[Nagios-users] Binary data on check_tcp/udp

2011-02-28 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Hi everyone,

Is there a way to send/receive binary data in the check_tcp/udp plugins,
instead of strings, as used in the -s and -e parameters? The binary data
could be readed from/checked against a serialized binary-data file.

Tks in advance.
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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users-br] Freela de Nagios!!!

2010-09-17 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Oi Harlei,

Depende do tamanho da instalação (quantidade de serviços e hosts) e se
vai precisar desenvolver scripts customizados de checagem.

Chutando um parque de uns 5 servidores com uns 50 serviços, sem
scripts customizados, acho que dá pra cobrar pelo menos entre 1500 e
2000 reais por um serviço bem feito que vc não vai estar enfiando a

2010/9/17 Harlei Liguori Marcelino hligu...@gmail.com:

 um amigo me perguntou se eu fazia Freela para instalar e configurar o Nagios
 na empresa onde ele trabalha. Sim eu até tenho como fazer, mas como nunca
 fiz Freela com instalação do Nagios não faço a minima ideia de quanto
 cobrar. Terei de emitir nota e tudo mais, mas tudo bem até aí, só gostaria
 de saber quanto vocês estão cobrando para fazer tal serviço. Para saber uma
 média de quanto pedir e não desvalorizar a classe. Será que vocês poderiam
 me dar sugestões de preço?

 agradeço desde já


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Re: [Nagios-users-br] Nagios em rede GRANDE, BEM GRANDE.

2010-08-26 Thread Leonardo Carneiro


Até mais =)

2010/8/24 Everton Pestana evertonpest...@gmail.com:


 OS Centos 5.2

 Alem dos plugins do nagios, utilizo outros plugins para verificação de
 hardware, banco de dados, processos.

 Os hosts são checados a cada 5m, links a cada 1 minuto, serviços a cada 5m,
 o ambiente é crítico não posso ter checagens de 10m.
 Já havia feito alguns tunnings de acordo com essa doc do nagios, e a
 performance das checagens praticamente dobrou. So estou tendo problemas
 mesmo com o processo do nagios. So tem um processo PAI rodando e tem hora
 que ele nao forca mais nenhum filho.

 Tenho alguns plugins feitos em perl que usam modulos cpan ( tem dependencias
 desses modulos) quando tentei ativar o Embedded Perl tive erros nesses

  Embedded Perl ran /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_hpasm: return code=3,
 plugin output=**ePN /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_hpasm: Use of
 uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/Getopt/Long.pm line

 O que pode ser isso?

 Desde já obrigado.


 Em 23 de agosto de 2010 14:14, Marcel webknowle...@gmail.com escreveu:

 Com 2 serviços por host vc só deve pingar sua rede para determinar
 alcançabilidade, certo?

 Qual plugin vc usa? qual versão dos plugins? qual versão do nagios? Qual

 Existem recomendações para melhorar o nível da investigação, mas algumas
 questões podem ser atacadas sem qualquer informação adicional.

 1) Vc está com uma média de tempo de execução das checagens um tanto quanto
 alta: 402.97 segundos, qual é a frequência que está checando seus hosts?
 tente aumentar a frequência para um tempo um pouco maior, para todas as
 checagens (de 5 para 10 minutos), e analise o comportamento.
 2) Verifique por mais de um processo pai (PPID=1), se houver mais de um
 processo pai, pode causar interferência ao nagios, já que eles irão
 compartilhar o objects.cache, retention.dat, status.dat e isso sempre é
 motivo de problemas.
 3) Se minha asserção sobre 2 serviços por hosts serem pings, tente trocar o
 plugin check_ping pelo check_icmp.
 4) Caso nenhuma das alternativas acima indique causa raiz, atualize o
 nagios e implemente as recomendações de tuning:

 Espero ter ajudado,

 2010/8/21 Everton Pestana evertonpest...@gmail.com

 Prezadas e prezados,

 Trabalho numa empresa grande, e tenho um grande parque de servidores e
 serviços a serem monitorados.

 Preciso de de uma ajuda pois o nagios esta tendo um comportamento
 muito estranho.

 Hoje estou rodando o nagios  com um único no de processamento com 2GB de

 Com aproximadamente 3000 hosts e 6000 serviços.


  Services Actively Checked:
  Time FrameServices Checked = 1 minute:147 (2.6%)= 5 minutes:5574
 (99.5%) =

 15 minutes:5574 (99.5%)= 1 hour: 5574 (99.5%)Since program start:  5574
 (99.5%)    MetricMin.Max.Average Check Execution Time:  0.00 sec23.26
 sec Check Latency:0.00 sec402.97 sec0.872 sec Percent State Change:0.00%


 Check Statistics:
  TypeLast 1 MinLast 5 MinLast 15 Min Active Scheduled Service


 O que tem acontecido com o nagios, em determinados momento parece que
 a maquina fica totalmente inativa, caem absurdamente os trafegos das
 interfaces (quase zerando) e o load consequentemente cai tb.

 Nesse momento observei que o nagios continua rodando, mas nenhum
 processo filho é executado mais, a maquina parece morta.
 Se eu der um reload no nagios tudo volta ao normal, mas depois de
 algumas horas depois acontece novamente o mesmo problema.Normalmente
 aconteceu as vezes que percebi as 4h da manha.

 Olhei todos os logs do nagios e de sistema possíveis e imaginaveis, e
 não ache nenhum erro nada que pudesse apontar tal comportamento.

 Desde já muito obrigado pela ajuda.


 Everton Pestana

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Re: [Nagios-users-br] Nagios em rede GRANDE, BEM GRANDE.

2010-08-23 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
2010/8/21 Everton Pestana evertonpest...@gmail.com:

 Trabalho numa empresa grande, e tenho um grande parque de servidores e
 serviços a serem monitorados.

 Preciso de de uma ajuda pois o nagios esta tendo um comportamento
 muito estranho.

 Hoje estou rodando o nagios  com um único no de processamento com 2GB de Ram.

 Com aproximadamente 3000 hosts e 6000 serviços.


 Services Actively Checked:
  Time FrameServices Checked = 1 minute:147 (2.6%)= 5 minutes:5574 (99.5%) =
 15 minutes:5574 (99.5%)= 1 hour: 5574 (99.5%)Since program start:  5574
 (99.5%)    MetricMin.Max.Average Check Execution Time:  0.00 sec23.26 sec0.402
 sec Check Latency:0.00 sec402.97 sec0.872 sec Percent State Change:0.00%

 Check Statistics:
 TypeLast 1 MinLast 5 MinLast 15 Min Active Scheduled Service Checks22526008

 O que tem acontecido com o nagios, em determinados momento parece que
 a maquina fica totalmente inativa, caem absurdamente os trafegos das
 interfaces (quase zerando) e o load consequentemente cai tb.

