Re: managerialism

2018-01-11 Thread Orsan

This is a classical art piece Richard. I think it is one of the most important 
contributions, as your work in general, to a 21 cc. Bogdanovite call -for the 
creation of millions of Lenins (organizers) for the win. The need to turn 
everyone to managers, so that there is no one remaining to be managed by 
another, is at its peak today. Every one needs to learn about the history and 
logic of theatre, acting, role playing, poetry, rhetoric, art in general, as 
the basis of myths, religions, politics; foundation of the class war game, to 
end the game. Before the game end us. 

> On 10 Jan 2018, at 17:30, Richard Barbrook  
> wrote:
> Hiya,
> I traced the different versions of the intermediate
> class from Henri Saint-Simon's early-19th century
> Industrials  to Charlie Leadbeater and Paul Miller's
> 1990s Pro-Ams on page 28 onwards in 
> The Class of the New (OpenMute, London 2006).
> You can download the pdf from the link at the top
> of this page.
> Richard
> ===
> Dr. Richard Barbrook
> Dept of Politics and IR,
> University of Westminster
> 32-38 Wells Street
> England
> +44 (0)7879 441873
> Skype: richard.barbrook
> Facebook: Richard Barbrook
> Twitter: @richardbarbrook
> 'Clause 5: That as the laws ought to be equal, so 
> they must be good, and not evidently destructive 
> to the safety and well-being of the people.' 
> The Levellers, The 1647 Agreement of the People 
> for a Firm andPresent Peace Upon Grounds of 
> Common Right.
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Re: managerialism

2018-01-08 Thread Orsan

> On 8 Jan 2018, at 11:55, Keith Hart <> wrote:
> I don't get what is new about this or how the book places itself in the 
> history of the idea. I wonder if they consider, even within Marxist texts, 
> Charles Bettelheim Economic Calculation and the Forms of Property. Monthly 
> Review Press, 1975 (1963 in French) which argued that the Soviet Union was 
> state capitalist, not socialist and indusrial management there hardly 
> different at all from the US. This argument was put forward the other way 
> round in Clark Kerr, John T. Dunlop, Frederick H. Harbison, and Charles A. 
> Myers, Industrialism and Industrial Man: The Problem of Labor and Management 
> in Economic Growth. Harvard University Press, 1960. Kerr was UC Berkeley’s 
> first Chancellor, so I suppose that disqualifies him. And what about Peter 
> Drucker who wrote over 40 books on and around this topic from 1932 to 2008 
> (posthumous). See Peter Drucker, The Essential Drucker, Harper Busness, 2001. 
> Drucker was vilified for claiming that GM was a badly run company while it is 
> was still apparently successful and long before it collapsed.

The book is not out yet, but arguments the authors make in their recent 
articles sound very important to me, when rethinking different versions of 
corporatism as managerial class mediated consensus projects; since the 
progressive era, new medievalism, guildism, institutionalism, Fabianism, social 
democracy, state-capitalism (socialism), Keynesianism, fascism, as well as 
third-way, or today's tech-technocracy, new-networked fascism and nazism 

In the long 20th cc managerial class fractions played a mediator role, between 
the ruling and ruled classes; capitalist and workers. They mediated their 
ideologies; liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and communism. By making 
alliances and formulating consensus based on compromise between them. Since the 
90s with the emergence of ICTs neo-liberal managerialism and authoritarianism 
it erect as a dominant class candidate, for itself, able to promote its own 
agenda, as a new mode of production. Managerial capitalism (or platform 
capitalism) refers this so-called and so-promoted post-capitalism of managerial 

The below recent piece, by Kees Van der Pijl, is complementary to their 
argument I think:

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To distribute somethings while keeping others central?

2016-02-29 Thread Orsan Senalp
This is a speech of Blockchain CEO from July 2015. Obvious from the speech that 
theirs and some other companies will be the ones hosting the meta-data of all 
transactions (and transactions related to possible versions of applications, 
like energy grid, smart contracts, ID verifications)  since it is very 
expensive to do so. However what makes distributed data storage meaningful is 
all long gone if anyone can not have free access to that data, whenever they 
want to! As smart as it is, blockchain's openness seems like a marketing trick. 
Since it is too expansive to store and host such massive amount of data it will 
due to some cost to access the truth. 

Now that IBM and others have started to promote this as a good start for 
Internet of Things, and having a very suspicious emerging history one wonders 
who and what is behind this technology; and can blockchain be a part and parcel 
of an ongoing class war. 

What is Facebook's and Google's take on blockchain and bitcoin will be is 
another question; since it appears that the position blockchain is gaining is a 
more strategic (backbone of fully commercial internet) one in comparison to the 
data gathered by these guys, blockchain can in near future would have the 
network power to subordinate these giants to itself. 

What is funny about bitcoin promotion argument though is it is based on 
Austrian economists' ideology; complaining about the role of state in control 
of money and corruptness that brought: as if it was not the Wall Street one 
emerged from very same ideologies that defended private or liberalized 
financial and monetary policies and 'autonomous polity' from the state?!

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Gravitational waves: breakthrough discovery announced

2016-02-14 Thread Orsan
   There is no complete disintegration or lack of organization (on or
   structureless) in the cosmos. (From the organizational point of view)
   What makes more sense is to talk about the change in the form,
   coherency, content, and scale of the organization -of the considered
   properties of the cosmos which is the ultimate organized whole. This
   discovery provides a possibility to develop, so far most clear and
   sharp 'view' of the universe as we know it, and may be the beyond.
   Yet how far the look will reach and how liberating the view will be
   depends on the looking eyes and the intention of the bearers of those

"Gravitational waves: breakthrough discovery announced:



(Gravitational waves

   More about gravitational waves, how they are produced and how they will
   hopefully be detected: a survey of current detectors, how to make
   gravitational waves audible, the space-borne detector LISA,

   This page features an overview of all our "Spotlights on relativity"
   dealing with gravitational waves. There is a spotlight text explaining
   the wave's [3]Basic properties, and a text in the
   category [4]Gravitational wave sourceswhich deals with ways of making
   gravitational waves audible; the texts under the heading [5]On the road
   to detection describes the experiments currently under way or under
   construction to detect gravitational waves directly. Also, there is a
   text describing one of the [6]Cosmological applications of
   gravitational waves.

   Useful background information on gravitational waves can be found in
   the introduction [7]Elementary Einstein, especially in the
   chapter [8]Gravitational waves.)



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Lets build networks of refuges for all who need to get away and hide form capitalism, imperialism, fascism, and wars

2016-02-03 Thread Orsan


   Global governments, and especially the European Union, have shown their
   worst side with the events of recent times. Economic Rescue is being
   exchanged for popular sovereignty. Neoliberal control, wage and pension
   cuts, tax increases, layoffs and all kinds of privatization.

   And governments, rather than give in to demands for democracy from
   citizens, use brutality to end their resistance. These are policies
   that sacrifice the interests of the majority to benefit the interests
   of a tiny minority.

   Together with the sovereign and austerity crisis, we cannot forget the
   refugee crisis.

   [1]photo_2016-02-01_16-26-54 Almost 3,000 people have lost their lives
   so far this year trying to reach safety in Europe. EU leaders cannot
   ignore this or turn their backs on its tragic consequences. After
   months of prevarication they still have not established a coordinated
   emergency response and have failed to fundamentally overhaul the
   failing asylum system. Now is the time for self-organized civil society
   to use direct action, and to directly support those in need. There is
   an urgent need for the provision of adequate and humane conditions for
   those arriving and to really help them to organize their lives for the
   long term in the new host countries.

A new Faircoin fund for refugees.

   This fund will focus on helping autonomous and self-managed projects
   involving refugees and solving their need to retain full control over
   the decisions made in their lives. For example new settlements, and the
   creation of productive and holistic initiatives with which they can
   fulfill their material and immaterial needs on a daily basis, while
   offering something useful to the society in which they find themselves.

   [2]photo_2016-02-01_16-26-43 Cooperative working initiatives can also
   be included, giving the newcomers an opportunity to become
   self-employed, beyond the control of states over their right to work.
   And of course grassroots solidarity movements who work on an open and
   participative basis can apply for their costs to be covered.

   This proposal is also intended for those who have undergone forced
   displacement for economic and environmental reasons, and includes
   stateless people who are in the difficult situation of having no rights
   because of the behavior of their countries of origin or third countries
   that don't recognize them as citizens.

   The goal of this proposal is to get at least 500,000 Faircoins (the
   minimum amount to create a fund in FairCoop) towards the needs of
   refugees today in the world.

   For this campaign you can pay with any currency, and the money received
   will be converted to Faircoin in order to be added to the fund.

   Also you can yourself buy Faircoin (for example FairCoop
   offers [3]https://[4] so make your contribution in

   The Euros received though this crowdfunding campaign will be held by
   the local FairCoop nodes to be used as liquidity to allow Faircoins to
   be changed into Euros by the projects that will use this Faircoin fund.

   We can also count on the support of the autonomous initiative of the
   Troika Fiscal Disobedience Consultancy which will support this
   crowdfunding with its incomes. ([5] If you
   can use their services, this is another way to contribute!

Why Faircoin?

   The current banking and eurosystem are directly responsible for the
   refugee crisis.

   Greece has shown that the European Central Bank is not independent and
   apolitical; indeed it is at the service of the bankers and their
   political agents, and is ready to kill democracy at the push of a

   The treaties of the European Union feed the rise of the extreme right
   and have become a means to override democratic control over the
   production and distribution of wealth throughout Europe.

   [6]photo_2016-02-01_16-26-58 Thus, in the situation where their human
   rights are not being respected, the people who find themselves without
   full legal status in other countries - according the rules set down by
   member states - do not have the right to create bank accounts and also
   do not have the right to work in European countries.

   We need to build a new social and political framework, which does not
   obey laws which are really economic warfare in disguise; but rather on
   a conciousness which sees everyone as equal in the world. That's why we
   need to act now and can no longer wait for a top-down solution which is
   never going to come.

