Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Martin Husemann
On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 01:42:24PM +0100, Bert Kiers wrote:
> Do you use serial console or built-in video?
> Is it function keys that do not work or other ones?

If it is console: make sure that your $TERM environment variable matches
the settings for ttyE0 (or all ttyE*) in /etc/ttys.

If you use X, use TERM=xterm (or something similar).


Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, the wise Bert Kiers wrote:

I recently installed NetBSD 7 on an old Digital PWS600au and build and
installed Midnight Commander via pkgsrc.

I also have such a box, so I could try.

My problem is is that a lot of keyboard keys do not work, and that makes
mc quite unusable. I think it has something to do with the console
settings but I don't know how to solve it.

Does anyone know how to make mc in a console work?

Do you use serial console or built-in video?
Is it function keys that do not work or other ones?

It's running now with the original Powerstorm 4D60T and this is console 
only because X has no drivers for it afaik. I also have a Matrox G450 PCI 
lying around which was installed years ago. Then it ran FreeBSD 6.0 with 

The function keys do not work and also the numerical keyboard section, 
including home and end etc. In FreeBSD I can switch consoles with ALT+Fx 
but that doesn't work either in NetBSD.

I recall to have entered "vt100" for console at installation, which was 



No experiment was approved for the convention by the Human Subjects
Committee of the Psychiatric Convention Planning Team.  If you notice
smoke coming from under a closed door, if you find a body on the hotel
carpet, or if you just meet someone who orders you to press a button
marked "450 volts", react as you would normally.

cvs update hangs 'amd' in tstile when 'firefox' is running

2016-02-10 Thread John D. Baker
I've lately noticed a very annoying behavior using recently-updated
NetBSD-7 and 'firefox-43.0nb1' from pkgsrc-2015Q4.

Client machine using 'amd' to mount home directory from file server.

Run 'firefox' on client machine.

Perform 'cvs update' on file server with trees on same filesystem
served for home directory above.

'amd' process managing the home directory mount on the client becomes
stuck in 'tstile'.

If logged in via 'ssh', parent shell also stuck in 'tstile'.  'sshd'
child process may become stuck in 'tstile' or may sit in 'select'.

'firefox' may become stuck in 'tstile', or may begin alternating between
'RUN' and 'parked'.

Any access to any 'amd'-managed automount filesystem hangs, including 'df'
and 'mount'.  Eventually, even access to "/" hangs.  Processes become
stuck in 'tstile' and cannot be killed.  Client machine cannot be
rebooted.  Hard reset or forced power-cycle is the only way to regain
control.  There is typically local filesystem damage to clean up afterward.

The trigger seems to be the combination of 'firefox' on the client and
performing 'cvs update' on the server.  'amd'-using clients not running
'firefox' survive, although it takes a while for the next access to an
'amd'-managed mountpoint to complete.

It used to work just fine.

I should note that the recent nfs-related pull-ups to netbsd-7 are on
all clients but the server has not yet been updated.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS   NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]comOpenBSDFreeBSD
| X  No HTML/proprietary data in email.   BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID:  D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4  BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645

Re: Ancient BSD's Licensing & Trademarks when porting and/or forking V7 and/ or 2.x - 4.x BSD's

2016-02-10 Thread Martin
Yeah Thanks.
I was having a look at some of the source code and you are right Jeremy.
The code licencing for most BSD's before 4.4BSD or non UNIX/32V and
Versions 1-7 of Unix is really mixed and unclear as to the licence. Which
is sad to some degree and makes it a nightmare. Though i have always gone
on the assumption the pdp-11 16-bit BSD's (aka 2.11BSD) were under a
4-clause BSD style licence but it hasn't really been clear cut, a large
reason why i posted this. So i think in some ways it would provide a lot of
benefit and be interesting to find out just for curiosity if anything


On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 2:55 PM, John Nemeth  wrote:

> On Feb 10,  4:41am, Martin wrote:
> }
> } Well it all honesty 3BSD was just an example that came to my head. I am
> } actually looking at 2.11BSD mostly.
> } I understand the caldera licence is a bsd-style licence which correct me
> if
> } I'm wrong includes 2.11BSD?
> } So what you are saying is i could create a fork/ continuation of the
> } 2.11BSD under for example 2.11BSD-Prismatic?
> } What is the deal with licencing for example with 4.3BSD-Quasijarus have
> } they just kept the original licence or have they been able to place their
> } fork of 4.3BSD-Tahoe under current BSD equivalent licence?
> } Sounds like a stupid question but I would prefer to if possible Licence
> it
> } the 3-clause BSD, as that is the license I will be using for any new
> code.
>  I meant to respond to your first note.  The bottom line is
> that if you fork something, the original licence goes with the
> code.  You absolutely can NOT change a licence under any circumstances.
> Only the original copyright holder can change the licence.  If the
> original copyright holder has given permission to use a different
> licence then you may do so, but only then.
> }-- End of excerpt from Martin

Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, the wise Bob Bernstein wrote:

Can you take advantage of mc's "Learn keys" under its "Options" menu?

I can't get to the options because I then need F9, which doesn't work.

The real problem with hunting elephants carrying the decoys.

Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Bob Bernstein
Can you take advantage of mc's "Learn keys" under its "Options" 

IMPORTANT: This email is intended for the use of the individual
addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is
confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive
persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational
metaphysical beliefs.

Re: cvs update hangs 'amd' in tstile when 'firefox' is running

2016-02-10 Thread John D. Baker
On Wed, 10 Feb 2016 16:08:10 + (UTC), (Christos
Zoulas) wrote:

> John D. Baker  wrote:

>> I should note that the recent nfs-related pull-ups to netbsd-7 are on
>> all clients but the server has not yet been updated.

> Can you run crash(8) on the live system and get backtraces of the
> stuck processes?

The most convenient example system is:

NetBSD plextwo 7.0_STABLE NetBSD 7.0_STABLE (PLEXOR) #7: Sun Feb  7 15:36:03 
CST 2016  

which is actually running as a diskless client, but the same symptoms
affect machines running on local disk but with 'amd'-managed home or
other directories.

I'd actually started a shutdown, but since it never completes, I could
still log in as "root" on the machine's console.  Below is the output
of "ps" along with "show proc/a" and "bt/a" of all LWPs stuck in "tstile".

The machine is still up if more information is needed.

(The "/p" switch to use PIDs seems not to work, always claiming "Bad

5393 1 3   0 0   c1806000 sh netio
4179 >   1 7   0 0   c18ae020  crash
5387 1 3   080   c1854540 sh wait
1191 1 3   080   c2c6a540 pickup kqueue
6295 1 3   080   c2c44d40 sh pipe_rd
4402 1 3   0 0   c1c0f000 df tstile
5778 1 3   080   c1c6bd40 sh wait
1573 1 3   080   c2b78000 sh pipe_rd
4795 1 3   080   c2b71560 sh wait
3819 1 3   080   c2b71020   shutdown wait
5064 1 3   0 0   c2afb2c0amd tstile
418636 5   0 0   c2b78a80   (zombie)
418453 3   080   c1c0f7e0  mozStorage #8 parked
418 67 3   080   c2afb560  mozStorage #7 parked
418 61 3   080   c2c44560 DOM Worker parked
418 59 3   080   c2a6a540  mozStorage #6 parked
418 53 3   080   c2cc7800  mozStorage #5 parked
418 49 3   080   c2c6a000localStorage DB parked
418 48 3   080   c2c442c0  mozStorage #4 parked
418 47 3   080   c2d062a0  mozStorage #3 parked
418 46 3   080   c2b052a0  mozStorage #2 parked
418 45 3   0 0   c2c44aa0 DOM Worker tstile
418 44 3   080   c2afbaa0 URL Classifier parked
418 43 3   080   c2afb800  Cache I/O parked
418 39 3   080   c2d06540  mozStorage #1 parked
418 37 3   080   c2a6a2a0Proxy Resolutio parked
418 28 3   080   c2b71aa0   HTML5 Parser parked
418 27 3   0 0   c2b71d40 DOM Worker tstile
418 26 3   080   c2b71800IPDL Background parked
418 25 3   080   c2a01560Cert Verify parked
418 24 3   080   c2d067e0firefox parked
418 23 3   080   c2b78540SoftwareVsyncTh parked
418 22 3   080   c2c6a2a0ImageIO parked
418 21 3   080   c2c6a7e0  ImgDecoder #1 parked
418 20 3   080   c2a6a000ImageBridgeChil parked
418 19 3   080   c2a01d40 Compositor parked
418 18 3   080   c2afbd40  GMPThread parked
418 16 3   080   c18302c0 Cache2 I/O parked
418 15 3   0  1080   c2b787e0firefox netio
418 14 3   080   c2c6aa80firefox select
418 13 3   080   c2cc72c0  Timer parked
418 12 3   080   c2cc7560  BgHangManager parked
418 11 3   080   c2a012c0   Hang Monitor parked
418 10 3   080   c2a6aa80JS Watchdog parked
418  9 3   080   c1c6b2c0  JS Helper parked
418  8 3   080   c2c44800  JS Helper parked
418  7 3   080   c18ae2c0  JS Helper parked
418  6 3   080   c2a6a7e0  JS Helper parked
418  5 3   080   c2b712c0  JS Helper parked
418  4 3   080   c2a01aa0firefox parked
418  3 3   080   c297f000  Socket Thread select
418  2 3   080   c2b05540 Gecko_IOThread kqueue
418  1 3   0 0   c2b05000firefox netio
557  1 3   0   100   

