Re: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)

2009-07-24 Thread Dave Shield
2009/7/24 Juliana Purjo :
> I am working on ucd-snmp (version 4.2.6), extending a set of private company
> MIBs. I have been told the foot-print of ucd-snmp is significantly lower
> than that of newer 5.x.x series net-snmp - Is this true?

There are a number of additional MIB modules with the 5.x line,
as well as various other features, so it's quite probable that the
code will slowly increase in size.  That tends to be true of almost
any piece of software.

>   what would it take to reduce the foot print.

Please see the FAQ, which has suggestions regarding minimizing
the size of the compiled and running software.

> I notice the mib2c is completely rewritten which seems a benefit (I am using
> customized configuration files and 5.x.x mib2c seems easier to work with).
> Is there other notable reasons to consider  moving to 5.x.x?

It's not just mib2c - the v5 agent has a completely new handler mechanism
for implementing MIB modules.   Not only is it easier to write code
for MIB tables,
the processing should also be significantly more efficient, since
related varbinds
can be processed in parallel, rather than treating each varbind separately.

   Large chunks of the agent infrastructure have also been completely
re-written, to support the new handler-based architecture.  In fact, the
old v4-style approach is now simply a wrapper sitting on top of the new
handler mechanism, so there are additional overheads with this style of code.

And of course, the v4 line is no longer being supported, so if you stick with
this, then you are completely on your own.

Unfortunately, we can't really provide you with any significant implementation
experience of running the Net-SNMP agent on embedded systems.   I keep
putting out a plea for those who have done this to report back, but nobody
ever seems to bother.
   There's a first-draft entry in the latest version of the FAQ, but
it is in desperate
need of some real feedback from those who have on-the-ground experience with
doing this.

Here's hoping


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RE: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)

2009-07-30 Thread Juliana Purjo

Hello Dave,


Kind thanks for your reply. And sorry for late reply due to a travel.

> Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:58:50 +0100
> Subject: Re: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> 2009/7/24 Juliana Purjo :
> > I am working on ucd-snmp (version 4.2.6), extending a set of private company
> > MIBs. I have been told the foot-print of ucd-snmp is significantly lower
> > than that of newer 5.x.x series net-snmp - Is this true?
> Probably.
> There are a number of additional MIB modules with the 5.x line,
> as well as various other features, so it's quite probable that the
> code will slowly increase in size. That tends to be true of almost
> any piece of software.

Concerning MIB modules... Having looked at 4.2.x code base, I got an

impression there is some code repetition in the agent implementations.

Also there seems to be quite a lot of static buffers (defined inside functions) 

that are mostly sitting unused eating runtime memory?

So I feel there might be possiblity to also decrease some code size

contrary to the statistically provable tendency of software sizes growing.

Easy way to save some code size - for the new code - might be to edit 

the mib2c configuration files to not generate so repetitive code constructs

(maybe using more powerful table structures)??? But maybe it is more

interesting to create new features and functionality than restructuring

old code... :-)


Is it quick to outline what kind of additional features are we talking here?

Thinking of replacing v4 net-snmp, is it possible to disable most of this

new weigth (with appropriate ./configure invocation)?

Below you already mention new handler mechanism for MIB modules

and wrapper code to support v4 style coding approach, which seems

necessary weight.



> > what would it take to reduce the foot print.
> Please see the FAQ, which has suggestions regarding minimizing
> the size of the compiled and running software.

Thanks for the pointer. Some good hints. And running


./configure --help 


gives some additional ideas...

> > I notice the mib2c is completely rewritten which seems a benefit (I am using
> > customized configuration files and 5.x.x mib2c seems easier to work with).
> > Is there other notable reasons to consider  moving to 5.x.x?
> It's not just mib2c - the v5 agent has a completely new handler mechanism
> for implementing MIB modules. Not only is it easier to write code
> for MIB tables,
> the processing should also be significantly more efficient, since
> related varbinds
> can be processed in parallel, rather than treating each varbind separately.


Very nice.

> Large chunks of the agent infrastructure have also been completely
> re-written, to support the new handler-based architecture. In fact, the
> old v4-style approach is now simply a wrapper sitting on top of the new
> handler mechanism, so there are additional overheads with this style of code.

I am happy to read from the FAQ that most agent code written for earlier

releases should work okay with newest net-snmp (altough with some 

performance/foot print penalty).

