Re: [mythtv-users] Sound drops out during HDTV programming

2006-01-15 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I am having almost the same problem - seems to be
isolated to the channels with weaker reception, but
not always.

VERY similar setup - Athlon XP 2900+, HD-3000,
playback via an FX5200 or FX5500 depending on the
front-end. Analog audio output.

I've had this problem on and off for the last few
months, but for some reason seemed to be worse with
the recordings last night. That's why I'm on here
searching for a solution.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Fwd: Sempron 3100 lag when viewing HD from 6200 STB

2006-01-10 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Boy, I don't know if this will help, but I kind of
have my HD performance surrounded:

I have reasonably identical boxes based on Biostar
201Vs, both with 512 Meg memory, nvidia 5200 video
cards, etc. One has an Athlon XP 2900+ (sold via Tiger
Direct a while back) running at 400Mhz, while the
other has an Athlon XP 3000+, but the 333 Mhz version.
Both have two sticks of 256Meg DDR 3200.

The XP2900+ at 400Mhz can play HD (1080i) without
XvMC. The XP3000+ at 333Mhz can't - unless I have XvMC
on, it can't play the 720p that TV requires (both go
DVI to the TVs).

These are FC4 boxes.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Need to log out of console or restart X via script

2005-12-11 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Worked like a champ! Thanks for the help!
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] OT: Need to log out of console or restart X via script

2005-12-10 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Hi! I'm not very experienced in Linux and need some
help with something.

One of my myth boxes is hooked to a Plasma via a
DVI-HDMI connection. For some reason, very
infrequently, they seem to lose synch when switching
to or from watching video. Once that happens, I can't
get the TV to display the output unless I restart X (I
think). I normally fix it in one of two ways: I dig
out the keyboard, log out and let the mythbox do the
auto login and mythfrontend start up. Or, I log in
remotely via SSH and restart the entire machine.

What I would like to do is get a script that either
just restarts X (would I have to stop and start
mythfrontend?) or one that logs out the console (and
allows the Automatic login and mythfrontend restart).
I could then tie this script to a button on my remote
for my wife to use.

But, I can't figure out either without quickly getting
confused. If someone could help me, I'd appreciate it.
Here's what I want to do:

#First kill any mythfrontend process that is running
sudo killall mythfrontend
sudo mythfrontend -l /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cheap media diy build

2005-11-05 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I have two combo frontend/backends based on this
biostar 210V system. I have found that with a 400Mhz
FSB XP 3000+ I can easily playback HDTV - but not with
a 333Mhz FSB one, so be careful. (I have a third
backend that records the HDTV).

In my setup one of these has an PVR-150 and the other
has a PVR-500. Both work fine. I also installed a
FX5200 graphics card in each because I wanted to drive
my HDTVs via DVI-HDMI. Even with all of that, I have
no cooling problems at all.

I only have one HD in each, but there is room for at
least one more. I have a DVD reader in each.

Space is tight during the install, especially when
installing the processor cooler, but other than that,
it was VERY easy (I did the 2nd one in less that 1/2
an hour). It doesn't auto-detect anything, so make
sure you read the manual and set the jumpers

Pretty quiet, some "rattle" of the case until you get
the screws tightened "just right"

I highly recommend these - I bought a second to
replace another computer because it worked so well
(and the other had terrible cooling problems).

I bought both of mine from newegg...without the drives
and tuner cards, I figure $350 USD is what I paid
(Barebone system (~$150), memory (~$50), 
processor(~$100), graphics card (~$50))


--- Carl Fongheiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/5/05, Fintan Gaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Seen a really cheap DIY media center build on this
> link
> >
> >
> >
> > Although i don't want Microsoft media center will
> myth tv work with this
> > one?
> > just my concern is the Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150MC
> will that work with
> > Mythtv?
> That should make a fine MythTV box. The PVR-150MCE
> works well, in my
> experience. You just need to install the ivtv
> driver, and set it up in
> mythtv-setup. (Make sure to configure it as an
> MPEG-2 card, rather than a
> V4L card.)
> Carl Fongheiser
> > ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] *** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/mythbackend: corrupted double-linked list: 0xb368e658 ***

2005-11-03 Thread Rob Bongiovi
My backend has crashed 4 times this evening with the
error below. Anyone know what is going on?

Using FC4 with mythtv 18.1 from ATRPMS.



*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/mythbackend: corrupted
double-linked list: 0xb368e658 ***
=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: 
00111000-00113000 rwxp  00:0f 2171  
00113000-0011e000 r-xp  03:02 632   
0011e000-0011f000 rwxp b000 03:02 632   
0011f000-00165000 r-xp  03:02 2651172   
00165000-0023f000 rwxp 00045000 03:02 2651172   
0023f000-00242000 rwxp 0023f000 00:00 0 
00242000-00247000 r-xp  03:02 2618219   
00247000-00248000 r-xp 4000 03:02 2618219   
00248000-00249000 rwxp 5000 03:02 2618219   
00249000-0027 rwxp 00249000 00:00 0 
0027-002df000 r-xp  03:02 2420250   
002df000-002e2000 rwxp 0006e000 03:02 2420250   
002e2000-002e4000 r-xp  03:02 2616502   
002e4000-002e5000 rwxp 1000 03:02 2616502   
002e5000-00308000 r-xp  03:02 2435211   
00308000-00309000 rwxp 00023000 03:02 2435211   
00309000-0030b000 r-xp  03:02 366   
0030b000-0030c000 rwxp 1000 03:02 366   
0030c000-0030d000 r-xp  03:02 636   
0030d000-0030e000 rwxp  03:02 636   
0030e000-0031 r-xp  03:02 637   
0031-00311000 rwxp 1000 03:02 637   
00311000-00313000 r-xp  03:02 638   
00313000-00314000 rwxp 1000 03:02 638   
00314000-00315000 r-xp  03:02 639   
00315000-00316000 rwxp  03:02 639   
00316000-00317000 r-xp  03:02 640   
00317000-00318000 rwxp  03:02 640   
00318000-0031a000 r-xp  03:02 641   
0031a000-0031b000 rwxp 1000 03:02 641   
0031b000-0031d000 r-xp  03:02 642   
0031d000-0031e000 rwxp 1000 03:02 642   
0031e000-0031f000 r-xp  03:02 643   
0031f000-0032 rwxp  03:02 643   
0032-00321000 r-xp  03:02 644   
00321000-00322000 rwxp  03:02 644   
00322000-00324000 r-xp  03:02 645   
00324000-00325000 rwxp 1000 03:02 645   
00393000-00394000 r-xp 00393000 00:00 0 
00522000-0052b000 r-xp  03:02 2616372   
0052b000-0052c000 r-xp 8000 03:02 2616372   
0052c000-0052d000 rwxp 9000 03:02 2616372   
00879000-0087a000 r-xp  03:02 635   
0087a000-0087b000 rwxp  03:02 635   
008c2000-009a2000 r-xp  03:02 2434968   
009a2000-009a7000 rwxp 000df000 03:02 2434968   
009a7000-009ad000 rwxp 009a7000 00:00 0 
009b9000-009c7000 r-xp  03:02 2428368   
009c7000-009c8000 rwxp e000 03:02 2428368   
009cb000-00a2c000 r-xp 

Re: [mythtv-users] 1080i not available on FC4?

