Re: nettime In brig, WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning ordered to sleep without clothing

2011-03-07 Thread John Young

Manning's capability to taunt his jailers indicates his mental health 
is not a problem, thus undercutting accusations of deterioration 
due to, uh, torture. Standing nude, being gazed by beefy guards, 
is not all that bad. Manning has accomplished his life's wet dream, 
and for that he is to be pedestaled iconically.

There remains the always auto-mesmerzing issue of masturbation, 
according to Jean Genet the favorite prison and military and collegiate 
activity (inside and outside family colonies), and its near 
endlessly variable attraction and repulsion of the jailers, as 
watchers, as cheerleaders, as participants, as connoisseurs 
of welcomely forbidden pleasures of sadism and masochism.

That the brig is headed by a female Marine ratchets up the
auto-stimulation to Nurse Ratchet's castrating diabolism, the
Society for Cutting Up Men coming out of the bitch-hatchetry.

Soon, the society of BGLT hackers and leakers, so to speak,
will come out. Genet, and gobs of others, averred there is
nothing to compare with the military for pansexuality perversity
except the Church. Children preferred. Childlike adults delectable
substitutes. Bradass87, bare assed and loving it, you couldn't 
make this up for a Cuckoo Nest flic.

So how many of the Manning guards are female, gay, tranny -- 
pansexual hornism a given? Prepare to kill and die priapically, 
fuck mud Gyrenes!

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Re: nettime Twitter and the resignation of Germany's minister of defense

2011-03-04 Thread John Young
This has now become confusing to a red neck Tea Party anti-unionist
contra-academic. If not plagiarism what was wrong with having
a red neck Tea Party anti-unionist contra-academcie as Defense
Minister? These are always the qualifications for war business
ministers whereever the offenders of defense are allowed to 
pretend civilian control of the military.

Texas A and M University welcomed Robert Gates as its president
between stints as CIA hoodlum and Warmaking hustler. Universities
and think ha, ha, ha tanks around the globe beg and grovel for national 
security bribery to sustain the illusion of liberality of fey-minded fakers
in the, uh, humanities who know exactly who underwrites facilities,
salaries, benefits and pensions faintly cloaked by the student loan
scandal which was preceded by the defense funding of studenthood
channeled through faculty finance overseers. 

Is the DE furor about tax booty for activists, now an interest group
of grotesque hoodlumistic extortionate protection racketeering 
pretense? Why not call a con a con, a few bright bulbs claiming
to represent the downtrodden and accusing their opponents of
doing the same as if advised by the same publicity team for
singular positioning on the political spectrum -- only us? 

Left is center is right, politics hustlers forever yelling the vile con
is essential indeed the premier way for the citizenry to have a 
say despite all evidence demonstrating the opposite.

Activism of Tea Party or high-minded defense of the people or 
any other political tripe is still secret machination for leaders to 
game the rubes. Is it still illegal in DE to call this perennial 
N-wordism what it is? Ha ha ha, as Freddie, the activist of 
ubermanism, deigns the unter-poli.

At 11:10 PM 3/3/2011 +0100, you wrote:


Am 03.03.11 11:57, schrieb Patrice Riemens:

 A great story, Anna!


 (i) What brought Count von und zu Guetenberg to plagiarize to such an
 extent? (300pages out of 400 are concerned, I read - that's rather

You're right: as far as I know not a lot of people have asked that
question. I believe that most people think he just tried to get away
with it, buying his way through academic necessities. It is also
generally assumed that he didn't write the thesis himself - the ghost
writer remains to be found.

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Re: nettime David Solomonoff on the perils and pitfalls of InternetFreedom

2011-03-04 Thread John Young
Big hand for the nym punkcast, Joly. 

Yes, this is an argument going around to stigmatize those not already
in the comfortable loop. Complete trust in the skills and integrity of
the people providing those tools and services, is a classic defense
of venal authoritatives hardly to be trusted unless you are inside their

The cure could prove worse than the disease, is formulaic
fear-mongering deployed by reputable mouthpieces, pick your favorite 
brand name amply funded to spread this cant. 

The racketeering media hoods are on a tear to promulagate this 

Christ in a coffin, are these reputation mongerers illiterate or just
maggoty plagiarists? Not that maggotry is wrong when deftly
buttered as thine BBQ sauce.

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Re: nettime Education costs; was How a Library Saved My Life.

2011-03-02 Thread John Young

Good points and applicable across many disciplines and
endeavors which have succumbed to the star system and
its attendant innumerable low- and not-so-low paid
attendants which service, market and protect investment
in the stars.

Few of these attendants are educators, or warfighters, or
doctors or architects or elected office holders. They do
run the celebrity shows in the background and are the
source of most budgetary increases while still flogging
the high-value of the bold names to attact consumers,
tax allocations and donations.

This is not necessarily bad if those who run the show are
provided with jobs, salaries and benefits to save them from
a lifetime of drudgery and poverty. Indeed, for every star
driven enterprise there are corollary benefits for those
who support it and keep their mouths shut as Ted indelicately
put it.

To be sure there are predators who add little value to the
star system but which most reap its rewards: investors, 
bankers, lawyers, university presidents and deans, publicists, 
gossips, critics, trophy mates, fashionistas, artistes, gallerists, 
liposuctionists, cosmetic surgeons, stylists, tv judges, 
comedians, talk show hosts, well, envy the welter of forums 
where stars and strivers and other idiots are marketed.
Did I not mention architects, actual and metaphorical of
wretchedly vulgar Raw Story excess?

Still, education and health care grotesque wastage is
minimal compared to that of national security manifold
greater, now the driving force wastage, profiligacy, 
unaccountabiity, and destruction of life on earth and in 
space, corporeally and mentally. Secrecy about 
national security is the single greatest threat to
democracy for it generates emulation and provides
cover for all disciplines and endeavors.

No federal institution exceeds the use of secrecy outside
the national security apparatus except health care. And that
is due to proprietary claims of the health care industry,
pharmacalogical leading the pack of doctors and hospitals
and unions and most of all, investors and aptly, secret
doctor investors. Prepare to be shattered that there are 
educators secrety investing in edu-privatization way beyond
high salaries and directors fees. Double check investors in
student load predations working both sides of the racket.

No private institution exceeds the use of secrecy outside
the complicit federal reserve system than financial
institutions. Swiss banks are chumps by comparison.

The second massive attack on the US after 9/11 was
planned and executed at the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, then headed by the current Secretary of the
Treasury. That attack continues pretty muchly unabated
while the monstrous reconstruction of WTC proceeds
camouflaged by sappy memorialization and military-grade
defiance, aided and abetted, as ever, by the Justice System
which punishes little and excuses much. Nobody yet whacked
for allowing 9/11.

All praise for the shitty jobs Finance and Justice and Defense
and Government and Entgertainment and Sports and Best
Universities provides for, ahem, working people, particularly 
for the heavily stigmatized still facing humongous prejudice
by the highly select Star System.

All shame to those who believe this cannot be bettered, call
them apologists for Status Quo, the oldest profession. Status
Quo as in don't ask for givebacks or clawbacks or confessions
of ill-doing. Blame those other criminals. Want a piece of my 
culpa over drinks at the Century or MOMA? I can get you on
Rachel, or better Spitzer.

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Re: nettime Questions concerning Wikileaks

2011-02-27 Thread John Young

The use of wiki was and is a marketing schtick, it was never
intended, never tried. WL was conceived as an authoritative initiative
cloaked as public interest as is wont with authoritatives.

Authoritatives are worse than authoritarians for they dissemble about
their manipulations of the public to diminish the likelihood of

Submissions were never as open nor as secure as claimed. Many
of WL submissions did not come from the outside, that too is
dissimulative. Assange bragged of have millions of documents at the
very beginning before submissions were proffered as a marketing

Domscheit-Berg has been coy about exactly what he took away for  
security and which he claims will be returned when assured proper WL 
security is available. This too is common marketing flim-flam.

WL ratcheting up numbers is patently shysterist, first millions of
files on hand, then a few hunded high quality gradually published,
then an astounding thousands of Congressional Research Reports, then
singular blockblusters, then more hundreds of thousands of Afgan and
Iraq files all heavily doctored for public consumption, no raw
files published at all thoughout WL's history. Now lately hundreds of
millions of words flaunted to balloon file claims.

Submissions and publication have stopped and started more than once
for dramatic effect, crisis upon crisis. This is trite market teasing
to be sure not uncommon among public interest authoritatives run out
to the point of idiocy-panels on PBS.

For some years WL was very hostile to working with journalism and
other media, and that was a virtue which distinguished it from most
who cannot conceive of operating without tongues deeply embedded in
well-reamed assholes.

The change, according Domscheit-Berg occurred when Assange was
seduced by a seasoned publicist-hack in Iceland to hyper-monetize
Wikileaks with the gunship video. It was obvious that WL had abandoned
its hostility to the media with the gunship campaign roll-out in
the National Press Club preceded by market teasing previews. This
publicist-hack is now the WL spokesperson.

And according to DDB this hack orchestrated the conflict between
Julian and Daniel with whispers about financial irregularities, aided
and abetted by another publicist speech writer nanny who plotted with
the hack to take over the Wikileaks-Assange brand as their own.

This led to the redesign of the Web site to feature Julian's
glamorizing fake-journalist headshot, which just happened to exactly
copy what was done with Wikipedia and its heroic founder for a major
funding campaign, as if the same designer did both for a cut-rate.
More likely simple plagiarism.

This campaign to convert Wikileaks into a commercial journalism outlet
led to the involvement of the Guardian which was then used to draw in
the others, and more others thereafter. This laid the foundation for
journalistic protection of a commercial operation which almost worked.
However in the long tradition of journalists screwing each other as
scoundrels must, the multiple deals fell apart when Julian began to
smell a rat. Not the rat advising him but the rats the main rat bred
suspicion about.

It should be expected that Julian will be royally fucked, and stay
fucked by the rats now running his once noble venture. Was he too
susceptible to skilled Machiavellis, as little princes always are? Or
is he sufficiently shrewd to fuck the fuckers in the media milking
his danger to the max, and there are hundreds of them, just think of
who has come to prominence on Julian's risk, merely search Wikileaks
to see their names brightly at the top, flogging their books, their
weekly updates, their appearances of TV, their sharp wisdom on panels,
their pithy scholarship, their nominations for awards, their bountiful
cliches, all the claptrap of publicity whores, sorry, pros.

Some of us hope those courteseans get old-style Wikileak reamed,
for Anonymous to expose their emails and cell records, their bank
accounts, their deals with officials, their lawyers' files, their tips
and tricks to feed the mill, their backroom slurs of Wikileaks and
others like it and their crows about the endless supply of suckers.

Read the end of DDB's book where he poses a series of questions
deserving answers. Then imagine what lies behind that publicity

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Re: nettime The Art of the Undercommons

2011-02-27 Thread John Young

Didn't Sartre surpass Kant's ego-driven judgment in Critique of
Dialectical Reason and in Transcendence of the Ego surpass Husserl's
blinding conceit of paramountcy?

