Re: Recommended L2 switches for a new IXP

2015-01-15 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Stephen R. Carter wrote:
 We love our 5100s here.

Out of interest: Are you running 13.2 or 14.1?

What features are you using?

Our own experiences with a bunch of 48  96 port machines running 14.1
is painful to say the least.


Direct sales contacts to local loop providers in NYC

2013-09-10 Thread Richard Hartmann
Dear all,

I have received a lot of off-list mail as a result of my last email,
so I figured I would try the same approach local loops.

We seem to be unable to get past the silk screen of residential,
private lines with most carriers of local loops within NYC.

Specifically, we are looking for one 10M line in Manhattan as of right
now, but we already have new deals in our pipeline and wouldn't make
the jump across the pond if we didn't see steady long-term growth in
the future.

If anyone has contact with the right sales people (or the right sales
people lurk on this list), please feel free to contact me.


Carrier-neutral data center in NYC with good connectivity to long-haul and local loop

2013-08-29 Thread Richard Hartmann
Dear all,

we want to establish a presence in NYC and will need to collect a few
local loops (10M-100M) from around NYC. From there, we will connect
back to Germany.

So, in summary, we will need:

* 2-5 rack units to allow for initial deployment and growth
* good connectivity to local loops
* good connectivity to long-haul back over the Atlantic and within the
Continental US

While I already compiled a preliminary list of possible choices, I
would like input on what DCs would be well-suited for this.

As an aside, who are the most painless and efficient Local Loop
carriers within NYC and the US? ATT and Verizon come to mind, but I
don't know the local market at all.


Re: [v6ops] Conclusions? - Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-30 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 21:34, Doug Barton wrote:

 If you're looking for serious feedback:

We are.

 3. I've never had a problem calling it field, I think that 5952 is a
 perfectly good normative ref for that, and I don't understand what the
 fuss is about. :)

I seem to remember one of the authors of the initial RFCs telling us
that they went with field with the understanding that it's so generic
that someone could/would think of something else down the road. I
didn't have time to really search for that mail, though. The fact that
GMail is refusing to display quite a few mails atm (or serve them via
SMTP) does not help, either. Most of my draft-related emails are
amongst that...

To give a short summary of the current status:
Hextet received the most votes by far, followed by quibble. Everything
else didn't get nearly as much support. Quad has been suggested a lot
of times, but its meaning within the C/C++ world and very frequent use
within the Kame stack sadly makes this a no-go. Quibble already has a
meaning in English and a negative one, at that.
Hextet is incorrect if you are being pedantic, but it's reasonably
unique so that you don't have to call it IPv6 hextet to avoid

Given all of the above, my personal opinion is that hextet will come
out as the winner.


PS: Thanks to Joel. I was contemplating how to refocus the whole thing
and he did our job for us; and nicely.

Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 23:15, Owen DeLong wrote:

You seem to be indirectly answering the parent posting in much of what
you say. That is fine, I just wanted to point it out.

  It's a commonly accepted, well-defined convention to save humans
  effort while not sacrificing readability. There are weirder things in

 I don't think it's all that weird and it's a major savings in writing
 out IPv6 addresses and being able to read them (except in lists of
 varying sized addresses (please, when dumping routing tables
 and such, just keep the optional zeroes or give us a flag to choose).
 In practice, the :: usually ends up being placed between the
 network number and the host number for things with static
 addresses and rarely appears in EUI-64 based addresses,
 so, I don't see this as a problem.

FWIW, I do not see it as weird or as a problem, either. There are
weirder things does not mean the thing I am referring to is weird
itself :)

 I don't see a problem with people not assigning customers /56s so long
 as they go in the correct direction and give /48s and not /60s or /64s.

Many ISPs will end up handing their customers /64, /62 or other
less-than-ideal prefixes. As soon as a customer needs to subnet their
/64, the real fun starts. There is nothing we can do about it, other
than trying to educated people and hope for the best.

  I honestly think I never explained (as in, after I understood the
  matter, myself) netmasks other than as a bit vector. Unless you mean
  write in there cause that's what right for you.

 Then you are young and never had to deal with systems that didn't
 know about bit-vector syntax. I have had to explain the translation
 between bit-vector syntax (/n) and bit-field syntax (
 to many people. It's easy when n is a multiple of 8. After that,
 it can be quite hard for some mathematically challenged individuals
 unfamiliar with binary and BCD to wrap their heads around.

