NetSurf State of Play?

2022-06-18 Thread Simon Smith

I was just wondering, what it the current state of play on NetSurf?

I still use it very regularly, and greatly appreciate the work being 
done. But whatever is being done, isn't making any visible difference.
It's stable, pretty reliable, but whatever is going on under the hood
is not materially affecting the sites I visit one way or the other.

But because of that, I'm not hitting any new bugs either, so I have 
nothing to report and no new feedback to offer. But that lack of 
feedback can easily make it seem like the work that is being done is 
going unnoticed.

I don't want the devs to feel unappreciated - the work being done /is/ 
appreciated, but it doesn't seem to be changes I'd expect to see 
differences from.

A (very) quick look in the June commits email archive did not 
highlight anything likely to cause drastic effects. It all looked like 
internal technical refinements. The progress info on the web site 
hasn't been touched in a very long time. NetSurf is mature enough 
that's it's understandable that development has slowed - I'm curious
what is being worked on at the moment. Could we have a summary?

Simon Smith
netsurf-users mailing list --
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Feature req: completely turn off saved web page app iconsprites/replace with generic?

2013-12-30 Thread Simon Smith
When you save a local copy of a web page with NetSurf you get an icon file
which is a tiny thumbnail view of the entire web page. I don't like these
very much - I find them untidy. Given that you can control whether or not
iconised windows use thumbnail images, it's a bit odd that one has no
control at all over the 'saved page icons'. I'd prefer a generic 'saved web
page' app icon, or nothing at all, giving the RISC OS default icon. If a web
page provided an .ico file, I guess many people might prefer to use

Is it possible to turn off the 'IconSprites' line in the mini !Run files
NetSurf provides you, which currently reads

IconSprites Obey$Dir.!Sprites
Filer_Run Obey$Dir.index

Providing better control over this does seem like a legit use for a
configuration option. I'm a bit surprised that !Run file (and/or an
option Boot file) aren't available as editable resources.

At present I'm deleting the unwanted Sprites files and tweaking the !Run
files by hand, which is a chore.


Simon Smith |   Once more unto now
|   Is the winter to be or
|   'Tis the east (Exit.)
|   -Wm. Shakespeare, abridged

Re: Mac OS X

2013-05-19 Thread Simon Smith
In message
  Vincent Sanders wrote:

 We continue to compile for the Mac OS X cocoa frontend on both PowerPC
 (OS 10.5 leopard) and x86 (OS 10.6 snow leopard). The Continuous
 Integration (CI) system uses two real mac mini computers[1] as build
 slaves as Mac OS X cannot currently be reliably cross compiled for.


One data point coming up:

I use MacOS 10.5.8 on an x86 iMac. The machine has an oldish NetSurf on it,
but I was actually getting fed up enough with slow performance from Firefox
to demote it to G+ and YouTube duties only and seriously try an updated NS
as my preferred Mac OS browser. (To date I've only ever made casual use of
it on the Mac platform.) But I also have VirtualAcorn, and an Arminix, and
NetSurf already is the preferred browser in those two cases, so I have ample
workarounds if you do decide to knock your old build environment on the
head. I did have to obtain an updated version of Xcode before NS would work
for me at all on the Mac.

But as long as I can get hold of the very last Mac build I'd be entirely
happy. I am already grateful for all the work you guys do.

Simon Smith |   Once more unto now
|   Is the winter to be or
|   'Tis the east (Exit.)
|   -Wm. Shakespeare, abridged

Long URL annoyance

2013-03-11 Thread Simon Smith
One longstanding UI gripe I have with NetSurf (in fact, I think it's about
my only serious remaining gripe) arises whenever a link has an overlong URL.
The first part of the URL appears to the left of the bottom scroll bar. But
if the URL is obnoxiously long, as often happens, the right part is
truncated and AFAICS there is no way to access it. I /really/ hate not
knowing where is a link is going to take me, or not being able to tell the
filetype of something without starting to download it.

A fix which would mitigate matters is if the proportion of the lower scroll
bar (or, even better, the absolute size in pixels) allocated to the
horizontal scroll was configurable and/or persistent from window to window.
I am getting quite tired of shrinking the h-scroll and then following a
link, only for the new link to come up in a new window with the old 50%
horizontal-scroll bar width! I do wish it would at least follow the size
setting of the window it was opened from, particularly as I find it fiddly
to select the tiny 'hotspot area' of the h-scroll bar width slider.