Kant is, with Husserl, no question are masterful thinkers. But
masterfully, paramountly above the fray, not at all physically risky.
No punishing hemlock for them.

I rescued a number of neophyte artists hunkering in windowless, unsafe
cellars of million-dollar lofts of megawatt artists (Serra, i.e.) who
allowed the occupancy for small rent or for free, magisterially, as
if housing abandoned animals. The youngsters created wondrous objects
highly inappropriate for museums and galleries, many obscene, filthy,
dangerous, using bizarre materials salvaged from global capital crud,
so fragile they could not be moved, so prickly they could not be
touched, so noisy they could not listened, so kaliedoscopic they could
not be seen. So it seemed to me as I searched with flashlight and ear
plugs and rubber boots and fire extinguisher to spot a wall location
to chop a safe exit with stairs to the street.

You may not know that artists in NYC are treated like imbecilic
nobility (like leashed philosophers astroll), with special laws
governing their lofts to allow regally gruesome auto-abuse to occur.
These galvanic-ego-carapaces have placards blaring, no shit, Artist
in Residence.

Which indicates to the cynical (there are none other in NYC) no art
made here, just talk, prate, snarl about marketing and what rich cur
is cash machining fine art investment.

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Re: nettime The Art of the Undercommons

2011-02-24 Thread John Young

This is certainly is fresh veggies, to disgest deeply and ponder the
equal uselessness of politics and art, not hoary either/or complicity
of mock, laborious, sterile opposition, plagiarism, copying, or as
Brian Holmes is quoted, downright lying, meaning, wink, CIA fronting
or some other long-toothed cretinism. A smiley to ya, Brian. A cocked
brow to the assholes unnameable, disrespectfully.

Politics and art have long played this charade of overweening
self-importance, at the beginning of WTF, at times jokingly,
avant-gardishly and advocating bold new, cliche-driven, candidacies
of the outsider, at other times, murderously, by reputation boosting
initially to gain attention then enlisting as propagandists for the
bloodletting in defense of cartoonish patriotism and its faux anti-.
Both cartels glamorize extended war (and momentary peace) while
pretending to be against war and peace, for it makes them money
and compensable stature, all too often as ghoulish, quite venal,
dissenters deliriously riding the bandwagon, while not few vote in
secret for prolongation of the godsend windfall ratcheting up war
and then its winddown. As in the current environment, as in this
anthill of busybodies avid for conflict to muse, ahem, ridiculously
and gravely. War and anti-war, what are they good for. Museums and
cemetaries abound to answer ostentatiously with carved majestically
arrayed headstones and architectural monstrosities on the Malls of
Earth Tourism.

The essay offers worthy, nourishly windy (I like long texts, too, fuck
tweets and idiot pitheries), comment on the marketing of politics
and art, and as ever their obligatory anti's, by those who only know
these enterprises as just that escapist opportunism injected into the
mind-bodies of recruits, branded as higher ed and its vulgar PR-tool,
criticism, the glibber, feyer

and espicene the better to signal to like sensitive mind-bodies what
daring darlings we be on the transgendered cutting edge, the bleeding
edge, the leading edge, the loss leaders, pro bonos, NGOs, pro publico
politico culturalist hoes. Cite bold names here or fuck off.

Neologistic undercommons is a sweetie-pie transgendering of
underground and commons, blessed be they contra stratospheric
eggheadism, coolish hottie hybridization of creative plagiarism, i.e,
publicity fecund. Reminds of the faux dispute over theft of Obama's
brand-imagery from AP by whatshisname, not Bootsie, the other who

Buffoon disaster-works, politics and art, and attract the scummiest of
parasites sucking unearned rewards with most villainous of camouflage
of perfidy. Mea culpa minima, windily.

Autonomedia is pretty damn good reading and ponderingly-ful, pardon a
kiss of death to y'all gardeners.

For gut-trembling revulsion gobble on
Wikileaks bullshit and Cryptome's.

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Re: nettime Wisconsin report

2011-02-21 Thread John Young
Left, right, progressive, Tea Party, stooges? WTF? Are you 
idiots? OK, so that is a requirement of ideological conviction.
And comforting chants and epithets, too. Now, you've blown
your nose and sphincter, offer a bit of argument. OK, that's
asking too much. Then a bit of humor about yourself and me
and our shallow convictions. Sarcastic ridicule is swell 
inspiration. This all-too-serious gravitas, cliche alert, is 
destroying the funhouse of democracy. Pretend you are a 
really serious ideologue bristling with outrage at the other 
ideologues threatening sacred democracy, i.e, union perqs. 
Cluck cuckoo.

Awaiting are a huge wad of infected sanctimonies begging 
lancing by wit, dim and lit. Bite the bait.

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nettime Anonymous Surpasses Wikileaks

2011-02-17 Thread John Young
The exploits of Anonymous to hack the systems of firms
providing spying services to governments and corporations
suggest that the WikiLeaks mini-era has been surpassed.

Much of WikiLeaks promise to protect sources is useless 
if the sources are not whistleblowers needing a forum for 
publication. Instead publishers of secret information grab it 
directly for posting to Torrent for anybody to access
without mediation and mark-up by self-esteemed peddlers 
of protection, interpretationa and authentication, including 
media cum scholars.

Arstechnica descriptions of the how the Anonymous hack
are the best reading of Internet derring-do yet and far exceeds 
the much simpler version of WikiLeaks carefully bruited 
as if precious but is not according to Daniel Domscheit-Berg's 
revelations. is a remarkable advance of WikiLeaks. And
promises much more by the same means and methods most
associated with official spies -- NSA and CIA run the Special 
Collections Service to do exactly that kind of criminal 
aggression, along with black bag burglaries, surveillance 
and bugging. Contractors hiring ex-spies do much of this 
highly classified work as well and invent and supply the 
gadgets and front organizations required.

Not least of importance of the Anonymous hack and the many
preceding it is the revelation of how commercial firms have 
been exploiting public ignorance of their spying capacity. 
That they are themselves vulnerable is a surprise to them, 
as it must  be to those who hire them and, in the case of 
governments, provide legal cover for criminal actions.

This is not news, to be sure, for it has been alleged and
reported on for decades but mostly in technical journals
and conferences where offerers strut their malwares to
buyers of perfidium.

Imagine that instead of the many iterations of Wikileaks
now appearing to receive and publish documents, that 
more of the Anonymous-type hacks simply steal the family 
jewels of the spies, officials, lobbyists and corporations 
believing they own the territory in order to show the 
extent of their secret predations on the public.

The digitization of vast archives of government, commercial
and non-governmental organizations to facilitate their
hegemony provides a bounty to be hacked repeatedly
despite attempts to prevent it by vainly inept cybersecurity
agencies and firms.

The cyber officials yell, hit the Internet Switch. Too late, too 
late. Anonymous controls the switch.  Sure, Anonymous
can be compromised with sufficient hostile and friendly
inducements, but so can the predators, perhaps moreso
the latter.

I like that venerable Anonymous and the promise it offers 
as the Nymous authoritatives of secrecy frantically attempt 
to ban its privilege. 

For the WL era dutifully enshrine Julian Assange and Bradley
Manning, give them Medals of Freedom as icons of what led 
to the rise of Unnamables worldwide.

I commend Ketih for that unbreakable domain name.

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Re: nettime The second American revolution?

2011-02-12 Thread John Young

A commendably hopeful essay. So far the Egyptian initiative has lofted
a Mubarak stooge in his place and the elevated overt military control.

These are not hopeful yet, and based on past examples of exactly these
non-revolutionary, reactionary shifts, not much can be expected beyond
paternalism toward the protestors narcotized by celebrity, and if
that does not work, sniping and disappearing leaders, then if that
doesn't work, set loose goons to rape and kill to provoke violence in
return and threatening civil war, assuring continued military control
always cloaked in what's best for protection of the nation and its
all-too-manipulable people from opportunistic ideologues and outside

That worked in much of South America for a century and still working
in China and North Korea, and Venezuela and Cuba and Pakistan and
Afghanistan and Jordan and Israel and Great Britain and the United
States of America, indeed, there is hardly a true democracy anywhere
on earth, instead pseudo democracies abound completely controlled by
military cum financial cartels.

There is little chance of ensconced and comfortable intellectuals to
forego their perks beyond dissimulation and pretentious strut which
are quite well funded and celebrated and magnified by the panoply of
media everready to vaunt bloviation to lure eyeballs to ads.

Al Jazeera is a lucrative business not a public service, and in that
it is merely another self-promoting journalistic conceit like CNN,
NYT and the others. Dare to challenge an Al Jazeera reporter and
experience hysterical recitation of credentials, all based on lurid
stories with superficial content -- exactly what comes from every
other journalist associated with the most famous of outlets. The blogs
no different. Except for the very few who have the guts to cross the
line into criminality, not once for effect, but enduringly as the line
of acceptable criminality shifts to embrace the celebrated dissidents
as participants in quelling the unknowns.

It is disheartening to see Obama and others citing the giants

of dissent, metronomically, stupidly, and never the unknown dwarfs
and those less than photogenic and memnonic dwarfs: the people en
masse, undividuated except as cartoons, as if Marxian mob-stooges for
a grand stage of intellectual posturing about historical forces and
the will of the people with formulaic vapidity fit for vanishing down
the memoryless media hole as a momentary inconsequence.

Imagine a gathering of Egyptian proportion in DC Mall, some 4-5
million bellowing discontents demanding the shutdown of the 3 branches
of government as sinkholes of corruption. Imagine the Pentagon keeping
hands off, not using 1 of every hundred dissidents and not a few of
their leaders as spies, not recording every face and chant and poster
for future targeting, not arranging the complicity media to cover
the protest like mere entertainment and warning against crossing the
line. Imagine the Egyptian protest is somehow hopefully different
from the dutiful Parks Department regulated DC protests, that it will
not take a generation or more for a perduable benefit. Imagine your
rebellious children, fed up with faux adult concern, are slaughtered
and disappeared in the military charnelhouse and holdng pens of
protestation while your clubhouse gang muses historical significance.

But then Obama is a millionaire, as the giants became as their
hard-fought individual efforts became national and global enterprises.
So what else is new.

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Re: nettime monitoring and surveillance

2011-01-19 Thread John Young

Odd that the Weimar-Princeton announcement makes no mention of
scholars and researchers gathering, aggregating, mining and messing
with Internet users data under guise of investigating and analyzing
the world's greatest-ever spying machine by spying on the gullible
users to protect them, the motto of secret agents forever.

Bundles of irresistable funding for that, indeed, alliances and
standards-setting bodies have been established to bless this villainy
and the finely-coutured apologists for the villainous institutions and
leading scholars.

Be sure tell the public right away with every media study announcement
about the spy agencies' multi-millions being distributed to eager
institutions to foster open source spying, spy training, covert spying
and camouflage thereof. Admire the spread of euphemistic security
studies and surveillance studies and social media studies and in
particular open source studies. Even the spy agencies vaunt these
luser lures in their recruiting materials. High-tech seekers, media
mavens especially solicited by CIA University, rush to intern in home
bases of spies and pursue advanced degrees in their cash-rich outliers
in universities. Note who runs these social studies programs ever
adaptable to the king's coin.

