Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Douglas Otis

On Dec 9, 2005, at 4:09 PM, Robert Bonomi wrote:

1) Malware detection has a 0% false positive.

If there is a 'false positive' detecting malware, it is a near  
certainty that the "legitimate" message so classified does *NOT*  

When there is some percentage of false-positive detection, there will  
be a number of messages that will fall into the "should not have been  
rejected" category, where indeed the return-path is not likely to  
have been forged, and a DSN would be of value to the sender.  When a  
DSN is sent, the sender will be able to take corrective action.   
There is also a percentage of messages where malware detection is  
valid, but nonetheless the return-path is also valid.  (Perhaps  
overwritten by the provider.)

You are judging this situation based upon only the wrong choice as  
having been made.  AV filtering is not the only situation where a DSN  
exploit is used, and there is no way to be sure about a choice of  
discarding the DSN.  Discarding DSNs _will_ degrade the integrity of  
email delivery.  As the recipient of the DSN is _always_ the best  
judge whether the DSN was sent to a forged return-path, why not take  
advantage of that superior knowledge?  Automate the process so the  
DSN recipient is able to immediate rejects _all_ invalid DSNs.   
Overall, email transactions will be faster, and DSN exploits will  
soon disappear.


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread JC Dill

Douglas Otis wrote:

On Dec 9, 2005, at 1:12 PM, Todd Vierling wrote:

None of these are my problem.  I am a non-involved third party to
the malware detection software, so I should not be a party to its
 outgoing spew.

I have not requested the virus "warnings" (unsolicited), they are
 being sent via an automated trigger (bulk, by extension of the 
viruses also being bulk), and they are e-mail -- UBE by

definition. Whether they are also formatted as DSNs or delivered
like DSNs doesn't take away their UBE status.

This is a third-party acting in good faith,

No it isn't.  This is a third-party acting in their own interest with
absolutely zero concern for how their actions affect others.

The third party WANTS to return the DSN so it can advertise its
filtering service.  There is NO other possible reason or excuse for
this.  The third-party obviously has a vested interest in justifying and
continuing this reprehensible behavior.

you want them to toss  the DSNs, because you _think_ the number of
otherwise valid DSNs to  be inconsequential (whether or not malware
is actually detected).

We KNOW the percentage of valid DSNs tossed by this action will be 0, or
very very very close to 0.  We know that if there were a significant
percentage of DSNs that were desired by the "sender" then it would be
just as easy for you to give those DSNs to the purported recipient so
that they can notify the "sender" themselves.  If the purported
recipient doesn't want to see the DSNs because the false positive rate
is 0 or close to 0, then you can be quite sure that the "senders" (most
of whom never "sent" the message) certainly don't want to see them either.

Where do you draw the line, as AV filtering is not the only source of
a spoofed DSN problem?

Because other systems aren't perfect is not an acceptable reason to let
your system continue to do bad things.

How would the third-party acting in good faith know who really sent
the message?

If the filtering system has any knowledge (or *should* have such
knowledge) regarding the message received to indicate that the sender is
forged, then it should not send a DSN to the sender address.  Period.
It should either discard the message and not generate a DSN or it should
give the DSN to the purported recipient.  If the purported recipient
doesn't want to get a notice, then the system shouldn't inflict the
notice on anyone else either.

(Do you know what "cost shifting" means, and why it's considered
bad, and why it is illegal in some forms?)

In this case however, it is in keeping with a general expectation
that a DSNs will be sent when a message can not be delivered.  If
this party wanted to save costs, they would toss the DSN.

And lose the opportunity to market their product in the guise of sending
a "desired DSN" to someone whose address they are 99.999% certain was
forged by the virus?  We all know that email marketing is very low cost
(low cost mostly due to cost shifting, as noted above) so they would
have to replace this low cost marketing technique with real marketing at
a much higher cost.

How can this entity know whether the DSN is going to the correct

See above.

How can this be called cost shifting?

See above.

DSNs with spoofed return-paths will  not go away even after getting
all the AV filters performed within  the session sometime in the few

No, they will go away by dropping DSNs on the floor when there is a high
likelihood that the sender is forged.


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Todd Vierling

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Douglas Otis wrote:

> > None of these are my problem.  I am a non-involved third party to the
> > malware detection software, so I should not be a party to its outgoing spew.

> This is a third-party acting in good faith,

Wow, you're one twisted individual.

Can I have a hit of whatever you're smoking?  I could use a fun
hallucination tonight.  (I'll settle for reading your posts, because they're
becoming increasingly comical.)

> How would the third-party acting in good faith know who really sent the
> message?

If they don't know, they have no business telling a random third party.
And if they do drag in an innocent bystander, they are therefore *not*
acting in good faith.

> In this case however, it is in keeping with a general expectation that a DSNs
> will be sent when a message can not be delivered.  If this party wanted to
> save costs, they would toss the DSN.
> How can this entity know whether the DSN is going to the correct party?

In the case of malware, YOU KNOW IT IS FORGED in every case in recent
history.  What more do you need?

> How can this be called cost shifting?

If I am overburdened with other people's crap that never should have hit me,
then I am bearing the *cost* of their abuse.  And yes, spewing anything
(whether you think it's a DSN or not) at me in bulk, when it has nothing to
do with me, is abuse.

I can only deduce that you're clueless, you have an ulterior motive
(hmm...), or you haven't been using e-mail for very long.  In any case, you
are reflecting a *really* bad image on your mail domain (and thus your
employer) by being so completely lost in your own world.

I stand by my T. Roll conclusion.


Re: Juniper DNS cache

2005-12-09 Thread Richard A Steenbergen

On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 05:42:17PM -0500, Peering wrote:
> Dumb question...anyone know how to clear the DNS cache on a Juniper
> M-20?  I looked all through the JUNOS documentation on their website and
> looked through all the available commands and couldn't find anything.

Juniper does not operate as a caching nameserver, therefore it has no DNS 
cache. It will send new queries to its configured nameservers every time, 
so if something isn't updating, it is the nameservers you are using.

This question would probably be better suited for the Juniper-NSP mailing 
list ( too.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Robert Bonomi

> From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Dec  9 17:10:00 2005
> Cc: "Steven J. Sobol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Geo." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> From: Douglas Otis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was 
> Re:Clueless anti-virus )
> Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 15:08:49 -0800
> To: Todd Vierling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Dec 9, 2005, at 1:12 PM, Todd Vierling wrote:
> >
> > None of these are my problem.  I am a non-involved third party to  
> > the malware detection software, so I should not be a party to its  
> > outgoing spew.
> >
> > I have not requested the virus "warnings" (unsolicited), they are  
> > being sent via an automated trigger (bulk, by extension of the  
> > viruses also being bulk), and they are e-mail -- UBE by  
> > definition.  Whether they are also formatted as DSNs or delivered  
> > like DSNs doesn't take away their UBE status.
> This is a third-party acting in good faith,

"In good faith" is _HIGHLY_ debatable.

"On blind faith" (that the sender address infor is accurate) is much
closer to an accurate description.

The aforementioned third parties, being experienced professionals, and even 
'experts',  in the field *SHOULD* KNOW BETTER than to act in that matter.
How can they claim to be experts in the field and _NOT_ be aware of the 
_probability_ (not just the "possibility) of the sender address being spoofed?
AND, *as*experts* in that area, it is incumbant on _them_ to 'act responsibily'
on behalf of their clients/customers who are "not so knowledgable" about 
such matters.

> How would the third-party acting in good faith know who really sent  
> the message?

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Robert Bonomi

> From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Dec  9 13:59:30 2005
> From: Douglas Otis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was 
> Re:Clueless anti-virus )
> Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:58:15 -0800
> To: Todd Vierling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Dec 9, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Todd Vierling wrote:
> >
> >1. Virus "warnings" to forged addresses are UBE, by definition.
> This definition would be making at least two of the following  
> assumptions:

FALSE TO FACT.  Notice the qualifier "forged", regarding the address to
which the notification is being sent.
> 1) Malware detection has a 0% false positive.

If there is a 'false positive' decting malware, it is a near certainty
that the "legitimage" message so classified does *NOT* have a FORGED ADDRESS.

