Re: NetSurf Developer Workshop

2012-11-05 Thread Learning Partners
Massive thanks are due to all involved. I look forward to the next stable
release and the javascript implementation.

RISC OS Netsurf user but this is from Opera on my PC!

Dr John Hurley
Research, Project Development and Publications for Education

On Mon, 5 November, 2012 2:01 pm, Vincent Sanders wrote:
> We held our latest developer workshop this weekend, I have written
> about it on my blog[1] for those who might be interested in what we got
> up to.
> [1]
> --
> Regards Vincent

Re: BBC news site misbehaving.

2012-11-28 Thread Learning Partners

On Wed, 28 November, 2012 4:11 pm, ChrisF wrote:
> In message <>
>   Peter Young  wrote:
>> Well, blow me down with a feather! I got in using the above URL and
>> then going to News. I haven't deleted any cookies, and I'm now getting
>> the "proper" site without using the desktop link. I'll have to check
>> it again tomorrow.
> !Ticker solves the problem for me.
> However, if the BBC is playing fast and loose, it needs to be told!

I have used mobile web service contact form (at bottom of the mobile page)
to inform BBC  - it will not have any effect unless lots of other do it.
The URL which Peter referred to works but not after Netsurf and the Iyo
have been closed down - back to mobile page today.

I do not know of !Ticker - will google it - but what does it do and is it
IYO friendly?


Re: BBC news site misbehaving.

2012-11-29 Thread Learning Partners

>> If you use you'll get the correct page
>> clicking on 'News'.
> I spoke too soon. I think cookies are coming into play here. It was
> working OK, I deleted all the bbc cookies and it went wrong again,
> even for the main bbc web site.

> Richard Porter
I have very easily altered Netsurf homepage link to BBC news to above link
pro tem for when / if BBC respond to any objections sent (there is a form
at the bottom of the mobile page). I presume this could be carried out by
the developers if no better workround is found - but I am confident one
will be (rather like the Google problem).


Re: RISC OS Javascript support

2012-12-17 Thread Learning Partners

On Mon, 17 December, 2012 4:41 am, Michael Bell wrote:
> This is all *far* beyond my technical understanding and abilities, but
> let me say I am *very* grateful for all this work which makes RISC OS
> so much more useful.
> Merry Christmas!
> Michael Bell
Seconded with gratitude. I look forward to a stable (if limited) release
of Netsurf with JS. Huge thanks to developers and testers.

John Hurley

Re: NetSurf text area editing crashes

2013-01-07 Thread Learning Partners

On Mon, 7 January, 2013 8:15 am, Peter Young wrote:
> On 7 Jan 2013  Bryan Hogan  wrote:
>> The problem with NetSurf crashing when editing text boxes has been
>> around for several years:


> The simple work-round is to compose your text in your favourite text
> editor, save it, and drop the saved file into the text box. If you use
> StrongED or Zap you can then check the spelling first, which some of
> us are in need of doing.
> --

But the problem is most annoying when editing a response to a post like
this or reply to an email, when an attempt to delete blocks of text in two
areas of a post invariably cause a crash and attempting to use the delete
button may also do. I had thought this was specific to Squirrel mail
(Orpheus / Argonet etc) on Netsurf but maybe not.

This was edited on a Mac using Safari without bother!


Re: problem

2013-01-18 Thread Learning Partners
Ok here Netsurf 2.9 Iyo RO 5.16


On Fri, 18 January, 2013 7:53 am, Brian Bailey wrote:
> When sending a petition to
> NetSurf goes into a loop. alt-break froze the machine necessitating a
> ctrl-break re-set.
> RISC OS 4.02 A7000+ NetSurf #816

Re: BBC News websites

2013-03-07 Thread Learning Partners

> On 27 Feb 2013 Martin Bazley  wrote:
>> If you're still using 2.9, you don't need to be told.  Simply open
>> WWW.NetSurf.Log in your computer's ScrapDir (note: this only works when
>> NetSurf is *not* running) and it should be right there in the first few
>> lines.
> Thanks for the information. I hadn't thought of looking there.
> I normally use a recent development version, currently #942, but that
> doesn't exhibit the redirect to mobile problem so I used 2.9 to
> illustrate it.
> Richard Porter

As someone who requires a stable version I am still using 2.9. I worked
round the problem by redirecting the BBC link to the mobile desktop page
which gave access to standard BBC content. But now in their wisdom the BBC
have deleted this so I am back to square one. Considering their clucking
over the raspberry pi you would think  no large organisation,
different hands, no co-ordination! Richard, you could let them know that
apparently very large numbers of the little wonders have been sold which
might help us on legacy hardware!