2005-09-21 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I have 1080i working on my FC4 box.

Pertinent parts of xorg.conf:

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "Samsung"
HorizSync30 - 48
VertRefresh  55 - 65
Option  "dpms"
Modeline "1920x1080i" 74.52 1920 1952 2016
2208 1080 1084 1096 1126 -hsync -vsync interlace

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Videocard0"
Driver  "nvidia"
VendorName  "Videocard vendor"
BoardName   "NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)"
Option  "NoDDC"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24
Modes "1920x1080i" 

--- John P Poet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 9/21/05, Mat Kyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It booted into
> > 720p no problem, but when I tried to change the
> resolution to 1080i, the
> > resolution was not available. Does anyone know why
> KDE would not see or
> > allow the 1920x1080i resolution? I am posting my
> modified xorg.conf file.
> > Any ideas would be most appreciated.
> Your "/var/log/xorg.0.log" should tell you why it
> rejected a
> particular resolution.
> John
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 16:9 video playback cutting off 10% on right side

2005-09-21 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Boy, I saw something very similar, but you won't like
my solution.

When I hooked up my new ED plasma, I was trying to run
it in its native resolution via DVI-HDMU cable (which
was automatically recognized). I had the same problem
you describe: 4:3 and GUI displayed OK (the 4:3 with
the black bars), but the HDTV was stretched so the
right 3rd was off the screen.

What fixed it for me was switching to a 1080i (HDTV)
modeline. Everything works fine now. But that
obviously won't work for you. However, you may want to
full around with different display modes.

BTW - the only similarily I see is that we were both
using fanless FX 5200 cards. Like I said, I am running
through a DVI-HDMI connector. I'm using the 7676
Nvidia drivers and 18.1 for mythTV on a FC4 box.

Hope this helps.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] OT: Swapping processors

2005-09-16 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Sorry for the OT post, but I am hoping someone can
point me in the right direction. I accidentally bought
a 333Mhz XP 3000+ rather than a 400Mhz one. The 400Mhz
XP2900+ I have in another front end runs HDTV just
fine, but the 333Mhz XP 3000+ needs XvMC to play HDTV,
which can be flaky. I happen to have an extra 400Mhz
XP2900+ in another computer that I can swap, but I
have never done this before.

Basically, what I want to know, or want a pointer to
another forum, is notes on removing a processor from
one computer without damaging, cleaning the thermal
paste off it and the heat sinks, and putting it in
another. I am especially worried about cleaning the
thermal grease off the processors and heat sinks.

Sorry - but until I decided to install a MythTV system
in my new house, I never built my own computers. Any
help would be appreciated.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV format question

2005-09-12 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I just hooked up two Samsung widescreens via DVI to
HDMI. Both worked great. 1st of all, both were
recognized via DDC and had a bunch of resolutions.

The HDTV TV (720p native resolution) runs everything
with the GUI at 720p just fine - no additional
modeline required beyond what DDC detected.

For the EDTV, I had to use the 1080i modeline from
Jarod's instruction. Anything else and the HDTV would
have the right 3rd of the image cut off at the edge.

Hopes this helps!

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Playback stops and seg faults mythfrontend after 5-15 mins

2005-08-31 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Yes, this problem occurs with xine from the command
prompt, so I, too, am thinking video driver and/or

It could be cooling. Would the video stop, yet the GUI
still be active if it is a cooling problem? In both
xine and myth, I get kicked out to the x-windows GUI,
where I can open windows, etc. I have this in an antec
overture case, which I am not very happy with. I can't
add fans. I am thinking about pulling a tuner card and
getting more room around the video card.

Here is my xorg.conf:
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "single head configuration"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"

# RgbPath is the location of the RGB database.  Note,
this is the name of the 
# file minus the extension (like ".txt" or ".db"). 
There is normally
# no need to change the default.
# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are
concatenated together)
# By default, Red Hat 6.0 and later now use a font
server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.
RgbPath  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions"
ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
FontPath "unix/:7100"

Section "Module"
Load  "dbe"
Load  "extmod"
Load  "fbdevhw"
Load  "glx"
Load  "record"
Load  "freetype"
Load  "type1"
Load  "v4l"

Section "InputDevice"

# Specify which keyboard LEDs can be user-controlled
(eg, with xset(1))
#   Option  "Xleds" "1 2 3"
# To disable the XKEYBOARD extension, uncomment
#   Option  "XkbDisable"
# To customise the XKB settings to suit your keyboard,
modify the
# lines below (which are the defaults).  For example,
for a non-U.S.
# keyboard, you will probably want to use:
#   Option  "XkbModel"  "pc102"
# If you have a US Microsoft Natural keyboard, you can
#   Option  "XkbModel"  "microsoft"
# Then to change the language, change the Layout
# For example, a german layout can be obtained with:
#   Option  "XkbLayout" "de"
# or:
#   Option  "XkbLayout" "de"
#   Option  "XkbVariant""nodeadkeys"
# If you'd like to switch the positions of your
capslock and
# control keys, use:
#   Option  "XkbOptions""ctrl:swapcaps"
# Or if you just want both to be control, use:
#   Option  "XkbOptions""ctrl:nocaps"
Identifier  "Keyboard0"
Driver  "kbd"
Option  "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option  "XkbLayout" "us"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option  "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option  "Emulate3Buttons" "yes"

Section "Monitor"