   We need to build another economy for another world. The global open
   cooperative, Faircoop, has designed Faircoin as a tool in the hands of
   social justice movements to allow us to become independent of the old
   banking system.

   In making Faircoin a powerful economic tool for funding and exchanging


2015-11-08 Thread Orsan
   Dear all,

   Below is McKenzie Wark's review of the recent book of Srnicek and
   Williams; Inventing Future.

   Wark is an interesting figure since he sits both between and outside of
   classes, rulers and the ruled, marxists and post marxists, autonomists
   and situationists, ideas and practices, academia and media,.. an
   outsider may be a bit like Lefebvre.

   I did read and enjoyed a lot his Hacker's Manifesto, long after started
   to work on the GNUnion idea in 2010 (design experiment for a
   worker-hacker-farmer-students...'s union - then was not aware the IWWW
   fiction of Cory Doctorov too) and found about his engagement with
   Alexander Bogdanov in 2014; and this was after finding about Bogdanov's
   work following 15 years long search I made for the Energetic
   Materialist methodology referred by SultanGaliev. These two separate
   occasions, to be honest, made me over enthusiastic about Wark and his
   work and projects he involved; as Bogdanov Library (by Historical
   Materialism journal), or his recent book Molecular Red.

   Of course after more readings, on Public Seminar (new school page) and
   other places, and several exchanges about his writings, style, and his
   critics, etc. and trying to contact him, my enthusiasm got tamed till
   healthy level. Since there were problems that are valid for everyone
   else, this was part of a healthy self-learning process. Although,
   keeping my own and others righty made criticism as reserve, there are
   important ones amongst the issues he risen or fingered out: First one
   and primarily the need for sort of invention of non-pyramidal (un and
   self-instiutional) forms, that would allow, as Bogdanov puts it, the
   skeletal form that would holds the plastic (network) part of
   organization in order to self-organize the emancipation globally.

   With respect to question directed by a comrade, or request to not make
   easy things complicated, I think what is needed at this point of
   history is to take several steps forward in order to create a space of
   comradely solidarity politics, between ideas of and around:

   - Labour organizing and networking, platform co-operativism, commons,
   and solidarity economy, and people's internet (all taking peace,
   gender, and environment issue to its core)

   In order to develop or produce such a social space for
   commons-solidarity politics, that is autonomous from the state and the
   capital, what is needed is p2p networking labour of all involved, but
   primarily the grassroots collectives and individual projects;

   -This has to be done towards, in, and beyond Montreal WSF in August

   -By inviting all groups and individuals to expand a transnational
   social space in self-decentralized way

   -Through event designed and implemented locally and integrated
   transnationally via cyber and analog tools.

   -Such events can be harmonically organized in every hacker space, every
   occupy assembly, every transition town, every co-worker spaces, every
   worker coops, unions, labour groups, so on if they like to respond to
   such invitation.

   if e invitation is appealing to local groups there can be autonomous
   platforms created (inter cultural and lingual) to iner-connect (via
   online platforms, live streams, chat channels, collaborative tools,
   e-lists, etc. what ever people like or used to use).

   In order to think of and initiate something like this a nice, caring,
   respectful, mindful, recognizing, open invitation to be prepared and
   distributed to anyone interested.

   The above in one of the ways to follow, in my humble opinion, to invent
   the future, or at least not to lose the hope totally in coming years.
   There are at the moment good and interlocking people (fellowship of the
   ring) already talking and thinking around the lines. Some of the
   related e-lists already cc'ed or bcc'ed here.
   That would be great to see people from these lists to inter-connect the
   discussions and practical work being kicked off. And be happy and
   grateful to hear any reaction, and if anyone consider to give an hand,
   or spread the word.

   In fraternal and comradely solidarity,


   On 7 nov. 2015, at 09:57, peter waterman
   <> wrote:

   And here if the 'Full Wark' on Srnicek and Williams. Definitely worth
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Inventing the Future

   McKenzie Wark -- October 27, 2015
   2,352 5 0

   The key lesson of Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams' Inventing the
   Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work (Verso, 2015) is summed
   up in an epigram from Jodi Dean: "Goldman Sachs doesn't care if you
   raise chickens." (26) This new book encouragse us to think big, to

nettime The Idea of Muslim National Communism: On Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev

2015-04-13 Thread Orsan
   Alex Foti's last post reminded me of Sultan-Galiev, for some he is the
   father of Muslim national Communism, and for others of the third
   wordlist revolutionaries, like Fanon, Che, Maritegui and others. In
   last decade Galiev become increasingly popular, referred by
   Neo-Maoists, nationalist socialism, as well as groups that are
   developing an anti-capitalist Muslims posture. The below is an
   interesting new article below about the guy.

   I have been reading his stuff coming out of Soviet archives, since
   1995-96, and trying to trace the ideas influencing him. Finally very
   recently found out that the methodology Galiev claims to be using for
   developing his strategy 'energetic materialism' -which he claimed to be
   a more radical version of historical materialism- was actually
   originated in work of another forgotten name Bogdanov. This makes both
   names more relevant to Nettimers, since Bogdanov's major work Tektology
   is seen as the original source of the cybernetics and General Systems
   Theory which probably influenced all of us in one way or another.

   Have been looking forward MacKenzie's Molecular Red and the English
   translation of Bogdanov's Empiriomonizm, believing and hoping there
   lies here an historical link, that was waiting to be made and that
   could help us to develop a vision that can bring together all forces
   defines themselves as anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-sexist,
   anti-exploitationist, anti-authoritarian and those working on building
   pro post-capitalist, eco-friendly, peaceful, solider, free, equal


   In The Wretched of the Earth, from 1961, Frantz Fanon argued that

 Marxist analyses should always be slightly stretched every time we
 have to confront the colonial problem.[1]1

   This notion is an excellent starting point for reexamining the
   postcolonial problematic of what Dipesh Chakrabarty calls the
   provincializing of Europe. Within subaltern, postcolonial, and
   decolonial studies, there are two heterogeneous and competing
   conceptions of this provincialization of Europe, whose entanglement
   remains a source of ambiguities. There is, on the one hand, a
   conception that holds provincialization to be synonymous with the
   particularization, and thus relativization, of Eurocentric-European
   thought, and Marxist thought in particular. There is, on the other
   hand, an understanding of provincialization as a stretching that
   underlines the need for an extension and displacement of the borders of
   theory beyond Europe, as a condition of possibility of an authentic
   universalization. The opponents of postcolonial critique have until now
   almost exclusively seemed to resist the first of these two forms of
   provincialization, relativization, in that they really perceived it to
   be a break with anti-colonial thought and struggles for
   emancipation. But they seemed to be a bit less attentive to the second
   form-stretching or extension-where they would have seen that this
   indeed draws on deep roots in anti-colonial thought, and anti-colonial
   Marxism in particular.

   There are many ways to retrace this genealogy, that is, to elucidate
   the continuities as well as the ruptures that are foundational to the
   historical-epistemological transition and division from
   anti-colonialism to postcolonial critique. I look to consider here the
   problem of the nationalization of Marxism. Usually, this is understood
   as a simple question of the adaptation of Marxism to singular
   conditions; this does not account for the complexity of the way in
   which, as Gramsci and C.L.R. James have shown, such a nationalization
   engages in a process of theoretical and practical translations. The
   most famous example remains the sinification of Marxism led by Mao
   Zedong. As Arif Dirlik writes, in what is otherwise an unrelenting
   critique of postcolonial studies: One of Mao's greatest strengths as a
   leader was his ability to translate Marxist concepts into a Chinese
   idiom; in other words, he articulated a vernacularization of
   Marxism.[2]2 Here, one can already see that the process of the
   nationalization of Marxism is not reducible to Stalin's formula of
   national in form, socialist in content.[3]3

   I am interested in an experience that is less well-known, that of
   Muslim national communism as it was developed in Soviet Russia, then
   in the USSR, from 1917 to the end of the 1920s. It seems important to
   shed light on this experience for at least three reasons:
1. First, as the name indicates, Muslim communism raises the question
   - more relevant than ever - of the relations between, on the one
   hand, emancipatory movements with white origins (as in the Soviet
   example) and, on the other hand, Islam and the groups that
   integrate it in multiple ways into their own political claims.
2. Second, one is confronted with an 

Re: nettime living the end nettimes

2015-04-02 Thread Orsan Senalp
Does this mean we enter into a new era, new beginning for, or end of the 
net-times...  is it to be, or not to be, or to stack in the middle of being and 
can't being?

