Re: tensions within the bay area elites

2014-05-19 Thread Dan S. Wang
HI Felix and nettime,

Bringing together again the two threads, Bay Area and gentrification

> There is clearly a lot going. On a historic scale.

> None of this is fundamentally new, but the everyday contradictions this
> engenders -- particularly in centers of Western progress -- are more
> visible today under conditions of economic crises that they were during
> boom times.

All true. Chris says this was in progress when he moved to San Francisco 20
yrs ago. Well, try this one:

"What happened in the Haight echoed earlier scenes in North Beach and The
Village, among othersŠand it proved, once again, the basic futility of
seizing turf you can't control. The pattern never varies: a low-rent area
suddenly blooms new and loose and human ­ and then fashionable, which
attracts the press and the cops at about the same time. Cop problems attract
more publicity, which then attracts fad-salesmen and hustlers ­ which means
money, and that attracts junkies and jack-rollers. Their bad action causes
more publicity and ­ for some perverse reason ­ an influx of bored
upward-mobile types who dig the menace of "white ghetto" life and whose
expense-account tastes drive local rents and street-prices up and out of
reach of the original settlersŠwho are forced, once again, to move on."

This passage is from a letter Hunter S. Thompson wrote to David Wilcock of
the Los Angeles Free Press dated December of 1969. With some minor changes
in terminology and a couple of flourishes alluding to globalization and the
New Economy, it might have been written yesterday.

HST's observation was made in the context of outlining the Freak Power
strategy he was then implementing in preparation for his run for office in
Aspen, Colorado. He'd decamped to the mountains from the cities for the very
reason of having been pushed out by the rising rents of the consumer
bohemia, only to witness the same dynamic take hold yet again in Aspen. At
the time his best answer to the creep of the land hustlers was to run for
office himself, and to do it in a way that would present the clearest of
choices. He lost, but not by much ­ and that was for the office of Sheriff,
ie quaint on its surface but in those days the real muscle in the county,
the on-the-ground enforcer (of evictions, among other things). There was
real power at stake, which meant the established concentrations of power
were forced to defend what they had. For once, the developers and their
political cronies were made to fight, sink resources into something other
than land grabs, and in the process expose themselves further. That is still
the lesson.

> OK, we all know that. What astounds and dismays me now is that all we --
> lefty artist/intellectuals on this list -- manage to produce is a
> cynicism and bickering.
> I wonder what that represents. Is this simply the endless jockeying for
> difference typical of the attention economy? An exhaustion of the
> project of cultural critique on favor of endless self-reaffirming micro
> discourses? A situation to complex to comprehend? The decline of the
> West in the face of changing global lines of force?
> Perhaps all of that, or none of that. Whatever it is, it makes these
> discussions stale, to say the least.

What "it" is, is the unwillingness ­ for the usual thousand good reasons ­
of the leftist intellectuals to engage themselves (ourselves!) in the actual
workings of raw power: making legislation, lobbying, running for office. I
believe there is a profound link between the limits to our ideas (as
expressed collectively in the endless bickering) and the limits of our
political engagement, whether that is expressed in the staleness of protest
tactics, the way pressure group demands are articulated, or the
unwillingness to take political offices that might be had relatively easily
(school boards, local offices of all kind that are not so dependent on party

I'm all for the negative critique, but for that critique to advance a
liberation agenda ­ ultimately a positive turn in the society, and in
ourselves ­ people must produce new situations that then necessitate the
critique. To take the example right in front of me, the Wisconsin Uprising
surely merits full critical analysis in order to evolve as a movement. But
it was the early events of Feb 14-17, 2011, during which mass collective
actions moved with the speed of rumor and not the slowness of deliberative,
reflective analysis and argument, that created the new situation and that
temporarily destabilized power. The rearrangement devolved into retrenchment
(as it usually does), but the rearrangement itself opened whole new channels
for thinking through the role of union leadership, the possibility of
cross-sectoral strikes and coordinated actions, even new perspectives on
media politics and tactical communications. The old bickering (for which
Madison, Wisconsin, lefties are famous) was put to rest by the fresh

