Re: [Nagios-users-br] Gerando graficos com Centreon

2008-05-14 Thread Jose Oliveira
Olá Renato

Não sei nada de centreon mas resolvi te lembrar de algo que acho

O check_nt retorna memória para ambiente Windows mas ele é sacana: Ele te
devolve memória livre, levando em conta o total de memória física mais o
tamanho do arquivo de troca (swap). No nosso caso, padronizamos o tamanho do
arquivo de troca do windows para melhorar este indicador. Usamos sempre 2x o
tamanho da memória real para arquivo de troca.

Alias, esta definição do tamanho fixo para arquivo de troca traz uma
melhoria de perfomance, de acordo com meus colegas de Windows.

O projeto nsclient++, disponivel em, tem um
plugin para retornar a memória física total e livre, mas quando eu testei
não retornava números maiores que 2Gb...


2008/5/13 Renato Gregio [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  ,Olá Amigos,
 após ajustar todo o monitoramento com nagios fiz a instalação do centreon.
 A instalação foi tranquila, sem problemas. Seguindo a documentação do wiki
 do centreon fiz a configuração e importação das minhas configurações do
 nagios para dentro do centreon.
 Todo o monitoramento funcionando perfeitamente e estou gostando muito,
 visualmente é muito agradavel.

 Agora preciso gerar gráficos com o Centreon. Quero gerar gráficos da
 latencia de ping, CPULOAD, trafego de rede, memoria e discos das maquinas.
 Todos estes serviços já estão configurados com os seguintes plugins:

 ping:  check_ping (check-host-alive)
 CPULOAD: check_load (via nrpe) para maquinas linux/unix e check_nt (via
 nsclient ) para maquinas windows
 trafego de rede: não monitorado
 memoria: check_nt  (via nsclient) apenas para maquinas windows, não faço
 checagem de memoria para maquinas linux/unix atualmente
 discos: check_disk (via nrpe) para linux/unix e check_nt (via nsclient)
 para maquinas windows

 Acredito que todos estes processos serão melhor acompanhados via SNMP,
 melhorando os registros e diminuindo o trafego em rede,  também que agora
 com Centreon está ainda mais facil trabalhar com SNMP.

 Porém neste momento o que quero é acertar o Centreon para gerar gráficos
 via RRD, mesmo que estes não sejam os graficos definitivos que procuro,
 porém quero que o centreon apenas gere os graficos.

 Para isto, lendo no Wiki segui a documentação :

 fiz todos os passos, o meu arquivo
  /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata está registrando perfeitamente os
 dados coletados pelo nagios.  Inicialmente estou tentando gerar os graficos
 de ping apenas, para isto peguei meus processos de ping, na aba Service
 Extended Infos selecionei latency  no campo Graph Template .
 Mas não esta gerando gráficos. Assim como em Centreon Views não me é
 apresentado nenhum host.

 Algum colega que ja tenha experiencia com Centreon poderia me ajudar nesta
 etapa? Desde já sou muito grato.

 Conheça o Windows Live Spaces, a rede de relacionamentos do Messenger!
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 -- mailing list


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Re: [Nagios-users-br] Nagios-users-br Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4

2008-05-14 Thread Renato Gregio

Ola Ricardo, obrigado pelo retorno. 
verifiquei os paths dentro do centreon, aparentemente esta tudo correto. 

path pro binario do rrd esta para: /usr/bin/rrdtool, chequei no servidor e 
esta corredo, este rrdtool esta la no path correto. 
Path to RRDTool Database:  /var/lib/ods/database/, este diretorio existe e 
tem as permissoes corretas para o usuario nagios. 

o documento que você me passou foi o mesmo que eu segui, inclusive citei ele no 
primeiro e-mail. 
não sei o que pode estar acontecendo, postei o problema também no forum do 

Olá Jose Oliveira, 
Obrigado pela atenção, mas conforme informado, este é um recurso que pretendo 
tirar do plugin do nagios e colocar em SNMP, acredito que é a melhor opção para 
este tipo de checagem.

