Re: [mythtv-users] Re: mythtv-users Digest, Vol 30, Issue 28

2005-07-08 Thread Robert Kulagowski
Hi George, thanks for the reply.  Upon further testing, my "two 
recordings at once" theory didn't hold up.  Even after a restart, going 
from a dead-calm system to record on one tuner, the exact same thing 
happens - always 18-20 seconds into the recording, a burst of 
'fast-forward' and then all is lost.

Is your capture card overheating?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: mythtv-users Digest, Vol 30, Issue 28

2005-07-08 Thread Steve Pugh

George wrote:

   It should be easy enough to test the two-recodings-simultaneously
   theory by creating two telnet/ssh sessions and having one cat the 350's
   output directly to its playback device (cat /dev/video1 > /dev/video16)
   and then doing a cat on the 250's device to a file or /dev/null.
   Actually /dev/null would test if you're able to do file i/o on both
   devices simultaneously, if the 350 output is in sync with the 250 going
   to /dev/null and not with it going to a file then i/o performance is a
   likely culprit. I guess there are lots of possibilities but that's
   where I'd start, at the raw device level.

Hi George, thanks for the reply.  Upon further testing, my "two recordings at 
once" theory didn't hold up.  Even after a restart, going from a dead-calm system to 
record on one tuner, the exact same thing happens - always 18-20 seconds into the 
recording, a burst of 'fast-forward' and then all is lost.

Rolling back to ivtv-0.2.0-rc3k seems to have fixed it, but I get a persistent 
black screen under 0.2.0 that originally prompted the upgrade way back when.

Thank you for your help, though, it is much appreciated!


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Re: mythtv-users Digest, Vol 30, Issue 28

2005-07-08 Thread Steve Pugh

Anthony wrote:

way to check which tuner recorded what program?  Could my problem be

memory-related?  I have 512MB in the machine, and it seems to run fairly
'full' - I've seen it at 1% or 2% free when a lot was going on.

Hi Steve,

Sorry to hear about your problems.  512MB should be plenty.  I'm
running a similar setup (Athlon XP 2500+, 512 MB, 1x350, 1x250,
NForce2, etc) and when both tuners are running, I have no problems at

When you say 1% or 2% free, how are you checking this?  If you run
"free -m" at the command line, it'll give you a breakdown of your
memory usage.  The first line might make things look pretty occupied,
but you'll probably notice that a good deal of your space is occupied
by the disk cache.  The second line is the interesting one, showing
the "used" and "free" memory when the disk cache is removed from the
numbers.  When my machine (frontend + backend combined) is recording
on both tuners, (and watching a recording, and serving an mp3 to me
here at work, transcoding through lame...) I'm only seeing ~16% CPU
usage, and the memory used is 271 MB (231 MB free).

Could the problem be your hard drives?  DMA is enabled?


Thank you for the reply, Anthony - you're right, I was looking at the 
memory usage from "top", which included disk cache.  Checking with 
"free" shows much less occupied.   DMA *is* enabled on my drive (200GB), 
although having said that I can note that on the day the meltdown 
occurred, it was more full than it had ever been before (thank you, Sci 
Fi channel).  Not sure if that could have anything to do with it.

I rolled back to ivtv-0.2.0-rc3k and was able to record successfully 
yesterday - unfortunately, I'm seeing the same black screen on playback 
that prompted me to upgrade to 0.3.6g when I first built the machine.  
Sooo, sounds like it might be more a problem for the ivtv list after 
all.  I just hate the seeming randomness of it all, makes me worry about 
what would happen if I went out of town and it broke.


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