I wish ;)
Either the person can grasp that a dotted netmask can be transformed
into a bit vector or I tell them use everywhere, it
will work for everything you will ever need. 80/20 and all that.

 Removing bitmath from operations where possible is a good thing
 that reduces outages caused by human factors. It's just good human
 factors engineering.
 We can't do so in IPv4, there aren't enough bits to do it.
 We seek to do so in IPv6 with ARIN draft policy 2010-8 and
 proposal 121.

If by bitmath you mean ending netmasks not on full bytes only, I could
not agree more. This will reduce a lot of useless overhead.
I really wish the RIRs would get unique a name space for their
respective drafts. If even my person object needs a -RIPE suffix, I
don't see why drafts etc don't.

 Should we all sing kumbayah now?

Only if you bring a tambourine.

 Basically, as I recall the earlier discussions of this and the IETF
 arriving at the decision to use colon (:), it boiled down to the
 simple fact that colon (:) is the worst choice except for all the others.



Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 16:54, William Herrin wrote:
 Because in my version fd::/8
 actually is the same as fd00::/8, which, as you rightly point out, is
 exactly what a normal human being would naturally expect.

Which is against every expectation of anyone who ever learned Arabic
numbers in a left-to-right system. As Owen pointed out, filling with
zeros on the right-hand side would be, to put it lightly, a disaster.
Maybe I should have worded that more strongly in my last reply.

 Imea nrea lly, what ifwe wrot eEng lish thew aywe writ eIPv 6add ress
 es? Looks pretty stupid without a floating separator, doesn't it?

Reductio ad absurdum.

 We've gone too far down the wrong path to change it now; colons are
 going to separate every second byte in the v6 address. But from a
 human factors perspective, floating colons would have been better.

No. See my, and Owen's, emails.

 From a computer parser perspective, a character other than a colon
 would have been better because colons are already claimed for many for
 other syntax elements that include an IP address, like the
 address/port separator in a URL.

It's the least bad amongst a highly limited choice of even worse
chars. There is a reason why the colon is used so often.

 Making the jump in logic, it would help mitigate the errant design if
 the two-byte groupings separated by the colons were intentionally and
 formally not named. That fits a training scenario which reinforces the
 idea that the colons are there for convenience but that there is
 nothing special about those two byte groupings.

Personally, I have no interest whatsoever in limiting my efficiency
and increasing the chance that I or others make mistakes because
people who don't understand the matter at hand might misinterpret

 The question leads me to recall a fancy version of traceroute I once
 used. In addition to looking up the PTR record for each hop, it also
 looked up the org and AS number currently associated. If users found
 it valuable to have the router present variable colon placement, it's
 a doable albeit complex computing task.

If you ever looked at the state of a lot of data in the RIR's whois
databases, you know that's literally impossible. And a _lot_ of effort
for little to no gain. And what if a LIR changes their numbering
scheme, at some point? Attach parsing instructions to inetnum?


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 23:15, Owen DeLong wrote:

 In fact, it would look pretty weird to most people if we started writing
 951-21-42-33 (or I bet they wouldn't expect that was a zip code in
 any case). Similarly, if we start placing the separators in arbitrary
 places in phone numbers, people get confused.

The complete uniformity of telephone numbers seems to be a North
American phenomena, but as a German who is used to wildly different
phone numbers, I would still prefer a common scheme for all of them,

 I still disagree. While I noted the one pathology with the current
 system, that same pathology is present with floating colons
 and there are others which I also pointed out (difficulty in
 reproducing the correct placement of the floating colons in
 automated output, for example.

Even worse, allowing floating colons will mean different groups will
adapt different defaults. Not a desirable goal.

 The syntax for handling this was already present in IPv4 and is easily
 adapted to the problem in IPv6. Simply wrap the IPv6 address in
 square brackets (e.g. [2001:db8:feed::cafe]:80 is the ipv6
 address 2001:db8:feed::cafe on port 80).

Which is admittedly ugly, but I can't think of anything better, either.

 We did forego :: However, we still have :::
 and for good reason. This is a useful construct for allowing humans
 to see in log files that an IPv6-aware application on a dual-stack
 machine accepted an IPv4 connection on an IPv6 socket.

Agreed. Ugly, but useful  needed.


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
Please don't group several emails into one. It breaks threads. And
while I could not find anything about this in the NANOG FAQ, it's
common netiquette not to do so.