Remember the invention by Plato of Socrates, a friendly fellow
favoring open discourse, to undergird the highly privileged
philosopher as king. Machiavelli adored Plato's conceit. Remember the
invention of philosophy to undergird dissimulation, wise faculty club
debate tea cup held with little finger poised just so to signal how
pleasurable it is to outsmart.

Meta surveillance studies presumably sanitizes the vile practice
of social studies long invested in codifying human behavior, first
as allegedly disinterested scholarship, then to repackage and sell
as means of political control to full-spectrum authoritatives ever
indebted to funding sources open and secret, especially the secret
which requires non-disclosure as a condition of scholarly bribery.

Dissimulation provides an escape from complicity, thank heavens for
duplictious obfuscation. I had no idea my work would be used that

Here's a suggestion: if any use of scholarly research is ever used for
secret purposes the original scholars shall be hung until dead from
Alma Mater, left to rot as a signal of why secrecy is the greatest
threat to democracy.

Monitoring the extended use of scholarly research shall no longer
be forgiven by exculpatory sophistry. No more excusing the study of
complicity by deeper treachery of exploiting hard-up students to do
spies' dirty work. Oops that is the name of a famous spy story

Odd that the illegality of data gathering on the Internet is never
admitted by overseers of the intellectual commonweal. Odd that privacy
policies are always taken very seriously, but never disclosed as

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Re: nettime Leaks do an end around the media mix?

2011-01-13 Thread John Young

Bear in mind that despite the blovia about 250,000 cables allegedly
to be released, only 2,017 have been made public, less than 1 percent.
Not in waves but in very slow drips with days when none appear despite
tongues drooling in expectation.

It remains to be seen what the full collection will reveal about the
first tiny biased batch which was apparently selected for highest dramatic 
impact and as the article states, controversy, in accord with Wikileaks'
intention, with ever greater hyperbolic bombshells since the fall of 2009.

A comprehensive grasp of the Cablegate-branded cache is yet to come,
for now only artful and dreadful extrapolation fed very carefully by WL 
and its media partners for commercial rewards -- rewards which they
admittedly relish bragging about yet continue to beg for more under
various schemes of imaginary threat and insistence on public protection
against boogeymen all too like themselves.

Due to the lack of transparency in Wikileaks and its MSM partners, all
of which claim confidentiality about their finances, sources, editorial
policy and complicity with authorities, and all of whom have refused to
provide to the public the raw, undoctored, unspun, files to which they
have full, privileged access, it is not possible to verify much of anything
that has been claimed by the Wikileaks business cartel hiding behind
public benefit cloaks -- typical of scoundrels. 

They presume to claim their trustworthiness compared to those they
allegedly oppose but do not disclose their own secrets, in effect
mirroring those they claim to challenge, in behavior, in braggardy,
in disdain for criticism, in vaunting their importance, in unceasing
appeal financial and, ye gads get in bed with the enemy, legislative 
protection to head off rather long-toothed conventional threats that 
are no different in vaporosity from opponents.

This lack of imagination by Wikileaks and cohorts could be excused
if it was seen as carnivalesque clownism. Or lower spinal stem 
advertisment. Or fey ignorant anti-intellectualism favored by bald
and shaggy maned continentals. Or Onion grade sophmoric halitosic 
humor. Or simply tawdry political cupidity. These are all successful, 
and thus highly reproducible in the abysmal standards of screedism, 
not to tar all honest journalists with this brush but very much to mastic
their editors, publishers and the investors jerking the strings of the 
craven wretches. To wit, old fart Pilger sucking Julian's pickle in The
New Statesman, aping Ellsberg's shamelessness. 

There will be those who will find gold among this dross, and to those
a salute, the venals will profit from your freely given investigation
which they will take credit for as Wikileaks has fucked Bradley
Manning and other sources kept secret nor for their safety but
for the benefit of the public fuckers.

Bear too in mind little light has been shed on secret operations of
authoritatives, Wikileaks among them, instead the informative
light has grown dimmer as the celebrity spotlights increase 
luminosity of the stars and their sucklings.

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Re: nettime Interview with Tommaso Debenedetti and Matze Schmidtabout WikiLeaks

2010-12-24 Thread John Young
Yes, quite true. Bear with this:

Yesterday RT TV conducted an interview at its fourth or fifth New York
bureau location. A person was videoed by an unstaffed camera being 
coached by an earpod from voices at the DC or Moscow control room,
ye gads, Moscow Central is alive at the Counterrrorism Center, Mclean,

The stooge watched his image tilting forward a la Charlies Rose stupor
with an inserted background of teeming 3rd Avenue outside not the actual 
background drooping black fabric, surgical clogs and getaway bags.

An engineer had arranged the mic and earbud and checked the camera
then left for lunch or a secret mission to climb into the ceiling above to 
capture brainwaves, or plant a tiny seed in the noggin of the dupe, or
wank a wad of infinite jest. 

Nobody below in the news bureau except the dolt yarping artless drivel
to monodical questions of an android unseen being patched into the 
show, live, it was lied, but probably a staff lunchroom comedy lampooning 
eager beggars of attention at the bottom of the TV cess spew.

RT TV in NYC is located amidst the UN missionary-rich SIGINT-capacious
nabe of copious diplomatic cablings of neant cum dasein cum dang an
sich. Viewable panning in neighbhood windows are pan-national cameras 
capturing the UN Central urgency of how little is happening outside the 
overtaxed homelands.

Shortly a live butt-heaving beauty enters the suite, declaiming, that was
fantastic, the best we've ever had. We want you back, what's your 
availability frame? Hypnotic smile, a squeeze of your bicep, leg akimbo.

Well, you blurt, pumped with range-free lust , I'm free all week.

That's fantastic, she says, fantastic, let me check with headquarters,
I'll email you in an hour. You were great, just great. Thank you for 

coming. Cheek kiss, not air, real gloss to mark you pwned.

You wait in the hall for the elevator. The bureau emits telltale SIGINT 

No email, nothing, that's it, fake-humped and forgotten.

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Re: nettime Interview with Tommaso Debenedetti and Matze Schmidt about WikiLeaks

2010-12-24 Thread John Young
Are not all interviews fraudulent? The inept preparation, the phony
stage sets, the hiddent gang supporting and directing the narrowscoped 
performance (phonily exposed in the making of the dreck), the cosmetics 
of face, behavior, dress, sound and close-ups, the very concept is 
simulacra of a disorganized discourse, heavily edited afterwards, 
harshly scheduled and negotiated beforehand, positioned in a schedule 
of peurile dissemblings and advertisements even on those fora for 
advertising governments, perhaps especially those propagandistic 
shenanigans, especially those on RFE and public television, radio 
and free newsprint.

No doubt Google books and edu lectures and trade seminars and 
promotional colloquia and vacuous conferences on idiotic topics 
are just as senseless log-rolling backscratching, the couldn't give
a shit audiences mindwandering far away until the chance to 
interject a spasm of unct or disfunct.

God's will is to constrict bladders in the most seasoned to shorten
offensive presence. I say, speaking for yourself?

Mention should be made of the seminal initiative of Alan Sonheim's
Fiction of Philosophy which demonstrated how to do this suicidal

Hi Alan. You are being read and adhered closely.

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Re: nettime Pollock, Art History and Cold War [was: Wikileaks is old hat]

2010-12-19 Thread John Young
Sartre, among others, claimed that lumping the arts into the
term art diminshes them all. Each art is unique, he said, and by
extension each art work is unique even when executed by among
the works of a single artist. He was uneasy with the term artist 
due to its generalizing suppression of the individual into a 

Hypostatizing into art, and worse, in the art world, quite granular 
single works, in some cases of performance art a singluar event 
not repeatable, some intended to be such, is the madness of
bad-art aggegators, whether curators, critics, gallerists, historians, 
aesthetes, collectors, donors, publicists, agents, inheritors,
the lot of confidence artists, the number of which surely outranks
those they demean in general and glorify in genius.

Recitation of the names of famous artists is a sure sign of
incapacity to grasp a singular work, unfinished, unresolved,
contrary to conquest, a snarling bitch of materiality, sound
and fury utterly resisting the human grappling with self-deity
certain of failure, condemned to continue. No art work is ever
finished it persists incomplete into another struggle. Damn 
those demanding closure, deadline up, show is opening, the 
crowd abaying, critics bloodthirsty.

High art, elite art, famous art, the best art, the award winners,
classical art, left-footed art, one-eyebrow art, art for the ages,
eternally beautiful art, priceless art, mansions and warehouses
of art, feh.

Sartre cited Dewey in claiming the un-special art work, free
of Art, a democratizing mundane work along with cooking, 
farming, machining, child raising, schooling, and should not 
valorized over the others.

To be sure, these others have become valorized into high-profit
enterprises, most of them kissing up to be art of cooking, art of
this and that. Feh art.

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Re: nettime [Fwd: [Goanet-News] Offtopic: Wikileaks and India]

2010-12-18 Thread John Young

Quite funny listing, if dinky. Consider blovia:

Google shows this morning 452 million hits for Wikileaks.

One year ago the hits were about 300,000.

Two years ago the hits were about 100,000.

Three years the hits were about 5,000.

Four years ago, the hits were less than zero, the hit hurrah machine
overloaded with richochets, spam, precursors of sock-puppetry and

Five years ago Julian Assange was being stalked by Asian teens, he
says. Looking for squinty gash, he moans. Not appealing, the chicks
giggled, he stink.

Six years ago Julian Assange had an idea for a leak site, registered
the name Pounding his with thoughts and plans for
Ghandian, Gramsian prison redux.

Seven years ago Julian Assange was at a loss about what to do with
his less than zero life. Not for long. Angry bile was seeping to the
noggin top. His hair turning white with skull concussive Eurekas!
Hurrahs aborning.

Eight years ago Julian Assange was completing a world travel trip
during which he wrote essays about what the world needed, a soothseer.
Fore and aft SDTs were itching. Home remedies applied, Dr, Gurus
galore. Far eastern poultices and hickory stick whacking. Hurt
lockering, go down dick.

Nine years ago Julian assange was in the midst of a world travel trip.
Money almost gone. Pan-sexual services bartered for house and food.
Condoms aweigh, youth conquers all.

Ten years ago Julian Assange was fed up with online meandering and
planned a world trap to clear his mind. Lovelorn, aching with shame,
diseased mind and body. Penile weariness, so many hackers, so many

Eleven years ago Julian Assange ... and so on with

Now ensconced and ankled bejeweled in a country estate, the media
begging for his blovia, Julian is defiant, a century of anger ready
for tapping, he keens, he says it again, his media sock-puppets
repeats ad nauseum, his precious hornyisms sock-rocketed by Google 500
million times and soon, he warns, thermonuclear armageddon.

The aged little girls and guys swoon and scream as if it was the 60s
again when Youth reigned futurelessly.