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nettime Antisystemic Movements and the Future of Capitalism, by Immanuel Wallerstein

2015-03-28 Thread Orsan
*Unrevised version of talk at 39^th Annual Meeting of the Political 
Economy of the World-System Conference, Berlin, Mar. 2015.*



*Antisystemic Movements and the Future of Capitalism*

*by Immanuel Wallerstein*


*The antisystemic movements now find themselves in the midst of a fierce 
struggle about the future. Let me start by reviewing very briefly my 
premises, about which I have written much. I do this in order to analyze 
the role and dilemmas of the antisystemic movements in this struggle, 
what I now call the Global Left. The modern world-system is a capitalist 
world-economy functioning within the framework of an interstate system. 
This system has been in existence for some 500 years. It has been a 
remarkably successful system in terms of its objective which is the 
endless accumulation of capital.*

*However, like all systems from the very largest (the universe) to the 
smallest nano-systems, this system is a historical system, and as such 
has three phases - its initial coming into being, its long period of 
what I call ifs normal functioning according to the rules that govern 
the system, and its inevitable structural crisis. I contend that the 
world-system is now in this third phase, that of structural crisis.*


*There are several things to note about how the system operated in its 
previous “normal” period. It had discernible cyclical rhythms, of which 
the two most important were the so-called Kondratieff long waves and the 
hegemonic cycles. Each of these rhythms was imperfectly cyclical in the 
sense that they followed a consistent pattern of two steps forward 
followed by one step back. That is, after its upturn phase of the cycle, 
none of the cyclical rhythms returned all the way to where they had been 
at the beginning of the upturn, but only to a point somewhat higher. The 
downturn took the form more of a stagnation than of a true downturn.*

*To achieve its objectives, each of the two principal rhythms depended 
on constructing a quasi-monopoly, which brought great benefits to 
certain groups. However, the quasi-monopolies were necessarily limited 
in time because they were always self-liquidating.*

*The modern world-system came into its structural crisis for two 
reasons. The first is that the three basic costs of capitalist 
production - personnel, inputs, and infrastructure - rose slowly but 
steadily over time because of the ways in which producers sought to 
minimize each of these costs. Their efforts were therefore only 
partially realizable. Similarly, the mode of enforcing hegemonic 
supremacies also reached structural limits given the absences of new 
zones to incorporate into the now global world-system. *

*The costs of capitalist production had been rising steadily as a 
percentage of the possible price that could be obtained (effective 
demand). The consequence of the mode of operations of these two 
imperfect cyclical rhythms was an upward secular trend over 500 years, 
moving towards an asymptote. They eventually reached a point where the 
costs were so high and effective demand so constrained that it was no 
longer possible to accumulate capital, creating a problem for 
capitalists themselves. The system had moved so far from a possible 
equilibrium that they brought about, in conjunction with the limits of 
hegemonic power, the structural crisis of the system. *


*A structural crisis is not a cyclical downturn, with which it is 
regularly confused because of our looseness in using the word crisis. 
It is far more than that. It is the point at which the system can no 
longer be brought back to equilibrium and begins to fluctuate wildly. 
This can only occur once in the life of a historical system. At the 
point when the structural crisis begins, the system bifurcates. For 
natural scientists, a bifurcation means that there are two different 
solutions to the same equation, something supposedly not normally 
possible. In ordinary language, we can say that there has come into 
being two possible and quite different outcomes, two paths along which 
the system can evolve.*

*In a bifurcation, one is absolutely certain that the system cannot 
survive. However, one is equally certain that it is intrinsically 
impossible to know which fork of the bifurcation will ultimately prevail 
and thereby result in the creation of a new historical system (or 
systems). *

*The origins and evolution of the Global Left can best be appreciated if 
one understands some major turning-points of the modern world-system. I 
start with the French Revolution. Most historians consider that the 
French Revolution brought about a fundamental transformation of France 
in either its political or economic structures, or both.*


*I think it did neither of these things. Politically, France had long 
been following an uneven trajectory of strengthening the central state. 
As Tocqueville showed a long time ago, the result of the French 
Revolution was to 

nettime, a global little school pre-launch: mapping of the disciplinary knowledge production in corporate university and exchange on ' how to occupy'

2015-03-26 Thread Orsan
   Dear friends,

   This week several important events are taking place in Tunis.

   One is World Social Forum, which has lost long time ago its fame as the
   world' unique gathering space for progressive, horizontal, democratic,
   left social movements; a movement of movements or network of networks.
   It has become a carnival or fair for well funded and coopted NGOs, or
   touristic activity for the NGO cadre and hence subjected to criticisms
   from many social movement activists or advocacy groups that are engaged
   in real struggles on the ground. In the absence of similar space, for
   the world-gathering of people's grassroots struggles, two years ago, in
   2013 the WSF was organized in Tunis for the first time; since Tunis has
   become a symbol of the new wave of mass uprisings started in 2011. This
   year as the second time WSF planned to take place in Tunis, and its
   opening March was two days ago (24/3).

   In 2013 version of Tunis WSF, some people who involved in 15M uprising
   (Indignados) in Spain in 2011, as well as in the Occupy Wall Street (in
   US) and the assembles and networks spread globally named Occupy
   movement, we did initiate a friendly occupation by creating open spaces
   and assemblies for self-organization within the official WSF and Tunis
   city centre. Which aimed at opening participation to the Tunisian
   citizens who could not afford to buy tickets for the forum organized
   far from city centre, in the El Manar university campus. This
   initiative called Global Square, or OccupyWSF, is taking place in Tunis
   WSF this year as well.

   Another important event, again taking place within the WSF, is a new
   initiative that was emerged very recently and called Internet Social
   Forum, in order to rethink and liberate the Internet, which is becoming
   increasingly a monopolized, corporatized, privatized space; or for some
   like Jullian Assange even worse than that, it became a dark
   'surveillance machine'. One of the events ISF organizing is about
   rethinking the social forum as it is organized via online on the

   Though really wanted I couldn't be go to Tunis to support and join the
   work, neither to realize the second version of the OccupyWSF (Global
   Square), nor the new OccupyInternet initiative. Yet since both ideas
   are quite similar; since in a way both relate to the actual and virtual
   open spaces and stress their importance for articulation while
   re-thinking the social forums and the Internet together, I believe
   there needs to be some form of collaboration between these two
   initiatives taking place in the same campus but some how disconnected.
   Hoping that it would facilitate a networking between the two from a
   distance, but via Internet, I did propose and planned an virtual event
   about practice of occupation in a study-circle format, where
   participants brings in not more then what they already know, put that
   in a production process. Event will be a prelaunch of
   project as it is described below.


   15 min. presentation and status update for* initiative,
   and 45 min. collective 'mapping of the knowledge production processes
   in corporate university' in groups, and 30 min. plenary exchange on
   'How to Occupy, produce, open, share, and protect the space-time'

   *Universe.City is a free and open access platform initiative, empowered
   by GNUnion and others. It allows cooperative learning for individuals
   and groups by connecting spaces, people and projects within and without
   the city(ies). The unconditional empowerment of the disempowered, the
   excluded, and the oppressed, solidarity and cooperation between and
   within such is our motto. Adopting Fereire's pedagogical approach, as
   well as other transformatory, emancipatory perspectives
   strive for liberating knowledge at the point of production and
   distribution from alienation, borders, time, and social class
   domination. brings together Free / Libre, Open Source
   Software (FLOSS) resources for self-learning, such as free access
   libraries, torrent depositories, 'How To', DIY, and 'DIWO' guides. We
   try to combine these with 'professionally' designed and delivered
   online, face to face, one to one, one to many, and many to many
   courses, or any other type of educative activities; either gratis or
   provided in a framework of emancipatory cooperative exchange. These can
   be practical and analytical lectures, study circles, trainings,
   workshops, strategy sessions, or otherwise. In a way, all activities
   serve participants, and allow them to contribute to the emergence of a
   cooperative an solidarity economy at the planetary level, and may even
   be.. beyond that!


   Friday 27 March, 12:00-13:30 (CET)

   Time zone converter:

   Google Event:

nettime Cronicals of #maagdenhuis occupation, at the head quarter of Amsterdam disciplinary-industrial complex | day #8

2015-03-05 Thread Orsan
   --for English scroll down--

   Iedereen is uitgenodigd!

   12:00 - 13:00 Legal Talk AG
   12:00 - 14:00 Algemene vergadering
   14:00 - 15:30 Werkgroep van Natalie Scholz: `Menselijk kapitaal moet
   niet stil staan. Discourse-analyse van het UvA-managment.
   14:30 - 15:00 Lezing van Ton Heerts (Voorman FNV)
   16:00 - 17:00 Krisis: alternatieve vormen van publicatie en
   toegankelijke publicaties
   17:00 - 18:00 Vrije tijd
   18:00 - 19:00 Lezing van Ali Al-Jaberi: van Tahirplein naar het
   Maagdenhuis: Kapitalisme, empire en racisme.
   19:00 - 20:00 Lezing van Geert Lovink: internetcultuur voorbij
   20:00 - 21:00 Lezing van Marli Huijer (aanstaand denkeres des
   vaderland): excellentie binnen het universitair onderwijs.
   21:00 - 23:00 Algemene vergadering
   21:00 - 23:00 Filmvertoning `Jonas will be 25 in the year 2000'.
   22:00 - 23:00 Legal Talk AG

   Nodig al je vrienden uit en blijf de pagina in de gaten houden voor
   updates! Tot dan!

   Everybody is invited!

   12:00 - 13:00 Legal Talk AG
   12:00 - 14:00 General Assembly
   14:00 - 15:30 Seminar by Natalie Scholz: `Human capital must not stand
   still. Analysing the discourse of UvA-management
   14:30 - 15:00 Talk by Ton Heerts (Chairman FNV)
   16:00 - 17:00 Krises: alternative forms of publications and open access
   17:00 - 18:00 Wellness Time
   18:00 - 19:00 Lecture by Ali Al-Jaberi: From Tahir square to the
   Maagdenhuis: capitalism, empire, racism.
   19:00 - 20:00 Lecture by Geert Lovink: Internet culture beyond privacy
   20:00 - 21:00 Lecture by Marli Huijer (forthcoming Thinkeres of the
   Netherlands): Excellence in the univeristy.
   21:00 - 23:00 General Assembly
   21:00 - 23:00 Filmscreening `Jonas will be 25 in the year 2000'.
   22:00 - 23:00 Legal Talk AG

   Invite all your friends and keep an eye on the page for updates! See
   you there!

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Re: nettime Fwd: Global and Networked Solidarity with the

2015-03-04 Thread Orsan
 Dutch authorities have always preffered direct income support, some or
 all of which, may not show up as 'social expenditures' the way OECD
 tabulates them. 

I am not bearing an expert knowledge too on welfare state, yet as a
senior citizen recieving 'welfare support' for some time, I agree that
this Dutch model of adopting money and 'inkom' as disciplinary tool (
exercising 'negative' welfare policy ) had been very effective and more
direct, both as a carrot and stick; in terms of creating consent through
addiction and fear. guess the engineers of this model, thought Calvinism
driven behavioral strategy would work best in a historically trade
driven state/society complex. 

I just did return from turkey and finally paying a visit at the occupy
maagdenhuis, great to feel a liberated public space in amsterdam this
central after the de bears plain in 2011.. Since that engineering seems
doesn't work here at the moment :) planning hold an opening lecture of
GNLU in cooperation with de Nieuwe Universiteit, already a spreading
network of new universities in the Netherlands. Hope it would go beyond
Dutch and European borders and become a global happening.