#   Option  "dpms"
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "Samsung"
HorizSync31.5 - 45.0
VertRefresh  60.0 - 60.0
#ModeLine "ATSC-720-59.94p" 74.176 1280 1320
1376 1650 720 722 728 750
#ModeLine "ATSC-720-60p" 74.25 1280 1320 1376
1650 720 722 728 750
ModeLine "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 74.2 1280 1312 1592 1624
720 735 742 757 +hsync +vsync
#   ModeLine "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 27.0 720 752 848 880 483
493 498 508 +hsync +vsync

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Videocard0"
Driver  "nvidia"
VendorName  "Chaintech"
BoardName   "NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24

Section "DRI"
Mode 0666

Note that according to my Xorg.0.log, it rejects my
modeline, but automatically configures one from the


--- Nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Rob,
> Do you get the same problems when running xine from
> the command line
> (i.e. not from within MythTV)? If you do, I'd bet
> it's an NVidia video
> driver issue, rather than a MythTV issue. Maybe your
> xorg.conf might
> shed some light on the problem.
> Also make sure the video card is being cooled
> sufficiently.
> Nick
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Playback stops and seg faults mythfrontend after 5-15 mins

2005-08-31 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I'm so frustrated by this, I forgot some other info:

Running FC4 kernel 2.6.12-1.1398_FC4 with myth 0.18.1
installed via ATRPMs. Have one PVR-500 and one PVR-150
in the box using the latest at-testing ivtv drivers
(0.3.7d). I can repeat this problem with both an
nvidia FX5200 and FX5500 using the last two versions
of the nvidia driver (7667 and 7676). I am running an
Athlon XP 2900+ with 512meg of memory.

Again, thanks in advance for any help!

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Playback stops and seg faults mythfrontend after 5-15 mins

2005-08-31 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Hi! I am banging my head against a wall on this one. I
just hooked my mythtv front/backend onto my new HDTV.
Everything went smoothly until I tried to play video.
It plays (nicely) for 5-15 mins, the crashes
mythfrontend (mythbackend is fine). It does this for
live tv, playback of recorded tv, and, strangly, xine
did the same thing when playing a dvd (via Myth).

I'm running at 720p (1280x720). I've tried to connect
via DVI-HDMI and via a direct VGA connection (the TV
has both).

The frontend log just stops (here is the last few
lines of the log with verbose reporting on):

'video_output' mean = '34955.90', std. dev. =
'7624.43', fps = '28.61'
2005-08-31 08:16:26.941 positionMap[ 1642 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:27.441 positionMap[ 1643 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:27.941 positionMap[ 1644 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:28.441 positionMap[ 1645 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:28.940 positionMap[ 1646 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:29.440 positionMap[ 1647 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:29.940 positionMap[ 1648 ] ==
'video_output' mean = '33290.49', std. dev. = '45.40',
fps = '30.04'
2005-08-31 08:16:30.438 positionMap[ 1649 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:30.938 positionMap[ 1650 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:31.437 positionMap[ 1651 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:31.939 positionMap[ 1652 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:32.435 positionMap[ 1653 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:32.935 positionMap[ 1654 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:33.434 positionMap[ 1655 ] ==
'video_output' mean = '33291.29', std. dev. = '41.77',
fps = '30.04'
2005-08-31 08:16:33.934 positionMap[ 1656 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:34.434 positionMap[ 1657 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:34.933 positionMap[ 1658 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:35.433 positionMap[ 1659 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:36.015 positionMap[ 1660 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:36.431 positionMap[ 1661 ] ==
'video_output' mean = '33291.03', std. dev. = '64.37',
fps = '30.04'
2005-08-31 08:16:36.932 positionMap[ 1662 ] ==
2005-08-31 08:16:37.431 positionMap[ 1663 ] ==

The backend log usually reports this:
2005-08-31 07:57:20.398 New DB connection, total: 1
Starting up as the master server.
2005-08-31 07:57:20.705 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-08-31 07:57:20.935 New DB connection, total: 3
2005-08-31 07:57:21.820 New DB scheduler connection
2005-08-31 07:57:21.953 mythbackend version:
2005-08-31 07:57:22.038 Enabled verbose msgs :
important general
2005-08-31 07:57:23.928 Reschedule requested for id
2005-08-31 07:57:25.403 Scheduled 53 items in 1.5 =
1.14 match + 0.34 place
2005-08-31 07:57:25.518 Seem to be woken up by USER
2005-08-31 08:01:57.129 New DB connection, total: 1
Starting up as the master server.
2005-08-31 08:01:57.301 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-08-31 08:01:57.363 New DB connection, total: 3
2005-08-31 08:01:58.240 New DB scheduler connection
2005-08-31 08:01:58.274 mythbackend version:
2005-08-31 08:01:58.309 Enabled verbose msgs :
important general
2005-08-31 08:02:00.257 Reschedule requested for id
2005-08-31 08:02:01.616 Scheduled 53 items in 1.4 =
1.09 match + 0.27 place
2005-08-31 08:02:01.625 Seem to be woken up by USER
2005-08-31 08:02:43.287 MainServer::HandleAnnounce
2005-08-31 08:02:43.289 adding: mythtvsd as a client
(events: 0)
2005-08-31 08:02:43.303 MainServer::HandleAnnounce
2005-08-31 08:02:43.305 adding: mythtvsd as a client
(events: 1)
2005-08-31 08:02:43.313 MainServer::HandleAnnounce
2005-08-31 08:02:43.315 adding: mythtvsd as a client
(events: 0)
2005-08-31 08:02:43.344 MainServer::HandleAnnounce
2005-08-31 08:02:43.346 adding: mythtvsd as a client
(events: 0)
2005-08-31 08:02:43.352 adding: mythtvsd as a remote
2005-08-31 08:02:43.363 Changing from None to
2005-08-31 08:16:37.827 Changing from WatchingLiveTV
to None
2005-08-31 08:16:37.914 WriteBlock: Bad socket
Unable to write to client socket, as it's no longer

If I run mythfrontend from the prompt (I usually use a
startup script), it reports a segmentation fault on

Ideas? I'm kind of a linux noob, so if you would like
to see other output, please let me know. This was
supposed to be my big unveiling to my wife and kids,
so please help!!!

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] I'm so frustrated. (PVR-500)

2005-08-21 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I am no linux or ivtv expert and I don't use
Knoppmyth, but here is a quick summary of how I got
the PVR-500 (and another PVR-150 in the same computer)
to work.

I have had no luck with the PVR-150/500 support in the
standard 0.2.x ivtv, so per Jarod's instructions, I
download the testing version of ivtv from
ATRPMS(currently version 0.3.7d which I upgraded to
with no problems).

