Re: Verizon Public Policy on Netflix

2014-07-11 Thread

On Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:38:03 -0400
 Miles Fidelman  wrote:

Ahad Aboss wrote:

Interesting point.

The truth is, the ISP is responsible for the quality of experience 
for their
end customers regardless of what content the customers consume or 
what time
they consume it. They pay  a monthly subscription / access fee and 
that is
where it stops. ISPs can chose to blame Netflix until the cows come 
home or
alternatively, they can do something more constructive, like 
deploying a
cache solution or establishing  direct peering with Netflix in one 
of the


Well... if you make a phone call to a rural area, or a 3rd world 
country, with a horrible system, is it your telco's responsibility to 
go out there and fix it?

One might answer, "of course not."  It's a legitimate position, and 
by this argument, Netflix should be paying for bigger pipes.


Of course it is not my telco's responsibility to fix the other telco's 
network. But you analogy is not valid here.

Lets change it up a little bit to be more in line with the issue at 

You make a phone call to a rural carrier or another country and get a 
horrible connection. If that degradation takes place on the link, that 
your telco owns, where it is handed off to the next network, then yes, 
it IS the originating telco's responsibility to pay to have it fixed.

The same goes for the Verizon/Netflix issue. The problem is at the 
edge where Verizon connects to the rest of the internet. They are 
deliberately letting those links become congested to degrade Netflix, 
and any other provider, in order to protect their own video revenue 
stream. They could care less about the customer experience as long as 
they can blame someone else and keep the money flowing and add 
additional revenue by pissing off said Netflix customer enough that 
they move to a Verizon solution.


Re: Comcast Business Internet Options

2014-06-30 Thread

I have a cable based business in my residence.

There is no SLA with the standard business class service. However, I 
have typically seen about a 4 hour response time during the week for a 
tech and never any longer than the next day.

As far as install fees and such, the only way to get it waived, as 
others have mentioned, is a 3 year contract. Lower fee for 2 year 
contract and full install fee for 1 year contract. Good deal with the 
Visa Card as I have never heard of that being offered before.

You get the saem "up to" BS as residential and if you want static IP's 
with that, be prepared for a required $12.95 equipment rental fee on 
top of the monthly price, static IP price, and tax.


On Mon, 30 Jun 2014 15:49:50 -0400
 Phil Gardner  wrote:
Damn, interesting. Though for my needs, I'm more interested in the 
response time for service than all out speed.

I'd also be surprised if they offer that in my state.

On 06/30/2014 02:37 PM, Will Dean wrote:


Comcast does have a residential fiber tier that leverages their 

ethernet network.

Re: Help with route latency between TATA and Comcast

2014-06-24 Thread

Now that I look at it again, I believe you are correct. This is my 
first overseas server so I was not really sure what to expect in 

It has been one of those days that doing a reverse had not occurred to 
me to try as suggested by another reply. I am seeing about the same on 
the reverse so I am good to go.


On Tue, 24 Jun 2014 11:18:09 -0700
 Matthew Petach  wrote:

260ms from VA to SG is about right.  I'd suspect
the DNS is wrong in this case, as otherwise
they somehow went from LAX to SG in less
than 10ms--and if they found a way to do that,
I suspect they'd have a *lot* more customers
beating down their doors to get onto that pathway.  :P


On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 10:49 AM, 


I am doing some testing between my Comcast Business connection and a
Singapore server that I have just setup. I am seeing high latency to 
server but it appears it is the Comcast to TATA link and not the 
between the U.S. and Singapore. At least that is what I can gather 
from the

reverse lookup in the traceroute.

Can someone please enlighten me as to if I am correct or not?

