Re: [nant-dev] Re: NAnt

2004-09-07 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, Adam R. B. Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1) A project can have an attribute of language=csharp (and this is
 needed to generate lib path).

wouldn't we need a more generic platform or something like this.
Would the lib path treatment of a J# or Nemerle or whatever .NET
supported language be any different from the csharp case?

 2) The workspace can have dotnet framework=mono-1.0.1 / to set
 the framework (passed to NAnt, must be a recently nightly, using

Good idea.

 3) jar ( ought be
 able to be replaced by output or assembly now.

output with some type information would be my preference since it
would also allow us to unify jar and license.


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Re: [nant-dev] Re: NAnt

2004-09-07 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, Jaroslaw Kowalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 See this article Avoid DevPath for info on why you should avoid

Thanks again.

| It's not good for the dev. env., either - it makes it unnecessarily
| different from the shipping env., which may lead to uncaught
| versioning or deployment bugs in the shipping env.

Is more or less the reason we run Gump.  We want to catch versioning
conflicts and backwards incompatible changes.  We want to run an
assembly against a version that it doesn't offically support.


| So, DevPath is soon to be deprecated.

probably is a show-stopper.

 I suggest that you do it the simple way - compile the all your
 apps/libraries to a single directory using it as both a target and a
 reference source and forget the GAC at all.

Will that work with Mono 1.0.1 installing NUnit 2.1.91 into the GAC as
it does on my Mac?  I guess it will at compile time, but not when I
run tests, right?


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Re: [nant-dev] Looping constructs in NAnt

2004-09-07 Thread Troy Laurin
Alex Hildyard wrote:
Is it possible to repeat an arbitrary set of tasks with a user-defined 
exit condition? If not, could I propose this as a new task?
The foreach task lets you iterate over a certain set of prescribed 
structures, but it would be nice to have something which simply provides 
an uncomplicated
looping construct. For example:
Using foreach as an example, it would be a pretty simple task to create 
a repeat task... I'm not sure this should be part of core NAnt though, 
since it tends to undermine NAnt's position as a declarative language.

property name=var1 value=0/
repeat test=${var1 lt; 10}
   echo message=${var1}/
   property name=var1 value=${convert::to-int(var1)+1}/
Currently I implement this with a call task, which doesn't really have 
the right semantics, and means I have to initialise var1 from inside a 
template, which tends to break the encapsulation.
target name=repeat
  property name=var1 value=0 overwrite=false /
  echo message=${var1} /
  property name=var1 value=${convert::to-int(var1) + 1) /
  call target=repeat if=${convert::to-int(var1)  10} /
I'm not sure why you suggest that call doesn't have the right 
semantics... you're simply re-rolling your iterative approach back into 
a tail-recursive approach.  The above should do exactly the same as your 
repeat function, doesn't require pre-initialisation (the first time) and 
is almost as concise.

If you use this often in your build, though, you would probably benefit 
from creating the repeat task - the recursive approach will create 
excessively verbose logs, especially when using an XML logger; also, any 
loop variables will need to be reset (externally) before the second and 
subsequent calls.

The other alternative is to wrap any loops in the script task.  Use 
could use Project.Execute to perform any required tasks... the example 
above again:

target name=repeat-body
  echo message=${var1} /
target name=repeat
  script language=C#
  public static void ScriptMain(Project project) {
for (int i = 0; i  10; i++) {
  Project.Properties[var1] = i;

-- Troy
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[nant-dev] NAnt and Gump -- getting closer...

2004-09-07 Thread Adam R. B. Jack

I think I led Clayton down a false path, by me not knowing that bin/NAnt.exe
was mini NAnt. (Sorry Clayton, you kept saying bin/NAnt.exe and I was
clueless since (to me) that just seemed like a built NAnt, I didn't know it
was mini-NAnt pre-stored in CVS.) All ... I am struggling here 'cos I'm no
expert in what you know (NAnt/DotNet) only in Gump.

I really want a good blend of what your platform requires, and what I (Gump)
can do, but it is hard to get that blend since people come with
pre-conceived notions/understandings (like mine not knowing mini-NAnt). I
feel we are getting closer to understanding each other's areas, I feel we
have a clearer understanding of how Gump will use NAnt, the artifacts it
creates, and the tests it runs. I hope this translates to one simple
implementation (that is easy for me/Gumpers to code :-) and that we don't
keep finding better ways. Still, we are working through the details, we are
getting there.

