Re: [mythtv-users] Lost sound on EPIA SP -- how to diagnose?

2006-01-17 Thread Nathan Ford
Are you on a 2.4 kernel or a 2.6?

I have an epia M1. I used to run a 2.4 kernel on it (If it ain't
broke, don't fix it philosophy, then I tried to fix it). If it was
left on for a long period of time with nothing playing the output
would just turn off. Now I had SPDIF hooked up, and I don't remember
if it did this with analog as well. To fix the problem I just
restarted the machine. Bit of an annoyance but it worked. I have a
seperate backend so I never left the machine on for long anyways.

I recently upgraded to a 2.6 kernel and so far haven't noticed this
behavior yet, but time will tell.


On 1/16/06, Ole Sandum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul Bender wrote:
> >Ole Sandum wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hello everybody,
> >>
> >>It seems everyone else's problems here are far more exotic, but I am out
> >>of things to try and going desperate. So here goes:
> >>
> >>Just to try it out, I built a pilot FE/BE combo with FC4 on a VIA EPIA
> >>SP8000 a couple of months ago. It was running nicely, but was begging
> >>for faster hardware and more storage. So over christmas, I got myself a
> >>nice Athlon 64-based box full of slots and drives to put the BE on. Hit
> >>a couple of bumps on the way, but has it running nicely now using the
> >>pure 64-bit packages from "atrpms-testing", mythfilling program guides
> >>and recording everything in sight. Sweet. Thank you Axel, thank you
> >>Jarod, and thank you everone else contributing.
> >>
> >>Now to the problem: somewhere along the way I lost the sound on the EPIA
> >>and I can't get it back. It's just plain analog stereo out to the TV
> >>set, so nothing fancy, but I don't know how to diagnose it. I've tried
> >>un-/reinstall the alsa-{drivers,lib,utils} packages, skimming log files
> >>for messages, but everything seems normal. Except the output remains
> >>silent. I suppose this happened as a result of updating packages, but
> >>since the original installaion was done months ago, I don't have a
> >>precise recollection of what was installed/updated when.
> >>
> >>So please, any hints for places to look, stuff to read, or things to try
> >>out will be most welcome.
> >>
> >>tia
> >>
> >>regards,
> >>/Ole
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Are the "PCM", "Master" and "VIA DXS" mixer settings set to non-zero
> >values? When I updated from ALSA 1.0.9 to 1.0.10, I found that I had to
> >explicitly set the "VIA DXS" mixer settings to a non-zero value.
> >
> >
> I think the already are. Output from "amixer contents" is thus: (long
> post, sorry)
> numid=11,iface=MIXER,name='Master Mono Playback Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
>  : values=on
> numid=12,iface=MIXER,name='Master Mono Playback Volume'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=31,step=0
>  : values=28
> numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
>  : values=on
> numid=2,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Volume'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
>  : values=22,22
> numid=9,iface=MIXER,name='Headphone Playback Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
>  : values=on
> numid=10,iface=MIXER,name='Headphone Playback Volume'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
>  : values=28,28
> numid=34,iface=MIXER,name='3D Control - Center'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=15,step=0
>  : values=0
> numid=35,iface=MIXER,name='3D Control - Depth'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=15,step=0
>  : values=0
> numid=31,iface=MIXER,name='3D Control - Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
>  : values=off
> numid=26,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
>  : values=on
> numid=27,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Volume'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
>  : values=25,25
> numid=7,iface=MIXER,name='Surround Playback Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=2
>  : values=off,off
> numid=8,iface=MIXER,name='Surround Playback Volume'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
>  : values=0,0
> numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='Center Playback Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
>  : values=off
> numid=4,iface=MIXER,name='Center Playback Volume'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=31,step=0
>  : values=31
> numid=5,iface=MIXER,name='LFE Playback Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
>  : values=off
> numid=6,iface=MIXER,name='LFE Playback Volume'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=31,step=0
>  : values=0
> numid=20,iface=MIXER,name='Line Playback Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
>  : values=on
> numid=21,iface=MIXER,name='Line Playback Volume'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
>  : values=27,27
> numid=22,iface=MIXER,name='CD Playback Switch'
>  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
>  : values=on
> numid=23,iface=MIXER,name='CD Playback Volume'
>  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
>  : values

[mythtv-users] [OT] smbfs weirdness

2006-01-06 Thread Nathan Ford
I run samba for file sharing on my network. I do this primarily
becuase I have 3 linux machines and 3 windows machines.