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

  1<1 ms<1 ms<1 ms
  2 1 ms<1 ms<1 ms 23-25-112-190-static.hfc. []
  327 ms22 ms19 ms
  410 ms 9 ms10 ms []
  517 ms17 ms17 ms xe-12-0-1-0-ar02.charlvilleco. []
  624 ms24 ms25 ms []
  724 ms23 ms23 ms []
  820 ms20 ms20 ms
  9   268 ms   264 ms   265 ms

 10 *** Request timed out.
 11   270 ms   255 ms   256 ms

 12   270 ms   271 ms   275 ms

 13   260 ms   258 ms   260 ms
 14   256 ms   256 ms   258 ms
 15   262 ms   258 ms   259 ms

Trace complete.?

Help with route latency between TATA and Comcast

2014-06-24 Thread
I am doing some testing between my Comcast Business connection and a 
Singapore server that I have just setup. I am seeing high latency to 
the server but it appears it is the Comcast to TATA link and not the 
link between the U.S. and Singapore. At least that is what I can 
gather from the reverse lookup in the traceroute.

Can someone please enlighten me as to if I am correct or not?

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

  1<1 ms<1 ms<1 ms
  2 1 ms<1 ms<1 ms []

  327 ms22 ms19 ms
  410 ms 9 ms10 ms []
  517 ms17 ms17 ms []
  624 ms24 ms25 ms []
  724 ms23 ms23 ms []

  820 ms20 ms20 ms
  9   268 ms   264 ms   265 ms []

 10 *** Request timed out.
 11   270 ms   255 ms   256 ms []
 12   270 ms   271 ms   275 ms []

 13   260 ms   258 ms   260 ms
 14   256 ms   256 ms   258 ms
 15   262 ms   258 ms   259 ms

Trace complete.?

Re: Credit to Digital Ocean for ipv6 offering

2014-06-18 Thread

On Tue, 17 Jun 2014 11:26:16 -0400
 ""  wrote:
I don't think it is harsh when they lead their customers on with no 

Take note of the original post dates and the responses. Original 
questions were in 2012 with responses of Q4 2012 to Q1 2013.


To add on to this, it appears that DO now considers the request for 
IPv6 as now being "COMPLETE" because they have rolled it out in a 
single DC in Singapore, when the request was made by a lot of people 
BEFORE the Singapore DC was ever avaiable.

Great lack of respect to your customer base

Re: Credit to Digital Ocean for ipv6 offering

2014-06-17 Thread

On Tue, 17 Jun 2014 13:25:37 -0400 wrote:

On Tue, 17 Jun 2014 13:14:04 -0400, "" said:

No, 8 individual IPv6 addresses.

Wow. Harsh.  I burn more than that just in my living room.

I don't think that is too harsh as all 8 are assigned to a single 
server. So if I have three VPS's, I have 24 total addresses.

Re: Credit to Digital Ocean for ipv6 offering

2014-06-17 Thread
There are other VPS's out there that are already givinf IPv6 

Yep, I use and and have been happy with 

I have two with where I get one IPv4 and 8 IPv6 

Wait. What?  Do you mean 8 /64s?

No, 8 individual IPv6 addresses.

There have also been reports from some DO users of HE tunnels being 
blocked. Not sure what the status of that is.

Re: Credit to Digital Ocean for ipv6 offering

2014-06-17 Thread
I don't think it is harsh when they lead their customers on with no 

Take note of the original post dates and the responses. Original 
questions were in 2012 with responses of Q4 2012 to Q1 2013.


On Tue, 17 Jun 2014 11:17:41 -0400
 Jared Mauch  wrote:
I think that's a bit harsh. I congratulate them for getting the 
first step done in the process of making it available for all 

Jared Mauch

On Jun 17, 2014, at 10:35 AM, "" 

Not impressed at all. DO customers have been asking for IPv6 for 
around two years now with responses of, "It's coming". Now they are 
getting press because they are rollingit our ONLY in their Singapore 
market which is its newest data center. Those of us here in the US 
are still getting the same ole, "It's coming" responses.

There are other VPS's out there that are already givinf IPv6 
addresses. I have two with where I get one IPv4 
and 8 IPv6 addresses.