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nettime Peer producing a commons space with Global Square in Tunis WSF 2015

2015-02-14 Thread Orsan
 to foster effective and real collaboration at
   the regional and global levels.
   Possible Questions to tackle with Exploratory phase before the event
   and during the first 1 day:
   * Governance at each level: what are to protocols and rituals you use
   and share (from specific to universal) / How do you produce, share,
   reproduce, protect the commons / How do you tackle state and state
   apparatus at each level / How do you tackle corporate power at each
   * Modular approach to bring local and national communities/network in
   transnational and trans-level collaboration [through which patterns
   languages and interfaces so that all can function at all levels
   * Global and transnational forms of distributed collaboration for
   realising transitions to commons societies
   Networked Labour workshop / 1 day
   UnSystemicHackaton / 1 day
   * elaborating on the collected ideas
   * working groups assemblies to formulate concrete proposals
   * defining future steps
   * proposals for the WSF assembly of assemblies (GA)
   In global and networked solidarity,

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#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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#  archive: contact:

nettime sharing economy as anti-crack capitalism

2015-01-19 Thread Orsan
   I didn't realize what the hell is this anti-kraak operation, which
   almost become an established new real-(or bubble)estate sector. Was
   wondering if there is any good critics of this anti-crack / anti-squat
   establishment? or any action organized, planned -especially after this
   term become popularized like this? The offense strategy works like the
   good governance (delegitimite, deregulate, and privatize) operations of
   the 80s-90s neoliberalism. Now after the crisis, when we are saying
   there is no more space left for commodification, we see the
   internalization of unused estate -going deep in the city and even
   houses and unused stuff of consumers like derivatives- which was used
   to threaten by the crackers movement, after the first phase -of
   criminalization- completed seems like it is growing into part of the
   sharing economy in Holland. This has made possible to see me this
   better that the entire Sharing Economy hype has an Anti-Crack
   Capitalism to play -feeding into the alienation of poor dirty and
   homeless losers of the crisis and bright peers, who are more peers then
   others, of the may be emerging new stage of capitalism!

   The below link is to the Dutch page, yet there is also En version on
   may be the limit to capital, is not so concrete as we use to think, and
   even the int. space station and recently launched project to take man
   to Mars is about the endless expansion of capital in to micro and macro
   cosmos. So I would argue how good idea would be to accelerate this, and
   realistic in comparison to lets take the state and smash capitalism

   alternative can be a strategically coordinated and collaboratively
   designed, but really genuinely collaboratively designed and implemented
   wiki-actions, taking to its core a master plan of already built base
   structures, super structures, and the new social networked strikes,
   hacks, media actions, leaks, etc. to trigger the final exit from
   capitalist matrix at the right time.


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nettime Free Libre Open Access working class self-learning

2015-01-10 Thread Orsan Senalp

   First semester courses are set for the launch on May First 2015! Join
   the team, self-organise activity, offer courses, support our projects,
   spread the word!

   Global Networked Labour University is a Free Libre and Open Source
   Remote Education System, designed for empowerment of workers,
   independent labour unionists, community members and organisers via
   study-circles, self-training, exchange and strategy sessions. Besides,
   we have been preparing high qulaity licence, masters, and doctorate
   level free access programs which will be delivered by dedicated and
   experienced trainers, using Floss platforms like Big Blue Button,
   Meet.Jitsi, Talky as well as others. The system will include
   self-organised face to face sessions by and for workers, hackers,
   designers, artists, peers producers, and commoners. Join our team,
   organise p2p and worker to worker trainings, conferences, debates,
   exchange and strategy meetings, to share your knowledge with workers
   and others. If you are union or community organiser, trainer, or having
   teaching and pedagogical experience combined with practical or
   theoretlcal expertise knowledge on any topic, from physics to coding
   and design, that you can deliver give it a remote-course format and
   deliver it online please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!

   If you wish to support GNUnion and our free, libre and open access
   projects developed by and for precarious or unemployed working people,
   please do so by using the information
   here: [2]

   Below programs are currently in progress, being designed and adopted,
   and they are scheduled to be kicked off as May First 2015.


   Social media, online networking for organisers, shop stewards and union
 * Introduction
 * Stronger ties with online networking
 * Tools for cybermeetings and webinars
 * Bottom up publishing  sharing
 * Translation and interpretation
 * Participation/Openness/Security
 * An Example

   [3]Download de PDF versie in het Nederlands
   [4]Türkçe çervirisini PDF olarak indiriniz
   [5]Download the PDF version in Spanish
   [6]Download the PDF version in English
   Wiki: [7]Online collaborative version of the self-training material
   Presentation I: [8]A Social Media Approach for International Solidarity
   Presentation II: [9]Social media and online networking guide for shop
   steewards and union activists

   Schedule: in progress, plan is to start online courses on May 1st, 2015

   Module II (Project in progress):

   Floss Cirriculum on P2P, Commons and Global Political Economy Program -
   Licence and Master's Level degree course material for workers

   Call for Contributors:

   We are inviting peer producers and commoners alike to join us to peer
   produce a commons knowledge resource that will include text books,
   articles, audio, video and other sorts of digital material that will
   help us to address and broaden the needed dialogue between critical
   social theories on p2p, commons and global political economy on the
   other, and the political and cultural praxis towards emancipatory
   commons transitions that will allow humanity to go beyond the vision
   promised by capitalisms, while avoiding the worse like fascisms and
   wars to dominate the planet and destroy more lives. Believeing that it
   became by now cyristal clear that the humanity is passing through yet
   another world historical passage of which one side is dark and fearful:
   Deepening systemic crises, serious threats of regional and global wars,
   normalisation of extreme right and religious fundamentalisms, as well
   as natural and human disasters, all caused by the current mode of
   production. Yet the other side is bright and hopeful: Where the
   emergence of the new become clear in the realities and practices of the
   p2p and the commons, which by now proven themselves as not only
   concepts but also practices that they are bearing `the seeds of the
   new' potential forms to constitute, what Marx referred as the
   `associated mode of production' -more then one and a half century ago;
   while they also promise possibility for creation of what Kropotkin and
   Buchkin thought as `communal mutual aid society' -in the previous
   century, yet to be created and consolidated collectively by painful
   efforts and struggle. Therefore encouraging all those who are
   interested and can contribute in this special collaborative project
   through which we want to develop structured and systematic pool of
   pedagogical material as base for free access self- and floss- high
   level remote emancipatory education activities orgniased by anyone who
   wishes. In order to make an entry please register to the
   P2P-Foundation's wiki page and make sure that your entries comes under
   the relevant section, 

nettime Fwd: The First FairCoop Bulletin | FairCoop

2015-01-02 Thread Orsan Senalp
   Begin forwarded message:

   From: Orsan [1]
   Date: 2 Jan 2015 19:42:52 GMT+1
   To: [2]
   Subject: The First FairCoop Bulletin | FairCoop


'The First FairCoop Bulletin

   Hello friends! This is the first FairCoop Bulletin; we plan on sending
   these out on a semi-regular, (non-spammy) basis to let you know what's
   going on in the global movement. The wealth of any movement
   is its members so please if you have any doubts, questions, suggestions
   or downright inspirations, please don't hesitate to get in touch and
   get involved.

   1. Participate in defining how FairCoop is going to make decisions!

   Ok first of all, as you probably know, the decision-making structure of is based around councils, like the branches of a tree, and
   the `trunk' of this tree is the provisional Ecosystemic Council, which
   is now beginning to do its work, and as one of its main tasks has
   developed a draft of the methodological process for making decisions at
   FairCoop ecosystem level.

   Right now the draft [5]has been published here.

   Please have a read - there are two weeks for the document to be
   discussed and improved in our own social network, the Fairnetwork.

   These are the complete deadlines that are scheduled:
 * Draft: 06-18 November
 * internal discussion on the council: 19-26 November
 * open discussion on the network: 27 -17 December
 * draft update with network: 18-21 December
 * Voting: (to confirm between finals of December and beginnings of

   2. Internal economics updates

   FairCoop has received a donation of 12600 euros from [6], an
   international Fair Trade company dedicated to fresh hand made
   cosmetics, that is involved in helping activists and good causes, like
   permaculture and animal rights around the world. Our ongoing
   conversation with Lush continues to make broader collaborations in the
   near future possible.

   At the same time that we are able to share this information we have
   published the incomes and spends of the first three months of FairCoop
   activity. You can get the info and make comments in this
   link: [7]

   3. A new network front page has been released. From here it will be
   easy for you to browse the different resources of the FairNetwork.

   4. A new local nodes guide has been published, if you are interested in
   setting up a local node, check out this document!
   - [9]

   5. The translation to diverse languages continues!
   German and Romanian, are already translated and we are working for add
   they in the site. More help is needed for those languages that are in
   the works, like, Portuguese, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch...

   Check how to contribute to translations here:

   Also we want to remind you that if you don't feel totally
   confident writing in English you can write in your own language. To
   make it easy for everyone to follow the discussions, we would like to
   suggest using these two forums for multilingual writings:

   - For asking questions:

   - For sharing ideas, proposals, thoughts, etc...: FairCoop Community -

   6. Call for the Global South Council. The process for receiving the
   biographies of the candidates who want to become members of the first
   (provisional) Global South Council is open. If you are interested in
   becoming part of the council, please send your bio to any of the
   Ecosystemic Council members
   ([13] If you aren't yet in
   contact with any of us, please contact us at coop at



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Re: nettime The World Development Report 2015: Programming the Poor

2014-12-29 Thread Orsan Senalp
   This 1981 seminal acticle by Robert Cox, in my opinion, provides a good
   back ground and perspective when looking at transnational-networked
   capitalist power structures known as global governance, and reading
   thick reports coming out of the complex web of WB, IMF, UN, OECD,
   WTO,.. besides the WEF, Trilateral Commission (as well as non-reports
   or conspiracy on Bilderberg meetings):  Social Forces, States and World
   Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory:

   [1] This is a classic text
   opening and flourishing a line of inquiry can be named as introduction
   to historical materialist critic of global political economy. Hence it
   is more then worthy for theoretical, ideational, algorithmic and
   political practitioners who try to understand possibilities and aim for
   global and transnational radical societal change.