I think the answer is 'who decides what is the right approach', and I feel
it is the NAnt team. Gump has some good notions, but it is trying to emulate
a developer (albeit in a clean environment) not dictate strategy. As such,
if bin/NAnt.exe is the right way, I assume we use it. That said, it might be
easiest [for me to code] for there to be a script (called bootstrap or
mini-NAnt w/ that calls the bin/NAnt.exe min-NAnt so we don't have
to special code that.

I think the full bootstrap process (as described by Jaraslow) where we build
NAnt, build it's components, re-build NAnt is correct. That is pretty much
what Ant does (they have a bootstrap-ant project and later an 'ant'
project.) I think we can get to this. It seems right.

I'd like to have the nant.xml metadata describe a bootstrap-nant project
(maybe we call it mini-nant) that calls the script (that uses mini-NAnt to
build NAnt.exe, wherever that is) and then we use that to build the next
projects. If there really is no purpose for a script I could add an exe
element to Gump, but that worries me (only a little). BTW: What (and where)
are the assemblies that come out of running mini-NAnt? How would one then
invoke them to be full NAnt?

As for the GAC, and the DEVPATH environment variable, we don't have a
perfect answer yet -- do we? Clayton was wondering if we could use
References inside NAnt, and Gump write a pre-defined include file [it does
something similar when it run Maven]. Does this idea have legs? Will it work
for compiles and tests? Gump would like to be transparent to projects, if a
convention exists that it can be, but if not we perhaps we can be creative,
like this. I won't work on this more until we determine the final approach.

BTW: Any help/descriptions that could be added to this page (blank, waiting
for content) would be appreciated.

As for output -- it exists (as do artifact and jar) and ought work.
Artifact and Jar are simply aliases (right now) with no extra meaning. What
types were you thinking of Stefan? type=library and|or executable or

As for language=csharp, if there truly is no significant difference
between the various languages, I am more than game to do
platform=dotnet|java. I could either add a platform, to supplement
language, or replace. What do you think?

BTW: Ought we attempt to contribute metadata for the mini-nant up to nant
projects (including log4net, etc.) and see if we can get that working from
within Gump? I think that makes a good first goal.


- Original Message - 
From: Clayton Harbour [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 8:51 PM
Subject: RE: [nant-dev] Re: NAnt

Hi Adam,

I did not realize that you didn't know about the bin\NAnt.exe.  Is that
something that will suite your needs better than the .bat script?  If so
maybe we should look at using that, but if you would really prefer a
complete rebuild then we can keep looking at the batch/ shell scripts.  Let
me know what you think.



-Original Message-
From: Adam R. B. Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 9/6/2004 1:16 PM
To: Clayton Harbour; Jaroslaw Kowalski;
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] Re: NAnt
 I was talking with Adam the other day and he suggested that a batch/ shell
script that built NAnt  from source might be a little better than relying
on the mini-NAnt.exe.  I believe ant uses
 something similar to bootstrap itself so my understanding is that this
fits in better with the gump

And just for completion ... mainly, I just didn't get what bin/NAnt.exe was,
or how it worked. I didn't understand it was for bootstrap. Still, building
from scratch each time does fit Gump's philosophy.



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Re: [nant-dev] NAnt and Gump -- getting closer...

2004-09-07 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Tue, 7 Sep 2004, Adam R. B. Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think the answer is 'who decides what is the right approach', and
 I feel it is the NAnt team.

Yes, I agree.  We may need to explain in more detail what we want to
do and why we want to do that with Gump, but we need the expertize of
the NAnt folks to achieve that.

 I'd like to have the nant.xml metadata describe a bootstrap-nant
 project (maybe we call it mini-nant) that calls the script (that
 uses mini-NAnt to build NAnt.exe, wherever that is) and then we use
 that to build the next projects.

The script would need to know which framework you intend to use.  For
the Bourne shell script this simply means something like

mono bin/NAnt.exe

(ignoring Rotor and DotGNU for now) but the Windows batch file is a
different beast.

 If there really is no purpose for a script I could add an exe
 element to Gump, but that worries me (only a little).