Re: BBC News websites

2013-03-07 Thread Learning Partners

On Thu, 7 March, 2013 3:56 pm, Tim Hill wrote:
> In article <>,
>Alan Calder  wrote:
>> Works fine, taking me automatically to , which I
>> assume to be the mobile version.  Not pretty but it is usable.
> Similarly, and for reasons of functionality, I have been known to use
> NetSurf with and
> --
> Tim Hill
> ..

The point of the workround was that the dashboard gave access to the
standard site. The mobile site is what we are trying to avoid. Without the
workround defaults to The revised link then allowed access to (without
the m) This may have been available for ARM based tablet users. Sadly no
more unless it has moved its address.

I await a stable 3.0 or 3.1 with anticipation and thanks to the
development team and testers.


Orpheus Home page

2013-05-01 Thread Learning Partners
The Orpheus Home page does not seem to render correctly on my set up (Iyo
5.16). It did on 2.9 - whoops. Does anyone else have the same experience?

Thanks for work on the new release - text editing is so much improved.
Can't get javascript to work at all though (ticked on in choices but)

Dr John Hurley

Re: Orpheus Home page

2013-05-01 Thread Learning Partners

On Wed, 1 May, 2013 1:01 pm, Tony Moore wrote:
> On 1 May 2013, Peter Young  wrote:
> John mentions the 'new release' which presumably means NS 3.0. Although
> the javatester response above mentions NetSurf/3.0, the actual response
> when using the NS 3.0 release, is a blank Test Results window, if JS is
> working, and a fail notice if not.

Yes get the blank window. Thanks

> JS setting in Choices to be lost when NS is quit/re-started. This means
> that it is necessary to re-set 'Disable JavaScript' when NS 3.0 is run.

Yes am doing that. My problem is with Outlook Web Access where
javascript:SetCmd(CmdSend);: Send does not seem to be supported yet. Still
I realise this is early days and it is a miracle anyway that I can read
Outlook Web Access and Sharepoint pages in RISC OS!


Re: Orpheus Home Page

2013-05-06 Thread Learning Partners

On Mon, 6 May, 2013 7:09 pm, Gerald Dodson wrote:
> The misunderstanding seems to persist: NS 3.0 does have JS built in.
> As I understand things and, as already stated before, JS is disabled when
> you load NS. Menu>Choices>Content takes you to the selection where you can
> enable JS. With 3.0 you will always have to set what you want each time NS
> is loaded, unlike the developemnt versions which will retain the choice
> once selected whenever NS is subsequently reloaded.
> Gerald

Yes and having set that and taking into account that this is an early
implementation has anyone *actually* got JS working on 3.0 - the consensus
seems to be that this is (accidentally?) a JS off version despite what the
documentation says and the inclusion of the on/off button. I am told 3.1
is sufficiently stable to use - any comment?



2013-11-15 Thread Learning Partners
On Fri, 15 November, 2013 6:14 am, Brian Bailey wrote:
> Any ideas why attempts at running Avaaz URL's nearly always fail, please?
> See, for instance,

Not a problem here on Iyo 5.16 / Netsurf 3.0 - always works


Re: Crash when scrolling

2014-10-29 Thread Learning Partners
This may be Atari specific? RISC OS ARMini X Netsurf 3.2

Dr John Hurley
Research, Project Development and Publications for Education

On Wed, 29 October, 2014 1:37 pm, Peter Slegg wrote:
> Scroll down this page and Netsurf suddenly exits.
> (Atari build 2247)
> Peter

[Fwd: A curious case of attachment filetyping]

2014-12-03 Thread Learning Partners

 Original Message 
Subject: A curious case of attachment filetyping
From:"John Hurley" 
Date:Wed, 3 December, 2014 11:15 am

I am not sure where this should go so will post to ARMini and Netsurf
lists. On Friday I could send attachments (as .doc files and .pdf) quite
normally from the ARMini X using Netsurf 3.2. On Tues they are not being
sent as applications but as text files. In that time nothing has changed
bar a problem with my Orpheus account but this is ruled out as the cause
as both the Iyonix and my Mac and PC laptop can send attachments normally.
I have looked for a Netsurf Choices setting which might have been
accidentally altered but none seem relevant.

