RE: SLA Tool

2004-10-01 Thread Fisher, Shawn

Looking at also, seems pretty decent.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 3:04 PM
To: Fisher, Shawn; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: SLA Tool

JFFNMS ( seems to have a decent SLA configuration.
Been working for us in a limited testing capacity.


Jade E. Deane
Senior Network Engineer
SunGard Futures Systems
SunGard Systems International, Inc.

+1 (312) 577-6100
+1 (866) 741-0076 (Fax) 

-Original Message-
From: Fisher, Shawn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 1:27 PM
To: Nanog List (E-mail)
Subject: SLA Tool

Is there any decent opensource tools that can be used to monitor SLA's?
We have several customers requesting SLA's but not enough to warrant a
flown blown Concord type solution.


Shawn Fisher

SLA Tool

2004-10-01 Thread Fisher, Shawn

Is there any decent opensource tools that can be used to monitor SLA's?  We have 
several customers requesting SLA's but not enough to warrant a flown blown Concord 
type solution.


Shawn Fisher

Surge Protection

2004-07-22 Thread Fisher, Shawn

Have anyone experienced hardware failure related to electrical spikes coming into your 
datacenters or equipment locations via the telco facilities?  I am referring 
specifically to copper facilities for DS1's, etc.  I know that the telco must maintain 
good grounding, but sometimes when you get hit with a few Gigavolts worth of 
electrical energy not much will help you.  Whatever the case, has anyone had any 
experience good or otherwise with surge protection for their Telcom circuits?  I am 
looking at this unit below as a possible solution.


Shawn Fisher
Bresnan Communications
(v) 914.641.3367

Network Change Process - best method

2004-07-16 Thread Fisher, Shawn

Here's a small question that might take a big answer.

Is there any open source tools that can help organize and facilitate "Network Change 

If not, what are some of the tools you reccomend using to organize and coordinate 
moves, adds and changes?

Shawn Fisher
Bresnan Communications
(v) 914.641.3367

Interesting news story - Cisco Training Manual

2004-07-06 Thread Fisher, Shawn
Interesting story 
about some professor that wrote a Cisco training manual and made it available 
for free. The site hosting it is getting crushed a bit 
Pretty basic stuff, 
but I applaud the generosity of time and effort he must have put into 
Shawn Fisher
Vice President - Advanced 
Bresnan Communications
(v) 914.641.3367

RE: Even you can be hacked

2004-06-11 Thread Fisher, Shawn

Hmm, so your on earth?

-Original Message-
Mike Walter
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 5:03 PM
To: nanog
Subject: RE: Even you can be hacked

Now you are just getting silly, we know Flux Capacitors don't work on

Mike Walter

-Original Message-
From: Matthew McGehrin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 5:00 PM
To: nanog
Subject: was: Even you can be hacked

Coupled with a Flux Capacitor for the ultimate in message delivery :)

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Stursa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: Even you can be hacked

> Ah. A tunneling implementation.
> You'll need a cold fusion generator to power that.

Looking for a FiberNet Contact (

2004-01-10 Thread Fisher, Shawn

Could someone from FiberNet contact me offlist?


RE: Bandwidth Control Question

2003-12-19 Thread Fisher, Shawn

Curiouos, you have success buying on Ebay?  No one send you a box of rocks?

What about Cisco SPAR for TAC support? 

-Original Message-
From: Randy Bush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 1:24 PM
To: Stephen Sprunk
Cc: North American Noise and Off-topic Gripes
Subject: Re: Bandwidth Control Question

> PA-2FE-FX$5000/card$25.00/Mbit

$2,000 on ebay


Re: This may be stupid but

2003-11-13 Thread Fisher, Shawn

I created a test of my own that I typically give to candidates.  This has
proved very helpful in determining if the prospective hire has strengths in
the areas I need.  Everytime I have skipped using the "test" I get burned.
That being said I am still looking for attitude and work ethic as being a
major component of the decision.  Uh..I just realized I started this thread,
I better be sit back and be quiet.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Re: Reachability problems for

2003-11-13 Thread Fisher, Shawn

We received a 69.144/16 from ARIN and spent the following few months
requesting numerous operators to take that space out of their filters.
Apparently for various historical reasons many operators filter the entire
69. Block.  That could be part of the problem.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Portable Cooling

2003-11-12 Thread Fisher, Shawn

I searched the archives and couldn't find anything about a portable cooling
units so am resorting to posting, sorry if its redundant.