 Nesse momento observei que o nagios continua rodando, mas nenhum
 processo filho é executado mais, a maquina parece morta.
 Se eu der um reload no nagios tudo volta ao normal, mas depois de
 algumas horas depois acontece novamente o mesmo problema.Normalmente
 aconteceu as vezes que percebi as 4h da manha.

 Olhei todos os logs do nagios e de sistema possíveis e imaginaveis, e
 não ache nenhum erro nada que pudesse apontar tal comportamento.

 Desde já muito obrigado pela ajuda.


 Everton Pestana
 Sell apps to millions through the Intel(R) Atom(Tm) Developer Program
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 Wiki: http://nagios-br.sf.net/wiki

Olá Everton, na lista internacional do Nagios existe uma discussão
exatamente sobre um problema semelhante ao seu: problemas de
estabilidade e escalabilidade em instâncias muito grandes do Nagios.

Sugiro que vc dê uma olhada no histórico, pois o pessoal fez uma
discussão bem longa com vááárias dicas de como resolver o problema.

Pelo que eu lembro, não foi nenhuma ação isolada que corrigiu esse
tipo de problema, mas várias ações que aumentaram a eficiencia do
Nagios em processar os serviços e hosts.

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Re: [Nagios-users-br] Problemas Nagios * Exibir Resposta*

2010-06-08 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
e confirma as permissões tb.

Jose Oliveira wrote:

 Na saída do seu script, quando está testando se o resultado obtido é OK,
 WARNING ou CRITICAL, o script deve terminar com exit 0, 1 ou 2 conforme a
 situação estiver OK, WARNING ou CRITICAL...

 Quanto ao null, veja se o script retorna somente uma linha. O Nágios só
 mostra na interface uma linha, mesmo que ela seja relativamente grande. Se
 for grande, o browser se encarrega de quebrá-la...


 2010/6/8 Luis Henrique lsi...@bionexo.com

 Boa Tarde pessoal...
 Estou tendo um problema com o Nagios, Fiz um script, que na linha de
 comando ele funciona, Más quando coloco para o Nagios monitorar ele da
 mensagem de Null e fica verde, Alguem pode me ajudar???
 Segue o script, (Este script server para pegar a memoria total do PC /
 free -mt, e transforma em porcentagem.
 # Script to check real memory usage
 # L.Henrique 07/06/10 - V.2.0
 # --
 #   Script Modifications  ##
 # --
 USAGE=`basename $0` [-w|--warning]percent free
 [-c|--critical]percent free
 THRESHOLD_USAGE=WARNING threshold must be greater than CRITICAL:
 `basename $0` $*








 # print
 if [[ $# -lt 4

echo Wrong Syntax: `basename $0`
echo Usage:

 # read
 while [[ $# -gt 0

 case $1











 # verify
 if [[ $warning -eq $critical || $warning -lt $critical

  echo Usage:


 # Total memory
 total=`free -mt | grep 'Total:' | awk '{print
 # Total memory
 used=`free -mt | grep 'Total:' | awk '{print
 # Calc total minus
 free=`free -mt | grep 'Total:' | awk '{print
 # normal
 #echo $totalMB
 #echo $usedMB
 #echo $freeMB
 # make it into % percent free = ((used  /  total) *
  echo 5  $calc # decimal
  echo k  $calc # commit
  echo 100  $calc # multiply
  echo $total  $calc # division integer
  echo $used  $calc # division integer
  echo /  $calc # division sign
  echo *  $calc # multiplication sign
  echo p  $calc # print
 percent=`/usr/bin/dc $calc|/bin/sed 's/^\./0./'|/usr/bin/tr . 
 |/usr/bin/gawk {'print $1'}`
 #percent1=`/usr/bin/dc $calc`
 #echo $percent1
 if [[ $percent -le  $critical ]]
  echo CRITICAL-$free MB Free ($percent% Used Memory)
  exit 0
 if [[ $percent -le  $warning ]]
  echo WARNING-$free MB Free ($percent% Used Memory)
  exit 0
 if [[ $percent -gt  $warning ]]
  echo OK-$free MB Free ($percent% Used Memory)
  exit 0

 #Teste ckeck_mem
 define command{
command_line$USER1$/check_mem -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$

 Erro Nagios:

 Memoria Real

OK  06-08-2010 15:08:55 0d 0h 16m 52s   1/4 (null)

 Luis Henrique
 Tecnologia da Informação
 Bionexo do Brasil
 55 11 3133-8110

 Av.: Luiz Carlos Berrini, 936,
 12° andar Novo Brooklin - São Paulo - SP

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Re: [Nagios-users-br] RES: Criar variavel nos arquivos de configuração do nagios

2010-05-20 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br wrote:

 Complementando o Marcel, essa variável que você precisa, tem que ser incluída 
 no arquivo resource.cfg do Nagios.
Não necessariamente, se eu entendi bem o que o Ígor precisa. Eu tenho um 
serviço (que na verdade é uma query em um banco banco), o qual eu passo 
como parâmetro para query um ID do banco, e esse ID é uma variável 
customizada definida na definição do host (pois é única para cada host).

 -Mensagem original-
 De: Marcel [mailto:mits...@gmail.com] 
 Enviada em: quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2010 21:03
 Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
 Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br]Criar variavel nos arquivos de configuração 
 do nagios

 sim, procure pro custom macro variables na documentação.

 2010/5/19 Igor NM igor...@globo.com

 Olá a todos!!

 Estou precisando de uma solução meio estranha.
 Estou monitorando vários servidores via internet e para cada um deles
 utilizo uma senha diferente.

 Minha duvida é a seguinte... teria como criar uma variável com um nome
 qualquer na seção host ou service?

 O objetivo seria informar a senha de cada servidor e recuperá-la no
 igual a variável $HOSTADDRESS$

 Utilizo o comando check_nt para pegar as informações, bastaria apenas
 colocar o parâmetro -s com o nome da variável. Bem mais simples do que
 informar a senha a cada comando, e muito mais fácil para administrar e
 trocar as senhas.



 Nagios-users-br@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list
 Wiki: http://nagios-br.sf.net/wiki




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Wiki: http://nagios-br.sf.net/wiki

Re: [Nagios-users-br] RES: Nagios em rede GRANDE, BEM GRANDE.