Renato Gregio

 Subject: Nagios-users-br Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4
 Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 12:18:20 -0700
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 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of Nagios-users-br digest...
 Today's Topics:
1. Gerando graficos com Centreon (Renato Gregio)
2. Re: Gerando graficos com Centreon (Jose Oliveira)
3. Re: Gerando graficos com Centreon (Ricardo Freitas)
 Message: 1
 Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 20:51:38 +
 From: Renato Gregio 
 Subject: [Nagios-users-br] Gerando graficos com Centreon
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
  ,Ol? Amigos, 
 ap?s ajustar todo o monitoramento com nagios fiz a instala??o do centreon. A 
 instala??o foi tranquila, sem problemas. Seguindo a documenta??o do wiki do 
 centreon fiz a configura??o e importa??o das minhas configura??es do nagios 
 para dentro do centreon. 
 Todo o monitoramento funcionando perfeitamente e estou gostando muito, 
 visualmente ? muito agradavel. 
 Agora preciso gerar gr?ficos com o Centreon. Quero gerar gr?ficos da latencia 
 de ping, CPULOAD, trafego de rede, memoria e discos das maquinas. Todos estes 
 servi?os j? est?o configurados com os seguintes plugins:
 ping:  check_ping (check-host-alive)
 CPULOAD: check_load (via nrpe) para maquinas linux/unix e check_nt (via 
 nsclient ) para maquinas windows
 trafego de rede: n?o monitorado
 memoria: check_nt  (via nsclient) apenas para maquinas windows, n?o fa?o 
 checagem de memoria para maquinas linux/unix atualmente
 discos: check_disk (via nrpe) para linux/unix e check_nt (via nsclient) para 
 maquinas windows
 Acredito que todos estes processos ser?o melhor acompanhados via SNMP, 
 melhorando os registros e diminuindo o trafego em rede,  tamb?m que agora com 
 Centreon est? ainda mais facil trabalhar com SNMP.
 Por?m neste momento o que quero ? acertar o Centreon para gerar gr?ficos via 
 RRD, mesmo que estes n?o sejam os graficos definitivos que procuro, por?m 
 quero que o centreon apenas gere os graficos.
 Para isto, lendo no Wiki segui a documenta??o :
 fiz todos os passos, o meu arquivo  /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata 
 est? registrando perfeitamente os dados coletados pelo nagios.  Inicialmente 
 estou tentando gerar os graficos de ping apenas, para isto peguei meus 
 processos de ping, na aba Service Extended Infos selecionei latency  no 
 campo Graph Template . 
 Mas n?o esta gerando gr?ficos. Assim como em Centreon Views n?o me ? 
 apresentado nenhum host.   
 Algum colega que ja tenha experiencia com Centreon poderia me ajudar nesta 
 etapa? Desde j? sou muito grato. 
 Conhe?a o Windows Live Spaces, a rede de relacionamentos do Messenger!
 Message: 2
 Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 10:38:53 -0300
 From: Jose Oliveira 
 Subject: Re: [Nagios-users-br] Gerando graficos com Centreon
 To: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 Ol? Renato
 N?o sei nada de centreon mas resolvi te lembrar de algo que acho
 O check_nt retorna mem?ria para ambiente Windows mas ele ? sacana: Ele te
 devolve mem?ria livre, levando em conta o total de mem?ria f?sica mais o
 tamanho do arquivo de troca (swap). No nosso caso, padronizamos o tamanho do
 arquivo de troca do windows para melhorar este indicador. Usamos sempre 2x o
 tamanho da mem?ria real para arquivo de troca.

Re: [Nagios-users] Help:ndomod: Error writing to data sink! Some output may get lost. 3829 queued items to flush

2008-05-14 Thread Marcus
Hi Pallav.


 05-13-2008 11:17:44] ndomod: Error writing to data sink! Some output may 
 get lost. 3829 queued items to flush.
 [05-13-2008 11:17:44] ndomod: Successfully reconnected to data sink! 0 
 items lost, 4050 queued items to flush.

Well, sure such an error is not nice, but since it reconnects in the 
same second and flushes the sink successfully, maybe it's not that 
critical after all. I assume, values do get written into the database, 
don't they?
Do you use the 64-Bit version of Ubuntu 7.10?