> And of course, the v4 line is no longer being supported, so if you stick with
> this, then you are completely on your own.

Yes, I can definitively understand this point.  This is one major part of what 

triggered me to ask my question in the first place... :-)

> Unfortunately, we can't really provide you with any significant implementation
> experience of running the Net-SNMP agent on embedded systems. I keep
> putting out a plea for those who have done this to report back, but nobody
> ever seems to bother.
> There's a first-draft entry in the latest version of the FAQ, but
> it is in desperate
> need of some real feedback from those who have on-the-ground experience with
> doing this.
> Here's hoping

I am wishing to be able to experiment with newest version and do some 

and qualitative comparison - it certainly seems worthwhile to me - but I am 

I am not able to with the time constraints I have to deal with at the moment... 

> Dave

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Re: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)

2009-08-01 Thread Dave Shield
2009/7/30 Juliana Purjo :
> Concerning MIB modules... Having looked at 4.2.x code base, I got an
> impression there is some code repetition in the agent implementations.

Almost certainly.
One of the things driving the 5.x handler mechanism was the recognition
that there was a lot of processing that is common across many MIB
implementations.  By introducing a chain of handlers to process a request,
this has allowed the use of shared "helper" routines, which can consolidate
this common processing into one block of code.

> Also there seems to be quite a lot of static buffers (defined inside
> functions) that are mostly sitting unused eating runtime memory?

Quite likely.
Static buffers typically offer a simpler, safer and more time-efficient
approach than dynamic allocation for internal scratch working space.
In most environments, the size costs are not particularly significant.

It would be fair to say that the Net-SNMP agent is not really geared
towards embedded systems, where code size may well be of greater concern.

> Is it quick to outline what kind of additional features are we talking here?

Not really.
The UCD line has been essentially dead for something like 6-7 years.
(The 4.2.7 release was simply a housekeeping release, to pick up
a number of bug fixes - 4.2.6 was the last "active" release on this line).

I can't really recall everything (or even the more important stuff) we've done
since 2002!

> Thinking of replacing v4 net-snmp, is it possible to disable most of this
> new weigth (with appropriate ./configure invocation)?

Not easily.
You'd probably need to use configure to select the MIB modules you want
to include, then manually tweak the Makefiles (such as 'helpers/Makefile')
to omit anything that these don't actually use.

But this isn't something that the current build environment handles


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RE: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)

2009-08-02 Thread Juliana Purjo


> Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 15:43:34 +0100
> Subject: Re: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> 2009/7/30 Juliana Purjo :
> > Concerning MIB modules... Having looked at 4.2.x code base, I got an
> > impression there is some code repetition in the agent implementations.
> Almost certainly.
> One of the things driving the 5.x handler mechanism was the recognition
> that there was a lot of processing that is common across many MIB
> implementations. By introducing a chain of handlers to process a request,
> this has allowed the use of shared "helper" routines, which can consolidate
> this common processing into one block of code.

Sounds good. I really ought to have a better look into the v5.x net-snmp...


> > Also there seems to be quite a lot of static buffers (defined inside
> > functions) that are mostly sitting unused eating runtime memory?
> Quite likely.
> Static buffers typically offer a simpler, safer and more time-efficient
> approach than dynamic allocation for internal scratch working space.
> In most environments, the size costs are not particularly significant.

Static buffers are simple, efficient and very fine. But I fail to see the need

to have separate buffers for each objects. I do not know if it makes any sense, 

but maybe we could have a function/API to get a pointer to a static buffer of 

desired size, which the agent code would utilize instead of using private 

buffers.  According to my understanding, as net-snmp is not multithreaded, 

(without knowing the architecture very well) I think it might work to reset 

the static buffer "unused area" pointer in the beginning of each request, 

and allow requesting multiple memory areas within one SNMP request; 

the size of the whole buffer could be a constant. [We could easily insert checks

for overflow (sum of allocation sizes exceeding the total buffer size) and

(development time) debug statements to map how big buffer we at most need

in case somebody wants to tweak the buffer size; also buffer overflows 

could be checked easily by filling the buffer with magic numbers in the

beginning of a request handling.]

> It would be fair to say that the Net-SNMP agent is not really geared
> towards embedded systems, where code size may well be of greater concern.

Is there interest towards such tweaks?