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Re: nettime Wikileaks and spam

2010-12-13 Thread John Young shows a wondrous slew of brazen Net predators
for Some might even be real criminals rather
than cops and their hired hackers on the prowl to steal data
and call it freedom of information. Recall that Wikileaks in its
earlier promotional material bragged of predating, sorry, liberating,
over 1 million files through Tor siphoning, aided and abetted by 
the noble-branded bandits Chinese dissidents. 

After an outcry of betrayal of the trust of Tor, and Tor's own tut-tut
to keep its gaping security quiet, WL dropped that ad of the 
daring hacker outlaw campaign but several recent news reports 
continue to recycle it. 

Wikileaks like cops and hackers cannot overstate numbers, to wit,
WL's recent promotion of the number of words in upcoming
releases. Next, the count of alphanumerics, punctuation and
spaces to match the sock-puppeted WL followers on Twitter
and Facebook and holiest of all, Google hits.

Circling back to the start: has an about page which tells, or pretends
to tell, how the site got started and how it distances itself with
a Russian-Chinese dissident bear hug from The Original Wikileaks.

Malware in the Wikileaks releases is a provocative suggestion.

Certainly the technology for that is readily available and the practice
obligatory, usually as a security feature, sometimes called
a hash or cookie or watermark or copyright-tracker or privacy
protection. Wait a minute, did you say privacy protection. Get out
of here, Demosthenes, there exists nonesuch except self-throttling.

Phoenix University Professor Cynic proclaims the insurance.aes256 
file is nothing but malware ready to explode red-dye onto decrypters.

Kaplan Most Venerable Counterprofessor Agnostic retorts: fie on 
your mendacious contra-idealism, knuckle rapping the Auth lockbox.

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Re: nettime A thesis on WL theses and a suggestion

2010-12-13 Thread John Young

Locations of nukes worldwide, their count, their megadeath capacity,
their factories and bases, have been available for decades, thanks
to the Federation of American Scientists (, the National
Resources Defense Council (, National Security Archive
(Google its vast collection),, and others of these large
repositiories of leaked and hard-dugged information which Wikileaks
deliberately, vaingloriously, ignores as if ex nihilo. Petty
bullshitters driven by PR. Perfect for new media and old media wanting
an injection.

Otherwise, what else is new medical in the daily dose of cables.

Catch a breath, derush adrenline, peruse a few of those hundreds
which preceded the virgin birth of Wikileaks in Sensitive Information
Security Sources and Breaches:

Har, the MSM being stooged by WL are also parading the wee
he-devils as if the first to defy Olympus, well, merely re-invent fire
aka freedom of information. Forbes today milking its inside 
sources avidly as Time aiming for yearly virginal sacrifice.

Silly vainglorious names of media: The Guardian, Le Monde,
Der Spiegel, The Times iterations galore, News beyond count,
El Pais, The Nation, Gawker, Raw Story, Inside Sources, Pro-Publica,
The People's Daily, Granma, Pravda, bleh. Mea culpa, a brand
always outsells the honest truth told by individuals, oops, that's 
the brand of thousands of mail lists and their bastard ego-blogs.

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nettime Ex-Intelligence Officers, Others See Plusses in WikiLeaks Disclosures

2010-12-12 Thread John Young

Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:37:51 -0500
From: John Young
Subject: Re: Ex-Intelligence Officers, Others See Plusses
in WikiLeaks  Disclosures

I must have missed most of this thread. Ex-spies pretending to
be ex- despite lifetime requirements to remain secretly active,
covertly, or openly as critics, whistleblowers, dissidents, novelists,
informants, professors, contractors, movie stars, chefs, ministers,
retirees, AFIOs, FOIA officers, NARA files watchdogs, conference
promoters, lobbyists, private eyes, lawyers, NGOs, politicians,
bloggers, spy site operators, indeed the full range of skills and
professions and opinion manipulators they were hired and trained
for, is a fruitful topic of discussion.

How did the bizarrely incredible deception of ex-spy originate?
No spy can be ex and live to tell about it. Agee not excepted. The
Agee ploy deserves better analysis.

Perhaps the fanciful notion arose from the equally bizarre notion
of the turncoat which drove Angleton mad when nobody would
believe his justifiable and logical paranoia that there is no such
thing as a turncoat, having himself deployed that trick and learned
it was a surefire sentence of death, or if not death, lifetime incarceration
in a cocoon of suspicion.

Perhaps the ex-spy was invented by Conrad, Greene, Le Carre or another
artful inventor of fiction to lend credence that spying could come to
an end and promise to free the spy of tormenta only to be betrayed once
again and again by his merciless and cruel runner, corporeal or
self-inflicted Cartesian doubt.

Perhaps ex-spy was invented like so many other terms of spy euphemisms,
like the high-faluting term intelligence, for being on the dole like other
over the hill deadbeats embarassed without a dramatic title to excuse
the failure to make it without welfare.

That may be an unfair characterization of what is common among ordinary
folks to camouflage who they are and what little favorable deals they
have devised to keep over-weaning self-esteem in check, and certainly
under the radar of those they have harmed, for noble purposes as
ever, as well as debtors and vicious in-laws.

Why would anyone use the term ex-spy except to ensnare the dumbest
believer in salvation through confession of sin? That could be it,
Augustinian, it takes one to spy one up to no good.

Careful, cynicism is a sign of the Id beast running the ego toward a
superego punji trap.

Does this have anything to do with Wikileaks. No except to solicit
secret and surefire returns on tulips.

John Young
IntelForum mailing list

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Re: nettime FW: [IP] WikiLeaks sold classified intel, claims website's co-founder

2010-12-06 Thread John Young
This should not be news to those who have followed the world of
hackers -- religion and NGOs. They have been selling restricted 
information from the beginning of their enterprises. Some do it 
as employees and off-the-books agents of governments and 
business and individuals, some do it as rogue entrepreneurs
like Wikileaks, or more commonly, investigative reporters, 
private eyes and holy workers -- and, ahem, high-minded 

It is an ancient industry, as old as human intercourse where
cheating and hoodwinking and treachery are obligatory to survive
against those who do the same. Nearly all who do it claim it
to be necessary because others do it, to protect our tribe,
to protect our hordes of food, wealth, faith and means and
methods of counterspying. And as ever, because we are
superior and thus have the right to be worse than our imputed
enemies -- mostly imaginary, often our own villainous agents 
plotting with others of their kind pretending to be enemies to 
keep their racket lucrative. Religious warfare had to be invented
to excuse the slaughter of infidels. Messianism of Wikileaks is
comical but it has worked multitudes for millennia with imaginary
danger and protection. Do tithe.

Kissinger and Giuliani and Chertoff and thousands of insiders --
call them ph d candidates -- go on to greater wealth outside, 
switching back and forth to keep the flim-flam flowing.

All intelligence operations -- knowledge industry -- are 
illicit by design to exaggerate significance and risk, that way 
law (the most devious of all), mundane and heavenly, blesses 
them with powerful advertizing. They are all in cahoots. Wikileaks 
emulates an eternal business model, that is to lie and exaggerate 
about what it is doing. 

Every academic is familiar with these means and method,
avid promoters of it, get some of that old time higher
education, a certificate for excellence, a license to
recruit and train newcomers, a pretense of opposition
ie, high-level critique, ever plotting and dealing for perqs 
and advantages of salary, space, reputation, rank, and

showtime. Selling classified information is what the
knowledge industry was invented for.

Now Wikileaks is a challenge to the highly organized
operations of state, church, university, military, corporation,
NGO (spit), media and unaffiliated (watch out for these
cutthroat mercenaries alway betraying those stupid
enough to outsource to the temps stealing the jewels).

Assange stated at the beginning of Wikileaks it expected
to make big bucks, $5M the first year he wrote on a private 
mail list -- among other pimping messages later published 
on Cryptome.  

The free stuff is meant lure volunteers and promote high-profile 
public service, lipsticked with risk, with the enterprise funded
by selling costly material sold on the black market of worldwide 
spying in the tradition of public benefit ops, id, spies and ever 
more spies. No better customers for illicit information that
those with depthless pockets. Soros and the Kochs have their
lesser-known Internet promoters backing Wikileaks generously.
And they expect good return on their investment, not just the
freebies used to attact attention.

Watch out for the public interest data miners of the Internet,
and leakers and whistleblowers, bandits stealing data, marking 
it up with glamorous titles, ie deeply researched, classified, 
actionable, nation threatening, liberating, etc, reselling publicly 
thourgh gadzillion press operations and secretly through those 
who pretend to avoid limelight. 

Think, think Wikipedia, think Google, think this list
and your crafty mangy boil-ridden carcass. Mea culpa.

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Re: nettime Twitter fails to jump to Dept of State's defence.

2010-12-05 Thread John Young

WL dark observers want what Twitter offers without signing up,
one follower, one cable.

A honeypot. SOP. WL knows that and pads the tweets, thumb on
the scale. The gaga Assange boytoy promotion is a marketing ploy, 
him witting or unwitting as his Mom ear-licked her little man, as did 
Obama's, pretending teenage-grade bedazzle for the horny-pud.

No need to recount how age-old this narcotic is. Civilizing begets
over-uncivilizing, to wit, obedience innerly driven concealed with
high-faluting faux resistance. Higher standards of ethics and morals
the advertisements. Could Assange be clearer about what he is
up to, an authoritative terrified of being not-god.

Same shit is used to hypnotize teenage soldiers and college-bred
pilots to RL kill-slaughter with relish -- ever in the national interest
or sumpin glorious. Same shit is used to hypnotize suicide bombers 
and IED mechanics and State Department and CIA pussyfooting 
vainglory wankers. Panetta a feeble emulator of Hillary as an 
auto-speed-twatler victim and prick-teasing victimizer, channeling 
age-old god-fucked Eves and Marys the guys bellow, the girls yelling
god's a dickless motherfucker honey.

The hoary debate between parental liberty and tweenie freedom is 
two-backed. The first demands order within constraints of authority, 
the second, if not a subterfuge or suck-up of authority, bites the hand 
offered in threatening peace and beneficence, then kisses the hand's 
mangy ass with mouthngs of ways to kill former friends and supporters
who told all to BFF. Insurance pre-positioned is the rat's surefire

The WL vile practice of redaction is a sign the fix is in, bribes have
been paid to act responsibly, future celebrity assured. Old timers 
call that turncoat, themselves having done just that and then paid 
and pensioned and best-sellered, if not tenured and lecture-
circuited, to condemn it. Ellsburg. Chomsky. Sy Hersh. Ex-spies,
aka unicorns. None suffer after coming in from the cold. Fake
moans of the beastliness known but dare not reveal. To protect
the unknowing. To foster unknowiness. To keep the secrets of
how sweet it is to be a keeper.


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Re: nettime Steve Coll: Leaks (The New Yorker)

2010-11-15 Thread John Young

Jealousy is the lifeblood of ambition, Assange is a victim, and
who is not?

Sorry to say Brian, for you customarily offer unusually trenchant
commentary, your comments indicate a lack of awareness of the diverse
and multiple forums which offer material similar, and in many cases
superior, to that of Wikileaks -- offered long before as well as after
its inititation.

