[mythtv-users] Force Xv output in mythfrontend?

2005-07-25 Thread Stephen Tait
I've just set up a new combined front/backend (gentoo, x86 on an AMD 3500 
with an nVidia graphics card via display on a CRT monitor), but the 
frontend seems to default to OpenGL output for video, rather than use Xv as 
I'd prefer (TTBOMK OGL sync is best suited for TV output, which'll be for 
the next frontend I do). It seems to be causing problems in deinterlacing 
the DVB streams no matter what deint option I use.

Is there any way to force mythfrontend to output in Xv? If I compile 
without opengl, will I lose any functionality elsewhere in Myth (like 
MythMusic visualisations)? I did try googling and searching the archives, 
but couldn't find anything definite (esp. as it's difficult not to pull up 
everything about XvMC!).

Thanks for any assistance

S Tait

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] - Ebaying Knoppmyth

2005-02-04 Thread Stephen Tait
At 20:35 04/02/2005, you wrote:
I came across this while browsing ebay today:
Is this just in bad taste, or is it against the GPL to sell copies of
the software?
-- Travis
mythtv-users mailing list
It's entirely allowed under the GPL, under the provision that you make the 
source code available to the purchasee. Selling CD's of such software is 
common to those without the benefit of high-speed internet, and you'll 
often see copies of the OpenCD and the like going for a few $ a pop.

Although nabbing other peoples bandwidth is a bit mean... 

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] mythcommflag and gentoo lockups

2005-02-03 Thread Stephen Tait
Anyone else been getting 'orrible problems with this?
For ages I was stuck on a 2.4.25 kernel, because the gentoo sources after 
that caused mythcommflag to hard lock my machine. I've recently upgraded to 
2.6.10 and a new(er) IVTV version and the problem has returned - although 
now instead of hard locking, it just crashes mythbackend (which, for some 
reason, refuses to restart properly, requiring a reboot - but at least I 
can do that via SSH). All the usual logs (dmesg, /var/log/messages and 
mythbackend.log) don't report anything untoward and I'm at a bit of a loss 
to understand what's going on. For now I've just disabled commflagging on 
all of the advert channels.

Firstly, has anyone else experienced this? There are a few mentions of it 
in the archive, but nothing concrete, such as this one: 
Are you using gentoo-dev-sources as well? Conversely, anyone else not using 
gentoo or an alternate kernel source and experiencing the same thing?

And does anyone else have any idea what could be causing the 
crashes/lockup? Might relaxing my CFLAGS (-03 -pipe) flags for Myth help?

Cheers for any more info!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] Universal remote recommendations...?

2005-01-26 Thread Stephen Tait
At 12:56 26/01/2005 +, you wrote:
I'm using the Sky Navigator with built-in keyboard and it works very
well.  It's quite useful to bind some of the less known features
(restart script etc.) to buttons on the built-in keyboard rather than
them being visible all the time.
I've yet to get all the keys firing and do away with the proper
keyboard, but that's the intention.  Note, if you've not bought one
yet, I don't think they work with the Hauppauge receiver of non
homebrew types like irman.
Let me know if you want my lirc configs.
Thanks for the offer, but I've just discovered a post in the deepest 
darkest recesses of google that the Sky+ remotes transmit using the RC6 
protocol, whereas the Hauppauge cards receive using the RC5 protocol, and 
are thus incompatible :( As you suggest, they'll only work with a homebrew 
or commercial RC6 receiver, which is a bit of a PITA TBH. When I figure out 
how to shoehorn building one, I might take you up on the offer ;) In the 
meantime I've pilfered myself the crumb-ridden half-broken remote from the 
front room and have been rejigging that... 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythWeb Error

2005-01-26 Thread Stephen Tait
At 04:33 26/01/2005 -0500, you wrote:
So...I know im some kinda idiot, just not sure which kind.  I just cannot 
get any tbn to show up in MythWeb when I go to the Recorded Programs 
page.  I get the following

*Warning* at /var/www/html/includes/mythbackend.php, line 269:
copy(image_cache/1007_2005012522_2005012523.nuv.png): failed to 
open stream: Permission denied

Ive searched thru the mailing list and made sure that any errors others 
have had with this arent what Im getting.  Ive made sure that 
apache/apache is the one running the web server.  Ive made a symlink in 
the www/html dir to the dir that holds my recorded shows, but still no 
go.  Anyone have any tips, hints, or old posts that I missed that would be 
Remember apache will need write access to the *true* path the images live 
in. So if the symlink goes /var/www/mythweb/tvstore -> /mnt/tv you'll need 
to ensure it has write permissions to /mnt/tv as well as to the symlink. 