With the piecemeal aggression of gentrific

tensions within the digest [x5: geer, riemens, carvalho, mcgee, bard]

2014-05-19 Thread nettime's_tensegrity_structure
Re:  tensions within the bay area elites
 "Patrice Riemens" 
 Alexandre Carvalho 

Re:  Gentrification - or a focus on income and wealth?
 Art McGee 

Gentrification - or a focus on income and wealth?
 Alexander Bard 

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Subject: Re:  tensions within the bay area elites
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 08:19:31 -0400

"Patrice Riemens" writes:

 | > I wish we were talking about governmental bureaucracies rather
 | > than corporations when discussing the id of institutionalized
 | > evil.
 | >
 | > --dan
 | Save for the trifling detail that corporations, the big multinational
 | ones, are our new ruling institutions. Governmental bureaucracies merely
 | function as their flunkies, though, like all bureaucracies, they do watch
 | their own interests.

Gov'l bureaucracies are immortal, with a monopoly on the use of force.

We now return you to your program already in progress,


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Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 15:15:16 +0200
Subject: Re:  tensions within the bay area elites
From: "Patrice Riemens" 

> "Patrice Riemens" writes:
>  |
>  | > I wish we were talking about governmental bureaucracies rather
>  | > than corporations when discussing the id of institutionalized
>  | > evil.
>  | >
>  | > --dan
>  |
>  | Save for the trifling detail that corporations, the big
>  | multinational | ones, are our new ruling institutions. Governmental
>  | bureaucracies merely | function as their flunkies, though, like all
>  | bureaucracies, they do watch | their own interests.
> Gov'l bureaucracies are immortal, with a monopoly on the use of force.

I'd be curious to hear how Haliburton/BlackWater fits in this 'monopoly'

Cheerio, p+5D!

> We now return you to your program already in progress,
> --dan

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Subject: Re:  tensions within the bay area elites
From: Alexandre Carvalho 
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 11:50:18 -0300

the answer is not that difficult:: Praxis, praxis, PRAXIS! ???ommuna!

meaning,, get your body on the frontlines and stand by the invisible
people; the ones that shouldn't exist according to capital. make their
voices and struggle known. we who calls ourselves left ought to
reconnect with the urgency of misery. the pain of not existing is loud. 

the undesirables of society are there for everybody to see. they are not
human debris to be pushed away by reals estate. it is a matter of

words have power but without praxis their insurrectionary force is
weakened. we must become invisible ourselves ~ 


Sent from my subjectivity

> On May 19, 2014, at 4:42 AM, Felix Stalder  wrote:
> I'm astounded. Nay, dismayed. There is clearly a lot going. On a
> historic scale.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From: Art McGee 
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 10:04:40 -0700
Subject: Re:  Gentrification - or a focus on income and wealth?

> And if gentrification is a particularly bad problem in the Bay Area,
> have you guys even heard of Mumbai, Shanghai or Istanbul? Doesn't seem
> so, or have I missed something here at Nettime?

What you missed is that nettime is not a generic political or cultural
discussion list, but one historically focused on cyberculture and
technology. The reason the California Bay Area was brought up is because of
it's geographic proximity to so much contemporary technology development,
e.g., Silicon Valley. It doesn't mean the rest of the world isn't in even
deeper crisis, this was just a jumping off point to talk about companies
like Google and Facebook and their impact on the region where they're

> The average nettimer earns 3x more than the average SF
> evictee, and we like it that way.
> Now back to the noble cause of helping the poor ...

You know, there are actual working class and relatively poor people on this
mailing list. Not all of us are tenured academics or corporate drones. Some
us aren't even white. Hard to believe, I know.