2010-05-18 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Oi Benedito. Você cogitou usar monitoramento distribuído para evitar 
problemas de sobrecarga no Nagios?

benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br wrote:
 Grande Jotagera,

 Não uso o ndobd.
 Apenas o NagiosQL prá administração do Nagios.
 Meu parâmetro max_concurrent_checks=0

 Pauleira. 6000 serviços.
 Tô achando que o Nagios arriou.


 -Mensagem original-
 De: Jose Oliveira [mailto:jotag...@gmail.com] 
 Enviada em: segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010 21:31
 Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
 Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] Nagios em rede GRANDE, BEM GRANDE.

 Olá amigo

 Tem um parametro no qual voce especifica quantas checagens o Nagios deve
 disparar em paralelo. Assim, esta quantidade limita a capacidade do Nagios e
 ele enfileira as checages. Eu, que tenho somente 1000 serviços, deixo este
 careta com zero ou seja, sem limite de paralelismo...

 Deve ser este seu problema...

 Voce está salvando dados no Mysql com ndodb ou não?

 Em 17 de maio de 2010 18:09, benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br escreveu:

 Bem, pessoal.

 Seguindo as diversas dicas do pessoal daqui, tenho obtido avanços
 significativos na empreita de instalar o Nagios em larga escala.
 Mudei diversos parâmetros dos arquivos de configuração, inclusive de
 compilação. Passei a usar Perl embdded, etc.
 Estou só terminando os ajustes finos, prá depois fazer um resumo e postar
 aqui, para uso de outros futuros sortudos que enfrentem o mesmo problema
 que eu.
 Por ora, é o seguinte:

 Estou com problema de atraso nas checagens de serviços.
 Configurei o service template para fazer a checagem de 5 em 5 minutos.
 Mas, na prática, quando eu listo os serviços na página do Nagios, e mando
 ordenar por ordem de last time check, tem serviço cuja última checagem foi
 de 1 hora atrás (coluna Last check).
 Por outro lado, em Performance Info, obtenho o seguinte quadro sobre

 Time Frame Services Checked
 = 1 minute: 27 (0.4%)
 = 5 minutes: 1598 (25.3%)
 = 15 minutes: 5169 (81.7%)
 = 1 hour: 6296 (99.5%)
 Since program start:   6296 (99.5%

 A meu ver, o quadro acima indica que todos os serviços foram checados em
 aproximadamente 20 minutos.

 Então eu questiono:

 1 - Porque essa demora de 1 hora entre uma checagem e outra de serviço?
 Aqueles horários que aparecem na coluna Last check realmente indicam o
 horário da última checagem?
 2 - Existe algum parâmetro a ser configurado no Nagios.cfg que melhore essa
 performance, diminuindo o tempo entre checagens?
 3 - Porque a checagem não é feita a cada 5 minutos, como configurado no
 template de serviço?
 4 - Li algo sobre paralelização de checagem de serviço. Seria o caso? Como
 usar isso?

 Lembro, mais uma vez, que o quesito hardware está tranqüilo, com picos de
 utilização de CPU e memória de no máximo 25%.


 Grato desde já.


 -Mensagem original-
 De: Shine [mailto:esh...@gmail.com]
 Enviada em: quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010 20:56
 Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
 Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] RES: Nagios em rede GRANDE, BEM GRANDE.

 O uso do protocolo TCP é mais confiável que UDP simplesmente porque o
 protocolo é orientado a conexão. Em palavras mais simples, ele faz a
 recuperação de pacotes de rede perdido no próprio protocolo, enquanto
 que o UDP depende da aplicação conferir e fazer a recuperação da
 Mas as perdas existem tanto com o uso de um ou outro protocolo. E
 dependendo da escala de monitoração, usar TCP para contornar uma
 deficiência da rede pode trazer outros problemas.

 O SNMP pode oscilar não apenas por causa da rede, mas tbm pode falhar
 se o agent estiver com problemas. Existem técnicas adequadas para cada
 caso, mas se vc não tem uma conexão confiável por rede remota, melhor
 fazer a monitoração por um agent na rede local e fazer o relay dos
 resultados. Claro que estamos falando aqui de um evento de monitoração
 e não um alarme (notification, trap) no SNMP.

 Então para uma monitoração adequada, precisamos primeiro ver se a
 condição que gera os resultados indesejados é a rede e aplicar
 correções na rede ou mudar a topologia do agente Nagios para contornar
 a situação, por exemplo usando NSCA. Se a situação é mais devido à
 demora da aplicação SNMP do host monitorado, ajustar parâmetros de
 timeout pode ajudar.

 Um outro ponto a ser considerado é quantos threads podem ser rodados
 simultaneamente. Em se usando uma aplicação com uma resposta não muito
 imediata como o SNMP, faz sentido ter a máxima quantidade de threads
 simultâneos, uma vez que a interação com o host monitorado demora bem
 mais que uma interação com ping (por exemplo). Como vc usa o valor
 default, então não há limitações... mas vale a pena checar. Tem q ser
 zero. ;)


 Em 5 de maio de 2010 12:19, Marcel mits...@gmail.com escreveu:
 Só alterar a conf do snmpd para escutar tanto udp quanto tcp, que é mais
 caro mas não há perda de pacotes!

 2010/5/5 benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br


[Nagios-users] nagios without web interface

2010-05-18 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Hi. I want to compile nagios without the web interface. I think that i 
should include these parameters in the configure:


Is this right? There is anything else that i should include (or exclude)?

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5011/
/R. Pará 162 - CENTRO/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86010-450/


Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] 2 nagios

2010-05-12 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Marcel wrote:
 Yeah, read about Distributed/Redundant setup and the OCSP/OCHP command 
 definitions. There you'll find your answer!

 Happy monitoring!

 On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac 
 lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I have two datacenters. One of then is already being monitored by
 nagios, and i'll start the install in the second one this week. Is it
 possible to get then both talking to each other so i can access
 all data
 through a single web interface? Tks in advance.
 Leonardo Carneiro

Hi Marcel and others in the list, tks for pointing me in the right 
direction. I'll try that.


Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

[Nagios-users] managing a large number of server

2010-05-04 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Hi list,

I have the following situation: I'm monitoring a bunch of services on a 
bunch of servers (ok, nothing new so far).
All machines run the same services, but not all services is being 
monitored by now (since they are custom services, i'm still writing 
plugins for all of them). New machines are being added every day, and 
also, i'm writing new plugins to check the services.

When a new machine is added, is relatively easy: i copy the config file 
from another machine and change the name of the host and other unique 
attributes, but when a new service is added (a.k.a. i have finish 
another plugin), i need to edit all the dozens of config files for each 
server to add this new service.

