Re: Website that crashes NS.

2008-08-14 Thread Alan Calder
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   Jess Hampshire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi

> I have found a site the repeatably crashes NS (Both the current 
> riscpkg version  and 1.2)


> Does this crash for everyone?

Seems OK here on version of 30 July 2008. Page opens happily and I can
download a driver. At what point does it fail for you?



Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Website that crashes NS.

2008-08-14 Thread Alan Calder
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   Philip H Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> jess Hampshire wrote:

> > Hi
> > 
> > I have found a site the repeatably crashes NS (Both the current 
> > riscpkg version  and 1.2)
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Does this crash for everyone?
> > 

> I may be a technical ignoramus but I'm able to test load web sites.

> Risc PC600 Strong Arm 4.02 build r5066

> Site will fully load but as soon as I fiddle about with the page size by
> dragging or by clicking to open the page full size I get a crash. The log
> refers to: fatal signal received: floating point exception.

Nope.  Doing as you say has no effect here. Page seems to work withoit
problems for me. SA RPC, RO 4.39, Netsurf 30 Jul 2008



Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Changing address in the address bar

2008-11-28 Thread Alan Calder
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   Xavier Tardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.

> Is there any easy way to change the address in the address bar ?
> Double clicking doesn't do anything, and I can't do better than erasing 
> the address to type a new one.

Double-clicking certainly highlights the existing address for me.  I agree
that typing in a new address doesn't work as might be expected ie deleting
the highlighted text and replacing it with the new text.  Wish it did!  As
it it is the only way seems to be too highlight and press Delete or to use
the time-honoured RO method of placing the caret in the address bar and
pressing Ctrl-U to clear it.



Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Changing address in the address bar

2008-11-28 Thread Alan Calder
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   Richard Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 28 Nov 2008 Alan Calder wrote:

> > Xavier Tardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> >> Is there any easy way to change the address in the address bar ?

> > Double-clicking certainly highlights the existing address for me.  I
> > agree that typing in a new address doesn't work as might be expected
> > ie deleting the highlighted text and replacing it with the new text.

> That's not what's expected in RISC OS! One or two apps do it, e.g. 
> Impression, but normally typing in text doesn't replace selected text.

Impression, yes, and Easiwriter, Artworks, Datapower and probably others
whilst in Oreganos 1 & 2 overtyping in the address bar works 'as expected'.
 Wouldn't be suprised if the same was true of FFox but I can't be bothered
to fire it up - life's too short. :-)

I think it can reasonably said that overtyping in browser address bars is
now expected behaviour whatever RO might traditionally have done and I
believe that Xavier uses non-RO systems also.



Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Changing address in the address bar

2008-11-28 Thread Alan Calder
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Drake
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Alan Calder


> > Double-clicking certainly highlights the existing address for me.

> Because you are running a version of RISC OS which supports text
> selection in writable icons (4.39).

> > I agree that typing in a new address doesn't work as might be expected
> > ie deleting the highlighted text and replacing it with the new text.
> > Wish it did!

> If that's what you want, you need to configure RISC OS to do it. Run
> Configure, click "Windows", click "Windows" on the new window, go to the
> "Text selection" section. Set the "Insert" behaviour to "Delete
> selection" in the "Keyboard input effects" bit.

Ah thanks for the explanation and the info!  Oh, and the earlier F2 tip.

Keep forgetting there was life before 4.x!




Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: 9764 grabs all the free memory

2010-01-03 Thread Alan Calder
In article <>,
> <>
>   Gavin Wraith  wrote:

> > NetSurf 9764 appears to grab all the free memory once it has
> > downloaded , making it impossible to use.
> > On RO 5.14.

> It isn't just 9764 - the same thing happens on the current stable 
> release 2.1 (23 may 2009).

So it does!  Just what has slashdot got that other websites lack?
(RO 4.39. RPC)



Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Barclays internet banking has stopped working

2012-04-17 Thread Alan Calder
In article <>,
   Peter Young  wrote:
> On 17 Apr 2012  george greenfield  
> wrote:


> > Has anyone managed to do internet banking with Barclays using NetSurf?

> There has been a lot about this on c.s.a.misc, and it seems that 
> NetSurf can't access this site, as you say. Some people, not all, it 
> seems, have got in using Fresco.

> It looks as if the days of doing internet banking with NetSurf are on 
> the wane.

As you say, Netsurf can't handle the new Barclays' site.  However it does
work fine with my Bank of Scotland account.  A little slowly on this RPC
but everything I've tried seems to work OK.  Presumably Halifax clients
should be OK as well, BoS and Halifax being connected.