The problem is that this downloads the latest,
unstable firmware. I find I have more luck if I
downgrade the firmware per the instructions at this


Also, there is a little "feature" to be aware of. For
some reason, the cards need some time to "take" the
new firmware. So after you downgrade the firmware,
leave the computer off for a minute or so, then
restart. I've also noticed that sometimes the audio on
the 2nd input (which in my case is the 1st tuner on
the PVR-500) doesn't work. Again, power down, wait a
minute or more, and it will work (repeat if it doesn't
but it has everytime for me).

In any case, this gets my PVR-500 and PVR-150 to work
(via tuners only, I haven't tried the s-video or
composite inputs).

Hope this helps!

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythtv Menu organization

2005-08-09 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I am in the final stages of setting up a myth system
for my family. One of the things I decided to do was
change the main menu...very easy. Just take the .xml
menu files from /usr/share/mythtv that you want to
modify and copy them to a
/usr/share/mythtv/themes/ and
edit. You don't have to copy any file that you are not
modifying...myth uses the default files in those

In my case, I wanted the main menu to only have the
functions we'll use the most, so I modified
mainmenu.xml to say:

Live TV
Recorded TV
Other Options

I then copied the default mainmenu.xml to
other_options.xml and edited out the features we won't
use (like the phone). I edited one other
file...library.xml I remove the game
emulator for now. Now, I just select my theme from the
front end setup and away we go.

As easy as that was, there is one "Tivo" feature I
wish we had. Our Tivo remote has a button labeled
"Live TV" and another labeled "List". Those buttons,
take you to live TV or to the list of recorded
programs no matter where you are in the Tivo system.
I'd love to be able to configure MythTV to do that.


--- Mark H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well all you need to do is edit those xml files.
> They are pretty easy to 
> figure out. Knock yourself out and if you find
> something you like share it 
> with us. 
> On 8/9/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I would agree that Mythtv's menus are a bit
> unorganized. Perhaps
> > adding multiple ways to get to the same
> setup/config pages would be
> > helpful, allowing jumps between sections rather
> than going all the
> > way back to the top of the hierarchy, but I don't
> know.
> > 
> > - KG
> > 
> > On Aug 9, 2005, at 11:31 AM, roger wrote:
> > 
> > > Is it just me, or is Mythtv's menu organization
> confusing?
> > >
> > > Maybe the items are organized well, however, the
> end user just
> > > needs to
> > > learn how & when Mythtv spawns it's processes?
> > >
> > > (It took less time for me to learn how my
> dishnetwork pvr menu system
> > > worked. On the lighter side, there's less
> features with the
> > > dishnetwork
> > > pvr.)
> > >
> > > (Still learning, but now have a more sane handle
> of mythtv.)
> > >
> > > --
> > > Roger
> > >
> > > Key fingerprint = 8977 A252 2623 F567 70CD 1261
> 640F C963 1005 1D61
> > >
> > > Tue Aug 9 12:31:29 PDT 2005
> > >
> > > ___
> > > mythtv-users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> >
> > ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Storage of currently tuned channel

2005-08-08 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Is there a way to do this from within a script like

I am trying to make this as wife/children friendly and
run into this problem. Would like to allow them to hit
a button and have the box kill the frontend, stop the
backend, fix the start channel, start the backend, and
start the front end. I can do all except the fixing
the start channel.

Anyone have a one line command prompt way to do this?


--- Marc Tousignant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > -Original Message-
> [mailto:mythtv-users-
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brett May
> > Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 4:10 AM
> > To: Discussion about mythtv
> > Subject: [mythtv-users] Storage of currently tuned
> channel
> > 
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > Can anyone tell me where the current tuned channel
> is stored in mythtv.
> > Is it stored in the database anywhere?
> > 
> > There seems to be a bug in mythtv 18.0 that allows
> you to change to non
> > visible
> > channels (probably fixed in cvs).  I have managed
> to change to a HD
> > channel
> > and ViaXVMC can't handle it and crashes the
> frontend.  Unfortunately I am
> > now stuck on this channel and can't find a way to
> change to a valid
> > channel
> > before starting mythbackend.  I can use tzap piped
> to mplayer to watch
> > other
> > channels so its not the card that is stuck. 
> Mythbacked is changing to
> > this channel
> > on startup.
> > 
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Brett
> > 
> Simplest way to do this I think is this.
> First stop the backend. Not sure if editing the
> database while it is running
> will work right. 
> Login to mysql
> mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg
> If you left it default the password is mythtv too.
> Otherwise use your own
> user/pass.
> select cardinputid, inputname, startchan from
> cardinput;
> This will tell you which card is your HD card and
> the current channel.
> UPDATE cardinput SET startchan='13' WHERE
> cardinputid='1';
> This will change the channel in the database.
> Replace 1 with the cardinput
> from next to your hd tuner and replace the 13 with
> any valid hd channel.
> > ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Ripping excellent DVDs in latest ATRPMs

2005-07-31 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Excuse the dumb question, but I am not a regular linux
or transcode user. Can anyone give me a command line
for transcode that would give something similar to an
"excellent" file? I would like to have AC3 passthrough
for an external receiver.

Thanks in advance for the help.


--- Pat Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Whew!  I thought I was alone!  I don't know what the
> transcode command
> line that mtd runs is, but running transcode by hand
> against a "perfect"
> ripped file creates a perfectly usable MPEG file.
> > I see this has been asked a few time before, but
> no
> > answers, so I'll try again. Now that the transcode
> was
> > turned back on in mtd in the ATRPMs packages, I
> can't
> > get a DVD to rip in excellent quality. I can get a
> > perfect copy. Like the others have said, it does
> the
> > first step - ripping the file off the dvd, but it
> > doesn't seem to do the next - transcoding to
> perfect
> > quality. No files get left in the temporary
> directory
> > and nothing in the logs. Is there a fix to this?
> Doesn
> > anyone know what is going on?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rob
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Ripping excellent DVDs in latest ATRPMs

2005-07-31 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I see this has been asked a few time before, but no
answers, so I'll try again. Now that the transcode was
turned back on in mtd in the ATRPMs packages, I can't
get a DVD to rip in excellent quality. I can get a
perfect copy. Like the others have said, it does the
first step - ripping the file off the dvd, but it
doesn't seem to do the next - transcoding to perfect
quality. No files get left in the temporary directory
and nothing in the logs. Is there a fix to this? Doesn
anyone know what is going on?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 driving me nuts

2005-07-31 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I reliably get my PVR-500 (and my PVR-150) to work on
my FC4 setup using the ATRPMs at-testing version of
ivtv (currently ivtv 0.3.6w), then go back to an
earlier version of firmware as recommended here:
. (Instructions for installing the firmware this way
are here:
I am not convinced that the v0.2 versions of ivtv
won't work, but I know the 0.3 versions work and I've
had no problems with them yet.