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Re: [Nagios-users] Help:ndomod: Error writing to data sink! Some outputmay get lost. 3829 queued items to flush

2008-05-14 Thread Davor Grgicevic

who is the owner of ndo.sock 

srwxrwxr-x 1 nagios nagios 0 May 1 16:21 ndo.sock

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5/13/2008 7:54 AM Dear ListI am using nagios 3.0 with ndo utils 1.4b7 .my nagios event log is giving the following messege 05-13-2008 11:17:44] ndomod: Error writing to data sink! Some output may get lost. 3829 queued items to flush.[05-13-2008 11:17:44] ndomod: Successfully reconnected to data sink! 0 items lost, 4050 queued items to flush.I am using same unix domain socket in ndomod.cfg AND ndo2db.cfg files.I am able to connect to the mysql database with the username and password as per mentioned in config file.also the table extension is nagios_ ( default )Please help to rectify the error log.The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you should return it to the sender immediately. Please note that while we scan all e-mails for viruses we cannot guarantee that any e-mail is virus-free and accept no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.-
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Re: [Nagios-users] Help:ndomod: Error writing to data sink! Some outputmay get lost. 3829 queued items to flush

2008-05-14 Thread Pallav . S . Gupta
Thanks for your input.its the same you specified ie nagios

Davor Grgicevic [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
05/14/2008 12:28 PM


Re: [Nagios-users] Help:ndomod: Error writing to data sink! Some 
outputmay get lost. 3829 queued items to flush

who is the owner of ndo.sock 
srwxrwxr-x 1 nagios nagios0 May  1 16:21 ndo.sock

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5/13/2008 7:54 AM 

Dear List

I am using nagios 3.0 with ndo utils 1.4b7 .

my nagios event log is giving the following messege 

05-13-2008 11:17:44] ndomod: Error writing to data sink! Some output may 
get lost. 3829 queued items to flush.

[05-13-2008 11:17:44] ndomod: Successfully reconnected to data sink! 0 
items lost, 4050 queued items to flush.

I am using same unix domain socket in ndomod.cfg AND ndo2db.cfg files.I am 
able to connect to the mysql database with the username and password as 
per mentioned in config file.also the table extension is nagios_ ( default 

Please help to rectify the error log.

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[Nagios-users] Flapping start/stop notifications sent out during scheduled downtime

2008-05-14 Thread Mikael.Schmidt

During periods of scheduled downtime of a host I am still getting notifications 
of flapping start/stop of the services of that particular host. Is there a way 
to make it so these doesn't get sent out? Removing the notification of flapping 
start/stop is not an alternative as I have to have this during normal 

Kind regards,
Mikael Schmidt
IT-consultant, Security Specialist

IXX IT-Partner AB
Helsingborgsv 60, 262 72 Ängelholm
Tel: 0431 - 44 51 00 Fax: 0431 - 195 80

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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios + trap snmptt

2008-05-14 Thread Voigt Thomas
Ange AMBEMOU wrote:
 i wan to know if is possible to have interface web to log a trap of
snmptt. And see this in web interface of nagios. 

Let snmptt write the received traps into an database and you can use
nagtrap ( to visualize it.
With kind regards

Thomas Voigt

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[Nagios-users] Monitoring HP EVA 5000

2008-05-14 Thread Yost, Karl
Is anyone monitoring an HP EVA 5000 with Nagios? I would like to be able
to check the EVA for failed drives and send alerts if one is in a failed

So far my only thought is to send snmp traps to Nagios for the event,
but thought I would check if anyone was doing it differently first.



Karl Yost

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[Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

2008-05-14 Thread chris friesen

The short version is that statusmap, history and trends.cgi aren't being 
installed.  Yet, I received no error messages during the install of Nagios.

Slackware 9.1.0 is installed
apache is installed
gd-2.0.35 is installed
perl, v5.8.0

I've can log into nagios and I can see everything else except these.  
I've googled my eyes out and I can't see the resolution...

I've tried to re-do the ./configure and makes but too no avail.  I also 
tried to copy these from a working version of Nagios but I got the error 
Premature end of script headers: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/statusmap.cgi 
- This was from a RedHat version...

In my apache error_log I see the script not found or unable to stat: 

any suggestions and advice

please  thank you

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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

2008-05-14 Thread chris friesen
I had tried that.  The problem is, during the installation(just a 
generic install no options) those 3 .cgi files aren't even being installed.