On Tue, 17 Jun 2014 07:06:49 -0700
Ca By  wrote:
I have not tried it out, this makes it look like DO beat  Azure to 

on ipv6
Speaking of Azure and ip adresses

Re: Credit to Digital Ocean for ipv6 offering

2014-06-17 Thread
Not impressed at all. DO customers have been asking for IPv6 for 
around two years now with responses of, "It's coming". Now they are 
getting press because they are rollingit our ONLY in their Singapore 
market which is its newest data center. Those of us here in the US are 
still getting the same ole, "It's coming" responses.

There are other VPS's out there that are already givinf IPv6 
addresses. I have two with where I get one IPv4 
and 8 IPv6 addresses.

On Tue, 17 Jun 2014 07:06:49 -0700
 Ca By  wrote:
I have not tried it out, this makes it look like DO beat  Azure to 

on ipv6

Speaking of Azure and ip adresses

Re: Time Warner IPv6 Reverse DNS?

2014-06-12 Thread

If your IPv6 subnet is being allocated by TW, then it is up to them 
whether or not to allow the customer to manage their own rDNS.

I have not asked about IPv6 with Comcast Business, but I know with 
IPv4 IP blcks, they will turn the request around pretty quickly once 


On Thu, 12 Jun 2014 17:58:08 +0200
 hasser css  wrote:
Some IPv6 email is not working well for me on my TWC Internet 

due to their IPv6 block not having PTR records.

Is it possible for me to delegate my IPv6 range to my own DNS 
server, or
something similar? I have talked to level 3 support and they were 
much clueless, so I decide to ask here if anyone has insight or 

issues in the past.


Peak Servers Contact

2014-06-12 Thread
Anyone at peak servers on this list? I am seeing major latency and 
packetloss inside your network to both of my vps servers.

Please contact off list.


Re: crave your indulgence

2014-05-27 Thread

Looks good from here:

Tracing route to 2001:500:84::b over a maximum of 30 hops

  1<1 ms<1 ms<1 ms  2601:8:1400:880::1
  2 *** Request timed out.
  310 ms 9 ms 8 ms [2001:558:182:fb::1]
  4 9 ms 9 ms 7 ms 
  524 ms24 ms26 ms 

  6 *** Request timed out.
  723 ms24 ms23 ms  2001:559::1056
  823 ms23 ms24 ms 
  942 ms76 ms90 ms 
 1043 ms41 ms41 ms 
 1171 ms73 ms90 ms 
 1271 ms72 ms74 ms 

 1373 ms72 ms74 ms  2001:418:1401:1a::2
 1472 ms75 ms72 ms  2001:1878::181:177
 1574 ms71 ms71 ms  2001:500:84::b

On Tue, 27 May 2014 11:28:00 -0700
 manning bill  wrote:
If you wouldn’t mind a quick tracerooute -  Can you confirm 
reachability to the following:


Thanks in advance.

Neca eos omnes.  Deus suos agnoscet.

Re: Comcast transit problems?

2014-04-22 Thread

Looks like they are having issues other than Atlanta.

On Tue, 22 Apr 2014 09:06:35 -0500
 Blair Trosper  wrote:
I'm being inundated with reports from Comcast customers in various 
about their inability to reach anything on AWS.  For example, we 
have a few

people in Atlanta that are all having this issue.

What's more, they're having weird issues reaching things like 
Twitter or

RingCentral (while other sites like Google and CNN work fine).

(RingCentral's support department apparently knows about this and is
telling their customers that use Comcast that they're aware of the 

but don't know what's going on at the present time.)

Calls to the Comcast customer support just yield the "everything's 

you're crazy" response from the staff.

Can anyone from Comcast give me some help (or information) off list?



2014-04-14 Thread
Plus I guarantee that something this SIGNIFICANT would catch the attention of 
many tech news outlets, social sites, and many email lists if they had given 
due notice and allowed people time to digest the change. But, I guess since 
everything except their email has become pretty much irrelevant these days, 
they had to do something to get attention and try to be the big bully again.

