Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-26 Thread Ben Scott


... fire department evacuating the data center, cutting off electricity
in the area, and forbidding the diesel generators to be switched on?

 I know a guy who was at the US Data Centers Inc facility in
Marlborough, MA (before USDCI failed).  Soon after they first opened
it up, they had a fire.  The problem was the fire was *in* the giant
APC/Silicon system they had.  They had to kill the APC, and that took
the load down too.

 So they installed an external transfer switch, rather than depending
on the one built-in to the APC system.  There was some SNAFU with the
wiring, so right after the install, there was an electrical fire --
this time in the external transfer switch panel.

 While I suspect poor planning/testing contributed to their woes, it
still goes to show: Some days you're the windshield, and some days
you're the bug.

-- Ben

Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-25 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Aitken) writes:

> ..., we had a failure at another datacenter that uses Piller units, which
> operate on the same basic principle as the Hitec ones.  ...

i guess i never understood why anyone would install a piller that far from
the equator.  (it spins like a top, on a vertical axis, and the angular
momentum is really quite gigantic for its size -- it's heavy and it spins
really really fast -- and i remember asking a piller tech why his machine
wasn't tipped slightly southward to account for Coriolis, and he said i was
confused.  probably i am.)  but for north america, whenever i had a choice,
i chose hitec.  (which spins with an axis parallel to gravity.)
Paul Vixie

Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-25 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Jonathan Lassoff") writes:

> Well, the fact still remains that operating a datacenter smack-dab in
> the center of some of the most inflated real estate in recent history
> is quite a castly endeavor.

yes.  (speaking for both 365 main, and 529 bryant.)

> I really wouldn't be all that surprised if 365 Main cut some corners
> here and there behind the scenes to save costs while saving face.

no expense was spared in the conversion of this tank turret factory into
a modern data center.  if there was a dark start option, MFN ordered it.
(but if it required maintainance, MFN's bankruptcy interrupted that, but
the current owner has never been bankrupt.)

> As it is, they don't have remotely enough power to fill that facility
> to capacity, and they've suffered some pretty nasty outages in the
> recent past. I'm strongly considering the possibility of completely
> moving out of there.

2mW/floor seemed like a lot at the time.  ~6kW/rack wasn't contemplated.

(is it time to build out the land adjacent to 200 paul, then?)
Paul Vixie

Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-25 Thread George William Herbert

Michael Dillon writes:
>> And the stories that the power guy I'm working with tells 
>> about foreign facilities, particularly in middle east war 
>> zones, are really scary...
>> We fundamentally do not have the facilities problem 
>> completely nailed down to the point that things will never 
>> drop.  Level 4
>> datacenters can, and will, fail.   Nothing you can do including
>> just doing 48V DC for everything are truly foolproof solutions.
>A single level 4 datacenter is a Single Point of Failure!
>Two of those middle-eastern style facilities is... ?
>Has anyone actually kept track of all these data center failures over
>the years and done some statistical analysis on it? Maybe two half-baked
>data centers is better than one over the long run?
>Remember that one 10-12 years ago in (Palo Alto, Mountainview?) where a
>lady in a car caused a backhoe driver to move out of the way which
>resulted in him cutting a gas line which resulted in the fire department
>evacuating the data center, cutting off electricity in the area, and
>forbidding the diesel generators to be switched on? 

Santa Clara.

I was working right outside the evacuation radius.

Which exchange point was in the building?  PB-NAP?  CIX?  I remember
we had a net-dark event associated, but not which one.

It was a bad day...

The lesson, as you point out, is that geographical redundancy
is sometimes necessary.  This is as true for providers as for
datacenter end-users...  

-george william herbert

Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-25 Thread Jeff Aitken

On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 09:57:09PM -0500, Brandon Galbraith wrote:
> It appears that 365 is using the Hytec Continuous Power System [
>], which is a motor,
> generator, flywheel, clutch, and Diesel engine all on the same shaft. They
> don't use batteries.

Yes.  I used to work for the company that originally built the 365 Main
datacenter and remember touring it near the end of the construction phase.
The collection of power units up on the roof was impressive, as were the
seismic isolators in the basement.

