option for use with mythweb? 

I could see that coming in handy if you own an ipod with video
capability...have mythbackend automatically transcode a copy of your
recordings to 320x240 (or whatever the ipod's resolution is) and then
make the results available as an RSS feed via you can
subscribe itunes to it and Have your myth recordings on the go

Adding preconfigured 'copy-and-transcode-to-low-res-for-mobile-device'
options might be nice for mythbackend even if you left out the rss feed
on mythweb.
I'd be willing to work with someone on making such an addin (if you can
provide me with documentation on the organization of mythweb 

Incidentally, does anyone know why i might be experiencing freezups at
random? i've got mythfrontend for os x running on a powerbook g4 1.5
GHz (1 gb ram, 128 mb radeon 9700, os x 10.4) connected over 802.11g to
an access point 10 feet away behind a wooden closet door. 
Mythbackend is running on my gentoo linux box (with a dual-tuner wintv
pvr500) feeding live tv to it, but at seemingly-random intervals the
feed freezes.
I have to hit escape on the laptop and choose 'watch tv' again to get
it to play again (the app doesn't crash; rather, the feed seems to
These freezes come suddenly...there's no other indication of an issue
(i've run mythfrontend from the other side of the house, so I know how
it performs on a poor-quality wifi link). 
The only thing I haven't had a chance to do is watch tv for a suatained
length of time on the linux box itself to see if these freezes happen
on a local / loopback connection. 

Michael L. Freeman
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Use of the Rerun flag?

2005-12-10 Thread Michael Freeman
yeah...i just noticed it didn't flag an episode of american dad as a
rerun (it had shown on fox before, but not on adult swim)...
On 12/10/05, John Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 12/9/05, Michael Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This ought to be considered...the XMLTV feed has a rerun flag (the
listings say when something is a rerun) why isn't there an option
to Record only new episodes of this show?

Be carefull about that rerun flag. I've seen it set and even seen
the original Air Date displayed in mythweb for shows that
were not even on TV as of the reported original air date.

___mythtv-users mailing
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[mythtv-users] Use of the Rerun flag?

2005-12-09 Thread Michael Freeman
I was wondering if anyone had a trick to exclude reruns (and, no,
manually telling mythtv to never record a certain episode again isn't
what I'm looking for...too many episodes of too many shows).

I really don't want to record reruns or have to manually check what's
airing in my various recording timeslots...sometimes they show reruns
there and sometimes they don't.

This ought to be considered...the XMLTV feed has a rerun flag (the
listings say when something is a rerun) why isn't there an option
to Record only new episodes of this show?

One really annoying example is Stargate...with SciFi's multimonth
break in the middle of the season, I can end up wasting a lot of
diskspace on episodes I already have archived elsewhere.

(Disclaimer: if someone has a source of mythbackend documentation,
I'll take a shot at making a patch that does this myself)
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