In addition, _IF_ a false positive occurs, the *sender* can do nothing about
the situation -- resending the message, for example, will *NOT* have any
better chance of getting through.  The _right_ person to notify in such a
situation is the RECIPIENT.  They have a chance of 'influencing' the people
who set the policies (that resulted in that false postive) in regard to 
getting the policy _changed_.

Thus, this is an invalid straw-man argument.  One down.

> 2) Lack of DSN for email falsely detected containing malware is okay.

*IF* the sender address _is_ forged (a _necessary_ pre-condition for Todd's
statement to be applicable, then the fact remains that that 'false positive'
indication is going to someone who DID NOT REQUEST such notification, either
explicitly (by signing up for it), nor implicitly (by actually _sending_ the
message in question).

Thus, this is an invalid straw-man argument.  Two down.

> 3) Purported malware should be assumed to use a forged return-path.

I can't imagine why anyone could *possibly* think that that might be the case!

Note: It does happen to be an assumption that does turn out to "coincide with 
  the actual facts of the situation" in a _very_large_ share of the cases.

In the last three years of rejecting (SMTP transaction-time) _anything_ that
contained anything that 'looked like' either an MS-executable format 
attachment, or a ZIP file, I have not seen a *SINGLE* such message that did
have an accurate return path.

Available statistical data from other sources shows a "not quite that extreme"
proportion.  The _lowest_ numbers I've seen put the proportion at well over
90% -- basis the numbers of messages encountered.

A trivial, surface-level, analysis of the goals of virus-writers shows that
virus writers, in general, have *every* reason to obsure the "source" of the
message, and _no_ reason for the message to "clearly identify" the actual
message source.  That once the virus-writer "community" figured out how to
send messages with spoofed origin information, the _virtually_every_ virus
released after that point *does* use such spoofing -- for the express 
purpose of making it 'as difficult as possible' to identify the true source
of the infection-carrying message.

It is also an "obvious fact" that people who are in the *business* of selling
malware detection systems, have a business interest in "identifying" and
"classifying" malware.   "What it does", and "how it works" ARE (or should be)
reasonable and expected parts of their identificaton/analysis/classificaiton
process.  Thus, 'malware detection system' vendors -- of all people -- should
be expected to know _more_ about whether or not a particular 'detected'
malware (regardless of whether or not it was a 'false positive' detection)
is one that forges the 'pooint of origin' information that would be used
to route a DSN.

Thre is no need for the authors/sellers of 'malware detection systems' to
"assume" any specific behavior as a 'default' assumption.  They *SHOULD*
*KNOW* the actual of every virus that they have an 'identification signature'
for.  thus there is no need to assume anything, they can act case-by-case
on "actual", factual data.

Thus, this is an invalid straw-man argument.  Three down.

> 4) The return-path can be validated prior to accepting a message.

"wHO CARES" ABOUT the return-path?   if you make the malware determination
*at*the*exterior*gateway** to your network, *during* the SMTP transaction,
you have a 'reliable' path back to the system that tried to deliver it _to_
you.  If *they* don't know (reliably) who the actual sender of that message
is, that is _their_ problem.

If you _cannot_ make a real-time "malware" determination during the _gateway_ 
SMTP transaction, and the gateway has "accepted for delivery" the questionable
message, then when the 'malware' determination is made, the message should
be simply _delivered_, according to site policy -- directly to the bit-bucket.
As this _does_ meet the 'delivery' requirements of the relevant RFCs, thre
is no need to send a failure notification 'backwareds' to anywhere.

Thus, this is an invalid straw-man argument.  four down

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Steven J. Sobol

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Douglas Otis wrote:

> [AV notifications are] a third-party acting in good faith

Perhaps in your world. Definitely not in mine.

Steve Sobol, Professional Geek   888-480-4638   PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Company website:
Personal blog, resume, portfolio:
E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Snail: 22674 Motnocab Road, Apple Valley, CA 92307

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Douglas Otis

On Dec 9, 2005, at 1:12 PM, Todd Vierling wrote:

None of these are my problem.  I am a non-involved third party to  
the malware detection software, so I should not be a party to its  
outgoing spew.

I have not requested the virus "warnings" (unsolicited), they are  
being sent via an automated trigger (bulk, by extension of the  
viruses also being bulk), and they are e-mail -- UBE by  
definition.  Whether they are also formatted as DSNs or delivered  
like DSNs doesn't take away their UBE status.

This is a third-party acting in good faith, albeit performing a check  
better done within the session.  In your view, there is less concern  
about delivery integrity, and so related DSNs should be tossed.   
Being done within the session would be ideal, of course.  When their  
architecture does not support this approach, you want them to toss  
the DSNs, because you _think_ the number of otherwise valid DSNs to  
be inconsequential (whether or not malware is actually detected).

Where do you draw the line, as AV filtering is not the only source of  
a spoofed DSN problem?

How would the third-party acting in good faith know who really sent  
the message?

(Do you know what "cost shifting" means, and why it's considered  
bad, and why it is illegal in some forms?)

In this case however, it is in keeping with a general expectation  
that a DSNs will be sent when a message can not be delivered.  If  
this party wanted to save costs, they would toss the DSN.

How can this entity know whether the DSN is going to the correct party?

How can this be called cost shifting?

Defending against DSN exploits with BATV will remove this vector,  
which in turn will end DSN exploits attempts over the long term.

Besides this being another rewording of the classic "victim must  
fend for him/herself" mantra, and a complete misrepresentation of  
the problem of scale in implementing BATV the way you describe,  
you're calling these "DSN exploits" -- not "DSNs" -- here.

This is a remarkable argument.  DSNs with spoofed return-paths will  
not go away even after getting all the AV filters performed within  
the session sometime in the few years.  In fact, in session filtering  
will likely increase costs related to email by making all exchanges  
take longer to complete.  BATV can refuse invalid DSNs before the  
data phase, after expending a few microseconds to make and check  
tags.  The cost savings provided by a BATV approach can be rather  
large which will only increase the scalability of email.


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Micheal Patterson

- Original Message - 
From: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Douglas Otis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Todd Vierling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Steven J. Sobol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Geo." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 

Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was 
Re:Clueless anti-virus )

- Original Message - 
From: "Douglas Otis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Todd Vierling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Steven J. Sobol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Geo." 

Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was 
Re:Clueless anti-virus )

On Dec 9, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Todd Vierling wrote:

   1. Virus "warnings" to forged addresses are UBE, by definition.

This definition would be making at least two of the following 

1) Malware detection has a 0% false positive.
2) Lack of DSN for email falsely detected containing malware is okay.
3) Purported malware should be assumed to use a forged return-path.
4) The return-path can be validated prior to accepting a message.
5) SMTP should appear to be point-to-point.
6) MTAs with AV filters are the only problem.

Case in point Doug.. Current versions of Sober.U are sending mail from: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (xx's to hide the actual host).
I have a slew of these in my detected malware folder. I suppose that you'd 
prefer, by your reasoning, that I be sending DSN's to these addresses, 
knowing full well that it won't make it and just clutter up comcast's smtp 
gateway with DSN's. I'm sure that they'd like that very much.

Mike P.

And before anyone points out that the mx for comcast would not see that 
message, I know that on this particular host, they would not. I also realize 
the the DSN would sit in my outbound queue until it was purged after 5 days 
due to non-delivery. The point remains the same for this example as if it 
were addresses from [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] The originator 
is forged and the DSN is unable to get to the originating sender.

Mike P.

Juniper DNS cache

2005-12-09 Thread Peering
Title: Juniper DNS cache

Dumb question…anyone know how to clear the DNS cache on a Juniper M-20?  I looked all through the JUNOS documentation on their website and looked through all the available commands and couldn't find anything.

Diane Turley

Sr. Network Engineer

Xspedius Communications Co.


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread JC Dill

Leaving aside from the question of if virus-infected DSNs are UBE and 
thus "spam" or not...

Todd Vierling wrote:

If you want to notify someone about a filtered malware instance, notify the
intended *recipient*, and provide that user with the email address of the
alleged sender.  If it's a false positive, the intended recipient of the
filtered mail can contact the other party to fix the situation.