But even when you try and do everythying right Murphy usually finds a way
to sneak up behind you and whisper "BOHICA" in your ear.  For example, we
had a failure at another datacenter that uses Piller units, which operate
on the same basic principle as the Hitec ones.  While running on generator
one of the engines overheated due to an oil-flow problem and threw a rod.
When the on-duty electrician responded to the alarm, there were red-hot
chunks of engine *outside* of the enclosure, and there was a hole in the
side of the unit large enough to stick your arm in.  The facility manager
kept the damaged piston as a momento. :-)

I don't remember whether this was due to a design flaw, improper
installation, or what, but the important points are that (1) this is the
real world and shit happens, and (2) it wasn't until the generator was
worked long enough that the reduction in oil flow caused enough friction
to trigger a catastrophic failure.  I.e., there's no guarantee that you
will catch this kind of problem in your monthly tests.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 05:39:34PM -0700, George William Herbert wrote:
> Unfortunate real-world lesson: there is a functional difference between
> pushing the UPS test cutover button, and some of the stuff that can happen
> out on the power lines (including rapid voltage swings, harmonics, etc).



Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-25 Thread David Lesher

Speaking on Deep Background, the Press Secretary whispered:
> Level 4 datacenters can, and will, fail.  Nothing you can 
> do including just doing 48V DC for everything are truly 
> foolproof solutions.

Hard to find anyone who takes the -48vdc mantra to heart more
than an RBOC. Ditto on lightning protection.

Yet I recall the Bell South 305-255 CO taking a lightning hit on
the incoming power; the 5ESS was down for 3-4 hours.

A host is a host from coast to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
& no one will talk to a host that's close[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead20915-1433

Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-25 Thread Stephen Wilcox

On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 11:57:37PM +, Paul Vixie wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Seth Mattinen) writes:
> > I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as a 
> > reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing 
> > said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I 
> > honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and 
> > people actually *pay* for it.
> > 
> > If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?
> sometimes the problem is in the redundancy gear itself.  PAIX lost power
> twice during its first five years of operation, and both times it was due
> to faulty GFI in the UPS+redundancy gear.  which had passed testing during
> construction and subsequently, but eventually some component just wore out.

I had an issue with exactly that 7 or 8 years ago at Via Networks.. the 
switchover gear shorted and died horrifically leading to an outage that lasted 
well through the night (something like 16hours in total). Being on a Friday 
evening it was difficult to get people on site promptly.

The lesson learned was 'the big switch' .. a huge thing that took the weight of 
two adults to move it, but did mean that should something similar occur we 
could transfer the whole building power manually directly to the generator.

I doubt such a beast would scale to the power loads on a large datacentre tho, 
but then they are generally not on a single grid/UPS feed.


RE: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-25 Thread michael.dillon

> And the stories that the power guy I'm working with tells 
> about foreign facilities, particularly in middle east war 
> zones, are really scary...
> We fundamentally do not have the facilities problem 
> completely nailed down to the point that things will never 
> drop.  Level 4
> datacenters can, and will, fail.   Nothing you can do including
> just doing 48V DC for everything are truly foolproof solutions.

A single level 4 datacenter is a Single Point of Failure!

Two of those middle-eastern style facilities is... ?
Has anyone actually kept track of all these data center failures over
the years and done some statistical analysis on it? Maybe two half-baked
data centers is better than one over the long run?

Remember that one 10-12 years ago in (Palo Alto, Mountainview?) where a
lady in a car caused a backhoe driver to move out of the way which
resulted in him cutting a gas line which resulted in the fire department
evacuating the data center, cutting off electricity in the area, and
forbidding the diesel generators to be switched on? 

--Michael Dillon

Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-25 Thread Michael Painter

From: "Justin M. Streiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: San Francisco Power Outage

Nothing quite like the sound of a whole machine 
room spinning down at the same time.  It gives you that lovely "oh shit" 
feeling in the pit of your stomach.<<

I plugged in my soldering iron and (coincidentally) the whole room at State of Calif., Franchise Tax, EPO'd.  
Everyone immediately started staring at me of course.


Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread Justin M. Streiner

On Tue, 24 Jul 2007, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:

(I remember two guys with VERY LONG screwdrivers poking a live transfer
switch to get it to reset properly, and was told to step back 20 feet as
thats how far they expected to get thrown if they did something wrong).
(I also remember them resetting the switch, then TRIPPING it again just
to make sure it could be reset again!)

Ahhh, a trip down memory lane :)

The ISP I used to work at had a small ping-and-power colo space, and we 
also housed a large dial/DSL POP in the same building.  A customer went in 
to do hardware maintenance on one of their colo boxes.  Two important 
notes here:

1. The machine was still plugged in to the power outlet when they decided 
to do this work.
2. They decided to stick a screwdriver into the power supply WHILE said 
machine was plugged into said power outlet.  I guess those "no user 
serviceable parts inside" warning labels are just friendly recommendations 
and nothing more...

While the machine was fed from a circuit that other colo customers were 
on, the breaker apparently didn't trip quickly enough to keep the 
resulting short from sending the 20 kva Liebert UPS at the back of the 
room into a fit.  It alarmed then shut down within 1-2 seconds of this 
customer doing the trick with the screwdriver.  This UPS also fed said 
large dial and DSL POP.  Nothing quite like the sound of a whole machine 
room spinning down at the same time.  It gives you that lovely "oh shit" 
feeling in the pit of your stomach.

I do remember fighting back the urge to stab said customer with that 


Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET

But as George mentions... Sh*t happens There are things you can't
forsee, or maybe spend way too much engineering to overcome that 1
in a million "oops". I've been at Telehouse 25B a few times when
the "I never expected something like that would happen" happened. 
(I remember two guys with VERY LONG screwdrivers poking a live transfer
switch to get it to reset properly, and was told to step back 20 feet as
thats how far they expected to get thrown if they did something wrong).
(I also remember them resetting the switch, then TRIPPING it again just
to make sure it could be reset again!)


> They should have generators running...I can't foresee any good
> datacenter not having multiple generators to keep their customers
> servers online with UPS.
> -Ray
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Adrian Chadd
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 7:54 PM
> To: Seth Mattinen
> Cc: nanog list
> Subject: Re: San Francisco Power Outage
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> > I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as
> a 
> > reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing
> > said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I 
> > honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and 
> > people actually *pay* for it.
> > If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?
> Didn't you read? He paid extra for super-reliable power from his
> electricity provider..
> Adrian

Fw: Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread Fred Heutte

Don't be so fast to point the finger.  Generally speaking, blame
is obvious from the initial news reports but tends to diminish
with retrospective fact-based assessment.

For example: it's "obvious" that serious net sites need multihoming.
But what if your multihomed bits go through the same pipe (or worse,
through the same fiber)?  Who do you blame when you find out?
Worse, in terms of blame: who can you go to beforehand who
actually knows where that can happen?

I well remember this slide from Sean Donelan's talk at NANOG23:


What Didn't Work - Diversity and Avoidance

*   Equipment in the World Trade Center 
primarily served tenants in complex 
(shared fate)   
*   SONET ring through WTC tower 1 and
alternate path through WTC tower 2  
*   Damage to 140 West Street central   
office and surrounding underground  
*   Backup circuit routed through same  
*   “Advanced” data circuits (ISDN/DSL) 
concentrated in a few central offices


The real answer, found elsewhere in Sean's talk, is that the
design of the net has always encouraged redundancy as an
engineering principle.  Stress situations is where that pays off,
even though it can't solve every possible eventuality (and as
has already been noted, redundant equipment also fails as
well as creating more complex failure modes).  The net had
problems on 9/11, especially around the WTC, but Sean's slides
document remarkable resiliency even in that area.

The power went off at a key spot in the San Francisco
infrastructure today.  But as far as I know, even though it was
mentioned in the Chron article, Craigslist stayed online
because they have a distributed and redundant system (which is
not to say, impervious to all failure modes).

Some shortcomings are obvious, but all I am saying is, before
rushing to cast blame, it's a good idea to try and collect some



Power restored in San Francisco
Marisa Lagos and Matthew B. Stannard, Chronicle Staff Writers
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

(07-24) 16:57 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- Between 30,000 and 50,000 Pacific
Gas and Electric Co. customers in San Francisco and the northern
Peninsula lost power for several hours this afternoon after what
witnesses described as an explosion under a manhole cover on Mission
Street, the utility said.