   On 23 Dec 2014, at 01:37, Orsan wrote:

 by Paul Cammack


 The World Bank has discovered that people are programmable, and some
 (poor people) are more programmable than others. So the 2015 World
 Development Report (Mind, Society and Behavior) has ditched the
 `rational actor' model on which neo-classical economics was built, as
 an impediment to the purpos...

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#  archive: contact:

nettime The World Development Report 2015: Programming the Poor

2014-12-22 Thread Orsan
   by [1]Paul
   Cammack ([2]

   The World Bank has discovered that people are programmable, and some
   (poor people) are more programmable than others. So the 2015 World
   Development Report (Mind, Society and Behavior) has ditched the
   `rational actor' model on which neo-classical economics was built, as
   an impediment to the purpos...



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nettime code red alarm - another world right now - global mesh-working our solidarity economies

2014-09-29 Thread Orsan
 apologies for cross posting. 
 Dear friends, 
 What has been happening in Rojava and at turkey-Syrian border is extremely 
 worrisome and tension is rapidly spreading in Turkey. Things can escalate in 
 Turkish cities, putting nationalists, kurds, islamists radicals, and 
 progressives into clash with each other leading to destabilization of the 
 brick holding the wall to collapse. Yesterday in Istanbul university campus 
 there were IS supporters attacking and chanting radical slogans. Kobane has 
 been under a very heavy attack by IS and total amount of refugees crossing 
 border (and young and men returns to war zone) has been between 2-3 million 
 people. In southern cities there has been increasing aggression towards new 
 comers. No body seems to know what will bring tomorrow. 
 The same is expected for Europe. The more Muslims killed to justify 
 imperialists policies, the more westerners don't give an attention to it and 
 show consent, the more radical people will get. No body can assure that it 
 won't spread to Europe tomorrow, and to be honest it might even be desired 
 by some right wingers who like to draw back all social and democratic rights 
 to be able to competitive before Brics. social forces simply not ready at 
 all to what is coming very close. The below was an example call, to work on 
 the idea of international peace Marches to shut down the capitalist war 
 machine. It has a bit changed now, though not in text yet, the plan is 
 national calls for spanish like star-Marches for peace towards capital 
 cities from peripheries, in multiple european countries. To collect 
 materials, livelihoods, money etc. to be send and brought to people who 
 needs in war zones, now or in approaching winter, by organizing convoys and 
 caravans. These would leave from every capi
 tal city. Collected livelihoods would be taken  by community organized 
caravans, others can join with bikes, or marches, so on to bring solidarity to 
Ukraine, Rojava, Iraq, and Gaza. It is also the idea to mesh networking all our 
alternatives, economies on the road to each other according to a plan (draft is 
being worked out). Europe not having internal borders returned and internet not 
cut yet both our advantages
 At the moment, near Rojava, right south of tr/Syria border it gets 
 increasingly chaotic... Not all but especially with west, TR state and all 
 other state actors, politicals NGOs unions are either paralyzed or still 
 playing for their hands, bring stacked in structures! In Europe things goes 
 very similar. People act like it is not the world war coming to their town. 
 We need to see that not only those people in and near the war zones, but 
 also we those a bit far form it is in urgent need for being able to 
 self-organized solidarity economy networks to produce and share local 
 self-organized stuff, can be linked and exchanged trans locally. In even 
 larger scope then what  Occupy Sandy achieved, to be able to prepare for the 
 coming disaster. 
 The most needed elements of hope has been there, yet might not stay so. As 
 Greek comrades who organizes the 'festival4sce' tells, different worlds do 
 already exist! We have been learning how to mesh these with each other. We 
 have been, may be a first time after thousands of year, returning to our 
 self-organizing roots but this time as a civilizational level. Still there 
 is long way to go of course, yet, Athens can be sitting in the turning, or 
 no-turning point. For both peoples of Greece, and rest of us future can be 
 in making this work. Especially if we could get thing from there and link 
 them at least to the periphery of the war zones', as much as we could, with 
 local self-organisation of those effected people. This is not an ideology, 
 part, groups, politics issue anymore. This is about surviving and still with 
 This is a first draft, prepared by Bob Haugen and Lynn Foster from US, a 
 base for hacking an alternative or self-organized global solidarity economy 
 network that works for all, undermining global value chains and commodity 
 networks of capitalism:
 (NRP means networked receipt preparation).
 In Athens, there will be others like Faircoop, global expansion of CIC 
 Spanish level network of open cooperatives. Comrades from 15m and Occupy who 
 bears the codes of transnational networking, Greek, Spanish, Italian, and 
 other communities who has the recipes and how to's of the new world. It is a 
 vital task to bring all these recipes into accessible and translatable and 
 transferable format. Recipe for Recipying, in its most developed form, would 
 be allowing us to share open know how of the processes we developed and 

nettime Fwd: [Squares] Festival for Solidarity Cooperative Economy in Athens

2014-09-03 Thread Orsan
forwarding the below message:

 From: Mikifus
 Date: 2 september 2014 22:23:25 CEST
 To: squares
 Subject: [Squares] Festival for Solidarity  Cooperative Economy in Athens
 A bunch of us from Spain are helping groups in Greece with international 
 communication, and we wanted to ask for your help...
 Greece is organising their 3rd Festival for Solidarity  Cooperative Economy, 
 that will take place in Athens from October 10th to 12th. Round 200 groups 
 participate each year: social clinics and pharmacies, Thessaloniki's 136 
 Water movement, the worker's recovered factory Vio.Me, time banks, social 
 centres, communication projects... all the support and solidarity networks 
 that have sprouted with the crisis.
 This year they are going to invite groups and initiatives from around Europe 
 and we are launching a Crowdfunding campaign to find the funds to pay for the 
 travel costs of those who come (4000??? to cover up to 150??? per person). 
 Lodging will be covered by activists in Athens.
 We are in a process of identifying different initiatives in different 
 countries and sending them the invitation (one person per collective). All 
 who want to come may come of course, but they are making a selection of those 
 to fund in order to cover a good variety of topics of discussion and 
 So... this is what we would love to ask help from you :)
 1) Please send the press release to your media contacts and/or post on your 
 site or blog if possible:
 2) Share the Crowdfunding campaign in your networks: (and of course participate if you 
 wish!) and here a HTML code that can be embeded in a website while the 
 campaign is running, if you want to use it.
 HT #Festival4sce  #EmptyYourPockets by @athensfest4sce
 and of course...
 Thank you VERY much!
 n-1 working group:
 Squares mailing list
 for unsubscribe/etc: 

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Re: nettime paying users for their data

2014-07-25 Thread Orsan Senalp
What if Facebook users, or users In general get their personal
data licensed say under GNU/GPL, and create conflict with user
contracts, and take the issue to collective level with the help of
wider alliances, by collectivizing users' individual cases, viral
campaigning and strike like creative direct action, aiming to push
vectoral class towards open/public collective bargaining, or to leave
people free. Orsan

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nettime Video of the talk The Digital Labour Theory of Value and Karl Marx in the Age of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Weibo

2014-06-22 Thread Orsan
very interesting talk by Fuchs, followed by exchange

Christian Fuchs

Talk at the COST Action Dynamic of Virtual Work's Workshop The
Labour Theory of Value in the Digital Age

The Open University of Israel
June 16, 2014

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Re: nettime [Networkedlabour] tensions within the bay area elites

2014-05-27 Thread Orsan Senalp
Thanks for the reply Michel, meanwhile I found a relevant post at p2pf blog 
that gives a good overview, which allows me to see your point:
I would suggest others to read it. the author suggests that reactionary  
transhumanism gained a wider reach then one would expect, while the progressive 
version had difficulty to articulate itself. It is very informative indeed. 
Thinking of passing it Justine Tunney of Occupy Solidarity Network with Micah 
White, who seems to be under the heavy influence of neoreactionary 
transhumanism as Kevin pointed out. Ideas are strong and seems like making a 
negative impact on some social forces and can be manipulative on a larger scale 
then we could guess, especially after the far right entry to the European 
Parliament, to give this debate wider public visibility is of an high 
importance I believe. 


On 27 May 2014, at 23:18, Michel Bauwens wrote:

 dear Orsan,
 the documentary is actually from 1996-97 but has really stood the test
 of time , thanks for referring to it. But one thing we should
 remember: transhumanism is truly a perverted religion, it may animate

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Re: nettime tensions within the bay area elites

2014-05-13 Thread Orsan
if one reads, the IIC -industrial internet cons. documents and others from 
Cisco, GE on the IoE, one sees how openly these guys argue for 'connecting work 
and people on the move' the technoutopic way towards singularity which passes 
through the realisation of Internet of Free Labour in material field. this 
means construction of global and intelligent labour division which will based 
on 'zero marginal costs' machine, google and fb are the ones developing the 
infrastructure and will have structural strategic heights in the game. who will 
be absorbing all energy and creativity from the exploitable people, the rest 
can be butteries. This foreseen a new class society, so new hierarch within and 
without the ruling ones. The current geopolitics is imho is the manifestation 
of the intraclass war for the future, that's why Schmit plays a key role from 
the North Africa and OWS, to Korea and so on. we need a distributed and 
collaborative counter hegemonic formation as soon as possible. 

 On 13 mei 2014, at 15:45, Brian Holmes wrote:

 On 05/13/2014 12:31 AM, michael gurstein wrote:

 Now that Google's halo is a wee bit dented some deeper reflection on 
 what Google might, through its search algorithms, be doing to our 
 underlying frameworks of knowledge--either inadvertently by structuring 
 them in pursuit of its commercial goals or purposefully by, for example, 
 following the direction of its friends in the US State Department--might 
 be in order; and perhaps even more usefully some thought on what might 
 be done about this.