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] [OT] Universal remote recommendations...?

2005-01-26 Thread Stephen Tait
Gah! Well, I've finally had it with trying to configure my Philips SBC RU 
865. It seems it's impossible to get *all* of the buttons working at the 
same time in any way, shape or form which makes it entirely useless for 
MythTV usage without continually switching in between different modes. 
Shame really, as this glaring error excepted it's an utterly stellar 
remote. If it's in TV mode, the pause, play, ff, rew etc. buttons are 
disabled... if it's in VCR mode the volume and mute buttons are disabled. 
Argh on a stick.

So, I'm in the market for a new remote to use with my PVR-250 and was 
wondering what opinions people here might offer. Firstly, I'm UK based, 
which probably cuts down an awful lot of stuff from the off (bah) and I 
don't really want to pay £120 for a remote, much to the annoyance of the 
short-back-and-smarm sales rep I clashed with on Tottenham Court Road 
yesterday, and nor did I want to buy a PVR setup (sigh). I knew walking 
into the Sony Centre was a bad idea...

Most promising so far (in that it's not butt ugly and doesn't cost a 
fortune) is the Sky+ remote as resold by Argos in this example 
I think there may be another version of this same remote floating about 
with a flip-top keypad somewhere, but that's not much of an issue for me. I 
couldn't find an lircd.conf for it over at lirc.org, but that's probably 
due to the manufacturer not being Sky, which is just as well as I'm loathe 
to give Rupert Murdoch any more money... ;) Since it was designed for 
PVR's, I'd imagine it would fit the bill nicely, and is probably the nicest 
looking remote I've seen recently. Any Myth users out there using this 
thing successfully? Care to comment?

In terms of people I don't want to buy things from, Sony are right up there 
with Rupert Murdoch, but I've been told they make some good remotes. The 
selection I saw yesterday was far from inspiring (style over substance - 
lots of fiddly little buttons), but I know there's a few users on here who 
swear by Sony remotes.

Other than the fact I want all the buttons to work *all the time*, separate 
ff/rew and left/right buttons and it doesn't look like the back end of a 
bus, that's pretty much all the criteria I have. I'm not averse to rolling 
my own lirc.conf's if need be, but I'm just looking for stuff that 
definitely works (with PVR-250's and Nova-T's) and people are happy with.

Thanks for any suggestions!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Which Window Manager?

2005-01-19 Thread Stephen Tait
At 20:18 19/01/2005, you wrote:
Now that we've had a nice long thread discussing distributions, let's
talk about window managers. KDE and Gnome sould like *way* too much
overhead for a Myth frontend. Anyone using other window managers?
Lots of people here using stuff like Fluxbox and other *boxes, EvilWM, 
RatPoison... all of them are pretty lightweight and require the bare 
minimum of external libraries, if any. None of my Myth boxes have Gnome or 
KDE installed, and Qt is pretty much the only GUI library I have.

XFCE is quite popular for people who want a lightweight WM/DE but still 
want a fairly good desktop for non-Myth usage; for a dedicated box, it's 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythWeb on Different WebServer? HELP!

2004-12-14 Thread Stephen Tait
At 22:28 13/12/2004 -0500, you wrote:
Okay I have gotten a little bit farther.
Although I cannot see where this is, I have checked my httpd.conf for
a mysql module but I havent seen anything of the type installed on my
backend or my debian box when I goto http://debian/mythweb/ I get this
error now
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
/var/www/mythweb/includes/init.php on line 62
is there another apache or php module I am missing?
apt-get install php4-mysql...?
IIRC, just install php4 and mysql-server doesn't install the apache module 
to link the two (I'm only used to stable, but I imagine testing and 
unstable would be very similar). The postinst process should go through 
your apache files and ask you if you want the MySQL modules to be loaded 
along with apache.