Oh, but I know the response already:  "But our users don't want to see those
notices, they're not much better than the viruses getting through, all that
spam to delete."  And an otherwise non-involved third party should be
burdened with this crap because...?  

this is the crux of the matter.  When your filtering system determines 
that the message contains a virus, the filter KNOWS (or should know, and 
with a high degree of certainty) the message is unwanted and the 
"sender" is forged.

Your recipient/customer doesn't want to see the message OR the DSN.  So 
why send either on to someone else?!

It is a reprehensible practice to send the notice off to the "sender" by 
claiming that an RFC says this is what you should do with a generic DSN. 
 It is NOT a good practice, it IS network abuse.  It is reprehensible 
to knowingly or "innocently" design software to do this, or to use 
software that does this by default unless you make very certain that you 
have disabled this "feature" and that it STAYS disabled whenever you 
upgrade or otherwise change the software configuration.

All of this is crystal clear without needlessly arguing or trying to 
determine if DSNs of virus infected email are "spam" or not.  It was 
sent to your recipient/customer and if they don't want it then treat it 
the same way you treat all other email they don't want (spam filtering).


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Micheal Patterson

- Original Message - 
From: "Douglas Otis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Todd Vierling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Steven J. Sobol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Geo." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 

Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was 
Re:Clueless anti-virus )

On Dec 9, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Todd Vierling wrote:

   1. Virus "warnings" to forged addresses are UBE, by definition.

This definition would be making at least two of the following 

1) Malware detection has a 0% false positive.
2) Lack of DSN for email falsely detected containing malware is okay.
3) Purported malware should be assumed to use a forged return-path.
4) The return-path can be validated prior to accepting a message.
5) SMTP should appear to be point-to-point.
6) MTAs with AV filters are the only problem.

Case in point Doug.. Current versions of Sober.U are sending mail from: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (xx's to hide the actual host).
I have a slew of these in my detected malware folder. I suppose that you'd 
prefer, by your reasoning, that I be sending DSN's to these addresses, 
knowing full well that it won't make it and just clutter up comcast's smtp 
gateway with DSN's. I'm sure that they'd like that very much.

Mike P.

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Micheal Patterson

- Original Message - 
From: "Douglas Otis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Todd Vierling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Steven J. Sobol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Geo." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 

Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was 
Re:Clueless anti-virus )

On Dec 9, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Todd Vierling wrote:

   1. Virus "warnings" to forged addresses are UBE, by definition.

This definition would be making at least two of the following 

1) Malware detection has a 0% false positive.
2) Lack of DSN for email falsely detected containing malware is okay.
3) Purported malware should be assumed to use a forged return-path.
4) The return-path can be validated prior to accepting a message.
5) SMTP should appear to be point-to-point.
6) MTAs with AV filters are the only problem.

While there could be best practices created for AV filtering, it  seems 
unlikely to be effective.  Simplistic filters for DSNs also  seem counter 
to ensuring the integrity of email delivery.  Defending  against DSN 
exploits with BATV will remove this vector, which in turn  will end DSN 
exploits attempts over the long term.  Why expect others  to fix this 
problem, when there is a solution that one could make the  investment in 
to deploy.  This will reduce this problem over the long  term.  The BATV 
alternative would not cause otherwise valuable DSNs  to be lost, nor make 
assumptions about the quality of malware detection.

If you can't trust AV handling of DSNs, why trust their detections?

Would you rather see emails simply disappear?

I would rather see the problem stop at the source instead of the current 
issue being used as a crutch to attempt to get people to go to BATV or 
Mass-Rep (as described in your draft).  There's an old military comm saying 
that fits perfectly here. "Clean House". For those of you ex comm folks, 
you'll probably recognize it. For those of you who don't, it simply means, 
fix your stuff before you point blame at the distant end for the problem.

   2. It is the responsibility of the *SENDER* not to send UBE.

When the recipient is a legitimate email provider, it could seriously 
lower the integrity of email delivery for these providers to toss  DSNs 
because many fall into a category you want to define as UBE.   While I 
agree whole heartily this malware notification problem  stinks, there is a 
much safer and surer solution.


Do you not comprehend what's really being said here Doug? Yes, blocking / 
rejecting of a DSN is a BAD thing and should never be done. Rejecting of a 
notification of malware != the same thing.  If the reciever of "your" DSN 
didn't sent the message, then it's no longer a DSN.. It's now officially, by 
definition, UBE from YOU to the incorrect originator now isn't it. This is 
the case in the majority of malware notifications by anyone / anything that 
generates them. More than likely, the viri / trojan writer is "depending" on 
them to help propogate their ilk because they too can be network admins and 
are aware that DSN's don't get tossed. What better method to get them out to 
the masses but to have our main feeds, and huge pipes help them along? I 
mean, really, who's better to help them? Mom and dat with the 56k dialup or 
us with the DS3's - OC12's to help them along? Look at the big picture Doug 
instead of 45 degrees to the left and right. You hate spam, I hate spam, I 
don't send DSN's to senders because I know that roughly 90% of them are 
bogus.  You feel that's bad. You have the right to disagree. I have the 
right to deny traffic that is in response to traffic that didn't originate 
from my network(s) regardless of your belief.

Mike P. 

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Todd Vierling

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Douglas Otis wrote:

> >   1. Virus "warnings" to forged addresses are UBE, by definition.
> This definition would be making at least two of the following assumptions:
> 1) Malware detection has a 0% false positive.
> 2) Lack of DSN for email falsely detected containing malware is okay.
> 3) Purported malware should be assumed to use a forged return-path.
> 4) The return-path can be validated prior to accepting a message.

None of these are my problem.  I am a non-involved third party to the
malware detection software, so I should not be a party to its outgoing spew.

I have not requested the virus "warnings" (unsolicited), they are being sent
via an automated trigger (bulk, by extension of the viruses also being
bulk), and they are e-mail -- UBE by definition.  Whether they are also
formatted as DSNs or delivered like DSNs doesn't take away their UBE status.

If you want to notify someone about a filtered malware instance, notify the
intended *recipient*, and provide that user with the email address of the
alleged sender.  If it's a false positive, the intended recipient of the
filtered mail can contact the other party to fix the situation.

Oh, but I know the response already:  "But our users don't want to see those
notices, they're not much better than the viruses getting through, all that
spam to delete."  And an otherwise non-involved third party should be
burdened with this crap because...?  (Do you know what "cost shifting"
means, and why it's considered bad, and why it is illegal in some forms?)

The more important part is that the afflicted products usually DO know the
forgery status of the malware it is detecting -- so there should be nearly
no question as to when "warnings" would be UBE.  That notwithstanding, the
probability of a forgery case is better than 99%, so the assuption for
anti-malware products should now be "forged unless proven otherwise".
Hell, I'd give that forgery probability a Five Nines these days.

> 5) SMTP should appear to be point-to-point.

There are ways to limit the scope of this problem as it applies to
non-virus-warning bounces, without going to direct point to point delivery.
There are schemes by which a 5xx reject can propagate up a delivery path
without requiring a bounce to be generated.  *This* is the direction SMTP
should be headed, and it need not be forcibly point to point.

This too is irrelevant when considering the Five Nines probability above.

> 6) MTAs with AV filters are the only problem.

Not the only problem, but they are currently taking up the vast majority of
the problem space of blowback UBE instances.  They aren't always constant,
but when a worm surge starts, the blowback floods.

> Defending against DSN exploits with BATV will remove this vector, which in
> turn will end DSN exploits attempts over the long term.

Besides this being another rewording of the classic "victim must fend for
him/herself" mantra, and a complete misrepresentation of the problem of
scale in implementing BATV the way you describe, you're calling these "DSN
exploits" -- not "DSNs" -- here.  Maybe the clue is finally sinking in?


> If you can't trust AV handling of DSNs, why trust their detections?

You can claim that these virus "warnings" are DSNs all you want.  Just like
politicians' talking points, just saying it a lot doesn't automatically make
it true.  Prove it, to wit:

Since I never sent the original virus-worms that triggered the UBE in
question, exactly how is one of these virus "warnings" is a *valid* DSN, and
not UBE...?  (Here's a hint for the boys and girls at home:  DSNs are
supposed to go to the real, original sender.)