> > Is it quick to outline what kind of additional features are we talking here?
> Not really.
> The UCD line has been essentially dead for something like 6-7 years.
> (The 4.2.7 release was simply a housekeeping release, to pick up
> a number of bug fixes - 4.2.6 was the last "active" release on this line).
> I can't really recall everything (or even the more important stuff) we've done
> since 2002!

I understand.

> > Thinking of replacing v4 net-snmp, is it possible to disable most of this
> > new weigth (with appropriate ./configure invocation)?
> Not easily.
> You'd probably need to use configure to select the MIB modules you want
> to include, then manually tweak the Makefiles (such as 'helpers/Makefile')
> to omit anything that these don't actually use.
> But this isn't something that the current build environment handles
> automatically.

I understand. And I think in a perfect world, much of this tweaking work could 

be done by an intelligent linker...?


> Dave

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Re: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)

2009-08-03 Thread Dave Shield
2009/8/3 Juliana Purjo :
>  But I fail to see the need
> to have separate buffers for each objects.

Remember that a single SNMP request may contain several different
MIB objects - possibly from different areas of the overall MIB tree.

   If the agent attempted to re-use a single shared buffer for implementing
multiple objects, then there is a very real danger that the processing for
one object could over-write the processing for another.   And introducing
multiple such buffers would then need some mechanism for indicating
which buffers were available.   Extra complexity, additional overheads,
and more to go wrong.

Given that in most environments, run-time size is not a significant concern,
using a separate buffer for each object feels to be a simpler, and more
(time-)efficient approach.

>  According to my understanding, as net-snmp is not multithreaded,
> (without knowing the architecture very well) I think it might work to reset
> the static buffer "unused area" pointer in the beginning of each request,

No - that wouldn't work.
Although the agent itself is not multi-threaded, it is quite feasible for the
processing of multiple requests to be interleaved - particularly if they involve
one or more AgentX subagents, or similar "delegated" or "delayed" MIB

>> It would be fair to say that the Net-SNMP agent is not really geared
>> towards embedded systems, where code size may well be of greater concern.
> Is there interest towards such tweaks?

I have no idea.   Given that we do get occasional queries about support
for embedded systems, then possibly, yes.
But given that nobody can be bothered to feed back any of their experiences
in using this software on such systems, then perhaps no.

Remember that this is an Open Source project.  Nobody is paid to work
on the code, or gets any recompense for their involvement with it.
The bottom line is - if you need something doing, how badly?
Do you need it enough to do the work yourself?

>> You'd probably need to use configure to select the MIB modules you want
>> to include, then manually tweak the Makefiles (such as 'helpers/Makefile')
>> to omit anything that these don't actually use.
> And I think in a perfect world, much of this tweaking work
> could be done by an intelligent linker...?

The question is more - what object files would need to be linked.
It's conceivable that an intellegent linker might be able to omit
unnecessary modules, but I'm not entirely convinced.
Particularly since the helper code ends up in a different library
from the MIB implementation code.   (And dynamic loading of
modules muddies the water further, since such a module might
require one of the hitherto unused helpers).

I'm inclined to think that such selection is best done as part of constructing
the build environment - perhaps by seeding the MIB module header files
with suitable "config_require" directives, and stripping down the default
list to the bare minimum.


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RE: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)

2009-08-03 Thread Juliana Purjo


> Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 08:34:28 +0100
> Subject: Re: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> 2009/8/3 Juliana Purjo :
> > But I fail to see the need
> > to have separate buffers for each objects.
> Remember that a single SNMP request may contain several different
> MIB objects - possibly from different areas of the overall MIB tree.
> If the agent attempted to re-use a single shared buffer for implementing
> multiple objects, then there is a very real danger that the processing for
> one object could over-write the processing for another. And introducing
> multiple such buffers would then need some mechanism for indicating
> which buffers were available. Extra complexity, additional overheads,
> and more to go wrong.
> Given that in most environments, run-time size is not a significant concern,
> using a separate buffer for each object feels to be a simpler, and more
> (time-)efficient approach.

Also in embedded Linux, the executable size is more important than runtime 
memory size. The flash sizes are still measured in single digit megabytes... 
And the linked application size seems to be the same whether you have 100kb of 
static buffer or 1kb of static buffer, probably the number of static buffers 
also does not make a difference.