Valdinger, Stephen (DOV, MSX) wrote:
 Googled helped me first try

 Stephen Valdinger
 MIS Helpdesk Coordinator
 330.365.3622 -O
 740.491.0958 - C

 -Original Message-
 From: chris friesen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:28 AM
 Subject: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

 The short version is that statusmap, history and trends.cgi aren't being

 installed.  Yet, I received no error messages during the install of

 Slackware 9.1.0 is installed
 apache is installed
 gd-2.0.35 is installed
 perl, v5.8.0

 I've can log into nagios and I can see everything else except these.  
 I've googled my eyes out and I can't see the resolution...

 I've tried to re-do the ./configure and makes but too no avail.  I also 
 tried to copy these from a working version of Nagios but I got the error

 Premature end of script headers: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/statusmap.cgi 
 - This was from a RedHat version...

 In my apache error_log I see the script not found or unable to stat: 

 any suggestions and advice

 please  thank you

 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft 
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 Nagios-users mailing list
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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

2008-05-14 Thread Marc Powell

On May 14, 2008, at 9:27 AM, chris friesen wrote:

 The short version is that statusmap, history and trends.cgi aren't  
 installed.  Yet, I received no error messages during the install of  

Errors were likely shown during the ./configure phase. They would be  

 I've can log into nagios and I can see everything else except these.
 I've googled my eyes out and I can't see the resolution...

It's in the FAQ.

 I've tried to re-do the ./configure and makes but too no avail.  I  
 tried to copy these from a working version of Nagios but I got the  
 Premature end of script headers: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/ 

 - This was from a RedHat version...

 In my apache error_log I see the script not found or unable to stat:

Sounds like permissions on the file may be such that apache can't read/ 
execute it. If nagios didn't compile it in the first place, chances  
are high that you're missing required libraries, and their -devel  
equivalents, anyway.


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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

2008-05-14 Thread Nagios User
Install gd-devel, libpng, libpng-devel and recompile it.


On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:27 AM, chris friesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The short version is that statusmap, history and trends.cgi aren't being
 installed.  Yet, I received no error messages during the install of Nagios.

 Slackware 9.1.0 is installed
 apache is installed
 gd-2.0.35 is installed
 perl, v5.8.0

 I've can log into nagios and I can see everything else except these.
 I've googled my eyes out and I can't see the resolution...

 I've tried to re-do the ./configure and makes but too no avail.  I also
 tried to copy these from a working version of Nagios but I got the error
 Premature end of script headers: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/statusmap.cgi
 - This was from a RedHat version...

 In my apache error_log I see the script not found or unable to stat:

 any suggestions and advice

 please  thank you

 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 Nagios-users mailing list
 ::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when
 reporting any issue.
 ::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft 
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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

2008-05-14 Thread Morris, Patrick

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:nagios-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of chris friesen
 Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:50 AM
 To: Valdinger, Stephen (DOV, MSX)
 Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

 I have attached the config.log

As mentioned in earlier responses, and as shown in the configure log, you do 
not have all of the correct development libraries installed.

Please see the FAQ entry you were provided earlier for which you need to 
install to get this working:

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft 
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

2008-05-14 Thread Valdinger, Stephen (DOV, MSX)
Haha, reading through the log I found this little tidbit to be humorous:

configure: failed program was:
| #ifndef __cplusplus
|   choke me
| #endif

Stephen Valdinger
MIS Helpdesk Coordinator
330.365.3622 -O
740.491.0958 - C

-Original Message-
From: Morris, Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:11 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Valdinger, Stephen (DOV, MSX)
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:nagios-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of chris friesen
 Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:50 AM
 To: Valdinger, Stephen (DOV, MSX)
 Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

 I have attached the config.log

As mentioned in earlier responses, and as shown in the configure log,
you do not have all of the correct development libraries installed.

Please see the FAQ entry you were provided earlier for which you need to
install to get this working:

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft 
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

2008-05-14 Thread Nagios User
If you are not sure install all of the following.

   - libgd
   - libgd-devel
   - libpng
   - libpng-devel
   - libjpeg
   - libjpeg-devel
   - zlib
   - zlib-devel


On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 12:54 PM, chris friesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Pardon, my flogging this dead horse... But I don't understand this very

 How do I tell from the logs which dev libraries aren't installed?