If the general case for e-mail borne viruses weere non-forged senders, I
could buy the DSN argument.  But that's not the general case at all.

> While I agree whole heartily this malware notification problem stinks,
> there is a much safer and surer solution.

Yes, there is:  Notify the intended recipient of the virus, not the (almost
surely forged) sender.  Don't cost shift the burden onto third parties, and
don't try to rebrand spew that *never* hits the real original sender as some
kind of "DSN".

"Paging a T. Roll to the white courtesy clue-phone"


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Joe Maimon

Douglas Otis wrote:

On Dec 9, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Todd Vierling wrote:

   1. Virus "warnings" to forged addresses are UBE, by definition.

This definition would be making at least two of the following  assumptions:

1) Malware detection has a 0% false positive.

Near enough so that reject at SMTP data phase will cover all legitimate 
cases that may exist.

2) Lack of DSN for email falsely detected containing malware is okay.

1 dropped email is NOT worth thousands of to-forged addresses DSN's

The admins that care will design their systems to reject by smtp DATA pohase

3) Purported malware should be assumed to use a forged return-path.

Yup, thats true of everything in the wild today.

4) The return-path can be validated prior to accepting a message.

Exactly, only then is DSN's acceptable to otherwise near guaranteed 
incorrect destinations.

5) SMTP should appear to be point-to-point.

Obeying the SMTP standard should not generate crap unneedlessly.

That means reject virus at data phase, discard them afterwards since the 
DSN violated the much more important rule not spewing crap at innocent 
3rd parties.

6) MTAs with AV filters are the only problem.

To generalize it:

Systems which generate DSN's to known incorrect destinations are the 
EXACT problem discussed here. Currently that fits all "scan after 
receipt of messafe" av systems that send DSN's

While there could be best practices created for AV filtering, it  seems 
unlikely to be effective.  Simplistic filters for DSNs also  seem 
counter to ensuring the integrity of email delivery.  Defending  against 
DSN exploits with BATV will remove this vector, which in turn  will end 
DSN exploits attempts over the long term.  Why expect others  to fix 
this problem, when there is a solution that one could make the  
investment in to deploy.  This will reduce this problem over the long  
term.  The BATV alternative would not cause otherwise valuable DSNs  to 
be lost, nor make assumptions about the quality of malware detection.

I havent been keeping on top of the sender/return path verification scene.

But blacklisting abusive systems to create pressure on admins to turn 
the spewage off is the current time honored mechanism.

If you can't trust AV handling of DSNs, why trust their detections?

One is fairly easy to measure. The other SHOULD be fairly easy to turn off.

Would you rather see emails simply disappear?

I would rather my MTA return the DSN it generates when it receives your 
MTA's smtp rejection to the data command contents.

   2. It is the responsibility of the *SENDER* not to send UBE.

When the recipient is a legitimate email provider, it could seriously  
lower the integrity of email delivery for these providers to toss  DSNs 
because many fall into a category you want to define as UBE.   While I 
agree whole heartily this malware notification problem  stinks, there is 
a much safer and surer solution.

Blocklisting them should even things out eventually.


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Micheal Patterson

- Original Message - 
From: "Matt Ghali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Micheal Patterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was 
Re:Clueless anti-virus )

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Micheal Patterson wrote:

 They may not a choice if those that are being hammered with their
 auto-generated DSN's deem it unusually high traffic rate and
 simply black list the domains using these devices. comes
 to mind and a few others in the recent weeks that are hammering me
 with notifications that weren't sent by anyone within my network.

I especially appreciate the ones from Yahoo!, who apparently do not
bother checking domainkeys at all before generating bounces.  gg.



I like the ones from that also include all of the other addresses 
that the initial hit was sent to within their domain. Some of them are 
upwards of 10 pages of nothing but email addresses.

Mike P.

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Douglas Otis

On Dec 9, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Todd Vierling wrote:

   1. Virus "warnings" to forged addresses are UBE, by definition.

This definition would be making at least two of the following  

1) Malware detection has a 0% false positive.
2) Lack of DSN for email falsely detected containing malware is okay.
3) Purported malware should be assumed to use a forged return-path.
4) The return-path can be validated prior to accepting a message.
5) SMTP should appear to be point-to-point.
6) MTAs with AV filters are the only problem.

While there could be best practices created for AV filtering, it  
seems unlikely to be effective.  Simplistic filters for DSNs also  
seem counter to ensuring the integrity of email delivery.  Defending  
against DSN exploits with BATV will remove this vector, which in turn  
will end DSN exploits attempts over the long term.  Why expect others  
to fix this problem, when there is a solution that one could make the  
investment in to deploy.  This will reduce this problem over the long  
term.  The BATV alternative would not cause otherwise valuable DSNs  
to be lost, nor make assumptions about the quality of malware detection.

If you can't trust AV handling of DSNs, why trust their detections?

Would you rather see emails simply disappear?

   2. It is the responsibility of the *SENDER* not to send UBE.

When the recipient is a legitimate email provider, it could seriously  
lower the integrity of email delivery for these providers to toss  
DSNs because many fall into a category you want to define as UBE.   
While I agree whole heartily this malware notification problem  
stinks, there is a much safer and surer solution.


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Matt Ghali

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Micheal Patterson wrote:

  They may not a choice if those that are being hammered with their 
  auto-generated DSN's deem it unusually high traffic rate and 
  simply black list the domains using these devices. comes 
  to mind and a few others in the recent weeks that are hammering me 
  with notifications that weren't sent by anyone within my network.

I especially appreciate the ones from Yahoo!, who apparently do not 
bother checking domainkeys at all before generating bounces.  gg.


  The only thing necessary for the triumph
  of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (wasRe:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Micheal Patterson

- Original Message - 
From: "Douglas Otis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Todd Vierling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Geo." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity 
(wasRe:Clueless anti-virus )

On Fri, 2005-12-09 at 11:16 -0500, Todd Vierling wrote:

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Geo. wrote:

> If everyone would just standardize on at least the first part of every 
> virus

> notification being the same thing, say:
> XXX  VIRUS NOTIFICATION: blah blah blah
> where XXX is some error number, we could all easily control virus
> notifications at the receiving end, allowing or blocking, as the 
> recipients

> choice.

Have you not even read the rest of the prior thread?

It doesn't matter what the notifications look like.  There is no reason 
my SMTP server should be subject to more than TEN THOUSAND of these 
things every day, which I must receive all the way through the DATA phase 

order to block.  That's the problem:  just like other forms of UBE,
virus-worm warnings (to forged addresses) *do not scale*.

I don't care what kind of duck the UBE looks like.  Content is 

It still looks, walks, and quacks like a UBE duck.

There is a solution you can implement now that gets rid of these tens of
thousands of virus and abuse laden DSNs you see every day before the
data phase.  It could be seen as less than altruistic to bounce content
of suspected malware, so perhaps one should not expect standardization
of DSN content either.  There are many languages to deal with as well.

It's only a solution if it's available for all accepted MTA's that currently 
exist.  According to MIPA, the only currently available BATV "equipped" 
mta's are Exim and NetQmail. I'll admit that I'm not up to par on the BATV 
project but damn, if you can't find information on it through a google 
search, or you find very limited information on it, then how can you say 
that it's ready for implementation now? Also, regardless of it's status, why 
should I have to redo my entire mail system to deploy BATV because others 
can't play nice on the net?

With BATV, the slogan could be a quote from Socrates "Know thyself."
With BATV, you should stop blaming others for _your_ inability to deal
with a DSN problem.  Calling DSNs UBE is not a solution, although
traffic from AV applications seems to be approaching that definition.
If it has a null return-path, that is all you should need.


When DSN's become autogenerated by systems that are not MTA's then those 
messages should no longer be considered DSNs should they.

