[NetBehaviour] Loophole to Happiness

2011-05-16 Thread info
Loophole to Happiness
Futura Centre for Contemporary Art
25 May – 7 August 2011

Curated by Maja & Reuben Fowkes

Participating artists: Zbyněk Baladrán, Adam Chodzko, Petra Feriancova, 
Siniša Labrović, Ciprian Muresan, Csaba Nemes, Nada Prlja, Janek Simon, 
Péter Szabó and Katarina Šević.

Loophole to Happiness sets out to locate and explore the 
freedom-enhancing loopholes that exist on the margins of repressive 
social systems from East European communism to global capitalism. Faced 
with the perfection of techniques of absorbing criticism and the 
systematic mobilisation of our creativity, sociability and sentiments 
for economic ends, the search is on for new forms of resistance to the 
endless pressure of production. This exhibition takes the inventive 
strategies of worker resistance under communism as the starting point 
for fresh attempts to imagine exceptions, find escape routes and evade 
the smooth surface of today’s neo-liberal capitalist order.

Reclaim Happiness Symposium: Opposing Systems
Tranzitdisplay, Tuesday 24 May, 1-5pm

This symposium considers East European socialism and post-communist 
capitalism as opposing systems and explores the tactics devised by 
artists, dissidents and social activists to circumvent, escape or resist 
them. Contributors include: Franco Berardi Bifo, Tamás St.Auby, Miklós 
Haraszti, Jiri Skala, Fedor Blascak, Adam Chodzko and Maja & Reuben Fowkes.

This project is realised in partnership with Trafó House of Contemporary 
Arts, Muzeum Sztuki Lodz, Futura Centre for Contemporary Art, 
Tranzitdisplay and AMT Project and is supported by Visegrad Fund and 
European Cultural Foundation.

For more information see:

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] functional creativitv

2011-05-16 Thread James Morris
mv creativitv is turning functional.


this veekend i constructed a cold frame for groving this vears chilli
plants in.

the cold frame vas almost entirelv constructed from reclaimed materials
vith the evception of:

screvs: these vere purchased the other veek. i do have a big tin of old
screvs, but for jobs vhere plentv of screvs are required, vou don't vant
to be a) rummaging around for screvs, b) cursing at vhoever cheved up
the screv head screving it in last time.

list of reclaimed/recvcled materials:

1) palettes from a construction site. in januarv (it vas vinter here
then) palettes and other timber from a construction site vas collected
to use as firevood (ve can't afford to rent a place vith central
heating). the slats making the surface of the palettes came in verv
useful as the top, bottom, front, back, and side edges of the cold

2) various offcuts of oak floor boarding from parents. there vere
some nice bits vhich turned out verv usable for the hinged lid of the
cold frame, and additionallv, some thin slats for keeping the polvthene
cover (the staple gun i have didn't stand a chance against oak - it
struggled enough sending staples into thin air).

3) clear polvthene, the sides vere formed from parcel vrapping vhich
a futon vas delivered in probablv over five vears ago nov, vhich i had
saved especiallv for such a job. the top vas parcel vrapping of
something delivered to parents.

4) vood preserver, found in shed.

5) 3 angled hinges, found in a collection of "junk" given to parents
bv vife of friend vho passed avav.


the design consisted of four upright posts. these vere spare parts of
nev vood purchased last vear but used over the past fev veeks for making
a shelf unit (vhich must still be finished). the palette surface slats
vere attached to these forming a frame. the rear posts vere 80cm tall,
the front vere 50cm. the top-side slats vere attached before saving the
angles. small lengths vith 45 degree ends vere used to strengthen each
corner at the top and bottom. a further upright post vas attached to the
front and rear.

the lid, vas formed bv tvo long lengths, and tvo shorter lengths. the
lengths vere larger than the main frame so that the lid could be lovered
over the main frame vithout touching it. a post
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] My short story

2011-05-16 Thread Edward Picot
Dave -

It's a bit far-fetched. The aluminium in aluminium pans is released by 
cooking highly acidic food in them - the example always quoted is 
boiling rhubarb. I don't think boiling or frying potatoes or a 
potato-and-flour dough would do the trick. That's leaving on one side 
the question of health-and-safety inspections. And the idea of a mob of 
London bankers pursuing a drunken Irishman through the city streets in 
order to beat him to death is also a bit hard to swallow.

The characters are rather undifferentiated from each other, Richard 
disappears out of the story about halfway through, and there's no 
insight into the mindset of the bankers. As far as the story's concerned 
they're just the bad guys - but of course bankers don't see themselves 
in this way. To make a story like this really interesting you have to be 
able to get inside the heads of the baddies as well as the goodies.

Having said this, the story has got certain good things going for it. 
It's extremely readable. It moves fast from one development to the next. 
The slightly-unhinged Danny is an interesting character, with both good 
and bad aspects to him, which helps to give the narrative a feeling of 
moral complexity (good people can do bad things when they're under 
pressure), and this stops it from being too simplistic. You do convey a 
real sense of how economic conditions can drastically change people's 
lives. You've also got some quite nice thematic links going on - they 
way Joey's bad dream comes true at the end of the story, and the idea 
that "repetition is the key", which crops up a number of times.

