[Nagios-users] check_snmp_mem.pl plugin snmp error

2006-06-14 Thread Radhika
Hi,I am trying configure the snmp server in my debian linux server to monitor memory,disk and cpu usage i have installed using the following#apt-get install snmpdI have not chaned any community all are default settings.Now i am trying to run the memory usage plug in using snmp i have down loaded from the below linkhttp://www.manubulon.com/nagios/snmp_mem.htmlI am trying to run the following command./check_snmp_mem.pl -H -C public -w 90,90 -c 95,95i am getting the following errorERROR: netsnmp : Received noSuchName(2) error-status at error-index 4.  Can some one help me how to fix this problem  
  Thanks for your help __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com ___
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Re: [Nagios-users] Anyone Using Nagiosweb?

2006-06-14 Thread Tom Brown

 ERROR 1050 at line 19: Table 'command' already exists
 Does anyone have a solution to this error?

are you sure your db is empty? Connect as the user you are running the 
sql as and see if there are any tables. If there are and you REALLY dont 
need them just remove the tables and start again. Seems to me that 
perhaps a failed install has left tables there.

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[Nagios-users] nagios and Dell DRAC

2006-06-14 Thread Sebastien Cantos


I would like to monitor my DELL hardware using the
snmptrap feature in the DRAC. Ive seen documentation on how to make
snmptrapd asynchronously notify nagios when a trap is received. 

Im just a little bit confused with the
DELL-DRAC-MIB and I would like to know if someone has done that before to help
me understand which OID I have to monitor. 

Thanks in advance.


  127 avenue Joseph
  Pierre Boitelet
  33 4 90 76 08 08
  33 1 40 39 23 23


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Re: [Nagios-users] check_snmp_mem.pl plugin snmp error

2006-06-14 Thread Max H.
Radhika wrote:
 ./check_snmp_mem.pl -H -C public -w 90,90 -c 95,95
 i am getting the following error
 *ERROR: netsnmp : Received noSuchName(2) error-status at error-index 4.*

You do have the configuration file snmpd.conf set up to have a read-only 
community name of public, right? It would look like in snmpd.conf. I'm 
not sure where Debian stores this, but in RHEL it's /etc/snmpd.conf.

rocommunity public

Also, is the service turned on and starting ok on the host, snmpd that 
is? Again, I'm not sure of the Debian commands, but on RHEL it would be 
service snmpd start and chkconfig snmpd on to make sure it starts on boot.

Be careful posting your live IP address out in the open especially when 
you might have a read-write setup installed on the snmp host by 
accident. Others could do things to your server then.

If you have to use the older version 1 or 2 snmp then I suggest changing 
the community string to something more difficult. Also, rememeber to 
only allow the configuration to be read-only. The most recent version of 
snmp supports v3, which allows some form of encryption to take place 
with changes of information.


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[Nagios-users] Supressing notifications of services when host is down...

2006-06-14 Thread Francois Meehan
Hi all,

How can we supress notifications of services when the host they are
running on is down?

For example, we are receving connection timeout alerts for disk checks
but the host is down. We should received only host down alerts.

Are we obliged to use service-host dependencies configurations?



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Re: [Nagios-users] Supressing notifications of services when host isdown...

2006-06-14 Thread Marc Powell

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:nagios-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Francois Meehan
 Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:27 AM
 To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
 Subject: [Nagios-users] Supressing notifications of services when host
 Hi all,
 How can we supress notifications of services when the host they are
 running on is down?
 For example, we are receving connection timeout alerts for disk
 but the host is down. We should received only host down alerts.
 Are we obliged to use service-host dependencies configurations?

Use a host check_command that returns a CRITICAL state when the host is


Monitoring Services on Down or Unreachable Hosts

The main purpose of Nagios is to monitor services that run on or are
provided by physical hosts or devices on your network. It should be
obvious that if a host or device on your network goes down, all services
that it offers will also go down with it. Similarly, if a host becomes
unreachable, Nagios will not be able to monitor the services associated
with that host.

Nagios recognizes this fact and attempts to check for such a scenario
when there are problems with a service. Whenever a service check results
in a non-OK status level, Nagios will attempt to check and see if the
host that the service is running on is alive. Typically this is done
by pinging the host and seeing if any response is received. If the host
check commmand returns a non-OK state, Nagios assumes that there is a
problem with the host. In this situation Nagios will silence all
potential alerts for services running on the host and just notify the
appropriate contacts that the host is down or unreachable. If the host
check command returns an OK state, Nagios will recognize that the host
is alive and will send out an alert for the service that is


Nagios-users mailing list
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[Nagios-users] Re(2): Supressing notifications of services when host isdown...

2006-06-14 Thread Robert Snyder

Use a host check_command that returns a CRITICAL state when the host is



What do you do if you are monitoring a service on a host that does not
return a ping? I have am running a check_http on a box that does not
return pings. So I am constantly getting notices that the host is down,
even though the service is up. Here are my settings:

define host{
use generic-host; Name of host
template to $
host_name   tech.worldcampus.psu.edu
address tech.worldcampus.psu.edu
check_command   check-host-alive
max_check_attempts  10
checks_enabled  0
notification_interval   120
notification_period 24x7
contact_groups  admins-group

define hostgroup{
hostgroup_name  PSUWebNoPing
alias   PSU Web Servers
#   contact_groups  admins-group
members tech.worldcampus.psu.edu

define service{
use generic-service  ; Name
of service $
service_description HTTP
is_volatile 0
max_check_attempts  3
normal_check_interval   3
contact_groups  admins-group
notification_interval   30
notification_period 24x7
check_command   check_http

The PSUWebNoPing hostgroup is not a listed on the check_ping service. 

But I still get host down notifications every two hours.



Robert Snyder
Outreach Technology Services
The Pennsylvania State University
151A Outreach Building
University Park  PA  16802
Phone: 814-865-0912  Fax: 814-865-4406 

Nagios-users mailing list
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Re: [Nagios-users] Re(2): Supressing notifications of services when host isdown...

2006-06-14 Thread Marc Powell

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:nagios-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Snyder
 Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 1:10 PM
 To: Nagios Users
 Subject: [Nagios-users] Re(2): Supressing notifications of services
 host isdown...
 Use a host check_command that returns a CRITICAL state when the host
 What do you do if you are monitoring a service on a host that does not
 return a ping? I have am running a check_http on a box that does not
 return pings. So I am constantly getting notices that the host is
 even though the service is up. Here are my settings:

The simple answer is to change the host check_command to be something
that _does_ indicate when the host is really down, either directly or by
proxy. If possible pick something unrelated the service checks for the
host check_command (listening on port 22 for linux or 139 for windows
for example). Iff the only thing you can check on that host remotely is
whether your web server is answering then make check_http your host
check command as well. The unfortunate side effect in that case is that
you can't really tell between a web server crash or if the host is
really down. 

[config chopped]

 The PSUWebNoPing hostgroup is not a listed on the check_ping service.
 But I still get host down notifications every two hours.

Your host definition does have checks (active and on-demand) disabled
via 'checks_enabled 0' but you're still receiving host notifications.
That indicates to me that either nagios wasn't restarted after making
the config change (1.x) or that you may have multiple nagios daemons
running at the same time (1.x and 2.x).


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