I personally run only a couple of small email lists in which the subscribers 
are specifically added by me when someone wants on, and this has caused us, 
because the submitter has a long  time Yahoo email address and will not change, 
a huge headache. The sender has had to resort to sending email from Yahoo 
account multiple time in order to get the emails out to the 180+ subscribers. 
Some people cannot change their email due to having it for so long it is just 
not practical. Only other work around I have for this user is to give them a 
private email list on the email server where he can send from that is not a 
Yahoo address. This causes extra work because every email he wants to forward 
on, he must now first send it to the new private address, then login to the 
private email address web mail, then forward.

I have to agree with this others out there that Yahoo SHOULD, not COULD, have 
handled this a lot better. All the other big ISP's out there should be whipping 
Yahoo's a$$ about right now. But as usual, not a peep!


-Original Message-
From: Miles Fidelman []
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: DMARC -> CERT?

Christopher Morrow wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Scott Howard  wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Christopher Morrow
>>  wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Matthias Leisi 
>>> wrote:
 They could have communicated, as in "listen folks, we are going to
 make a critical change that will affect mailing lists (etc...) in
 four weeks time".
>>> communicated it where?
>> "The Internet".
> I was trying, really, to be not-funny with my question.
> if you're going to do something that has the potential to affect (say,
> for example) email to a wide set of people, most of which are NOT your
> direct users, how do you go about making that public?
> 'the internet' isn't really a good answer for 'how do you notify'.
> Doug's note that: "email mailops" is good... but I'm not sure how many
> people that run lists listen to mailops? (I don't ... i don't run any
> big list, but...)
> I also wonder about update cycles for software in this realm? and for
> very larger list operators there's probably some customization and
> such to hurdle over on the upgrade path, eh? so how much leadtime is
> enough? how much is too much? 1yr seems like a long time - people will
> forget, 1wk doesn't seem like enough to avoid firedrills and
> un-intended bugs.
>> A blog entry and a post to a few key relevant mailing lists would have
> specifically which mail-lists?

How about the support lists for all the email list packages they could
think of - let's start with mailman, majordomo, listserve, listproc,
sympa, ezmlm, .

Might have been nice if they'd offered some support for patching the
open source ones.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra


2014-03-27 Thread

It is actually a 4001i for an IBM Blade Chassis. Sorry for that.

So in this setup, port a would be a trunk with multiple vlans 
connection back to a 6509. port b would be a switch port in access 
mode that connects to an IBM blade in the chassis.

Not sure that this situation fits either of those scenarios.

Overall problem is that we are seeing performance issues between 
servers. These servers are all AIX based. We believe/know that we have 
some misconfigurations in the environment with jumbo frames and flow 
control. My curiosity about the discards is due to those 
misconfigurations. The port I mentioned in my original email has 
around 480 million output packes to the 1.1 million discards.

We do have IBM and Cisco support engaged, I am just trying to make 
sure I understand enough to be dangerous when I am working with them.


On Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:55:46 -0400
 Lee  wrote:

On 3/27/14,  wrote:
So I certainly admit I am a basic networking guy and in the past 
have not

had to get into the nitty gritty of port statistics.

I am trying to understand some statistics off a switch port in a 


Good luck.  I couldn't find anything for a nexus 4000, but did find
this for IOS:
In-Discard - The result of inbound valid frames that were discarded
because the frame did not need to be switched. This can be normal if 
hub is connected to a port and two devices on that hub exchange 

The switch port still sees the data but does not have to switch it
(since the CAM table shows the MAC address of both devices 

with the same port), and so it is discarded. This counter can also
increment on a port configured as a trunk if that trunk blocks for
some VLANs, or on a port that is the only member of a VLAN.

so if you've got something like
switch a: switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-5
switch b: switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-4

when switch a sends a frame on vlan 5, switch b counts it as an 
input discard.