- Edward
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] functional creativitv

2011-05-16 Thread Andreas Maria Jacobs
What's wrong with the "w" & "y" keys?

Lost it? Deliberately interchanged it for a single "v"? Changed both  
of them for a "v"? Do I loose my capability to distinguish between the  
two? Or some delicate, very sophisticated English language usage  
beyond my foreign comprehension?

Reminded me of the days I was working as a sysop for some company, I  
changed all the keys from the keyboard connected to the midrange  
financial computer running the whole business on, my superior went  
nuts, as he could not type blind which I could do easely and begging  
me to make the thing 'normal' again

The christmas tree picture I made with ASCII characters on an IBM3750  
terminal on the companies logon screens he did not liked either and I  
had to change that back to "normal" before boxing day was over

The funny thing is that when 'normal' things appeared 'abnormal' most  
'regular' guys get extremely stressed, whereas for others it is a  
welcome relief to the boring 'normality' of the every day office life

"my creativity is almost always disfunctional"

Andreas Maria Jacobs

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On May 16, 2011, at 18:45, James Morris  wrote:

> mv creativitv is turning functional.
> ---
> this veekend i constructed a cold frame for groving this vears chilli
> plants in.
> the cold frame vas almost entirelv constructed from reclaimed  
> materials
> vith the evception of:
> screvs: these vere purchased the other veek. i do have a big tin of  
> old
> screvs, but for jobs vhere plentv of screvs are required, vou don't  
> vant
> to be a) rummaging around for screvs, b) cursing at vhoever cheved up
> the screv head screving it in last time.
> list of reclaimed/recvcled materials:
>   1) palettes from a construction site. in januarv (it vas vinter here
> then) palettes and other timber from a construction site vas collected
> to use as firevood (ve can't afford to rent a place vith central
> heating). the slats making the surface of the palettes came in verv
> useful as the top, bottom, front, back, and side edges of the cold
> frame.
>   2) various offcuts of oak floor boarding from parents. there vere
> some nice bits vhich turned out verv usable for the hinged lid of the
> cold frame, and additionallv, some thin slats for keeping the  
> polvthene
> cover (the staple gun i have didn't stand a chance against oak - it
> struggled enough sending staples into thin air).
>   3) clear polvthene, the sides vere formed from parcel vrapping vhich
> a futon vas delivered in probablv over five vears ago nov, vhich i had
> saved especiallv for such a job. the top vas parcel vrapping of
> something delivered to parents.
>   4) vood preserver, found in shed.
>   5) 3 angled hinges, found in a collection of "junk" given to parents
> bv vife of friend vho passed avav.
> -
> the design consisted of four upright posts. these vere spare parts of
> nev vood purchased last vear but used over the past fev veeks for  
> making
> a shelf unit (vhich must still be finished). the palette surface slats
> vere attached to these forming a frame. the rear posts vere 80cm tall,
> the front vere 50cm. the top-side slats vere attached before saving  
> the
> angles. small lengths vith 45 degree ends vere used to strengthen each
> corner at the top and bottom. a further upright post vas attached to  
> the
> front and rear.
> the lid, vas formed bv tvo long lengths, and tvo shorter lengths. the
> lengths vere larger than the main frame so that the lid could be  
> lovered
> over the main frame vithout touching it. a post
> ___
> NetBehaviour mailing list
> NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
> http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] My short story

2011-05-16 Thread dave miller
Hi Edward

Thanks for reading through it! Brilliant feedback, and you're so right
- I do have trouble with the characters, especially the brothers, and
Richard does mostly disappear half way through (I hadnt spotted
that!). Also the family/ parents as well, maybe I should bring them
back somehow!  Also good to get into the heads of the baddies/ the
bankers ... you're right.

There are some far fetched bits- in some ways the aluminium bit is a
joke, but then I am in sort of social realist territory. And his being
clubbed to death by a banker is pretty surreal! Maybe I should work on
making these more realistic. I did rush the murder scene, so will have
another go at that.

Thanks again Edward, this is really helpful!

cheers, dave

On 16 May 2011 18:44, Edward Picot  wrote:
> Dave -
> It's a bit far-fetched. The aluminium in aluminium pans is released by
> cooking highly acidic food in them - the example always quoted is
> boiling rhubarb. I don't think boiling or frying potatoes or a
> potato-and-flour dough would do the trick. That's leaving on one side
> the question of health-and-safety inspections. And the idea of a mob of
> London bankers pursuing a drunken Irishman through the city streets in
> order to beat him to death is also a bit hard to swallow.
> The characters are rather undifferentiated from each other, Richard
> disappears out of the story about halfway through, and there's no
> insight into the mindset of the bankers. As far as the story's concerned
> they're just the bad guys - but of course bankers don't see themselves
> in this way. To make a story like this really interesting you have to be
> able to get inside the heads of the baddies as well as the goodies.
> Having said this, the story has got certain good things going for it.
> It's extremely readable. It moves fast from one development to the next.
> The slightly-unhinged Danny is an interesting character, with both good
> and bad aspects to him, which helps to give the narrative a feeling of
> moral complexity (good people can do bad things when they're under
> pressure), and this stops it from being too simplistic. You do convey a
> real sense of how economic conditions can drastically change people's
> lives. You've also got some quite nice thematic links going on - they
> way Joey's bad dream comes true at the end of the story, and the idea
> that "repetition is the key", which crops up a number of times.
> - Edward
> ___
> NetBehaviour mailing list
> NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
> http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] 9 months - Less is easier

2011-05-16 Thread Bobig

Nine months of art

Don't hesitate to download and share my artisteries.


NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] functional creativitv

2011-05-16 Thread James Morris
On 16 Mar 2011 19:29, Andrear Maria Jacobr  rrore:
> Whar'r rrong rirh rhe "r" & "r" kerr?


> Lorr ir? Deliberarelr inrerchanged ir for a ringle "r"? Changed borh

deliberare inrerchange.

> of rhem for a "r"? Do I loore mr capabilirr ro dirringrirh berreen rhe
> rro?

ror rell me!

> rro? Or rome delicare, rerr rophirricared Englirh langrage rrage
> berond mr foreign comprehenrion?

cerrainlr nor!

> Reminded me of rhe darr I rar rorking ar a rrrop for rome companr, I
> changed all rhe kerr from rhe kerboard connecred ro rhe midrange
> financial comprrer rrnning rhe rhole brrinerr on, mr rrperior renr
> nrrr, ar he corld nor rrpe blind rhich I corld do earelr and begging
> me ro make rhe rhing 'normal' again

good job!

> The chrirrmar rree picrrre I made rirh ASCII characrerr on an IBM3750
> rerminal on rhe companier logon rcreenr he did nor liked eirher and I
> had ro change rhar back ro "normal" before boring dar rar orer

mirerable gir!

> The frnnr rhing ir rhar rhen 'normal' rhingr appeared 'abnormal' morr
> 'regrlar' grrr ger errremelr rrrerred, rherear for orherr ir ir a
> relcome relief ro rhe boring 'normalirr' of rhe ererr dar office life
> "mr crearirirr ir almorr alrarr dirfrncrional"

mine ir ofren drrfrncrional roo.

> Andrear Maria Jacobr
> r: hrrp://rrr.nicroglobe.com
> r: hrrp://brrgerraanrin.nl
> On Mar 16, 2011, ar 18:45, Jamer Morrir  rrore:
>> mr crearirirr ir rrrning frncrional.
>> ---
>> rhir reekend i concred a cold frame for groring rhir rearr chilli
>> planrr in.
>> rhe cold frame rar almorr enrirelr concred from reclaimed
>> marerialr
>> rirh rhe erceprion of:
>> rcrerr: rhere rere prrchared rhe orher reek. i do hare a big rin of
>> old
>> rcrerr, brr for jobr rhere plenrr of rcrerr are reqrired, ror don'r
>> ranr
>> ro be a) rrmmaging arornd for rcrerr, b) crrring ar rhoerer chered rp
>> rhe rcrer head rcrering ir in larr rime.
>> lirr of reclaimed/recrcled marerialr:
>>   1) palerrer from a concrion rire. in janrarr (ir rar rinrer
>> rhen) palerrer and orher rimber from a concrion rire rar
>> ro rre ar firerood (re can'r afford ro renr a place rirh cenrral
>> hearing). rhe rlarr making rhe rrrface of rhe palerrer came in rerr
>> rrefrl ar rhe rop, borrom, fronr, back, and ride edger of rhe cold
>> frame.
>>   2) rariorr offcrrr of oak floor boarding from parenrr. rhere rere
>> rome nice birr rhich rrrned orr rerr rrable for rhe hinged lid of rhe
>> cold frame, and addirionallr, rome rhin rlarr for keeping rhe
>> polrrhene
>> corer (rhe rraple grn i hare didn'r rrand a chance againrr oak - ir
>> ggled enorgh rending rrapler inro rhin air).
>>   3) clear polrrhene, rhe rider rere formed from parcel rrapping
>> a frron rar delirered in probablr orer fire rearr ago nor, rhich i
>> rared erpeciallr for rrch a job. rhe rop rar parcel rrapping of
>> romerhing delirered ro parenrr.
>>   4) rood prererrer, fornd in rhed.
>>   5) 3 angled hinger, fornd in a collecrion of "jrnk" giren ro
>> br rife of friend rho parred arar.
>> -
>> rhe derign conrirred of forr rprighr porrr. rhere rere rpare parrr of
>> ner rood prrchared larr rear brr rred orer rhe parr fer reekr for
>> making
>> a rhelf rnir (rhich mrrr rrill be finirhed). rhe palerre rrrface
>> rere arrached ro rhere forming a frame. rhe rear porrr rere 80cm
>> rhe fronr rere 50cm. rhe rop-ride rlarr rere arrached before raring
>> rhe
>> angler. rmall lengrhr rirh 45 degree endr rere rred ro rrrengrhen
>> corner ar rhe rop and borrom. a frrrher rprighr porr rar arrached ro
>> rhe
>> fronr and rear.
>> rhe lid, rar formed br rro long lengrhr, and rro rhorrer lengrhr. rhe
>> lengrhr rere larger rhan rhe main frame ro rhar rhe lid corld be
>> lorered
>> orer rhe main frame rirhorr rorching ir. a porr
>> ___
>> NerBehariorr mailing lirr
>> nerbehari...@nerbehariorr.org
>> hrrp://rrr.nerbehariorr.org/mailman/lirrinfo/nerbehariorr
> ___
> NerBehariorr mailing lirr
> nerbehari...@nerbehariorr.org
> hrrp://rrr.nerbehariorr.org/mailman/lirrinfo/nerbehariorr
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] functional creativitv