Brian Swanson, a spokesman for the utility, said power failures were
reported throughout wide swaths of the east side of San Francisco,
including downtown and at PG&E's own office on Beale Street near the
Ferry Building.

The outage first occurred at about 1:50 p.m., and electricity
flickered on and off at least five times before power was restored
at about 4 p.m.

PG&E officials said the source of the power outage was an
underground failure. Standing at a manhole in a plaza at 560 Mission
St. in San Francisco, where witnesses reported hearing an explosion,
Swanson said it could have been the source of the outage, but
officials were still investigating.

The incident recalled an August 2005 explosion in an underground
vault at Post and Kearny streets that critically injured a woman who
was walking by. At the time, PG&E blamed high levels of moisture in
the attached high-voltage chambers and said it was checking the
safety of about 1,000 other high-voltage chambers.

Swanson said today's incident -- in which no one was injured -- was
caused by some sort of fault in the line.

"It is completely unrelated to what happened two years ago," he

Witnesses said they heard an explosion at about 1:50 p.m., then saw
flames coming from the manhole.

Actor Torino Von Jones, 32, said he was filming a Fruit of the Loom
commercial down the block at the time.

"We were standing over there waiting for the camera cue when we
heard a big explosion," he said. "Flames came up taller than I am,
and I'm 6-foot-2."

"Naturally, when you hear an explosion, you think the worst," Von
Jones said. Nevertheless, he hurried back to work. "We're Fruit of
the Loom -- we've got to make this commercial."

The outage briefly affected some Muni buses and trains, but all were
back to normal by 3 p.m., a spokeswoman said.

Workers at several downtown and South of Market offices were
reportedly sent home for the day following the outage. Additionally,
the datacenter 365 Main -- which hosts Web sites including
Craigslist and Yelp -- lost power.

-- mail forwarded, original message follows --

Subject: Re: San Francisco Power Outage
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 15:54:08 -0700


Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread John Kinsella

365 I believe has flywheels...from what I'm gathering it wasn't a
full building outage.  Static switch issues again, anyone?  Either
way, happy I moved out of there.  It was overpriced for when it was

I hear they had a scheduled power outage for maintenance this coming
weekend.  I'll give benefit of doubt and assume it was for something
else, not that they knew they had an issue and had their fingers

On a related note - one of my clients came to within 5 minutes of
the DC UPSs running out today before power came back.  Generator
truck was still en-route, but hey power's back! So they cancel it.

1: ...but not crossed tight enough. 

On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 08:36:59PM -0400, Raymond L. Corbin wrote:
> They should have generators running...I can't foresee any good
> datacenter not having multiple generators to keep their customers
> servers online with UPS.
> -Ray
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Adrian Chadd
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 7:54 PM
> To: Seth Mattinen
> Cc: nanog list
> Subject: Re: San Francisco Power Outage
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> > I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as
> a 
> > reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing
> > said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I 
> > honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and 
> > people actually *pay* for it.
> > If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?
> Didn't you read? He paid extra for super-reliable power from his
> electricity provider..
> Adrian

Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread George William Herbert

Seth wrote:
>Jonathan Lassoff wrote:
>> Just a heads up to anyone on list that PG&E has just sustained a large
>> outage in San Francisco that has caused a few hiccups (both network,
>> electrical, infrastructural, etc.) around the city.
>> I've confirmed that both customers in 365 Main and parts of telecom 1
>> have both sustained brief blackouts. No word yet form 200 Paul.
>> Anyone in the area that could use a hand with anything, I'll probably
>> be wrapping up fixes for my stuff soon, and would be glad to help
>> however I can.
>I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as a 
>reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing 
>said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I 
>honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and 
>people actually *pay* for it.
>If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?

Unfortunate real-world lesson: there is a functional difference between
pushing the UPS test cutover button, and some of the stuff that can happen
out on the power lines (including rapid voltage swings, harmonics, etc).

I know 365 Main has the equipment and tests it, I've been standing outside
when the generators spool up.