Re: cvs update hangs 'amd' in tstile when 'firefox' is running

2016-02-10 Thread Christos Zoulas
In article ,
John D. Baker  wrote:

>I should note that the recent nfs-related pull-ups to netbsd-7 are on
>all clients but the server has not yet been updated.

Can you run crash(8) on the live system and get backtraces of the
stuck processes?


Re: cvs update hangs 'amd' in tstile when 'firefox' is running

2016-02-10 Thread Christos Zoulas
In article ,
John D. Baker  wrote:
>On Wed, 10 Feb 2016 16:08:10 + (UTC), (Christos
>Zoulas) wrote:
>ksh: pid 557 proc c1c6a87c vmspace/map c1903778 flags 4000

Ksh tries to open a file and gets stuck in genfs_lock.

>df: pid 4402 proc c18b9008 vmspace/map c19039f4 flags 4000

Df tries to stat the filesystem and is stuck in vfs_busy.

>firefox: pid 418 proc c18b91b8 vmspace/map c19030d8 flags 4001

Firefox tries to open a file and gets stuck in genfs_lock.

>firefox: pid 418 proc c18b91b8 vmspace/map c19030d8 flags 4001

Firefox tries to creat a file on nfs and is stuck in vfs_busy.

We don't really care much about sync, and other crap that happens during

>amd: pid 5064 proc c1852004 vmspace/map c19034fc flags 0

Amd is trying to unmount a filesystem and is stuck in genfs_lock

And the million $ question is:

Is amd trying to unmount because of the shutdown, or because of the
periodic mount timeout? If the second, do we have a locking race
during unmount?

Unfortunately looks like you'll have to reboot and redo the test to
answer this.


Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, the wise Martin Husemann wrote:

If it is console: make sure that your $TERM environment variable matches 
the settings for ttyE0 (or all ttyE*) in /etc/ttys.

If you use X, use TERM=xterm (or something similar).

For now I'm using console only. Will try X later with the Matrox G450PCI.
In /etc/ttys it says:

# console pseudo-device
console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"  vt100 on secure
constty "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"  vt100 off secure

# Workstation console (framebuffer) ttys
ttyE0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" wsvt25 off secure
ttyE1 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" wsvt25 off secure

Does ttyE0 need to be changed to on?


I will not forget you.

Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, the wise Swift Griggs wrote:

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, Marco Beishuizen wrote:

Can you take advantage of mc's "Learn keys" under its "Options" menu?

I can't get to the options because I then need F9, which doesn't work.

Sometimes escape-9 will do the same thing depending on your terminal 
settings, even when the F-keys don't work. That's saved me a few times.

Escape-9 actually worked to get to the menu, but the F-keys don't give an 
OK so they are not recognized inside mc.

