[NetBehaviour] CAPS LOCK

2011-03-28 Thread hight


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] what is the measure of forgetting?

2010-10-25 Thread hight
rough skeleton of work looking at the measure of what is lost, of forgetting

of the unseen and unsaid and those transitory moments


text and my photographs in fragments of incompletion and yet presence

just shuttling this little thing out there

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] what is the measure of forgetting?

2010-10-25 Thread hight

thank you

I feel the same too...tried to mess with the app to be this solitary
figure banging in that box and space

been trying to start new work as the economy hits me hard again as far as
teaching.it really is tough here in California to keep going so I
really appreciate the feedback



 I love the fish. You can feel it thinking, incomplete and yet present.


 Digital Archive

 - Original Message -
 From: hi...@34n118w.net
 To: netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org
 Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 10:58 PM
 Subject: [NetBehaviour] what is the measure of forgetting?

 rough skeleton of work looking at the measure of what is lost, of

 of the unseen and unsaid and those transitory moments


 text and my photographs in fragments of incompletion and yet presence

 just shuttling this little thing out there

 NetBehaviour mailing list

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] what is the measure of forgetting?

2010-10-25 Thread hight
thank you

just made a new postwill keep going

first art for me in quite a while as cutbacks here are brutal waves...sure
it is for many on this list



 Reality Engineer
 Synthetic Environment Strategist
 Game[r + ] Theorist.
 ::http://unhub.com/netwurker ::
 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] on holiday

2010-07-29 Thread hight
hi my name is holiday and I will be karen by Aug 9th

please feel free to send carrier pigeons my way

 On 07/29/2010 10:22 PM, Antonio Roberts wrote:
 what i am wondering is, if i have an emergency what is her mobile
 That's revealed after she's sent at least 100 e-mails

 Now I'm wondering what the prize is for the 100th Karen email...

 - Rob.
 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Invitation to join me

2010-07-20 Thread hight
dia log u  ...glue o ad

I exist only in data except here but here means nothing once I hit send

so we are all karens without loggin in

 Hello James,

 We had an ongoing dialogue before one was many Karens.

 Here is a collection of images submitted to netbehaviour before:


 Karen also has a facebook account - all Karens have passwords to this.

 The images are there also.

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Invitation to join me

2010-07-19 Thread hight
the medium is the message

and the massage

and mashed potatoes

  iweusthemyou cannot outguess me
 me is/are karen
 images only hide messages
 karenblissett exposes ethereal layers of multiple significance

 i wish you found the message

 -Original Message-
 From: James Morris ja...@jwm-art.net
 To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
 Sent: Mon, Jul 19, 2010 11:41 pm
 Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Invitation to join me

 show us an image.

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Binkat/Mez

2010-03-20 Thread hight
happy to announce that the latest in the series Line of Influence
looking at an important and influential artist and their influences and
who they see a kinship in coming up is now live with the brilliant
writer/artist MEZ


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] moving words call for submissions

2010-01-06 Thread hight
(edited by Camille Bacos, Jeremy Hight,  Carol Novack)

We are looking for narratives, fictions, word and language games and
plays, all sorts of poetic forms, in fragments and entireties. We are
looking for visually stimulating presentations, with or without
custom-made audio elements, but preferably with. Surprise and delight us!
Here are some samples of moving words we love:
slippingglimpse.org/; www.yorku.ca/caitlin/waves/;
nmartproject.net/agricola/mpc/volume6/encoded.html. A comprehensive
article about what’s broadly referred to as “electronic literature” may be
accessed at eliterature.org/pad/elp.html.

Submit up to two works, and please prepare your file/s as follows:
QuickTime movies, h.264, Fast Start, 640 x 480 or 720X480 , for 16:9 use
max. 720X480 with letter box , Data Rate 2000 kbits/sec. Audio AAC,
Stereo, 16 bit, 44.100 kHz, duration no longer than 12 minutes. We accept
flash  window media player formats.