My "inability" to deal with a DSN problem? Please allow me to assure you 
that I have various methods of dealing with bogus DSN's within my network 
infrastructure. Regardless of that, why should I have to accept traffic not 
destined for my network? That is, afterall, what is happening when a DSN is 
sent to a forged originating address is it not?  Truth of the matter is that 
I don't have to accept it at all. Your belief that I have the inability to 
deal with the problem is a misconception on your part. One has various 
methods in place already to deal with the problem at a very basic level. One 
can merely filter traffic at their upstream provider, place restrictions on 
their local MTA, firewall appliance or router. Those of us that see that 
DSN's are becoming UBE are trying to get the issue resolved before it comes 
to that. It will either happen or filters will go live. It's just that 

Mike P.

Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Christ
opher L. Morrow" writes:
>On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Thought folks might find this interesting
>> Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, New Scientist
>> Excerpts: A cure for computer viruses that spreads in a viral fashion
>> could immunise the internet, even against pests that travel at lightning
>> speed, a mathematical study reveals.
>I think they call this 'welchia'... I don't recall it doing all that many
>'good' things, unless 'raising customer traffic rates' qualifies as
Besides, it's *unauthorized*.  I don't want random strangers deciding 
when my machine should be patched.  I think, in this forum, we all know 
that patches can have bad side effects.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Micheal Patterson

- Original Message - 
From: "Geo." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was 
Re:Clueless anti-virus )

It doesn't matter what the notifications look like.  There is no reason

my SMTP server should be subject to more than TEN THOUSAND of these damned
things every day, <<

I hear you but you and I both know AV companies are not going to give up 

automated spamming feature that easily. A standard message beginning they
might be willing to impliment in a relatively short time and AV software 

constantly updated so this could make a difference and happen relatively

As for the quantity you receive, its nothing compared to the amount of 

those infected machines are soon going to be generating.

George Roettger
Netlink Services

They may not a choice if those that are being hammered with their 
auto-generated DSN's deem it unusually high traffic rate and simply black 
list the domains using these devices. comes to mind and a few others 
in the recent weeks that are hammering me with notifications that weren't 
sent by anyone within my network.

That's the problem that I'm looking at George, the amount of traffic that 
those systems will be generating in the future. Including the bogus DSN's 
that are a direct result of that initial burst traffic.

Mike P.

Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread Jon Lewis

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Excerpts: A cure for computer viruses that spreads in a viral fashion

could immunise the internet, even against pests that travel at lightning 
speed, a mathematical study reveals.

Nobody remembers Nachi/Welchia and the damage it did to networks while 
curing blaster?

Nice intention.  Bad idea.

 Jon Lewis   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net|
_ for PGP public key_

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Micheal Patterson

- Original Message - 
From: "Geo." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 9:57 AM
Subject: RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was 
Re:Clueless anti-virus )

While AV scanning may be done during the session, it would also require

additional steps to also contain _all_ upstream activity within the same
session as well, when attempting to achieve an apparent point-to-point
operation.  If SMTP were point-to-point, this would be evolving into the
IM model where the message queue or storage would always be at the
sender.  Such mode of operation will increase the average transaction
time needed for email.<<

You know, the problem we are trying to solve is virus notification 

etc. So instead of changing the system why not work with it.

If everyone would just standardize on at least the first part of every 

notification being the same thing, say:


where XXX is some error number, we could all easily control virus
notifications at the receiving end, allowing or blocking, as the 
choice. A simple standard message format and all the problems and 

go away.

George Roettger
Netlink Services

Standardizing the DSN is an exercise in futility. Mainly because it still 
requires the message to pass through your outbound pipe and into my inbound 
pipe, hit my server port where my server starts processing that traffic. 
What has been accomplished here? Providing me a mechanism to block the 
notification if it's for a virus? For systems that are sending out 
notifications with forged addresses, this becomes UBE and provisions are 
already in place in the mta via access or in worst cases, the border 
firewall or even the border router for dealing with the originating network 

If a system is incapable of determining the validity of the sender address, 
then that address should not be getting a DSN from any system regarding a 
virus, trojan or other malware.  One can say, well *this* system is going 
into place or *that* system is in place at these locations, but it's simply 
not good enough. It's not standardized. There is currently no 100% tried and 
true method of dealing with this that is *standard* through out the net. So, 
the next best thing is to simply not send the DSN for viri / trojan 
infection at all.

What was the quote from Wargames? Oh yes, "The only winning move is not to 

Mike P.

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Todd Vierling

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Douglas Otis wrote:

> > Actually, I get about ten to twenty times as much virus blowback as I get
> > spam from trojan-zombie boxes.

> I am having difficulty understanding why a one time investment in
> Bounce-Address Tag Validation which can be in operation immediately and offer
> 100% "blowback" protection from _all_ sources using trivial resources is not
> being considered?

I may be considering it.  I may be implementing it right now.  I may have
already implemented it.  Who's to know?

It doesn't matter, because the use of recipient-side filtering or rejection
of blowback is irrelevant to my point.

>  The more who lock their back door, the fewer times you will
> find miscreants checking to see that it is locked.

That doesn't mean that I should have thousands of people coming up to my
back door 24 hours a day, nor should I have to watch my back door to shoo
them away all day long.  (Read:  "That analogy doesn't fly.")

I can police my network in any way I choose.  I can have dozens of locks on
my virtual doors -- and I do.  That still doesn't take away culpability from
the UBE sender, and thus has no relevance to the discussion at hand.

Let me state this again in exactly two sentences so that you may understand
my point, provided there is enough thin skull available for it to penetrate:

   1. Virus "warnings" to forged addresses are UBE, by definition.
   2. It is the responsibility of the *SENDER* not to send UBE.

If this is still not clear, you're working in the wrong industry.


On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Steven J. Sobol wrote:

> I'd like someone UNBIASED to take up his side of the discussion, please.
> I'm really not inclined to listen to an AV employee explain why they
> should be spamming us.

"What he said."


Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Douglas Otis

On Dec 9, 2005, at 9:59 AM, Steven J. Sobol wrote:

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Todd Vierling wrote:

I'd like someone UNBIASED to take up his side of the discussion,  
please. I'm really not inclined to listen to an AV employee explain  
why they should be spamming us.

I am not aware of any of our products that exhibits the behavior  
touted as offensive.  Nevertheless, there is a solution that does not  
require any services or products from yet another vender.  This is a  
DSN exploit problem that has a BATV solution, independent of third- 
party behavior.  : )


Weekly Routing Table Report

2005-12-09 Thread Routing Table Analysis

This is an automated weekly mailing describing the state of the Internet
Routing Table as seen from APNIC's router in Japan.
Daily listings are sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have any comments please contact Philip Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Routing Table Report   04:00 +10GMT Sat 10 Dec, 2005

Analysis Summary

BGP routing table entries examined:  176382
Prefixes after maximum aggregation:   99292
Unique aggregates announced to Internet:  85551
Total ASes present in the Internet Routing Table: 21109
Origin-only ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:   18376
Origin ASes announcing only one prefix:8708
Transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:2733
Transit-only ASes present in the Internet Routing Table: 73
Average AS path length visible in the Internet Routing Table:   4.5
Max AS path length visible:  20
Prefixes from unregistered ASNs in the Routing Table:10
Special use prefixes present in the Routing Table:0
Prefixes being announced from unallocated address space: 12
Number of addresses announced to Internet:   1487247552
Equivalent to 88 /8s, 165 /16s and 152 /24s
Percentage of available address space announced:   40.1
Percentage of allocated address space announced:   60.4
Percentage of available address space allocated:   66.4
Total number of prefixes smaller than registry allocations:   84709

APNIC Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by APNIC Region ASes:37050
Total APNIC prefixes after maximum aggregation:   15698
Prefixes being announced from the APNIC address blocks:   34782
Unique aggregates announced from the APNIC address blocks:16957
APNIC Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:2433
APNIC Region origin ASes announcing only one prefix:701
APNIC Region transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:367
Average APNIC Region AS path length visible:4.5
Max APNIC Region AS path length visible: 17
Number of APNIC addresses announced to Internet:  208250048
Equivalent to 12 /8s, 105 /16s and 164 /24s
Percentage of available APNIC address space announced: 77.3