Again, you'd need to handle it differently when running Mono (you
don't invoke the executable directly).

 As for the GAC, and the DEVPATH environment variable, we don't have
 a perfect answer yet -- do we?

No, I don't think we have.  Since we control the machine running Gump
we can ensure that the GAC is more or less empty.  After that we may
get away with the dump everything into a single directory strategy.

 Clayton was wondering if we could use References inside NAnt, and
 Gump write a pre-defined include file [it does something similar
 when it run Maven]. Does this idea have legs? Will it work for
 compiles and tests?

I don't think it would work for tests.  Can you specify the path to
nunit.core.dll at runtime for NAnt's nunit task - or maybe before
runtime, but to a value that may be different every day?

 As for output -- it exists (as do artifact and jar) and ought
 work.  Artifact and Jar are simply aliases (right now) with no extra
 meaning. What types were you thinking of Stefan? type=library
 and|or executable or something?


 As for language=csharp, if there truly is no significant
 difference between the various languages, I am more than game to do

I think this would be the correct approach.

 BTW: Ought we attempt to contribute metadata for the mini-nant up to
 nant projects (including log4net, etc.) and see if we can get that
 working from within Gump? I think that makes a good first goal.

I don't understand that, sorry.  Are you asking whether we should try
log4net first once we manage to use NAnt from within Gump?  Yes, it
looks like a good candidate.  As would NUnit.


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Re: [nant-dev] NAnt and Gump -- getting closer...

2004-09-07 Thread Adam R. B. Jack

  BTW: Ought we attempt to contribute metadata for the mini-nant up to
  nant projects (including log4net, etc.) and see if we can get that
  working from within Gump? I think that makes a good first goal.

 I don't understand that, sorry.  Are you asking whether we should try
 log4net first once we manage to use NAnt from within Gump?  Yes, it
 looks like a good candidate.  As would NUnit.

When working with Clayton on Saturday we had NAnt being called by Gump (on
it's own source), but that was a simple invocation (with NAnt expected to be
on the path). The work for calculating a DEVPATH is in there, but untested
in that simple scenario. Take a peek at gump-n.xml (workspace and profile)
for this.

Above I was discussing trying to set up the mini-nant (ala bootstrap-ant) to
nant (ala ant) metadata, i.e. all the projects that are in this work list
that Jaraslow (aka Jarek) wrote:

Jarek wrote:

 BTW. I've been thinking about it for a while and the process of fully
rebuilding NAnt is quite complicated:

1. Download NAnt sources from CVS
2. Bootstrap NAnt using mini-nant and binary libraries found in CVS (bin/lib
3. From now on, use the bootstrapped NAnt
4. Download and rebuild the platform-neutral version of log4net.dll
5. Download and rebuild the platform-specific version of NUnit.*.dll
6. Download and rebuild the platform-specific version of NDoc.*.dll
7. Download and rebuild the ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Console.dll referencing
the log4net.dll built in step 4
8. Download and rebuild the ICSharpCode.SharpZip.dll
9. Put the just-built DLLs in the appropriate nant/bin/lib subdirectory
11. Bootstrap NAnt again by using the previously built nant (not the
mini-nant) and the fresh libraries


If we can square away this set of projects, and get this behaviour correct,
and then (for projects that depends upon project==nant) use the output
from 11, then I feel we've achieved a good enough/tested enough base.



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Re: [nant-dev] NAnt and Gump -- getting closer...

2004-09-07 Thread Adam R. B. Jack

 The script would need to know which framework you intend to use.  For
 the Bourne shell script this simply means something like

 mono bin/NAnt.exe

 (ignoring Rotor and DotGNU for now) but the Windows batch file is a
 different beast.

We could set a Gump parameter in the workspace and launch
nant-%FRAMEWORK%.[sh|bat] as the script, meaning a different one per
framework. Alternatively we could pass the framework as a parameter.
Whichever works best for the NAnt community...



