RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-26 Thread Barry Shein

Back in the dawn of the public internet this same sort of thing was
argued fiercely on lists like com-priv (commercialization and
privatization of the internet.)

It was usually around flat rate vs bandwidth charging.

My take was that bandwidth pricing lets you buy as much pipe as you
might ever need, like 100mb/s or more SOHO, but only pay for what you
use, which seemed rational if the technology supported that.

Flat-rate pricing encourages you to guess the most bandwidth you'll
ever need in advance and only pay for that.

In theory hybrid models could exist (variable, on-demand bandwidth
shaping and all that, it's pretty easy in the p-p wireless world.)

What's happened is the worst of both worlds where vendors are selling
end-users flat-rate pipes (think, for example, 20mb/s FTTH for under
$100/mo) but wishing customers would use it as if it were priced per

This is a business model dislocation.

It reminds me of the time, back in my heartier young man days, when
I'd frequent an all you could eat buffet nearby and finally the owner
tossed me out after I overstayed my welcome one day, I'd sit there
doing school work and make trips to the buffet every so often, saying
"yes, that's ALL you can eat, now get OUTTA here!!!"

-Barry Shein

The World  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD| Login: Nationwide
Software Tool & Die| Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Leigh Porter

And with working QoS and DSCP tagging flat rate works just fine.

Andrew Odlyzko wrote:
> Flat rate schemes have been spreading over the kicking and
> screaming bodies of telecom executives (bodies that are
> very much alive because of all the feasting on the profits
> produced by flat rates).  It is truly amazing how telecom
> has consistently fought flat rates for over a century
> (a couple of centuries, actually, if you include snail
> mail as a telecom technology), and has refused to think
> rationally about the phenomenon.  There actually are
> serious arguments in favor of flat rates even in the
> conventional economic framework (since they are a form
> of bundling).  But in addition, they have several big behavioral
> economics effect in stimulating usage and in eliciting extra
> spending.  This is all covered, with plenty of amusing historical 
> examples, in my paper "Internet pricing and the history of communications," 
> Computer Networks 36 (2001), pp. 493-517, available at
> Now flat rates are not the answer to all problems, and in
> particular are not as appropriate if marginal costs of
> providing service are high, or else if you are trying to
> limit usage for whatever reason (whether to fend off RIAA
> and MPAA, or to limit pollution in cases of car transportation).
> But they are not just an artifact of an irrational consumer
> preference, as the conventional telecom economics literature
> and conventional telco thinking assert.
> Andrew Odlyzko
>   > On Thu 25 Oct 2007, Rod Beck wrote:
>   > The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they=20
>   > consume each month or the bytes generated by different=20
>   > applications. The schemes being advocated in this discussion=20
>   > require that the end users be Layer 3 engineers.
>   "Actually, it sounds a lot like the Electric7 tariffs found in the UK =
>   for
>   electricity. These are typically used by low income people who have less
>   education than the average population. And yet they can understand the
>   concept of saving money by using more electricity at night.
>   I really think that a two-tiered QOS system such as the scavenger
>   suggestion is workable if the applications can do the marking. Has
>   anyone done any testing to see if DSCP bits are able to travel unscathed
>   through the public Internet?
>   --Michael Dillon
>   P.S. it would be nice to see QoS be recognized as a mechanism for
>   providing a degraded quality of service instead of all the "first class"
>   marketing puffery."
>   It is not question of whether you approve of the marketing puffery or =
>   not. By the way, telecom is an industry that has used tiered pricing =
>   schemes extensively, both in the 'voice era' and in the early dialup =
>   industry. In the early 90s there were dial up pricing plans that =
>   rewarded customers for limiting their activity to the evening and =
>   weekends. MCI, one of the early long distance voice entrants, had all =
>   sorts of discounts, including weekend and evening promotions.=20
>   Interestingly enough, although those schemes are clearly attractive from =
>   an efficiency standpoint, the entire industry have shifted towards flat =
>   rate pricing for both voice and data. To dismiss that move as purely =
>   driven by marketing strikes me as misguided. That have to be real costs =
>   involved for such a system to fall apart.=20

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Leigh Porter

Rod Beck wrote:
> > The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they
> > consume each month or the bytes generated by different
> > applications. The schemes being advocated in this discussion
> > require that the end users be Layer 3 engineers.
> "Actually, it sounds a lot like the Electric7 tariffs found in the UK for
> electricity. These are typically used by low income people who have less
> education than the average population. And yet they can understand the
> concept of saving money by using more electricity at night.

And actually a lot of networks do this with DPI boxes limiting P2P
throughput during the day and increasing or removing the limit at night.


RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Andrew Odlyzko

Flat rate schemes have been spreading over the kicking and
screaming bodies of telecom executives (bodies that are
very much alive because of all the feasting on the profits
produced by flat rates).  It is truly amazing how telecom
has consistently fought flat rates for over a century
(a couple of centuries, actually, if you include snail
mail as a telecom technology), and has refused to think
rationally about the phenomenon.  There actually are
serious arguments in favor of flat rates even in the
conventional economic framework (since they are a form
of bundling).  But in addition, they have several big behavioral
economics effect in stimulating usage and in eliciting extra
spending.  This is all covered, with plenty of amusing historical 
examples, in my paper "Internet pricing and the history of communications," 
Computer Networks 36 (2001), pp. 493-517, available at

Now flat rates are not the answer to all problems, and in
particular are not as appropriate if marginal costs of
providing service are high, or else if you are trying to
limit usage for whatever reason (whether to fend off RIAA
and MPAA, or to limit pollution in cases of car transportation).
But they are not just an artifact of an irrational consumer
preference, as the conventional telecom economics literature
and conventional telco thinking assert.

Andrew Odlyzko

  > On Thu 25 Oct 2007, Rod Beck wrote:

  > The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they=20
  > consume each month or the bytes generated by different=20
  > applications. The schemes being advocated in this discussion=20
  > require that the end users be Layer 3 engineers.

  "Actually, it sounds a lot like the Electric7 tariffs found in the UK =
  electricity. These are typically used by low income people who have less
  education than the average population. And yet they can understand the
  concept of saving money by using more electricity at night.

  I really think that a two-tiered QOS system such as the scavenger
  suggestion is workable if the applications can do the marking. Has
  anyone done any testing to see if DSCP bits are able to travel unscathed
  through the public Internet?

  --Michael Dillon

  P.S. it would be nice to see QoS be recognized as a mechanism for
  providing a degraded quality of service instead of all the "first class"
  marketing puffery."

  It is not question of whether you approve of the marketing puffery or =
  not. By the way, telecom is an industry that has used tiered pricing =
  schemes extensively, both in the 'voice era' and in the early dialup =
  industry. In the early 90s there were dial up pricing plans that =
  rewarded customers for limiting their activity to the evening and =
  weekends. MCI, one of the early long distance voice entrants, had all =
  sorts of discounts, including weekend and evening promotions.=20

  Interestingly enough, although those schemes are clearly attractive from =
  an efficiency standpoint, the entire industry have shifted towards flat =
  rate pricing for both voice and data. To dismiss that move as purely =
  driven by marketing strikes me as misguided. That have to be real costs =
  involved for such a system to fall apart.=20

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Carpenter, Jason

IN fairness, most P2P applications such as bittorrent already have the
settings there, they are not setup by default. Also, they do limit the
amount of dl and ul based on the bandwidth the user sets up. The
application is setup to handle it, the users usually just set the
bandwidth all the way up and ignore it.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 3:11 PM
Subject: RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

> > Seems to me a programmer setting a default schedule in an
> application is
> > far simpler than many of the other suggestions I've seen for solving
> > this problem.
> End users do not have any interest in saving ISP upstream
> bandwidth,

they also have no interest in learning so setting defaults in popular
software, for example RFC1918 space zones in MS DNS server, can make all
difference in the world.

This way, the bulk of filesharing would have the defaults set to
use during peak periods and still allow the freedom on a per user basis
change that. Most would not simply because they don't know about it. The
effects of such a default could be considerable.

Also if this default stepping back during peak times only affected
speeds, the user would never notice, in fact if they did notice they
probably like that it allows them more bandwidth for browsing and
email during the hours they are likely to use it.

I fail to see a downside?




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RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Geo.

> > Seems to me a programmer setting a default schedule in an
> application is
> > far simpler than many of the other suggestions I've seen for solving
> > this problem.
> End users do not have any interest in saving ISP upstream
> bandwidth,

they also have no interest in learning so setting defaults in popular
software, for example RFC1918 space zones in MS DNS server, can make all the
difference in the world.

This way, the bulk of filesharing would have the defaults set to minimize
use during peak periods and still allow the freedom on a per user basis to
change that. Most would not simply because they don't know about it. The
effects of such a default could be considerable.

Also if this default stepping back during peak times only affected upload
speeds, the user would never notice, in fact if they did notice they would
probably like that it allows them more bandwidth for browsing and sending
email during the hours they are likely to use it.

I fail to see a downside?


RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Geo. wrote:

Seems to me a programmer setting a default schedule in an application is 
far simpler than many of the other suggestions I've seen for solving 
this problem.

End users do not have any interest in saving ISP upstream bandwidth, their 
interest is to get as much as they can, when they want/need it. So solving 
a bandwidth crunch by trying to make end user applications behave in an 
ISP friendly manner is a concept that doesn't play well with reality.

Congestion should be at the individual customer access, not in the 
distribution, not at the core.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Rod Beck
On 24-okt-2007, at 17:39, Rod Beck wrote:

> A simpler and hence less costly approach for those providers  
> serving mass markets is to stick to flat rate pricing and outlaw  
> high-bandwidth applications that are used by only a small number of  
> end users.

That's not going to work in the long run. Just my podcasts are about  
10 GB a month. You only have to wait until there's more HD video  
available online and it gets easier to get at for most people to see  
bandwidth use per customer skyrocket.

There are much worse things than having customers that like using  
your service as much as they can.

Oh, let me be clear. I don't know if it will work long term. But businessmen 
like simple rules of thumb and flat rate for the masses and banishing the rest 
will be the default strategy. The real question is whether a pricing/service 
structure can be devised that allows the mass market providers to make money 
off the problematic heavy users. If so, then you will get a tiered structure: 
flat rate for the masses and a more expensive service for the Bandwidth Hogs. 

Actually, there are not many worse things than customers that use your service 
so much that they ruin your business model. Yes, I believe the industry needs 
to reach accomodation with the Bandwidth Hogs because they will drive the 
growth, and if it is profitable growth, then all parties benefit. 

But you are only going to get the Bandwidth Addicts to pay more is by banishing 
them from flat services. They won't go gently into the night. In fact, I am 
sure how profitable are the Addicts given the stereotype of the 20 something ...

- R. 

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Geo.

> Actually, it sounds a lot like the Electric7 tariffs found in the UK for
> electricity. These are typically used by low income people who have less
> education than the average population. And yet they can understand the
> concept of saving money by using more electricity at night.

I can't comment on MPLS or DSCP bits but the concept of night-time on the
internet I found interesting. This would be a localized event as night moved
around the earth. If the scheduling feature in many of the fileshare
applications were preset to run full bore during late night hours and back
off to 1/4 speed during the day I wonder how that might affect both the
networks and the ISPs. Since the far side of the planet would be on the
opposite schedule from each other, that might also help to localize the
traffic from fileshare networks.

Seems to me a programmer setting a default schedule in an application is far
simpler than many of the other suggestions I've seen for solving this


George Roettger
Netlink Services

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Rod Beck
> The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they 
> consume each month or the bytes generated by different 
> applications. The schemes being advocated in this discussion 
> require that the end users be Layer 3 engineers.

"Actually, it sounds a lot like the Electric7 tariffs found in the UK for
electricity. These are typically used by low income people who have less
education than the average population. And yet they can understand the
concept of saving money by using more electricity at night.

I really think that a two-tiered QOS system such as the scavenger
suggestion is workable if the applications can do the marking. Has
anyone done any testing to see if DSCP bits are able to travel unscathed
through the public Internet?

--Michael Dillon

P.S. it would be nice to see QoS be recognized as a mechanism for
providing a degraded quality of service instead of all the "first class"
marketing puffery."

It is not question of whether you approve of the marketing puffery or not. By 
the way, telecom is an industry that has used tiered pricing schemes 
extensively, both in the 'voice era' and in the early dialup industry. In the 
early 90s there were dial up pricing plans that rewarded customers for limiting 
their activity to the evening and weekends. MCI, one of the early long distance 
voice entrants, had all sorts of discounts, including weekend and evening 

Interestingly enough, although those schemes are clearly attractive from an 
efficiency standpoint, the entire industry have shifted towards flat rate 
pricing for both voice and data. To dismiss that move as purely driven by 
marketing strikes me as misguided. That have to be real costs involved for such 
a system to fall apart. 

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Frank Bulk - iNAME

Are you thinking of scavenger on the upload or download?  Because it's just
upload, it's only the subscriber's provider that needs to concern themselves
with their maintaining the tags -- they will do the necessary traffic
engineering to ensure it's not 'damaging' the upstream of their other

If it's download, that's a whole other ball of wax, and not what drove
Comcast to do what they're doing, and not the apparent concern of at least
North American ISPs today.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:34 PM
Subject: RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

> The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they
> consume each month or the bytes generated by different
> applications. The schemes being advocated in this discussion
> require that the end users be Layer 3 engineers.