I am setting up a development lab and need additional cooling on a temporary
basis.  I recall a product called, "move n kool"?  It looked like the robot
on lost in space.  They used to advertise in Boardwatch when Boardwatch was
cool.  (when Jack was running it)  Not sure of the spelling, but wondered if
anyone has had experience that or anything like it.



RE: [Re: This may be stupid but.. ]

2003-11-10 Thread Fisher, Shawn

I agree certifications are overated at best.

Give me someone with the right attitude and I'll teach him anything.

Showing the ability to get things done is the greatest skill imo.

-Original Message-
From: Timothy R. McKee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 11:48 AM
To: joshua sahala
Cc: Peter Galbavy; Richard Irving; Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland
Maine; Vadim Antonov; John Brown (CV); Nanog List (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [Re: This may be stupid but.. ]

On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 11:36, joshua sahala wrote:
> "Peter Galbavy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Acronyms mean sh*t. When involved in any hiring process, I actively
> > avoid CCIE/MSCE/etc. laden resumes. Mentioning once, fine. Using them
> > like religious phrases is an indictation of, well, stupidity.
> certifications are often necessary to open the door - granted if you
> were architecting internetworks when many of today's certified 
> 'engineers' were still in grade school, then no, certifications are 
> probably not needed.

I consider myself one of the 'old guys' and all the experience in the
world doesn't mean &%*$&%*$ to a recruiter OR a company hiring manager
if you don't have the magic initials they've heard about behind your
name.  I was always too busy doing my 'real job' making the customers
happy so I never spent time getting 'useless' certifications or
developing networking relationships with other professionals for later

Those of you with jobs, be very careful not to be lured into that trap. 
You've got to think of your future first and foremost.  No one else

Tim McKee

> > > i'm recruiter-proof. i'm not sure i'd want anyone who wasn't.
> > 
> > Aye. I have *never* used my CV/Resume in getting a job. I still have
> > one, but it's very out of date.
> never is a long time
> perhaps it is just the fact that i am 'new' to the field, but my resume
> has gotten me all but one job, and my resume indirectly got me that one.
> my slightly bitter $0.02
> /joshua
> > Peter
> > 
> > 
> "Walk with me through the Universe,
>  And along the way see how all of us are Connected.
>  Feast the eyes of your Soul,
>  On the Love that abounds.
>  In all places at once, seemingly endless,
>  Like your own existence."
>  - Stephen Hawking -
Timothy R. McKee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Openwave Opinions

2003-11-08 Thread Fisher, Shawn

Anyone have any openwave mail MX opinions or experience good or bad?

Design question:  Is it better to have integrated or seperate Anti-spam and
Anti-virus built into the mail platform?



Datacenter Spec's

2003-11-08 Thread Fisher, Shawn

Can anyone point me to a good resource for datacenter spec's or best

Looking for specs related to:





Raised Floors



This may be stupid but..

2003-11-08 Thread Fisher, Shawn

If this question is inappropriate for this list I apoligize in advance.

I have several open engineering positions that I am trying to fill without
the use of a recruiter.  My thoughts on using a recruiter is they end up
extracting a fee from the employer that would be better put to the future

My question, what is the most effective way to recruit quality engineers?
Does anyone have experience or opinions to share?




2003-09-04 Thread Fisher, Shawn

>that nothing can equal, much less beat, sendmail.  This is especially 
>true when you start talking about filtering for spam or viruses via 
>the milter interface.

What are people using for network based anti-virus?  A friend of mine
started a company and claims to have an industrial
anti-virus app that plugs into Communigate Pro.  Any experience with network
based anti-virus & mail systems?



2003-09-04 Thread Fisher, Shawn

>You didn't specify operating system but for 500,000 users I wouldn't 
>even go near Windows.  

thanks for the feedback..we are a SUN shop so solarius is our OS of choice.

>I use a healthy mix of Postfix as the mail server 
>and Courier-IMAP for POP3/IMAP delivery.  They both work extremely well.


Chris Horry   "Don't submit to stupid rules,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Be yourself and not a fool.
PGP: DSA/2B4C654E  Don't accept average habits,
Amateur Radio: KG4TSM   Open your heart and push the limits."


2003-09-04 Thread Fisher, Shawn

This is my first post so please be gentle.

I would like to get some opinions on the Best Mailserver in the Universe.
Is there a more appropriate list for this question?

I have looked at Communigate Pro, IMAIL, and others.

I am interested in integrated solution that can scale to handle 500k

Any experience good / bad would be great.