I've had generator firmware upgrades generate reporting info on the
serial uplink that flipped the UPSes into permanent error state
until the Liebert guys got off the plane with the replacement
mainboard.  I've had grid voltage fluctuations that toasted VSDs
in chillers.  I watched a building's electrical service go "pop"
when a transformer blew and ran 10kv into the 220 mains for a
fraction of a second as it arced.  I was at home but called in
after a 5 MW generator popped under a sufficiently badly harmonic
UPS and PDU load of only about 2.4 MW.  I had a client who forgot
to wire the A/C into the UPS, and nearly melted a whole
server room.

And the stories that the power guy I'm working with tells about
foreign facilities, particularly in middle east war zones,
are really scary...

We fundamentally do not have the facilities problem completely
nailed down to the point that things will never drop.  Level 4
datacenters can, and will, fail.   Nothing you can do including
just doing 48V DC for everything are truly foolproof solutions.

-george williiam herbert

RE: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread Raymond L. Corbin

They should have generators running...I can't foresee any good
datacenter not having multiple generators to keep their customers
servers online with UPS.


-Original Message-
Adrian Chadd
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 7:54 PM
To: Seth Mattinen
Cc: nanog list
Subject: Re: San Francisco Power Outage

On Tue, Jul 24, 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:

> I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as
> reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing

> said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I 
> honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and 
> people actually *pay* for it.

> If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?

Didn't you read? He paid extra for super-reliable power from his
electricity provider..


Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Seth Mattinen) writes:

> I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as a 
> reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing 
> said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I 
> honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and 
> people actually *pay* for it.
> If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?

sometimes the problem is in the redundancy gear itself.  PAIX lost power
twice during its first five years of operation, and both times it was due
to faulty GFI in the UPS+redundancy gear.  which had passed testing during
construction and subsequently, but eventually some component just wore out.
Paul Vixie

Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread Brandon Galbraith

On 7/24/07, Seth Mattinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as a
reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing
said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I
honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and
people actually *pay* for it.

If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?


I'm unable to find a link at the moment, but many moons ago power was lost
at the 350 E Cermak Equinix facility in Chicago. At the time, we didn't have
production equipment there (only a firewall in a shared colo cage/cabinet).
This occured on a Friday evening and lasted for quite some time into
Saturday morning because their generators would start up but would refuse to
continue running. I believe the root cause was a problem related to
insulation on the power cables somewhere. I understand testing is done
frequently, but I'm also aware that if I want full redundancy, I'm going to
have two physically separate locations. There are some events you can't plan
for, as well as failure modes that aren't easily/quickly resolved.


Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread Adrian Chadd

On Tue, Jul 24, 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:

> I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as a 
> reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing 
> said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I 
> honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and 
> people actually *pay* for it.

> If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?

Didn't you read? He paid extra for super-reliable power from his
electricity provider..


Re: San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread Seth Mattinen

Jonathan Lassoff wrote:

Just a heads up to anyone on list that PG&E has just sustained a large
outage in San Francisco that has caused a few hiccups (both network,
electrical, infrastructural, etc.) around the city.

I've confirmed that both customers in 365 Main and parts of telecom 1
have both sustained brief blackouts. No word yet form 200 Paul.

Anyone in the area that could use a hand with anything, I'll probably
be wrapping up fixes for my stuff soon, and would be glad to help
however I can.

I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble" as a 
reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS? Testing 
said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was important? I 
honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a facility like that and 
people actually *pay* for it.

If you do accept this is a good reason for failure, why?


San Francisco Power Outage

2007-07-24 Thread Jonathan Lassoff

Just a heads up to anyone on list that PG&E has just sustained a large
outage in San Francisco that has caused a few hiccups (both network,
electrical, infrastructural, etc.) around the city.

I've confirmed that both customers in 365 Main and parts of telecom 1
have both sustained brief blackouts. No word yet form 200 Paul.

Anyone in the area that could use a hand with anything, I'll probably
be wrapping up fixes for my stuff soon, and would be glad to help
however I can.


Jonathan Lassoff
echo thejof | sed 's/^/jof@/;s/$/.com/'
GPG: 0xC8579EE5