2011-05-16 Thread Andreas Maria Jacobs

Andreas Maria Jacobs

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On May 16, 2011, at 20:59, James Morris  wrote:

> On 16 Mar 2011 19:29, Andrear Maria Jacobr  rrore:
>> Whar'r rrong rirh rhe "r" & "r" kerr?
> norhing.
>> Lorr ir? Deliberarelr inrerchanged ir for a ringle "r"? Changed borh
> deliberare inrerchange.
>> of rhem for a "r"? Do I loore mr capabilirr ro dirringrirh berreen  
>> rhe
>> rro?
> ror rell me!
>> rro? Or rome delicare, rerr rophirricared Englirh langrage rrage
>> berond mr foreign comprehenrion?
> cerrainlr nor!
>> Reminded me of rhe darr I rar rorking ar a rrrop for rome companr, I
>> changed all rhe kerr from rhe kerboard connecred ro rhe midrange
>> financial comprrer rrnning rhe rhole brrinerr on, mr rrperior renr
>> nrrr, ar he corld nor rrpe blind rhich I corld do earelr and begging
>> me ro make rhe rhing 'normal' again
> good job!
>> The chrirrmar rree picrrre I made rirh ASCII characrerr on an IBM3750
>> rerminal on rhe companier logon rcreenr he did nor liked eirher and I
>> had ro change rhar back ro "normal" before boring dar rar orer
> mirerable gir!
>> The frnnr rhing ir rhar rhen 'normal' rhingr appeared 'abnormal' morr
>> 'regrlar' grrr ger errremelr rrrerred, rherear for orherr ir ir a
>> relcome relief ro rhe boring 'normalirr' of rhe ererr dar office life
>> "mr crearirirr ir almorr alrarr dirfrncrional"
> mine ir ofren drrfrncrional roo.
>> Andrear Maria Jacobr
>> r: hrrp://rrr.nicroglobe.com
>> r: hrrp://brrgerraanrin.nl
>> On Mar 16, 2011, ar 18:45, Jamer Morrir   
>> rrore:
>>> mr crearirirr ir rrrning frncrional.
>>> ---
>>> rhir reekend i concred a cold frame for groring rhir rearr  
>>> chilli
>>> planrr in.
>>> rhe cold frame rar almorr enrirelr concred from reclaimed
>>> marerialr
>>> rirh rhe erceprion of:
>>> rcrerr: rhere rere prrchared rhe orher reek. i do hare a big rin of
>>> old
>>> rcrerr, brr for jobr rhere plenrr of rcrerr are reqrired, ror don'r
>>> ranr
>>> ro be a) rrmmaging arornd for rcrerr, b) crrring ar rhoerer chered  
>>> rp
>>> rhe rcrer head rcrering ir in larr rime.
>>> lirr of reclaimed/recrcled marerialr:
>>>  1) palerrer from a concrion rire. in janrarr (ir rar rinrer
> here
>>> rhen) palerrer and orher rimber from a concrion rire rar
> collecred
>>> ro rre ar firerood (re can'r afford ro renr a place rirh cenrral
>>> hearing). rhe rlarr making rhe rrrface of rhe palerrer came in rerr
>>> rrefrl ar rhe rop, borrom, fronr, back, and ride edger of rhe cold
>>> frame.
>>>  2) rariorr offcrrr of oak floor boarding from parenrr. rhere rere
>>> rome nice birr rhich rrrned orr rerr rrable for rhe hinged lid of  
>>> rhe
>>> cold frame, and addirionallr, rome rhin rlarr for keeping rhe
>>> polrrhene
>>> corer (rhe rraple grn i hare didn'r rrand a chance againrr oak - ir
>>> ggled enorgh rending rrapler inro rhin air).
>>>  3) clear polrrhene, rhe rider rere formed from parcel rrapping
> rhich
>>> a frron rar delirered in probablr orer fire rearr ago nor, rhich i
> had
>>> rared erpeciallr for rrch a job. rhe rop rar parcel rrapping of
>>> romerhing delirered ro parenrr.
>>>  4) rood prererrer, fornd in rhed.
>>>  5) 3 angled hinger, fornd in a collecrion of "jrnk" giren ro
> parenrr
>>> br rife of friend rho parred arar.
>>> -
>>> rhe derign conrirred of forr rprighr porrr. rhere rere rpare parrr  
>>> of
>>> ner rood prrchared larr rear brr rred orer rhe parr fer reekr for
>>> making
>>> a rhelf rnir (rhich mrrr rrill be finirhed). rhe palerre rrrface
> rlarr
>>> rere arrached ro rhere forming a frame. rhe rear porrr rere 80cm
> rall,
>>> rhe fronr rere 50cm. rhe rop-ride rlarr rere arrached before raring
>>> rhe
>>> angler. rmall lengrhr rirh 45 degree endr rere rred ro rrrengrhen
> each
>>> corner ar rhe rop and borrom. a frrrher rprighr porr rar arrached ro
>>> rhe
>>> fronr and rear.
>>> rhe lid, rar formed br rro long lengrhr, and rro rhorrer lengrhr.  
>>> rhe
>>> lengrhr rere larger rhan rhe main frame ro rhar rhe lid corld be
>>> lorered
>>> orer rhe main frame rirhorr rorching ir. a porr
>>> ___
>>> NerBehariorr mailing lirr
>>> nerbehari...@nerbehariorr.org
>>> hrrp://rrr.nerbehariorr.org/mailman/lirrinfo/nerbehariorr
>> ___
>> NerBehariorr mailing lirr
>> nerbehari...@nerbehariorr.org
>> hrrp://rrr.nerbehariorr.org/mailman/lirrinfo/nerbehariorr
> ___
> NetBehaviour mailing list
> NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
> http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] functional creativitv