APNIC AS Blocks4608-4864, 7467-7722, 9216-10239, 17408-18431
(pre-ERX allocations)  23552-24575, 37888-38911
APNIC Address Blocks   58/7, 60/7, 124/7, 126/8, 202/7, 210/7, 218/7,
   220/7 and 222/8

ARIN Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by ARIN Region ASes: 93025
Total ARIN prefixes after maximum aggregation:56083
Prefixes being announced from the ARIN address blocks:72439
Unique aggregates announced from the ARIN address blocks: 27647
ARIN Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:10395
ARIN Region origin ASes announcing only one prefix:3871
ARIN Region transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table: 958
Average ARIN Region AS path length visible: 4.3
Max ARIN Region AS path length visible:  17
Number of ARIN addresses announced to Internet:   278863872
Equivalent to 16 /8s, 159 /16s and 32 /24s
Percentage of available ARIN address space announced:  69.3

ARIN AS Blocks 1-1876, 1902-2042, 2044-2046, 2048-2106
(pre-ERX allocations)  2138-2584, 2615-2772, 2823-2829, 2880-3153
   3354-4607, 4865-5119, 5632-6655, 6912-7466
   7723-8191, 10240-12287, 13312-15359, 16384-17407
   18432-20479, 21504-23551, 25600-26591,
   26624-27647, 29696-30719, 31744-33791
ARIN Address Blocks24/8, 63/8, 64/6, 68/7, 70/6, 74/7, 76/8,
   198/7, 204/6, 208/7 and 216/8

RIPE Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by RIPE Region ASes: 34544
Total RIPE prefixes after maximum aggregation:23346
Prefixes being announced from the RIPE address blocks:31538
Unique aggregates announced from the RIPE address blocks: 21154
RIPE Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table: 7406
RIPE Region origin ASes announcing only one prefix:3881
RIPE Region transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:1225
Average RIPE Region AS path length visible: 5.0
Max RIPE Region AS path length visible:  20
Number of RIPE addresses announced to I

Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread Sean Donelan

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Keep in mind the study was done by physicists, who while brilliant,
> cannot be bothered with operational realities that prevent their
> equations from being elegant.
> Still an interesting hypothesis on how to leverage network structure to
> fight infections - this assumes you buy into the whole Internet is
> "scale free" argument to begin with.

And you buy the argument that computer viruses are dumb.  Malware is not
naturally occuring and is not random.

Crime on the Internet is becoming more lumpy.

Re: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Douglas Otis

On Dec 9, 2005, at 9:22 AM, Todd Vierling wrote:

Actually, I get about ten to twenty times as much virus blowback as  
I get spam from trojan-zombie boxes.

That's because the virus blowback comes from otherwise "reputable"  
MTAs, whereas the spam comes form zombies that are often already  
blacklisted, or are in known dynamic pools that are blocked here.   
Thus the zombies get blocked long before DATA, but the "reputable"  
MTAs sending the backscatter don't get caught so early.

I am having difficulty understanding why a one time investment in  
Bounce-Address Tag Validation which can be in operation immediately  
and offer 100% "blowback" protection from _all_ sources using trivial  
resources is not being considered?  The more who lock their back  
door, the fewer times you will find miscreants checking to see that  
it is locked.


RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Steven J. Sobol

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Todd Vierling wrote:

> On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Douglas Otis wrote:
> > There is a solution you can implement now that gets rid of these tens of
> > thousands of virus and abuse laden DSNs you see every day before the
> > data phase.
> And it is *my* responsibility to reject UBE that shouldn't have been
> generated in the first place, because...?

If I mentioned this yesterday, forgive me:

A MAPS employee should know better than to suggest that. However, Maps was 
bought by Dave Rand and I believe Dave Rand sold out to Trend Micro. If 
this is correct, then perhaps Doug Otis should bow out of this 
conversation, seeing as how he works for one of the big AV vendors.

I'd like someone UNBIASED to take up his side of the discussion, please. 
I'm really not inclined to listen to an AV employee explain why they 
should be spamming us. 

Steve Sobol, Professional Geek   888-480-4638   PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Company website:
Personal blog, resume, portfolio:
E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Snail: 22674 Motnocab Road, Apple Valley, CA 92307

RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Todd Vierling

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Geo. wrote:

> I hear you but you and I both know AV companies are not going to give up the
> automated spamming feature that easily.

I don't doubt that.  Their generated UBE is often commercial in nature, too,
because they usually carry an advertising link along with the spew.

> A standard message beginning they might be willing to impliment

I have enough regex filters, thank you.  I don't plan to encourage yet more
UBE by standardizing it -- think [YOU-]CAN-SPAM for antivirus apps.  I
should not have to waste the bandwidth cost at DATA for yet more UBE.

> As for the quantity you receive, its nothing compared to the amount of spam
> those infected machines are soon going to be generating.

Actually, I get about ten to twenty times as much virus blowback as I get
spam from trojan-zombie boxes.

That's because the virus blowback comes from otherwise "reputable" MTAs,
whereas the spam comes form zombies that are often already blacklisted, or
are in known dynamic pools that are blocked here.  Thus the zombies get
blocked long before DATA, but the "reputable" MTAs sending the backscatter
don't get caught so early.


RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Todd Vierling

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Douglas Otis wrote:

> There is a solution you can implement now that gets rid of these tens of
> thousands of virus and abuse laden DSNs you see every day before the
> data phase.

And it is *my* responsibility to reject UBE that shouldn't have been
generated in the first place, because...?

Blocking the UBE is not the solution; it is a bandage over a bleeding
artery.  The solution is not to generate the UBE in the first place.

You'll note that, again, I am very explicitly not equating these to DSNs.
As I said before in N forms, I don't care what color of shirt the virus
"warning" wears; if sent to a forged address, it is UBE and deserved to be
treated as such.


RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Steven J. Sobol

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Douglas Otis wrote:
> There is a solution you can implement now that gets rid of these tens of
> thousands of virus and abuse laden DSNs you see every day before the
> data phase. 

Why should the burden/cost/hassle be placed on me to do this? In many 
cases, it isn't even one of my users sending the stuff! 

Steve Sobol, Professional Geek   888-480-4638   PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Company website:
Personal blog, resume, portfolio:
E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Snail: 22674 Motnocab Road, Apple Valley, CA 92307

RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Steven J. Sobol

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Geo. wrote:

> I hear you but you and I both know AV companies are not going to give up the
> automated spamming feature that easily.

Then maybe we should bring market pressure to bear on them. Personally, I 
run Exim and ClamAV and don't have that problem. If they're going to spam 
- and I'm sorry, we're not talking about DSNs here, we're talking about 
obnoxious AV vendors telling us how great their product is - then either 
we should try to convince people to stop using those vendors or at least 
beat up on the vendors to fix their brokenness. Is anyone here a customer 
of any of the vendors that play this game?

Steve Sobol, Professional Geek   888-480-4638   PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Company website:
Personal blog, resume, portfolio:
E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Snail: 22674 Motnocab Road, Apple Valley, CA 92307

RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Douglas Otis

On Fri, 2005-12-09 at 11:16 -0500, Todd Vierling wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Geo. wrote:
> > If everyone would just standardize on at least the first part of every virus
> > notification being the same thing, say:
> >
> > XXX  VIRUS NOTIFICATION: blah blah blah
> >
> > where XXX is some error number, we could all easily control virus
> > notifications at the receiving end, allowing or blocking, as the recipients
> > choice.
> Have you not even read the rest of the prior thread?
> It doesn't matter what the notifications look like.  There is no reason that
> my SMTP server should be subject to more than TEN THOUSAND of these damned
> things every day, which I must receive all the way through the DATA phase in
> order to block.  That's the problem:  just like other forms of UBE,
> virus-worm warnings (to forged addresses) *do not scale*.
> I don't care what kind of duck the UBE looks like.  Content is irrelevant.
> It still looks, walks, and quacks like a UBE duck.

There is a solution you can implement now that gets rid of these tens of
thousands of virus and abuse laden DSNs you see every day before the
data phase.  It could be seen as less than altruistic to bounce content
of suspected malware, so perhaps one should not expect standardization
of DSN content either.  There are many languages to deal with as well.