Actually, it sounds a lot like the Electric7 tariffs found in the UK for
electricity. These are typically used by low income people who have less
education than the average population. And yet they can understand the
concept of saving money by using more electricity at night.

I really think that a two-tiered QOS system such as the scavenger
suggestion is workable if the applications can do the marking. Has
anyone done any testing to see if DSCP bits are able to travel unscathed
through the public Internet?

--Michael Dillon

P.S. it would be nice to see QoS be recognized as a mechanism for
providing a degraded quality of service instead of all the "first class"
marketing puffery.

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-25 Thread Tom Vest

On Oct 24, 2007, at 8:11 PM, Steve Gibbard wrote:

On Wed, 24 Oct 2007, Rod Beck wrote:

On Wednesday 24 October 2007 05:36, Henry Yen wrote:

On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 09:20:49AM -0400, Leo Bicknell wrote:
Why are no major us builders installing FTTH today?  Greenfield  

be the easiest, and major builders like Pulte, Centex and the like
should be eager to offer it; but don't.

Well, Verizon seems to be making heavy bets on replacing significant
chunks of old copper plant with FTTH.  Here's a recent FiOS  

  Linkname: Verizon discovers symmetry, offers 20/20 symmetrical  

service URL: 


While probably more "good" than "bad", it is my understanding that  

Verizon (and others) provide FTTH (fiber to the home) they "cut" or
physically disconnect all other connections to that  
residence.  so much

for any "choice"...

Exactly. And because they installed fiber, the FCC has ruled that  
they do not have to provide unbundled network elements to  

It's this last bit that seems to be leading to lots of complaints,  
and it's the earlier pricing of "unbundled network elements" at or  
above the cost of complete service packages that many CLECs and  
competitive ISPs blamed for their demise.  Some like to see big  
conspiracies here, but I'm not convinced that it wasn't just a  
matter of bad planning on the parts of the ISPs and CLECs, perhaps  
brought on by bad incentives in the law.

The US government decided there should be a competitive market for  
phone services.  They were concerned about the big advantage in  
already built out infrastructure the incumbent phone companies had  
-- infrastructure that had been built with money from their  
monopolies -- so they required them to "share."  This meant it was  
pretty easy to start a DSL company that used the ILEC's copper, but  
seemed to provide little incentive for new telecom companies to  
build their own last mile infrastructure.  Once the ILECs caught on  
to the importance of this new Internet thing, that meant the ISPs  
and the new phone companies were entirely dependent on their  
biggest competitor for services they needed to keep functioning.  
The new providers were vulnerable on all sorts of fronts controlled  
by their established competitors -- pricing, installation  
procedures, service quality, repair times, service availability,  
etc.  The failure of the new entrants seems almost inevitable, and  
given that they hadn't actually built any infrastructure, they  
didn't leave behind much of anything for those with better plans to  
buy out of bankruptcy.

Consider the implications of this line of reasoning.

A rational would-be competitor should expect to build out a new,  
completely independent parallel (national) facilities platform as the  
price of admission to the market. Since we've abandoned all faith in  
the use of of laws or regulation to discipline the incumbent, we  
should expect each successive national overbuild to be accomplished  
in a "very hostile" environment (Robert De Niro's role in the movie  
"Brazil" comes to mind here).

A rational new entrant should plan to deliver service that is  
"substitutable" -- i.e., can compete on cost, capacity, and  
performance terms -- for services delivered over one or more  
incumbent optical fiber networks -- artifacts of previous attempts to  
enter the market. The minimum activation requirements for the new/ 
latest access facilities platform will create an additional increment  
of transport capacity that is "vast" ("infinite" would be only a  
slight exaggeration) relative to all conceivable end user demand for  
the foreseeable future. The existence of (n) other near-infinite  
increments of parallel/"substitutable" access transport capacity  
should not be considered when assessing the expected demand for this  
new capacity.

A rational investor should understand that capex committed to this  
new venture could well be a total loss, but should be reassured that  
the new nth increment of near-infinite capacity that they help to  
create will be useful in some way to whomever subsequently buys it up  
for pennies on the dollar. The existence of (n) other near-infinite  
increments of parallel access transport capacity should not be  
considered when estimating the relative merits of this or future  
access facility investments.  Every household will become equivalent  
to a core urban data center, with multiple independent entrance  
facilities -- unless of course the new platform owner determines that  
it would be it more rational to rip the new facilities -- or the old  
facilities -- out. (Any apparent similarity between this arrangement  
and Mao's Great Leap Forward-era backyard blast furnaces is purely  

A rational government should welcome the vast increase in investment  

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Marshall Eubanks

On Oct 25, 2007, at 6:49 AM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

On 24-okt-2007, at 17:39, Rod Beck wrote:

A simpler and hence less costly approach for those providers  
serving mass markets is to stick to flat rate pricing and outlaw  
high-bandwidth applications that are used by only a small number  
of end users.

That's not going to work in the long run. Just my podcasts are  
about 10 GB a month. You only have to wait until there's more HD  
video available online and it gets easier to get at for most people  
to see bandwidth use per customer skyrocket.

To me, it is ironic that some of the same service providers who  
refused to consider enabling native multicast for video are now  
complaining of the consequences of video going by unicast. They can't  
say they weren't warned.

There are much worse things than having customers that like using  
your service as much as they can.



Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 25-okt-2007, at 3:33, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I really think that a two-tiered QOS system such as the scavenger
suggestion is workable if the applications can do the marking. Has
anyone done any testing to see if DSCP bits are able to travel  

through the public Internet?

Sure, Apple has. I don't think they intended to, though.

Search for "DSCP" or "Comcast" on that page.

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 24-okt-2007, at 17:39, Rod Beck wrote:

A simpler and hence less costly approach for those providers  
serving mass markets is to stick to flat rate pricing and outlaw  
high-bandwidth applications that are used by only a small number of  
end users.

That's not going to work in the long run. Just my podcasts are about  
10 GB a month. You only have to wait until there's more HD video  
available online and it gets easier to get at for most people to see  
bandwidth use per customer skyrocket.

There are much worse things than having customers that like using  
your service as much as they can.

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-25 Thread Leigh Porter

Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
> On 24-okt-2007, at 16:44, Rod Beck wrote:
>> The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they consume each
>> month or the bytes generated by different applications. The schemes
>> being advocated in this discussion require that the end users be
>> Layer 3 engineers.
> Users more or less know what a gigabyte is, because when they download
> too many of them, it fills up their drive. If the limits are high
> enough that only actively using high-bandwidth apps has any danger of
> going over them, the people using those apps will find the time to
> educate themselves. It's not that hard: an hour of video conferencing
> (500 kbps) is 450 MB, downloading a gigabyte is.. 1 GB.

But then that same 1GB can be sent back up to P2P clients any multiple
of times. When this happens the customer no longer has any idea how much
data they transferred because "well I just left it on and.".

Really, it shouldn't matter how much traffic a user generates/downloads
so long as QoS makes sure that people who want real stuff get it and are
not killed by the guy down the street seeding the latest Harry Potter
movie. If people are worried about transit and infrastructure costs then
again, implement QoS and fix the transit/infrastructure to use it.

That way you can limit your spending on transit for example to a fixed
amount and QoS will manage it for you.

 You owe the oracle an encrypted Peer to Peer

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 24-okt-2007, at 16:44, Rod Beck wrote:

The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they consume  
each month or the bytes generated by different applications. The  
schemes being advocated in this discussion require that the end  
users be Layer 3 engineers.

Users more or less know what a gigabyte is, because when they  
download too many of them, it fills up their drive. If the limits are  
high enough that only actively using high-bandwidth apps has any  
danger of going over them, the people using those apps will find the  
time to educate themselves. It's not that hard: an hour of video  
conferencing (500 kbps) is 450 MB, downloading a gigabyte is.. 1 GB.

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:33:35 BST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> I really think that a two-tiered QOS system such as the scavenger
> suggestion is workable if the applications can do the marking. Has
> anyone done any testing to see if DSCP bits are able to travel unscathed
> through the public Internet?

Given the bad track record for PMTU 'frag needed' ICMP, ECN, and anybody
in 69/8, 70/8, 71/8, I'll make the prediction that DSCP bits are mangled in
too many ways to make effective use of them, and we can expect a 3-4 year
effort to get stuff cleaned up before it works as intended.

Description: PGP signature

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread michael.dillon

> The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they 
> consume each month or the bytes generated by different 
> applications. The schemes being advocated in this discussion 
> require that the end users be Layer 3 engineers.

Actually, it sounds a lot like the Electric7 tariffs found in the UK for
electricity. These are typically used by low income people who have less
education than the average population. And yet they can understand the
concept of saving money by using more electricity at night.

I really think that a two-tiered QOS system such as the scavenger
suggestion is workable if the applications can do the marking. Has
anyone done any testing to see if DSCP bits are able to travel unscathed
through the public Internet?

--Michael Dillon

P.S. it would be nice to see QoS be recognized as a mechanism for
providing a degraded quality of service instead of all the "first class"
marketing puffery.

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Adrian Chadd

On Wed, Oct 24, 2007, Sean Donelan wrote:

> Again, is there no alternative between such extremely low data caps on 
> everyone and extreme usage by a a few?

Sure, I'll sell you a 1:1 pipe that you can use 100%. AUD $400 a megabit.
No worries. :)


Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Bruce Curtis

On Oct 24, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Sean Donelan wrote:

The problem isn't a particular type of traffic in isolation, its  
usually the impact of one network user's traffic on all the other  
network user's traffic sharing the same network.

Network Quotas for Individuals - A better answer to the P2P  
bandwidth problem? 

  This link has a newer version of the presentation slides.

  We have since increased the Internet 1 bandwidth purchased and  
have increased the Residence Hall Quotas to 1 GigaByte per day.

Certified NetAnalyst II701-231-8527
North Dakota State University

RE: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Rod Beck

> Exactly. And because they installed fiber, the FCC has ruled that they 
> do not have to provide unbundled network elements to competitors.

It's this last bit that seems to be leading to lots of complaints, and 
it's the earlier pricing of "unbundled network elements" at or above the 
cost of complete service packages that many CLECs and competitive ISPs 
blamed for their demise.  Some like to see big conspiracies here, but I'm 
not convinced that it wasn't just a matter of bad planning on the parts of 
the ISPs and CLECs, perhaps brought on by bad incentives in the law.

I don't think this was what was intended.  My impression is that the 
wholesale copper was supposed to be a temporary bridge to allow the new 
entrants time to build infrastructure of their own.  That's why the rules 
about sharing didn't apply to infrastructure built by the ILECs later. 
But new entrants building their own infrastructure generally didn't 
happen.  Instead, the end-user ISP operators I was dealing with at the 
time generally seemed outraged that the evil phone companies, which should 
have been there to sell wholesale services to them, were instead competing 
in their markets.  Unfortunately for them, the phone companies not only 
undercut them on cost, but generally built better networks.  Given the 
impending obsolescence of the phone companies' traditional businesses, what 
else would the phone companies have been expected to do?

The exception to this was the cable companies.  They already had some 
physical plant of their own, but they invested a lot of money in a lot of 
new construction.  Many of them didn't do financially well on the deals, 
but even those who ran out of money left behind infrastructure that is now 
effectively competing.

This isn't to say the original encouragement of CLECs using ILEC copper in 
the 1996 telecommunications act wasn't without benefits.  I rather doubt 
the ILECs would have gotten as interested in DSL as they did, if there 
hadn't been the threat of losing the business to competition.  But given 
that improvements in speed since the initial crushing of the upstarts have 
been mostly limited to trying to match the capabilities of the cable 
companies, perhaps it wasn't the best strategy for the long term.  If 
those who want to compete need to build some infrastructure of their own, 
and if anybody is successful in doing so, that should have a much bigger 
impact in terms of putting long term pressure on the ILECs to provide 
better service.

That's where I disagree. The economic argument is that it is more efficient to 
share the Last Mile subject to rate of return constraints than for a dozen 
carriers to build their own Last Mile facilities. 

In fact, it is extremely naive to think that long term all these carriers would 
actually build their own Last Mile facilities. It is not economically 
sustainable or efficent to have massive overbuilding. 

Simply put, if the ILEC loses a customer to the competition, why not use the 
ILEC copper pair to reach that customer? Given copper pairs do have the ability 
to provide the services most residential customers want (except for a bloggers 
who insist every needs a 10 gig wave to their home), why waste scare econonomic 
resources to do overbuilding?

In Europe unbundling has worked well and led to a highly competitive market 
where no such market would exist in its absence. All of this suggests that the 
problem was not the 1996 Telecom Act, but the ability of the incumbents to use 
the Courts to undermine (which they did quite successfully) and a lack of 
political will. You can't get away with bizarre legal interpretations on this 
side of the Atlantic like you can in the States. If European regulatory 
agencies want unbundling, they get it and the PTTs make sure it works or they 
are subject to more than Mickey Mouse fines a la FCC. 

And there is no expectation that this a stop gap measure. Unbundling will exist 
as long the competitors want to exist. 



Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Sean Donelan

The problem isn't a particular type of traffic in isolation, its usually 
the impact of one network user's traffic on all the other network user's 
traffic sharing the same network.

Network Quotas for Individuals - A better answer to the P2P bandwidth 

Can ISPs and P2P users co-operate for improved performance:

P4P: Proactive Provider Assistance for P2P

RE: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Steve Gibbard

On Wed, 24 Oct 2007, Rod Beck wrote:

On Wednesday 24 October 2007 05:36, Henry Yen wrote:

On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 09:20:49AM -0400, Leo Bicknell wrote:

Why are no major us builders installing FTTH today?  Greenfield should
be the easiest, and major builders like Pulte, Centex and the like
should be eager to offer it; but don't.

Well, Verizon seems to be making heavy bets on replacing significant
chunks of old copper plant with FTTH.  Here's a recent FiOS announcement:

  Linkname: Verizon discovers symmetry, offers 20/20 symmetrical FiOS
service URL:

While probably more "good" than "bad", it is my understanding that when
Verizon (and others) provide FTTH (fiber to the home) they "cut" or
physically disconnect all other connections to that residence.  so much
for any "choice"...

Exactly. And because they installed fiber, the FCC has ruled that they 
do not have to provide unbundled network elements to competitors.

It's this last bit that seems to be leading to lots of complaints, and 
it's the earlier pricing of "unbundled network elements" at or above the 
cost of complete service packages that many CLECs and competitive ISPs 
blamed for their demise.  Some like to see big conspiracies here, but I'm 
not convinced that it wasn't just a matter of bad planning on the parts of 
the ISPs and CLECs, perhaps brought on by bad incentives in the law.

The US government decided there should be a competitive market for phone 
services.  They were concerned about the big advantage in already built 
out infrastructure the incumbent phone companies had -- infrastructure 
that had been built with money from their monopolies -- so they required 
them to "share."  This meant it was pretty easy to start a DSL company 
that used the ILEC's copper, but seemed to provide little incentive for 
new telecom companies to build their own last mile infrastructure.  Once 
the ILECs caught on to the importance of this new Internet thing, that 
meant the ISPs and the new phone companies were entirely dependent on 
their biggest competitor for services they needed to keep functioning. 
The new providers were vulnerable on all sorts of fronts controlled by 
their established competitors -- pricing, installation procedures, service 
quality, repair times, service availability, etc.  The failure of the new 
entrants seems almost inevitable, and given that they hadn't actually 
built any infrastructure, they didn't leave behind much of anything for 
those with better plans to buy out of bankruptcy.

I don't think this was what was intended.  My impression is that the 
wholesale copper was supposed to be a temporary bridge to allow the new 
entrants time to build infrastructure of their own.  That's why the rules 
about sharing didn't apply to infrastructure built by the ILECs later. 
But new entrants building their own infrastructure generally didn't 
happen.  Instead, the end-user ISP operators I was dealing with at the 
time generally seemed outraged that the evil phone companies, which should 
have been there to sell wholesale services to them, were instead competing 
in their markets.  Unfortunately for them, the phone companies not only 
undercut them on cost, but generally built better networks.  Given the 
impending obsolescence of the phone companies' traditional businesses, what 
else would the phone companies have been expected to do?

The exception to this was the cable companies.  They already had some 
physical plant of their own, but they invested a lot of money in a lot of 
new construction.  Many of them didn't do financially well on the deals, 
but even those who ran out of money left behind infrastructure that is now 
effectively competing.

This isn't to say the original encouragement of CLECs using ILEC copper in 
the 1996 telecommunications act wasn't without benefits.  I rather doubt 
the ILECs would have gotten as interested in DSL as they did, if there 
hadn't been the threat of losing the business to competition.  But given 
that improvements in speed since the initial crushing of the upstarts have 
been mostly limited to trying to match the capabilities of the cable 
companies, perhaps it wasn't the best strategy for the long term.  If 
those who want to compete need to build some infrastructure of their own, 
and if anybody is successful in doing so, that should have a much bigger 
impact in terms of putting long term pressure on the ILECs to provide 
better service.


Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 15:44:53 BST, Rod Beck said:
> The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they consume each
> month or the bytes generated by different applications.

Note that in many/most cases, the person signing the agreement and paying
the bill (the parental units) are not the ones actually consuming the
bandwidth (the offspring).  The *consumer* of the bandwidth may very well
have a *very* good idea of exactly how many movies/albums they've pulled
down this month, and would much prefer if the bill-payer was totally in the
dark about it

Description: PGP signature

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Sean Donelan

On Wed, 24 Oct 2007, Adrian Chadd wrote:

You'd be surprised; users in the Australian market have had to get
used to knowing how much bandwidth they use.

People are adaptable. Get used to it. :)

Likewise, people seem to complain about anything.  Even Australians seem 
to like to complain.  Get used to it :-);1929779828

Again, is there no alternative between such extremely low data caps on 
everyone and extreme usage by a a few?

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Dorn Hetzel
people manage to count stuff they use when they pay for it.  minutes(cell),
kwh(electricity), gallons(gas), etc.

people have managed to figure out cell phone plans where they get N minutes
included and then pay extra over that.

the only users this would affect are those that upload a lot, because noone
else should run over their "premium upload limit" and have their upload
traffic reclassified as not-high priority.

if bytes are too tiny, maybe count it in tunes, or cds, or web pages(the
mythical average web page:) ) or bananas, whatever the marketing folks can
live with.  call it all a free extra premium service so noone feels bad :)

the main idea is that everyone on plan X gets premium service on their first
Y bytes/month of upload by default, but if they know more then they can mark
some traffic so it doesn't use up their premium quota but gets worse
service.  if they do nothing, then all their upload is premium until they
run out of premium, which the median user never should.

On 10/24/07, Rod Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they consume each
> month or the bytes generated by different applications. The schemes being
> advocated in this discussion require that the end users be Layer 3
> engineers.
> That might dramatically shrink you 'addressable market', not to mention
> your job market ...
> :)
> Roderick S. Beck
> Director of EMEA Sales
> Hibernia Atlantic
> 1, Passage du Chantier, 75012 Paris
> Wireless: 1-212-444-8829.
> Landline: 33-1-4346-3209.
> French Wireless: 33-6-14-33-48-97.
> AOL Messenger: GlobalBandwidth
> ``Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.''
> Albert Einstein.

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Joel Jaeggli

Frank Bulk wrote:
> Here's timely article: "KDDI says 900k target for fibre users 'difficult'"

KDDI isn't the only ftfth provider... NTT east/west (flets), usen,
softbank/yahooBB and others all play in that space.

100/100 from softbank appears to be ~7200 yen while 50/12 dsl is about
4500 yen if you have a phone line as well... ;)

Obviously if you live out in the boonies like Jared, even in japan your
options are pretty slow. The Onsen I visited in fuji-hakone 2 years ago
had only 3Mb/s for example.

> Frank
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> David Andersen
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 9:21 PM
> To: Leo Bicknell
> Cc:
> Subject: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly
> bite on broadband nets)
> On Oct 22, 2007, at 9:55 PM, Leo Bicknell wrote:
>> Having now seen the cable issue described in technical detail over
>> and over, I have a question.
>> At the most recent Nanog several people talked about 100Mbps symmetric
>> access in Japan for $40 US.
>> This leads me to two questions:
>> 1) Is that accurate?
>> 2) What technology to the use to offer the service at that price  
>> point?
>> 3) Is there any chance US providers could offer similar  
>> technologies at
>>similar prices, or are there significant differences (regulation,
>>distance etc) that prevent it from being viable?
> AR2007082801990.html
> The Washington Post article claims that:
> "Japan has surged ahead of the United States on the wings of better  
> wire and more aggressive government regulation, industry analysts say.
> The copper wire used to hook up Japanese homes is newer and runs in  
> shorter loops to telephone exchanges than in the United States.
> ..."
> a)  Dense, urban area (less distance to cover)
> b)  Fresh new wire installed after WWII
> c)  Regulatory environment that forced telecos to provide capacity to  
> Internet providers
> Followed by a recent explosion in fiber-to-the-home buildout by NTT.   
> "About 8.8 million Japanese homes have fiber lines -- roughly nine  
> times the number in the United States." -- particularly impressive  
> when you count that in per-capita terms.
> Nice article.  Makes you wish...

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Rod Beck
That misses the point. They are probably being forced to adapt by a monopoly or 
a quasi-monopoly or by the fact that transport into Australia is extremely 
expensive. The situation outside of Australia is quite different. A DS3 from 
Sydney to LA is worth about 10 DS3s NYC/London. 

It is not impossible to move people to these price schemes, but in a market 
with many providers, it is highly risky. 

A simpler and hence less costly approach for those providers serving mass 
markets is to stick to flat rate pricing and outlaw high-bandwidth applications 
that are used by only a small number of end users. 

Roderick S. Beck
Director of EMEA Sales
Hibernia Atlantic
1, Passage du Chantier, 75012 Paris
Wireless: 1-212-444-8829. 
Landline: 33-1-4346-3209.
French Wireless: 33-6-14-33-48-97.
AOL Messenger: GlobalBandwidth
``Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.'' Albert 

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Adrian Chadd

On Wed, Oct 24, 2007, Rod Beck wrote:
> That misses the point. They are probably being forced to adapt by a monopoly 
> or a quasi-monopoly or by the fact that transport into Australia is extremely 
> expensive. The situation outside of Australia is quite different. A DS3 from 
> Sydney to LA is worth about 10 DS3s NYC/London. 

How's that missing the point? The market might not accept it outright but people
can and have adapted in areas where traffic charging and knowing how much you've
downloaded is the norm.

> A simpler and hence less costly approach for those providers serving mass 
> markets is to stick to flat rate pricing and outlaw high-bandwidth 
> applications that are used by only a small number of end users. 

.. until someone builds a better network, and then they're stuck? Oh wait thats
right, America also has monopolised last-mile delivery networks which are
coincidentally the ones having the trouble?



Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Adrian Chadd

On Wed, Oct 24, 2007, Rod Beck wrote:
> The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they consume each month or 
> the bytes generated by different applications. The schemes being advocated in 
> this discussion require that the end users be Layer 3 engineers. 

You'd be surprised; users in the Australian market have had to get
used to knowing how much bandwidth they use.

People are adaptable. Get used to it. :)


RE: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Rod Beck
On Wednesday 24 October 2007 05:36, Henry Yen wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 09:20:49AM -0400, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> > Why are no major us builders installing FTTH today?  Greenfield should
> > be the easiest, and major builders like Pulte, Centex and the like
> > should be eager to offer it; but don't.
> Well, Verizon seems to be making heavy bets on replacing significant
> chunks of old copper plant with FTTH.  Here's a recent FiOS announcement:
>   Linkname: Verizon discovers symmetry, offers 20/20 symmetrical FiOS
> service URL:

 While probably more "good" than "bad", it is my understanding that when 
Verizon (and others) provide FTTH (fiber to the home) they "cut" or 
physically disconnect all other connections to that residence.  so much 
for any "choice"...

Exactly. And because they installed fiber, the FCC has ruled that they do not 
have to provide unbundled network elements to competitors. 

I expect that when you look at the population of broadband users, it is only a 
tiny percentage that really need fiber to their residence. 

Let's remember that one of the main reasons that broadband displaced dial up 
was that it is always available and does not interfer with phone service. 

- R. 

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Rod Beck
The vast bulk of users have no idea how many bytes they consume each month or 
the bytes generated by different applications. The schemes being advocated in 
this discussion require that the end users be Layer 3 engineers. 

That might dramatically shrink you 'addressable market', not to mention your 
job market ... 


Roderick S. Beck
Director of EMEA Sales
Hibernia Atlantic
1, Passage du Chantier, 75012 Paris
Wireless: 1-212-444-8829. 
Landline: 33-1-4346-3209.
French Wireless: 33-6-14-33-48-97.
AOL Messenger: GlobalBandwidth
``Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.'' Albert 

RE: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Frank Bulk

Here's timely article: "KDDI says 900k target for fibre users 'difficult'"


-Original Message-
David Andersen
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 9:21 PM
To: Leo Bicknell
Subject: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly
bite on broadband nets)

On Oct 22, 2007, at 9:55 PM, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> Having now seen the cable issue described in technical detail over
> and over, I have a question.
> At the most recent Nanog several people talked about 100Mbps symmetric
> access in Japan for $40 US.
> This leads me to two questions:
> 1) Is that accurate?
> 2) What technology to the use to offer the service at that price  
> point?
> 3) Is there any chance US providers could offer similar  
> technologies at
>similar prices, or are there significant differences (regulation,
>distance etc) that prevent it from being viable? 

The Washington Post article claims that:

"Japan has surged ahead of the United States on the wings of better  
wire and more aggressive government regulation, industry analysts say.
The copper wire used to hook up Japanese homes is newer and runs in  
shorter loops to telephone exchanges than in the United States.


a)  Dense, urban area (less distance to cover)

b)  Fresh new wire installed after WWII

c)  Regulatory environment that forced telecos to provide capacity to  
Internet providers

Followed by a recent explosion in fiber-to-the-home buildout by NTT.   
"About 8.8 million Japanese homes have fiber lines -- roughly nine  
times the number in the United States." -- particularly impressive  
when you count that in per-capita terms.