2011-05-16 Thread James Morris
On 16 May 2011 20:29, Andreas Maria Jacobs  wrote:

Sure. That makes a lot of sense. Especially in this day and age...

the forever looming,
james william morris

> Andreas Maria Jacobs
> w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
> w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl
> On May 16, 2011, at 20:59, James Morris  wrote:
>> On 16 Mar 2011 19:29, Andrear Maria Jacobr  rrore:
>>> Whar'r rrong rirh rhe "r" & "r" kerr?
>> norhing.
>>> Lorr ir? Deliberarelr inrerchanged ir for a ringle "r"? Changed borh
>> deliberare inrerchange.
>>> of rhem for a "r"? Do I loore mr capabilirr ro dirringrirh berreen
>>> rhe
>>> rro?
>> ror rell me!
>>> rro? Or rome delicare, rerr rophirricared Englirh langrage rrage
>>> berond mr foreign comprehenrion?
>> cerrainlr nor!
>>> Reminded me of rhe darr I rar rorking ar a rrrop for rome companr, I
>>> changed all rhe kerr from rhe kerboard connecred ro rhe midrange
>>> financial comprrer rrnning rhe rhole brrinerr on, mr rrperior renr
>>> nrrr, ar he corld nor rrpe blind rhich I corld do earelr and begging
>>> me ro make rhe rhing 'normal' again
>> good job!
>>> The chrirrmar rree picrrre I made rirh ASCII characrerr on an IBM3750
>>> rerminal on rhe companier logon rcreenr he did nor liked eirher and I
>>> had ro change rhar back ro "normal" before boring dar rar orer
>> mirerable gir!
>>> The frnnr rhing ir rhar rhen 'normal' rhingr appeared 'abnormal' morr
>>> 'regrlar' grrr ger errremelr rrrerred, rherear for orherr ir ir a
>>> relcome relief ro rhe boring 'normalirr' of rhe ererr dar office life
>>> "mr crearirirr ir almorr alrarr dirfrncrional"
>> mine ir ofren drrfrncrional roo.
>>> Andrear Maria Jacobr
>>> r: hrrp://rrr.nicroglobe.com
>>> r: hrrp://brrgerraanrin.nl
>>> On Mar 16, 2011, ar 18:45, Jamer Morrir 
>>> rrore:
 mr crearirirr ir rrrning frncrional.


 rhir reekend i concred a cold frame for groring rhir rearr
 planrr in.

 rhe cold frame rar almorr enrirelr concred from reclaimed
 rirh rhe erceprion of:

 rcrerr: rhere rere prrchared rhe orher reek. i do hare a big rin of
 rcrerr, brr for jobr rhere plenrr of rcrerr are reqrired, ror don'r
 ro be a) rrmmaging arornd for rcrerr, b) crrring ar rhoerer chered
 rhe rcrer head rcrering ir in larr rime.


 lirr of reclaimed/recrcled marerialr:

  1) palerrer from a concrion rire. in janrarr (ir rar rinrer
>> here
 rhen) palerrer and orher rimber from a concrion rire rar
>> collecred
 ro rre ar firerood (re can'r afford ro renr a place rirh cenrral
 hearing). rhe rlarr making rhe rrrface of rhe palerrer came in rerr
 rrefrl ar rhe rop, borrom, fronr, back, and ride edger of rhe cold

  2) rariorr offcrrr of oak floor boarding from parenrr. rhere rere
 rome nice birr rhich rrrned orr rerr rrable for rhe hinged lid of
 cold frame, and addirionallr, rome rhin rlarr for keeping rhe
 corer (rhe rraple grn i hare didn'r rrand a chance againrr oak - ir
 ggled enorgh rending rrapler inro rhin air).