I am experimenting with configurations, so I've used
this method to get my PVR-500 and PVR-150 working in
separate boxes as well as all in one box.

Also, the ivtv thread link above makes a lot of sense
to me. I have to not just reboot, but shutdown my
machine and restart to get the new firmware to work
(it loads but I still have no sound and/or static).

Finally, I only use my tuner 0's, so no promises that
this makes the other inputs work.

Hope this helps!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Commercial skipping - what is supposed to happen?

2005-07-10 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I've tried this with a good standard definition
capture and over the air HD programming. Here's what I

1. With SD, commercial detection works great. Finds
the commercial spot-on - so much so that on that
system I had it automatically skip the commercials
with no problems.
2. With HD, the commercials get tagged, but about 90
secs prior to when they should be, so I don't really
use it.
3. The notify box pops up very quickly...probably the
3 seconds that is the default setting for the OSD to
be up. I find that I usually miss it. But, I do find
it shows up (right at the beginning of the commercial
with my SD shows, about 90 seconds before the
commercial on the DVB shows).

Hope this helps!

--- ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I record a show, the process to mark
> commercials starts and 
> completes.  The show has the icon to indicate
> commercials are marked, 
> but when I play it, it plays, showing the
> commercials and everything. I 
> have it set to use 'All' methods of detecting
> commercials.
> I have the play config item set to 'Notify, but do
> not skip'.   I was 
> expecting it to pop up a message when a commercial
> comes up, but ... 
> nothing.
> How is it supposed to work?
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MTD working yet?

2005-06-27 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I have two questions about this:

1. I am using these ATRPMs and have this problem.
Ripping a DVD will not work at all (it doesn't even go
into the screen to pick which files to rip). Is this
what you would expect?

2. If I wanted to compile MTD to work, how is the
easiest way to go about it?


--- Donavan Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/27/05, jonr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When I try to run mtd --daemon this is the error I
> get:
> > 
> > main.o: mtd was built without transcode support.
> It won't do anything.
> > 
> > I am using the RPMs by Axel following Jarods guide
> using FC2 so it may
> > just be his RPMs that have this error and it might
> have been fixed but
> > not reflected in the RPMs that Axel has available.
> I should have stated
> > this in my first post.
> > 
> Yep definitly just an atrpms issue.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Summer Project 2005, MythTV Box Proposal

2005-06-19 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I am doing almost exactly the same thing this
summer...and am pretty new, so take my comments with a
grain of salt. That said, here are some of the
considerations I've done.

1. For the video card: I've decided on my main front
ends to use FX 5200 with DVI outputs (I intend to
connect to HD TVs). They are 5-10 bucks more
expensive, but I think that I'd prefer the

2. I decided to use the video card for TV out and went
with a single PVR-500MCE (which is two PVR-150's on
one card). I got it to work pretty quickly using
Jarod's Fedora instructions and a thread from this
list (I haven't tried it with Knoppmyth, yet.)

3. There was some comments about incompatibility with
VIA based Motherboards in the MythTV readme. It may
all be gone in the latest version, but I decided to
play it safe and only use nForce-based motherboards.
In fact, I've been pleased with this combo from
Tigerdirect for $79 AR:

(you'll still need a CPU fan with this. Be careful
picking it. It is the noisiest component of my

4. Consider both Jarod's Fedora installation HOW-TO
and Knoppmyth. I've experimented with both. The Fedora
flavor takes a long-time to install, while knoppmyth
takes less than an hour. I have had a very stable
Fedora based system doing Standard Def MythTV.
Knoppmyth seemed to be less stable, but I was trying
HD with it and didn't take the time to "tweak" it,

I think you are right on with cost. I have now
purchased two systems for mythTV. My HD BE/FE combo
cost $650 (incl case) while my SD BE/FE combo cost
$660 (w/ a more expensive quiet case).

Hope this helps.

--- John Hanauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My proposal, any advice, thoughts, comments,
> questions would be appreciated.
> My basic assumptions was 80 hour TiVo is 300 with 1
> tuner and lifetime
> subscription is 300.  So, operating budget was 600
> plus some slack
> because of not paying tax.
> WinTV-PVR-150MCE $70.00
> WinTV-PVR-350 $174.00
> ASUS V9520-X/TD/128 Geforce FX5200 128MB DDR
> $44.50
> ASUS A7V600-X Socket A (Socket 462) VIA KT600
> $59.50
> AMD Athlon XP 2800+ Barton 333MHz FSB
> $103.00
> WINTEC 512MB DDR SDRAM (PC 3200) Unbuffered
> $37.82
> WD Caviar SE WD2500JD 250GB 7200 RPM SATA150
> $124.00
> $612.82 total.
> I realize that the PVR-350 is unnecessary if I've
> got a video card
> doing TV-out, and I could probably save a lot of
> money not having it,
> but I've heard playback for MPEG-2 is just awesome
> with it.  So I
> might still in the end scrap the PVR-350, save 70
> bucks, and get a
> PVR-150.
> -John
> PS: I have an old case to throw all this in.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: HD-3000 and ATRPMS - Configuration?

2005-06-04 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I've played around with this some more and I think
that some how the HD-3000 has been installed using the
V4L drivers, not the DVB ones that I installed using
ATRPMS. I think this because it has created the
/dev/video24 device. I can get MythTV to see the
HD-3000 on video0 and it seems to see my PVR-500 on
/video1 and /video2 (it was too late to get the whole
thing working last night).

But, given that DVB seems to be the way to go and that
QAM is better supported with DVB, I'd like to be using
those drivers. Anyone know how I get Fedora Core 3 to
use the DVB instead of the V4L drivers? Could this be
because I allowed it to auto configure the card on the
first reboot after I installed it? If so, how do I
change those settings?


--- Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> HD OTA all the way baby! Raw and uncut!
> kel
> On 6/3/05, Kent Ypma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>Does anyone have suggestions on what I should do
> (er, should've
> > done) after I installed the atrpms packages?
> > 
> > I'll be attempting to add my HD3000 this weekend,
> so I'll let you know
> > how far I get (I am also running a pvr-500).
> > 
> > >It's been stable for about a month now and
> finally moved it into my
> > entertainment center.
> > 
> > Kelly - are you pulling your HD OTA or Cable/QAM? 
> Just curious.
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] HD-3000 and ATRPMS - Configuration?

2005-06-02 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Hi! I'm pretty new to linux, but I have had good
success getting MythTV running on FC3 via Jarod's

I am trying to get an HD-3000 card to work. I see on
his how-to, and a few times in this forum, that Jarod
recommends using the atrpms for linuxtv-dvb for the
HD-3000(available on the testing site).

I've installed those, but am having a hard time
getting the HD-3000 to work (and, in fact, have lost
the ability to use my PVR-500MCE). In all the
searching, I have not been able to get a clear sense
of what I should be adding to my modprobe.conf and any
other files for the HD-3000. Does anyone have
suggestions on what I should do (er, should've done)
after I installed the atrpms packages?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Static on PVR-150 running FC3

2005-05-31 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I'm a novice, so may not be 100% correct, but to get
my PVR-500MCE working after having similar symptoms as
you do (which is supposedly 2 PVR-150's on one card),
I did the following:

First, my modprobe.conf has the following two sets of
>From Jarod's guide:

# ivtv (PVR-500MCE)
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
alias char-major-81-1 ivtv
options cx25840 no_black_magic=1

>From this thread:;#20096

alias tveeprom tveeprom-ivtv
alias msp3400 msp3400-ivtv
alias tuner tuner-ivtv

Second, I couldn't use the script that Jarod describes
for loading mythbackend. Instead, I load it using the
~/.kde/Autostart/ file by inserting

mythbackend &

before I load mythfrontend.

Hope this helps.


--- Jason Luttrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've followed Jarod's guide pretty much
> word-for-word for setting up
> Myth on FC3 and have run into a few issues.  I'm
> using 2 PVR-150s and
> a GeForce FX 5200.
> First, all I get is static when I set up Myth and
> enter Watch TV mode.
>  I've set up my 150s in Myth's Capture Devices
> section as the 250/350
> setting, which I'm presuming is correct.  The system
> is recognizing at
> least 2 cards (/dev/video0 and /video1), and all I
> get is static on
> the screen, along with the on-screen programming
> information.  I've
> even tried the following settings, and now I get
> static for one
> second, and then Myth locks up and gives me an
> error.  Maybe this is
> because I'm still using the monitor instead of the
> TV right now...
> # /usr/bin/ivtvctl -u 0x3000
> # /usr/bin/ivtvctl -p 4 (I've tried 0 and 1 also)
> # /usr/bin/ivtvctl -f width=720,height=480
> Any ideas from anyone that might know my problem or
> something good to
> try would be greatly appreciated, especially since
> I'm sure someone
> else out there is running 150s successfully  =).
> Finally, on the annoying side, the /dev/video0 and
> /dev/video1 devices
> aren't showing up in the system until I run the
> "/sbin/modprobe ivtv"
> command as root.  Where can I put this command so it
> will run as root
> on startup?
> Again, any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 
> Thanks!!!
> Jason
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Network speed.

2005-05-30 Thread Rob Bongiovi
All -

I have another, related, network question. I am
planning to have 3 myth boxes - one with a backend
recording HDTV and a frontend hooked to a computer
monitor, a second with a backend recording SD and a
front end hooked to an HDTV, and a third with no
backend, but hosting the video files for mythvideo. It
also has an HDTV frontend. So, worst case network load
seems to be two mythboxes pulling HDTV from the 3rd
while the 3rd is pulling a video from one of the
others. Will a 100Mb network do the job? Or, should I
spend a few extra $$$ and get a 1000Mg network?

--- Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/29/05, Mathew Mrosko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Sunday 29 May 2005 09:06 pm, Mark Knecht wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi,
> > >I just bought a cheap Netgear 5 port 100Mb
> switch for <$20 @ Frys.
> > > Why bother with the old stuff? You don't need a
> 24-port switch for 3-4
> > > frontends. You need the little guy I bought.
> > 
> > A) Because I already have it, why buy new, and
> just throw yet another thing
> > that could be useful away?  I'm no "tree-hugger"
> but I hate to throw
> > something away that will just take up more space
> in a land-fill somewhere,
> > especially when it could be useful still.
> > 
> > B) Because already having it is still cheaper than
> <$20 @ Frys.
> > 
> > C) Because it takes me over 1 1/2 hours to get to
> the neartest Frys.
> > 
> > :)
> > 
> > (Sorry, I didn't mean to be a dick, the whole
> reason I posted to the mailing
> > list wasn't to get "hey, just buy something new"
> messages...  I could have
> > easily done that, I was just wondering if it would
> work with something I
> > already have.)
> > 
> > -Mat
> OK, I wasn't taking your response as 'being a dick'.
> The online places
> have a boat-load of these things for <$25, and
> probably under $20  if
> you look around. They are more reliable and cost
> less over time.
> I've worked around networking hardware for a long
> time. In all
> likelyhood, in my experience, it will work but not
> work very well. It
> has enough bandwidth on paper but depending on the
> specific switch you
> may find that it really doesn't do 10Mb/S on each
> port.  It certainly
> won't cost you much to find out. Try it. Nothing's
> lost, except time,
> and probably $1/month in electricty. (Should you
> find yourself
> slipping slightly closer to that tree...) ;-)
> Sorry for not giving you this sort of answer to
> start. I wasn't being
> smart. I value my time pretty highly.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Newbie questions...

2005-05-25 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I got lucky, but I didn't have too many problems
getting the PVR-500MCE working following Jarod's
instruction and this thread:;#20096.
I'm pretty much a linux novice, having used unix here
and there in the past 10 years, but never programming
or anything. A lot depends on your ability to tolerate
frustration. I had a few moments where I was really
sweating, but I kept it in my mind that
troubleshooting is the best way to learn...