I appreciate that some URLs are impossibly long, and only a multi-line URL
display would ever be able to fully display them, but in the meantime there
are several ways you could mitigate the problem. (e.g. a key shortcut that
toggles full-length (or at least a longer) URL display, a hovering link
display tooltip, using the !Help application to display the link, etc.)
Personally I would be happy to have the URL given a whole line of its own,
even though that would sacrifice some vertical screen space, because I feel
this info is important enough to justify such a usage. And a full line would
usually be sufficient space, whereas on my setup half a line often isn't.

If the devs accept bribes for this kind of feature, please just let me know
your pricelist. I'd be happy to pay in beer...

Simon Smith |   Once more unto now
|   Is the winter to be or
|   'Tis the east (Exit.)
|   -Wm. Shakespeare, abridged

Re: Geminus

2012-01-11 Thread Simon Smith
In message
  Tim Hill wrote:

 In article, ChrisF
  In message 3991e54f52.jess@itworkshop.invalid Jess Hampshire wrote:
   What settings should work correctly with geminus on an Iyonix?
  Not sure what you mean.
 I assumed what was meant were Geminus' Settings.  :-/
 Geminus iconbar menu  Choices  Settings
   (Should Netsurf work correctly with all accelerations activated for
  Netsurf has limitations which are a constant source of tasks for the
  guys who work on it. However, I use R13065 at the moment and it is
  stable as far as I am concerned. Geminus and Netsurf have never
  conflicted on my computer.
 I notice only that I have all three things unticked alongside Netsurf.
 probably did that but don't remember when or why. Perhaps it's time to
 try them ticked againseems okay. I'll report back if anything
 untoward happens.

I had problems with the incorrect sprites being displayed, and on advice
turned the three checkboxes off. This was surely at least three years ago,
and goodness knows how many builds. Turning the checkboxes on again with
r12201 (yes, I'm rather behind), the old problem of incorrect cached sprites
being displayed immediately came back again. So that's what to look for -
load some picture-intensive sites and see if you start getting fragments of
images from one site spuriously popping up on the others. I'll retry once
I'm on a current build again.

Simon Smith |   Once more unto now
|   Is the winter to be or
|   'Tis the east (Exit.)
|   -Wm. Shakespeare, abridged

Re: NetSurf for Mac OS X

2011-06-19 Thread Simon Smith
In message
  David Pitt wrote:

 David Pitt wrote:
  Tricia wrote:
On Thu, 21 Apr 2011 01:40:05 +1200, Michael Drake wrote:
The Mac OS X port is now available:
 I have just tried NetSurf 2.7 for Mac and it downloads and unzips
 but won't run. The error message is  Base style sheet failed to
 load. It then quits.
 I am running OS 10.5.8 on a G5 PPC.
   The same happens here, but with OS 10.6.7 on an Intel iMac.
   Disappointing, as I was so pleased to see the port for Mac OS X.
  Now here's a thing, would you believe it NetSurf 2.7 is fine here on my
  10.6.7 Intel iMac. I never saw the error on first running NetSurf but the
  first thing I did was to change its home page to a local file.
 And then I remembered I have another Mac, a Mac mini under the tele and that
 DID show the 'Base style sheet' bug. A crash log is at :-
 After an awful lot of mucking about the last thing I did was to run set to clear the following :-
 Application Cache
 Launch Services
 dyld's shared cache
 Then NetSurf ran.

I've now tried all the cache-cleaning I can think of (can't use as it's Max OS 10.6+ and I'm on 10.5.8) and I still
can't get round the 'Base style sheet error'. I can temporarily trick
Netsurf into running by selecting a local HTML file, using Open With, and
then browsing to and selecting the NetSurf app. Curiously NetSurf is /not/
a recommended application for HTML files on my system, so I have to
deactivate the 'recommended application' bit before I can select it.

In this state all I get is a blank window, but I can then access NetSurf's
other windows, and can do things like view the hotlist or the NetSurf
version number, or configure the default homepage to another URL. On the
other hand, as soon as I try to display any web page, whether local or
remote, the style sheet error kicks in and NetSurf dies. I was also able
to confirm that the program's default entries for preferences, its hotlist
and so forth are created OK.