There is a smarter way to do this?
Sorry for my poor english. Tks in advance.

Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] managing a large number of server

2010-05-04 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Assaf Flatto wrote:
 Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote:
 Hi list,

 I have the following situation: I'm monitoring a bunch of services on a 
 bunch of servers (ok, nothing new so far).
 All machines run the same services, but not all services is being 
 monitored by now (since they are custom services, i'm still writing 
 plugins for all of them). New machines are being added every day, and 
 also, i'm writing new plugins to check the services.

 When a new machine is added, is relatively easy: i copy the config file 
 from another machine and change the name of the host and other unique 
 attributes, but when a new service is added (a.k.a. i have finish 
 another plugin), i need to edit all the dozens of config files for each 
 server to add this new service.

 There is a smarter way to do this?
 Sorry for my poor english. Tks in advance.
 Try using templates and hostgroups 
 Templates will allow you to use a central base definition to the service 
 or host .

 you can assign a service to a hostgroup and thus all host in the group 
 will have the service checked on them.

Tks for showing the way. I'll check it out.

Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] managing a large number of server

2010-05-04 Thread Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac
Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote:
 Assaf Flatto wrote:
 Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote:
 Hi list,

 I have the following situation: I'm monitoring a bunch of services on a 
 bunch of servers (ok, nothing new so far).
 All machines run the same services, but not all services is being 
 monitored by now (since they are custom services, i'm still writing 
 plugins for all of them). New machines are being added every day, and 
 also, i'm writing new plugins to check the services.

 When a new machine is added, is relatively easy: i copy the config file 
 from another machine and change the name of the host and other unique 
 attributes, but when a new service is added (a.k.a. i have finish 
 another plugin), i need to edit all the dozens of config files for each 
 server to add this new service.

 There is a smarter way to do this?
 Sorry for my poor english. Tks in advance.
 Try using templates and hostgroups 
 Templates will allow you to use a central base definition to the service 
 or host .

 you can assign a service to a hostgroup and thus all host in the group 
 will have the service checked on them.

 Tks for showing the way. I'll check it out.
Worked like a charm. It's MUCH EASIER now to manage my hosts. Though i'm 
not a programmer, i do understand the OOP, and this is very much the same =)

Tks again guys.

Nagios-users mailing list
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Re: [Nagios-users-br] RES:

2009-12-16 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Bom dia Denilson e outros da lista,

Por mais que a lista brasileira do Nagios não seja muito movimentada, 
acho interessante manter o foco.

Existem duas listas, criadas pelo Marcelo Terres que estão sendo usadas 
para troca de experiências, tanto profissionais quanto técnicas das mais 
variadas áreas. Recomendo a todos que tiverem interesse se juntarem às 

As listas são: admins-redes-li...@googlegroups.com e 

O objetivo de separar em listas de Linux e Windows não é fomentar essa 
eterna disputa, mas apenas segregar os assuntos para que administradores 
que não se importam com o outro sistema não terem que ficar recebendo 
emails sobre Bash e SAMBA ou sobre ISA SERVER e AD.

Até mais!

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

Denilson escreveu:
 Olá, pessoal.
 Sei que não é o canal adequado mas gostaria de buscar uma oportunidade para 
 trabalhar com o Nagios em Belo Horizonte.
 Caso alguém saiba de alguma oferta, gentileza entrar em contato em PVT.
 Já implantei em 2 empresas com sucesso e possuo outras experiências 
 detalhadas em CV.
 Abraço e boas festas!


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Re: [Nagios-users-br] Notificação por e-mail

2009-11-12 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
uso um cliente de email de linha de comando. conecto em um smtp externo 
e boa.  qual a dificuldade hugo?

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

Daniel Barcelini escreveu:

 Aqui eu uso o ssmtp que qnd necessário enviar email ele levanta e 
 conecta ao servidor de email para. funciona como um smart host da vida 
 só que com a vantagem de não ficar rodando como daemon.

 Simples e funcional


 Jose Oliveira escreveu:

 Não sei se é exatamente seu caso mas aqui onde trabalho o sendmail do Nagios
 é configurado como 'smart host' para um outro servidor SMTP. No caso, o
 servidor exchange corporativo da empresa.

 O Nagios manda para qualquer um, mas tudo que sai dele vai para o exchange e
 é responsabilidade do exchange entregar...

 2009/11/11 Hugo Leonardo Ferrer Rebello hugo.rebe...@t-systems.com.br


 Alguém já utilizou a notificação por e-mail usando outro servidor SMTP ?
 Enviar mensagem através de outro servidor ?




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Wiki: http://nagios-br.sf.net/wiki

Re: [Nagios-users-br] Status Information: (null)

2009-11-09 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Já ocorreu comigo. Era erro de sintaxe do plugin, de uma maneira que ele 
não previa naquela versão. Pode dar um pouco mais de detalhes, sobre o 
plugin, a versão do nagios, sintaxe etc?

Esse erro está ocorrendo quando você executa pela linha de comando ou 
quando o Nagios executa o comando dentro do seu processo?


*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

Jose Oliveira escreveu:
 Olá Sean

 Além do status information como null, qual é o status do serviço? NORMAL,

 Aposto que é UNKNOWN...

 Eu já vi este erro com Nagios 1.0, quando mando ele monitorar, via check_nt,
 um disco que não existe em um servidor windows...

 2009/11/7 Sean sean.cramm...@gmail.com


 Pessoal, o que significa quando em Status Information vem a resposta
 não achei nenhuma resposta satifatória na internet que me ajudasse a
 corrigir este problema


 Sean Stewart Faulstich Crammond

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 trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus
 what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with
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Wiki: http://nagios-br.sf.net/wiki

Re: [Nagios-users-br] Duvida check_tcp

2009-10-27 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Bom dia Tiago,

Dentro do arquivo de configuração funciona um pouco diferente.

Tem um arquivo dentro da pasta ../etc/objects chamando commands.cfg. É 
neste arquivo que é definido a sintaxe de como o arquivo será usado 
dentro dos arquivos de configuração. Se a definição do comando check_tcp 
não foi alterada da instalação original, creio que a sintaxe que vc deve 
usar é:


O IP da máquina em questão ele vai pegar do próprio campo de definição 
do host. Todos as sintaxes de como usar os comandos no arquivo de 
configuração podem ser conferidas no commands.cfg.

Thiago Nunes Vilela escreveu:
 Galera tenho uma duvida em como configurar o check_tcp.