Here are the machine names and some details to help me explain whats going on:
Omoikane - 2.4.32 kernel, samba 3.0.13, Has some shares open
Kosmos - kernel, samba 3.0.21a, Has some shares open
Galatea - 2.4.26-epia1 kernel, samba 3.0.9, No Open Shares

When I connect to a share from Omoikane to kosmos, everything is fine.
Permissions appear correctly, uid, gid, etc is all correct.

When I connect from Galatea to Omoikane or Kosmos everything is fine.
Permissions, gid, uid, etc are correct.

When I connect to Omoikane from Kosmos, permissions, uid, gid, etc.
are wrong. All files default to rwxr-xr-x, with root.root as the
owner. Conecting to a windows share has the same behavior.

When I connect to a windows share from omoikane i get rwxr-xr-x
root.root wich is what I expect.

The windows share permissions don't bother me. What I can't figure out
is why only kosmos fails to get privs correctly. The only thing I can
think of is that kosmos is running a 2/6 kernel whereas the other two
machines are still using 2.4 kernels.

I took a gander at the kernel configs and saw that the 2.4 kernels had
a unix extensions option for smbfs, whle the 2.6 configs do not. 2.6
also had CIFS while 2.4 did not. Has the 2.6 series dropped unix
extensions in favor of CIFS?

I know the first answer people will propbably give is "use NFS", of
which I am looking at it. I like samba as it's one network file system
that I have to trouble shoot and all my machines can use it.

Any clues?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] [OT] UK DVB Satellite in US

2006-01-02 Thread Nathan Ford
I have a quick question for the knowledgable mythtv peoples.

Is it possible to recieve UK dvb satellites in the US? I live on the
east coast (In the grand sceme of scale, almost as east as you can get
in the US). From what i've been able to gather channels like BBC are
FTA on dvb sats. It would be cool if I could recieve them.

I could most likely get an angle on the sat, but dunno how wide the
dispersal is on the transponder.

Anyone with more knowledge than me care to enlighten me on the subject?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] 0/nfslock not found

2005-06-05 Thread Nathan Ford
Ok, so I decided to move my mysql database to my backend server as it
is a faster machine. I was hoping this would help speed up the whole
operation. I grabbed mysql 4.1 and got it operational on the backend
machine. I then proceeded to copy the database from the server to the
back end. (I exported via mysldump > Myth.db and mysql < Myth.db)

However, when I went to start the backend it complained about not
being able to open 0/nfs.lockfile (or whatever it is)

Soi figured my database import didn't go so well. Well, I tried all
kinds of stuff and stuff just seems broken now. I pointed mysql.txt
back to the old server and I get the same problem still.

Here's some other weird behavior. When I start with a fresh db on the
new machine running mythtv-setup updates the schema and setup comes
up. Once I close setup and re-run it, i get alot of
"QTime::fromString: Parameter out of range" messages, and once I get
past the yes no q's to the options it freezes and I can not navigate
the options.

I'm about at my wits end.

I have no problem reconfiguring everything. I just don't want to lose
the persistant data (recording schedule, file list, previously
recorded, etc.)