All sarcasm aside, I do often find the discussions in environments like
this to be fascinating, because it is mostly groups of semi-elites trying
to theorize about the actual lived experience of those who they know little

Meanwhile, on platforms like Twitter, you have a huge critical mass of
working people, the majority of whom are marginalized in multiple ways, yet
their presence is often invisible to the theorists who try to make sense of
how technology impacts our world.

Art McGee

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Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 13:48:46 +0200
Subject: Gentrification - or a focus on income and wealth?
From: Alexander Bard 

Dear Alexandre

I have no doubts whatsoever that gentrification is a rightful concern to

Anonymous LabourLeaks Project is launched, please help and spread the

2014-05-19 Thread Örsan Şenalp
Independant and anonymous labourleaks project is launched and calling
for content from workers, labour, social justice and free knowledge
activists alike. Below text is taken from the website of the project:

"Welcome to

OK. You know about press leaks: they are as old as the press. You know
about the famous/notorious online Wikileaks, this is only seven years
old and is one part of the subversive/emancipatory capacity of the
web. There are increasing numbers of such leaks, produced by
particular groups for particular purposes, for different kinds of
Well, we are labour activists, long active both on the shopfloor and
online. And we have ourselves had bad experience with company secrecy
and ‘managerial prerogatives’: some of us have been disciplined or
sacked for exposing information that is essential for ourselves or our
fellow workers.

This is why we have created LabourLeaks";

Please help out and spread the word, in solidarity.

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#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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Re: tensions within the bay area elites

2014-05-19 Thread John Young

Oh, Felix, the pinheads are becoming ever tinier and hotter as the
stems ares heated by national guardians laser-searching for needles
in global haystacks of data. Dancers on the pinheads, veteran data
guardian angels, high step as hot-foot Mercuries seeking perks
inspired by oligarchic pay for uni ceos, catastrophic student debts,
vanishing tenures, actuarial death risers of boomers doomed by
Gitane-ravaged lungs of yute excessive Francoisme, by synapse-
destroying wursts of Germanismiches, by Espana-garroting
neckerchiefs and labial gorings, by gut-sclerosis of Anglo-bloody
pudding at groan tables of pudders.

Whatsayye to the blubber rubber-tires girdling the prancers bendng
the pin heads asunder, tipping Shirl Jackson sacrificials out of the
haystacks into the hoovers of natsec sucker.

Whatsayye to the MF reearchers eager to sign up for fat contracts
with the spies to gather, sort and corral pinhead terrorists among
the tuition-penurious yute, implant yute spies among the disaffected
addicted youtubers?

I say to ye, mine hairless, who you working for, fronting for, uncovering
for, whining for, disturbing the dying boomerless snoozers for,
soliciting Magic Mountain stenching hospice for.

YouTubercular brain disease of our youbiquitous my-selfie-spy time
has come. Oh, Manno o Manno, whither self-erasure existenitialisme.

At 03:42 AM 5/19/2014, you wrote:

I'm astounded. Nay, dismayed. There is clearly a lot going. On a
historic scale.


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Ippolita Collective, In the Facebook Aquarium Part Two,

2014-05-19 Thread Patrice Riemens
Ippolita Collective, In the Facebook Aquarium, Part Two
The Libertarian World Domination Project: Hacking, Social Network(s),
Activism and Institutional Politics

Section 3: Technological Darwinism from the Paypal Mafia to Facebook: the
resistible rise of anarcho-capitalism.)

