[mythtv-users] Q: PVR350: svideo without composite connection gives B/W!

2005-06-16 Thread Teus Hagen
Maybe this has nothing to do with mythtv and maybe nothing with PVR350.

I used to have output to my tv set using mythtv and PVR350 via SCART.
I used to have stereo output via motherboard audio and solely COMPISITE
Actualy the tv is connected via an audio/tv receiver between tv and
PVR350/comp audio  audio/composite/svideo  RECEIVER  scart
- TV
Worked ok. But thought svideo could improve quality. St tried to use
SVIDEO cable connection to the squart as well.
Why do I want this?: it saves one cable and better video quality.

Problem: when I disconnect composite cable I get only B/W from the svideo
How do I get what I hoped for better color on my tv?
(Do I need to switch on/of different components to signal svideo use?)
Why do I want this?: less cables, simpler connections.

I do not use PVR350  scart  receiver. This because there is no way
to feed audio into the scart from the computer (or do I need to patch
the cable for this
as a an improved method?).

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mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how to change permissions on /dev/video0, permanantly

2005-03-28 Thread Teus Hagen
If you are using a Fedora Core OS have a look at udev manual
page (use: man udev) how to solve this.
udev takes care in this system to manage dynamically the /dev/devices
on my system the user mythtv has no access to /dev/video0 
because the permessions for /dev/video0 are:

$ crw---  1 phil video 

so i do as root:
$ chmod go+rw /dev/video0
after that i am happy. but when i boot, the permissions are again
$ crw---  1 phil video 

does anybody know, how i can change the permissions permanantly?
thank you for any hint in advance!

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mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] problem: visible slanting lines on tv screen (PAL PVR350) with new ivtv X11 driver

2005-03-25 Thread Teus Hagen
Running PVR350 with ivtv 2.6.10-1.770_FC3 kernel driver and it shows now
visible slanting horizontal lines across the PAL TV screen.
It runs with X11 with option fbdev /dev/fb1 driver: ivtvdev
I  not sure what caused this to happen with the newer ivtv kernel driver 
and what
I have to change e.g. on my /etc/xorg.conf setup. This is what it is now:
Section Monitor
   Identifier  PAL Monitor   # PAL
   DisplaySize  720 574# PAL  DDC should set these
   HorizSync  30-70# PAL
   VertRefresh 50-87   # PAL
   Mode 720x576  # PAL
 DotClock 42.6 # PAL
 HTimings 720 760 832 944  # PAL
 VTimings 576 577 580 602  # PAL
 Flags-HSync -VSync

Any idea what to change to get these line invisible on the TV screen?
Probably this question needs to be directed to the ivtv emaillist.

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mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] FC3 mythtv had no lirc IR remote control (solution)

2005-02-21 Thread Teus Hagen
Some days ago I said on this emaillist that with mythtv 0.17 update via 
apt-get the
IR remote control via lircd did not work anymore (it did correctly on 
mythtv 0.16).
I'm running FC3 updated to kernel 2.6.10-1.760_FC and using 
AN IR test with the Hauppauge IR remote control with irw command on 
lircd worked fine.

How did I solve this IR problem with myth-017 package?
The IR remote control is working again and this is what I did:
Downloaded the myth-0.17 tar ball. Used ./configure and compiled it (see 
the instructions how to
compile in the mythtv-0.17/docs directory) it.
The trick: enable (default it is commented out) lirc client support in 
the settings.pro:
# Native lirc support
CONFIG += using_lirc
LIRC_LIBS = -llirc_client
Made sure that /usr/lib/liblirc_client.so was pointing to 
liblirc_client.so.0 (it was not in my case)
Made sure that /usr/local/include/lirc/lirc_client.h existed (it was not 
so I stole it from the lirc distribution
tar ball from lirc.org).
And started compilation with make ; make install (reminder now 
everything is in /usr/local !)
You have now waiting time enough for half an hour to drink some beer

Made sure /etc/init.d/mythbackend uses /usr/local/sbin/mythbackend 
(service mythbackend restart).
Started mythfrontend and could use my Hauppauge IR remote again.

My guess is that in the myth-suite apt-get package mythtv is not 
compiled with lircd enabled or
the lirc_client share lib liblirc_client.so was not p[resent in /usr/lib 
so mythfrontend could
not use /dev/lircd access.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] myth-0.17 problem with IR remote control

2005-02-15 Thread Teus Hagen
Use: FC3 upgraded kernel 2.6.10-1.760_FC3 , lirc 0.7.0-43.1.rhfc3.at, 
and using Hauppauge PVR350 and grey IR remote control.
(I tried to use a compiled version of mythtv as well in order to be able 
to debug things
but same IR access problem with mythtv).

Before this I used myth-0.16 and IR remote PVR350 grey control was 
running OK.

Lircd starts OK and  tests with irw runs fine. When I start lircd in the 
foreground the irw
client is accepted and irw tells me all the keys I use from the 
Hauppauge remote IR control.
So access to the liurcd deamon via /dev/lircd works ok (mod 0666).

However mythfrontend (or mythbackend?) seems not to be able to get to 
the lircd deamon.
The ~/.myhtv/lircrc file is present and readable (as was before).
I not able to scroll through the GUI menu nor change TV channels via the 
IR remote control.
The lird deamon when I run it in the foreground does not signel a client 
access at all.