Any advice is gratefully acknowledged

Dr John Hurley
Research and project development for education

Dr John Hurley
Research and project development for education

RE: A curious case of attachment filetyping]]

2014-12-03 Thread Learning Partners

 On Wed, 3 Dec 2014 Dave Higton wrote:

> I'm confused.  "Attachments" normally refers to email, which would
> appear to have nothing to do with Netsurf.
> Can you please give more detail about what you're doing and how
> you're doing it?
I am using Netsurf to access Orpheus webmail for emails. Attaching files
typed as Word and PDF last Friday was fine, they went as applications.
Come Tuesday they go (from the ARMini X) as text and are unreadable
(expect curiously on RISC OS machines) in their proper form. I am unaware
that I have changed any settings either on the ARMini or in Netsurf and I
cannot find any relevant setting in Netsurf any way. As I said I am not
sure this is a Netsurf problem on this machine or an ARMini one. My Iyonix
can send attachments in webmail properly. Although I had a problem with
Orpheus webmail over the weekend, this would seem to rule Orpheus out.

If anyone could indicate where to start looking I would be grateful.

Dr John Hurley
Research and project development for education

Re: [ARMini-support] A curious case of attachment filetyping

2014-12-03 Thread Learning Partners

> In message <
> .uk>
>   "John Hurley"  wrote:

>> I have looked for a Netsurf Choices setting which might have been
>> accidentally altered but none seem relevant.

Andrew Rawnsley wrote:
> Normally you'd use an email client such as Messenger Pro to send
> attachments, which would be handled by the program talking to the OS
> (it's a process that involves the MimeMap module and its corresponding
> textfile-database of MIME types).
> The MIME type list is in !Boot.Resources.!Internet.Files.MimeMap or in
> !Boot.Choices.Internet.MimeMap.  If you have backups of these files,
> it might not be daft to recover them.

Thanks for the suggestion I will try that.

> What makes this more confusing/convoluted/unknown is that you're doing
> email via a web browser.  Not really recommended for more elaborate
> tasks (eg. sending attachments).  I'd *imagine* that NetSurf will use
> the MimeMap method described above, but in a slightly more generic way
> (it doesn't know you're doing email etc, nor does it need to).
> However, it's down to the website (ie. Orpheus) to turn that into an
> actual email.  Neither you, nor Netsurf, have much/any control over
> this via webmail.

> Like I say, I wouldn't use webmail to send attachments, myself,
> although to be fair, I've also not tried Orpheus' webmail client.  I
> *can* say that last time I tried to send 3 photos via Hotmail (last
> year) it was a complete failure (via Windows browser).  Same files
> sent immediately via Messenger Pro (RISC OS).

Orpheus, using squirrel mail has been very reliable handling attachments.
Although I had problems evident on all machines over the weekend (someone
appears to have got hold of my password and altered all my configuration
settings) that is now resolved. The Iyonix and the Mac and PC are behaving
as I would expect. We use webmail because as a company we are based in
different locations and use a range of hardware so it is a common tool for
us all and works well. It is however playing up again on the ARMini as I
write this. Perhaps GCHQ are taking an interest!

> PS, silly suggestion - you *did* append /pdf and /doc to the
> filesnames?  You'd definately have issues at the receiving end if you
> didn't.

Not silly at all, but of course I did.

Dr John Hurley
Research and project development for education

Re: A curious case of attachment filetyping]]

2014-12-03 Thread Learning Partners

> On Wed, Dec 03, 2014 Rob Kendrick wrote:

> What do you mean, "went as applications" ?  One hopes they went as
> files.  Can Orpheus not tell you what file type is being uploaded?

Usually, and until last Friday, using Netsurf on the ARMini X Orpheus
webmail recognises doc files as application/MS word - from I think the
Mime file in !Boot. Since Monday this has changed to plain/text. Ditto
with pdf. This nakes the files unreadable to non RISC OS users, who
natyurally are the majority with whom I deal and it is inconvenient to say
the least as our revenue earners are reports and publications.

This is a problem only on the ARMini running Netsurf to reach Orpheus. On
the Iyonix running Netsurf all is fine and on other platforms/ browsers,
which suggests Orpheus is not the problem - a point which Richard Brown
has made firmly. Neither Netsurf nor Orpheus appear to have Choices
settings that look as if they control this.

I am simply trying to find out where in the chain ARMini X - Netsurf -
Orpheus something might be going wrong so I can fix it. The Mime file
itself looks ok by the way. And as I say all was well last Friday and I am
not aware that I have changed anything to cause the problem. But something
is clearly corrupted in the chain. I have tried retrograding to NS 3.1 but
the problem persists. I am posting to ARMini support because the problem
of corruption could lie with the machine or Netsurf, but not for the
reasons stated is it likely to be Orpheus.

Dr John Hurley
Research and project development for education