The leaks conceit of Wikileaks is deliberate, better known as
breaking news, attention getting, the Wiki as false as democracy,
the promise of openness never fulfilled due to security needs of the

What is unique about Wikileaks is its publicity capability and for
that it deserves credit to bring to a non-institutional initiative,
thanks to the momentarily cheap Internet megaphone, the slick
braggardy well known as the key element for the reputation,
responsibility and trustworthyiness of big institutions from their
origin millennia ago.

Promoting established institutions is what the media -- journalism,
publishing, entertainment, advertising -- were invented to do by
creating the illusion that individuals have a say in what's going
on. But never invited into the sanctums where decisions are made
about the means and methods for promulgating illusions.

All this has been said tiresomely (arch ouch) overmuch. So what else
is new about Wikileaks type initiatives that the hullabaloo can

One is to contain enthusiasm, if you will, about the uniquenss of
Wikileaks. It is not unique in the content it provides: there is
much more and better available by less celebrated means and methods,
once called research, reflection and reassement, continually done,
even non-institutionally, perhaps that most so, not reduced to
crowd-arousing bombshells in which the tiniest of comment is

viralized to thousands of sites -- try it: post anything with the
word Wikileaks in its title and watch it richochet in synapases of

To advance the much larger body of material it would be useful to
develop a battery of such socio-political-rich words which would
assure attention to an inititiative that might be otherwise swamped by
orchestrated viralization, ie, advertising. Che once did that, as do
Obama and Assange now, albeit somewhat smeared by assholes unable
to dream of less than godlike perfection.

Your point about jealous of other blogs has become a knee-jerker that
shows ignorance, well, lack of appreciation, of other initiatives
which have not been catapulted to the media stage where nearly every
commentator derives daily doses of inspiration to get off ass and be
a player. Which means worthy of paying attention to. How to get from
being a non-entity to being a player is what Assange has demonstrated.
Not enough attention has been paid to how he imagined Wikileaks for
that, although a lot of superficial reporting has been done on the
person and personality of Assange.

Assange is more complicated and inscrutable than he has been
caricatured to be -- ie, mediaized. But then so are all heroes
manufactured in that mold and buried in that sarcophagus.

Agreed that much better analysis is needed for those who yearn for
that comfort food never available on blogs and the daily beasts.
Better than analysis though is to do more of what Wikileaks does
to get forbidden information into public hands, minds and hearts,
unanalyzed, and most crucially unmediated. That might mean fighting
the mediaized Internet addiction, say, for a day or two a week,
gradually assemble your own material and formulate its significance --
and do not rush to post the drivel, ponder, reassemble, exchange it
quietly, redo, rejigger, reflect, sit on it.

Arguing about fucking Wikileaks has led me to write more bombast
in the past six months than in the previous 14 years, as you can
readily see, and curtailed research and publication of unanalyzed
materials. The issue is infectious and induces Mailer's advertisements
for himself.

The Wikileaks initiative is now in grave danger of being destroyed
by the attention Assange yearned for and assumed would be easy to
handle. He is its Achilles heel. Not the first time that has happened,
again merely look at the over-celebrated who are over-loaded with our
cowardly aspirations that they do for us what we are too lazy or inept
to do for ourselves, everready to blame the socio-political gods that
failed, everready to vote in Time's Persons of the Year proffered by
manipulative authoritatives.

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Re: nettime Steve Coll: Leaks (The New Yorker)

2010-11-12 Thread John Young
Like many supporters and detractors of Wikileaks Coll underestimates
the intent of the initiative. The comparison to media is fatuous as though
media, if not scholars, should be the dominant source of public information 
about governments and other authoritative institutions.

Media and scholars are themselves authoritatives more like governments
than different, enjoying privileges and protection all sides grant one
another while condemning those outside their fold.

None of the authoritatives are insurgencies and assuredly will find ways
to critique whatever disturbs their perquisites and opportunities, using
concepts and language meant to defuse and stigmatize threats.

There is overmuch circularity in Coll's apolgia for media in which he 
presumes an enduring value in responsible media and scholarhip that 
has been squandered by timid rumination. This marks a failure to
go beyond convention.

One might suspect Wikileaks is laughing its ass off at the high-value
conceit of supporters and detractors who are out to advance their
own initiatives under guise of pondering the Wikileaks each has
confected for that purpose -- and avoiding the high-risk of taking
on a true threat to authoritatives.

To be sure, Wikileaks as it has been might morph into a tamed beast
like so many short-lived, opportunisticly aggressive insurgencies
brought into submission with valorization, condemnation, attention, 
praise, notoriety, bribery, prizes and embrasure by mightily crafty 
and extremely well-endowed authoritatives who gobble up ambitious
rebels like sweetmeats.

Wikileaks would be smart to pull back from Ellsberg and those working
diligently to manage it in the most favored direction, the prefabricated
heroic, that is, all hat and no cattle.

Another New Yorker article this week explores the self-affirming drive 
toward heroism.

If not Assange's heroicly defiant Wikileaks peters out then many others 
more variable and durable, and that seems to be what's developing under
the radar of all too delusional incisiveness.

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Re: nettime Stuxnet malware is 'weapon' out to destroy ... Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant? The Christian Science Monitor

2010-09-23 Thread John Young

A thrilling story, a perfect storm for the cyber war storm chasers and

Odd that Russia is not named, along with the other usual suspects, the US
and Israel, as a likely producer of the weapon of industrial destruction.
Suspected distributor, yes, but not the maker.

Somewhere a genius reverse engineer is working on a classified at birth
answer to this titillating threat. Meanwhile we get the unclassified versions
along with dramatic ruminations, lab rats phantasms.

No way to know if any of this true as befitting the most powerful threats
delivered by weapons of media consumption.

Not a single proof offered for the direity. A perfect metaphysical argument
for whatever stimulates fear and trembling and their hideously expensive

Now, a really horrific industrial meltdown, WMD laboratory blow-up, urban
incineration, might validate the admittedly hyperbole of potential
deviousness by wee thumbdrives of sneakernet -- which will have to
be confiscated at choke- and checkpoints growing innumerably.

Inventions for body cavity probes pouring out of garages, hot damn,
to wind farm the hurricane of mandatory raping and buggery. Imagine
a series of skirts for assay of privates arrayed at check-in of every
public facility, penetrations by the dozen every day, a perfect Genet

Sorry, this meanders, but you see: alarms arouse the snoring
pineal gland into revenge for being disturbed.

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Re: nettime Christian Christensen: Wikileaks: Three Digital Myths

2010-09-10 Thread John Young

This does not rise to the level of the ten theses, instead overmuch
valorizes authoritatives. To be sure Wikileaks has gotten in bed with
the three cited and reportedly is juming from bed to bed with an even
larger group of authoritatives to prepare for a humogous dump of Iraq
files -- the Tweet demurral notwithstanding.

Wikileaks valorization and its opposite by teeming authoritatives
constitute a niche industry of scholars and media sniffing the hot sheets
in recent weeks.

Nearly all of these metas transparently are valorizing themselves
in accord with the iron laws of valorization meta-toppling one after
the other. How distant to be to appear more distinterested is
a challenge.

One dissent to the valorization - devalorization cartel wonders if
the Wikileaks compendium of documents has been studied instead
of metaing the much shallower mediaization of the Wikileaks brand
of ovrstatement. Little is said about security cheating by the org, for
only one WL advisor, Ben Laurie, has said to not believe the promises
of anonymity of contributors. He knows better, check his resume.

Moreover few commenters appeared to have studied the Afghan War
Diary compendium in depth and with a careful attention to the inherent
bombast of intelligence reports, admittedly a laborious task, much less
the thousands of leaked documents published over three years -- the
CRS reports alone would blind and lobotomize.

The easily consumed bombshells of the Reuters killing video and
the readers-digested by the three media stars of the war diary have
unleashed a madcap of misfires, a bounty of duds nearly all composed
of casual surveys of media reports and subsequent media-media and
meta-media-media-meta.  For and against Wikileaks the laziest

Not that any of this dreck is not useful for publicity and fund-raising
chest-thumping by all participants, or as a sub-meta-meta might
dis-valorize them, opportunists, even might be too flattering.

The rape ploy was masterful agogment for those desperate to
keep the dwindling flame burning, verily Hollywood grade. Assange
deftly bragged of six million hits on the rape rubric with his name
embedded. Publicist genius, the lanky lad auto-eroticized.

Any how, scholarly ruminations of the frenzy are welcome cold
water to douse the artificial heat. Any devalorization of newspapers
and scholarly authoritatives has value to aid and abet alternative

Where and when will the Wikileaks consortium offer humor about

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Re: nettime Autonomy and Control in the Era of Post-Privacy

2010-07-06 Thread John Young
The opiate of the intellectual elite is to know it all, all being the drug
of desire to be deity with a god's eye brimming with what is worth
knowing, the rest insignificantly contemptuous.

Having it all varies as the total, the comprehensive, the summation,
the fully embracing scheme to replicate, plagiarize, ape, the giants
of deep and vast thinking who have had no raison d'etre except to
imagine the whole, entire, give or take 99% of humankind, shebang
of their times.

No matter each is later ridiculed, or more often valorized and hyped
and taught unreflectively, for vainglorizing, in our day resume inflating,
the futile effort to oversee a chimera confected to banish fear of the
incomprehensible, i.e., to have no compensable employment.

For every dietic, heroic, grand aggregation of the day's best visions
of being and time, there is a countervailing destruction, debunking,
of the compulsion, even insane, to hold it all in a mind drunk on
pretentiousness. Adherents, believers, naysayers, bloom for both

The 99.9% are ignorant of all this, meaning it couldn't give a shit
that a tiny priesthood is determined to think it all through once and
for all, goddam it, listen up.

So what do you think about this, any chance of it snagging a paid

Another asshole, huh?

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Re: nettime Critical strategies in art and media gets it wrong

2010-05-18 Thread John Young
The radical right of radical rights of extreme self-interest could be
added to the list of pre-1968 influences.

And the aesthiticization of politics and culture was on the rise, again,
then getting a toehold, now a hegemon, primarily through the
supremacism of literature over the other arts, succinctly through the
vaunting of criticism -- alway text, blind to other types -- then, the
hypervaluation of critical theorism now, legal theory the undergirder
of privileged discourse.

The mutual admiration of critical theorists and lawyers and their
hegemonic declaration of a nation of laws, not of men, nicely
comports the demand that literacy is must have to be a responsible
citizen, that is a believer in writ. It is not often noted that critical
theorists and lawyers are conjoined in the radical rights of extreme
self-interest, indolent and duplicitous.

Other hegemons pre-68 are the rise of publishing, including
publish or perish employment terrorism which produced agri-businesses
of printed matter of much bulk and low nourishment, volumes as
well as fattened bibliographies and resumes.

Perhaps most pertinent for this hangout is the rise of academies
of great bulk and low nourishment which herded youngsters into
forced feeding pens, still going on, under the rubric of necessity
of higher education or else marginalization and you bet, terrrifying
poverty. Those to whom this was done are compelled to repeat it.