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 23:50, William Herrin wrote:
 On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Joel Jaeggli wrote:

 Looks like an ass-u-me. If you think the use if IPv4 addresses in URLs
 is infrequent, it's mostly u. Get out in the field some time.

Ad hominem usually does not do much to maintain or improve the quality
of a discussion.

 That server op is the kind of guy we're asking to understand that
 there's nothing special about the two bytes between the colons in the
 IPv6 address. He's gonna be trouble.

As you described yourself, he is gonna be trouble anyway. People end
up working around him anyway, so why bother to cater to his needs?
Especially as the fixed colons are here to stay and a good thing,

 On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 1:42 PM, wrote:

 Whatever you want to do. That's the point of optional/movable separators.

Principle of least surprise.

 On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

 That would be a more compelling argument if it accurately described
 phone number notation. It doesn't. +44 121 410 5228, for example, is
 the phone number for parking services at Heathrow airport, exactly as
 described on's contact us page. No
 dashes at all, and not 10 digits.

The UK is not part of the USA nor of Canada.

 IPv6 is one of very few addressing schemes in which the separators
 intentionally have no greater meaning within the protocol or its use.

As has been pointed out several times before, helping humans reduce
errors is a highly desirable goal. _And_ the discussion is moot
anyway. I think I am at a point where I will simply ignore any new
occurrences of this theme.


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
For the sake of completeness, the relevant part of what I answered
privately can be found below.

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 13:22, Jeff Aitken wrote:
 [ Meant to send this to the list and not directly to Richard. ]

 On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 03:07:40AM +0100, Richard Hartmann wrote:
 If any of you have any additional suggestions, you are more than
 welcome to share them.

I will add quad to -03 anyway. If you get a few +1 on hexquad, I am
against adding that, as well.


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 15:07, William Herrin wrote:

 Trimming zeros on both the left and the right, as the correctly
 written IPv6 notation 1::/16 would have us do, is confusing. It's
 like writing one million and one tenth as 1,,.1 instead of

No, there are simply two mechanisms at work:

I start with


then, I remove leading zeros as they are not needed


which I can further reduce by the same mechanism to


Finally, the accepted convention for IPv6 addresses is that I can drop
a continuous block of zeros which means I end up with


Makes perfect sense to me.

 Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Flooding a list with half a
 dozen replies on the same thread at the same time is poor netiquette
 for its impact on unthreaded mail agents and if your mailer started a
 new thread for this message in spite of the identical subject and
 in-reply-to header then it's broken.

I disagree, but if you want to continue this part of the discussion,
we should do so off-list. I do apologize that I wrote this in-line and
did not poke you off-list in the first place.

 Insolence alone does not rise to argumentum ad hominem. The predicate
 assumption is wrong. Here's several paragraphs about what's actually
 observed in the field, certainly isn't. If you want to call me out on
 a logical fallacy, at least call me out on one I've actually

I called out a social, not a logical, fallacy. As per the rest, see above.


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 16:23, Owen DeLong wrote:

 then, the other ISPs
 will eventually find themselves at a competitive disadvantage as their
 customers start to ask Why can't I have a /48 like my friend Bob
 got from provider Z?

I kinda implied that, but yes, I should have written it out. Thanks :)

 So... Don't worry, I ended up picking up the educational task where
 you left off.

Even though this is getting kinda off topic:

In my private life, I either explain what a bit vector is or I tell
them to use a /24.

In my professional life, I either deal with people who can grasp the
bit vector thing or they bought the complete care package anyway,
meaning that we tell them where to click on the CMS to make the
colourful overload they call a website go bling. In the latter case, I
don't have to explain anything because

a) that part is handled by someone else
b) they have no interest whatsoever in learning what an IP address is,
let alone a netmask.

 (OK, maybe not the exact same set of users, but, honest, you're not
 the only one who took this approach and it did lead to interesting
 breakages by users so educated in a number of places I have worked.)

The question is: Would those users have acted any differently if
someone went to the trouble of explaining in depth what they would
have forgotten within days?

 Well, in IPv6, I think ending them on nibbles is fine.

Hmm, true. That's fine, too.


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 18:33, Daniel Hagerty wrote:

    Ambiguating usages like Take the least signifigant quad of that
 ipv6 address to mean either 16 bits or 64 bits, when it currently is
 unamibigously 64 bits won't make the lives of C/C++ programmers
 writing IPv6 code any easier.


Thanks a lot for pointing this out. Comments like this are incredibly
valuable to me. I think I will still add quad to -03 as it has been
requested a lot of times, but more to point out and document that
there is a significant problem with it than anything else.