You might also want to apt-get install phpmyadmin. Nice web-based MySQL 
configurator that's sometimes nice to touch up metadata, and it should also 
bring down php4-mysql as a dependency. 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Video sources not listed in mythtvsetup

2004-12-13 Thread Stephen Tait
At 22:37 13/12/2004 +0100, you wrote:
I want to be able to use tv_grab_no - which is found in
It seems to configure fine with "tv_grab_no --configure" - but I can't select
it in mythtvsetup.
How can I remedy this ?
Thanks in advance
Create a symlink from one of the sources that Myth does list to the tv 
grabber you use;

cd /usr/bin
rm tv_grab_somewhere
ln -s tv_grab_no tv_grab_somewhere
Then myth will think it's using tv_grab_somewhere, but it'll actually be 
pointing at tv_grab_no

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] DVB in the UK (EPG)

2004-12-12 Thread Stephen Tait
At 19:44 12/12/2004 +, you wrote:
On Sunday 12 Dec 2004 18:33, Tom Hughes wrote:
> >
> > I don't think the visionplus one comes with a remote control. The remote
> > with the nova-t is pretty good and works well with MythTV. It'd be worth
> > the extra for that.
> I have other plans for a remote. Aside from anything else I want to
> mount the receiver internally if I can.
I use a Sky+ remote with my mythbox. Works like a charm and includes a full
size keyboard under the flap. An almost perfect design for a PVR. :-)
Oooh, tasty! Does anyone know if they sell "spares"? Does it operate 
through LIRC, or some kinda PS/2 adapter you made from sticky backed 

Edit: I've found a site selling what purports to be one 
http://www.thedigiboxshop.com/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=18, but I 
can't see a keyboard anywhere...

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: RAID5 ATA IDE hardware card recommendations for mythbackend machine

2004-12-12 Thread Stephen Tait
At 11:53 11/12/2004 +0100, you wrote:
Brad Templeton wrote:

Why would you want to do RAID for a backup machine?  Assuming we are
talking disks full of backups, you already have 2 copies of that data,
so you are not in trouble if a drive fails, you just put up a new one
and backup the original data again.
RAID is for systems that need to be always up, that dare not be taken
down to replace a drive etc.  That's not true of backup servers.
Partially true. I run a mirror set on some of my backup drives. Reason: I 
keep incremental backups (in diff form) for half a year. Doing that on a 
mirror pair takes care i do not lose my changes made during the past half 
year in case 1 disk dies.

Partially true here too. I have a server with just over a terabyte of RAID1 
on a 3ware, which serves files to the two LANs we have here. It also serves 
as a backup to my workstation, which has about 500GB of space on it - 
important stuff (profiles, music, movies) are rsynced over every night. TV 
data for the last week is kept on the server (so that if a hard drive dies 
I can still watch stuff), but I don't keep a permanent archive of my TV stuff.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 250 problems

2004-12-10 Thread Stephen Tait
At 13:09 10/12/2004 -0500, you wrote:
So...my observations are that my video card and the pvr 250 seem to have 
the same IRQ # and the ivtv Error -6 on initialization message.
Does anyone know why I'm getting this? What is "bus mastering" and how do 
I "enable it"? I've seen some other post that mention the PnP settings in 
the BIOS. I'm not sure what my settings are right now (I'm at work), but 
what should they be? Should PnP OS be "yes" or "no"?

Any one have any other ideas?
Switching the PVR-250 to another PCI slot usually solves this; most mobo 
manuals will tell you which PCI slots share IRQ's with each other and with 
onboard devices. Ideally, both your GFX card and the PVR require an IRQ 
each so that they can be bus masters. Devices like USB controllers and 
sound cards don't thrash the bus so much and are happy sharing IRQ's with 
each other.

Failing that, you can manually assign IRQ's to devices in the BIOS. 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythvideo - tvtomb

2004-12-09 Thread Stephen Tait
At 12:00 09/12/2004, you wrote:
Ryszard wrote:
Is there a utility out there that will grab series info from tv tomb
and stick it in the myth database?
if not, is this a utility that many people would use?  I record a lot
of series that i archive off host (but available to myth on a mounted
FS) in a filename format something like the.west.wing.s06e07.hdtv.
i think it would bepretty simple to write a paser to get this and grab
some info from tvtomb on each EP.
If such a util exists could someone point me to it? if it doesnt i
will certainly write it for me anyways, but will publish it if people
would use it.
I'm guessing you're talking about tvtome.com and not tvtomb.com.  I have 
no idea if anything like this exists yet, but I'd certainly be interested 
in having a play with it if you create something.

One thing that's a consideration though, is there is quite a bit of text 
info about each episode.  It might be too much to display all of it (at 
least for some episodes) on a TV screen through mythfrontend.  But it 
"should" be fairly simple to link it into mythweb.  Take a look at 
and you'll see what I mean about the amount of text.