 Ahem, I believe some denizens of this list have organized entire 
 conferences about this? Does anyone remember Deep Search?

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Re: nettime tensions within the bay area elites

2014-05-12 Thread Orsan
It is very important to understand and critic the political economy of this 
emerging new, and possibility of the logic it bears for building counter 
class(lessness) strategies. Flos IoE(E meaning Every progressive-revolutionary 
agency) political organising can counter the clash of titans by bringing 
forward real alternatives being there and developed. To apply the idea or 
mechanism of 'reaching critical mass' to manage to decrease the transaction 
(meaning organizational, articulational and mobilisations) costs, in order to 
allow the mass participation in the creation and egalitarian distribution of 
the 'political change value', as distributed societal power, can bring the 
change before this clash explode. 


On 12 mei 2014, at 11:47, d.garcia 

 To me, it is somehow super clear that Facebook is evil. Not hard to
 understand. But Google? Why are tensions rising so high lately around
 them? Look at the tone of the Cory Doctorow blog post to Boing Boing?
 Don't get me wrong. But have they really gone down lately? In my
 humble view they are as evil as were a decade ago... What happened?
 Have we changed?

 Which company is currently in the spotlight and today's designated Dr.
 Evil is less important than the legitimate hostility and generalised
 anger at the winner takes all economy of info capitalism that these
 companies collectively represent. Its a political economy which has
 even departed from Adam Smith, as the creation of monopolies is
 increasingly seen as a necessary condition for survival in a world
 where transaction costs are near zero. In fact the imposition of
 'temporary' monopolies was even proposed by dreadful Larry Summers as
 a last ditch policy to save capitalism in 2001 after the first dotcom
 bubble burst.  In the event he needn't have bothered it happened

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Re: nettime aclu: IoT

2014-03-26 Thread Orsan
Was recently reading Matteo Pasquinelli's impressive 2014 article on society of 
meta-data -and how italian (post)workerists have identified the trend and 
grasped where it was leading;
At the end Matteo links the argument to the IoT, Industrial Internet and IoE. 
Somehow one can undestand the absence of public critique by Californians, yet 
it seems to me like a bigger failure that we were misig radical critics goign 
viral and targeting this projects that were around for decades. while they have 
been openly declaring that they aim is the objectivisation of entire living 
labour into the interlinked networks of machines that are embedded in the city; 
they call it 'putting people at work on the move', proceting sort of an 
'absolute general intellect'. As well as a global collective worker, neworked 
global production cains desiging ad erdesigning transnational division of 
labour intelligently according to the needs and functions of capital. How would 
you and other nettimers would explain the lack of wider radical criticque of 
An counter IoT project came from Telekommunisten; OCTO which gives nice and fun 
vision for how should a beer to peer communal-IoT be designed:

 On 26 mrt. 2014, at 03:58, John Hopkins wrote: and

 Finally somebody makes a public argument against the breathless Red 
 Herring Utopian hype around IoT and its purported deep and beneficent 

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nettime WSF Process 2014- 2016: Towards World Social Forum 2.0?

2014-02-09 Thread Orsan
In French, English and Spanish, apologies is case of duplication.

Wondering would 2 years be enough to create a space for mesh networking the
grounded and online rural and urban struggles against fascism, capitalism,
and neoliberalism and for moving beyond the capitalist mode of production?

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Nori cadorette sirois Date: 24 januari 2014
 15:03:03 CET To:,, Cc: Subject:
 [2011movements-fsm discussion] RE: Vers un processus ?? FSM 2014-2016 ??
 - Toward a WSF Process 2014-2016 - Hacia un processo FSM 2014-2016
 Pour le titre en francais de la lettre je petrais plus Processus vers un
 fsm...  si non je trouve que ca alourdie la phrase. C comme si on devais
 ce pr?? parer mentalement a aller vers le processus avant de commencer aq
 penser a aller le fsm... Lol est ce que vous comprenez ce que je veux
 dire?  Nori
 Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 17:53:19 -0500 Subject: Vers un processus ?? FSM
 2014-2016 ?? - Toward a WSF Process 2014-2016 - Hacia un processo FSM
 2014-2016 From: To:; CC:;
 ANG (below)-ESP (Abajo)
 Vers un processus ?? FSM 2014-2016 ?? (et au-del??) :Objectifs,
 engagements et invitations du Collectif FSM 2016-Qu??bec
 Lors de la r??union du Conseil International (CI) du Forum Social Mondial
 (FSM) qui s???est tenue ?? Casablanca (Maroc) du 16 au 18 d??cembre 2013,
 nous avons constat?? avec enthousiasme la vitalit?? du processus des
 Forums sociaux.  Plusieurs dizaines d?v??nements auront lieu en 2014
 tout autour du globe (Br??sil, Togo, Tunisie, Inde, Bosnie-Herz??govine,
 Congo, ??gypte, Irak, Italie, Palestine, Canada, France, Afrique du
 Sud???). De plus, la dynamique du FSM s???acc??l??re puisque deux
 ??v??nements FSM sont actuellement en pr??paration. Le premier en Tunisie
 pour mars 2015, et l???autre au Qu??bec pour ao??t 2016. Enfin, ces
 ??v??nements en lien avec le processus du FSM c??toieront de nombreuses
 autres mobilisations populaires, comme le laisse pr??sager la conjoncture
 des diff??rentes r??gions du monde.
 Nous sommes d???avis que tous ces ??v??nements renforceront la dynamique
 globale de transformation sociale, en ouvrant des espaces permettant aux
 diff??rents acteurs du changement de se rencontrer, d?changer et
 d???agir en commun. Mais cela suppose que nous relevions collectivement
 le d??fi de la mise en relation de ces espaces de mobilisation qui se
 Le collectif FSM 2016-Qu??bec est conscient des responsabilit??s qui sont
 d??sormais les siennes dans le processus FSM. Le d??fi est d???autant
 plus stimulant que notre pr??paration du FSM 2016 s???inscrit dans une
 dynamique annonc??e de collaboration avec les organisateurs de
 l?v??nement FSM 2015 en Tunisie (voir en annexe la D??claration
 conjointe Initiative vers un FSM au Qu??bec  comit?? Forum Social
 Maghreb pr??sent??e lors du CI de Casablanca).
 Par ailleurs, nous avons la ferme volont?? de favoriser la mise en
 relation des luttes, r??sistances, et alternatives ??mergentes, et
 l???inclusion dans le processus FSM des nouveaux acteurs li??s aux
 mobilisations citoyennes de ces derni??res ann??es. Dans cette
 perspective, nous proposons de prolonger la dynamique de collaboration
 annonc??e avec nos amiEs Maghr??binEs, en tissant des liens avec les
 autres collectifs de facilitation des Forums sociaux (locaux,
 th??matiques, etc.) ainsi que les diverses mobilisations sociales qui
 ??mergeront durant les prochaines ann??es (2014-2016).
 Par rapport ?? la facilitation du processus FSM, nos 3 objectifs
 g??n??raux sont :
 1.Faciliter l???inter-communication entre les organisateurs
 d?v??nements qui s???inscrivent dans le processus FSM, ainsi que
 ??l???extension?? de ces ??v??nements de mani??re ?? faciliter la
 participation d???un nombre toujours plus grand de personnes et
 2.Faciliter l???inter-communication entre les participants ?? ces
 ??v??nements, et aussi entre les participants d?v??nements distincts,
 afin de stimuler l?mergence et le renforcement de r??seaux de
 dialogue, d???action concert??es, de rassemblements d???acteurs autour de
 th??matiques sp??cifiques, et de toutes autres formes de r??sistances et
 de propositions alternatives au n??olib??ralisme, ?? l???imp??rialisme et
 aux autres formes de domination (racisme, patriarcat, cast??isme,
 3.Contribuer ?? une plus large compr??hension des pratiques de
 participation, d???organisation, et de facilitation propres au processus
 FSM, qui soient attractives pour les jeunes g

Re: nettime [Squares] Hang Out around Networked Democracy (Friday)

2013-06-13 Thread Orsan Senalp
Dear comrades, activists and those in their networks.

For tomorrow we will try to do something new (as far as i know).

There will be an experimental Spanish-English simultaneous
interpretation, which will be provided by comrades on a Mumble room.
Mumble is an Open Source Voip, audio chat, software, needs to be
downloaded and installed on your device beforehand here:
or from an app-store

The interpretation will be in this location on Mumble:
Location: server
Room: Assemblies  Round Tables - go to OPEN SPACE
How to join Mumble:

It would work best if participants use two devices if possible - any
smartphone/pc/mac/pad  combination.

To explain it simple terms it works like this:
Participants who need interpretation would need two apparatus, these
can be two computers or one computer one telephone so on. So all who
needs translation shall run mumble and Google hangout at the same
time.  On one device follow the hangout meeting, and on the other
listen simultaneous interpretation on mumble,

If all download and install mumble beforehand and log in Mumble room
15 minutes before we could help out to fix their systems and get ready
for the meeting.

I hope we have thought everything and it would work. Don't forget it
is an experimental thing, if it do not work perfect or fails we don't
need to worry or get frustrated, we will learn for the next time.  In
case we develop this it will be very useful for the future meetings
and assemblies.

In solidarity!

On 12 June 2013 16:51, Bernardo Guti?rrez wrote:

 Hello you all

 I am preparing an international session around Networked Democracy and
 #GlobalRevolution, on friday, 19.00 (GMT+1). It will be in the Spanish
 glocal platform Occupations, squares, public space... are
 quite important points in the Hang Out.
 We need someone from Istambul.  As the language of thinkcommons is Spanish,
 it would be fantastic if you find any person Spanish speakers. It can be
 portuguese. If not, no problem, as we have Serkan participating in English

 I personally will be in Porto Alegre, in the Digital Office of the
 Governent, probably the most advanced  networked democracy in the world.
 Dom?nico di Siena will be in Madia Lab Prado, Madri. We will have in the
 Hang Out, guest from 15M, Occupy, #YoSoy132 (M?xico), hackers, activists...
 Here you have the hang out. We will project the hang out in Madri and Porto
 Alegre, in order to create hybrid communities (digital+analogic). There will
 be streaming, a link to watch the glocal-hybrid meeting.
 It would we fantastic to have someone from Istambul, to explain what is

 Orsan is suggesting to do a translation to a Mumble room, to English. I
 think it is a great idea!