 Morris, Patrick wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:nagios-users-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of chris friesen
  Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:50 AM
  To: Valdinger, Stephen (DOV, MSX)
  Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...
  I have attached the config.log
  As mentioned in earlier responses, and as shown in the configure log, you
 do not have all of the correct development libraries installed.
  Please see the FAQ entry you were provided earlier for which you need to
 install to get this working:

 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 Nagios-users mailing list
 ::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when
 reporting any issue.
 ::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagiosgrapher showing different values over time

2008-05-14 Thread Patrick Morris
On Wed, 14 May 2008, Palle L Jensen wrote:

 I have noticed that in the graphs for ping and also Cpu load that the graphs 
 are changing as you look at the different graphs.
 For example the ping daily/graph shows at 11:00 14ms, then when you look at 
 the weekly/graph it shows for the same day and time only 10ms, if you look at 
 the monthly it?s gone down to 10.5 ms for the same day. Shouldn?t it be 
 consistent showing the same value on the daily/weekly, monthly and yearly 
 graph if you are looking at the same day and time on all the different 
 graphs? Does anyone have an explanation on this?

No, they should not be the same.  Each graph shows an average over a
different time period, depending on the scale of the graph.

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft 
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...

2008-05-14 Thread Patrick Morris
Hi chris!

On Wed, 14 May 2008, chris friesen wrote:

 Pardon, my flogging this dead horse... But I don't understand this very
 How do I tell from the logs which dev libraries aren't installed?
 Morris, Patrick wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:nagios-users-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of chris friesen
  Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:50 AM
  To: Valdinger, Stephen (DOV, MSX)
  Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] nagios 3.0.1 - installation quandry...
  I have attached the config.log
  As mentioned in earlier responses, and as shown in the configure log, you 
  do not have all of the correct development libraries installed.
  Please see the FAQ entry you were provided earlier for which you need to 
  install to get this working:

Don't depend on the logs. Make sure you have every dependency listed in
the FAQ installed.

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft 
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[Nagios-users] nagios - mysql - ndoutils

2008-05-14 Thread Tom Brown
I am looking at trying to get the nagios config into a mysql db as i am 
going to be running a cluster setup.

I see that ndoutils will enable me to get the logs and events from 
nagios into a db but is there anything out there that will enable config 
to also be stored in a db ?


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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios - mysql - ndoutils

2008-05-14 Thread Marc Powell

On May 14, 2008, at 1:24 PM, Tom Brown wrote:

 I am looking at trying to get the nagios config into a mysql db as i  
 going to be running a cluster setup.

 I see that ndoutils will enable me to get the logs and events from
 nagios into a db but is there anything out there that will enable  
 to also be stored in a db ?

There are many external applications that allow you to store  
configurations in a database (Monarch, Fruity, others), but all of  
them must export the data to flat file for nagios. Nagios does not  
have any ability to read configuration information from a database.


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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagiosgrapher showing different values over time

2008-05-14 Thread Palle L Jensen
Duh..   on the graph site if I set the Type to Max Value it will show the
peaks on all graphs. 

Thanks for your help anyway.

 -Original Message-
 From: Palle L Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 4:48 PM
 To: 'Patrick Morris'
 Cc: 'Nagios Users'
 Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Nagiosgrapher showing different values over
 Thanks for you response. I understand, but The question I had is why are
 the peaks that are showing on the daily and weekly graphs not appearing on
 the monthly and yearly graphs?
  -Original Message-
  From: Patrick Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 1:30 PM
  To: Palle L Jensen
  Cc: Nagios Users
  Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Nagiosgrapher showing different values over
  On Wed, 14 May 2008, Palle L Jensen wrote:
   I have noticed that in the graphs for ping and also Cpu load that the
  graphs are changing as you look at the different graphs.
   For example the ping daily/graph shows at 11:00 14ms, then when you
  at the weekly/graph it shows for the same day and time only 10ms, if you
  look at the monthly it?s gone down to 10.5 ms for the same day.
  it be consistent showing the same value on the daily/weekly, monthly and
  yearly graph if you are looking at the same day and time on all the
  different graphs? Does anyone have an explanation on this?
  No, they should not be the same.  Each graph shows an average over a
  different time period, depending on the scale of the graph.