I haven't been able to find anything in the archives about the nfs
lock problem...
Any suggestions?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Myth seems to have gotten stuck

2005-06-03 Thread Nathan Ford
I had some weirdness occur last monday. I didn't notice till yesterday
cause it wasn't till yesterday that I got around to watching stuff.
Anyways, it looks like for some reason Myth got stuck, right around
8:30am on mon 30. It remained stuck until Tue 31 at 10:41am. At wich
point it then tried to record all the shows it had missed previously,
immediately stopping after starting.

Everything seems to be working fine now. Just wanted to post so
someone knows. Here is the log file.

2005-05-30 07:59:32.696 Started recording "Kim Possible" on channel:
1061 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-05-30 07:59:33.650 Changing from None to RecordingOnly
2005-05-30 08:30:30.003 Finished recording Kim Possible on channel: 1061
2005-05-30 08:30:30.187 Changing from RecordingOnly to None
2005-05-30 08:30:30.187 Reschedule requested for id 0.
2005-05-30 08:30:33.995 Scheduled 194 items in 3.8 = 0.01 match + 3.80 place
2005-05-31 10:40:32.467 Started recording "Kim Possible" on channel:
1061 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-05-31 10:40:33.782 Changing from None to RecordingOnly
Tue May 31 10:40:34 2005:  wanted to record:
2005-05-31 10:40:34.035 Finished recording Kim Possible on channel: 1061
Kim Possible 1061 Mon May 30 12:30:00 2005
But current2005-05-31 10:40:34.397 Changing from RecordingOnly to None
 state is: 4
currently: Kim Possible 1061 Mon May 30 11:00:00 2005 Mon May 30 11:30:00 2005
2005-05-31 10:40:34.803 Canceled recording "Kim Possible" on channel:
1061 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-05-31 10:40:34.815 Started recording "The Red Green Show" on
channel: 1015 on cardid: 2, sourceid 1
2005-05-31 10:40:35.264 Changing from None to RecordingOnly
2005-05-31 10:40:35.468 Finished recording The Red Green Show on channel: 1015
2005-05-31 10:40:35.521 Changing from RecordingOnly to None
2005-05-31 10:40:35.627 Started recording "Kim Possible" on channel:
1061 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-05-31 10:40:36.012 Changing from None to RecordingOnly
Tue May 31 10:42005-05-31 10:40:36.226 Finished recording Kim Possible
on channel: 1061
0:36 2005:  wanted to record:
The Simpsons 1010 Mon May 30 18:00:00 2005
But current state is: 4
currently: Kim Possible 1061 Mon May 30 16:30:00 2005 Mon May 30 17:00:00 2005
2005-05-31 10:40:37.011 Canceled recording "The Simpsons" on channel:
1010 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-05-31 10:40:37.554 Started recording "Family Guy" on channel:
1048 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-05-31 10:40:38.037 Changing from None to RecordingOnly
Tue May 312005-05-31 10:40:38.235 Finished recording Family Guy on channel: 1048
 10:40:38 2005:  wanted to record:
Family 2005-05-31 10:40:38.330 Changing from RecordingOnly to None
Guy 1048 Mon May 30 22:30:00 2005
But current state is: 4
currently: Family Guy 1048 Mon May 30 22:00:00 2005 Mon May 30 22:30:00 2005
2005-05-31 10:40:38.974 Canceled recording "Family Guy" on channel:
1048 on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-05-31 10:40:39.528 Started recording "Futurama" on channel: 1072
on cardid: 1, sourceid 1
2005-05-31 10:40:39.963 Changing from None to RecordingOnly
Tue May 31 12005-05-31 10:40:40.162 Finished recording Futurama on channel: 1072
0:40:40 2005:  wanted to record: 2005-05-31 10:40:40.305 Changing from
RecordingOnly to None

StarGazer 1013 Tue May 31 01:00:00 2005
But current state is: 4
currently: Futurama 1072 Mon May 30 23:00:00 2005 Mon May 30 23:30:00 2005
2005-05-31 10:40:36.332 Changing from RecordingOnly to None
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 only got statics

2005-05-10 Thread Nathan Ford
Make sure the tuner module that is being loaded is the one from the
ivtv drivers and not the one that comes with the kernel.