Thanks again,

Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 14:05, Richard Hartmann wrote:

 I will add quad to -03 anyway. If you get a few +1 on hexquad, I am
 against adding that, as well.

Erm. Belated, but I am _not_ against adding etc pp.


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-20 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 23:52, William Herrin wrote:

 I thought about that. Have a one colon rule that IPv6 addresses in
 hexidecimal format have to include at least one colon somewhere. The
 regex which picks that token out versus the other possibilities is
 easy enough to write and so is the human rule: Oh, it's got
 hexidecimal digits and a colon in it. IPv6 address.

Even if this were feasible at this point, and it's not, this would
still make it hard for humans to detect an IPv6 address at a glance,
makes it impossible to quickly pick out any sections that are more
relevant at the moment and would hog the colon for all eternity,
blocking it for other uses. Also, this would make adding a port even
more cumbersome.

 fd00:68::1 and fd:0068::1 mean different things now. The former means
 fd00:0068::1 while the latter means 00fd:0068::1. I would instead have
 them mean the same thing: fd00:6800::1. The single-colon separator
 gets syntax but no semantics

I am not sure if this would actually be an advantage.

 and the :: separator means all middle
 nibbles are zero instead of all middle two-byte components are

Putting the burden of parsing that on humans (and computers). Same as
modern compression algorithms are optimized to doing more work while
encoding and less work during decoding, it does not really make sense
to make it harder to understand an address while reading it for the
dubious gain of saving up to six colons.

 I mean, when you think about it, the consequence that :: means all
 middle two-byte components are zero is kinda weird.

It's a commonly accepted, well-defined convention to save humans
effort while not sacrificing readability. There are weirder things in

 Anything you call out will be interpreted as special. The more you
 call it out, the greater the expectation that the distinction is
 important. That's human nature.

Pattern recognition is a central part of our intelligence, so yes,
it's human nature. This is not necessarily a bad thing.

While I agree that some of the delimitations are social, rather than
technical, it's still useful to have them. If this results in some
people not assigning their customers a /56 cause it looks funny, so be

 You've explained netmasks before to folks whose brains couldn't get
 past the dots in the address. We all have.

I honestly think I never explained (as in, after I understood the
matter, myself) netmasks other than as a bit vector. Unless you mean
write in there cause that's what right for you.

 And referring to IP address
 notation as dotted quads just reinforces classful addressing
 concepts so that folks assigning themselves 10/8 subnets damn near
 always split on /16 and /24 boundaries.

And why shouldn't they? Unless they are a large ISP or similar, they
will have enough space for pretty much everything they ever need to
do. It's as good as anything and it allows people to be somewhat
familiar with this stuff.

Not everyone is an expert and that is fine. Personally, I have no
motivation whatsoever to _truly_ understand _everything_ that's
involved in today's wireless systems. Still, it's nice that I can use
them reliably without needing this level of involvement.

 And even more efficiently when we don't have to repeatedly explain
 that the mental model implied by the notation style is, in fact, not
 how the technology actually works.

If the person can grasp what a bit vector is, they will understand. If
they don't, they will not understand it anyway and I won't waste time
trying to explain it in depth. At least as of right now, you are
giving those people some middle ground which allows them to have a
good working knowledge to use IPv6 reliably without needing this level
of involvement.

 No sweat. When I shoot my mouth off, I expect to be challenged on the
 remarks. Part of the fun lies in discovering whether the thesis is

For at least a few rounds, I am usually good for that, too.
Personally, I think I answered the implicit question above, but it
made me re-asses and re-think my personal  professional opinion on
quite a few things and that's a Good Thing, from time to time.

 By the by, as long as I'm criticizing IPv6 notation, let me express
 just how poor a choice of separator character the colon is. The colon
 separates the IPv4 address from a directory or port description only
 slightly less often than the slash. Writing the parsers to handle an
 IPv6 address as a drop in is a pain in the tail. Should have used a
 dash, underscore or plus. Those are far more rarely used in

A dash is the character people use when there is not a standard. Look
at what they had to do for UUIDs to make them recognizable (which
worked out really well, especially the version encoding. I really like
their solution). Though they had the advantage that substring length
_really_ doesn't matter other than as a way to correctly distinguish
UUIDs from anything else.

Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-19 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 07:00, wrote:

        problem is, its not alwas ggoig to be two bytes...