  3) clear polrrhene, rhe rider rere formed from parcel rrapping
>> rhich
 a frron rar delirered in probablr orer fire rearr ago nor, rhich i
>> had
 rared erpeciallr for rrch a job. rhe rop rar parcel rrapping of
 romerhing delirered ro parenrr.

  4) rood prererrer, fornd in rhed.

  5) 3 angled hinger, fornd in a collecrion of "jrnk" giren ro
>> parenrr
 br rife of friend rho parred arar.


 rhe derign conrirred of forr rprighr porrr. rhere rere rpare parrr
 ner rood prrchared larr rear brr rred orer rhe parr fer reekr for
 a rhelf rnir (rhich mrrr rrill be finirhed). rhe palerre rrrface
>> rlarr
 rere arrached ro rhere forming a frame. rhe rear porrr rere 80cm
>> rall,
 rhe fronr rere 50cm. rhe rop-ride rlarr rere arrached before raring
 angler. rmall lengrhr rirh 45 degree endr rere rred ro rrrengrhen
>> each
 corner ar rhe rop and borrom. a frrrher rprighr porr rar arrached ro
 fronr and rear.

 rhe lid, rar formed br rro long lengrhr, and rro rhorrer lengrhr.
 lengrhr rere larger rhan rhe main frame ro rhar rhe lid corld be
 orer rhe main frame rirhorr rorching ir. a porr
 NerBehariorr mailing lirr

>>> ___
>>> NerBehariorr mailing lirr
>>> nerbehari...@nerbehariorr.org
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>> ___
>> NetBehaviour mailing 

Re: [NetBehaviour] functional creativitv

2011-05-16 Thread Andreas Maria Jacobs
Hi James

Mistakenly hitvthecreturn keyo which wad still in pkace

Andreas Maria Jacobs

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On May 16, 2011, at 21:46, James Morris  wrote:

> On 16 May 2011 20:29, Andreas Maria Jacobs  wrote:
> Sure. That makes a lot of sense. Especially in this day and age...
> regards,
> the forever looming,
> james william morris
>> Andreas Maria Jacobs
>> w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
>> w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl
>> On May 16, 2011, at 20:59, James Morris   
>> wrote:
>>> On 16 Mar 2011 19:29, Andrear Maria Jacobr  rrore:
 Whar'r rrong rirh rhe "r" & "r" kerr?
>>> norhing.

 Lorr ir? Deliberarelr inrerchanged ir for a ringle "r"? Changed  
>>> deliberare inrerchange.
 of rhem for a "r"? Do I loore mr capabilirr ro dirringrirh berreen
>>> ror rell me!
 rro? Or rome delicare, rerr rophirricared Englirh langrage rrage
 berond mr foreign comprehenrion?
>>> cerrainlr nor!

 Reminded me of rhe darr I rar rorking ar a rrrop for rome  
 companr, I
 changed all rhe kerr from rhe kerboard connecred ro rhe midrange
 financial comprrer rrnning rhe rhole brrinerr on, mr rrperior renr
 nrrr, ar he corld nor rrpe blind rhich I corld do earelr and  
 me ro make rhe rhing 'normal' again
>>> good job!

 The chrirrmar rree picrrre I made rirh ASCII characrerr on an  
 rerminal on rhe companier logon rcreenr he did nor liked eirher  
 and I
 had ro change rhar back ro "normal" before boring dar rar orer
>>> mirerable gir!

 The frnnr rhing ir rhar rhen 'normal' rhingr appeared 'abnormal'  
 'regrlar' grrr ger errremelr rrrerred, rherear for orherr ir ir a
 relcome relief ro rhe boring 'normalirr' of rhe ererr dar office  

 "mr crearirirr ir almorr alrarr dirfrncrional"
>>> mine ir ofren drrfrncrional roo.