On 5/10/05, Chris Rouch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/10/05, Xiaotian Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have trouble to get PVR-500 to work.  And I also have trouble to
> > subscribe to ivtv-devel list.  My confirmation email couldn't be sent
> > out my gmail.
> >
> > Anyways, the story is that I compiled the 0.3.4f (latest) ivtv driver
> > and can (almost) successfully load it by issuing a modprobe ivtv.  But
> > there's a compalining about "tuner type not set" in the log, though
> > there was an earlier log entry saying "tuner type set to 57" or
> > something.  So I got really confused.
> >
> > Then when I try to use and mplayer to see if the tuner and
> > the encoder are working, I only got statics, no matter which tuner (0
> > or 1) I chose, or which channel I set.  And at the same time, there
> > are more "tuner type not set" entries in the log.
> >
> > However, I can get perfect picture from my DVD player using composit
> > input on the PVR-500.
> I don't recall what I was getting in the logs, but I was getting the
> same effect as you (with kernel 2.6.11-1.14_FC3 and ivtv 3.4a from
> atrpms). Googling around I found a suggestion to set up my
> modprobe.conf as follows:
> alias char-major-81 videodev
> alias char-major-81-1 ivtv
> alias char-major-81-2 ivtv
> alias tveeprom tveeprom-ivtv
> alias msp3400 msp3400-ivtv
> options ivtv ivtv_std=2 tda9887=0
> options cx25840 no_black_magic=1
> alias tuner tuner-ivtv
> NB this is for a Dutch PAL card.
> This produced a picture and sound on both tuners. Unfortunately the
> picture stuttered and had a lot of fringing, and I won't have time to
> look at this again until the weekend, so I'm not sure if I had a bad
> version of ivtv or if I need to do some more tweaking.
> Chris
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Anyone happy with wireless?

2005-05-01 Thread Nathan Ford
My backend is attached to the network via cat5. My only frontend is
hooked to the bridge.

The WET54gS5 is the only device currently active on my wireless
network. I have no problems playing recordings and watching live-tv.
For testing purposes I ran a cable down the stairs to connect it via
cat5, and for the most part they behaved the same. I have stuttering
when i bring up OSD's and stuff, but I think that is the M1 and
not network lag (that and I don't have XvMC working yet, 70-80% CPU
load) FF/RW I think was a touch faster. But nothing to drop wireless

There are other wireless networks in the area, but I don't think i'm
conflicting with any. I also have 128bit WEP enabled. My GF is getting
a laptop soon so i'll see how it performs with the laptop generating
heavy load.

I just tested sending a file again and got 2.0Mb/sec to 2.7Mb/sec. 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Anyone happy with wireless?

2005-05-01 Thread Nathan Ford
I use a WET54gS5. This allows me to hook all my internet enabled
devices next to the TV without running a cable.

My only gripe is the best i've benchmarked it at is 2MB/sec
(16mbit/sec). This was done by transferring large files from my web
server to a device behind the bridge.

The good part is the damn thing finds wireless networks almost
instantly. If I reset my AP it'll rejoin in under a sec. Then again it
is always connected, so there is no lag time to the devices. It also
finds wireless networks that my PCI NIC can't.


On 5/1/05, Bryan Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recommend buying a wireless bridge as well.  Wireless on Linux is just
> not worth the hassle.  I'm relatively pleased with my Linksys, though
> I'm annoyed that it doesn't support WPA.
> That being said, I had the D-Link bridge for a brief period of time that
> Kevin linked below.  It was one of the biggest pieces of crap I have
> ever purchased in my life.  Do yourself a favor and don't buy that one. :)
> Bryan
> Kevin Kuphal wrote:
> > Why not go with a wireless bridge like this:
> > instead of a PCI card.  No
> > linux support problems and you only need a tiny cable to connect it to
> > the standard ethernet on your system.
> >
> > Kevin
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] backend crashed with mythweb

2005-04-29 Thread Nathan Ford
Whenever I delete a recording through mythweb the backend crashes.
Haven't tried scheduling recordings or such.