> >   According to my understanding, as net-snmp is not multithreaded,
> > (without knowing the architecture very well) I think it might work to reset
> > the static buffer "unused area" pointer in the beginning of each request,
> No - that wouldn't work.
> Although the agent itself is not multi-threaded, it is quite feasible for the
> processing of multiple requests to be interleaved - particularly if they 
> involve
> one or more AgentX subagents, or similar "delegated" or "delayed" MIB
> modules.

Okay, more complicated than I thought... I agree the implementation effort 
probably is not worth the trouble.


> >> It would be fair to say that the Net-SNMP agent is not really geared
> >> towards embedded systems, where code size may well be of greater concern.
> >
> > Is there interest towards such tweaks?

My meaning was more to ask whether the project is open for such help.

> I have no idea. Given that we do get occasional queries about support
> for embedded systems, then possibly, yes.
> But given that nobody can be bothered to feed back any of their experiences
> in using this software on such systems, then perhaps no.

Out of personal curiosity I am interested in doing some experimentation... If 
this curiosity ever channels into action, I will let you know (just doing 
simple test compilation with bare minimum configuration would give some hint 
about the executable size difference, even doing this with the x86/x86_64 tool 

> Remember that this is an Open Source project. Nobody is paid to work
> on the code, or gets any recompense for their involvement with it.
> The bottom line is - if you need something doing, how badly?
> Do you need it enough to do the work yourself?

I remember very well this is an Open Source project, and I am very thankful for 
the work you and other people are doing to help this project, whether by 
answering uninformed questions or improving net-snmp...

> >> You'd probably need to use configure to select the MIB modules you want
> >> to include, then manually tweak the Makefiles (such as 'helpers/Makefile')
> >> to omit anything that these don't actually use.
> >
> > And I think in a perfect world, much of this tweaking work
> > could be done by an intelligent linker...?
> The question is more - what object files would need to be linked.
> It's conceivable that an intellegent linker might be able to omit
> unnecessary modules, but I'm not entirely convinced.
> Particularly since the helper code ends up in a different library
> from the MIB implementation code. (And dynamic loading of
> modules muddies the water further, since such a module might
> require one of the hitherto unused helpers).

Yes, the linker could only optimize when statically linking the net-snmp... And 
this too is just hypothetical, meaningless babbling (unless done in a proper 
tool chain forum).

> I'm inclined to think that such selection is best done as part of constructing
> the build environment - perhaps by seeding the MIB module header files
> with suitable "config_require" directives, and stripping down the default
> list to the bare minimum.



> Dave

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Re: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)

2009-08-03 Thread Bart Van Assche
2009/8/3 Juliana Purjo :
>> From:
>> Given that in most environments, run-time size is not a significant concern,
>> using a separate buffer for each object feels to be a simpler, and more
>> (time-)efficient approach.
> Also in embedded Linux, the executable size is more important than runtime
> memory size. The flash sizes are still measured in single digit megabytes...
> And the linked application size seems to be the same whether you have 100kb
> of static buffer or 1kb of static buffer, probably the number of static
> buffers also does not make a difference.

Regarding runtime size: many embedded systems use SDRAM memory. The
smallest SDRAM modules being sold today that I know of are 64 MB in
size. And I know of embedded systems with 32 MB RAM in which UCD-SNMP
has been deployed successfully.

Regarding static buffers: the space occupied in an executable by a
static buffer that has been stored by the compiler in a BSS section is
independent of the buffer size.

Regarding executable size: a filesystem like cramfs, cromfs or
squashfs can be a great help to reduce the amount of non-volatile
storage occupied by an executable.


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Re: ucd-snmp vs. net-snmp (foot print)

2009-08-03 Thread Bart Van Assche
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Dave Shield wrote:
> Unfortunately, we can't really provide you with any significant implementation
> experience of running the Net-SNMP agent on embedded systems.   I keep
> putting out a plea for those who have done this to report back, but nobody
> ever seems to bother.

One aspect of Net-SNMP that should be documented with regard to
embedded systems is whether or not Net-SNMP assumes that the system it
is running on has a hostname. On some embedded systems the hostname
(the string returned by gethostname()) has been left empty.

Additionally, on many embedded systems DNS has not been set up (empty
/etc/resolv.conf). People deploying Net-SNMP on such an embedded
system need to know which components of Net-SNMP rely on access to a
DNS server, if there are any such components.


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