 Andrear Maria Jacobr

 r: hrrp://rrr.nicroglobe.com
 r: hrrp://brrgerraanrin.nl

 On Mar 16, 2011, ar 18:45, Jamer Morrir 

> mr crearirirr ir rrrning frncrional.
> ---
> rhir reekend i concred a cold frame for groring rhir rearr
> chilli
> planrr in.
> rhe cold frame rar almorr enrirelr concred from reclaimed
> marerialr
> rirh rhe erceprion of:
> rcrerr: rhere rere prrchared rhe orher reek. i do hare a big rin  
> of
> old
> rcrerr, brr for jobr rhere plenrr of rcrerr are reqrired, ror  
> don'r
> ranr
> ro be a) rrmmaging arornd for rcrerr, b) crrring ar rhoerer chered
> rp
> rhe rcrer head rcrering ir in larr rime.
> lirr of reclaimed/recrcled marerialr:
>  1) palerrer from a concrion rire. in janrarr (ir rar rinrer
>>> here
> rhen) palerrer and orher rimber from a concrion rire rar
>>> collecred
> ro rre ar firerood (re can'r afford ro renr a place rirh cenrral
> hearing). rhe rlarr making rhe rrrface of rhe palerrer came in  
> rerr
> rrefrl ar rhe rop, borrom, fronr, back, and ride edger of rhe cold
> frame.
>  2) rariorr offcrrr of oak floor boarding from parenrr. rhere rere
> rome nice birr rhich rrrned orr rerr rrable for rhe hinged lid of
> rhe
> cold frame, and addirionallr, rome rhin rlarr for keeping rhe
> polrrhene
> corer (rhe rraple grn i hare didn'r rrand a chance againrr oak -  
> ir
> ggled enorgh rending rrapler inro rhin air).
>  3) clear polrrhene, rhe rider rere formed from parcel rrapping
>>> rhich
> a frron rar delirered in probablr orer fire rearr ago nor, rhich i
>>> had
> rared erpeciallr for rrch a job. rhe rop rar parcel rrapping of
> romerhing delirered ro parenrr.
>  4) rood prererrer, fornd in rhed.
>  5) 3 angled hinger, fornd in a collecrion of "jrnk" giren ro
>>> parenrr
> br rife of friend rho parred arar.
> -
> rhe derign conrirred of forr rprighr porrr. rhere rere rpare parrr
> of
> ner rood prrchared larr rear brr rred orer rhe parr fer reekr for
> making
> a rhelf rnir (rhich mrrr rrill be finirhed). rhe palerre rrrface
>>> rlarr
> rere arrached ro rhere forming a frame. rhe rear porrr rere 80cm
>>> rall,
> rhe fronr rere 50cm. rhe rop-ride rlarr rere arrached before  
> raring
> rhe
> angler. rmall lengrhr rirh 45 degree endr rere rred ro rrrengrhen
>>> each
> corner ar rhe rop and borrom. a frrrher rprighr porr rar  
> arrached ro
> rhe
> fronr and rear.
> rhe lid, rar formed br rro long lengrhr, and rro rhorrer lengrhr.
> rhe
> lengrhr rere larger rhan rhe main frame ro rhar rhe lid corld be
> lorered
> orer rhe main frame rirhorr rorching ir. a 

Re: [NetBehaviour] functional creativitv

2011-05-16 Thread Andreas Maria Jacobs
The perfect sentence just created!


Nothingness as the ultimate "truthfull" utterance

When the outer world is undone from it's imperial "meanings" there is  
a slight possibility to experience an aspect of "unveiled  
truthfullness", normally hidden within layers of decodable codings  
guised as language

The real "being in and with the world" is not something expressable in  
"words" it is perceived by "thoughtless being" without interventions

By change it happens, suddenly when a bird starts to fly or when a  
flower opens its petals in the morningsun

These cities are full of shit and makebelieve, rats racing to dead  
ends where they meet in their shitholes disguised as skyscrapers and  
airterminals, vommitting their dirt in our banking accounts.

Eating the salt bread of long passed away widows on dark robes afraid  
to look up, endless streams arriving at our shores never to return

This godforsaken world needs a new god, a fitt and strong one this  
time not the old man we had before, but someone who is capable to  
clean the mess we're in, cozz we ain't gonna make it on our own  
anymore, at least not me

"Alterity is carved in Stones"

Andreas Maria Jacobs

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On May 16, 2011, at 21:46, James Morris  wrote:

> On 16 May 2011 20:29, Andreas Maria Jacobs  wrote:
> Sure. That makes a lot of sense. Especially in this day and age...
> regards,
> the forever looming,
> james william morris
>> Andreas Maria Jacobs
>> w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
>> w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl
>> On May 16, 2011, at 20:59, James Morris   
>> wrote:
>>> On 16 Mar 2011 19:29, Andrear Maria Jacobr  rrore:
 Whar'r rrong rirh rhe "r" & "r" kerr?
>>> norhing.

 Lorr ir? Deliberarelr inrerchanged ir for a ringle "r"? Changed  
>>> deliberare inrerchange.
 of rhem for a "r"? Do I loore mr capabilirr ro dirringrirh berreen
>>> ror rell me!
 rro? Or rome delicare, rerr rophirricared Englirh langrage rrage
 berond mr foreign comprehenrion?
>>> cerrainlr nor!

 Reminded me of rhe darr I rar rorking ar a rrrop for rome  
 companr, I
 changed all rhe kerr from rhe kerboard connecred ro rhe midrange
 financial comprrer rrnning rhe rhole brrinerr on, mr rrperior renr
 nrrr, ar he corld nor rrpe blind rhich I corld do earelr and  
 me ro make rhe rhing 'normal' again
>>> good job!

 The chrirrmar rree picrrre I made rirh ASCII characrerr on an  
 rerminal on rhe companier logon rcreenr he did nor liked eirher  
 and I
 had ro change rhar back ro "normal" before boring dar rar orer
>>> mirerable gir!