Nice article.  Makes you wish...


RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Frank Bulk
The key thing is that it can't be too complicated for the subscriber.  What
you've described is already too difficult for the masses to consume.  


The scavenger class, as has been described in other postings, is probably
the simplest way to implement things.  Let the application developers take
care of the traffic marking and expose priorities in the GUI, and the
marketing from the MSO needs to be "$xx.xx per month for general use
internet, with unlimited bulk traffic for $y.yy".  Of course, the MSOs
wouldn't say that the first category excludes bulk traffic, or mention caps
or upstream limitations or P2P control because that would be bad for




From: Dorn Hetzel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:12 AM
To: Joe Greco
Subject: Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets


How about a system where I tell my customers that for a given plan X at
price Y they get U bytes of "high priority" upload per month (or day or
whatever) and after that all their traffic is low priority until the next
cycle starts.  

Now here's the fun part.  They can mark the priority on the packets they
send (diffserv/TOS) and decide what they want treated as high priority and
what they want treated as not-so-high priority.

If I'm a low usage customer with no p2p applications, maybe I can mark ALL
my traffic high priority all month long and not run over my limit.  If I run
p2p, I can choose to set my p2p software to send all it's traffic marked low
priority if I want to, and save my high priority traffic quote for more
important stuff. 

Maybe the default should be high priority so that customers who do nothing
but are light users get the best service.

low priority upstream traffic gets dropped in favor of high priority, but
users decide what's important to them. 

If I want all my stuff to be high priority, maybe there's a metered plan I
can sign up for so I don't have any hard cap on high priority traffic each
month but I pay extra over a certain amount.

This seems like it would be reasonable and fair and p2p wouldn't have to be
singled out. 

Any thoughts?

On 10/22/07, Joe Greco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wonder how quickly applications and network gear would implement QoS
> support if the major ISPs offered their subscribers two queues: a default
> queue, which handled regular internet traffic but squashed P2P, and then a

> separate queue that allowed P2P to flow uninhibited for an extra $5/month,
> but then ISPs could purchase cheaper bandwidth for that.
> But perhaps at the end of the day Andrew O. is right and it's best off to 
> have a single queue and throw more bandwidth at the problem.

A system that wasn't P2P-centric could be interesting, though making it
P2P-centric would be easier, I'm sure.  ;-)

The idea that Internet data flows would ever stop probably doesn't work 
out well for the average user.

What about a system that would /guarantee/ a low amount of data on a low
priority queue, but would also provide access to whatever excess capacity
was currently available (if any)? 

We've already seen service providers such as Virgin UK implementing things
which essentially try to do this, where during primetime they'll limit the
largest consumers of bandwidth for 4 hours.  The method is completely 
different, but the end result looks somewhat similar.  The recent
discussion of AU service providers also talks about providing a baseline
service once you've exceeded your quota, which is a simplified version of 

Would it be better for networks to focus on separating data classes and
providing a product that's actually capable of quality-of-service style

Would it be beneficial to be able to do this on an end-to-end basis (which 
implies being able to QoS across ASN's)?

The real problem with the "throw more bandwidth" solution is that at some
point, you simply cannot do it, since the available capacity on your last
mile simply isn't sufficient for the numbers you're selling, even if you 
are able to buy cheaper upstream bandwidth for it.

Perhaps that's just an argument to fix the last mile.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many


RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Carpenter, Jason
That's a fair plan.

Simple me came up with this one,

Don't say you offer 3mb if you only offer 20k. 

Simple enough, I think a big problem is that sales is saying they offer
all this bandwidth, but the reality is no one gets it. You can blame P2P
all you want, but realistically if users are offered say 3MB then they
have the right to expect it. Its not their fault or the networks fault
if its not realistic. 

You could say that you have no way of knowing how many users are on the
network but that's not true, I bet you could figure out how many users
you can handle at what bandwidth guarantee. 

Sorry if this seems simplistic, but hey its fun to make things simple
:-) even if it can be unrealistic a bit.

Dorn Hetzel
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 8:12 AM
To: Joe Greco
Subject: Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets


How about a system where I tell my customers that for a given plan X at
price Y they get U bytes of "high priority" upload per month (or day or
whatever) and after that all their traffic is low priority until the
next cycle starts.  

Now here's the fun part.  They can mark the priority on the packets they
send (diffserv/TOS) and decide what they want treated as high priority
and what they want treated as not-so-high priority.

If I'm a low usage customer with no p2p applications, maybe I can mark
ALL my traffic high priority all month long and not run over my limit.
If I run p2p, I can choose to set my p2p software to send all it's
traffic marked low priority if I want to, and save my high priority
traffic quote for more important stuff. 

Maybe the default should be high priority so that customers who do
nothing but are light users get the best service.

low priority upstream traffic gets dropped in favor of high priority,
but users decide what's important to them. 

If I want all my stuff to be high priority, maybe there's a metered plan
I can sign up for so I don't have any hard cap on high priority traffic
each month but I pay extra over a certain amount.

This seems like it would be reasonable and fair and p2p wouldn't have to
be singled out. 

Any thoughts?

On 10/22/07, Joe Greco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wonder how quickly applications and network gear would implement QoS
> support if the major ISPs offered their subscribers two queues: a
> queue, which handled regular internet traffic but squashed P2P, and
then a 
> separate queue that allowed P2P to flow uninhibited for an extra
> but then ISPs could purchase cheaper bandwidth for that.
> But perhaps at the end of the day Andrew O. is right and it's best off
> have a single queue and throw more bandwidth at the problem.

A system that wasn't P2P-centric could be interesting, though making it
P2P-centric would be easier, I'm sure.  ;-)

The idea that Internet data flows would ever stop probably doesn't work 
out well for the average user.

What about a system that would /guarantee/ a low amount of data on a low
priority queue, but would also provide access to whatever excess
was currently available (if any)? 

We've already seen service providers such as Virgin UK implementing
which essentially try to do this, where during primetime they'll limit
largest consumers of bandwidth for 4 hours.  The method is completely 
different, but the end result looks somewhat similar.  The recent
discussion of AU service providers also talks about providing a baseline
service once you've exceeded your quota, which is a simplified version

Would it be better for networks to focus on separating data classes and
providing a product that's actually capable of quality-of-service style

Would it be beneficial to be able to do this on an end-to-end basis
implies being able to QoS across ASN's)?

The real problem with the "throw more bandwidth" solution is that at
point, you simply cannot do it, since the available capacity on your
mile simply isn't sufficient for the numbers you're selling, even if you
are able to buy cheaper upstream bandwidth for it.

Perhaps that's just an argument to fix the last mile.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and]
then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many




The contents of this messa

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Dave Pooser

>  While probably more "good" than "bad", it is my understanding that when
> Verizon (and others) provide FTTH (fiber to the home) they "cut" or
> physically disconnect all other connections to that residence.  so much
> for any "choice"...

At least around here, if you tell the installer you have an alarm system
they'll leave the copper alone, since your alarm system is generally using
phone lines with no dial tone to connect to the monitoring station.
Dave Pooser, ACSA
Manager of Information Services
Alford Media

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Dorn Hetzel
How about a system where I tell my customers that for a given plan X at
price Y they get U bytes of "high priority" upload per month (or day or
whatever) and after that all their traffic is low priority until the next
cycle starts.

Now here's the fun part.  They can mark the priority on the packets they
send (diffserv/TOS) and decide what they want treated as high priority and
what they want treated as not-so-high priority.

If I'm a low usage customer with no p2p applications, maybe I can mark ALL
my traffic high priority all month long and not run over my limit.  If I run
p2p, I can choose to set my p2p software to send all it's traffic marked low
priority if I want to, and save my high priority traffic quote for more
important stuff.

Maybe the default should be high priority so that customers who do nothing
but are light users get the best service.

low priority upstream traffic gets dropped in favor of high priority, but
users decide what's important to them.

If I want all my stuff to be high priority, maybe there's a metered plan I
can sign up for so I don't have any hard cap on high priority traffic each
month but I pay extra over a certain amount.

This seems like it would be reasonable and fair and p2p wouldn't have to be
singled out.

Any thoughts?

On 10/22/07, Joe Greco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wonder how quickly applications and network gear would implement QoS
> > support if the major ISPs offered their subscribers two queues: a
> default
> > queue, which handled regular internet traffic but squashed P2P, and then
> a
> > separate queue that allowed P2P to flow uninhibited for an extra
> $5/month,
> > but then ISPs could purchase cheaper bandwidth for that.
> >
> > But perhaps at the end of the day Andrew O. is right and it's best off
> to
> > have a single queue and throw more bandwidth at the problem.
> A system that wasn't P2P-centric could be interesting, though making it
> P2P-centric would be easier, I'm sure.  ;-)
> The idea that Internet data flows would ever stop probably doesn't work
> out well for the average user.
> What about a system that would /guarantee/ a low amount of data on a low
> priority queue, but would also provide access to whatever excess capacity
> was currently available (if any)?
> We've already seen service providers such as Virgin UK implementing things
> which essentially try to do this, where during primetime they'll limit the
> largest consumers of bandwidth for 4 hours.  The method is completely
> different, but the end result looks somewhat similar.  The recent
> discussion of AU service providers also talks about providing a baseline
> service once you've exceeded your quota, which is a simplified version of
> this.
> Would it be better for networks to focus on separating data classes and
> providing a product that's actually capable of quality-of-service style
> attributes?
> Would it be beneficial to be able to do this on an end-to-end basis (which
> implies being able to QoS across ASN's)?
> The real problem with the "throw more bandwidth" solution is that at some
> point, you simply cannot do it, since the available capacity on your last
> mile simply isn't sufficient for the numbers you're selling, even if you
> are able to buy cheaper upstream bandwidth for it.
> Perhaps that's just an argument to fix the last mile.
> ... JG
> --
> Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
> "We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and]
> then I
> won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail
> spam(CNN)
> With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many
> apples.

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Tom Vest

In the future, people are not going to believe that we permitted this  
to happen.

Coming soon: your plumbing will be disconnected. But never fear:
an Evian vending machine will delivered to every deserving household...


On Oct 24, 2007, at 2:39 PM, Larry Smith wrote:

On Wednesday 24 October 2007 05:36, Henry Yen wrote:

On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 09:20:49AM -0400, Leo Bicknell wrote:
Why are no major us builders installing FTTH today?  Greenfield  

be the easiest, and major builders like Pulte, Centex and the like
should be eager to offer it; but don't.

Well, Verizon seems to be making heavy bets on replacing significant
chunks of old copper plant with FTTH.  Here's a recent FiOS  

  Linkname: Verizon discovers symmetry, offers 20/20 symmetrical FiOS
service URL: 


 While probably more "good" than "bad", it is my understanding that  

Verizon (and others) provide FTTH (fiber to the home) they "cut" or
physically disconnect all other connections to that residence.   
so much

for any "choice"...

Larry Smith

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Larry Smith

On Wednesday 24 October 2007 05:36, Henry Yen wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 09:20:49AM -0400, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> > Why are no major us builders installing FTTH today?  Greenfield should
> > be the easiest, and major builders like Pulte, Centex and the like
> > should be eager to offer it; but don't.
> Well, Verizon seems to be making heavy bets on replacing significant
> chunks of old copper plant with FTTH.  Here's a recent FiOS announcement:
>   Linkname: Verizon discovers symmetry, offers 20/20 symmetrical FiOS
> service URL:

 While probably more "good" than "bad", it is my understanding that when 
Verizon (and others) provide FTTH (fiber to the home) they "cut" or 
physically disconnect all other connections to that residence.  so much 
for any "choice"...

Larry Smith

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Joe Greco

> I wonder how quickly applications and network gear would implement QoS
> support if the major ISPs offered their subscribers two queues: a default
> queue, which handled regular internet traffic but squashed P2P, and then a
> separate queue that allowed P2P to flow uninhibited for an extra $5/month,
> but then ISPs could purchase cheaper bandwidth for that.
> But perhaps at the end of the day Andrew O. is right and it's best off to
> have a single queue and throw more bandwidth at the problem.

A system that wasn't P2P-centric could be interesting, though making it
P2P-centric would be easier, I'm sure.  ;-)

The idea that Internet data flows would ever stop probably doesn't work
out well for the average user.

What about a system that would /guarantee/ a low amount of data on a low
priority queue, but would also provide access to whatever excess capacity
was currently available (if any)?

We've already seen service providers such as Virgin UK implementing things
which essentially try to do this, where during primetime they'll limit the
largest consumers of bandwidth for 4 hours.  The method is completely
different, but the end result looks somewhat similar.  The recent 
discussion of AU service providers also talks about providing a baseline 
service once you've exceeded your quota, which is a simplified version of

Would it be better for networks to focus on separating data classes and 
providing a product that's actually capable of quality-of-service style 

Would it be beneficial to be able to do this on an end-to-end basis (which
implies being able to QoS across ASN's)?

The real problem with the "throw more bandwidth" solution is that at some
point, you simply cannot do it, since the available capacity on your last
mile simply isn't sufficient for the numbers you're selling, even if you
are able to buy cheaper upstream bandwidth for it.