Maybe frustrated Barclays users should just jump ship?




Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: BBC News websites

2013-03-07 Thread Alan Calder
In article
<>, Learning
Partners  wrote:

> > On 27 Feb 2013 Martin Bazley  wrote:
> >
> >> If you're still using 2.9, you don't need to be told.  Simply open
> >> WWW.NetSurf.Log in your computer's ScrapDir (note: this only works
> >> when NetSurf is *not* running) and it should be right there in the
> >> first few lines.
> >
> > Thanks for the information. I hadn't thought of looking there.
> >
> > I normally use a recent development version, currently #942, but that
> > doesn't exhibit the redirect to mobile problem so I used 2.9 to
> > illustrate it. Richard Porter

> As someone who requires a stable version I am still using 2.9. I worked
> round the problem by redirecting the BBC link to the mobile desktop page
> which gave access to standard BBC content. But now in their wisdom the
> BBC have deleted this so I am back to square one. Considering their
> clucking over the raspberry pi you would think  no large
> organisation, different hands, no co-ordination! Richard, you could let
> them know that apparently very large numbers of the little wonders have
> been sold which might help us on legacy hardware!

Just tried using the BBC News link on Netsurf's home page (the out of the
box version) NS 2.9.

Works fine, taking me automatically to , which I
assume to be the mobile version.  Not pretty but it is usable.

I don't think that I made any modifications to those NS links when this was
discussed some time ago but maybe I did!  If so, that would seem to be the



Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: BBC News websites

2013-03-07 Thread Alan Calder
In article <>,
   Tim Hill  wrote:
> In article
> <>,
>Learning Partners  wrote:

> [Snip]

> Thanks for the summary.

> > This may have been available for ARM based tablet
> > users. Sadly no more unless it has moved its address.

> At least an ARM based tablet with Android has browsers where you can
> specify the User Agent (e.g. Android, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Custom).
> "Desktop" being the most useful but Android (mobile) is sometimes useful
> too (e.g. when tethered). There isn't necessarily one answer to 'which
> user agent?' on some devices. 'Flexibility' is the key word.
> 'Configurable' is another. ;-)

Well, Risc OS does have other browsers which will get to the BBC main site
- sadly they don't then display it very well (to put it mildly). 
Presumably Netsurf just has to have Browse, Fresco, Oregano 1 & 2's ability
to pretend to be something else and all would be well.

I seem to remember some earlier discussion as to why it doesn't but can't
seem to find it.


Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.


2013-06-13 Thread Alan Calder
In article <>,
   Bernard Boase  wrote:
> Until recently Netsurf could render maps at provided 
> one entered via their older interface at 
> from which exporting a 
> drawfile could be extremely useful.

> But now even entering via this URL, the map display is only in the new 
> format which Netsurf apparently cannot display. I am currently using 
> 3.1 (Dec Cl #1252).

Seems to work OK, if you ignore the iffy formatting, in NS 2.9.  I can
enter a postcode and get a map which I can then zoom in and out of and move
with the tools provided.

Is 3.1 a JS enabled version and is the presence of such ability at the root
of the problem?


Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Google hanging

2014-06-02 Thread Alan Calder
In article , David Pitt
> Cristopher Dewhurst, on 2 Jun, wrote:

> > Hi
> > 
> > Using Netsurf v1940, seems to be ok here (Raspberry Pi RISC OS 5.21)
> > Maybe a temporary glitch with Google, or perhaps something fixed in NS
> > between 1932 and 1940?

> 1940 still hangs here.

Don't know about all these historical dates but I'm having no problems with
Google using NS v3.1 on SA RPC OS 4.39


> > 
> > Chris
> > 
> > In message <> Harriet Bazley
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > > Of recent weeks I've increasingly found that Google searches are not
> > > rendering in Netsurf, especially when you try to view a second or
> > > subsequent page of search results: the window just hangs there with
> > > the progress indicator moving instead of the usual almost instant
> > > return. Clicking on the same link again to force another fetch seems
> > > to be the only way to get the results.
> > 
> > > Is anyone else seeing this, or is it my ISP?
> > 
> > > (Netsurf v1932, JS disabled)
> > 
> > 
> >

Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: !Cache management

2014-11-24 Thread Alan Calder
In article <>,
   Jim Nagel  wrote:
> cj  wrote on 16 Nov:
> > Is anyone else finding that the new Cache feature does not seem to
> > expire its content?