 Seguinte por linha de comando eu executo isso = check_tcp -H ip -p
 porta. Exatamente assim pq eu tenho que monitorar VPN's, é como se eu
 desse um telnet no ip/porta especificados, se conectar a vpn esta ok, senao
 esta down.

 Como eu passo esse comando para meu arquivo de configuração?
 Ja tentei
 check_tcp -H ip -p porta

 Mas nada deu certo...

 Valeu !


*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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Wiki: http://nagios-br.sf.net/wiki

Re: [Nagios-users] CHECK_NRPE: Received 0 bytes from daemon.

2009-10-26 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Do you have the logs from the remote server?

akp geek escreveu:
 Hi -

 I have installed the NRPE and when trying to run the 
 check_nrpe -H xx.xx.xxx.xxx from the server where nagios is running , 
 I am getting the following error

 CHECK_NRPE: Received 0 bytes from daemon.Check the remote server logs 
 for error messages.

 Server1 : I set up NRPE and I have added /etc/services nrpe entry . , 
 I have enabled the service. 

 I have NRPE set up on an other server and it is running fine. I did 
 follow the same instructions. Not able to figure out what's wrong with 



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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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[Nagios-users] path problem in plugin

2009-10-13 Thread Leonardo Carneiro

I wrote a small bash script that checks bandwidth, using the statgrab tool.

The statgrab executable file is located in /usr/local/bin. This folder 
is in the PATH variable of the user nagios (tested in command line), but 
the file is not found when the script is runned by the nagios process.
Doing an echo $PATH inside the script, the value of the variable is 
not the same as it was when the same command is executed in the command 
line with the nagios user.
This is the return when executed from the command line:

$ echo `whoami` $PATH


And this is the return when the script is called by the nagios process:

nagios /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin

Why the PATH variable is not the same in the command line and inside the 
nagios process?
Sorry for my poor english and tks in advance.

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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[Nagios-users] bandwidth measurement

2009-10-06 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
is there an easy and simple way to monitor the bandwidth use on a 
interface in a given moment, just like the 'iptraf' packet does, but 
without that fancy interface (just text output on the shell)? or do i 
have to use snmp?

tks in advance

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
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Re: [Nagios-users] bandwidth measurement

2009-10-06 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Grazie Giorgio, i'll give a try.

Giorgio Zarrelli escreveu:

 the easy way is using SNMP. I just released a plugin to measure bandwidth
 with SNMP v.3, crypted and authenticated:




 quota chi=Leonardo Carneiro
 is there an easy and simple way to monitor the bandwidth use on a
 interface in a given moment, just like the 'iptraf' packet does, but
 without that fancy interface (just text output on the shell)? or do i
 have to use snmp?

 tks in advance

 *Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
 *Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
 lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
 http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
 /Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
 /Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
 /Londrina- PR/
 /Cep: 86015-010/

 Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
 is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
 developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay
 ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9#45;12, 2009. Register
 Nagios-users mailing list
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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay 
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9#45;12, 2009. Register now#33;
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Re: [Nagios-users] pnp4nagios over nrpe

2009-10-03 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Tks Leveau and Max. Its working now. I had already fixed after max 
email, and answered the mail only to him by mistake.

Leveau Stanislas escreveu:

 you create a file

 Fichier check_nrpe.php
 #check_command  check_nrpe!check_users!-w 3 ?c 6

 custom_template with 1 it s for to use the second argument : check_users
 so you use check_users.php

 On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Leonardo Carneiro
 lscarne...@veltrac.com.br wrote:
 I'm using pnp4nagios in some local services and it's running just fine.
 now i'm trying to get perfdata from a service running on a remote host,
 but doing so via nrpe. the command it's a simple shell script that
 checks how many files exist in a especified folder.

 When i try to see the graph, the last item show me an error:


 not found.

 I now i could be thousand of problems. what i wanna know if is possible
 to gather this kind of data via nrpe.

 tks in advance and forgive me for my poor english.

 yes, absolutely NRPE can be used to collect performance data .. does
 your shell script return performance data as part of it's output?  You
 should see a pipe symbol | and then metrics in the output from the
 script, e,g.

 MY-CHECK - OK - Blah blah | 'metric1'=10;90;100 'metric2'=4;80;100'

 - Max


 Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
 is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
 developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and 
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 Nagios-users mailing list
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 reporting any issue.
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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay 
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9#45;12, 2009. Register now#33;
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any issue. 
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[Nagios-users] pnp4nagios over nrpe

2009-10-02 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
I'm using pnp4nagios in some local services and it's running just fine. 
now i'm trying to get perfdata from a service running on a remote host, 
but doing so via nrpe. the command it's a simple shell script that 
checks how many files exist in a especified folder.

When i try to see the graph, the last item show me an error:

not found.

I now i could be thousand of problems. what i wanna know if is possible 
to gather this kind of data via nrpe.

tks in advance and forgive me for my poor english.


*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

Come build with us! The BlackBerryreg; Developer Conference in SF, CA
is the only developer event you need to attend this year. Jumpstart your
developing skills, take BlackBerry mobile applications to market and stay 
ahead of the curve. Join us from November 9#45;12, 2009. Register now#33;
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Re: [Nagios-users] shell script in nagios

2009-09-08 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Title: Leonardo de Souza Carneiro

Well, i'd wrote a shell script to check gather informations about a
service and I'm running via check_nrpe. It's running just fine.

Melanie Pfefer escreveu:

I have the ability not to check by ssh. The script can be run *from* any server *to* any server.

I just need to run this script, let's say from nagios server (so no need to ssh). I expect from nagios either not to notify me (in that case, the remote server status is OK) or send me an alert (But with the output of the script, that is actually the erroneous logs, either in the message body or in attachement)

Let me know your thoughts please

--- On Mon, 7/9/09, Anthony anthony-nag...@hogan.id.au wrote:

From: Anthony anthony-nag...@hogan.id.au
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] shell script in nagios
To: "Melanie Pfefer" melanie_pfe...@yahoo.co.uk
Cc: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Monday, 7 September, 2009, 8:16 PM
Oops.. I'm a nuff nuff..

There's a plugin called check_by_ssh in the standard
set of plugins (at least the source - check to see if your
install of nagios has it compiled)

$ ./check_by_ssh --help
check_by_ssh v2002 (nagios-plugins 1.4.13)

Copyright (c) 1999 Karl DeBisschop kdebissc...@users.sourceforge.net
Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Nagios Plugin Development Team

This plugin uses SSH to execute commands on a remote host

Usage: check_by_ssh -H host -C command
[-fqv] [-1|-2] [-4|-6]
 [-S [lines]] [-E [lines]] [-t timeout] [-i
 [-l user] [-n name] [-s servicelist] [-O

 [-p port] [-o ssh-option]



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de Souza Carneiro
  Veltrac -
Tecnologia em Logstica.
  Fone Com.:
Higienpolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803


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[Nagios-users] can nagios take some pro-active actions?