Perhaps that's just an argument to fix the last mile.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Joe Greco

> I did consulting work for NTT in 2001 and 2002 and visited their Tokyo =
> headquarters twice. NTT has two ILEC divisions, NTT East and NTT West. =
> The ILEC management told me in conversations that there was no money in =
> fiber-to-the-home; the entire rollout was due to government pressure and =
> was well below a competitive rate of return. Similarly, NTT kept staff =
> they did not need becuase the government wanted to maintain high =
> employment in Japan and avoid the social stress that results from =
> massive layoffs.

Mmm hmm.  That sounds somewhat like the system we were promised here in
America.  We were told by the ILEC's that it was going to be very expensive
and that they had little incentive to do it, so we offered them a package
of incentives - some figure as much as $200 billion worth.


> You should not  assume that 'Japanese capitalism' works =
> like American capitalism. 

That could well be; it appears that American capitalism is much better at
lobbying the political system.  They eventually found ways way to take
their money and run without actually delivering on the promises they made.
I'll bet the American system paid out a lot better for a lot less work.

Anyways, it's clear to me that any high bandwidth deployment is an immense
investment for a society, and one of the really interesting meta-questions
is whether or not such an investment will still be paying off in ten years,
or twenty, or...

The POTS network, which merely had to transmit voice, and never had to 
deal with substantial growth of the underlying bandwidth (mainly moving
from analog to digital trunks, which "increased" but then fixed the
bandwidth), was a long-term investment that has paid off for the telcos
over the years, even if there was a lot of wailing along the way.

However, one of the notable things about data is that our needs have
continued to grow.  Twenty years ago, a 9600 bps Internet connection
might have served a large community, where it was mostly used for
messaging and an occasional interactive session.  Fifteen years ago,
a 14.4 bps was a nice connection for a single user.  Ten years ago,
a 1Mbps connection was pretty sweet (maybe a bit less for DSL, a bit
more for cable). 

Things pretty much go awry at that point, and we no longer see such
impressive progression in average end-user Internet connection speeds.
This didn't stop speed increases elsewhere, but it did put the brakes
on rapid increases here.

If we had received the promised FTTH network, we'd have speeds of up
to 45Mbps, which would definitely be in-line with previous growth (and
the growth of computing and storage technologies).

At a LAN networking level, we've gone from 10Mbps to 100Mbps to 1Gbps
as the standard ethernet interface that you might find on computers and
networking devices.

So the question is, had things gone differently, would 45Mbps still be
adequate?  And would it be adequate in 10 or 20 years?  And what effect
would that have had overall?

Certainly it would be a driving force for continued rapid growth in
both networking and Internet technologies.  As has been noted here in the
past, current Ethernet (40G/100G) standards efforts haven't been really
keeping pace with historical speed growth trends.

Has the failure to deploy true high-speed broadband in a large and key
market such as the US resulted in less pressure on vendors by networks
for the next generations of high-speed networking?

Or, getting back to the actual situation here in the US, what implications
does the continued evolution of US broadband have for other network
operators?  As the ILEC's and cablecos continue to grow and dominate the
end-user Internet market, what's the outlook on other independent networks,
content providers, etc.?  The implications of the so-called net neutrality
issues are just one example of future issues.

... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-24 Thread Henry Yen

On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 09:20:49AM -0400, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> Why are no major us builders installing FTTH today?  Greenfield should
> be the easiest, and major builders like Pulte, Centex and the like
> should be eager to offer it; but don't.

Well, Verizon seems to be making heavy bets on replacing significant
chunks of old copper plant with FTTH.  Here's a recent FiOS announcement:

  Linkname: Verizon discovers symmetry, offers 20/20 symmetrical FiOS service

Henry Yen   Aegis Information Systems, Inc.
Senior Systems Programmer   Hicksville, New York

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-24 Thread Tim Franklin

On Tue, October 23, 2007 5:17 pm, Jack Bates wrote:

> Sorry, I am the incumbent. ;) I was just thinking of the copper necessary
>  to do such a task on a massive scale. It's definitely not in the ground
> or on a pole at this point in time. One reason DSL was so desireable for
> many small ILECs was the recovery of copper from dual phone lines caused
> by dialup.

Oops - hope I didn't say anything *too* offensive ;)  And thanks for the
perspective from the "other side".


RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-23 Thread Frank Bulk

We're living in a DOCSIS 1.1 and 2.0 world, which gives us 40 down, 9 up in
a best case.  Considering that there are ~4 upstream ports for every
downstream port, the MSOs are already operating their network in a 40:36 or
almost 1:1 ratio.  It's just that upstream is a much more precious item that
that they can't afford to fill up on a particular node, and most people find
download speeds much more important most of the time.

We'll talk about DOCSIS 3.0 in a year from now and see how it's being


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leo
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 11:05 AM
To: Joe Provo
Subject: Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

In a message written on Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 10:34:00AM -0400, Joe Provo
> While I expect end-users to miss the boat that providers use stat-mux 
> calculations to build and price their networks, I'm floored to see the
> sentiment on NANOG.  No edge provider of geographic scope/scale will 
> survive if 1:1 ratios were built and priced accordingly. Perhaps the
> M&A colonialism era is coming to a close and smaller, regional nation-
> states... erm last-mile providers will be the entities to grow with
> satisfied customers?

I'm not sure NANOGers are missing the boat, just bemoaning the
economics of the situation and some companies choices.

As an example, if I believe (as I'm
no cable export):

DOCSIS 1.x, 10.24Mbps upstream.  With this providers regularly offered
384-768k upload speeds to customers.

DOCSIS 3.0, 122Mbps upstream.  That's about 12x.  Applying the 12x to
the original upload speed that's 4.6-9.2Mbps upload speed
per user.

And yet, today most of the major national providers don't over more
than 1Mbps of upload speed in their fastest packages.

Perhaps the real issue here is that broadband providers don't have
enough diversity in their products.  Picking on an unnamed cable
provider and looking at their web site I can get:

   4M down, 384k up.  $39.
   6M down, 768k up.  $49.
   8M down, 768k up.  $59.

That's their entire portfolio of residential services.  How about
a $99 package with 10M down, 3M up?  How about $5 per meg download,
$20 per meg upload, pick any combination of speeds you want where
both are under 20Mbps?

And why-o-why are they still giving me modems?  Is not the stack
of 5 that I already have enough waste?  How much of my service
charge goes to replacing equipment over and over because it's "how
they work".  (For instance I moved, and got a new modem with the
new install, same make and model as the old modem, which they didn't
want back.)

So, while NANOGers may float the idea of 1:1, what I think really honks
them off is that the current standard (4M down, 384k up) is 1:10, and I
think they feel it's time it became more like 1:4 (4M down, 1M up), and
that seems to be completely within reach of the technology.  Which
leaves the only thing holding it up being big company management and

I will point out, one of the smaller providers on the Wikipedia page
under US, CableVision, is said to have 30Mbps down 5Mbps up.  That's
1:6, at a heck of a lot higher speeds.  I think most people here would
be quite happy with that offering.

   Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-23 Thread Jack Bates

Tim Franklin wrote:

Doing (or getting the incumbent to do, where the last mile is a monopoly)
a little bit more of what you already do seems to be an awful lot easier
than doing something completely different.  Certainly in the (admittedly
all European) countries where I've seen it done, getting 4 or 8 copper
pairs from a customer site to the exchange is an order of magnitude or
more difference in both cost and lead time to doing anything at all with

Sorry, I am the incumbent. ;) I was just thinking of the copper necessary to do 
such a task on a massive scale. It's definitely not in the ground or on a pole 
at this point in time. One reason DSL was so desireable for many small ILECs was 
the recovery of copper from dual phone lines caused by dialup.

Every house I've lived in has had 4 pairs already going from the house to
the first street cabinet, with just the first pair connected for voice,
and getting a second line has always just needed a patch onto a spare pair
from the cab to the exchange.  Obviously if *everyone* wants 4 or 8 pairs
to their house, there's going to need to be a lot more copper between the
exchange and the street cabs.  It's not clear that *everyone* wants
upstream though, and 2M to 5M on a single pair (depending on distance /
quality) is quite possible if you wanted to think in terms of ubiquitous
symmetric service.

In newer homes, most of the ILECs I work with use 6 pair drops. This is 
relatively new, though. There are times that it was just 2 pair. It's amazing 
how things change back and forth over 50+ years.

I take it that getting spare / new copper in the US is more painful?

Depends on locale and quantities. I know of several rural ILECs which are 
currently undergoing a 3 year process to recover copper. This involves replacing 
bad peds and boots, cutting off the bad copper in them, and either pulling up 
some slack or splicing in some fresh copper (splicing 600 pair in a bucket truck 
is rough on the legs ;). We're shocked DSL has worked at all in some of this plant.

The cost to recover and repair what we have is far less than throwing anything 
else into the ground, but no one considered needing as much copper as it would 
take to bump everyone from DSL to a 4 pair system. I won't even discuss RBOC 
mentality when it comes to rural plant (including the entire state of Oklahoma).

Jack Bates

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-23 Thread Leo Bicknell
In a message written on Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 10:34:00AM -0400, Joe Provo wrote:
> While I expect end-users to miss the boat that providers use stat-mux 
> calculations to build and price their networks, I'm floored to see the
> sentiment on NANOG.  No edge provider of geographic scope/scale will 
> survive if 1:1 ratios were built and priced accordingly. Perhaps the
> M&A colonialism era is coming to a close and smaller, regional nation-
> states... erm last-mile providers will be the entities to grow with
> satisfied customers?

I'm not sure NANOGers are missing the boat, just bemoaning the
economics of the situation and some companies choices.

As an example, if I believe (as I'm
no cable export):

DOCSIS 1.x, 10.24Mbps upstream.  With this providers regularly offered
384-768k upload speeds to customers.

DOCSIS 3.0, 122Mbps upstream.  That's about 12x.  Applying the 12x to
the original upload speed that's 4.6-9.2Mbps upload speed
per user.

And yet, today most of the major national providers don't over more
than 1Mbps of upload speed in their fastest packages.

Perhaps the real issue here is that broadband providers don't have
enough diversity in their products.  Picking on an unnamed cable
provider and looking at their web site I can get:

   4M down, 384k up.  $39.
   6M down, 768k up.  $49.
   8M down, 768k up.  $59.

That's their entire portfolio of residential services.  How about
a $99 package with 10M down, 3M up?  How about $5 per meg download,
$20 per meg upload, pick any combination of speeds you want where
both are under 20Mbps?

And why-o-why are they still giving me modems?  Is not the stack
of 5 that I already have enough waste?  How much of my service
charge goes to replacing equipment over and over because it's "how
they work".  (For instance I moved, and got a new modem with the
new install, same make and model as the old modem, which they didn't
want back.)

So, while NANOGers may float the idea of 1:1, what I think really honks
them off is that the current standard (4M down, 384k up) is 1:10, and I
think they feel it's time it became more like 1:4 (4M down, 1M up), and
that seems to be completely within reach of the technology.  Which
leaves the only thing holding it up being big company management and

I will point out, one of the smaller providers on the Wikipedia page
under US, CableVision, is said to have 30Mbps down 5Mbps up.  That's
1:6, at a heck of a lot higher speeds.  I think most people here would
be quite happy with that offering.

   Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

Description: PGP signature

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-23 Thread Tim Franklin

On Tue, October 23, 2007 4:06 pm, Jack Bates wrote:

> Errr, 8 pairs per customer? Even 4 is a step backwards. If we're going to
> do construction at that level, might as well drop in fiber. We're still
> enjoying the fact that ADSL runs on 1/2 a pair while the customer's
> phone service is out.

Doing (or getting the incumbent to do, where the last mile is a monopoly)
a little bit more of what you already do seems to be an awful lot easier
than doing something completely different.  Certainly in the (admittedly
all European) countries where I've seen it done, getting 4 or 8 copper
pairs from a customer site to the exchange is an order of magnitude or
more difference in both cost and lead time to doing anything at all with

Every house I've lived in has had 4 pairs already going from the house to
the first street cabinet, with just the first pair connected for voice,
and getting a second line has always just needed a patch onto a spare pair
from the cab to the exchange.  Obviously if *everyone* wants 4 or 8 pairs
to their house, there's going to need to be a lot more copper between the
exchange and the street cabs.  It's not clear that *everyone* wants
upstream though, and 2M to 5M on a single pair (depending on distance /
quality) is quite possible if you wanted to think in terms of ubiquitous
symmetric service.

I take it that getting spare / new copper in the US is more painful?


Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-23 Thread Jack Bates

Tim Franklin wrote:

For the UK (and NL), on the tech side we're seeing some success with EFM
on copper, in this particular case on an Actelis platform.  It's a new
unit in the CO, from 1-8 pairs from the CO to the customer premises, up to
a total bandwidth across all pairs of 40Mb/s in each direction. 
(Admittedly 40Mb/s is 8 pairs at something like 1km from the exchange, but

I'm seeing some useful 6-10M symmetric services on 4 or so pairs).

Errr, 8 pairs per customer? Even 4 is a step backwards. If we're going to do 
construction at that level, might as well drop in fiber. We're still enjoying 
the fact that ADSL runs on 1/2 a pair while the customer's phone service is out.


Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-23 Thread Joe Provo

On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 03:13:42AM +, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> According to
> Comcast's blocking affects connections to non-Comcast users.  This
> means that they're trying to manage their upstream connections, not the
> local loop.