> Well, that was a revelation.  Did a count on 
> !Boot.resources.!cache.caches.default.netsurf and find 222 megabytes 
> of stuff.  Earliest date seems to be Sept 06.

I wondered about this having read your post.  I don't have !Cache and its
sub-directories but I do have
!Boot.Resources.!Scrap.ScrapDirs.IDdisabled.WWW.NetSurf.Cache.  In there I
found I had 45 megabytes of said stuff - earliest from 2006, latest from
May this year.

>Ah, Netsurf choices--cache.  Disc cache size is set at 1024M (which 
> I presume is meant as a max), 
In my case it's set at 2MB but there's no option to set the expiry.  I'm
using NS 3.1, 25 April 2014.

I see that NS 3.2 is available on the website and the changelog mentions
support for disc caching.  I'll give it a go but wonder what the disk cache
setting was doing in NS 3.1 if it was just storing stuff without deleting
it and why the last cached item was in May this year!



Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Page timeout

2015-01-08 Thread Alan Calder
In article <>,
   Peter Slegg  wrote:
> When I tried the page below it just times-out and never
> renders any of the page, it didn't even leave Bing, where
> I found the link.


> Does it do this for anyone else ?

Works fine for me, Netsurf 3.1 on RISC OS.  Inspecting the innards of your
post I see mention of Atari Milan so maybe my comment won't be helpful!


Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Malformed site (partly OT).

2015-02-19 Thread Alan Calder
In article <>, Peter Young
> I maintain the website of the local branch of the Multiple Sclerosis
> Society, at (NB I am only responsible
> for the content, not the formatting). From time to time the site gets
> seriously malformed in RISC OS NetSurf, and then a few days later goes
> back to what is should be. Screenshots of this are at
> as it should be in Chrome on
> Windows and as it was
> yesterday in NetSurf #2600, but it's back to how it should be this
> morning! Same NetSurf build.


Seems to work just fine for me here using NS 3.2, Strongarm RPC with OS
4.39.  Tried it several times and always seems to come up OK.  Not sure
that all the functionality is there but the bits I tried seemed to work OK.


Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Google

2015-05-08 Thread Alan Calder
In article <>,
   Vincent Sanders  wrote:
> On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 01:26:32PM +0100, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:
> > Yesterday Google stopped working with Netsurf.
> > 
> > Has anyone any cures or suggestions?
> > 


> We cannot do anything about this in NetSurf itself and need Google to
> unbreak their noscript, If you can get anyone there to listen that
> would be good as I have been unable to find someone to contact. This
> affects all non javascript browser (or those with it turned off) and
> cannot be worked around.

Strangely, though, it continues to work just fine with Browse, Fresco,
Oregano and Oregano 2!  That's 'just fine' in that Google search works as
expected - and very quickly in Browse, Oregano and Fresco - and not 'just
fine' in the appearance of the fetched pages.

Given that three of the above browsers make no attempt at any form of JS it
puzzles me why it is that NetSurf (v3.2 no JS) just goes into a loop when
Google is invoked.



Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Google

2015-05-09 Thread Alan Calder
In article ,
   Roger Darlington  wrote:
> On 8 May 2015, Bernard Boase  wrote:
> > On 8 May, typed:

> >> Yesterday Google stopped working with Netsurf.
> >> Has anyone any cures or suggestions?

> > One suggestion would be to use instead.


> It gives the usual 'error setting certificate verify locations'
I've tried it a few times and I don't get that error message.  When does it
appear for you - at the start of a search or at some other point?
Using NS 3.2 (26 August 2014)



Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.

Re: Very slow page rendering

2016-01-09 Thread Alan Calder
In article <>,
   Brian Jordan  wrote:
> In article <>,
>Peter Slegg  wrote:

> >

> > This page takes abut 20mins to download and render, Highwire browser
> > takes about 6sec.

> > I think the difference is that Highwire doesn't handle the css
> > so maybe there could be some performance gains to be had in
> > either downloading or the css handling ?

> FWIW on this virtual RPC with JavaScript and css running the
> download/render process takes c10.5 seconds.

Takes 34.9 seconds on this SA RPC using Netsurf 3.3.  Tried it on Windows
box on Firefox and it loaded in less than a couple of seconds.  Display on
both Firefox and Netsurf seemed essentially the same - just a heading and
then a page of 1430 numbered lines of code.  Is that what it is supposed to
look like?  Doesn't seem to be much rendering going on!


Alan Calder, Milton Keynes, UK.