Yes, there were subcultures of this in the arts and sciences, learning
from the success model of the BBA and MBA.

1968 was a peak aestheticization of politics without risk. That drug
of pretenstiousness is still widely consumed. Ponder May 68 in
France: its delirium remains insurpassable, while 68 elsewhere is
imginary nostalgia of the deadhead.

Pre-68 sex and rock and roll was mostly prophilactic braggardy,
when exposed to the post-68 actuality, STD, AIDS and overdose
cleansed the experimenters seduced by marketers, then
and now aided and abetted by aged addicts practicing critical
theorists peddling apologia for justice system incarceraters.

In 68 youthism became the superdrug, and still is the elitism of
choice for marketers of education in bulk via this very medium.

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Re: nettime The Return of DRM

2010-04-29 Thread John Young
Excellent points by Zeljko. The easy work of the early
Internet now requires greater effort and determination.
Fighting corruption that inevitably sets in after a
revolution, especially among the leaders of revolt,
is harder and less rewarding.

The tempation is to recall the glory days and bemoan
what has become of the nascent intitiatives. And to
castigate those who have capitalized, literally and
figuratively, on success at moving beyond innovation
to peddling wildly popular rip-offs -- commercial and
academic. Plenitude of products to be critically
studied plenitudiously. Is there no part of the Internet
blob that is not studies to death voluminously, no.

Still few studiers write the code or run the systems.
Few are insiders of or knowledgeable about the innards
of the realm. Few sit at the keyboards of control. For those
reasons critical studies are condemned to be tautological.

For the very few technical innovators there are tens of
thousands metacommenters dependent upon the
hard labor of the innovators -- who, may Nietzche harangue
them, do not closely read texts. What they do instead is a
alphanumeric mystery of zero interest to alphabetical

Arrange a visit to an Amazon data hotel, ponder what
you can't see going on there. Wait, don't admit defeat,
get a job there to get inside the headlessness of the
apparatus. May require crushing your skull.

For the blind-faithers in NYC, beg a social media friend
to get you into one of the six transworld hubs of all Internet
traffic, ask to touch the hummer that sucks your best
and most private thoughts and vile web sites visited.
Then the hummers that suck Goldman Sachs. Ask
for a sample of that beer, sign the NDA to make
a sysadmin nest egg. Enjoy free sex of the Net again.

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Re: nettime fun with ACTA astrohoovering (was Re: Internet for Democracy. Shut down the Euro Parliament. Now!)

2010-03-13 Thread John Young
A good occasion to note that all Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
are bogus -- terms of artifice to evade responsibility and in the
worse cases subterfuges to covertly spy on citizenry and site
visitors for commercial and authoritative purposes. All of them
are lies and indicate that the promulgator is your enemy. When
all CAPS a surefire FUCK YOU.

There was a time when the Internet did not spread such bullshit,
you used it without need of warnings and privacy protection.
The warnings arose when the predators came and needed
protection from their hypnotized-policy prey.

Go to any major web site, down at the bottom, read all the
exclupatory garbage linked there and see it for what it is:
you, dear visitor, have just been data-minely fucked by
clicking these links. Before that perp-ID'd by log files.

Artists and liberation-by-Internet defenders have hardly
diminished this predation, indeed, are universally complicitous,
self-mesmerized by applause of hits and log files -- the last
the worst privacy-denying tool ever, a necessity, admins
scream, to assure system health, aping the authoritative
SOPdeception: acoute - I log file therefore I exist to gaze

Gaze the vigilante counter-terrorist web sites reporting on
what they claim to see on the demon Internet, all hide behind
secrecy about who they are, conceal funding sources, use
sophmoric humor and bile from the privacy-protected suburbs
and secret police bunkers as if tony galleries pimping for
hedge funders. As if a non-profit begging at a high level.

Think hard about abandoning the glorious Internet. Before,
raise the black flag, cut throats via DDOS, virii, logic bombs,
worms, backdoors, code holes, stings, honey pots, weak
crypto -- the means and methods of authoriative security

Forget about fey cutsie taunts and spoofs and ironic distancing,
those are embraced by authoriatives as their own, as camouflage
for agent provocateurs and informants and investment-cheat

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Re: nettime A scenario for World War III

2010-03-07 Thread John Young

The writings and lectures of Robert Mundell are relevant to this.
Mundell, Economic Nobelist, provided the intellectual framework for
the Euro and is now a prime advisor to the Peoples Republic of China
-- which has established an ecomomics institute to train in and
advance his philosophy.

A Canadian by birth, long in the United States, educated in the
Chicago School and distinguished professor at Columbia Univeristy,
Mundell is usually associated with supply siders and conservatives but
is considerably more subtle and complex than these terms suggest.

His work with the Euro and the PRC indicate a multi-nationalism
favored by market-driven globalists who much prefer mutually
beneficial economic persuasion over wasteful war. The short-term
benefits of war for the national security industry may lift a nation
or a coaltion out of depression or recession but paying the very
expensive bills for profligate warmaking and its corollary standing
militaries is contrary to comprehensive economic health.

Better to foster markets and consumers than slaughter and tending
the wounded (which reduces the number of consumers, fear and anxiety
diminishes their buying confidence, and increased taxation drains
their spending capability).

What needs sustained examination is the form of multi-national
government Mundell advances against the unilateral big power of the US
and formerly the USSR and always the bugaboo of less powerful nations
so useful in keeping their inhabitants fearfully obedient.

Europe might aspire to big power status except the cost of a military
to undergird that wasteful if politically seductive conceit is far
from economically rational, the ancient nations know the terrible cost
of war best of all, and even capitalists can see that national threats
are a confidence game to inflate the role of criminally inefficient,
irresponsbile governments.

The few capitalist industries which benefit from national security
ideology during spasms of induced crisis also disrupt orderly markets
with spikes in profits and disturbance of happy customers not to say
dreadful scenes of flag-draped coffins and carnage in the media which
so aggrieves smiley-faced advertisers and cheers pulpiteer doomsayers.

It may be fanciful to imagine war could be avoided by relieving
grievance with economic benefits, spreading the wealth, distributing
resources more equitably. Still, economists are sufficiently conceited
to believe they can offer an alternative to the ancient legacy of
warmaking which inevitably distorts the fair sharing of benefits among
the poplulace, indeed generates a cariacature of friendly capitalism
with piggish profiteers and bloody-toothed ideologues.

More fanciful is to imagine economists, particularly political
economists, teaching, preaching and advising against their short-term
profits so easily marketed to short-term marketeers and lobby-drunk
electees. The fees for flattering the powerful are irresistable,
prizes and prestige are not given for going against the giant egos,
not really, although pretending to be a critical contrarian master
of the op-ed is pretty lucrative and shrewdly realistically dirty as

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Re: nettime anybody knowing how much a Zizek gig costs?

2010-03-03 Thread John Young

Depends on how many persons are invited to a dinner to watch him
eat ravenously and monologue, eat and razor, eat and slash, eat and

Bring a largish wallet, he can empty awesome buckets while expounding
torrents of verbal mesmer.

Push back your chair toward the end, there will be a thunderous acidic
belch, a roving eye will lock onto a hypnotized female as an eagle
spies a rodent, then, swoosh, off he will fly scattering crumbs and
clouds of halitosis, the ecstatic untenured feebly yodeling.

The performance is worth every centavo, and there's nothing to match
it from a stage without food to energize his engine or with lumbering
idiots trying to sabotage his Formula 1 casanovaic.

There will be blood when his manifold servants complete their theses
of warlockery.

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Re: nettime Iceland's fight for press freedom

2010-02-19 Thread John Young
Yes, both are essential -- establishmentarian, reputable (best,
slightly disreputable for edgy allure) outlets for those who must have
an authoritative source of information and outlets for those who must
ignore established, partonizing, parental, authoritative outlets.
Both feed each other and act as checks on vainglory and corruption
inevitable in closed enterprises, and both seed each other with
inspiration and revulsion.

Learned from the Internet hegemon is that it is not trustworthy,
but that it is not untrustworthy, it is a mix of the two and for
that reason beneficial in the spread of skepticism about unilateral
solutions for information sharing whether police-spy centralized or
outlaw-paranoic diffuse, Mossad and Hamas forever bound in mutual

Fantastically diffuse social media, lawful or unlawful, has fast
become too trivial and voluminous to absorb, as with the bulk of human
babble, now Musakish, electromagnetic staticky. Where once email
hawked and spat now Twitter projectile vomits.

Aside: moderating of email, policing, has almost killed it, certainly
robbed its vitality of disputation and passionate discourtesy.
Exception: Nettime's cops are dirty by design.

But then in the face of this shift in public fascination with its own
navel rather than lipsmacking at the celebrated's, the authoritative
media have beefed up shallowness, imitation, plagiarism, phoniness,
endlessly breaking news and unauthorized-to-speak unnamed sources,
to be indistinguishable from resume padding and spin-doctoring --
advertising editorialism, compulsive exaggeration, ombudsperson
apologia tomfoolery.

Disreputable sources of information, leaks. are a branded,
copyrightish product, imitating the samzidat, the storefront art
gallery, the little-known genius MacArthur grantee, the You Name It
without Borders. That's just evidence of success by carefully limited
risk-taking, the last also a registered authorial conceit requiring
LOC protection.

Control of centralized outlets of information will always be possible
through finance due to the high cost of centralization, and loss of
control of the control of these nodes will always be generated by
internal corruption of and competition among the staff and leaders and
the staff's hatred and envy of those at the top of the centralizing

For the gangs amok, sell-out and co-op and rat-finking are
unavoidable. Che will be betrayed for marketing his vaunted resume,
more valuable dead than Mandellized.

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Re: nettime Iceland's fight for press freedom

2010-02-18 Thread John Young

Already working below the surface of this noble initiative are those
who will use it to set up honey pots and stings.

The more trust is engendered the more subterfuge to abuse it.

What is needed is not a single, centralized, highly-vaunted,
easily targeted, information protection regime, instead a welter
of widespread, little-known outlets for secret and confidential
information, a tissue of sources, ever-changing in location, operation
and duration.

A static Maginot Line defense, an impenetrable fortress, will be
forever breached, like the spin on unbreakable encryption. By faulty
contruction, by vainglorious touting of certainty, by betrayal of
insiders, by unexpected attacks, by complacency bred by seeming
initial success, by suspicion of an orchestrated ploy like Crypto-AG.

Iceland, on its knees, is a perfect place to set up a classic bait
and switch deception operation. Switzerland's and other off-shores'
collapse as secret banking hideouts is instructive.

Still, the initiative will divert attention from more diverse, hard to
identify, alternatives operating out of the limelit -- deeply policed
and subterraneanly spied -- portions of the Internet.

One site for one leak, then vanish; unending leakage to undermine the
secrecy dam foundation.

It is possible that the Iceland initiative is deliberately deceptive
to serve the purpose of diversion from superior means and methods not
publicized as a singular bullseye to invite destruction.