Disagree - despite Comcast's size, there's more "Internet" outside of 
them than on-net.  Even with decent knobs, these devices are more blunt 
instruments than anyone would like.  See my previous comments regarding 
allowing the on-net to on-net (or within region, or whatever BGP community 
you use...) such that transfers with better RTT to complete quicker.  

Everyone who is commenting on "This tracker/client does $foo to behave" 
is missing the point - would one rather have the traffic snooped further
to see if such and such tracker/client is in use? And pay for the admin
overhead required to keep those non-automatable lists updated? Adrian
hit it on the head regarding the generations of kittens romping free...

While I expect end-users to miss the boat that providers use stat-mux 
calculations to build and price their networks, I'm floored to see the
sentiment on NANOG.  No edge provider of geographic scope/scale will 
survive if 1:1 ratios were built and priced accordingly. Perhaps the
M&A colonialism era is coming to a close and smaller, regional nation-
states... erm last-mile providers will be the entities to grow with
satisfied customers?


 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-23 Thread Tom Vest

Hash: SHA1

On Oct 23, 2007, at 3:20 PM, Leo Bicknell wrote:

In a message written on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 10:20:49PM -0400,  
David Andersen wrote:

The Washington Post article claims that:


b)  Fresh new wire installed after WWII

I have to wonder what percentage of the population is using phone
lines installed before WWII?

I live in a suburb that didn't exist 20 years ago other than maybe
50 buildings around the train depot.  My neighborhood did not exist
10 years ago, it was a cow pasture.  Where's all this old cable?

While I'm sure you can find some row houses in $big_city that have
old copper I find it hard to believe that "pre WWII wire" is holding
us back.  Wasn't it Sprint back in like 1982 or 1984 made a big
deal about their entire long haul network being converted to fiber?

In a message written on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 09:44:34PM -0500,  
Frank Bulk wrote:
A lot of the MDUs and apartment buildings in Japan are doing fiber  
to the
basement and then VDSL or VDSL2 in the building, or even  
Ethernet.  That's

how symmetrical bandwidth is possible.  Considering that much of the
population does not live in high-rises, this doesn't easily apply  
to the

U.S. population.

Ever been in an earthquake in Japan? The population density is indeed  
much higher, but it's not primarily because of concentration in very  
large highrises, but rather because of much smaller floorspace per  
capita, and no yards to speak of.

You're mixing JP up with places like HK and KR...


While the US does not have as high a percentage in high rises, let's
look at the part that is "in the right place".

What percentage of US high rises have fiber to the basement and
high speed Internet offered to residents?  Shouldn't NYC be on par
with Tokyo by this point?  Chicago?  Miami?

Doesn't the same model work for low rise apartments, the kind found
in suburbia all across the US?  Why don't any of them have building
provided services, rather relying on cable modems for ADSL all the way
back to the CO?

Why are no major us builders installing FTTH today?  Greenfield should
be the easiest, and major builders like Pulte, Centex and the like
should be eager to offer it; but don't.

   Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)


Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-23 Thread Leo Bicknell
In a message written on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 10:20:49PM -0400, David Andersen 
> The Washington Post article claims that:
> b)  Fresh new wire installed after WWII

I have to wonder what percentage of the population is using phone
lines installed before WWII?

I live in a suburb that didn't exist 20 years ago other than maybe
50 buildings around the train depot.  My neighborhood did not exist
10 years ago, it was a cow pasture.  Where's all this old cable?

While I'm sure you can find some row houses in $big_city that have
old copper I find it hard to believe that "pre WWII wire" is holding
us back.  Wasn't it Sprint back in like 1982 or 1984 made a big
deal about their entire long haul network being converted to fiber?

In a message written on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 09:44:34PM -0500, Frank Bulk wrote:
> A lot of the MDUs and apartment buildings in Japan are doing fiber to the
> basement and then VDSL or VDSL2 in the building, or even Ethernet.  That's
> how symmetrical bandwidth is possible.  Considering that much of the
> population does not live in high-rises, this doesn't easily apply to the
> U.S. population.

While the US does not have as high a percentage in high rises, let's
look at the part that is "in the right place".

What percentage of US high rises have fiber to the basement and
high speed Internet offered to residents?  Shouldn't NYC be on par
with Tokyo by this point?  Chicago?  Miami?

Doesn't the same model work for low rise apartments, the kind found
in suburbia all across the US?  Why don't any of them have building
provided services, rather relying on cable modems for ADSL all the way
back to the CO?

Why are no major us builders installing FTTH today?  Greenfield should
be the easiest, and major builders like Pulte, Centex and the like
should be eager to offer it; but don't.

   Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

Description: PGP signature

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-23 Thread Tim Franklin

On Tue, October 23, 2007 2:55 am, Leo Bicknell wrote:

> 3) Is there any chance US providers could offer similar technologies at
> similar prices, or are there significant differences (regulation,
> distance etc) that prevent it from being viable?

For the UK (and NL), on the tech side we're seeing some success with EFM
on copper, in this particular case on an Actelis platform.  It's a new
unit in the CO, from 1-8 pairs from the CO to the customer premises, up to
a total bandwidth across all pairs of 40Mb/s in each direction. 
(Admittedly 40Mb/s is 8 pairs at something like 1km from the exchange, but
I'm seeing some useful 6-10M symmetric services on 4 or so pairs).

Upstream from the CO box is FE or GE, either a VLAN or multiple
double-tagged VLANs per customer, so if you want to offer uncontended, you
just have to get enough backhaul from the CO to cope with all your

This is still running in the tromboning, everything-is-backhauled model,
but there's no technical reason why you couldn't put a switch or router in
the CO to keep local traffic local.  (I'm mostly using this for VPN access
circuits, so there's rarely traffic between sites on the same CO, but if
you were rolling it out large-scale for Internet, it might make sense).

It *is* nice though in that Ethernet frames go in, Ethernet frames come
out - no need for fancy router interfaces, nasty PPPoSomething nonsense,
or anything similar - it looks to the networking equipment on both ends
like a long piece of Cat5.

How you market "less downstream, more upstream" to customers (assuming
you're getting more like the 10M symmetric, not 40M), and how you make all
this happen for $40, I'm not so sure...


Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-23 Thread Adrian Chadd

On Tue, Oct 23, 2007, Brandon Galbraith wrote:
> I believe the bittorrent client Azureus actually does prioritize based on
> subnet, picking local subnet hosts first (such as when used in a large NAT'd
> environment).
> -brandon

That hasn't been my experience with some of the statistics coming out of
colleges. People either just don't download the same stuff or they
can't see each other via different clients.

Now, if there were one IETF standardised P2P protocol which clients could
implement, with basic proxying/content routing at higher levels built in;
maybe some of this mess would be saner. Unfortunately I think the cat's
not just out of the bag, its gone and had 15 generation of kittens..


Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-23 Thread Tom Vest

Yup, matches my experience (designing/deploying AOL's swan song JP  
network infrastructure) during the same period.
The "ILECs" were artifacts of the Japanese regulators' 1997 effort to  
relieve the last mile facilities death grip on services, ala the  
(1984) US MFJ / AT&T breakup. The new c. 2001 "pressure" was possible  
because the Japanese gov was still NTT's largest shareholder.

The same "pressure" that prompted FTTH rollout also delivered the  
metro and access facilities unbundling that begat YahooBB and  
ubiquitous 20-100Mbps to the home over conventional facilities -- the  
latter mandate being similar in form the US Telecom Act of 1996, with  
the minor exception that it actually worked there...


On Oct 23, 2007, at 9:42 AM, Rod Beck wrote:

I did consulting work for NTT in 2001 and 2002 and visited their  
Tokyo headquarters twice. NTT has two ILEC divisions, NTT East and  
NTT West. The ILEC management told me in conversations that there  
was no money in fiber-to-the-home; the entire rollout was due to  
government pressure and was well below a competitive rate of  
return. Similarly, NTT kept staff they did not need becuase the  
government wanted to maintain high employment in Japan and avoid  
the social stress that results from massive layoffs. You should  
not  assume that 'Japanese capitalism' works like American  
capitalism. It doesn't. NTT only reveals financial statistics at  
the aggregate level; the cross subsidies between divisions is  
completely hidden and this enables them to pursue the government's  
social objectives.

Moreover, it is not clear that you should desire broadband rollout  
at any cost. Presumably broadband access should be justified as  
satisfying some net benefit criterion (benefits minus costs).

A better model is the French model which generates very high  
broadband penetration rates and is economically rational. France  
has successfully forced the ILEC to open up the central offices and  
you now have two highly successful and publicly traded DSL  
providers, Neuf Cegetel and Free.

The US effort failed because of silly arguments based on the  
equally silly notion that private property is an absolute right and  
that forcing the ILECs to share facilities even when they are  
receiving a fair return of return in a form of 'confiscation'.

As always, these comments are mine and not the position of Hibernia  

Roderick S. Beck
Director of EMEA Sales
Hibernia Atlantic
1, Passage du Chantier, 75012 Paris
Wireless: 1-212-444-8829.
Landline: 33-1-4346-3209.
French Wireless: 33-6-14-33-48-97.
AOL Messenger: GlobalBandwidth
``Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of  
truth.'' Albert Einstein.

RE: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-23 Thread Rod Beck
I did consulting work for NTT in 2001 and 2002 and visited their Tokyo 
headquarters twice. NTT has two ILEC divisions, NTT East and NTT West. The ILEC 
management told me in conversations that there was no money in 
fiber-to-the-home; the entire rollout was due to government pressure and was 
well below a competitive rate of return. Similarly, NTT kept staff they did not 
need becuase the government wanted to maintain high employment in Japan and 
avoid the social stress that results from massive layoffs. You should not  
assume that 'Japanese capitalism' works like American capitalism. It doesn't. 
NTT only reveals financial statistics at the aggregate level; the cross 
subsidies between divisions is completely hidden and this enables them to 
pursue the government's social objectives.  

Moreover, it is not clear that you should desire broadband rollout at any cost. 
Presumably broadband access should be justified as satisfying some net benefit 
criterion (benefits minus costs). 

A better model is the French model which generates very high broadband 
penetration rates and is economically rational. France has successfully forced 
the ILEC to open up the central offices and you now have two highly successful 
and publicly traded DSL providers, Neuf Cegetel and Free. 

The US effort failed because of silly arguments based on the equally silly 
notion that private property is an absolute right and that forcing the ILECs to 
share facilities even when they are receiving a fair return of return in a form 
of 'confiscation'. 

As always, these comments are mine and not the position of Hibernia Atlantic. 

Roderick S. Beck
Director of EMEA Sales
Hibernia Atlantic
1, Passage du Chantier, 75012 Paris
Wireless: 1-212-444-8829. 
Landline: 33-1-4346-3209.
French Wireless: 33-6-14-33-48-97.
AOL Messenger: GlobalBandwidth
``Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.'' Albert 

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-23 Thread Sean Donelan

On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Now if any of you guys have a lead on an affordable way to get 225 40GigE's
from here to someplace that can *take* 225 40Gig-E's... ;)
  It does not cost all that much, relatively, to upgrade a network once
  the basic wiring is in place . that.s the big original cost. For
  example, a university campus in the Midwest that serves 14,000 students
  and faculty, recently estimated it would cost about $150 per port (per
  end user) to replicate their current 100 Mbps network for a five year
  period, or about $30 a year per user. To upgrade to 1000 Mbps (1
  gigabit) it would cost $250, or about $50 per year. University campuses
  are like small towns or suburban neighborhoods. Once cable companies
  and companies like Verizon make their initial fiber investment, the
  relative cost of upgrading bandwidth to customers is small.

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-23 Thread Tom Vest

On Oct 23, 2007, at 9:33 AM, Dragos Ruiu wrote:

On Monday 22 October 2007 19:20, David Andersen wrote:

Followed by a recent explosion in fiber-to-the-home buildout by NTT.
"About 8.8 million Japanese homes have fiber lines -- roughly nine
times the number in the United States." -- particularly impressive
when you count that in per-capita terms.


NTT started building the FTC buildout in the mid-90s. At least that's
when the plans were first discussed.  They took a bold leap back when
most people were waffling about WANs and Bellcore was saying
SMDS was going to be the way of the future. Now they reap the
benefits, while some of us are left behind in the bandwidth ghettos
of North America. :-(

Actually rollout didn't begin until 2002.



World Security Pros. Cutting Edge Training, Tools, and Techniques
Tokyo, Japan   November 29/30 - 2007
pgpkey kyxpgp

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-22 Thread Dragos Ruiu

On Monday 22 October 2007 19:20, David Andersen wrote:
> Followed by a recent explosion in fiber-to-the-home buildout by NTT.  
> "About 8.8 million Japanese homes have fiber lines -- roughly nine  
> times the number in the United States." -- particularly impressive  
> when you count that in per-capita terms.