How can I test what is going on? How is mythtv accessing the lircd deamon?
Somehow mythtv is not able to access lircd deamon anymore. How come?

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: noticing the problems makes me nervous; how to myth success stories:-)

2005-02-15 Thread Teus Hagen
Some success and fix stories:
On my box FB51 Shuttle (on board graphics, multi channel sound, etc) 
with TV mpeg
en/decoder Hauppauge PVR350, I run FC3 (Fedora Core 3) fully 
updated/upgraded  via apt-get.
I used the very well written documentation of Jarod's Fedora 
Myth(TV)ology page:
to install everything. And on any trouble I went back to this 
documentation step by step to see what and where
things went wrong when something failed. That documentation was and 
still is very helpfully to me.

I know most of the issues raised here are also ivtv issues. I do not 
follow that ivtv list as my
time is fully consumed to read this email list.

An apt-get upgrade some weeks ago caused to broke my working setup: no 
sound (alsa to AC97),
X11 on TV set up did not work (mem problems, frame buffer problems), and 
it failed to tune to channels
with my IR remote after the upgrade.

As many issues are related to the goal of the set up, here is what I 
want/use in my hw set up:
TV should show mythtv frontend, settings to be changed with the
Hauppauge remote IR control. Family uses a different language as I do 
(NL versus UK).
So I'm living in a dutch PAL country. I use a TV CAT 
cable-computer-scart-receiver-TV setup.

Last week I upgraded the kernel to 2.6.10-1.760_FC3 and got most things 
to work again.
Here is what I did (and if I did not choose a smart choice please react 
on that as there is
many to improve yet).

- Via a remote login: apt-get to install the new Linux FC3 kernel  and 
did reboot to new kernel

-   How to prepare for kernel upgrade
  disable via chkconfig --level 35 XYZ off the  startup of lircd, 
  as well installation of kernel driver modules as ivtv, lirc, ivtv-fb, 
  TIP: I changed the /etc/init.d/{lircd,mythbackend} startup files to 
install via
  /sbin/modprobe the kernel modules ivtv (mythbackend) and lirc-i2c 
  (and if those failed to exit with an error).
  For lircd I included a if [ ! -e /dev/lirc  -e /dev/lirc0 ]; then 
ln -s /dev/lirc0 /dev/lirc ; fi 
  after the lirc-i2c kernel module installation command. This to avoid 
lircd startup problems
  (cannot find /dev/lirc), which one could easily check with the irw 
shell command.

-   How to upgrade the new kernel modules to the new version:
  Via remote login: KVER=`uname -r` (see Jarod's HowTo)
  apt-get install XYZ- kmdl-$KVER where XYZ is ivtv PVR, lirc IR, alsa 

-   No sound in recordings problem, No PAL identified in driver problem
  Things seem to be changed last month probably to avoid the tveeprom 
and msp3400
  kernel modules which one first problem. Modules which have been 
changed in the ivtv setup.
  You will recognize this: alsa sound works with e.g. aplay 
some_file.wav but
  no sound on video recordings or watching TV:
  add the following to be added into your /etc/modprobe.conf file
  alias msp3400 msp3400-ivtv
  alias tveeprom tveeprom-ivtv
  and check if you have those modules as XYZ.o in /lib/modules/$KVER tree.
  If you find msp3400.o twice and no msp3400-ivtv.o then you're having 
an old version
  and see Jarod's HowTo what to do (rename the one in the normal kernel 
lib modules tree,
  and do not use the alias trick).
  In this way I installed a new 760 kernel and modules and could test 
using Jarod's HowTo
   all the kernel modules and see if they worked.
   /var/log/messages showed a fine kernel module load of ivtv,
  ivtv-fb (needed in my setup with the PVR350), lirc-i2c and alsa sound:
  irw worked, aplay file.wav command worked, PVR350 recognized and 
identified as PAL.

-   I want to have X11 right on my TV screen (no monitor use (later)):
  I had vm.min_free_kbytes=16384 set in /etc/sysctl.conf due to memory 
  when loading ivtv. I still have this min_free but I'm not sure this 
is still needed.

  I used for PAL usage adjusted the following:
  kernel startup (change /boot/grub/menu.1st)  changed rhgb to vga=792
  The effect was that my (just in case) Sony monitor and on board 
graphics have to
  use /dev/fb0 as frame buffer (Section Device in xorg.conf for on 
board graphics has now
  Option fbdev /dev/fb0 (no bus id), and
  the PCV350 go assigned /dev/fb1 now (see lspci command and/or 
  for your numbers. ).
  Both values of /dev/fb[01] and the PVR350 PCI busnumber are in the 
  file with for me the PAL hor/vert mode arrangements.

  I use two layouts in xorg.conf file: one for my TV and one for my old 
Sony monitor (for
  bjust in case there is trouble). So I can startup X11 with: startx 
-- -layout XYZ 
  where XYZ is sony or tv. sony for hacking and tv for operational 

  I changed for mythtv playback mplayer in the mythtv setup to use x11 
(in stead of xv).

-   Map Vid mem failed problem
  changed in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to use ivtvdev for Hauppauge 
  Driver ivtvdev, Option fbdev dev/fb1, BusID PCI:01:0x8:0 
(modify for your ID numbers)
  So I changed it from driver