 We also need anyone from New York / Occupy, better in Spanish
 Any other people wanting to participate?


 @bernardosampa (twitter)
 S?o Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
 Madrid +34 669 098365


 n-1 working group:

 Squares mailing list
 for unsubscribe/etc: or

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Re: nettime dark days

2013-06-12 Thread Orsan Senalp
The darker the day gets, the closer the dust is..  the window for
meaningful change is not closing in my opinion. The opposite, it is
widening. Many networks getting in touch with each other directly,
more than ever. Where ever an uprising we get this gets extended:
Greeks with Turks, Kurds and Arabs, Italians and Spaniards are linked
to Americans, British, Canadians, and Mexicans.. hackers, artists,
whistle blowers, researchers, and activists fighting on the streets
are being linked and communicating and working together. Sort of 'mass
mutual recognition' and 'free and open  rEvolutionary' subjectivity is
being built step by step.. True that it goes together with the rising
sort of global fascism, racism, sexism and oppression. However
contradiction is in the nature of things, as well as synthesis and
harmony. I think it is a real net-time, with a great cause.

On 12 June 2013 10:13, Felix Stalder wrote:
 There are dark days, these days. We have the privilege of observing
 different levels of repression working at the same time, ranging from


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nettime Fwd: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Police began attacking Taksim

2013-06-11 Thread Orsan Senalp

Police begun attacks on Taksim Square early this morning! News feed:

live stream by an activist:
Live Russian TV:
Halk TV:


and this is a video of Capul City General Assembly, organised on 6th..
with subtitles:

photos from uprising:
a new alternative media tool that covers OccupyGezi:

in solidarity, Orsan

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 11 June 2013 08:22
Subject: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Police began attacking Taksim

Police began attacking with tear gas and water canons. The square is
covered with tear gas.

Infos from :

Streaming live

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nettime an update: today has been the turning point.. route might be revolutionary if we make it

2013-06-11 Thread Orsan Senalp
Turkey, 11.06.2013 largest uprising ever in Turkish (including
Ottoman) history,

Erdogan Government, Erdogan himself, all his puppet ministers,
governors, heads of security, the entire state trow lies at public,
wide open, publicly... Entire media produce manipulation and lies...
They have built an ambush to millions of people, most of them out on
the streets this evening, tonight fighting back, furious about what
was happeningNumbers are growing.. yesterday there were more than
a million people inTaksim Sqaure. Now more figthin back on the streets
in almost all the cities. Mainstream media is busy with manuplating
and speculating only about Taksim and Gezi Park..

[Taksim Solidarity press release about today:]

The state and mainstream media telling lies is probably the case all
the time but it was never so naked visible to at least to the eyes of
the half of society, 20 million adult...After today, it can not go
back to normal, it can never be the same, business as usual...

[a note from activists on the ground shared on facebook: Dear friends
all over the world, Please share! The government in collaboration with
the police and the media staged a theatre play (with terrible actors)
at Taksim square early this morning. After announcing that there will
be no attacks on the people at Gezi park and Taksim, hundreds of
policemen came to collect the banners, at the same time chocking
people with tear gas. The media, who has ignored the protests so far
was there from the beginning broadcasting (from extremely good
shooting points) a play between hundreds of cops and about 30
protesters (still a mystery who they were) who were throwing Molotov
cocktails to the police at the square. This act went on for more than
an hour. The police, who is capable of breaking up thousand of people
(without provocation )within minutes with tear gas and water cannons,
only circled around them, gently spraying a little water. In the mean
time, on the back streets and around Gezi park, where the media was
not broadcasting, the attacks were as usual brutal. The protests until
this morning have been peaceful and it is not clear whether these
people were extremists from some political groups or some others(??).
What is clear is that they do not reflect the spirit of this uprising.
Couple of hours ago, police attacked the biggest court house in
Istanbul and arrested around 70 lawyers, who were only protesting
against the morning attacks, probably as a response to their help with
protecting the rights of the people arrested and injured during last
weeks protests. In response to today's events, people of Istanbul are
going back to Taksim square this evening at 19:00 possibly with larger
numbers than the protests on May 31. Please share this information.
The Turkish media has failed miserably and it is very important that
the world knows what is really going on in Turkey.
(please copy/paste rather than sharing)]

If today turns into a civil war, all the liars; the media, the state
and the capital and their international counterparts that backs the
liars will be counted as the responsible...

(a good list of some live streamers:

Please spread the word, show your solidarity, join in the streets,
squares, assemblies in your country, use online channels, twitter,
facebook, what ever... contribute in anyway you can to build and links
our revolt might be the turning point to start an
offensive to build the new worlds we have been dreaming about...

This might be be a turning point not only for Turkey, but also for
Europe, for US, for Asia, for Syria, the Middle East, the greater
Middle East, (even for Antarctica)..

Everywhere is Gezi, everywhere is resistance!

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Re: nettime update Turkey

2013-06-10 Thread Orsan Senalp
Yesterday was the largest paticipation since the beginning. Tayyip
delivered several speeches in meetings all gathered at various
airports during his arrivals and departures in Ankara and Adana.   he
was very agressive again threathening masses. Police in several cities
attacked people with gasses and water cannons,,, Capulcus are very
angry... Today is going massive and getting bigger toweards the
evening. Seems like Police got the message..  Today a video released
showing the killing of a protesting  worker by a police, he is being
shut by the police from 2 meters, see the video below. this happened
In Ankara

Declaration Taksim Solidarity (yesterday):

Protestor killed in cold blood by Turkish police today  - Video:

Erdogan and the ‘looters’: what’s behind the protests in Turkey:

What future for the Turkish uprising? | ROAR Magazine


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nettime Fwd: [WSF-Discuss] a brief update about #OccupyGezi and Capulcu (Looters') Uprising in Turkey

2013-06-09 Thread Orsan Senalp
the below was a response in WSF discussion list, copying here with the
hope that it could serve as an update on what is happening in Turkey.
Apologies for cross posting.
Solidairty, Orsan

-- Forwarded message --
From: Orsan Senalp
Date: 10 June 2013 01:40
Subject: Re: [WSF-Discuss] a brief update about #OccupyGezi and
Capulcu (Looters') Uprising in Turkey
To: Discussion list about the WSF

Thanks Jai, Piran, Tord and Jan for your emails. Let me reply with
another brief update and a correction.

The correction is about the general strike. On the 5th of June, when I
wrote, it was the 2. Day of the general strike and at the same time it
was a religious day (kandil), I wasn???t aware of the kandil, there are
several kandils and I don???t remember which one was that one but it was
the real reason why the squares started to day quite while there were
two general strike put forward by DISK and KESK, two progressive
labour confederations.

In the last update, I didn???t explain where the term ???Capulcu??? came
from and what does it mean? Which would also a good point to enter to
the question of the configuration of the masses on the streets and
squares, flags, ideologies, alliances we observe so on. The term
???Capulcu??? comes from the prime minister; so-called Hitler Tayyip
Erdogan (pity that the subtitles are Turkish but you should see this
video: ). Capulcu means
looters, marauders, or pillagers. Tayyip used to term to address those
people protesting at Gezi Park and therefore protecting the looting of
it, the last green space remaining in central Istanbul. He also called
them ???two alcoholics??? (Ayyas). Before the police gassed moderate and
peaceful environmental or ???right to the city??? activists staying in the
Park for several days already -at dust time around 5am in the morning,
while in their tents- such aggressive discourse was paving the way to
aggression. In response to the way police obeyed the orders, many of
us on the facebook and twitter changed our account names and added
Capulcu or Ayyas, or both of these, like ???Capulcu Ayyas Orsan??
Recently there were another incident; a similar reaction came from
moderate nationalists or Kemalists in reaction to the governments???
move of removal of the ???TC???  phrase (means Turkish Republic) from the
official names related to laws and public institutions etc. So this
latter Capulcu/Ayyas action was masses a both mas mimicking -to the
previous action- but also Tayyip???s agression / antinomy. Actually he
was ???the mother of all the looters???, as one activist put it online.
Since 2004 rivers, forest areas, public enterprises, education,
health,???. He looted everything that was belong to the ???public???,  was
looted, privatised
. Anyway, since then ???Capulcu??? has become an overarching meme, an
identity for many. As far as I can see, now all the involved parties,
from left, to Kurdish or Turkish left nationalists, socialists,
anarchists, environmentalist, feminist, right to city activists,
unionists, but most importantly those first time activists and
non-organisational masses agree on that: We are all Gezi, we are all

The fact that since more than 100 years, various groups which were
defining each other as enemy could come and fight together, is a
brilliant thing. After a long time fight, Ocalan???s arrest was in 1998,
in the Kurdish Question, there has been reached to a point where AKP
has to launch a ???peace process???, which would make a democratic
solution possible. About which Kurdish movement have serious doubts.
Now because of the peace process, BDP (Peace and Democracy Party ??? of
Kurdish movement) and the Kurdistan region, tough supporting the
protests, seeing it legitimate struggle, they do not actively take
streets and clash with the state. One important bridge maker has been
Sitki Surreya Onder (, an
independently elected BDP parliamenter, with positive and encompassing
opposition to AKP. He stood with those who fight against the HESs
(Hydroelectric dams), large Dams, gold mines, forestry massacre so on.
Many of those platforms that were formed in last 10 years to organise
the rural struggles
has links to the key actors and groups that are taking part in the
Taksim Solidarity Platform. Sureyya Onder went there to Gezi Park at
the first day to stop the demolishing of the Park, and involved in the
fight on the ground. Doing so he played a crucial role, independent
from the BDP, in linking the left struggle against neoliberalism to
the democracy and peace struggle of the Kurdish movement. At the end
while BDP and its slogans, emblems, wasn???t there officially Onder???s

nettime Capulcular United / Capulcular Birlesiyor: 8-9 June - Call for Global Solidarity with #OccupyGezi // 8-9 Haziran'da #OccupyGezi ile Dayanışma Çağrısı... invite all, join all! We are all Gezi

2013-06-07 Thread Orsan Senalp
Capulcular Birlesiyor: 8-9 Haziran #OccupyGezi ile Kuresel Dayanisma /
Tum arkadaslarinizi davet edin, yayin, herkesi arkadaslarini davet
etmeye cagirin! acil

Capulcular komen samen! 8-9 Juni #OccupyGezi Global Solidarity /
Uitnodig alle jullie vrienden!