David, may I ask what your 'local file' was? Simple web page? Complex web
page? And in particular, did it have an associated local style sheet or
any embedded styles in it? Thanks.

Simon Smith |   Once more unto now
|   Is the winter to be or
|   'Tis the east (Exit.)
|   -Wm. Shakespeare, abridged

Re: NetSurf for Mac OS X

2011-04-20 Thread Simon Smith
In message
  Michael Drake wrote:

 The Mac OS X port is now available:
 Best regards,

Oh, cheers, I was just about to ask about compiling on Mac OS. I was
starting to think it was about time I gave NS a go on my other machine. This
will save me a LOT of reading and head-scratching, and many of the other
likely hassles of getting the thing to compile for myself.

TYVVM to all those responsible!

Simon Smith |   Once more unto now
|   Is the winter to be or
|   'Tis the east (Exit.)
|   -Wm. Shakespeare, abridged

Sloppy writing generates false positive spam warnings (was Re: aggravating pane)

2011-03-20 Thread Simon Smith
On 18 Mar, Jim Nagel wrote in message

 there appears to be no way to scroll right to read the rest of the text in
 the inner pane of this warning generated by Netsurf: (12K).

Those two very vague subjects of 'aggravating pane' and 'mobile Facebook'
(sic) combined with the mostly lower-case, unpunctuated body text both
looked so much like maillist spam to me that I nearly consigned the original
poster to spam-filter oblivion without looking any closer. You need to write
more properer than that, Jim; it's a bad idea to write so sloppily you
generate false positives on people's spam filters. I'm not even talking
about a computer-controlled filter here - this time you almost fooled the
human. And if I'd actually bothered to set up a computer-moderated filter
with the criteria I was mentally applying, you certainly would have been
caught by it.

Simon Smith |   Once more unto now
|   Is the winter to be or
|   'Tis the east (Exit.)
|   -Wm. Shakespeare, abridged

Re: Failed writing body

2010-08-11 Thread Simon Smith
In message wrote:

 On recent versions of NetSurf I keep getting the message:
  Failed writing body (0 !=7540)
 or something similar.
 This happens when I typed something and press enter. Eg a search item 
 for Google.
 It is no more than an irritant, as it goes away if I clear the dialog 
 box, enter a few more characters, and press enter again.
 It only happens on the Iyonix (5.16)
 Has anyone else experienced this nuisance.

Yes, me, but I never really spotted any pattern to it. I'll look into the dialog
box angle and see if I can find something more repeatable.

Simon Smith |   Remember remember, something something
|   Something something and something
|   For something something something something
|   Should something something forgot.

Re: Google Summer of Code Roundup

2009-09-17 Thread Simon Smith
In message
  John-Mark Bell wrote:

 On Thu, 2009-09-17 at 00:15 +0100, Steve Fryatt wrote:
  I think the main problem here is that the majority seem happy to sit back,
  wring their hands and state how terrible this all is -- then wait for 
  else to step forward to take on the work (or even demand that someone else
  does).  As such, it seems to have been the usual suspects who have offered 
  help: those already doing other things.  Certainly if I picked up NetSurf 
  something else would have to give, which in all probability would just move
  the complaints from this list to another RISC OS forum a month or so down 
 Quite. This has been RISC OS' elephant in the room for the last 5 years
 or so -- there simply aren't enough active developers to do all the
 things that need to be done. I don't have a solution to this problem,
 but do think it's about time people acknowledged that it exists and
 review their expectations in that light.
 Returning to NetSurf, we really do appreciate the offers of help that
 we've received so far and fully understand that real life gets in the
 way :)

May I ask what proportion of bug reports come from the users of different
platforms, particularly RISC OS as that's the main one I use? And, sailing a
little closer to the wind, what proportion of useful bug reports?

I'd love to help, but I'd have to learn C programming properly first. I can
do Hello World, with help, but beyond that is uncharted territory ATM...

Simon Smith |   A golden bird stands on a silver snake lying
|   in a pool of water.  The snake drinks the
|   water, and the bird eats the snake.  When
|   the water is gone, the bird dies.