Is there a wishlist around for the next version of MythTV?  Maybe a 
scrollable text area for episode info could be created.

I'm definitely interested in a scraper for TVTome, and have even 
contemplated learning PERL/taking the IMDB scraper to bits to figure out 
how to do it - alas, have had very little spare time recently what with 
moving house an' all.

However, I don't really envisage it as something I'd use within MythTV 
proper (if that's what you were getting at) - my xmltv feed (radio times) 
already gives me adequate information about what's showing, and hundreds of 
Myth users bombarding the TVT website every day would make them wise up 
pretty sharpish.

I do however have about 400 episodes of various TV shows from my DVD rips 
sitting in my mythvideo repository (another box set of Futurama rendering 
away as we speak), and filling in the metadata by hand was such a chore 
that I gave up.

As an aside, what do you reckon would be the best approach for the "poster" 
window? I know that MythVideo expects the image to be at a certain aspect 
ratio; should it just grab a generic $TV_SHOW_LOGO from somewhere, or 
render a semi-random frame from within the file itself...? 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] Mailing Lists...

2004-12-08 Thread Stephen Tait
At 08:35 06/01/2005 -0700, you wrote:
Most forums remember your passwords.
As do mail clients...
Most forums are as easy or even easier to read than threaded mode in 
Thunderbird (threads are not occasionaly broken).
KMail can go through thirty different threads in a matter of seconds if you 
skim read. Web-based forums are appallingly slow to time-famine people like 
me; there are two I post on regularly, and looking after those is a full 
time job. Lists are coped with fairly automagically by my mail clients 
(even though I'm stuck with the mailing-list-unfriendly Eudora at work).

Many inportant forums have been around for over 7 years.  How much of 
that  information is worth anything is a question to many. How many "I 
can't get sound threads" do we need!
So... forums never get multiple identical threads, eh? Some people never 
use search in forums, and they never use the search on mailing lists. They 
can't be bothered to think. It's endemic.

Another thing.  Why do people respond "that is in the FAQ" instead of 
saying "that is already covered in the faq but here is the answer"?  It 
takes about the same amount of time for you to answer (especially if you 
already know the answer)  Don't waste my bandwidth  same goes for 
"can't wait to see your patch"  It makes you look like elitist snobs. And 
I believe you are not.  You are trying to help.  If people would learn to 
help themselves it would all be better.
Well, yes. But if people gave a fully verbose (and identical) reply to 
every inane question that was asked, or said "I'll be painting the shed and 
watering the cat all next week, so someone else will have to code it, and 
besides FFT's are against my religion", they would a) consume alot more of 
your bandwidth and b) spend half their days cutting and pasting segments of 
the install guides. By telling people to read the FAQ or apply some of 
their CPP skills they *are* telling people to learn to help themselves, and 
by extension, others.

I hate hearing email lists are easier for me.  Because for me they are not 
easier they are a pain in the butt!
Don't use it then...!
The "for me" excuse doesn't cut it.
Which kinda nullifies that whole argument, right...? "Person XYZ likes 
mailing lists. I don't. Therefore I am right!"

---now that I got that off my shoulders
if gossamer threads did allow login and posting that would solve all of 
our problems.  That would be the better for everybody solution.  You can 
have your email and we can have forum!
It would solve *your* problems. Most of us are very happy with mailing 
lists and much prefer them to forums. You'd miss out on the "I can't get 
sound" mails, and we'd miss out on the "I can't get sound" threads. There 
are plenty of people who like to be able to view and post messages whilst 
offline. There's nothing to stop you setting up your own forums, or using 
one of the many pre-existing PVR forums about MythTV.

P.S. your computer/mail server date is horribly wrong - it's not 2005 yet! 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Epia, MythTV, and a pile of confusion

2004-12-03 Thread Stephen Tait
At 22:37 03/12/2004, you wrote:
Thanks for the help all this way.  I think I am
getting it figured out.  I am a Gentoo man so I just
can't let myself go back to using RH.  It looks like
this ebuild for xorg contains the libXvMC stuff that I
need for the hardware decoding and also the unichrome
drivers.  It doesn't say if they are the 3d drivers or
not but if they aren't I won't cry about it.
I think the gentoo folks sometimes roll alot of patches from CVS into their 
ebuild tarballs, so I wouldn't be surprised if unichrome had made it into 
the "production" ebuild, although there's nothing about it in the changelog.