More power to it as a ruse.

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Re: nettime fast-changing propaganda website archiving tools?

2010-01-30 Thread John Young
Easy to verify my criticism, search on blocking bots. 75,000 hits.
Many times that on variations of the topic.

Htaccess can be bypassed despite being server-side. Again,
auto-didact, search on htaccess bypass. 1,200 hits. Lots
more on variations.

The Httrack website offers a slyly informative guide to counter
abuse in the spirit of commercial apologia for abetting miscreancy:

Disrespectfully, miming your style, you seem to have no technical
or site operation experience beyond prissy rhetorizing: When you
feel like making a real argument, supported by actual facts, do let
us know. Plagiarism of cliche.

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Re: nettime fast-changing propaganda website archiving tools?

2010-01-29 Thread John Young
HTTrack, WGet and other rapacious downloaders are the most
bandwidth wasteful and information limiting programs on the Internet.
Site operators hate them for their indiscriminate and repetitive
downloading of the same files over and over, often taking over
low-powered sites so that users are excluded.

Site operators are incensed that siphon users are too lazy
to configure the programs to respect openness of sites, instead
their abuse is causing to sites being closed to public access.

There are way too many predating siphons set loose by hundreds
of search engines and collators and resellers and packagers and
media thieves, even public interest archivers. But worst of all are
the innumerable individuals who use these dumb-shit siphons
without regard to the harm they cause.

Most are capable, indeed brag of, bypassing conventional
blocks by robots.txt and htaccess. Even when blocked they
continue to generate millions, probably billions, of 403 error
messages endlessly, that too squanders bandwidth when
multiplied by the huge volume of repeats 24 x 7 x 12 x eons.

Such programs should at least have as a default setting to download
no more than a hundred files a day from a site and that only after
accepting an agreement to limit downloads from a site or the
program will go into lock-down until the next day. Violations
repeated should cause the programs to die forever and never
again be usable from an violating IP address. Our site has
done just that for hundreds of the narcissistic fuckers.

They are a verminous scourge whose use should be allowed only
to those who pay victimized sites a large penalty for squandered
bandwidth. Best, the siphon program producers should post
a huge deposit in a place where site operators can make withdrawals
for bandwidth wastage and be licensed for making the damaging
programs available to untrained users, say like gun and property

What would be a true public benefit is for each siphon producer
to provide a 100% effective means to block its siphon. Dream
on, to be sure, as if asking the military to provide means to defeat

Damn siphons to hell, there is no longer any public good
that comes from their use, they serve only corporatized
greed and individualized sloth and information-gobbling

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nettime Google CN Petering Out

2010-01-27 Thread John Young

In contrast to the early thousands of hits per day coming from Google
CN when the ban was first lifted, now the hits have dwindled to 2 or 3
per day on our one site. lists 61 files for Tiananmen Square massacre compared to's 325,000.

Not sure if this means is listing only the targeted files
since the ban was lifted or if there is some other type filtering is
being done.

:xAny news on what Google is actually doing about its threat to stop
censoring Has Google conclusively determined that that the
attacks came from China.

Not much since the initial spin which got an amazing amount of
credulity. Follow-up questions about proof of the origin of the
attacks remain unanswered, rather answered with equivocation.

But lots of offical use of the alleged attacks to gear up for
cyberwarfare hootenany. Cybersecurity mavens are ecstatic -- this is
not to accuse these scoundrels of orchestrating the attacks, China
will do that, but a few experienced skeptics say best not to believe
anything about cybersecurity that is classified.

Even the USG is propounding that skepticism, says the NY Times today,
but defense mavens assure there are adequate protections, in the
manner of Janet Napolitano.

Smells fishy.

Was Google bamboozled by DoD or one of its classified contractors
or false flaggers My, false flaggers, haven't heard that hoary exculpation
since the murder operations in Latin and Central America.

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Re: nettime Google

2010-01-16 Thread John Young hosts photos of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

Google.CN began pointing searches to the file at 20:54 ET (US),
12 January 2010. The cop-faked pedo porn was freed earlier.

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Re: nettime Google

2010-01-13 Thread John Young
Based on the order of issues raised the SVP of Corporate Development
and Chief Legal Officer, oh my out of the mouth of a mouthpiece, what
bothers Google most is the attack on its corporate infrastructure and
theft of intellectural property. No details on that.

And then attacks on numerous corporations like itself. No details on that.

Then the humans rights button is pushed, then faux-sacred Gmail user
privacy. Lots of details on the upside of those but not the complicty
in lack of protection.

Then high-minded invocation of freedom of information and civil
liberties. Lots about those. Nothing about Google's culture of
top secrecy about user data.

In legal and public relations worlds this approach is customarily
deployed to divert attention from the perfidy of the accused caught
by a sting or by tales told by an undercover agent -- i.e.

Google offers nothing to show that Google was not caught red-handed
at the corporate level meddling in Chinese affairs, for its own purposes
or for that of its government, practice not unsuspected around the globe
and especially within the US.

Certainly Google's statement reads like many other corporate (and
governmental) defenses when underhanded operations are discovered
by alleged breach of confidential operations, heh, intellectual property.

Yes, so far only words, no checkable details, no revelations that are
different from a thousand other public appeals for sympathy from
corporations loathe to open up to how they operate -- in secrecy
before all else, except for push-button accusation when pants
are down.

Worse, is the suspicion that Google has joined the throng accusing
China of espionage, as if counterespionage is not legitimate in the
face of an unrelenting onslaught by corporations and governments
eager to cultivate and harvest Chinese consumers.

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Re: nettime Google

2010-01-13 Thread John Young
A point in Google's favor:

At 20:54 ET yesterday Google.CN lifted its ban on images of the
Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.

Huge number of downloads followed, and are continuing.

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Re: nettime CONFERENCE „OPEN KNOWLEDGE, FREE C ULTURE“ at Royal University of Phnom Penh, Departmen t of Media and Communication

2009-12-27 Thread John Young

The laudable purpose of the conference might well be tempered by the
rapid exploitation of open knowledge developments by the globe's
spying enterprises -- governmental, commercial and individual.

For an example of the premier governmental open knowledge spying
enterprise see a solicitation announcement inviting bids by higher
education institutions by the US Director of National Intelligence
entitled 'Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination, December 22, 2009:

For the premier commercial open knowledge spying enterprises see
Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Yandex and copycats galore.

For the premier individual spying enterprises see the thousands of
spiders and bots operated without ethical or moral constraint to grab
the fruits of laborers hosting unrestricted web sites. These overlap
and in some cases are identical to the governmental, commercial and
educational siphons and bots who gluttonously bot and siphon one

Common characteristics of these spying enterprises are:

1. They are asymmetrical in taking but not giving in equal measure.

2. They are insatiable, frantically gulping nutrients and garbag
indiscriminately, presuming bulk more valuable than selectivity.

3. They do not explain to the purpose of their compilations, instead
offer platitudes, do no evil each proclaim.

4. All are secretive about lack of full public disclosure.

5. All avow a public benefit purpose but do not demonstrate that
purpose by their disclosure policy and practice.

6. All use technological and legal obfuscation to conceal their
operations, while employing the same for predation.

7. All exploit public trust and loudly advertise the opposite.

To be sure, a cynic will note that the public benefit racket has
forever used these deceptive methods, cloaked itself in high-minded
rationales, fostered self-serving careers and agendas, relied
upon a host of apologists to camouflage ill intentions, promoted
narrow-minded, evil and murderous ideologies from pinnacles of
privilege and costumed finery, recruited adherents with baubles of
fools gold, and promulgated elaborate accusations of perfidy by others
to divert attention from deeper guilt.

Even the open knowledge initiative has come to have an odor of
trickery: give unto us sponsors of open fora your best and brightest,
for that we give you a platform wired to the max for data gathering,
name-taking, CV archiving, biometric data filing, siphoning laptop
contents, sexual entrapment, the panoply of unctuousnesses.

What better means for this than the open Internet tease, following the
leadership of disinterested scholarshop (C) wherein truth is obtained
by hammer blows of open discourse -- the biggest hammer prevails.

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Re: nettime Twitter revolutionaries, unmade in the USA

2009-10-11 Thread John Young

While it is commonplace to charge that freedom fighters have been
traced by the technology used to communicate, it is far more likely
they are identified by spies placed among the fighters and then
conceal the technology tracking used in order to conceal the inside

The lying about where spying fruit has been harvested has been the
practice since spying was invented. There have been spying-deception
technologies invented for this very purpose, particularly in the
comsec branch such as encryption and secret writing.

Protection of spying means and methods, and concomitant diverting
cover stories, is the premier spying means and methods.

It is fairly common to have cover stories based on technology fall
apart under scrutiny in court, then the government declares state or
national security pre-empts further challenge.

Not to say the practice isn't effective, victims have be tortured,
gulaged and excecuted on the basis of fabricated evidence allegedly
derived from the day's credible discovery of irrefutable violations,
from letters, to bank account sudden growth, to overheard talk in
prison cells, from intercepts of radio, telephone and telegraph, to
the current wild tales of lost official laptops, to leaky cellphones,
to chat and the Internet haplessly employed by all-too-smart dumbasses
begging for attention.

A worldwide lucractive official racket against child porn is currently
based entirely on the method. As if the Internet was invented to give
dumbass cops playing lechers noble work.

Not to be believed, at least not above consideration that your fellow
freedom fighter or child porn lover or comsec advisor or ISP had a
contract for covert services or had been turned by threats.

This machiavellianism comes from the bible of that name, and its
lesser known, deep secret, irrefutable sources.

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Re: nettime How right wing are the Pirates?

2009-09-20 Thread John Young
It was once conventional wisdom (TM) that the fartherest of
left united with the fartherest of right, that is radical joined
radical, both against adjectival diminution of the compromisers
of left, right, center, liberal and conservative, were opposed to the
cooperators, realists, crypto-realists, fanatical-realists, political
partyists, ideologues, humanists (spit), intellectuals (puke),
theorists (kill all first), apologists, democrats, republicans,
socialists, capitalists, christians, zionists, radical socialists,
environmentalists, greens, blues, reds, pinks, sexual liberationists,
pro- and anti-abortionists, atheists, one worlders, anarchists,
in short, any of those who believe working together under a banner
or faith or belief or ideology or plain old opportunism, that is,
the cowards and manipulators, the operators in secrecy, employers
of spies and counterspies and agents provocateurs and bribers
and extorters and tricksters and betrayers and murderers on
behalf of a righteous campaign which makes up its own rules
to fit its ambitions, that is, governments and political parties
and those who want to be in charge of them to reap the perks
of leadership (slit throats).

You want to be an enemy of the state and the political snakeoilers
or just a pretender, a lackey, a snitch, a spy, a judas, a peddler
of your fit-for-all-messages piehole?

Pirates have leaders and that is their common fault with the
others who fear being alone, being your own god unaided by
vacuous goals.

Oh, Nietzsche mouthpieced by Sartre, why have you abandoned us?