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[Nagios-users] Notifications via CDMA

2008-05-14 Thread Douglas K. Rand
I'm a Verizon customer in North Dakota (United States) and the only
cell network available to us is CDMA. (Just in the last 6 months did
we get EVDO.)

Right now we use a modem and dial in to the IXO/TAP number for
Verizon. This works, but I'm concerned about how long Verizon will
maintain a IXO/TAP terminal. (And as a minor point, messages sent via
the IXO/TAP terminal are counted as out of network messages by

I've been looking around for a way of delivering notifications
directly via a wireless modem. If we had GSM service it seems that
this is a very easy thing: get smstools3 and one of any of a number of
GSM modems.

I was wondering if anybody had suggestions for accomplishing this with
Verizon and their CDMA network. I've found the MultiTech CDMA
MultiModem (MTCBA-C-N3-NAM) but no software to drive it. (We run
Nagios on FreeBSD.) And from what I can tell you can't send messages
on a CDMA network anywhere as easily as you can with GSM.

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios - mysql - ndoutils

2008-05-14 Thread Allan Clark
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Marc Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 14, 2008, at 1:24 PM, Tom Brown wrote:

  I am looking at trying to get the nagios config into a mysql db as i
  going to be running a cluster setup.
  I see that ndoutils will enable me to get the logs and events from
  nagios into a db but is there anything out there that will enable
  to also be stored in a db ?

 There are many external applications that allow you to store
 configurations in a database (Monarch, Fruity, others), but all of
 them must export the data to flat file for nagios. Nagios does not
 have any ability to read configuration information from a database.

The ndomod/ndo2db seems to store a config there, but it's read still from
flat files.

I've previously posted a way to read hosts and services from LDAP in
continuing work to allow Nagios to share config data with anything else
(DNS, DHCP, etc) -- but I'm still looking for NEB-pertinent feedback.

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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagiosgrapher showing different values over time

2008-05-14 Thread Marc Powell

On May 14, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Palle L Jensen wrote:

 Thanks for you response. I understand, but The question I had is why  
 are the
 peaks that are showing on the daily and weekly graphs not appearing  
 on the
 monthly and yearly graphs?

The RRD stores and graphs 1 point for every 5 minutes for the daily  
RRA. You see every data point on the graph, including the peaks.

1 10 20 5 6 8 ...

Weekly RRA/graph shows 1 data point for every 30 minutes. The data  
must be normalized based on a Consolidation function. Typically that's  
Average so the above 5 minute intervals would result in a single data  
point of 8.3 graphed and stored in the weekly RRA.

'Monthly' RRA/graph shows 1 data point for every 2 hours. The 30  
minute data points above are once again averaged (or whatever the  
Consolidation function is) over the 2 hour interval and used to  
generate the monthly RRA and graph.

'Yearly' RRA/graph shows 1 data point for every day.  The 2 hour  
intervals above are consolidated into one data point for the entire day.

As you've discovered, there are other consolidation functions which  
are available but the RRD file must be told which will be used at  
creation time. Looks like the PNP guys included MAX for at least some  
of the RRA's.

Alex Van Den Bogaerdt has written an excellent RRD Tutorial that  
covers this and much more at 


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Re: [Nagios-users] FW: Monitoring your office's Coffee Machine?

2008-05-14 Thread Thomas Harold
Mirza Dedic wrote:
 I know, totally off topic but what if you really wanted to? I want to
 monitor our Coffee Machine to warn me when it is running low (so that
 I can go there  put a new coffee in for some fresssh coffee).
 Now I know it has nothing that Nagios can talk to; so my question
 does anyone know of a product you can attach to it that has network
 capabilities that Nagios can talk to? Lol

Well, there's always things like the WeatherDuck which hook to the 
serial port and support analog / digital sensors.  Or their other 
products which are IP addressable and connect to analog / digital sensors.

(There's 3 or 4 IP-addressable commercially developed monitoring devices 
out there.)

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Re: [Nagios-users] no max check attempts for host checking?

