Re: [netmod] [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC6991 (7647)

2023-09-22 Thread Jürgen Schönwälder
On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 04:23:59AM -0700, RFC Errata System wrote:

> Notes
> -
> In Section 3, the textual definition of the "ietf-yang-types" module 
> presents, in my opinion, inconsistencies when defining typedefs that point to 
> other typedefs in the same module: sometimes the value for the "type" key 
> contains the prefix of the module and sometimes not. Please, see the example 
> attached. This can also be applied to other typedefs defined in the latest 
> revisions of the module, such as "date-no-zone" and "time-no-zone". I think 
> this should be addressed to provide clarification and consistency, and thus 
> can be extended to other modules and the YANG standard as well. Thanks for 
> your time.

Using the prefix is perhaps redundant but surely not wrong.

Which consistency are you looking for, use of prefixes only when
absolutely necessary, or always use prefixes?


Jürgen Schönwälder  Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587 Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Fax:   +49 421 200 3103 

netmod mailing list

Re: [netmod] Poll on YANG Versioning NBC Approach

2023-09-22 Thread Per Andersson (perander)

> Andy Bierman  on Thursday, September 14, 2023 18:40:
>> On Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 9:05 AM Acee Lindem 
>>>> wrote:
>>> On Sep 13, 2023, at 10:36, Ladislav Lhotka 
>>> wrote:
>>> We have already seen cases that the update rules prevented fixing problems 
>>> in YANG modules in a straightforward way, and backward-compatible fixes 
>>> negatively affected module readability. This is inevitable until the 
>>> ecosystem of YANG modules stabilizes. That's why I think changing update 
>>> rules from MUST to SHOULD is appropriate - it should have been so from the 
>>> beginning.
>> I wholeheartedly agree. We need to be able to fix YANG modules with NBC 
>> changes. I know of at least one implementation that support NBC changes for 
>> proprietary models with node-specific translation
> Some of us do not think a bugfix counts as an NBC change.
> If the YANG definition is wrong and has been wrong from the start, then BC is 
> not important.
> Fixing the YANG module so the definitions match the intent of the authors is 
> important.

I don't understand why the motivation for a particular change should come into 
Either the change is NBC or BC, whether it being a bugfix or not, and the text 
in RFC 7950
states how it should be handled.

Although I am on the vendor side in this context, as a user I find it important 
to be notified
if a change is NBC even if it is a bugfix. It is also important to be able to 
both publish and
consume compatibility levels on dependencies and imports, e.g. recommended-min.

> IMO this new draft is not really needed at all, since bugfix exceptions 
> should be allowed
> and should have always been allowed.

I was not involved when YANG was defined, so I know little to nothing of these 
What I follow is the actual text in the standard, and it does not discern 
between classes of
motivation for changes (e.g. bugfix, feature) and how they should be allowed or 

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