Please submit your works directly to our server. For FTP info please send
an email to movingwo...@madhattersreview.com (with Moving Words
Submission in the subject line) and include the following information
(feel free to cut and paste):

1. YOUR name; email address; bio - max 250 words.

2. Name AND exact file name of pieces to be uploaded: i.e. Lucy in the
Sky, lucysky2.mov

3. Permission to publish email address in Issue 12. YES ___ NO ___

4. Do you wish to include a bio pic? YES ___ NO ___

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Fwd: Creative Data: special issue of leonardo electronic almanac]

2009-10-18 Thread hight


--The *Creative Data* special issue of *Leonardo Electronic Almanac
(LEA)* features
papers and artworks that deal with the emerging practice of data
visualization as an immersive experience. Data has long been the property
and domain of screen-based collection, archiving, processing and
interaction. The emergence of new processes, functionality and ways of
interacting with information is opening up several new areas of great
possibility in which the data allows newfound thematic and engaging forms of
immersion, as well as innovative and perception-reshaping interaction. Guest
edited by Jack Ox, Jeremy Hight and Erik Champion.

Jack Ox, Jeremy Hight, and Erik Champion, Creative Data: Visualisation,
Augmentation, Telepresence and
Trish Adams, Machina

Joe Faith, Interactive Data Exploration with Targeted Projection
Joanna Griffin, Satellite Stories: Immersion in the Large-Scale Projection
of Google Earth and Public
Cindy Keefer, 'Raumlichtmusik' - Early 20th Century Abstract Cinema
Carol LaFayette, Atta,
Luther Thie, LA Interchange: A Real-Time
Klaus Wassermann, lifeClipper - Commonality in
Ruth West, et al., Algorithmic Object as Natural Specimen: Meta Shape
Grammar Objects from Atlas in

Yasmin_announcements mailing list

Yasmin URL: http://www.media.uoa.gr/yasmin

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE: click on the link to the list you wish to subscribe to.
In the page that will appear (info page), enter e-mail address, name,
and password in the fields found further down the page.

HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE: on the info page, scroll all the way down and enter
your e-mail address in the last field. Enter password if asked. Click on
the unsubscribe button on the page that will appear (options page).

HOW TO ENABLE / DISABLE DIGEST MODE: in the options page, find the Set
Digest Mode option and set it to either on or off.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] second editon of Line of Influence exhibition has launched featuring Kate Pullinger (last was Vuk Cosic)

2009-07-13 Thread hight
The Line of Influence


We are pleased to announce the launch of the 2nd edition of Binary
Katwalk's Line of Influence.

This edition features the important interactive narrative work of Kate
Pullinger and her line of influence, works by Caitlin Fisher, Renee Turner
and Christine Wilks.

Binary Katwalk is an online exhibition space for experimental digital
work. Each edition will feature artists from around the world and from
different points in the spectrum of new media.

This edition is the second in a series of a few artists selected to show
their work alongside their influences and those they see as kindred
spirits who are emerging onto the scene. This is not an ordinary
exhibition, but instead a chance to show how ideas and works progress over
time and how no artist is a solitary force out there.

The artists selected have opened doors for others and have stayed true to
a particular path with their work. Each artist has selected their
companions in their showcase to paint in an arrow in time if you will and
to tell the tale of communication and ideas in time. This edition features
 five new mini-stories  created for  Kate's Flight Paths project which is
a mixed media communal net based narrative on a large scale.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] vuk cosic and the line of influence exhibition has just gone live

2009-05-08 Thread hight

Binarykatwalk is an online exhibition space for experimental digital work.
Each edition will feature artists from around the world and from different
points in the spectrum of new media.

The Line of Influence

This edition is a series of artists selected to show their work alongside
who influenced them and those they see as rising to prominence. This is
not an ordinary exhibition, but instead a chance to show how ideas and
works progress over time and how no artist is a solitary force out there.

The artists selected have opened doors for others and have stayed true to
a particular path with their work. Each artist has selected their
companions in their showcase to paint an arrow in time, if you will, and
to tell the tale of communication and ideas in time.