2008-05-14 Thread Thomas Harold
Mark Frost wrote:
 Hello.  I have something that's not working the way I'd expect.
 We are monitoring services on windows hosts and as is common practice,
 not explicitly checking the host state.  Wehn the host gets rebooted, I
 expect that a service might fail, then Nagios would attempt a host
 check.  I would like the host check to not alert on a single ping
 failure, but rather hold off for say 5 failures before it sends an
 alert.  The intent is to not get an alert if the box is just being 
 I've set the following for my test host:
 max_check_attempts 10
 check_interval 0
 retry_interval 1
 active_checks_enabled no

Do you really need to define check_interval at all?  (We're using 2.11 
though, and it is an optional parameter in that version and not 

If you look at Host Alert History, you should see that Nagios is 
checking the host 10 times before it alerts.  In our setup, this 
checking happens every 3 seconds until the 10 tries are up.  Because it 
happens every 3 seconds (and I can't find where to change that at the 
moment in 2.11), the host only has to be down for 30 seconds before 
Nagios starts sending notifications.

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Re: [Nagios-users] Notifications via CDMA

2008-05-14 Thread Thomas Guyot-Sionnest
Hash: SHA1

On 14/05/08 05:06 PM, Douglas K. Rand wrote:
 I'm a Verizon customer in North Dakota (United States) and the only
 cell network available to us is CDMA. (Just in the last 6 months did
 we get EVDO.)
 Right now we use a modem and dial in to the IXO/TAP number for
 Verizon. This works, but I'm concerned about how long Verizon will
 maintain a IXO/TAP terminal. (And as a minor point, messages sent via
 the IXO/TAP terminal are counted as out of network messages by
 I've been looking around for a way of delivering notifications
 directly via a wireless modem. If we had GSM service it seems that
 this is a very easy thing: get smstools3 and one of any of a number of
 GSM modems.
 I was wondering if anybody had suggestions for accomplishing this with
 Verizon and their CDMA network. I've found the MultiTech CDMA
 MultiModem (MTCBA-C-N3-NAM) but no software to drive it. (We run
 Nagios on FreeBSD.) And from what I can tell you can't send messages
 on a CDMA network anywhere as easily as you can with GSM.

Can't you just send an email to some special address of your provider?

Every phone I ever came across were able to receive SMS trough email,
both in US and Canada.

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Re: [Nagios-users] no max check attempts for host checking?

2008-05-14 Thread Thomas Guyot-Sionnest
Hash: SHA1

On 09/05/08 12:46 PM, Mark Frost wrote:
 Hello.  I have something that's not working the way I'd expect.
 We are monitoring services on windows hosts and as is common practice,
 not explicitly checking the host state.  Wehn the host gets rebooted, I
 expect that a service might fail, then Nagios would attempt a host
 check.  I would like the host check to not alert on a single ping
 failure, but rather hold off for say 5 failures before it sends an
 alert.  The intent is to not get an alert if the box is just being 
 I've set the following for my test host:
 max_check_attempts 10
 check_interval 0
 retry_interval 1
 active_checks_enabled no
 Our configuration is a distributed one so the distributed node has
 obsession turned on, but the central node does not.
 When testing, we find that no matter what I set the max_check_attempts
 to, an alert is sent on the first ping failure.
 Is there something I'm missing?

No. Nagios 2.0 always treat passive host checks as HARD.

Here's the answer from Ethan about this:

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[Nagios-users] Recommend graphing tools please

2008-05-14 Thread Nicholas Magers
What do people use for graphing? I am running NagVis and would like
graphing to work with that as well.


I have seen for example.


Any advice would be appreciated.

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Re: [Nagios-users] Notifications via CDMA

2008-05-14 Thread Douglas K. Rand
Doug I've been looking around for a way of delivering notifications
Doug directly via a wireless [CDMA] modem. If we had GSM service it
Doug seems that this is a very easy thing: get smstools3 and one of
Doug any of a number of GSM modems.

Thomas Can't you just send an email to some special address of your
Thomas provider?

Thomas Every phone I ever came across were able to receive SMS trough
Thomas email, both in US and Canada.

Well, that works great unless the notification I'm trying to send out
is that my Internet service is down. Then I need an out of band means
of sending the notification.

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