Myth 0.18


On 4/28/05, Nezar Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/29/05, Florin Andrei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was using mythweb for the first time. I scheduled a record via mythweb
> > and the backend crashed immediately after scheduling it.
> > No clue whatsoever in any log. Very weird.
> > I cannot reproduce it.
> I can.
> Whenever I go into mythweb->program listing, just chose any program
> and then schedule it to be recorded, then the backend crashes
> immediately after the page has loaded confirming the scheduled
> recording.
> Using CVS.
> --
> Mvh. Nezar Nielsen
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] configure did not detect my cpu

2005-04-15 Thread Nathan Ford
 *** WARNING ***
 Your CPU was not detected properly:
   uname -m: i686
   uname -p: unknown
 model name : Penium II (Klamah)
  flags : fpu vme de pse sc msr pae mce cx8 sep mrr
pge mca cmov mmx

 If you are using a recent CVS checkout,
 please e-mail the above to
 With the subject "configure did not detect my cpu"

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Which Distro?

2005-04-08 Thread Nathan Ford
My backend runs Slack 10.1, kernel I compiled it from source
with a kernel from Quick run through menuconfig and I was
off and running fine. MythTV 0.17

My frontend also has Slack 10.1 on it, 2.4.29 kernel that came with
slack. (I did go to a 2.6.X kernel at some point, but for some reason
it broke AC3 output via ALSA, so I went back to 2.4.29)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 installation

2005-04-05 Thread Nathan Ford
Remember to power down for a min or two then start back up. I got
colorful static that faded in and out when I first started. After
hours of failure I ended up powering the machine down for something.
When it came back up everything worked fine. May or may not fix your
prob but it helped mine. :)

mythtv-users mailing list

Fwd: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 installation

2005-04-04 Thread Nathan Ford
If this is a double post for anyone i'm sorry. GMail isn't replying to
the list right L(

The Box is an Athlon 1.4Ghz on an ABit KT7-RAID. Can't remember the
exact chipset but it is a VIA chipset.

There are two NIC's and an old NVidia TNT2 in there as well, and thats
it for expansion cards. When i compiled the kernel I added in very
little. Basically if I wasn't using it I didn't add it. For instance
there's no USB, even though thge board has it.

Yea, those are from the Quickstart. And your right it will probably
auto-detect. Next time I get a window in recordings i'll strip em out.
Like i said, I was extatic i finally got it working so I just left it,
seeing as it took me 2 days. :)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 installation

2005-04-04 Thread Nathan Ford
I just got my PVR-500 last weekend. Took some frigging but I got it to
work. Seems to work great now. Next step: Get a cleaner cable signal
to it :)

I started with a 2.4.29 kernel (It was the kernel already on the
machine), but the tuner module in 2.4 will not work with the 500. So i
upgraded to the 2.6.11 kernel. I didn't build any v4l modules.

I used the 0.3.2q drivers (latest at the time of install). For the
longest time I just couldn't seem to get the damn thing to work. I
could record the composite in fine, but could not tune a channel. I
powered off the machine and powered it on and magically it started
working. So apparently at some point during my trials and tribulations
a register got set and never cleared. Anywho, it's working great now.

So I guess my tip is power off and on if things don't seem to work.
(Someone else on the forum posted that as well, sage advice :)  )

This is my modules.conf if your curious. And to anyone else if you see
something redundant feel free to point it out.

alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
alias char-major-81-1 ivtv
options saa7127 i2c_enable=-1,-1,-1,-1
options cx25840 i2c_enable=1,1,1,1 no_black_magic=1
options wm8775 mixer=1
options ivtv ivtv_debug=1 tuner=57,57,57,57

I should get brave and expiriment to see if any of those options
really aren't needed. But it's working, and I kinda wanna leave it
that way for awhile.