We begin with the joker prince of new media, Vuk Cosic

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Revising the Map:Modulated Mapping and the Spatial Interface published by Parsons

2009-04-22 Thread hight

Revising the Map: Modulated Mapping and The Spatial Interface


Volume I, Issue 2

This quarter's issue of the Parsons Journal for Information Mapping (PJIM)
brings another wide variety of innovative, creative, and unique projects
completed by our worldwide group of contributors. We showcase two
interactive projects along with two well-researched and provoking essays.

While this marks our second issue our Editorial Board has seen a vast
majority of interest in the concept of globalization and its affect on
social interactions among the world's inhabitants. The projects and essays
in this issue bring forth various examples of global, local, geospatial
mapping, and social connectivity. We thank all of our contributors for
their excellent work and proudly present their successes to our

— Brian Willison, Publisher, Parsons Journal for Information Mapping

Revising the Map: Modulated Mapping and The Spatial Interface

Jeremy Hight, MFA

The map can be active, malleable, open source fed, and even, in a sense,
intelligent and able to adapt. The possibility also exists for this map to
have a function that based on key words will search databases on-line to
find maps, animations, histories...


The map can be active, malleable, open source fed, and even, in a sense,
intelligent and able to adapt. The possibility also exists for this map to
have a function that based on key words will search databases on-line to
find maps, animations, histories and stories etc to place within it for
your study and engagement. The map is thus a platform and yet is active.
Community is possible as people can communicate graphically in works
placed on the map and in building mode in the tool. All the tropes of
locative media are to be in a mapping system of channels of augmentation
and a spatial net. The software by design will allow development on the
map and communication like programs such as second life but in mapping

Project Metadata

Project Title: Revising the Map: Modulated Mapping and The Spatial Interface

Keywords: map, mapping, space, modulate, measure, locative, augmentation,
social network, semiotics

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] the no fly pledge

2009-04-15 Thread hight
have done a few using Skype...one with text only ...went well

another with text and video...not as well..video went in and out and froze
a few times

also did a keynote as a video uploaded

It is extremely difficult here in Los Angeles in this economy for me to
travel. It is painful to have to pass on chances to actually meet those
bundles of text out there such as folks here instead of being so isolated 
and to have warm human interpersonal experiences and see what folks are up

Even had to pass on a conference in Washington state last years due to



 just noticed the no fly pledge

 a really interesting idea.living in Australia makes
 traveling anywhere expensive and painfulso I've
 been testing out various methods for doing artist talks
 onlinealthough there are lots of options...the other
 end usually is too scaredor has troublescan
 anyone suggest some methods that have worked well?

 my last net chat was via gchatand it worked well for about
 30 minutes and then crapped out

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] [Netbehaviour] Is it just me?

2009-01-05 Thread hight
have grown shy as to lists but ..

it helps me to see that we are sharing like thisas it saddens me to
see shared pain and distress like this

my holidays were also quiet and with a small group of friends and family

a dear friend passed away right after christmas suddenly ...some of my
relatives are out of jobs and my father who recently retired has lost half
of his retirement in the economic collapse

I can only graze the news now as it is too painful for me to go in depth
much of the time...and this goes against my core ..

The thought of a new president at least brings some hope but the morass he
inherits is mind boggling and this will put unbelievable pressure on

well...at least gas is cheaper..

and this sharing of voices helps too...at least for me.

for what it is worth...happy new year to all


 At least in this Brooklyn end of the woods, it's been a depressing holiday
 season. The transforations that Bush made, he also rode - they're infra-
 strutural, and not likely to be resolved by any presidency. Case in point
 - clean coal, the TVA, recent catastrophe. The USuses 25% the world's
 energy - this isn't going to change under any presidency - and this comes
 from coal. To build a new power grid would cost billions and we're in
 debt. West Virginia as you know is being destroyed - as of a year ago, the
 last I have stats for - something like 423 mountains were mountain-topped,
 destroying an ecology that's second to the tropics in diversity, and of
 course destroying small towns and homesteads as well. If you look at poli-
 tics, it's the same mess - the holocaust in the mideast isn't likely to
 resolve for decades, if at all. Etc. etc. There doesn't seem to be any
 place for national or geopolitical joy; even on a personal level, so many
 people are suffering for lack of health care - our next door neighbor
 probably has severe prostrate cancer and has no insurance - he's found a
 hospital to test him, but they put off the tests for months, not untyp-
 ical here, and now his blood pressure is through the roof. He's an artist
 just about 60. I'm lucky with medicate and my father paying the supple-
 mental - I couldn't survive without that. So the world appears, not better
 or worse, but grey. The one bright spot is that Obama seems to be able to
 both listen and speak coherently - we're not likelly to have a cabal
 running things without input from the rest of us.