 The frnnr rhing ir rhar rhen 'normal' rhingr appeared 'abnormal'  
 'regrlar' grrr ger errremelr rrrerred, rherear for orherr ir ir a
 relcome relief ro rhe boring 'normalirr' of rhe ererr dar office  

 "mr crearirirr ir almorr alrarr dirfrncrional"
>>> mine ir ofren drrfrncrional roo.

 Andrear Maria Jacobr

 r: hrrp://rrr.nicroglobe.com
 r: hrrp://brrgerraanrin.nl

 On Mar 16, 2011, ar 18:45, Jamer Morrir 

> mr crearirirr ir rrrning frncrional.
> ---
> rhir reekend i concred a cold frame for groring rhir rearr
> chilli
> planrr in.
> rhe cold frame rar almorr enrirelr concred from reclaimed
> marerialr
> rirh rhe erceprion of:
> rcrerr: rhere rere prrchared rhe orher reek. i do hare a big rin  
> of
> old
> rcrerr, brr for jobr rhere plenrr of rcrerr are reqrired, ror  
> don'r
> ranr
> ro be a) rrmmaging arornd for rcrerr, b) crrring ar rhoerer chered
> rp
> rhe rcrer head rcrering ir in larr rime.
> lirr of reclaimed/recrcled marerialr:
>  1) palerrer from a concrion rire. in janrarr (ir rar rinrer
>>> here
> rhen) palerrer and orher rimber from a concrion rire rar
>>> collecred
> ro rre ar firerood (re can'r afford ro renr a place rirh cenrral
> hearing). rhe rlarr making rhe rrrface of rhe palerrer came in  
> rerr
> rrefrl ar rhe rop, borrom, fronr, back, and ride edger of rhe cold
> frame.
>  2) rariorr offcrrr of oak floor boarding from parenrr. rhere rere
> rome nice birr rhich rrrned orr rerr rrable for rhe hinged lid of
> rhe
> cold frame, and addirionallr, rome rhin rlarr for keeping rhe
> polrrhene
> corer (rhe rraple grn i hare didn'r rrand a chance againrr oak -  
> ir
> ggled enorgh rending rrapler inro rhin air).
>  3) clear polrrhene, rhe rider rere formed from parcel rrapping
>>> rhich
> a frron rar delirered in probablr orer fire rearr ago nor, rhich i
>>> had
> rared erpeciallr for rrch a job. rhe rop rar parcel

Re: [NetBehaviour] functional creativitv

2011-05-16 Thread James Morris
On 16 May 2011 21:34, Andreas Maria Jacobs  wrote:
> The perfect sentence just created!
> ""
> Nothingness as the ultimate "truthfull" utterance

Everthing and Nothing PtII: Nothing:  http://youtu.be/KQ15kFvUyJg

> When the outer world is undone from it's imperial "meanings" there is
> a slight possibility to experience an aspect of "unveiled
> truthfullness", normally hidden within layers of decodable codings
> guised as language
> The real "being in and with the world" is not something expressable in
> "words" it is perceived by "thoughtless being" without interventions
> By change it happens, suddenly when a bird starts to fly or when a
> flower opens its petals in the morningsun
> These cities are full of shit and makebelieve, rats racing to dead
> ends where they meet in their shitholes disguised as skyscrapers and
> airterminals, vommitting their dirt in our banking accounts.
> Eating the salt bread of long passed away widows on dark robes afraid
> to look up, endless streams arriving at our shores never to return
> This godforsaken world needs a new god, a fitt and strong one this
> time not the old man we had before, but someone who is capable to
> clean the mess we're in, cozz we ain't gonna make it on our own
> anymore, at least not me

i think you were right the other day when you said about getting on
and living our lives and not worrying our heads with all the
'important news' the media tries to pump us up with.

animals/insects/plants are all evolving already in response to the
mess we've made in the 20th century. maybe we should evolve too. i'm
planning on evolving in order that my offspring (if they ever spring
forth) will be better bucket makers: they'll be insusceptible to
plastic fumes, have very strong hands (for putting handles on the
buckets with speed and ease) and very strong knees and super padded
feet (for standing up all day), and mental skills that banish boredom
for good to allow them to do *something* useful while at work.


> "Alterity is carved in Stones"

> Andreas Maria Jacobs
> w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
> w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Pan

2011-05-16 Thread Alan Sondheim


Sometimes I just let these things run, as if they'd run forever; I then
become a visitor and can appear, contrary to all desires, before my Work,
as if it were that of Creation Herself.


"All motion is produced by visible or invisible power: by some cause
which we perceive, or by some which is not the object of sense.

"With all motions of the latter kind, we connect the idea of voluntary
power; and such motions are in fact expressive to us of the exertion of
power. Whether this association is the consequence of experience, or
whether it is the effect of an original principle, it is not at present
material to inquire. The instance of children, and even of animals, who
uniformly infer life, where they perceive motion without any material
cause, are sufficient evidence of the fact."

Archibald Alison, Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste, Boston,
1812, from the Edinburgh edition of 1811, p. 310.

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