I just 'modprobe ivtv' and bing, there it is.

On Apr 4, 2005 4:17 PM, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Well, I placed my order for a PVR-500 and it should arrive today.  I
> plan on installing it tonight in addition to the two PVR-250's I've
> had in there since last May.  I'll let you know how it goes.  Any
> tips, recommendations, requirements from those who've tried?  Jarod,
> any last minuted advice for me?
> I'm running a 2.6.10 kernel, and I'll be upgrading to the latest 3.x.x
> IVTV drivers and latest nvidia drivers.  I think I'll wait and rebuilt
> the kernel when I go HDTV.  Anyway, wish me luck :)
> Thanks!
> Matt
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Dieing Hard Drive

2005-03-15 Thread Nathan Ford
Thx for the replies. I'll give that dd_rescue a try and see what I end up with.


On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 21:54:07 -0800, Ian Forde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 21:24 -0800, Yan-Fa Li wrote:
> > Nathan,
> >
> > This tool costs money ($89), it's DOS based, but friends of mine have
> > recovered data from extremely screwed up drives:
> >
> >
> >
> > It's still cheaper than a data recovery service.  You'll have to judge
> > for yourself how important your data is.
> Being that back in the 80's I was a DOS and Windows guy, I can tell you
> that I used to *SWEAR* by Spinrite.  It is no joke, and ABSOLUTELY worth
> it.
> I wish I'd known they were still around.  I could have saved myself an
> absolutely awful Tivo recovery a couple of years back. ;)
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Dieing Hard Drive

2005-03-14 Thread Nathan Ford
So one of my hard drives is dying, or maybe it finally has died and
I'm just unwilling to admit to the fact. It's a 120Gb WD 7200 non
special Edition. Ironically enough this is my newest drive. I have
older drives still running fine.

Anyways, The drive started making horrible clicking noises. not
wanting to further any damage I hastily shut-down and removed it.
Since I've hooked it back up to try and get the files off of it. The
horrible clicking has stopped, and I can see some of the directory
structure, but when I go to try and copy a file it just errors.

I ran WD's tools in an attempt to fix the drive, it ran for awhile
before erroring out because of "too many errors".

Dunno if anyone has any words of wisdom as to how I may recover this
drive. The files on it aren't crucial, but it would be kinda
depressing to lose em.

I realize this this is off-topic as it's not directly myth-related,
and for that I apologize. I'm just looking for a little glimmer of
hope before I give up.

(I was using part of the drive to store myth files, but I also had
other stuff on there)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Mythmusic - Updating Songs

2005-03-12 Thread Nathan Ford
Is there a way to update the mythmusic database without going into mythmusic?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: mythtv backend on a headless fileserver

2005-03-11 Thread Nathan Ford
VNC is useful for people like me who have Linux and WIndows systems.
My windows machine is my primary system (dual-monitor too), and my
linux machines are very much utility (One is attached to the TV, one
is in the closet.) I have and do run the X server from Cygwin, but it
is buggy to say the least. VNC just works. And when I'm at work (win
2000 workstation) I can use VNC to access my server.

FYI: I built and installed tightvnc (I run slackware) but I had to
modify the code some to get it to compile.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can a master backend have no inputs?

2005-03-11 Thread Nathan Ford
I'm in the same situation. I have my server in the closet that
provides services to my network (DHCP, DNS, MySQL, etc.) but it has no
capture cards. Nor can I put any in. This machine is also a low power
system. Saves me $$ in electricity. Since this machine is on all the
time I too would like to have it wake up other slave backends when
there is work to do. I have a development server that I only turn on
when I am writing code that I can put capture cards in. I also have my
front end downstairs.

I'm still building my system, but this would be the ideal setup for
me. When I do get enough stuff to try and get it up and running i'll
report my findings.

mythtv-users mailing list