 So we had as most people did we know, a very quiet holiday season with
 good friends and we're thankful for that. And Azure years ago found a
 forlorn dying Christmas tree in a pot at a store here - which has since
 blossomed, even indoors, into a beautiful pine. So we're helping keep
 something alive, and that is a real gift. And our cat is healthy...

 Take care, Alan

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] [Netbehaviour] Is it just me?

2009-01-05 Thread hight

Thank you so much for this.  Yes, it has definitely helped.

This thread feels like all of us with our respective hats off and just
talking in these times.  I have been helping others as much as I can the
last few months to be there for each other.  It is some comfort amongst
all of this uncertainty and chaos.  A few friends have also lost jobs  and
a student of mine was homeless for a while mid semester.  Have kept in
contact with her to give her support.

happy new year to you too.   and a wave to everyone on this list wherever
you are tonight/today.



 Hi Jeremy,

 Sorry to hear about your friend  I hope being with close ones during
 this period has helped in some way...

  it helps me to see that we are sharing like this...

 I agree, perhaps a bit of vulnerability is a healthy thing in contrast
 to the trad-posturing for a change :-)

 A happy new year to you as well.


 have grown shy as to lists but ..

 it helps me to see that we are sharing like thisas it saddens me to
 see shared pain and distress like this

 my holidays were also quiet and with a small group of friends and family

 a dear friend passed away right after christmas suddenly ...some of my
 relatives are out of jobs and my father who recently retired has lost
 of his retirement in the economic collapse

 I can only graze the news now as it is too painful for me to go in depth
 much of the time...and this goes against my core ..

 The thought of a new president at least brings some hope but the morass
 inherits is mind boggling and this will put unbelievable pressure on

 well...at least gas is cheaper..

 and this sharing of voices helps too...at least for me.

 for what it is worth...happy new year to all


 At least in this Brooklyn end of the woods, it's been a depressing
 season. The transforations that Bush made, he also rode - they're
 strutural, and not likely to be resolved by any presidency. Case in
 - clean coal, the TVA, recent catastrophe. The USuses 25% the world's
 energy - this isn't going to change under any presidency - and this
 from coal. To build a new power grid would cost billions and we're in
 debt. West Virginia as you know is being destroyed - as of a year ago,
 last I have stats for - something like 423 mountains were
 destroying an ecology that's second to the tropics in diversity, and of
 course destroying small towns and homesteads as well. If you look at
 tics, it's the same mess - the holocaust in the mideast isn't likely to
 resolve for decades, if at all. Etc. etc. There doesn't seem to be any
 place for national or geopolitical joy; even on a personal level, so
 people are suffering for lack of health care - our next door neighbor
 probably has severe prostrate cancer and has no insurance - he's found
 hospital to test him, but they put off the tests for months, not untyp-
 ical here, and now his blood pressure is through the roof. He's an
 just about 60. I'm lucky with medicate and my father paying the supple-
 mental - I couldn't survive without that. So the world appears, not
 or worse, but grey. The one bright spot is that Obama seems to be able
 both listen and speak coherently - we're not likelly to have a cabal
 running things without input from the rest of us.

 So we had as most people did we know, a very quiet holiday season with
 good friends and we're thankful for that. And Azure years ago found a
 forlorn dying Christmas tree in a pot at a store here - which has since
 blossomed, even indoors, into a beautiful pine. So we're helping keep
 something alive, and that is a real gift. And our cat is healthy...