(Thiel) often displays his profound disappointment in Silly Valley's
entrepreneurs, far too much concerned about profits, and unable to do
anything to save the world. For Thiel, capitalism is a truly revolutionary
tool that, thanks to technology, will liberate the human species (if only
the best of it). But if capitalism has already triumphed, what then
remains to be saved?) [rerun from previous installment]

  Simple: invent a better capitalism! At the moment,
it's all talk about 'green capitalism' - everything
must be 'green', or at least 'clean'. Okay, we all
know that 'green capitalism' is a scam with has as
sole purpose maintaining current consumption and
pollution levels while pursuing increasingly
unsustainable growth. But official environmentalism
- which has very little to do with a real protection
of the environment - is probably preferable to
upfront contempt towards the ecosystem. When it
comes to predatory capitalism, the former Paypal
Mafia boss' ideas are crystal clear: the
anarcho-capitalist revolution requires faithful,
enthusiastic consumers on one hand, and priests,
bishops, and popes with deep pockets on the other.
And the merchandise must be allowed to circulate
between the two at top speed, without friction, and
always be in stock. Limits to the availability of
natural resources cannot be tolerated within a
win-win free market scenario. In which case a
transfer to the cyberspaces might be a better option
than to try to manage all the material problems
ensuing from a frenzied form of development (in the
real world). At which stage a third keyword pops up,
besides 'speed' and 'abundance': wastage!

Thiel ferociously opposes any form of effort at energy efficiency - and
that is not fortuitous. According to him, no venture capitalist worth his
(her?) salt should invest in projects closely or remotely associated with
'clean' technologies - an euphemism that has supplanted 'appropriate' and
'sustainable' in official discourse [25]. Wastage, in his turbo-capitalist
vision, means nothing less than to make a stand against all talks about
(natural) limits - the fig leaf of impotence. Wastage is also connected to
the (need for) clear and defined, /owned/ identities - and to the deep
angst for  corporality and physical contact. This represents the exact
opposite to a conscientious, autonomous, and self-managed use of
technology, meant to satisfy individual and collective needs and desires.
The throw away attitude as a source of physical and psychical waste is not
only a consequence of 'abundance capitalism'; it is also a structural
requirement of the paradigm of unlimited growth and of the unbounded
economic expansion of the anarcho-capitalist individual's liberty to act.
Wastage is all-pervasive within the 'world domination' delirium of the big
technological companies, as can be seen in the never ending string of
functionalities changes and new applications development. Wastage slots
seamlessly into a long-term process of distancing from and denial of the
physical body, about which we wrote in the first part of the book. We will
elaborate more on this later on.

So, yes, it is quite easy to analyze the way Facebook operates, yet
nonetheless one sees a number of culture-related issues appear in the
background, and they require closure as well. Which is then an uphill
task, as a close monitoring of Peter Thiel's multifarious activities is
wellnigh 'mission impossible'. Also the message he conveys through the
work of his foundation may be off-putting - just as is the bulk of the
anarcho-capitalist discourse. We read in it that the Thiel foundation
"defends and promotes freedom in all its dimensions: political, personal,
and economic." [26]. Projects receiving the foundation's funding are about
'frontier technologies', 'anti-violence', freedom. Let's (therefore) ask
the question once again: "what sort of freedom?". What type of society are
anarcho-capitalist supporting with their funds?

Social networks as seen through the anarcho-capitalist lens - or the
management of sociality through Big Data. (section 4)

(Strange as it may sound,) Social networks predate the Internet. Living
beings in general, human beings in particular need relationships among
each other. Few things indeed are worse than loneliness. Even violent
criminals, hardened by the prisons' inhuman conditions of detention,
shudder at the prospect of solitary confinement. Former POWs (prisoners of
war) have testified that they'd rather be tortured than put in solitary
lock-up, since at least there remained a  bond of sorts - with their
torturer.  (Scientific) Experiments conducted on sensory deprivation have
showed that a h

Re: Gentrification - or a focus on income and wealth?

2014-05-19 Thread JRabie
Contemporary urban strategies and development doctrine are built upon the
notions of competitiveness and attractiveness. Competitiveness places the
city in an inexorable, permanent state of vying against other cities in
order to attract wealth and resources to ensure its own development. And
of course this means means brute economic development, whatever the cost
to the environment, the bottom line being financial aggrandizement for the
rich (super)minority. The result is that the city has itself become a
business-entity of sorts, and its local government balances ambiguously
between the roles of democratic representation of the citizenry and that
of board of directors.