2009-09-03 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
hello everyone.

Started to play with Nagios a few days ago and i'm very excited with it. 
I have a very small setup (2 linux server being monitored via npre by a 
third linux server) and i'd wrote some bash scripts to monitor some of 
the services that we run on those services (proprietary services, 
non-standard ones like ssh, apache and that stuff).

I know Nagios can send sms, email and other things to warn 
administrators about problems, but can Nagios take any action to fix the 
problem, like restart the service if reach critical state, or restart 
the service if the service stays critical for more than 5 minutes?

If yes, can someone just point me to the direction i should go? :)

Tks in advance, and sorry about my poor english. I'm from Brazil.

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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Re: [Nagios-users] can nagios take some pro-active actions?

2009-09-03 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Tks to everyone. Let me explain the situation. The service in question 
is a software developed by my own company. This service consumes files 
in a defined directory, generated by other program. This is the metric i 
use to monitor.

Like any software in constant development, it will eventualy crash or 
freeze. Doing so, the files on the directory end up accumulating. If the 
number of files cross the threshold, the warn or crit flag is set up.

We DO check why the service stoped, but the service must be up and 
running as fast as possible, so this is why we restart the service. 
Later we can check what is going wrong.

I also made, some months ago, a simple bash script that monitors the # 
of files, restart the service if necessary and logs this kind of event.

What i do not know if this is the best aproach. Nagios gives me the 
visual tools to se in real time in a big panel if everything is OK with 
my servers. So i though if it can take proactives actions and if this 
aproach would be better than my simple scripts.

dave stern - e-mail.pluribus.unum escreveu:
 Ok, everyone agrees event handler can take action to fix a problem but bear in
 mind that this comes with caveats. Affectively, nagios event handler is 
 a symptom; the disease goes merely on its way. If a service stops, WHY did
 it stop in the first place? Most good sysadmins would tackle the problem from
 the system end to insure that the service would never fail again. Furthermore,
 let's say a service failed for a reason, eg out of disk space. What
 good what it
 do to restart the service again? And if you build smarts into the
 event handler to
 look for and fix such a condition, is that the ONLY condition that could occur
 to stop this service?

 Having said all this, event handlers do have their place. We in fact use them
 to shut down hosts if the temperature gets too hot. You can imagine the
 testing we went through before rolling out something like this.

 On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Leonardo
 Carneirolscarne...@veltrac.com.br wrote:
 hello everyone.

 Started to play with Nagios a few days ago and i'm very excited with it.
 I have a very small setup (2 linux server being monitored via npre by a
 third linux server) and i'd wrote some bash scripts to monitor some of
 the services that we run on those services (proprietary services,
 non-standard ones like ssh, apache and that stuff).

 I know Nagios can send sms, email and other things to warn
 administrators about problems, but can Nagios take any action to fix the
 problem, like restart the service if reach critical state, or restart
 the service if the service stays critical for more than 5 minutes?

 If yes, can someone just point me to the direction i should go? :)

 Tks in advance, and sorry about my poor english. I'm from Brazil.

 *Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
 *Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
 lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
 http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
 /Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
 /Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
 /Londrina- PR/
 /Cep: 86015-010/

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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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Re: [Nagios-users] can nagios take some pro-active actions?

2009-09-03 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Yeah, i understand that exists some situations that a event handler 
can't effectively fix something, but reading the documention link you 
guys send me, it turns out that this is EXACTLY what i'm looking for. 
check some times, restart, check again, if still down, notify the admin 

Thanks again to everyone for your support.

Menard, Chris escreveu:
 We use event_handlers EXACTLY as you describe. Let nagios restart service 
 immediately and THEN figure out why it stopped.

 We all agree that root cause analysis is importantbut often secondary to 
 restoring service.

 -Original Message-
 From: Leonardo Carneiro [mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br] 
 Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 10:04 AM
 To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
 Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] can nagios take some pro-active actions?

 Tks to everyone. Let me explain the situation. The service in question 
 is a software developed by my own company. This service consumes files 
 in a defined directory, generated by other program. This is the metric i 
 use to monitor.

 Like any software in constant development, it will eventualy crash or 
 freeze. Doing so, the files on the directory end up accumulating. If the 
 number of files cross the threshold, the warn or crit flag is set up.

 We DO check why the service stoped, but the service must be up and 
 running as fast as possible, so this is why we restart the service. 
 Later we can check what is going wrong.

 I also made, some months ago, a simple bash script that monitors the # 
 of files, restart the service if necessary and logs this kind of event.

 What i do not know if this is the best aproach. Nagios gives me the 
 visual tools to se in real time in a big panel if everything is OK with 
 my servers. So i though if it can take proactives actions and if this 
 aproach would be better than my simple scripts.

 dave stern - e-mail.pluribus.unum escreveu:
 Ok, everyone agrees event handler can take action to fix a problem but bear 
 mind that this comes with caveats. Affectively, nagios event handler is 
 a symptom; the disease goes merely on its way. If a service stops, WHY did
 it stop in the first place? Most good sysadmins would tackle the problem from
 the system end to insure that the service would never fail again. 
 let's say a service failed for a reason, eg out of disk space. What
 good what it
 do to restart the service again? And if you build smarts into the
 event handler to
 look for and fix such a condition, is that the ONLY condition that could 
 to stop this service?

 Having said all this, event handlers do have their place. We in fact use them
 to shut down hosts if the temperature gets too hot. You can imagine the
 testing we went through before rolling out something like this.

 On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Leonardo
 Carneirolscarne...@veltrac.com.br wrote:
 hello everyone.

 Started to play with Nagios a few days ago and i'm very excited with it.
 I have a very small setup (2 linux server being monitored via npre by a
 third linux server) and i'd wrote some bash scripts to monitor some of
 the services that we run on those services (proprietary services,
 non-standard ones like ssh, apache and that stuff).

 I know Nagios can send sms, email and other things to warn
 administrators about problems, but can Nagios take any action to fix the
 problem, like restart the service if reach critical state, or restart
 the service if the service stays critical for more than 5 minutes?

 If yes, can someone just point me to the direction i should go? :)

 Tks in advance, and sorry about my poor english. I'm from Brazil.