 Take care, Alan

 NetBehaviour mailing list

 NetBehaviour mailing list

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] new in neme : immersive event time

2008-08-25 Thread hight

essay looks at research into a possible new mode of measuring events in
time that is interactive,immersive and geometric to better capture the
multiple facets of an event and the needed tangible/visceral aspect of
feeling the data of things currently being diluted by the corporate media
like the number of dead in the Iraq war

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] drowning man with a cell phone

2007-12-19 Thread hight
ahhh..I see

I was thinking in terms of how it is here in the U.S.  Sadly, the funding
for the arts is quite bleak here compared to in Europe.  I have seen this
first hand and with friends here and overseas who are also artists.

The idea of decontextualizing the net is very interesting especially here
with more and more spying on citizens and requests to use user records to
spy on us thanks to the current administration.

I humbly and respectfully withdraw the naive tag. I was just seeing it
from the perspective of an artist in America.

I have had to self fund every work I have done and all the conferences I
have gone to.



NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Immersive Sight Within the third space

2007-05-08 Thread hight
NeMe (www.neme.org) has published Jeremy Hight's text Immersive Sight Within
the Third Space: Augmentation and Spatial Interface in exhibition space

Hight writes:

Our field of vision is a continual, multi-tiered number crunching. Bicameral
sight is always being processed , interpreted, reacted to, adjusted for
comparisons made. It simply is always running as an immersive, multi layered
interaction of information and movement in a space.
The logical progression of virtual reality is into augmented reality with
smaller lenses and data fit more discreetly and logically layered into one's
natural field of vision.

Read the complete text on


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] lea special issue:Creative Data: Visualisation, Augmentation, Telepresence And Immersion call for abstracts

2007-03-28 Thread hight
*Creative Data: Visualisation, Augmentation, Telepresence And Immersion*

Guest Editors: *Jack Ox, Jeremy Hight, and Erik Champion *

Editorial Guidelines: http://leoalmanac.org/cfp/submit/index.asp
Discussion Group: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Deadline: *8 July 2007 *
*Call for papers - LEA Creative Data Special*

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (ISSN No: 1071-4391) is inviting papers and
artworks that deal with the emerging practice of data visualization as an
immersive experience. Data has long been the property and domain of screen
based collection, archiving, processing and interaction. The emergence of
new processes, functionality and ways of interacting with information is
opening up several new areas of great possibility in which the data allows
newfound thematic and engaging forms of immersion, as well as innovative and
perception-reshaping interaction.

Consider a simple analogy; to swim in a pool is to understand three
dimensionality, interaction, spatial relationships and a macro-micro view,
as well as contextual and embodied interaction. Can we swim with data? How
do we build, debate and discuss the future and shape of immersivity in its
relation to data? Can the representation of data as an immersive environment
be considered a creative accomplishment or support creativity in action or
as spectacle? How does this change the way we collect and archive
information? How does it relate to our ways of interacting with information
in study and analysis? How can this enhance or fuse key aspects of image
projection, virtual reality, augmented reality, new media and even locative

We are looking for essays, interviews, reports and other forms of writing
that look at spatialization and layering of information, a greater sense of
immersion, new forms of visualization and depth of field, precedents, future
applications and connotations, our relationship to immersion and information
inherently as how this applies to this new area.

Topics of interest may include (but are not limited to): case study related
analysis, historical context and related precedents, future and new
applications of the technology, spatial relationship analysis and analysis
of immersive interaction, screen based graphic visualization, project and
concepts of augmentation, relationship to augmented reality, virtual
reality, locative media and spatial interaction, data visualization,
creativity and the drawn line between science and art, applications to
spatial interpretation of architecture (from buildings to architecture of
data, form, etc.), or new paradigms of the kinesthetic and proprioception
applied to multi leveled or layered data and information processing
(data/and/or human) in ways that creates or enhances immersivity. There is a
nexus point of technology, information, creativity and interaction that
connects back to essential concepts of seeing, ordering, interacting and
interpreting. This call invites papers that explore the myriad ways this is
now possible.
*Key topics of interest *

How can scientific data be streamlined and filtered to immerse the public in
an intuitive and explorative yet also educational manner? Or allow them to
explore their neighborhood, world or even universe at vastly varying scales
and detail without cognitive overload?