Re: Running out of memory

2009-08-30 Thread Simon Smith
In message
  Chris Johnson wrote:

 In article,
Rob Kendrick wrote:
  On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 21:18:13 +0100
  Richard Porter wrote:
   Yes, I've noticed that Netsurf is gobbling up memory again. Last
   time I found it had three dynamic areas, and I had to quit it
   before anything else woud run.
  Just as a note, the number of dynamic areas it has means very
 But when they are 50-60 MB, then it can soon take significant
 fractions of memory when one only has 512MB in total on an Iyonix.
 Even when all pages are closed, the amount never decreases.
 The largest (of four) is currently 16MB, and I have done virtually no
 browsing today 8o(

The Jobstoday website seem to have a knack of running netSurf out of memory

The above link, loaded on a cleanly-booted system, shows no sign of ever
displaying anything, but on my system it will use up a 128Mb DA and then 7
or 8 1Mb DAs before complaining that 'NetSurf is running out of memory'.

There is constant network activity while it downloads I-don't-know-what over
and over, but nothing ever displays.

Seen on builds 9382 and 9506.

I've already logged this as 'Galloping memory leak' (although the link in
this email is a new example of the same problem), and trying with build 9506
now, the behaviour seems to be exactly the same as on build 9382.

Simon Smith |   A golden bird stands on a silver snake lying
|   in a pool of water.  The snake drinks the
|   water, and the bird eats the snake.  When
|   the water is gone, the bird dies.

Re: NS2.1 Unicode font library could not be initialized

2009-07-06 Thread Simon Smith
In message
  Barry E Allen wrote:

 In article, John-Mark Bell wrote:
  There are 2 kinds of scan: full and partial.
  A partial scan will occur if there are new fonts available. As the
  name suggests, it will only scan those new fonts, and nothing else.
 Netsurf scans and finds the font 'Lampoon Primary' every time I start
 it up? 
 3.0 (Dev) (06 Jul 2009 11-00) r8347

Are you sure the Lampoon Primary font is complete?
My system keeps finding... Swz.Narrow I believe, which, on my system, isn't.

Simon Smith |   A golden bird stands on a silver snake lying
|   in a pool of water.  The snake drinks the
|   water, and the bird eats the snake.  When
|   the water is gone, the bird dies.

Re: Socket exhaustion - a possible lead?

2009-05-24 Thread Simon Smith
In message
  Simon Smith wrote:

 In message
   Michael Drake wrote:
  In article,
 Simon Smith wrote:
   I'm still managing to trigger socket exhaustion from time to time - in
   fact I think I'm getting better at it.
  1. What version of NetSurf are you using? This was a known problem with
 development builds for a period a couple of years back.
  2. NetSurf allows the number of simultaneous connections it makes to be
 controlled. What values do you have in the Fetching section of
 Choices... Connection?
  3. Try reducing the values.
 I'm currently on build 7512 of 14/05/2009
 I usually update every 1-3 weeks.
 Max fetches 24
 Fetches per host 20
 Cached connections 6

I'm now on the fresh 2.1 release, and the problem is as bad as ever. In
particular, using a recent URL from the pull-down list, then selecting
another recent URL /in the same window/ before the first page has loaded
also seems to trigger it. So it's very easy by various means to accidentally
get NetSurf in a state where the next aborted download will drop the socket
count to zero. A nuisance.

Simon Smith

Where there's muck there's hope.

Re: Missing up-arrow in menus?

2009-05-19 Thread Simon Smith
In message
  James Bursa wrote:

 On Monday 18 May 2009, Simon Smith wrote:
  My preferred desktop font is Homerton Medium, which does not contain a
  glyph for the hollow up-arrow sometimes used to indicate Shift in
  application menus. snip
 The Wimp should automatically use this symbol from the WIMPSymbol font if it 
 isn't in your chosen font. WIMPSymbol comes in ROM.
 I can think of two possibilities:
 1. Your Font$Path is missing the ROM fonts directory Resources:$.Fonts.
Try *Show Font$Path to check.
 2. You have a non-standard Homerton Medium that has an empty glyph for the 
arrow instead of no glyph. Homerton Medium is also in ROM, but you might 
have it somewhere else too. Run !NetSurf.FixFonts to check for this.

Well, I too had been assuming the problem was somehow font-related, but in
my case the culprit was ROOL's WimpSA module (downloadable as 'NewWimp'
about a year ago, which I presume is where I got it from). This module
extends the Window Manager to allow solid icons (ie without transparent
pixels) to be used for the window tools. And it's been fixed since I
downloaded it.

But thanks to the those who tried to help.