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Re: [nant-dev] Re: NAnt

2004-09-07 Thread Gary Feldman
I've been following this dicussion from the sidelines, and one idea that has
occurred to me that may help, and should probably be addressed anyway, is
having Gump produce its own public/private key pair for signing strong names
for the assemblies.  By using a separate key, you reduce the GAC problem to
just other Gump builds, and if you can somehow guarantee a unique version
number for Gump builds, you're home free.  There is a tradeoff between how
secure you're willing to keep the private key versus how easily a malicious
or negligant user could break things, but that's no worse than the current

While NAnt doesn't need to go into the GAC, and hence doesn't need a strong
name, other components such as NUnit do, at least for now.  So I think that
sooner or later you're going to have to ask the question as to whether you
want to keep using the project-specific private keys. (I believe NAnt and
NUnit each provide their own, different public/private key files in their
source trees.)

I haven't really thought this through.  I'm just tossing it out as a
possible different direction to investigate.


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[nant-dev] Re: fileset/directoryscanner hang

2004-09-07 Thread Gert Driesen
- Original Message - 
From: Matthew Mastracci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gert Driesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: fileset/directoryscanner hang

I think we decided to just document this side-effect.
My memory fails me here ... But if that is what we decided, then I guess we 
should indeed document it in both the filset doc and in the release notes ..

The base
directory is now returned when the pattern **/* is used, whereas
before it was not.  All other patterns are identical.  AFAIK, **/* is
equivalent to ** anyways.  To avoid matching the base directory,
people should be using */** instead.
Would be interesting to check what Ant does here ...
The reason for keeping this was that it was more consistent with
patterns like foo/**/bar.cs.  We can enhance the warning in
DirectoryScanner.cs to recommend using either ** to match the base
directory or */** to not match the base directory.  I suppose we could
even make that particular pattern an error.
Not sure we should do this ...
PS. I'm copying the dev list in on this ...
Gert Driesen wrote:
I think you already mentioned this before, but your changes actually
have a side effect: the base directory of the fileset is now also
returned as an entry in the DirectoryNames string collection.
Is it possible to fix this side-effect ?
- Original Message - From: Matthew Mastracci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gert Driesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2004 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: fileset/directoryscanner hang

Okay.  I see the problem now.  If a Regex entry doesn't have a
BaseDirectory set (like any of the exclude patterns) it won't be applied
I added code at one point to clear the BaseDirectory if the pattern is
an exclude one.  I'll take that out since it seems to be the culprit.
Gert - can you reget CVS and see if this fixes your problem?
On Fri, 2004-09-03 at 23:33, Gert Driesen wrote:
- Original Message - From: Matthew Mastracci
To: Gert Driesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: fileset/directoryscanner hang
 Hrm...  not sure what's going on.  When you have a chance, please
 uncomment the DEBUG_REGEXES line in DirectoryScanner.cs and send me
 the output.  It might help us find out what might be going on here.
here you go ...
Matthew Mastracci [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [nant-dev] Looping constructs in NAnt

2004-09-07 Thread Gary Feldman
From: Alex Hildyard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 6:06 PM

Is it possible to repeat an arbitrary set of tasks with a user-defined exit
condition? If not, could I propose this as a new task?

Might I ask exactly what you're trying to accomplish with this?  That might
help with determining whether there isn't a declarative task itching to come


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Re: [nant-dev] NAnt and Gump -- getting closer...

2004-09-07 Thread Jaroslaw Kowalski
I don't know exactly what you're trying to achieve with Gump, but IMO things
are much easier than you think if you fully utilize NAnt's potential.

Nant is quite a portable beast today. It can run on 4 platforms (mono-1.0,
net-1.0, net-1.1, net-2.0) and compile for some more (netcf-1.0 and sscli).
The platform of your choice influences all .NET tasks and involves
platform-specific lookup and commandline parameter pasing. Many things have
been done to assure platform independence so that you can run target
multiple platforms with little to no change in your build scripts. NAnt
provides all the logic to detect the presence and location of
platform-specific assemblies and to pass them as arguments to appropriate
commandline compilers.

On windows it's possible to target all the platforms (including mono for
On Linux it's only possible to target mono-1.0.

To compile for a particular platform you simply run

nant.exe -targetframework:net-1.0
nant.exe -targetframework:net-1.1
nant.exe -targetframework:net-2.0
nant.exe -targetframework:mono-1.0
nant.exe -targetframework:netcf-1.0

If you don't provide the target platform it's assumed that you want to
target the current platform you're running on (.NET 1.1 in most cases, but
can be .NET 2.0 or .NET 1.0).