All TX and RX counters look normal except on the TX side, I am
showing 1107597 input discards. Last clearing of show counters is 
1d8h ago.

I have it in my mind that this particular counter is dropping 
packets coming
in from another port inside the switch that are to be transmitted 
out to the

end server.

So lets say the interface I am looking at is port 2 on the switch. 
So server
1 sends a packet to port 1 on the switch. That packet then traverses 
backplane, or inside the same ASIC, to port 2 on the switch. It is 

dropped and not transmitted out to server 2.

Is the scenario I just presented correct? Not looking for the reason 
in this

email, just that my logical understanding is correct.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

Switchport Counters - Take two

2014-03-27 Thread
Apologies to everyone for the original email with no subject. I am 
having some senior email moments today.


So I certainly admit I am a basic networking guy and in the past have 
not had to get into the nitty gritty of port statistics.

I am trying to understand some statistics off a switch port in a Nexus 

All TX and RX counters look normal except on the TX side, I am showing 
1107597 input discards. Last clearing of show counters is 1d8h ago.

I have it in my mind that this particular counter is dropping packets 
coming in from another port inside the switch that are to be 
transmitted out to the end server.

So lets say the interface I am looking at is port 2 on the switch. So 
server 1 sends a packet to port 1 on the switch. That packet then 
traverses to backplane, or inside the same ASIC, to port 2 on the 
switch. It is then dropped and not transmitted out to server 2.

Is the scenario I just presented correct? Not looking for the reason 
in this email, just that my logical understanding is correct.


RE: Switchport Counters

2014-03-27 Thread

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

 Original message 
Date:03/27/2014  11:52 AM  (GMT-05:00) 

[no subject]

2014-03-27 Thread
So I certainly admit I am a basic networking guy and in the past have not had 
to get into the nitty gritty of port statistics.

I am trying to understand some statistics off a switch port in a Nexus 4001i.

All TX and RX counters look normal except on the TX side, I am showing 1107597 
input discards. Last clearing of show counters is 1d8h ago.

I have it in my mind that this particular counter is dropping packets coming in 
from another port inside the switch that are to be transmitted out to the end 

So lets say the interface I am looking at is port 2 on the switch. So server 1 
sends a packet to port 1 on the switch. That packet then traverses to 
backplane, or inside the same ASIC, to port 2 on the switch. It is then dropped 
and not transmitted out to server 2.

Is the scenario I just presented correct? Not looking for the reason in this 
email, just that my logical understanding is correct.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

Re: Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software SSL VPN Denial of Service Vulnerability

2014-03-26 Thread

Thanks everyone for the replies. I guess since they are done so 
infrequently, I was not a list member the last go around.


On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:58:44 -0400
 Andrew Latham  wrote:


Perfectly normal, almost an announce list for issues like this.

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 12:45 PM, 

Is this normal for the list to diretly get Cisco security advisories 

something new. First time I have seen these.


On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:10:00 -0400
 Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 


Hash: SHA1

Cisco IOS Software SSL VPN Denial of Service Vulnerability

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20140326-ios-sslvpn

Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2014 March 26 16:00  UTC (GMT)


A vulnerability in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN subsystem of 
IOS Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to 
cause a

denial of service (DoS) condition.

The vulnerability is due to a failure to process certain types of 
requests. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could submit 
requests designed to consume memory to an affected device. An 
exploit could
allow the attacker to consume and fragment memory on the affected 
This may cause reduced performance, a failure of certain processes, 
or a

restart of the affected device.

Cisco has released free software updates that address this 

There are no workarounds to mitigate this vulnerability.

This advisory is available at the following link:

Note: The March 26, 2014, Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory 
publication includes six Cisco Security Advisories. All advisories 
vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each Cisco IOS Software 

Advisory lists the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct the
vulnerability or vulnerabilities detailed in the advisory as well as 

Cisco IOS Software releases that correct all Cisco IOS Software
vulnerabilities in the March 2014 bundled publication.