Very few profundities can be expressed in less than 80 characters.

harddrive slow/ allwinner20

2016-02-10 Thread Darren
Tested this harddrive on more than one system, it is good.  Just for fun I 
tested another drive with a usb port with the same results.  I am getting 
transfer speeds of approximately 20mb/s using dd.  

dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/testfile
dd if=/usr/testfile of=/dev/null

NetBSD armv7 7.99.26 NetBSD 7.99.26 (CUBIETRUCK) #1: Wed Feb 10 16:03:52 UTC 
2016  root@netbsd. evbarm

This is the drive
HGST Deskstar NAS H3IKNAS30003272SN (0S03660) 3TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 
6.0Gb/s 3.5" High-Performance Hard Drive for Desktop NAS Systems Bare Drive

It is running very hot while presumably not doing anything.

I also tested with
Seagate Backup Plus Slim Portable Drive 2TB

Any insight welcome!

Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, Marco Beishuizen wrote:

Escape-9 actually worked to get to the menu, but the F-keys 
don't give an OK so they are not recognized inside mc.


You only went half way through the "Learn Keys" process. The 
keys which did not spawn an "OK" are the very ones you must 
_return_ to and "teach."

There are instructions on the Learn Keys screen.

IMPORTANT: This email is intended for the use of the individual
addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is
confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive
persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational
metaphysical beliefs.

Installing packages with wildcards

2016-02-10 Thread coypu
If you are me, you hate installing all the gstreamer plugins one at a
time. So you will enjoy the following one liner (well, two lines to fit
it under 80 characters...):

# cd /usr/pkgsrc/ && printf '%s\n' ./multi*/gst-plugins1*/ \
  | xargs -I % sh -c 'cd %; make install; cd ../../'

I think it's pretty handy.

Re: cvs update hangs 'amd' in tstile when 'firefox' is running

2016-02-10 Thread John D. Baker
On Wed, 10 Feb 2016 18:43:38 + (UTC), (Christos
Zoulas) wrote:

> John D. Baker  wrote:

> > amd: pid 5064 proc c1852004 vmspace/map c19034fc flags 0

> Amd is trying to unmount a filesystem and is stuck in genfs_lock

> And the million $ question is:

> Is amd trying to unmount because of the shutdown, or because of the
> periodic mount timeout?  If the second, do we have a locking race during
> unmount?

It was in this state for a while (several hours) before I tried to
shut down...

> Unfortunately looks like you'll have to reboot and redo the test to
> answer this.

To make it unambiguous, I'll definitely arrange to do this again.

One thing that might shed light on the situation.  My experience has
been that running 'cvs update' blocks just about all other access to a
file system until it's complete.  The machines on which I build releases
have the file system "hard" NFS mounted (not via 'amd') and even they
stall accessing while 'cvs update' is running on the file server.  If
such a machine is also using an 'amd'-managed mount and is running
'firefox', even the "hard" NFS mount will eventually hang.

In case it's relevant, the file server exports its big file system with
"-alldirs", so clients can mount at any point that is appropriate for
their use.  I use things like:

  /r0/home   User home directories
  /r0/nbsd   NetBSD src/xsrc/pkgsrc trees
  /r0/diskless/foo  Root directory for diskless client "foo"

and so forth.  Clients "hard"-mount "/r0/nbsd" (and their NFS root, etc.
if diskless) but access "/r0/home" via 'amd' w/custom "/home" map, or
any arbitrary subdirectory via the 'amd' "/net" map.

Until recently, it never outrigh hung--just the delays that occurred
when running 'cvs update' on the file server.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS   NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]comOpenBSDFreeBSD
| X  No HTML/proprietary data in email.   BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID:  D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4  BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645

Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, the wise Bob Bernstein wrote:


You only went half way through the "Learn Keys" process. The keys which 
did not spawn an "OK" are the very ones you must _return_ to and 

There are instructions on the Learn Keys screen.

Yes, sorry should have read that better. MC seems to work now. Still think 
that my console needs some tweaking though (e.g. switch consoles with 

Thanks for the help.