Nant can be run from any directory, there's no need to invoke it in the
build file directory.
The sequence used to download, compile and install nant from CVS is very

cvs checkout nant
nant\bin\NAnt.exe install -f:nant\ -D:install.prefix=targetprefix

I believe that all steps necessary to fully bootstrap nant from source
(including external dependencies) can be easily put in a single build file
that would be invoked by just-bootstrapped nant itself.

The build would be very simple and would just consist of cvs-checkout,
nant and copy tasks.

Or perhaps I am missing something... Correct me if I'm wrong.


BTW. You may contact me on ICQ #298783166 or somewhere on IRC

- Original Message - 
From: Adam R. B. Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stefan Bodewig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] NAnt and Gump -- getting closer...

  The script would need to know which framework you intend to use.  For
  the Bourne shell script this simply means something like
  mono bin/NAnt.exe
  (ignoring Rotor and DotGNU for now) but the Windows batch file is a
  different beast.

 We could set a Gump parameter in the workspace and launch
 nant-%FRAMEWORK%.[sh|bat] as the script, meaning a different one per
 framework. Alternatively we could pass the framework as a parameter.
 Whichever works best for the NAnt community...



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[nant-dev] Re: fileset/directoryscanner hang

2004-09-07 Thread Matthew Mastracci

I think we decided to just document this side-effect.

My memory fails me here ... But if that is what we decided, then I 
guess we should indeed document it in both the filset doc and in the 
release notes ..

Sounds fair.
The reason for keeping this was that it was more consistent with
patterns like foo/**/bar.cs.  We can enhance the warning in
DirectoryScanner.cs to recommend using either ** to match the base
directory or */** to not match the base directory.  I suppose we could
even make that particular pattern an error.

Not sure we should do this ...
Since the pattern isn't optimal, I think a warning could be useful 
here.  Ideally, you should choose one of the patterns above instead for 
maximum performance, rather than using the strange corner-case pattern 
itself.  :)

fn:Matthew Mastracci
org:aclaro Softworks, inc.
adr:;;1900 a - 11 St. SE;Calgary;Alberta;T2H 3G2;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Developer
tel;work:(403) 299-6612

Re: [nant-dev] NAnt and Gump -- getting closer...

2004-09-07 Thread Adam R. B. Jack

 I don't know exactly what you're trying to achieve with Gump, but IMO
 are much easier than you think if you fully utilize NAnt's potential.

Yeah, I think we need to step back and make that clear.

Gump is attempting to emulate a rabid OSS developer, perform the steps a
developer would do in order to download and build NAnt, and then others -- 
from scratch. This OSS developer is particulary anal, they don't want
yesterdays build ... they want it fresh, everything the very latest. Their
objective isn't to run this, it is to monitor for changes, disconnects. If
project X breaks project Y the developer wishes to feel this pain. This
automated developer is there to reduce pain for human developers/users, and
to catch interface change pain early! If early enough perhaps the problem
can be resolved before a release is made, and a problems gets into the

Gump is a Python program that interacts with things (CVS, SVN, Shell, Ant,
Maven) and we'd like NAnt. Gump wants to bootstrap NAnt 'cos it was to also
catch NAnt changes --- not just compilation, but runtime. Being an outsider
is important. Gump is Python (not Java) so it is spearate from concerns of
the platform, and this ought make it a good candidate for working on DotNet.

We want to work with NAnt as NAnt ought be worked with, but not inside NAnt,
outside -- as a developer would be. Further, we want to allow existing NAnt
scripts -- as they exist today -- without change. This allows projects to
benefit from Gump without changing how they work. At least, that is what
we'd like.

For more/historical information see:



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[nant-dev] [ nant-Bugs-1023986 ] delay-sign task fails

2004-09-07 Thread
Bugs item #1023986, was opened at 2004-09-07 17:02
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Tasks
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Richard J Foster (richardjfoster)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: delay-sign task fails

Initial Comment:
The delay-sign task appears to be attempting to use an
executable called delay-sign.exe. I have no such
executable available. Shouldn't it be trying to use sn -R?

Development environment: Visual Studio 2003 Professional.


You can respond by visiting:

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