In order to succeed, the city must be attractive - this might seem self
evident, living in decent surroundings is (or should be) a right - but it
is much more pernicious. Attractiveness implies creating the conditions
that will woo the creative classes, those well educated people who have
the necessary skills for the service industries that have high added value
and constitute the grail for most cities : people who are good at
communication, media, finances, marketing, commerce, business
administration, technology, design, etc. Manufacturing is done in China
(but is moving on as China becomes more expensive). To be attractive, a
city offers museums, good schools, lovely parks, great places to shop and
star architecture by the likes of Jean Nouvel, Renzo Piano or Frank Gehry,
Daniel Libeskind and of course green tech, just to make it seem to be
environment friendly (image is everything).

What this means of course is that gentrification is not in any way
uniquely a question of real estate prices and "natural" market forces, but
is intimately tied to dividing the city up into "value" zones according to
the function and "usefulness" (for capital generation) of the populations
being spatially allotted through the urban area.

Thus the charming inner city areas (which thirty years ago were blighted
and being fled from, not everywhere of course, a more North American than
European process) are now being done over to receive dynamic young urban
professionals with the buying power that goes with marketable training and
creative talent. Those ancillary populations necessary to keep all this
working but who generate little added value, in teaching, trades, office
jobs, logistics, etc. are pushed into the urban periphery. And while
enormous resources are given to the development and embellishment of the
inner city, to attract that workforce which might be tempted by a condo on
the riverfront in a competing city, strictly limited resources are
allotted to those outlying areas. Here, one resorts to strictly rational,
cost-efficient and repetitive urban forms: housing estates, malls, highway
grid and industrial zones.

The capitalistic city has always accompanied the division of labour with a
division of space. What we are seeing now is being exacerbated by a
concentration of wealth in the hands of a plutocracy and the pauperization
of the rest, that is reminiscent of the end of the 19th and beginning of
the 20th century.

>  A bit hard to believe that one needs to spell this out, but thanks for
> doing so.

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Re: tensions within the bay area elites

2014-05-19 Thread Felix Stalder
I'm astounded. Nay, dismayed. There is clearly a lot going. On a
historic scale.

New patterns of social control? Check. See them emerging long the axis
of service/empowerment (Google) and surveillance/repression (NSA).

Changing social patterns? Check. See the deepening and hardening of
inequality in Western Societies (99% vs 1%).

New spatial patterns? Check. See the gentrification and privatization of
cities spaces, eradicating histories of civic uses of the city and all
traces of anything that does not conform to market forces.

None of this is fundamentally new, but the everyday contradictions this
engenders -- particularly in centers of Western progress -- are more
visible today under conditions of economic crises that they were during
boom times.

OK, we all know that. What astounds and dismays me now is that all we --
lefty artist/intellectuals on this list -- manage to produce is a
cynicism and bickering.

Don't get me wrong, I'm personally very susceptible to the kind of
in-jokery that cynicism represents, but as an analysis, it's really poor
and asserts that it pretends to criticize. So, all this talk
along the line "a corporation cannot be evil because it simply does what
capitalism is set up to do" is really sophomoric.

And then the bickering. Even worse. We all know the line: there is
always a problem that is worse and that one REALLY should focus on,
rather than betraying one's own privilege/ignorance/collusion by
focusing on the supposedly superficial problem at hand. So
gentrification is SF is bad? What what about Istanbul, or, Bejing?

I wonder what that represents. Is this simply the endless jockeying for
difference typical of the attention economy? An exhaustion of the
project of cultural critique on favor of endless self-reaffirming micro
discourses? A situation to complex to comprehend? The decline of the
West in the face of changing global lines of force?

Perhaps all of that, or none of that. Whatever it is, it makes these
discussions stale, to say the least.


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