I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it
is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh.
-- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"

Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Eric Haszlakiewicz
On February 10, 2016 4:57:51 PM EST, Marco Beishuizen  wrote:
>Yes, sorry should have read that better. MC seems to work now. Still
>that my console needs some tweaking though (e.g. switch consoles with 

The hot key for switching consoles is *Control*-Alt-Fx


Re: Installing packages with wildcards

2016-02-10 Thread Swift Griggs

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, wrote:
If you are me, you hate installing all the gstreamer plugins one at a 

Heck yea, I'm right there with you. Of course, I'd take it one step 
farther and call just about anything associated with Gnome annoying. I 
must be an alien, but if I am, I'm certain folks on my home planet do not 
immerse themselves in world-eating GUI-desktop environments. They have 
small bodies, oval shaped eyes, grey skin, and an abiding love for the 

Nonetheless, I still get caught in the dependency trap and have to install 
them. The main reason: Pianobar.

# cd /usr/pkgsrc/ && printf '%s\n' ./multi*/gst-plugins1*/ \
 | xargs -I % sh -c 'cd %; make install; cd ../../'
I think it's pretty handy.

Yep. Works. Stored in my notes on installing Pianobar, now, too.


Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Swift Griggs

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, Marco Beishuizen wrote:

Can you take advantage of mc's "Learn keys" under its "Options" menu?

I can't get to the options because I then need F9, which doesn't work.

Sometimes escape-9 will do the same thing depending on your terminal 
settings, even when the F-keys don't work. That's saved me a few times.


Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Thu, 11 Feb 2016, the wise Bob Bernstein wrote:

Once you get some key bindings you like via "Learn Keys," don't forget 
to save those settings..,also via an mc Options menu choice == "Save 
setup" -- before you exit mc.

Yes did that :)
Still got the feeling that the default console in NetBSD is missing some 
functionality though.


I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the Wookiee win.
-- C-3PO

Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, the wise Eric Haszlakiewicz wrote:

The hot key for switching consoles is *Control*-Alt-Fx


Ok thanks, but that doesn't work either.


Lavish spending can be disastrous.
Don't buy any lavishes for a while.

NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Marco Beishuizen


I recently installed NetBSD 7 on an old Digital PWS600au and build and 
installed Midnight Commander via pkgsrc.

My problem is is that a lot of keyboard keys do not work, and that makes 
mc quite unusable. I think it has something to do with the console 
settings but I don't know how to solve it.

Does anyone know how to make mc in a console work?


Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
-- Salvor Hardin

Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Bert Kiers
On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 12:21:36PM +0100, Marco Beishuizen wrote:
> Hi,


> I recently installed NetBSD 7 on an old Digital PWS600au and build and 
> installed Midnight Commander via pkgsrc.

I also have such a box, so I could try.
> My problem is is that a lot of keyboard keys do not work, and that makes 
> mc quite unusable. I think it has something to do with the console 
> settings but I don't know how to solve it.
> Does anyone know how to make mc in a console work?

Do you use serial console or built-in video?
Is it function keys that do not work or other ones?


Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Eric Haszlakiewicz
On February 10, 2016 6:03:58 PM EST, Marco Beishuizen 
>On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, the wise Eric Haszlakiewicz wrote:
>> The hot key for switching consoles is *Control*-Alt-Fx
>> Eric
>Ok thanks, but that doesn't work either.

Hmm... do you have wscons=YES in your rc.conf, and additional ttys enabled in 


Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Wed, 10 Feb 2016, Marco Beishuizen wrote:

Yes, sorry should have read that better. MC seems to work now.

Glad you got it worked out. I like mc.

IMPORTANT: This email is intended for the use of the individual
addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is
confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive
persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational
metaphysical beliefs.

Re: NetBSD-7.0 and mc in console

2016-02-10 Thread Bob Bernstein
Once you get some key bindings you like via "Learn Keys," don't 
forget to save those settings..,also via an mc Options menu 
choice == "Save setup" -- before you exit mc.

IMPORTANT: This email is intended for the use of the individual
addressee(s) named above and may contain information that is
confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive
persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational
metaphysical beliefs.