With BATV, the slogan could be a quote from Socrates "Know thyself."
With BATV, you should stop blaming others for _your_ inability to deal
with a DSN problem.  Calling DSNs UBE is not a solution, although
traffic from AV applications seems to be approaching that definition.
If it has a null return-path, that is all you should need.


RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Geo.

>>It doesn't matter what the notifications look like.  There is no reason
my SMTP server should be subject to more than TEN THOUSAND of these damned
things every day, <<

I hear you but you and I both know AV companies are not going to give up the
automated spamming feature that easily. A standard message beginning they
might be willing to impliment in a relatively short time and AV software is
constantly updated so this could make a difference and happen relatively

As for the quantity you receive, its nothing compared to the amount of spam
those infected machines are soon going to be generating.

George Roettger
Netlink Services

RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Todd Vierling

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Geo. wrote:

> If everyone would just standardize on at least the first part of every virus
> notification being the same thing, say:
> XXX  VIRUS NOTIFICATION: blah blah blah
> where XXX is some error number, we could all easily control virus
> notifications at the receiving end, allowing or blocking, as the recipients
> choice.

Have you not even read the rest of the prior thread?

It doesn't matter what the notifications look like.  There is no reason that
my SMTP server should be subject to more than TEN THOUSAND of these damned
things every day, which I must receive all the way through the DATA phase in
order to block.  That's the problem:  just like other forms of UBE,
virus-worm warnings (to forged addresses) *do not scale*.

I don't care what kind of duck the UBE looks like.  Content is irrelevant.
It still looks, walks, and quacks like a UBE duck.


Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread Christopher L. Morrow

On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thought folks might find this interesting
> Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, New Scientist
> Excerpts: A cure for computer viruses that spreads in a viral fashion
> could immunise the internet, even against pests that travel at lightning
> speed, a mathematical study reveals.

I think they call this 'welchia'... I don't recall it doing all that many
'good' things, unless 'raising customer traffic rates' qualifies as

Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread Eric Gauthier

On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 10:46:50AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Keep in mind the study was done by physicists, who while brilliant, 
> cannot be bothered with operational realities that prevent their 
> equations from being elegant.  

The Form Factor of a Cow: Summary

"For evaluating thermal radiant exchange between a cow and her 
 surroundings, the cow can be represented by an equivalent sphere..."

trained theoretical physicist who is bothered daily 
by the operational realities of his network...

RE: SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re:Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Geo.

>>While AV scanning may be done during the session, it would also require
additional steps to also contain _all_ upstream activity within the same
session as well, when attempting to achieve an apparent point-to-point
operation.  If SMTP were point-to-point, this would be evolving into the
IM model where the message queue or storage would always be at the
sender.  Such mode of operation will increase the average transaction
time needed for email.<<

You know, the problem we are trying to solve is virus notification blowback,
etc. So instead of changing the system why not work with it.

If everyone would just standardize on at least the first part of every virus
notification being the same thing, say:


where XXX is some error number, we could all easily control virus
notifications at the receiving end, allowing or blocking, as the recipients
choice. A simple standard message format and all the problems and complaints
go away.

George Roettger
Netlink Services

Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread sgorman1

Keep in mind the study was done by physicists, who while brilliant, cannot be 
bothered with operational realities that prevent their equations from being 

Still an interesting hypothesis on how to leverage network structure to fight 
infections - this assumes you buy into the whole Internet is "scale free" 
argument to begin with.

- Original Message -
From: Simon Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2005 10:34 am
Subject: Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

> On Friday 09 Dec 2005 14:57, you wrote:
> > 
> > a mathematical study is going to come up with a result that is more
> > meaningful.
> The story is badly headlined. 
> The study is saying how many "canaries" do we need to keep the 
> Internet safe, 
> or how big the immune system needs to be, not about a viral cure 
> as such.
> It says to keep the infection rate of new malware down to a 
> fraction of a 
> percent we'd need about a million or so machines looking for 
> malware (on some 
> assumptions).
> Should convince someone that we need to change the assumptions. 
> Hopefully the 
> modelling says something about what factors it is sensitive to.
> It does however remind me of the comparison of engineering and 
> science, a 
> scientist will earn a living by taking a really difficult problem 
> and spends 
> many  years solving it, an engineer earns a living by finding 
> really 
> difficult problems and side stepping them.

SMTP store and forward requires DSN for integrity (was Re: Clueless anti-virus )

2005-12-09 Thread Douglas Otis

On Fri, 2005-12-09 at 09:25 +, Simon Waters wrote:

> But the point of this discussion is that SMTP will have to evolve to be a 
> point to point system (or functional equivalent). The days of store and 
> forward in intermediate MTAs should die as quickly as possible (which as our 
> forwarding demonstrates may be quite slowly alas). The problem is that many 
> of the antivirus gateways behave like new intermediate MTAs, especially when 
> for many of the organisations involved it could easily be done during SMTP 
> transactions.

While AV scanning may be done during the session, it would also require
additional steps to also contain _all_ upstream activity within the same
session as well, when attempting to achieve an apparent point-to-point
operation.  If SMTP were point-to-point, this would be evolving into the
IM model where the message queue or storage would always be at the
sender.  Such mode of operation will increase the average transaction
time needed for email.

As SMTP may pass messages through multiple administratively separate
MTAs where acceptance criteria may differ, unless all connections needed
to complete the transaction are active simultaneously, refusal at any
point will require use of a DSN or delivery integrity is lost.

A common exploit used by abusers is to find where acceptance criteria
differs between MTAs.  Abusers depend upon this to generate DSNs that
act as a delivery vehicle of abusive messages masquerading as DSNs with
spoofed return-paths.  While simulating point-to-point operation would
be one (expensive) approach at solving this problem, some have suggested
the use of SPF records to qualify the return-path before accepting the

The qualified return-path approach has several problems.  It may require
more than 100 sequential lookups to fully resolve a complete address
list, which is often open-ended.  These address lists remain open-ended,
as there are many legitimate cases where this qualification still fails.
As of yesterday, there is no record in use with a scope specifically
defined to qualify the return-path.

BATV on the other hand solves the DSN exploit without waiting for anyone
else to adopt some practice. Although there is a small window where the
BATV return-path could be replayed, such illegal activity can be traced.
Neither Sender-ID nor DKIM will solve this serious exploit either.

While many AV products are a nuisance as they enable this DSN exploit
which actually spreads viruses (#$%&*), solving this problem does not
require changing the nature of SMTP and dramatically affecting every
email system, or even hoping everyone qualifies the return-path prior to
acceptance.  BATV is really a simple and effective solution that should
be put in place now.


Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread Simon Waters

On Friday 09 Dec 2005 14:57, you wrote:
> a mathematical study is going to come up with a result that is more
> meaningful.

The story is badly headlined. 

The study is saying how many "canaries" do we need to keep the Internet safe, 
or how big the immune system needs to be, not about a viral cure as such.

It says to keep the infection rate of new malware down to a fraction of a 
percent we'd need about a million or so machines looking for malware (on some 

Should convince someone that we need to change the assumptions. Hopefully the 
modelling says something about what factors it is sensitive to.

It does however remind me of the comparison of engineering and science, a 
scientist will earn a living by taking a really difficult problem and spends 
many  years solving it, an engineer earns a living by finding really 
difficult problems and side stepping them.

Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread Peter Dambier


Thought folks might find this interesting

Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, New Scientist

Excerpts: A cure for computer viruses that spreads in a viral fashion could immunise the internet, even against pests that travel at lightning speed, a mathematical study reveals. 

Most conventional anti-virus programs use "signatures" to identify and block 
viruses. But experts must first analyse a virus before sending out the fix. This means 
that rapidly spreading viruses can cause widespread damage before being stopped.

Source: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, Kurt Kleiner, NewScientist, 

Sounds like: "I make your computer part of my botnet - only to prevent you from 
part of somebodyelses botnet."

How do I discriminate a real virus from a preventive one?

I mean, how do I forge my virus so that you believe it is
a preventive one?

How about biology? AIDS works by attacking the immune system. If we had no white
blood vessels there would be no AIDS.