NTT started building the FTC buildout in the mid-90s. At least that's
when the plans were first discussed.  They took a bold leap back when
most people were waffling about WANs and Bellcore was saying
SMDS was going to be the way of the future. Now they reap the
benefits, while some of us are left behind in the bandwidth ghettos 
of North America. :-(


World Security Pros. Cutting Edge Training, Tools, and Techniques
Tokyo, Japan   November 29/30 - 2007
pgpkey kyxpgp

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 00:35:21 EDT, Sean Donelan said:
> This doesn't explain why many universities, most with active, symmetric
> ethernet switches in residential dorms, have been deploying packet shaping 
> technology for even longer than the cable companies.  If the answer was
> as simple as upgrading everyone to 100Mbps symmetric ethernet, or even
> 1Gbps symmetric ethernet, then the university resnet's would be in great 
> shape.

If I didn't know better, I'd say Sean was trolling me, but I'll bite anyhow. ;)

Actually, upgrading everybody to 100BaseT makes the problem worse, because
then if everybody cranks it up at once, the problem moves from "need upstream
links that are $PRICY" into the "need upstream links that are $NOEXIST".

We have some 9,000+ students resident on campus.  Essentially every single
one has a 100BaseT jack, and we're working on getting to Gig-E across the
board over the next few years.

That leaves us two choices on the upstream side - statistical mux effects (and
emulating said effects via traffic shaping), or find a way to trunk 225 40GigE
links together.  And that's just 9,000 customers - if we were a provider
the size of most cable companies, we'd *really* be in trouble.

Fortunately, statistical mux effects and a little bit of port-agnostic traffic
shaping (you go over a well-publicized upload byte limit for a 24 hour span,
you get magically turned into a 56k dialup), we fit quite nicely into a
single gig-E link and a 622mbit link.

Now if any of you guys have a lead on an affordable way to get 225 40GigE's
from here to someplace that can *take* 225 40Gig-E's... ;)

Description: PGP signature

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, Sean Donelan wrote:

Ok, maybe the greedy commercial folks screwed up and deserve what they 
got; but why are the nobel non-profit universities having the same 

Because if you look at a residential population with ADSL2+ and 10/10 or 
100/100 respectively, the upload/download ratios are reversed, from 1:2 
with ADSL2+ (double the amount of download to upload), to 2:1 (double the 
amount of upload to download). In my experience, the amount of download is 
approximately the same in both cases, which gives that the upload factor 
changes 1:4 with the access media symmetry.

Otoh, long term savings (several years) on operational costs still make 
residential ethernet a better deal since experience is that "it just 
works" as opposed to ADSL2+ where you have a very disturbing signal 
environment where customers are impacting each other which leads to a lot 
of customer calls regarding poor quality and varying speeds/bit errors 
over time.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Adrian Chadd

On Tue, Oct 23, 2007, Sean Donelan wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2007, Majdi S. Abbas wrote:
> > What hurt these access providers, particularly those in the
> >cable market, was a set of failed assumptions.  The Internet became a
> >commodity, driven by this web thing.  As a result, standards like DOCSIS
> >developed, and bandwidth was allocated, frequently in an asymmetric
> >fashion, to access customers.  We have lots of asymmetric access
> >technologies, that are not well suited to some new applications.
> This doesn't explain why many universities, most with active, symmetric
> ethernet switches in residential dorms, have been deploying packet shaping 
> technology for even longer than the cable companies.  If the answer was
> as simple as upgrading everyone to 100Mbps symmetric ethernet, or even
> 1Gbps symmetric ethernet, then the university resnet's would be in great 
> shape.
> Ok, maybe the greedy commercial folks screwed up and deserve what they 
> got; but why are the nobel non-profit universities having the same 
> problems?

because off the shell p2p stuff doesn't seem to pick up on internal
peers behind the great NAT that I've seen dorms behind? :P


Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Sean Donelan

On Mon, 22 Oct 2007, Majdi S. Abbas wrote:

What hurt these access providers, particularly those in the
cable market, was a set of failed assumptions.  The Internet became a
commodity, driven by this web thing.  As a result, standards like DOCSIS
developed, and bandwidth was allocated, frequently in an asymmetric
fashion, to access customers.  We have lots of asymmetric access
technologies, that are not well suited to some new applications.

This doesn't explain why many universities, most with active, symmetric
ethernet switches in residential dorms, have been deploying packet shaping 
technology for even longer than the cable companies.  If the answer was

as simple as upgrading everyone to 100Mbps symmetric ethernet, or even
1Gbps symmetric ethernet, then the university resnet's would be in great 

Ok, maybe the greedy commercial folks screwed up and deserve what they 
got; but why are the nobel non-profit universities having the same 

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-22 Thread Chris Adams

Once upon a time, David Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> But no - I was as happy as everyone else when the CLECs emerged and  
> provided PRI service at 1/3rd the rate of the ILECs

Not only was that CLEC service concetrated in higher-density areas, the
PRI prices were often not based in reality.  There were a bunch of CLECs
with business plans (and they're no longer around).
Lucent was practically giving away switches and switch management (and
lost big $$$ because of it).  CLECs also sold PRIs to ISPs based on
reciprocal compensation contracts with the ILECs that were based on
incorrect assumptions (that most calls would be from the CLEC to the
ILEC); rates based on that were bound to increase as those contracts

Back when dialup was king, CLECs selling cheap PRIs to ISPs seemed like
a sure-fire way to print money.

Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-22 Thread David Andersen

On Oct 22, 2007, at 11:02 PM, Jeff Shultz wrote:

David Andersen wrote: 

Followed by a recent explosion in fiber-to-the-home buildout by  
NTT.  "About 8.8 million Japanese homes have fiber lines --  
roughly nine times the number in the United States." --  
particularly impressive when you count that in per-capita terms.

Nice article.  Makes you wish...

For the days when AT&T ran all the phones? I don't think so...

For an environment that encouraged long-term investments with high  
payoff instead of short term profits.

For symmetric 100Mbps residential broadband.

But no - I was as happy as everyone else when the CLECs emerged and  
provided PRI service at 1/3rd the rate of the ILECs, and I really  
don't care to return to the days of having to rent a telephone from  
Ma Bell. :)  But it's not clear that you can't have both, though  
doing it in the US with our vastly larger land area is obviously much  
more difficult.  The same thing happened with the CLECs, really --  
they provided great, advanced service to customers in major  
metropolitan areas where the profits were sweet, and left the  
outlying, low-profit areas to the ILECs.  Universal access is a  
tougher nut to crack.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

According to
Comcast's blocking affects connections to non-Comcast users.  This
means that they're trying to manage their upstream connections, not the
local loop.

For Comcast's own position, see

Re: Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-22 Thread Jeff Shultz

David Andersen wrote: 

Followed by a recent explosion in fiber-to-the-home buildout by NTT.  
"About 8.8 million Japanese homes have fiber lines -- roughly nine times 
the number in the United States." -- particularly impressive when you 
count that in per-capita terms.

Nice article.  Makes you wish...

For the days when AT&T ran all the phones? I don't think so...

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Frank Bulk

A lot of the MDUs and apartment buildings in Japan are doing fiber to the
basement and then VDSL or VDSL2 in the building, or even Ethernet.  That's
how symmetrical bandwidth is possible.  Considering that much of the
population does not live in high-rises, this doesn't easily apply to the
U.S. population.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leo
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

In a message written on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 08:24:17PM -0500, Frank Bulk
> The reality is that copper-based internet access technologies: dial-up,
> and cable modems have made the design-based trade off that there is
> substantially more downstream than upstream.  With North American
> DOCSIS-based cable modem deployments there is generally a 6 MHz wide band
> 256 QAM while the upstream is only 3.2 MHz wide at 16 QAM (or even QPSK).
> Even BPON and GPON follow that same asymmetrical track.  And the reality
> that most residential internet access patterns reflect that (whether it's
> cause or contributor, I'll let others debate that).  

Having now seen the cable issue described in technical detail over
and over, I have a question.

At the most recent Nanog several people talked about 100Mbps symmetric
access in Japan for $40 US.

This leads me to two questions:

1) Is that accurate?

2) What technology to the use to offer the service at that price point?

3) Is there any chance US providers could offer similar technologies at
   similar prices, or are there significant differences (regulation,
   distance etc) that prevent it from being viable?

   Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

Internet access in Japan (was Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets)

2007-10-22 Thread David Andersen

On Oct 22, 2007, at 9:55 PM, Leo Bicknell wrote:

Having now seen the cable issue described in technical detail over
and over, I have a question.

At the most recent Nanog several people talked about 100Mbps symmetric
access in Japan for $40 US.

This leads me to two questions:

1) Is that accurate?

2) What technology to the use to offer the service at that price  

3) Is there any chance US providers could offer similar  
technologies at

   similar prices, or are there significant differences (regulation,
   distance etc) that prevent it from being viable? 

The Washington Post article claims that:

"Japan has surged ahead of the United States on the wings of better  
wire and more aggressive government regulation, industry analysts say.
The copper wire used to hook up Japanese homes is newer and runs in  
shorter loops to telephone exchanges than in the United States.


a)  Dense, urban area (less distance to cover)

b)  Fresh new wire installed after WWII

c)  Regulatory environment that forced telecos to provide capacity to  
Internet providers

Followed by a recent explosion in fiber-to-the-home buildout by NTT.   
"About 8.8 million Japanese homes have fiber lines -- roughly nine  
times the number in the United States." -- particularly impressive  
when you count that in per-capita terms.

Nice article.  Makes you wish...


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Leo Bicknell
In a message written on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 08:24:17PM -0500, Frank Bulk wrote:
> The reality is that copper-based internet access technologies: dial-up, DSL,
> and cable modems have made the design-based trade off that there is
> substantially more downstream than upstream.  With North American
> DOCSIS-based cable modem deployments there is generally a 6 MHz wide band at
> 256 QAM while the upstream is only 3.2 MHz wide at 16 QAM (or even QPSK).
> Even BPON and GPON follow that same asymmetrical track.  And the reality is
> that most residential internet access patterns reflect that (whether it's a
> cause or contributor, I'll let others debate that).  

Having now seen the cable issue described in technical detail over
and over, I have a question.

At the most recent Nanog several people talked about 100Mbps symmetric
access in Japan for $40 US.

This leads me to two questions:

1) Is that accurate?

2) What technology to the use to offer the service at that price point?

3) Is there any chance US providers could offer similar technologies at
   similar prices, or are there significant differences (regulation,
   distance etc) that prevent it from being viable?

   Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

Description: PGP signature

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Frank Bulk

I'm not claiming that squashing P2P is easy, but apparently Comcast has
been successfully enough to generate national attention, and the bandwidth
shaping providers are not totally a lost cause.

The reality is that copper-based internet access technologies: dial-up, DSL,
and cable modems have made the design-based trade off that there is
substantially more downstream than upstream.  With North American
DOCSIS-based cable modem deployments there is generally a 6 MHz wide band at
256 QAM while the upstream is only 3.2 MHz wide at 16 QAM (or even QPSK).
Even BPON and GPON follow that same asymmetrical track.  And the reality is
that most residential internet access patterns reflect that (whether it's a
cause or contributor, I'll let others debate that).  

Generally ISPs have been reluctant to pursue usage-based models because it
adds an undesirable cost and isn't as attractive a marketing tool to attract
customers.  Only in business models where bandwidth (local, transport, or
otherwise) is expensive has usage-based billing become a reality.


-Original Message-
Crist Clark
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 7:16 PM
Subject: RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

>>> On 10/22/2007 at 3:02 PM, "Frank Bulk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wonder how quickly applications and network gear would implement
> QoS support if the major ISPs offered their subscribers two queues:
> a default queue, which handled regular internet traffic but 
> squashed P2P, and then a separate queue that allowed P2P to flow 
> uninhibited for an extra $5/month, but then ISPs could purchase 
> cheaper bandwidth for that.
> But perhaps at the end of the day Andrew O. is right and it's best
> off to  have a single queue and throw more bandwidth at the problem.

How does one "squash P2P?" How fast will BitTorrent start hiding it's
trivial to spot ".BitTorrent protocol" banner in the handshakes? How
many P2P protocols are already blocking/shaping evasive?

It seems to me is what hurts the ISPs is the accompanying upload
streams, not the download (or at least the ISP feels the same
download pain no matter what technology their end user uses to get
the data[0]). Throwing more bandwidth does not scale to the number
of users we are talking about. Why not suck up and go with the
economic solution? Seems like the easy thing is for the ISPs to come
clean and admit their "unlimited" service is not and put in upload
caps and charge for overages.

[0] Or is this maybe P2P's fault only in the sense that it makes
so much more content available that there is more for end-users
to download now than ever before.

B¼information contained in this e-mail message is confidential, intended
only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader
of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent
responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby
notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this
communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail
in error, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Majdi S. Abbas

On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 05:16:08PM -0700, Crist Clark wrote:
> It seems to me is what hurts the ISPs is the accompanying upload
> streams, not the download (or at least the ISP feels the same
> download pain no matter what technology their end user uses to get
> the data[0]). Throwing more bandwidth does not scale to the number
> of users we are talking about. Why not suck up and go with the
> economic solution? Seems like the easy thing is for the ISPs to come
> clean and admit their "unlimited" service is not and put in upload
> caps and charge for overages.

[I've been trying to stay out of this thread, as I consider it
unproductive, but here goes...]