It's always two bytes, but people may choose to omit them. That is a
social, not a (purely) technical, syntax, though.


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-19 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 08:42, Owen DeLong wrote:

 Since the poll is a straight yes/no option with no preference, I will
 express my preference here.

I considered using the Condorcet method [1] (modified for NotA), but
as past experience has shown that people get easily confused by it, I
decided to create a plain poll, instead.

 While I find the term quibble fun and
 amusing, I think hextet is a far more useful term because it does not
 have the overloaded human semantics that come with quibble.

To be completely honest, while I did know the term, I had forgotten
about it. This is part of the reason why I am seeking a wider
audience. I'll add this consideration to the draft. I agree that this
might be (not has to be) a deal breaker.

 I'm sorry to quibble with the majority here, but, in this case, I think
 we have enough problems with ambiguous terminology in
 networking and this opportunity to avoid creating one more should
 not be missed.

Agreed. OTOH, Hextet is not technically correct while appearing to be so.

Thanks a lot,


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-19 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 10:57, George Bonser wrote:

 That's exactly what I was going to say but didn't want to quibble.  We tend 
 to call them quads at work.  What do you call that indeterminate space 
 between two colons :: where it might be four or more zeros in there? That's a 
 bunch of nibbles, maybe a gulp?

I don't call it anything. The fourth $decided_upon is zero/empty suffices :)

Though if that gap does not have a name yet, I suppose it can't hurt
to try and think of a canonical name, either.


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-19 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 14:14, Scott Morris wrote:

 If 8 bits is a byte, then 16 bits should be a mouthful.

When does it become a meal and, more importantly, do you want to
supper (sic) size?


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-19 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 17:58, Owen DeLong wrote:

 It is always two bytes. A byte is not always an octet. Some machines do
 have byte sizes other than 8 bits

Vice versa. It's always two octects, but on some systems it may not be
two bytes.

, although few of them are likely to have
 IPv6 stacks, so, this may be an academic distinction at this point.


We can revisit this once we all own a few portable quantum computers, though :)


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-19 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 21:45, William Herrin wrote:

 I have an anti-naming proposal: Allow users to place the colons
 -anywhere- or even leave them out altogether without changing the
 semantics of the IPv6 address.

A decade or two of established syntax disagree. IPv6 addresses, UUIDs
and similar have a unique syntax for a reason. Otherwise, we, nor
computers, wouldn't be able to quickly distinguish an IP from a hash.

 The colons are there for readability purposes only. They have no
 special significance and should not be elevated to significance by
 naming the parts of the address they delineate. Treat them specially
 and some fools will attach importance to arranging tasks on two-byte

Even if they were for readability only, they would still be for
humans. Same as the specific, canonical name we are trying to agree

If people want to interpret more into the colons than there is to see,
they will do so regardless of a name.

The rest of us will work faster, more efficiently and not explain the
same old thing a gazillion times.


Re: Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-19 Thread Richard Hartmann
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 22:17, William Herrin wrote:

 Bit, nibble and /64 then. /64 is treated specially by functions in the
 protocol (like SLAAC) thus it's a protocol boundary rather than a
 social one (/12 IANA allocations, /32 ISP allocations, /48 end-user

I would argue that /0 and /128 are somewhat special, too.

 Unless you particularly feel the need to assign /64's to router
 loopbacks, you'll see plenty of routes longer than /64 in your table

That's a personal preference, really. Unless you mess up, or are an
end user permanently stuck with a /64 (in which case your ISP messed
up), there isn't really much need to assign anything longer, though.
That being said, for whatever reason, several of my upstreams use /126
for their sessions.

In any case, other than some people might see the colons as magic
markers I don't really see an argument in favour of avoiding a common
name. And that does not seem to hold much water. This is not meant to
be an attack, I simply wonder if I am missing something.


Introducing draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming

2010-11-18 Thread Richard Hartmann
Hi all,

as most of you are aware, there is no definite, canonical name for the
two bytes of IPv6 addresses between colons. This forces people to use
a description like I just did instead of a single, specific term.

Being highly pedantic Germans, this annoyed quite a few people within
the DENOG community. This, in turn, lead to an I-D[1]. If any of you
have any additional suggestions, you are more than  welcome to share
them. Additionally, I want to invite everyone to participate in an
informal poll which we created[2]. We're fully aware that it's trivial
to cheat on this poll; that's life.

As of right now, Quibble leads with Hextet being a close second. All
other options got significantly less votes.