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Re: nettime flushing nettime-ann down the drain

2009-09-19 Thread John Young

I agree with suppressed anger. It is a Magic Mountain tonic to
snarl at list administrators -- the idea they can play loose with
their sanitization obligations is an abomination.

Irate as hell, toward you Obama, stop the smiling, sure that's
okay for a campaign, now take this in your teeth: Gimme what
I want, now! Or get back to lecterning.

Whatever happened to diginified sacrifice by stoning not
ignominously stuffed in van at Dover Air Force Base?

Who is Ann? Flushing may be too gentle.

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Re: nettime Palin, Beck, Limbaugh: The Rabid Responders (fwd)

2009-08-13 Thread John Young
Screaming is screaming, pointless venting, a spoiled child
substitute for slow deliberate and sustained action toward
solving of specific problems with accurately developed and
aimed solutions. Screaming about health care does not
provide, nor did screaming about the Iraqi and Afghani
wars prevented them. Then as now, the administration goes
about its deeds as it chooses and sends organizers out
to encourage the screamers to shout themselves into
insensibility, to get them to feel they have made a difference.

Meanwhile the backhall campaigns thrive amply hidden
by the town halls and traveling presidential road shows
orchestrated by all stripes across the spectrum. Witness
the elections in Afghanistan and Iraq and other countries
all too loudly professing democracy, as paid to do, ahem,
following the western enlightened freedom-loving model
beloved by well-funded if not entenured auth-oratorians.

Deft contrasts of rhetorical ploys are the very means
used to disreputate dissent that does not fit the majoratorian
narrow-banded either-or choices (pathetic Kierkegaardianism).
First year Polysci avidity which has to be beaten out of
hard-nosed idealists when they hit the street.

Prepare to be duped: Left and right are deadends, long ago
adopted by sheniganianists all of whom are warlovers
of the armchair.

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Re: nettime 'Wikipedia Art' Wikipedia entry deleted 15 February 2009

2009-02-16 Thread John Young
Wasn't it the intention of the Wikipedia Artists to be deleted,
rejected, booted, driven outside the fold in order to raise hell
about it, hurl rotten eggs at the temple of acceptability? Else
why bother when there are so many slits online begging for
glorifying disgust, why even counterterrorism weeps at its
loss of cash register gravitas.

True, oh so true, there is hardly a place online where illegitimate, 
much less illegal, worse, outright criminal, art can last for long 
in the face of near-absolute indifference, well, outside of capacious 
welcoming nirvana of pornography which remains the fertilist 
op for old time formulaic aesthetic protest to garner a smidgen 
of smitedness, well, excepting kiddie porn which breeds drooling 
cops and prosecutors as if there were no other useful jismatic 
sport for undercover curators forebad sex.

Yeah, set a viewing spot for high-toned art of naked kids being 
mincemeated by CIA drones. This is the plasma screen fare
on the Langley 7th floor corner office just occupied by Leon 
Panetta, shown to the mesmerized select guests in his private 
dining den, slurp, slurp.

Wikipedia is a nice diversion for breaking free of Readers Digest,
of the President's Daily Brief.

Is it true that assassination can be done by injecting pure
nicotine in the wall of the anus, allegedly done to Marilyn,
so sayeth an artist of official despicability?

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Re: nettime Google's fast track

2008-12-16 Thread John Young
Lessig is wrong, and his apologia for the WSJ account is
a waffle or worse, an attempt to deflect critique of his
wrongness. May Obama take note.

Key concept of Lessig's wrongess is greater access to the 
Internet for those able to pay for it. As if that is sufficient to
justify exploitation of a public utility not solely, nor intended to
be, a commercial operation. 

Call it privatization by checkbook, call it the Russia model. 

First build a system with public funds and develop it and promulgate 
its usefulness with low- or no-paid public participation, and then 
once it success is assured, take it private, Web 2.0 it. 

Call it the Google no-ads addiction, then voo-doo users with meds 
upon meds. Same for the Microsoft OS, Facebook, Twitter, 
YouTube, and more.

It's all about rewarding investors before all else while calling 
it public service. Call it the FCC model. Dare Obama appoint
Lessig to that post? You bet, along with other obliging commishes 
custom-trained by ICANN.

Exclusive commercialization of some part of the Internet may 
be unstoppable but there is nothing wrong about demanding the
dot-coms invent, develop, staff and pay for their peddling apparatus 
completely separtate from the public education part. 

Call that exclusively commercial Internet Intellnet 2.0, for it will 
be all about spying on users in secrecy just like the government 
spies do while users are divertingly entertained with fantasies
of empowerment.

Commingling commerce with the public Net is as wrong as
expecting the government to protect privacy.

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Re: nettime Obama and the dawn of the Fourth Republic

2008-11-13 Thread John Young
Let me declare bountiful satisfaction that Obama will soon
take office even if he gets whacked before then, metaphorically
or in deed. Pray not another dead Kennedy to erase failure
with hagiography.

It is nonsence that Obama's team will be maintained by the use
of the Internet, if the mailings his campaign sent out are any
indication. Not a single mailing to me had anything more than
a panhandling single-mindedness about sending money. Every
message begged for small change, just like street beggars --
give $5, or 10, anything. The latest offer T-shirts and mugs and 
other Obama doo-dads just like idiot branding advertisers.

And Obama website was about as informative as a jingle.

Come to think of so were his speeches, uplifting for a brief
moment then almost instantly forgettable.

What is impressive is the provision of of his content by the
aspirations of others, here, as elsewhere amongst the vaunted
multitudes. Is this his magic: to let us project onto his blank
(white) screen whatever we most want?

If so, how is the follow-through to be accomplished, how will
we implement our hopes through a governmental system
designed to place power in the hands of a small number of
people and exclude most by far.

The power of the ballot has been forever been dissipated
in deed and overblown in promise. Try to vote in Congress,
try to vote in the cabinet, try to vote in the vast bureaucracy
from top to bottom. Hell even the FOIA is a sham, some
say a deliberate form of drip-drip torture, and for the national
security apparatus a nearly complete shut-out.

Try to vote on the officers of the new administration, umpteen
thousands of them.

And the Obama transition is shaping up to be unprecedentally
inaccessible, all in the name of discipline, for protection against
the opposition, to maintain control, to get it right, and so on,
the usual evasive crapola which if questioned is likely to evolve 
into a form of secrecy even more deeply conceal by vows of
transparency, and, as ever, appeals for trust, declarations
that its best for us.

The ancient religions practiced this chicanery in the
service of the holders of the privileges. Got to keep the
devil out of the chapel.

So here's to Obama the admirable human we voted for, and
to hell with his all-too-elevated presidency. Could be he will
give it a try for 6 months and say this is rotten to the core, no
way to make it work. Call for a dissolution, scare the shit out
of us to not have a scapegoat.

To hell with the other top down systems too.

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Re: nettime the green and the black

2008-11-09 Thread John Young
As ever with liberal Democrats the biggest danger is that war will be
embraced as a necessity to show that they are not weak in the
face of accusations by the right -- both Democratic and Republican,
not to say independents and radicals. The Democratic congress
could not resist Bush's wars, nor will Obama and a stronger 
Democratic congress unless there are programs that compel
popular support greater than righteous war narratives which 
remain the most powerful stories around the world.

Invention, manufacture and trade in armaments, led by the US, 
deeply embedded in its economy and social institutions, will not 
lessen until better products are developed that provide greater

Turning a blind eye to world addiction to armaments, again,
fostered by the US, assuring officeholders to be the prime 
beneficiaries, is possible only by the refusal of the populace
to forego patriotic war narratives of national security.

Obama has not promised to change those stories, on the
contrary he has affirmed their continuation.

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Re: nettime The Fiat of Last Resort

2008-09-29 Thread John Young
Well, yes, capitalism has a way of sucking everybody exposed
to its beneficence into its gilded maw.

And what of the ballooned higher education endowments and
vast plans for enlargement. And the huge inflation of conferences
and travel and books and grants and fellowships and student
scholarships, not to mention easy loans to students who never
believed they would have to really repay, debt forgiveness in the
name of the future of the country divine.

Faculty housing and pensions and salaries and staff up the
kazoo. The lucky few who were invited to join corporate boards
and more who received financial sponsorship (earmarks mostly)
for market-targetted research under guise of disinterested
pursuit of science, art, careers, secret deals with the bountifully
endowed spies of commerce, advertising, publishing and
human growth enzymes.

Look into the mirror, Andrew Bacevich urges, to see those
who welcome profligacy, demand their celebrated leaders promise
the good life, debt be rolled over into to the future of the well-taught 
and -mentored students sent forth to do the same. And, to be
sure, kill those who resist forked-tongued exculpation.

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nettime Emerging Ethical Issues of Life in Virtual Worlds

2008-08-12 Thread John Young
From Ethics-L

Reminder: Emerging Ethical Issues of Life in Virtual Worlds

Revised call for chapters

Scholarly articles on emerging issues of life in virtual worlds 
such as Second Life are solicited.

Work that connects streams of ethics research and theory to 
virtual worlds as they are and to what they are developing into 
is particularly sought.

Among the virtual world issues explicitly invited are: privacy, 
monitoring and eavesdropping, the fear of being exploited, 
the loss of identity, ethical impacts of aesthetic decisions, 
values and ethics manifested in the social processes and 
their relevance for activities such as design there, 
professional ethics, standards of integrity given identity 
issues and practices, malevolence and altruism, legal and 
ethical doctrines of confidential and privileged information, 
ethics for students and instructors, ethical development 
stages and issues, vandalism, harassment and crime, 
how ethics and values are inscribed in the discourse and 
practices of social groups, and how they can change and 
emerge in the midst of pragmatic concerns, such as 
collective tasks.

Proposals of any length are welcome, though the more 
detailed and clear the easier it will be for us to have it 
properly reviewed. Also, include your full contact information, 
institution affiliation and position. Please include information 
on your related publications and other work. 


Proposals due August 15, 2008.

Notification of acceptance/rejection decision after review 
process, September 1, 2008.

First drafts of chapters due, January 15, 2009.

Revised final drafts due, March 15, 2009.

Publication, June 15, 2009 (Information Age Publishing, 
Charlotte, NC).

Editors: Charles Wankel, St. John's University, New York, 
and Shaun Malleck, University of California, Irvine. Send 
all correspondence to both 3d.htm[EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
3d.htm[EMAIL PROTECTED] . Include in the subject field VW ETHICS. 

Board of Editorial Review

Constantinos Athanasopoulos, University of Leeds
Carol Haig, University of Salford 
Edward Lamoureux, Bradley University 
Stephen Marvin, West Chester University
Elena Pasquinelli, Group Compas, de l Institut de l'Ecole 
Normale Superieure
John S Fraker, University of Twente

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Re: nettime The Irreducibly Complex Web Semantics of the diffuseNettime org

2007-12-22 Thread John Young
I'd plunk down a deal of hard cash for a nettime slide-projector 
festival just to see Bruce Sterling in its manifold configurations 
and impersonations.

And the real Ted Byfield, having been stiffed by several pretenders
and _their_ entourages.

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