What hurts ISPs is not upstream traffic.  Most access providers
are quite happy with upstream traffic, especially if they manage their
upstream caps carefully.  Careful management of outbound traffic and an
active peer-to-peer customer base, is good for ratios -- something that
access providers without large streaming or hosting farms can benefit

What hurt these access providers, particularly those in the
cable market, was a set of failed assumptions.  The Internet became a
commodity, driven by this web thing.  As a result, standards like DOCSIS
developed, and bandwidth was allocated, frequently in an asymmetric 
fashion, to access customers.  We have lots of asymmetric access
technologies, that are not well suited to some new applications.

I cannot honestly say I share Sean's sympathy for Comcast, in
this case.  I used to work for a fairly notorious provider of co-location
services, and I don't recall any great outpouring of sympathy on this 
list when co-location providers ran out of power and cooling several 
years ago.

I /do/ recall a large number of complaints and the wailing and
gnashing of teeth, as well as a lot of discussions at NANOG (both the
general session and the hallway track) about the power and cooling 
situation in general.  These have continued through this last year.

If the MSOs, their vendors, and our standards bodies in general,
have made a failed set of assumptions about traffic ratios and volume in
access networks, I don't understand why consumers should be subject to
arbitrary changes in policy to cover engineering mistakes.  It would be
one thing if they simply reduced the upstream caps they offered, it is 
quite another to actively interfere with some protocols and not others --
if this is truly about upstream capacity, I would expect the former, not
the latter. 

If you read Comcast's services agreement carefully, you'll note that
the activity in question isn't mentioned.  It only comes up in their Use
Policy, something they can and have amended on the fly.  It does not appear
in the agreement itself.

If one were so inclined, one might consider this at least slightly
dishonest.  Why make a consumer enter into an agreement, which refers to a
side agreement, and then update it at will?  Can you reasonably expect Joe
Sixpack to read and understand what is both a technical and legal document?

I would not personally feel comfortable forging RSTs, amending a
policy I didn't actually bother to include in my service agreement with my
customers, and doing it all to shift the burden for my, or my vendor's
engineering assumptions onto my customers -- but perhaps that is why I am
an engineer, and not an executive.

As an aside, before all these applications become impossible to 
identify, perhaps it's time for cryptographically authenticated RST 
cookies?  Solving the forging problems might head off everything becoming
an encrypted pile of goo on tcp/443.
> Information contained in this e-mail message is confidential, intended
> only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader
> of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent
> responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby
> notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this
> communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail
> in error, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Someone toss this individual a gmail invite...please!


RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Paul Ferguson

Hash: SHA1

- -- "Crist Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>[...] How
>many P2P protocols are already blocking/shaping evasive?

The Storm botnet? :-)

- - ferg

Version: PGP Desktop 9.6.3 (Build 3017)


"Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson
 Engineering Architecture for the Internet
 ferg's tech blog:

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Buhrmaster, Gary

> ... Why not suck up and go with the
> economic solution? Seems like the easy thing is for the ISPs to come
> clean and admit their "unlimited" service is not and put in upload
> caps and charge for overages.

Who will be the first?  If there *is* competition in the
marketplace, the cable company does not want to be the
first to say "We limit you" (even if it is true, and
has always been true, for some values of truth).  This
is not a technical problem (telling of the truth), it
is a marketing issue.  In case it has escaped anyone on
this list, I will assert that marketings strengths have
never been telling the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth.  I read the fine print in my
broadband contract.  It states that ones mileage (speed)
will vary, and the download/upload speeds are maximum
only (and lots of other caveats and protections for the
provider; none for me, that I recall).  But most people
do not read the fine contract, but only see the TV
advertisements for cable with the turtle, or the flyers
in the mail with a cheap price for DSL (so you do not
forget, order before midnight tonight!).

RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Crist Clark

>>> On 10/22/2007 at 3:02 PM, "Frank Bulk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wonder how quickly applications and network gear would implement
> support if the major ISPs offered their subscribers two queues: a
> queue, which handled regular internet traffic but squashed P2P, and
then a
> separate queue that allowed P2P to flow uninhibited for an extra
> but then ISPs could purchase cheaper bandwidth for that.
> But perhaps at the end of the day Andrew O. is right and it's best
off to
> have a single queue and throw more bandwidth at the problem.

How does one "squash P2P?" How fast will BitTorrent start hiding it's
trivial to spot ".BitTorrent protocol" banner in the handshakes? How
many P2P protocols are already blocking/shaping evasive?

It seems to me is what hurts the ISPs is the accompanying upload
streams, not the download (or at least the ISP feels the same
download pain no matter what technology their end user uses to get
the data[0]). Throwing more bandwidth does not scale to the number
of users we are talking about. Why not suck up and go with the
economic solution? Seems like the easy thing is for the ISPs to come
clean and admit their "unlimited" service is not and put in upload
caps and charge for overages.

[0] Or is this maybe P2P's fault only in the sense that it makes
so much more content available that there is more for end-users
to download now than ever before.

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RE: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Frank Bulk

I wonder how quickly applications and network gear would implement QoS
support if the major ISPs offered their subscribers two queues: a default
queue, which handled regular internet traffic but squashed P2P, and then a
separate queue that allowed P2P to flow uninhibited for an extra $5/month,
but then ISPs could purchase cheaper bandwidth for that.

But perhaps at the end of the day Andrew O. is right and it's best off to
have a single queue and throw more bandwidth at the problem.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joel
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 9:31 PM
To: Steven M. Bellovin
Cc: Sean Donelan;
Subject: Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

> This result is unsurprising and not controversial.  TCP achieves
> fairness *among flows* because virtually all clients back off in
> response to packet drops.  BitTorrent, though, uses many flows per
> request; furthermore, since its flows are much longer-lived than web or
> email, the latter never achieve their full speed even on a per-flow
> basis, given TCP's slow-start.  The result is fair sharing among
> BitTorrent flows, which can only achieve fairness even among BitTorrent
> users if they all use the same number of flows per request and have an
> even distribution of content that is being uploaded.
> It's always good to measure, but the result here is quite intuitive.
> It also supports the notion that some form of traffic engineering is
> necessary.  The particular point at issue in the current Comcast
> situation is not that they do traffic engineering but how they do it.

Dare I say it, it might be somewhat informative to engage in a priority
queuing exercise like the Internet-2 scavenger service.

In one priority queue goes all the normal traffic and it's allowed to
use up to 100% of link capacity, in the other queue goes the traffic
you'd like to deliver at lower priority, which given an oversubscribed
shared resource on the edge is capped at some percentage of link
capacity beyond which performance begins to noticably suffer... when the
link is under-utilized low priority traffic can use a significant chunk
of it. When high-priority traffic is present it will crowd out the low
priority stuff before the link saturates. Now obviously if high priority
traffic fills up the link then you have a provisioning issue.

I2 characterized this as worst effort service. apps and users could
probably be convinced to set dscp bits themselves in exchange for better
performance of interactive apps and control traffic vs worst effort
services data transfer.

Obviously there's room for a discussion of net-neutrality in here
someplace. However the closer you do this to the cmts the more likely it
is to apply some locally relevant model of fairness.

>   --Steve Bellovin,

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-22 Thread Mark Smith

On Sun, 21 Oct 2007 19:31:09 -0700
Joel Jaeggli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > This result is unsurprising and not controversial.  TCP achieves
> > fairness *among flows* because virtually all clients back off in
> > response to packet drops.  BitTorrent, though, uses many flows per
> > request; furthermore, since its flows are much longer-lived than web or
> > email, the latter never achieve their full speed even on a per-flow
> > basis, given TCP's slow-start.  The result is fair sharing among
> > BitTorrent flows, which can only achieve fairness even among BitTorrent
> > users if they all use the same number of flows per request and have an
> > even distribution of content that is being uploaded.
> > 
> > It's always good to measure, but the result here is quite intuitive.
> > It also supports the notion that some form of traffic engineering is
> > necessary.  The particular point at issue in the current Comcast
> > situation is not that they do traffic engineering but how they do it.
> > 
> Dare I say it, it might be somewhat informative to engage in a priority
> queuing exercise like the Internet-2 scavenger service.
> In one priority queue goes all the normal traffic and it's allowed to
> use up to 100% of link capacity, in the other queue goes the traffic
> you'd like to deliver at lower priority, which given an oversubscribed
> shared resource on the edge is capped at some percentage of link
> capacity beyond which performance begins to noticably suffer... when the
> link is under-utilized low priority traffic can use a significant chunk
> of it. When high-priority traffic is present it will crowd out the low
> priority stuff before the link saturates. Now obviously if high priority
> traffic fills up the link then you have a provisioning issue.
> I2 characterized this as worst effort service. apps and users could
> probably be convinced to set dscp bits themselves in exchange for better
> performance of interactive apps and control traffic vs worst effort
> services data transfer.

And if you think about these p2p rate limiting devices a bit more
broadly, all they really are are traffic classification and QoS policy
enforcement devices. If you can set dscp bits with them for certain
applications and switch off the policy enforcement feature ...

> Obviously there's room for a discussion of net-neutrality in here
> someplace. However the closer you do this to the cmts the more likely it
> is to apply some locally relevant model of fairness.
> > --Steve Bellovin,
> > 


"Sheep are slow and tasty, and therefore must remain constantly
   - Bruce Schneier, "Beyond Fear"

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-21 Thread Joel Jaeggli

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

> This result is unsurprising and not controversial.  TCP achieves
> fairness *among flows* because virtually all clients back off in
> response to packet drops.  BitTorrent, though, uses many flows per
> request; furthermore, since its flows are much longer-lived than web or
> email, the latter never achieve their full speed even on a per-flow
> basis, given TCP's slow-start.  The result is fair sharing among
> BitTorrent flows, which can only achieve fairness even among BitTorrent
> users if they all use the same number of flows per request and have an
> even distribution of content that is being uploaded.
> It's always good to measure, but the result here is quite intuitive.
> It also supports the notion that some form of traffic engineering is
> necessary.  The particular point at issue in the current Comcast
> situation is not that they do traffic engineering but how they do it.

Dare I say it, it might be somewhat informative to engage in a priority
queuing exercise like the Internet-2 scavenger service.

In one priority queue goes all the normal traffic and it's allowed to
use up to 100% of link capacity, in the other queue goes the traffic
you'd like to deliver at lower priority, which given an oversubscribed
shared resource on the edge is capped at some percentage of link
capacity beyond which performance begins to noticably suffer... when the
link is under-utilized low priority traffic can use a significant chunk
of it. When high-priority traffic is present it will crowd out the low
priority stuff before the link saturates. Now obviously if high priority
traffic fills up the link then you have a provisioning issue.

I2 characterized this as worst effort service. apps and users could
probably be convinced to set dscp bits themselves in exchange for better
performance of interactive apps and control traffic vs worst effort
services data transfer.

Obviously there's room for a discussion of net-neutrality in here
someplace. However the closer you do this to the cmts the more likely it
is to apply some locally relevant model of fairness.

>   --Steve Bellovin,

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-21 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

On Sun, 21 Oct 2007 13:03:11 -0400 (EDT)
Sean Donelan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The short answer: Badly. Based on the research, conducted by Terry
> Shaw, of CableLabs, and Jim Martin, a computer science professor at
> Clemson University, it only takes about 10 BitTorrent users bartering
> files on a node (of around 500) to double the delays experienced by
> everybody else. Especially if everybody else is using "normal
> priority" services, like e-mail or Web surfing, which is what tech
> people tend to call "best-effort" traffic.
> Adding more network bandwidth doesn't improve the network experience
> of other network users, it just increases the consumption by P2P
> users. That's why you are seeing many universities and enterprises
> spending money on traffic shaping equipment instead of more network
> bandwidth.
This result is unsurprising and not controversial.  TCP achieves
fairness *among flows* because virtually all clients back off in
response to packet drops.  BitTorrent, though, uses many flows per
request; furthermore, since its flows are much longer-lived than web or
email, the latter never achieve their full speed even on a per-flow
basis, given TCP's slow-start.  The result is fair sharing among
BitTorrent flows, which can only achieve fairness even among BitTorrent
users if they all use the same number of flows per request and have an
even distribution of content that is being uploaded.

It's always good to measure, but the result here is quite intuitive.
It also supports the notion that some form of traffic engineering is
necessary.  The particular point at issue in the current Comcast
situation is not that they do traffic engineering but how they do it.

--Steve Bellovin,

Re: BitTorrent swarms have a deadly bite on broadband nets

2007-10-21 Thread Marshall Eubanks

Note that this is from 2006. Do you have a link to the actual paper, by
Terry Shaw, of CableLabs, and Jim Martin of Clemson ?


On Oct 21, 2007, at 1:03 PM, Sean Donelan wrote:

  The short answer: Badly. Based on the research, conducted by  
Terry Shaw,
  of CableLabs, and Jim Martin, a computer science professor at  
  University, it only takes about 10 BitTorrent users bartering  
files on a
  node (of around 500) to double the delays experienced by  
everybody else.
  Especially if everybody else is using "normal priority" services,  

  e-mail or Web surfing, which is what tech people tend to call
  "best-effort" traffic.

Adding more network bandwidth doesn't improve the network  
experience of other network users, it just increases the  
consumption by P2P users. That's why you are seeing many  
universities and enterprises spending money on traffic shaping  
equipment instead of more network bandwidth.