What window manager would you recommend I use.  Part
of the reason I want to redo this machine is because
KDE was a beast for this machine.
KDE is especially a beast on gentoo, what with the usual 9 month compile 
time ;) I'm very happy with fluxbox, which is small, lightweight and very 
extensible, and if Myth is all you need it will suit you admirably. If 
you're willing to be more adventurous, there's even lighter weight WM's out 
there like ratpoison. Then you can take all the junky stuff like KDE out of 
your USE flags and save yourself a boatload of compiling. 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: rsync, or is there a better option?

2004-12-03 Thread Stephen Tait
At 19:58 03/12/2004, you wrote:
James Pifer wrote:
Since my myth box has crashed a few times, including power loss and hard
lockups, I want to backup my recordings, videos, etc so I don't lose
anything the next time. So I picked up a couple large hard drives and
have another linux box (FC3) ready to be a network storage device. I
already backup important files, such as mysql dump, so I'm just talking
the large video files here.
What's the best way to get all my recordings, videos, mucis, etc sent
over to this box every so often, maybe once a day. I'm thinking copy
anything new or changed, and remove anything deleted from the source.
Changes would only be made on the storage system, either adding or
removing files.
Would rsync be the best way to accomplish this or is there a better

Seems like if you have a LOT of movies and you record a lot every day, you 
will be transfering a ton of data.  You may want to set up a Firewire 
network or actually just set up an external drive to back up to.  Sending 
that much data over the network could take forever.  I've never set up the 
firewire network, but my system has the eth# device.

Just my 2 cents.
The initial transfer would indeed take forever, but remember after that 
you'll only be transferring the daily delta of new or altered files (the 
primary advantage of using rsync raher than tar or cp). Shifting 20GB a 
night is easily within the grasp of a 100Mb network, so long as it runs 
through a switch. My windows box is hampered by a software firewall (Kerio) 
that thrashes the CPU and limits network throughput, but even that manages 
6MB/s - so it takes about an hour to transfer 20GB. Rsync will also allow 
you to keep temporary backups in case you accidentally hose a file.

That said, the two applications listed above look like they'd be able to 
accomplish the same thing (and indeed might even use the rsync algorithm 
themselves), and look very funky indeed. But rsync is small and easy to 
shell script - just be sure to add trailing slashes to your directories! 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: rsync, or is there a better option?

2004-12-03 Thread Stephen Tait
At 18:49 03/12/2004, you wrote:
Since my myth box has crashed a few times, including power loss and hard
lockups, I want to backup my recordings, videos, etc so I don't lose
anything the next time. So I picked up a couple large hard drives and
have another linux box (FC3) ready to be a network storage device. I
already backup important files, such as mysql dump, so I'm just talking
the large video files here.
What's the best way to get all my recordings, videos, mucis, etc sent
over to this box every so often, maybe once a day. I'm thinking copy
anything new or changed, and remove anything deleted from the source.
Changes would only be made on the storage system, either adding or
removing files.
Would rsync be the best way to accomplish this or is there a better
Well, I do stuff with rsync every day, and I personally think it's the best 
option for any copy, especially if you're going to do it regularly. Just 
make a bash script with the necessary mount and rsync commands, chuck it 
into your crontab, and you're off. I've got the same kinda thing for 
backing up the music and movies on my workstation to the file server.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Black screen(saver?)

2004-12-03 Thread Stephen Tait
The problem is DPMS, the energy saving stuff. Personally, I disabled it 
globally in my x.org config;

Section "ServerFlags"
Option "NoPM" "true"
Option "BlankTime" "0"
Your IR control won't wake out of monitor sleep, because X doesn't 
recognise it as a device (i.e. it's controlled by LIRCD rather than an X 
device). I'm attempting to get around this so that I can use Xscreensaver 
to draw pretty pictures when Myth ain't in use; try adding something like 
this to your .lircrc

remote = myremote
button = bleep
prog = irexec
repeat = 0
config = xset dpms force suspend
At 17:56 03/12/2004, you wrote:
(FC2 / jarod / Pundit-R / PVR350)
After being idle for a while, my screen goes black, and i can revive it by 
shaking mouse, or pressing a key on the keyboard.

_but_ pressing keys on my remote control does NOT start the TV up, but it 
does actually "perform the functions".

What setting might i have missed here?  (yes, screen saver in X is disabled).
mythtv-users mailing list

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