--- "Michael T. Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MagicITX wrote:
> >It is hard for me to comment on the DMA issue
> because I've never
> >encountered it.  I personally have 3 mythtv boxes
> in the room with me
> >running on the VIA M1, the ME6000 and the
> SP13000.  All have
> >either a PVR150, 250, or 500.  I have one running
> as a backend for the
> >ME6000.  I rip dvd's to the backend, play videos
> from the backend,
> >watch recordings, etc - all high bandwidth
> activities and never had a
> >lockup.  My main system's uptime is:
> >
> > 09:04:49 up 20 days,  1:47,  1 user,  load
> average: 0.27, 0.06, 0.02
> >
> >(I don't remember why I rebooted it three weeks ago
> but it wasn't a
> >lockup.  I think it lost keyboard focus when
> MythWeather couldn't
> >connect to the Internet.)
> >
> >I'm not denying the difficulties other's have had. 
> Only that the
> >problems probably no longer exist.  YMMV
> >
> But you'll notice that none of the systems you're
> using have any of the 
> problematic chipsets.
> Q: DMA errors are reported in my logs. I have a VIA
> chipset.
> A: Some VIA chipsets have issues with high amounts
> of DMA traffic 
> (widely reported as bad are KX133, KT133(A). The
> following are assumed 
> to be problematic, as well: KT200, KT333, KT400).
> Mike
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppauge WINTV-PVR-500 for $127 shipped on Amazon

2005-05-25 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I guess I got lucky, but I had almost no problems
getting the PVR-500MCE working. I'm using a Chaintech
7NJL6 Motherboard (which is NVIDIA nForce2  based). I
really got lucky, because I did almost no research on
this before I bought. Two other things that seem to

I can't use the automatic load scripts for
mythbackend. Instead, I load it using Jarod's
~/.kde/Autostart/ just before I load the
frontend (see I think
this may be some sort of driver loading issue (maybe
the one Jarod mentions in the liirc section here and may
not even be related to the PVR-500MCE, but if I try it
the other way, all I get is static like the others.

And I had to add this to my modprobe.conf file (above
and beyond Jarod's instructions):
alias tveeprom tveeprom-ivtv
alias msp3400 msp3400-ivtv
alias tuner tuner-ivtv

(this was from this thread:;#20096)

I am a linux novice, so once I get this stuff working,
I stop messing with it.

Hope this helps!

--- Garry Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/25/05, Xiaotian Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On 5/25/05, Andrew Close <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On 5/25/05, Xiaotian Sun
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On 5/25/05, james houston
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Check it out here:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Looking thru the archives it seems some
> people have
> > > > > gotten this card to work perfectly and
> others have
> > > > > only gotten static from it.
> > > > >
> > > > > Anyone care to weigh in...
> > > >
> > > > I'm getting good pictures, but having IRQ/DMA
> troubles using the
> > > > latest 0.3.x development driver.  It spits out
> > > >
> > > > ivtv: IRQ: IVTV_IRQ_DEC_DMA_ERR
> > > >
> > > > message from time to time and causes machine
> lock-up.
> > >
> > > Xiaotian ,
> > >
> > > what motherboard and chipset are you using?
> > 
> > ASUS Pundit-R, which uses ATI IXP200 chipset. 
> Some people were saying
> > change PCI slots may help in this situation.  But
> for Punidt-R, this
> > is really not an option, due to the physical
> limitations.  The two
> > cards I have (PVR-500 and pcHDTV-3000) can only be
> fit into the box in
> > one configuration.
> > 
> > I've been trying various bios config and kernel
> parameters, such as
> > enabling/disabling io-apic , enabling
> pci=routeirq, etc.  No help.
> > 
> > Xiaotian
> I'm using a PVR-500MCE, along with two PVR-250s, one
> of these is an
> MCE also. All of these I picked up on ebay. At
> first, I did have
> troubles which appeared to be related to IRQ
> sharing. My box is a Dell
> GX260, P4 1.8 Ghz. After switching slots a few
> times, and upgrading
> the BIOS (A03->A09, quite a jump), everything works
> together
> perfectly.
> Unfortunately, due to frustration and stupidity on
> my part, I was not
> very methodical in my testing, so I'm not sure if I
> finally found the
> correct IRQ settings, the correct PCI slots, or if
> the fix was simply
> due to the BIOS upgrade.
> IVTV driver 3.2r
> --Garry
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Two MythVideo Questions

2005-05-23 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I've been playing around with Mythvideo on my Fedora
Core 3 MythTV 18.1 setup. I have two questions:

1. It takes a long (~12 hours) time to transcode a DVD
to Excellent. I'd like the smaller files sizes because
I'd like to store a lot of DVDs, 12 hours a
pop, it'll take forever! Is this a normal amount of
time for this? I have a Athlon XP 2900+ with 512MB of

2. I managed to get two files into the video database
that do not exist. (I escaped out of the rip screen
and into the play videos screen while it was still
ripping, so I got both the correct filename and the
temporary filename). Now when I enter the video
manager, it tells me the files are missing and asks if
I'd like them deleted. When I say "Yes", it doesn't do
anything. If I try to delete them in the video
manager, it doesn't do it either. Any ideas? Should I
learn how to edit the database directly?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Adding a HD to an LVM for a VERY new Linux User

2005-05-23 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Thanks! I found this one to be very easy to implement:

The additional 300GB (OK 279GB) is installed and added
to my /video LVM. Now I'm ready for my HDTV card.

I should've just jumped in in the first place. In
anycase, thanks for the help!


--- Andrew Close <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/22/05, Rob Bongiovi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I'm a very new Linux user feeling my way around.
> > Following Jarod's guide, I was able to get MythTV
> up
> > and running on Fedora Core 3 with a relatively
> small
> > amount of problems.
> > 
> > Here's my current one: I picked up a 300GB HD on
> sale
> > last week and want to add most (if not all of it)
> to
> > the XFS LVM Jarod recommended setting up (as
> /video).
> > 
> > I had no problems setting up the original LVM in
> disk
> > druid while installing FC3. Is there some tool
> like
> > that available that will ease my set up of the
> 300GB
> > drive and adding it to the /video LVM? If not, is
> > there a VERY clear tutorial available someplace
> that
> > will guide me.
> i found this HOW-TO to be very helpful when doing
> the exactly the same
> thing:
> the info isn't distro specific so it will work with
> FC3...
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Adding a HD to an LVM for a VERY new Linux User

2005-05-22 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I'm a very new Linux user feeling my way around.
Following Jarod's guide, I was able to get MythTV up
and running on Fedora Core 3 with a relatively small
amount of problems.

Here's my current one: I picked up a 300GB HD on sale
last week and want to add most (if not all of it) to
the XFS LVM Jarod recommended setting up (as /video).

I had no problems setting up the original LVM in disk
druid while installing FC3. Is there some tool like
that available that will ease my set up of the 300GB
drive and adding it to the /video LVM? If not, is
there a VERY clear tutorial available someplace that
will guide me.