How can various fields and disciplines and areas of artistic endeavor take
advantage of new digital technologies to mediate new spatial experiences and

Which networking and distributed technologies and systems have and can be
creatively used to share the thoughts, actions and feelings of artists,
scientists, actors and/or participants? Immersive environments are not
standing alone today. They are more often part of a network of immersive
environments. For instance, the OptiPuter consortium (
http://www.optiputer.net/) has developed and distributed OptiPortals to
many of its members. An OptiPortal is an immersive SAGE WALL that is
connected to the LambdaRail ( http://www.glif.is/). Huge data sets do not
have to be stored at more than one site as it is less expensive to
communicate them over optical networking that has a capacity of up to 10Gb
per second.
How can virtual reality technology and thematic interaction combine to
create immersive and engaging digitally mediated experiences? For example,
what new types of audience participation, setting, interfaces, interaction
devices and metaphors, background story etc can help add to a specific sense
of space place or time in order to enhance engagement and a sense of
immersion in a virtual environment?

While case study based analysis

[NetBehaviour] vague terrain 06 online

2007-03-27 Thread hight
Vagueterrain.net the Toronto-based digital arts quarterly, has just
launched its sixth issue, vague terrain 06: locative. This issue is an
exploration of locative technology and creative practice.

The issue was guest curated by David McCallum and features work by:
evamaria trischak, jeremy hight, knifeandfork, marc tuters, patricia
rodriguez, sawako, ssim-el, an interview with michael lenczner, and an
overview of the context photography project.

To view the journal please visit http://www.vagueterrain.net

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Left Behind

2007-03-20 Thread hight
how is the teaching going?


 Left Behind


 Some people believe in ghosts and light candles and some people believe in
 gods and spirits. People will do anything to avoid life. Some people say
 prayers and some people have funerals and some people drink blood and wine
 and some people go to temples and some people go to churches. People will
 do anything to avoid this life. People will read and write and paint. Some
 people will fight and some people will tell people to fight. Anything to
 add to this life. People want to add to this life. People lie to add to
 this life. People believe in goblins and trolls. People find this life
 flat and boring. Anything to make this life interesting. Anything to make
 this life go on. Anything to endure. Anything to make enduring. People
 believe in UFOs. People want more than people and animals. People want
 more than clouds and plants. People say if there's nothing else than this
 life then there's nothing at all. People say if this is all there is
 there's nothing to live for. Some people play sports and some people
 write things down and some people make flat new things and some people
 are sick and bleeding. Some people want to die. People are left behind.

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Re: ignore last message...sent to list by mistake

2007-03-20 Thread hight

 Left Behind


 Some people believe in ghosts and light candles and some people believe in
 gods and spirits. People will do anything to avoid life. Some people say
 prayers and some people have funerals and some people drink blood and wine
 and some people go to temples and some people go to churches. People will
 do anything to avoid this life. People will read and write and paint. Some
 people will fight and some people will tell people to fight. Anything to
 add to this life. People want to add to this life. People lie to add to
 this life. People believe in goblins and trolls. People find this life
 flat and boring. Anything to make this life interesting. Anything to make
 this life go on. Anything to endure. Anything to make enduring. People
 believe in UFOs. People want more than people and animals. People want
 more than clouds and plants. People say if there's nothing else than this
 life then there's nothing at all. People say if this is all there is
 there's nothing to live for. Some people play sports and some people
 write things down and some people make flat new things and some people
 are sick and bleeding. Some people want to die. People are left behind.

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] image......the download works

2007-02-04 Thread hight
download of image workspreview does not.

 comment on platforms.sustainability and bias of some against new media

 New movies:



 sound on - quicktime - 9 MB

 - Regina Pinto / 2007


 Global Warming:


 NetBehaviour mailing list

 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list