 *Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
 *Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
 lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
 http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
 /Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
 /Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
 /Londrina- PR/
 /Cep: 86015-010/

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 trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus 
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 Nagios-users mailing list
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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/

[Nagios-users] nuvola for nagios 3

2009-08-27 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
do you guys know where i can find nuvola for nagios3 or a way to get 
properly working the version of nagios2 in nagios3?
i've found this link: 
http://trinec.de/downloads/nagios3-nuvola-1.0.3.tar.gz but did not worked =S

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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Re: [Nagios-users] nuvola for nagios 3

2009-08-27 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
I'm using a Debian 5 with apache and php packages from apt-get, but the 
nagios itself was compiled from the source. All the stuff is residing in 
/usr/local/nagios. The directory used by apache is 
/usr/local/nagios/share. Here is how it looks like:

veltracappserver01:/usr/local/nagios# ls -R share
asd.php contexthelp  docs.bk  includes   locale   
media   side.php  stylesheets
config.inc.php  docs images   index.php  main.php 
robots.txt  ssi   stylesheets.bk

lots of XX.html files

more .html files

tons of .png and some .gif

.gif and .png images

more images


de  fr







avail.csscmd.css config.css   histogram.css 
ministatus.css outages.css  status.css summary.css  trends.css
checksanity.css  common.css  extinfo.css  history.css   
notifications.css  showlog.css  statusmap.css  tac.css

The stylesheets folder is easy to replace, but i don't know with folder 
i should use instead of htdocs =S.
Tks in advance.

Richard Remington escreveu:
 Whoops! Same URL you'd already been to but I'm having no issues 
 installing it myself. Which OS are you using? The installation 
 instructions for this package seem to be specific to only one Linux 
 variant. R.

 Richard Remington wrote:
 Presado Leonardo,
 This URL might help:

 I lived for 7 months in Apucarana e sinto-me suadades from time to 
 time for Northern Parana. I was there in 1992.  How long have you 
 lived in 'Little London'?


 Leonardo Carneiro wrote:
 do you guys know where i can find nuvola for nagios3 or a way to get 
 properly working the version of nagios2 in nagios3?
 i've found this link: 
 http://trinec.de/downloads/nagios3-nuvola-1.0.3.tar.gz but did not 
 worked =S


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 30-Day trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment 
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 Nagios-users mailing list
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 reporting any issue. ::: Messages without supporting info will risk 
 being sent to /dev/null


*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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[Nagios-users-br] Problema com menu da interface web

2009-08-24 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Bom dia a todos.

Esse é meu primeiro email para esta lista e espero poder participar 
ativamente dela.

Recentemente instalei o Nagios 3.2.0 (compilado) em um Debian lenny.

Após a instalação, a interface web estava acessível e funcional.
O único porém nessa etapa é que o apache não está reconhecendo o arquivo 
index.php como um directory index, então eu tenho que entrar com a url 
http://host/nagios/index.php, mesmo com o apache configurado para 

Configurei um host, e quando fui checar o resultado na interface web, o 
menu a esquerda está com os links todos quebrados: 
Quando eu tento clickar em algum deles recebo a mensagem Not Found. The 
requested URL /nagios/ was not found on this server. apenas na parte 
onde estava o menu.

Alguém tem alguma dica?

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
Crystal Reports now.  http://p.sf.net/sfu/bobj-july
Nagios-users-br@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list
Wiki: http://nagios-br.sf.net/wiki

[Nagios-users] Problem with left menu in web interface

2009-08-24 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Hello everyone!

This is my first mail to the list. I hope to enjoy my time here.

I'm installing a nagios in a test machine before going serious. The 
install and basic setup gone fine, i could access the web interface 
without any problem. After configuring some host to monitor, the left 
menu in the web interface broke. I removed the hosts to test, but the 
menu is still not working.

Here is a shot of what's happening: 

When i try to click in some link I get a Not Found. The requested URL 
/nagios/ was not found on this server. only in the menu.

Running /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg 
tells me that everything is fine.

Any clues of what could de happening?

Tks in advance and sorry about my poor english.

*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
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Re: [Nagios-users] Problem with left menu in web interface

2009-08-24 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
BTW, i'm running Nagios 3.2.0 compiled in a debian 5.0.2, with apache 
2.2.9 and php 5.2.6
 Hello everyone!

 This is my first mail to the list. I hope to enjoy my time here.

 I'm installing a nagios in a test machine before going serious. The 
 install and basic setup gone fine, i could access the web interface 
 without any problem. After configuring some host to monitor, the left 
 menu in the web interface broke. I removed the hosts to test, but the 
 menu is still not working.

 Here is a shot of what's happening: 

 When i try to click in some link I get a Not Found. The requested URL 
 /nagios/ was not found on this server. only in the menu.

 Running /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v 
 /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg tells me that everything is fine.

 Any clues of what could de happening?

 Tks in advance and sorry about my poor english.


*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Re: [Nagios-users] Problem with left menu in web interface

2009-08-24 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Marc Powell escreveu:
 On Aug 24, 2009, at 8:28 AM, Leonardo Carneiro wrote:

 Hello everyone!

 This is my first mail to the list. I hope to enjoy my time here.

 I'm installing a nagios in a test machine before going serious. The
 install and basic setup gone fine, i could access the web interface
 without any problem. After configuring some host to monitor, the left
 menu in the web interface broke. I removed the hosts to test, but the
 menu is still not working.

 Here is a shot of what's happening:

 hmmm... It looks like there's something wrong with the PHP parsing of  
 share/side.php. Did you rename share/side.php to share/side.html  
 perhaps? Is PHP enabled in your web server?

No, share/side.php still is share/side.php
PHP is enabled, but apache is not identifying index.php as a directory 
index file. I have to enter http://myhost/nagios/index.php in order to 
access nagios. If i enter just http://myhost/nagios it will try to 
download a .phtml file. I'm not a apache2 expert, but looks like is 
configured properly, with the tags to proper identify index.php files as 
a directory index and to parse .phtml files using the php module.
 Does share/includes/utils.inc.php exist and is readable by your web  
 Does share/config.inc.php exist and is readable by your web server? Do  
 the $cfg[''] variables within it point to proper locations (i.e.  
 cgi_config_file points to '/usr/local/nagios/etc/cgi.cfg, etc)?
Also yes.

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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
Crystal Reports now.  http://p.sf.net/sfu/bobj-july
Nagios-users mailing list
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Re: [Nagios-users] Problem with left menu in web interface

2009-08-24 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
There is the following contents in php5.load and php5.conf, both 
included in apache2.conf.