I've searched the archives here and have found some
very recent discussions, but they are talking over my
head (at least until I become more familiar with

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Greater Toronto Area

2005-05-21 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I had the same problem setting up a PVR-500MCE
(treated as 2 PVR-150MCE's on one card by ivtv). I did
some research online and found that ivtv does not
(yet?) support the S-Video on the PVR-150MCE and
PVR-500MCE. I think, but am not sure, that hardware
scaling is not yet supported, either(i.e., you must
capture at 720 x 480).

Hopefully some kind soul is working on those features.
Other than that, my PVR-500MCE is working like a


--- Claude Boucher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My two problems have been solved by simply switching
> the cards. 
> Setup: FC3, kernel 2.6.11, Myth 0.18.1 and ivtv
> 0.3.4w (from ATrpms)
> Card 1) PVR250 in (/dev/video0) connected to analog
> cable via coax
> Problem: Two channels were without sound (TV5 and
> RDI)
> Card 2) PVR150MCE in (/dev/video1) connected to a
> cable STB via S-Video
> Problem: Video signal in b/w on all channels. Sound
> is OK
> I physically switched the two cards so the new setup
> is:
> Card 1) PVR150MCE (/dev/video0) connected to analog
> cable via coax
> Problem solved: All channels now have sound
> Card 2) PVR250 (/dev/video1) connected to a cable
> STB via S-Video
> Problem solved: Audio and video signal in colour on
> all channels
> Conclusion: The 250 has a problem with coax input on
> certain channels and 
> the 150 has a problem with S-Video input.
> Claude
> > ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] IR receiver help

2005-05-20 Thread Rob Bongiovi

--- Robert Tsai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 08:17:40PM -0500, Dan H
> Orlic wrote:
> > The last thing I need before jumping into mythtv
> is an IR receiver.
> > I have two PVR-150 which does not have an IR
> receiver.  
> > 
> > My questions is, does anyone have a suggestion for
> a serial IR
> > receiver that I can purchase that will work with
> these cards?  I'd
> > rather not build one, I am all thumbs when it
> comes to soldering.
> eBay "TekGems" store.
> search for Packard Bell FastMedia remote or Winamp
> remote
> There's also a Creative remote + receiver.
> You'll get an IR receiver + remote control for like
> $15. You can throw
> away the remote control and get a nicer one.
> You could also go for wireless keyboard IR receiver
> and not deal with
> LIRC, but you already mentioned you wanted a serial
> IR receiver.
> --Rob
> > ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
I'm in the same boat...decided to try one this guy
builds and use it with one of the remotes I have
laying around:

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: FC4 on the Mac Mini

2005-05-20 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Does anyone have an opinion on the suitability of this
being a stand alone MythTV HDTV front end? I would be
hooking it up to one of these via DVI:
(or something similar).

I won't be setting this up until August, so hopefully
FC4 would be released and the ATRPMS all set up for

--- Lane Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/18/05, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > For $500 (or something like $375 since it comes
> with a new copy of Tiger)
> > It seems like a nice littel box.
> Careful! Before you order, ask if it actually will
> ship with Tiger. 
> When I talked to Apple in April they said it would
> be sometime this
> summer before the new inventory actually shipped
> with Tiger. If it
> doesn't then you can pay a bit extra ($10 I think)
> to have them throw
> in a set of Tiger discs.
> Lane
> -- 
> Meetup with other Myth users!
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Different(?) 18.1 upgrade problem

2005-05-19 Thread Rob Bongiovi
Duh. Worked like a charm! Thanks!

--- SDK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/18/05, Rob Bongiovi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I'm a relative novice with Linux and MythTV, but
> have
> > set up a box over the past two weeks to see if I
> want
> > to create a bigger setup (2 HDTVs) in the new
> house we
> > move into in August. With Jarod's excellent guide,
> I
> > have been pretty successful. (Can someone tell me
> why
> > Audio is so difficult in Linux, though?)
> > 
> > In any case, I decided to try to upgrade to 18.1.
> I do
> > an apt-get update then the apt-get install
> > mythtv-suite. Here is what I get (note that this
> is
> > the 3rd try or so, so many of the files have
> already
> > been downloaded):
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mythtv]# apt-get install
> mythtv-suite
> > Reading Package Lists... Done
> > Building Dependency Tree... Done
> > The following extra packages will be installed:
> >   mythplugins mythtv mythtv-backend
> mythtv-frontend
> > mythtv-setup mythtv-themes
> > The following packages will be upgraded
> >   mythtv mythtv-backend mythtv-frontend
> mythtv-setup
> > mythtv-suite
> >   mythtv-themes
> > The following NEW packages will be installed:
> >   mythplugins
> > 6 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 removed and 35
> not
> > upgraded.
> > Need to get 0B/6466kB of archives.
> > After unpacking 18.0kB of additional disk space
> will
> > be used.
> > Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
> > myththemes >= 0.18 is needed by
> >
> > E: Transaction set check failed
> > 
> > Any suggestions? Is this related to the packaging
> > problem
> >
> > I'd appreciate any pointers or help!
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > Rob
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Rob,
> I had the same problem and just did:
> apt-get install myththemes
> then:
> apt-get install mythtv-suite
> Hope that helps,
> Steve
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Different(?) 18.1 upgrade problem

2005-05-18 Thread Rob Bongiovi
I'm a relative novice with Linux and MythTV, but have
set up a box over the past two weeks to see if I want
to create a bigger setup (2 HDTVs) in the new house we
move into in August. With Jarod's excellent guide, I
have been pretty successful. (Can someone tell me why
Audio is so difficult in Linux, though?)

In any case, I decided to try to upgrade to 18.1. I do
an apt-get update then the apt-get install
mythtv-suite. Here is what I get (note that this is
the 3rd try or so, so many of the files have already
been downloaded):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mythtv]# apt-get install mythtv-suite
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
  mythplugins mythtv mythtv-backend mythtv-frontend
mythtv-setup mythtv-themes
The following packages will be upgraded
  mythtv mythtv-backend mythtv-frontend mythtv-setup
The following NEW packages will be installed:
6 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 removed and 35 not
Need to get 0B/6466kB of archives.
After unpacking 18.0kB of additional disk space will
be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
myththemes >= 0.18 is needed by
E: Transaction set check failed

Any suggestions? Is this related to the packaging
I'd appreciate any pointers or help!

mythtv-users mailing list