Simon Smith

Where there's muck there's hope.

Missing up-arrow in menus?

2009-05-18 Thread Simon Smith
My preferred desktop font is Homerton Medium, which does not contain a glyph
for the hollow up-arrow sometimes used to indicate Shift in application
menus. For example, NetSurf tells me that to save a page I should press F3,
and to full-save a page I should press ... F3. I can get the symbol back by
reverting to the system font, which I'd rather not do. Are there any other
work-arounds? NetSurf is not the only victim, although it is the main app. I
use that's affected - mainly because Netsurf actually troubles to mention
the shortcuts it uses in its menus.

Simon Smith

Where there's muck there's hope.

Inaccessible history

2009-04-02 Thread Simon Smith

Despite the delay it introduces into NetSurf's loading time, I like having a
very long site history. It's currently set to 365 days (and I would like to
set it to even longer). But if I select 'show global history', the window
only goes back three weeks. So it seems that I'm having to wait an
inordinately long time just for the privilege of an extensive URL
auto-complete facility. Now, that's actually the only bit I really care about;
but given that it's the only way I can access any history older than three
weeks anyway, is it possible to separate the auto-complete history from the
global history, or at least speed up the loading of the feature I'm using?
If so, is it something I can do, e.g. by pruning the URL file?

Or is the long loading delay more likely to be cookie-related? I haven't
cleared them out for a while either.

Simon Smith

Where there's muck there's hope.

Socket exhaustion

2009-02-23 Thread Simon Smith

I've noticed that recent builds of Netsurf (3 over the last 2-3 days) seem
to exhaust my available network sockets sooner. Is anyone else finding this?

I'm currently on r6605, and up until about 3 days ago I could go weeks
without running out. 

My usual usage is dialup, connecting for minutes at a time, then
disconnecting. I cycle through about a dozen regularly-visited sites,
including an active phpBB forum. Rinse, repeat. It's as if the newer builds
are behaving much the same as the older builds, but hit the socket threshold
just slightly sooner. So the same internet behaviour that used to be fine
(I'd hit the socket limit only every few weeks, on 'heavy usage days') is
now triggering the problem noticeably more often.

Simon Smith

Time flies like an arrow, steers like a cow.

Re: Netsurf Hunger - for memory

2008-03-10 Thread Simon Smith
  John-Mark Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:00:07 +1300, Keith Hopper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Is there something wrong with Netsurf's memory usage?? 
 Not to my knowledge.
  Yesterday I sent for a document - which came in at 20Mb - onlt to find 
  Netsurf taking over 127Mb of memory before anything displayed. 
 That's not exactly surprising. If the source document truly /is/ 20
 *megabytes* in size, I'd appreciate a copy -- such things are almost never
 seen on the Web.
  When I eventually closed the window containing the document, Netsurf took
  4Mb of memory - and held on to the lot!
 That's simply heap fragmentation. Fixing that properly is decidely

Well, the various games at and the other MC sites (linked from allow you to dial-a-document-size up to about 10Mb by setting
the start and size parameters appropriately. Games 3, 5, 26, and 70 are
about the biggest and longest-running on, but there are archived
games of all sizes on all three sites, and also in the White Rose MC

Then there's the archived Really Bad HTML game which is a truly work of evil:

No browser could render that mess correctly, but it's probably quite a good
smoke test - even displaying it without crashing and without leaking memory
all over the place probably counts as a major success.

Simon Smith The idea of an uncrackable digital rights management
(DRM) scheme is fundamentally flawed. Encryption is
about A sending information to B while ensuring that
C cannot read it. In DRM, B and C are the same person.

SVG rendering - impressive start!

2008-02-03 Thread Simon Smith
From the Libsvgtiny page, in teeny tiny text I spotted

Followed the link, and ... that's really quite impressive.

I tried exporting an ArtWorks file of my own in SVG format and found you
haven't done transparency yet, but even so, my hat is off to you gents for
your work so far.

Now, ArtWorks' SVG expert does have quite a lot of customisable settings.
Would you care to comment on the optimum export settings to use, or is it
going to remain a question of trial and error for the foreseeable future?


Simon Smith The idea of an uncrackable digital rights management
(DRM) scheme is fundamentally flawed. Encryption is
about A sending information to B while ensuring that
C cannot read it. In DRM, B and C are the same person.