IfModule mod_php5.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
  AddType text/html .php
LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so

In debian, the httpd.conf is empty by default. The server config is in 

also, there is no /usr/sbin/httpd. there is /usr/sbin/apache2 instead.
the command

/usr/sbin/httpd -M 21  | grep php

give me no output. but if the module was not loaded, would i be able to 
view http://host/nagios/index.php?

Marc Powell escreveu:
 On Aug 24, 2009, at 9:17 AM, Leonardo Carneiro wrote:

 hmmm... It looks like there's something wrong with the PHP parsing of
 share/side.php. Did you rename share/side.php to share/side.html
 perhaps? Is PHP enabled in your web server?

 No, share/side.php still is share/side.php
 PHP is enabled, but apache is not identifying index.php as a directory
 index file. I have to enter http://myhost/nagios/index.php in order to
 access nagios. If i enter just http://myhost/nagios it will try to
 download a .phtml file. I'm not a apache2 expert, but looks like is
 configured properly, with the tags to proper identify index.php  
 files as
 a directory index and to parse .phtml files using the php module.

 I think your PHP parsing is broken entirely. I don't know what OS  
 you're using, and you may get better direction from them, but verify  
 that the php5 module is loaded by apache. As root, run --

 /usr/sbin/httpd -M 21  | grep php

 You should see --

   php5_module (shared)

 If you do not, PHP is not enabled. Make sure that /etc/httpd/conf.d/ 
 php.conf exists and points to your PHP module. My RHEL/CENTOS5 one  
 looks like --

 # PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language which attempts to make it
 # easy for developers to write dynamically generated webpages.

 LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so

 # Cause the PHP interpreter to handle files with a .php extension.
 AddHandler php5-script .php
 AddType text/html .php

 # Add index.php to the list of files that will be served as directory
 # indexes.
 DirectoryIndex index.php

 # Uncomment the following line to allow PHP to pretty-print .phps
 # files as PHP source code:
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps


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 Nagios-users mailing list
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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with 
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Nagios-users mailing list
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any issue. 
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Re: [Nagios-users] Problem with left menu in web interface

2009-08-24 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Marc Powell escreveu:
 On Aug 24, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Leonardo Carneiro wrote:

 There is the following contents in php5.load and php5.conf, both
 included in apache2.conf.

IfModule mod_php5.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
  AddType text/html .php
LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so

 No AddHandler? Apache won't know that the php module is supposed to  
 process .php files without it. The AddType's just set MIME-type for  
 the files if they're downloaded by a client, not whether they're  
 interpreted or not.

 also, there is no /usr/sbin/httpd. there is /usr/sbin/apache2 instead.
 the command

 I took educated guesses. Glad you were able to figure it out.
Sorry if I look rude. It was not my intention :)
/usr/sbin/httpd -M 21  | grep php

 give me no output.

 I'd say that the PHP module isn't loading then. Does apache complain  
 about that at all when started? A very simple test is to create a file  
 in the share directory named 'phpinfo.php' with the contents --


The commando /usr/sbin/apache -M gives me the following output:

apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}

This variable, reffered in apache2.conf is correctly defined in the 
envvar file. The fact that apache is not parsing the php code is driving 
me crazy. Below the message of can't locate the file it gives me the 
apache version, OS version and that stuff. It says: Apache/2.2.9 
(Debian) PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny3 with Suhosin-Patch Server at /x.x.x.x/ Port 

 Load it in your browser (http://your.nagios.host/nagios/phpinfo.php).  
 If php is working you'll get lots of output about your php install.

 but if the module was not loaded, would i be able to
 view http://host/nagios/index.php?

 Yes. If you look at it, it's just html text with a .php extension. No  
 php interpretation required.


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 Nagios-users mailing list
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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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any issue. 
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Re: [Nagios-users] Problem with left menu in web interface

2009-08-24 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Yeah, i changed. And putting the php code you told me in a file 
(asd.php) inside the nagios/share folder did not worked =S
The browser just shows an empty page.

Marc Powell escreveu:
 On Aug 24, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Leonardo Carneiro wrote:

 also, there is no /usr/sbin/httpd. there is /usr/sbin/apache2 instead.
 the command

/usr/sbin/httpd -M 21  | grep php

 give me no output.

 erp. You did change this to /usr/sbin/apache2, right? I assumed you  
 did but just in case...


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 trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
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Re: [Nagios-users] Problem with left menu in web interface [SOLVED]

2009-08-24 Thread Leonardo Carneiro
Just added

AddHandler php5-script .php

in my php5.conf (a file included by my apache2.conf) and worked right away!
I don't know why was working before that =S

Very Very thank you Marc!
Leonardo Carneiro escreveu:
 Marc Powell escreveu:
 On Aug 24, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Leonardo Carneiro wrote:

 There is the following contents in php5.load and php5.conf, both
 included in apache2.conf.

IfModule mod_php5.c
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
  AddType text/html .php
LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so
 No AddHandler? Apache won't know that the php module is supposed to  
 process .php files without it. The AddType's just set MIME-type for  
 the files if they're downloaded by a client, not whether they're  
 interpreted or not.

 also, there is no /usr/sbin/httpd. there is /usr/sbin/apache2 instead.
 the command
 I took educated guesses. Glad you were able to figure it out.
 Sorry if I look rude. It was not my intention :)
/usr/sbin/httpd -M 21  | grep php

 give me no output.
 I'd say that the PHP module isn't loading then. Does apache complain  
 about that at all when started? A very simple test is to create a file  
 in the share directory named 'phpinfo.php' with the contents --


 The commando /usr/sbin/apache -M gives me the following output:

 apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}

 This variable, reffered in apache2.conf is correctly defined in the 
 envvar file. The fact that apache is not parsing the php code is driving 
 me crazy. Below the message of can't locate the file it gives me the 
 apache version, OS version and that stuff. It says: Apache/2.2.9 
 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny3 with Suhosin-Patch Server at /x.x.x.x/ Port 

 Load it in your browser (http://your.nagios.host/nagios/phpinfo.php).  
 If php is working you'll get lots of output about your php install.

 but if the module was not loaded, would i be able to
 view http://host/nagios/index.php?
 Yes. If you look at it, it's just html text with a .php extension. No  
 php interpretation required.


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*Leonardo de Souza Carneiro*
*Veltrac - Tecnologia em Logística.*
lscarne...@veltrac.com.br mailto:lscarne...@veltrac.com.br
http://www.veltrac.com.br http://www.veltrac.com.br/
/Fone Com.: (43)2105-5601/
/Av. Higienópolis 1601 Ed. Eurocenter Sl. 803/
/Londrina- PR/
/Cep: 86015-010/

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