Individual publication links are in Cisco Event Response: Semiannual 
IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication at the following 
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -


~ Andrew "lathama" Latham ~

Re: Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software SSL VPN Denial of Service Vulnerability

2014-03-26 Thread

Is this normal for the list to diretly get Cisco security advisories 
or something new. First time I have seen these.


On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:10:00 -0400
 Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 

Hash: SHA1

Cisco IOS Software SSL VPN Denial of Service Vulnerability

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20140326-ios-sslvpn

Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2014 March 26 16:00  UTC (GMT)


A vulnerability in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN subsystem of 
Cisco IOS Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to 
cause a denial of service (DoS) condition.

The vulnerability is due to a failure to process certain types of 
HTTP requests. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could submit 
crafted requests designed to consume memory to an affected device. An 
exploit could allow the attacker to consume and fragment memory on 
the affected device. This may cause reduced performance, a failure of 
certain processes, or a restart of the affected device.

Cisco has released free software updates that address this 

There are no workarounds to mitigate this vulnerability.

This advisory is available at the following link:

Note: The March 26, 2014, Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory 
bundled publication includes six Cisco Security Advisories. All 
advisories address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each Cisco 
IOS Software Security Advisory lists the Cisco IOS Software releases 
that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities detailed in the 
advisory as well as the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct all 
Cisco IOS Software vulnerabilities in the March 2014 bundled 

Individual publication links are in Cisco Event Response: Semiannual 
Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication at the 
following link:
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -


Re: A little silly for IPv6

2014-03-26 Thread
I would support THIS as a better reference than some of the other 
email responses I have gotten.

Again comparing something like factual numbers of IPv6 addresses the 
the very fuzzy math of guessing how many atoms there are is very silly 

On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:06:15 +
 Gary Buhrmaster  wrote:
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 12:55 PM, 

I want to see HIS source of hpow many atoms are actually on the 
Somehow, I do not think anyone knows that answer. So his comparision 
is a


Obligatory xkcd ref:

Re: IPv6 isn't SMTP

2014-03-26 Thread

On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 07:45:06 -0500
 Daniel Taylor  wrote:

On 03/25/2014 11:18 PM, John Levine wrote:
3.  Arguing about IPv6 in the context of requirements upon SMTP 
connections is playing that uncomfortable game with

one�s own combat boots.  And not particularly productive.

If you can figure out how to do effective spam filtering without
looking at the IP addresses from which mail arrives, you will be in 

position to make a whole lot of money.

But, as always, I'm not holding my breath.


PS: Note the word "effective".

You look at the IP, and verify forward and reverse DNS.

IPv6 doesn't make this any harder a problem than IPv4, it just means 
that we're going to *have* to reject mail that comes in from IPv6 
addresses that don't have clean DNS.

Daniel Taylor  VP OperationsVocal Laboratories, 

Actually, with all the discussion about ipv6 not having rDNS, in most 
cases, would that not make things easier? So those that want to run 
email servers SHOULD be on ISP's that allow for rDNS configuration for 
IPv6. There should be some vetting in the process by the ISP, maybe, 
before allowing this. So in essence, if you are a legitimate email 
host, you will have rDNS configured on IPv6 for your server. Again, as 
others have stated, rDNS should NOT be the only deciding factor in 
whether or not an email is legit. No rDNS, or havinf rDNS, should have 
some weight assigned to it for the overall evaluation of the sender.


Re: A little silly for IPv6

2014-03-26 Thread

On Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:28:04 -0500
 Larry Sheldon  wrote:

According to the Ace of Spades HQ blog:

IPv6 would allow every atom on the surface of the earth to have its
own IP address, with enough spare to do Earth 100+ times.

Requiescas in pace o email   Two identifying characteristics
of System Administrators:
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio  Infallibility, and the ability 

learn from their mistakes.
  (Adapted from Stephen 

I want to see HIS source of hpow many atoms are actually on the earth. 
Somehow, I do not think anyone knows that answer. So his comparision 
is a joke.