Some vermin does already use Anti Virus Systems to spread.

Ok, if they use their preventive virus to kill all windows out there and 
replace it
with a linux? Yes, that might be an idea. That would really stop the virus.


Peter and Karin Dambier
The Public-Root Consortium
Graeffstrasse 14
D-64646 Heppenheim
+49(6252)671-788 (Telekom)
+49(179)108-3978 (O2 Genion)
+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP:

Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread Edward Lewis

At 9:30 -0500 12/9/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thought folks might find this interesting

Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, New Scientist

Excerpts: A cure for computer viruses that spreads in a viral fashion could
immunise the internet, even against pests that travel at lightning speed, a
mathematical study reveals.

Most conventional anti-virus programs use "signatures" to identify and block
viruses. But experts must first analyse a virus before sending out the fix.
This means that rapidly spreading viruses can cause widespread damage before
being stopped.

Source: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, Kurt Kleiner, NewScientist,

This has been thought of many times.  My spin around this was 
attached to DARPA's Active Network 

The eternal question in security is "what are you defending against?" 
Because of that, security will always have a strong reactionary 

I can't cite any, but I recall hearing some claims that viruses in 
the past were meant to fix problems or highlight in a benign way the 
presence of problems.  It's been tried in real life, I don't see that 
a mathematical study is going to come up with a result that is more 

Edward Lewis+1-571-434-5468

3 months to the next trip.  I guess it's finally time to settle down and
find a grocery store.

Re: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread Andre Oppermann


Thought folks might find this interesting

Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, New Scientist

Excerpts: A cure for computer viruses that spreads in a viral fashion could immunise the internet, even against pests that travel at lightning speed, a mathematical study reveals. 

Most conventional anti-virus programs use "signatures" to identify and block 
viruses. But experts must first analyse a virus before sending out the fix. This means 
that rapidly spreading viruses can cause widespread damage before being stopped.

Source: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, Kurt Kleiner, NewScientist, 

Skynet becoming self-aware anyone?


Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet

2005-12-09 Thread sgorman1

Thought folks might find this interesting

Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, New Scientist

Excerpts: A cure for computer viruses that spreads in a viral fashion could 
immunise the internet, even against pests that travel at lightning speed, a 
mathematical study reveals. 

Most conventional anti-virus programs use "signatures" to identify and block 
viruses. But experts must first analyse a virus before sending out the fix. 
This means that rapidly spreading viruses can cause widespread damage before 
being stopped.

Source: Viral Cure Could 'Immunise' The Internet, Kurt Kleiner, NewScientist, 

The Cidr Report

2005-12-09 Thread cidr-report

This report has been generated at Fri Dec  9 21:46:44 2005 AEST.
The report analyses the BGP Routing Table of an AS4637 (Reach) router
and generates a report on aggregation potential within the table.

Check for a current version of this report.

Recent Table History
Date  PrefixesCIDR Agg
02-12-05173338  115455
03-12-05173496  115437
04-12-05173359  115462
05-12-05173453  115444
06-12-05173453  115376
07-12-05173358  115368
08-12-05173369  115518
09-12-05173462  115525

AS Summary
 21018  Number of ASes in routing system
  8719  Number of ASes announcing only one prefix
  1924  Largest number of prefixes announced by an AS
AS8151 : Uninet S.A. de C.V.
  91245568  Largest address span announced by an AS (/32s)
AS721  : DLA-ASNBLOCK-AS - DoD Network Information Center

Aggregation Summary
The algorithm used in this report proposes aggregation only
when there is a precise match using the AS path, so as 
to preserve traffic transit policies. Aggregation is also
proposed across non-advertised address space ('holes').

 --- 09Dec05 ---
ASnumNetsNow NetsAggr  NetGain   % Gain   Description

Table 175158   1158105934833.9%   All ASes

AS8151  1924  537 138772.1%   Uninet S.A. de C.V.
AS4323  1184  236  94880.1%   TWTC - Time Warner Telecom
AS18566  8828  87499.1%   COVAD - Covad Communications
AS4134  1004  249  75575.2%   CHINANET-BACKBONE
   No.31,Jin-rong Street
AS721   1056  313  74370.4%   DLA-ASNBLOCK-AS - DoD Network
   Information Center
AS22773  589   35  55494.1%   CCINET-2 - Cox Communications
AS855564   66  49888.3%   CANET-ASN-4 - Canadian
   Research Network
AS19916  563   65  49888.5%   ASTRUM-0001 - OLM LLC
AS7018  1458  963  49534.0%   ATT-INTERNET4 - AT&T WorldNet
AS3602   532  104  42880.5%   SPRINT-CA-AS - Sprint Canada
AS6197   969  579  39040.2%   BATI-ATL - BellSouth Network
   Solutions, Inc
AS11492  632  252  38060.1%   CABLEONE - CABLE ONE
AS17676  470  101  36978.5%   JPNIC-JP-ASN-BLOCK Japan
   Network Information Center
AS17488  428   70  35883.6%   HATHWAY-NET-AP Hathway IP Over
   Cable Internet
AS6467   406   49  35787.9%   ESPIRECOMM - e.spire
   Communications, Inc.
AS812370   27  34392.7%   ROGERS-CABLE - Rogers Cable
AS4755   603  275  32854.4%   VSNL-AS Videsh Sanchar Nigam
   Ltd. Autonomous System
AS4766   616  289  32753.1%   KIXS-AS-KR Korea Telecom
AS9498   415   91  32478.1%   BBIL-AP BHARTI BT INTERNET
AS15270  347   30  31791.4%   AS-PAETEC-NET - -a
   division of
   PaeTecCommunications, Inc.
AS9583   835  520  31537.7%   SIFY-AS-IN Sify Limited
AS14654  2926  28697.9%   WAYPORT - Wayport
AS16814  295   31  26489.5%   NSS S.A.
AS6167   326   63  26380.7%   CELLCO-PART - Cellco
AS9929   319   56  26382.4%   CNCNET-CN China Netcom Corp.
AS5668   489  227  26253.6%   AS-5668 - CenturyTel Internet
   Holdings, Inc.
AS11172  396  135  26165.9%   Alestra
AS18101  280   23  25791.8%   RIL-IDC Reliance Infocom Ltd
   Internet Data Centre,
AS6140   431  189  24256.1%   IMPSAT-USA - ImpSat
AS1239   833  592  24128.9%   SPRINTLINK - Sprint

Total  19508 61811332768.3%   Top 30 total

Possible Bogus Routes  ATT-INTERNET4 - AT&T WorldNet Services   AS25994 NPG-001 - NPG Cable, INC  AS7018  ATT-INTERNET4 - AT&T WorldNet Services CBWU-13488 - Continental B

Re: Clueless anti-virus products/vendors (was Re: Sober)

2005-12-09 Thread Simon Waters

On Thursday 08 Dec 2005 18:08, Douglas Otis wrote:
> When accepting messages from anonymous sources, seldom does one know
> the source.

On the contrary, short of the tricks played on AOL to defeat their original 
antispam system, TCP means you always know the source.

We manage to filter out ~98% of the unwanted email here with very nearly 100% 
accuracy at the SMTP transaction stage with low processor overhead on our new 
email servers. At which point any backscatter from what gets through is 
trivial, although alas there still is a little due to evil practices of the 
past in then forwarding email elsewhere.

But the point of this discussion is that SMTP will have to evolve to be a 
point to point system (or functional equivalent). The days of store and 
forward in intermediate MTAs should die as quickly as possible (which as our 
forwarding demonstrates may be quite slowly alas). The problem is that many 
of the antivirus gateways behave like new intermediate MTAs, especially when 
for many of the organisations involved it could easily be done during SMTP 

The remaining issue is how much resource it costs to do your spam/malware 
detection, but I believe trying to do anything beyond policy enforcement ("no 
EXE/PIF/SCR here please") in terms of malware detection in the MTA is a 
mistake, especially when you only really need to protect the thick(!) 
clients, and they still need to be protected when the content is 
zipped/encrypted/novel/zipped+encrypted+novel etc.

This thread on the other hand should move to Spam-L.