Capulcular United: spread the word, invite your friends! urgent:

8-9 June - Call for Global Solidarity with #OccupyGezi // 8-9
Haziran'da #OccupyGezi ile Dayanışma Çağrısı

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nettime Chapuling in the Streets: John Holloway greets #OccupyGezi resistance with solidarity!

2013-06-07 Thread Orsan Senalp
Chapuling in the Streets

Taksim Tahrir Sintagma Puerta del Sol Plaza de Mayo Zuccotti Square
St. Paul?s. Everywhere around the world we are dancing in the streets.
Dancing with rage, dancing with joy, dancing gravediggers on the
graves of our masters. We are all Turks, all Greeks, all Cypriots. And
now we are all chapuling, chapuling as we sing out loud our refusal to
accept any more, our refusal to watch them destroy parks to make way
for shopping malls, our refusal to accept their obscene injustices,
refusal to sit by and let them destroy the planet, refusal to let them
take our world from us, refusal to accept their stupid arrogance. So
dance Istanbul, dance Ankara, dance Izmir, and the world dances with
you. Cairo, Athens, Istanbul, Madrid, New York, London, Buenos Aires,
Frankfurt, Cochabamba, Stockholm, and more and more and more and more
and more.

John Holloway, Puebla, 6 June 2013


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nettime Quick update from #DirenTurkiye #OccupyGezi

2013-06-06 Thread Orsan Senalp
Sultan I. Erdogan insists on the projects for Taksim, get things
personal like his processors Ben Ali. Mubarak, El-Assad, en
AbdelHamid  and with his aggression, over-rules  the moderate
approach shown by Gul (President) and Arinc (Deputy Prime Minister) in
his absence (BTW these two are Gulen's men). Tayyip Sultan being
rejected in Tunis and Morocco, protested and critiqued returns to the
town with anger.

Police attacks with gasses and water cannons in Ankara just before his
arrive, at workers striking in solidarity with protesters... in
reaction in Ankara  tens of thousands people gathers marching all over
 right at the moment revolting in peace, to welcome the Tayyip Sultan.

In Istanbul, Taksim also many tens of thousands are gathering to give
a warm welcome to the Sultan

The I. Ottoman Empire came out of a small Beylik near Byzantium, The
Beylik spread to Anatolia and Balkans, from there to Middle East, and
North Africa... this took 700 years New Ottomans under the rule of
Tayyip Sultan the Little, now meets with a very new Beylik, a nomad
entity, that was founded near Taksim in a small but symbolic park...
in one day she spread to  entire Istanbul and took over Atolia by the
second day. When the third day started it already spread to Balkans
and Europe, and even got linked to Latin and North Americas and Asia..
During the the rise of Capulcular, New Ottoman's media was showing a
documentary about the penguins of Antarctica... .

Things are likely to evolve in the direction that the momentum shall
rise for Capulcular Movement. Capulcular might be able to synthesis
Arab Spring, Greek revolt, and the 15M and Occupy style resurgence,
And they could be a bridge opening the revolution, or spreading the
revolt to the inner Asia, Russia, Iran, India, Bangladesh and, who
knows may be. hopefully, to China! Where ordinary working people are
being slaughtered in their workplaces!

Will all the Capulcular of the world Unite?

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Re: nettime #occupyGezi

2013-06-05 Thread Orsan Senalp

dear Felix, this is Orsan, based in the Netherlands but I have been
following Turkey closely since I moved here in 2004. At that time I
was working for the DISK, progressive union confederation. I was also
working for a PM at the parliament as an adviser. Erdogan government
kicked off its full fledged neoliberal offensive towards social and
labour rights and nature, but also at the same time towards the 'state
class' (traditional secular elite in turkey fusion of large capital
groups and military, bureaucratic cadre) just before I left. After
that, I have been intensely following and writing about the country,
AKP rule within the global political economy context. So I know the
organısed elements on the ground, context and have also been followıng
the OccupyGezı uprising from the beginning. So I could try to briefly
inform you and others:

As you know the 'unrest' sparked from the Gezi Park which is located
net to the Taksim Square. Where big clashes took place last month
between police and the people ıt was about the May 1 mobilisation. The
meetings organised by Gezi Parkı resistance platform which is mainly
resisting the commodification of the City and public spaces..They
started to gather at the Park on the 28 and 29. The engagement with
police on the 30st and the brutal attacks came from police on the 31st
however sparked the massive nation wide uprising against the
government. Social media has been used by actıvısts and cıtızens
exactly like it was used in Tunis, Egypt, Spain, 15O and US, Peaceful
protest meeting met  with brutal oppression by police, pictures and
info coming out on that second generated anger and it spread with
light speed. There were reports from uprising and clashes at around 70
cities ın 3rd day of the protests, Millions of people went out to the
streets, parks and squares, most of the time peacefully in almost each
case polıce attacked severely by using strong gasses and chemicals.
There were speculations of course but feelings anger and message
spread very fast.

The main stream Media, almost 30 privately owned TV channels as well
as many radio stations didn't put anything on air about what was
happening on the street and central squares across the country ın many
large cities including largest ones: Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana,
Eskisehir. Since 2 days ago this was the case and,almost 5 days long
total black out was adding more people to the revolt. The aggressive
and macho reaction of the head of the government towards masses and
media's total silence, only grew the anger and participation. Many non
party, non organised people followed the events via social media, live
streaming, twitter, facebook and went out to the streets. Same as in
other cases like Wall Street occupation but here participation went
massive in very short time, without mainstream media coverage. Being
under attack and huge protests
now media is apologising now and started to show some moderate and
very limited most of the time manipulated news from the ground. The
uprising and message went beyond the Park in the first day, democracy
become the central issue, people everywhere calls Erdogan to resign,
solidarity actions and groups spread across the world, it is feeding
in other countries as it happened before with the precious uprisings.

At the moment protests and gatherings continue and no one knows where
is this headed, the momentum is lower today thogh in comparison to
yesterday on the twıtter and Facebook, but also on the streets for the
moment. İt might be after the apologies came from deputy prime
minister but also president Gul's softer approach. The day before and
yesterday we had also general strıkes by two large confederatıons,
taking place. So today started as a working day It might get ınore
intense towards the evening  again. There were also arrests related to
tweets sent, and other issues are coming up like the deregulatıon of
the status of the national Parks so they could open them to markets.

Brıef background for the Turkish context:
AKP was very successful in braking the rule of traditional elite
structure and capturing the State during its first 2 terms. As one of
the AKP ministers said internal and external conditions were
overlapping, in favour of AKP. Like the post 9/11 US policy, crisis in
the EU, rising of the BRICS etc. By massive privatisations,
reforms/deregulation in health, education, social security as well as
labour market they could attract massive foreign investments; large
portion of the oil profits from the Gulf flew in some says even in
cash carried by large planes.

Massive infrastructure and City Transformation projects have been
launched and tenders given to emerging new 'green' Anatolian
capital,.Middle and small sized entrepreneurs transformed and
interlocked to these internationalising capital groups. Most
importantly traditionally ruling Military cadre jailed and  the rest
got under control

nettime Networked Labour Seminar Report

2013-05-28 Thread Orsan Senalp
  [Also To: esf-l-and-g, 
  WSF LG, -- mod (tb)]

Seminar Report Networking for the Emancipation of Labour
 By Orsan 

Supported by transform! europe, Transnational Institute, Networked Politics
and IGOPNet, an international seminar on Networked Labour was held in
Amsterdam from 7 to 9 May.

Around 25 activists, practitioners, researchers and theorists from various
networks , organisations and backgrounds came together to contribute to the
on-going debates on the changing nature of the capitalist modes of
production, linking it to emerging new social forces and political actors.

The program of the seminar was constructed in an open sourced way. The
?code? draft program was designed and shared online prior to the event.
According to it, the focus was the impact of internet and telecommunication
on production modes, *work organisation, and political protest and

Michel Bauwens, one of the participants, formulated the underlying question
of the seminar ?How to take labour out of the market??. Participants from
the Netherlands, the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Germany, Austria and
the US have built a collective and collaborative space in which labour and
possibilities for its emancipation from contemporary capitalism were
re-thought openly and creatively.

The first day of the seminar was devoted to get to know each other.
Informal chats sparked lively interactions during the opening lunch.
Participants agreed to start with introductory rounds with a focus on
participants? current work and interests. The participants were asked to
provide one question or issue to be further discussed in the following days
(See below link to a document with some items resulting from the two
introduction rounds).

At the end of the day, four thematic clusters were formulated: New value
creation and production practices, new subjectivities, new organisational
forms, issues related to state-regulation-power.

On the second day the debate started with a discussion addressing the new
value creation practices. Michel Bauwens, Jakob Rigi and Marco Berlinguer
gave the opening interventions. Each intervention was followed by an open
debate. The next cluster was on new subjectivities. Richard Barbrook,
Melissa Gregg, and Phoebe Moore made presentations to start up the round.
To open up the third session Sol Trumbo, Paolo Gerbaudo, and Peter Waterman
made their interventions.

The third day started with issues related to state, power and regulation.
Robin Murray and Selcuk Balamir gave the opening presentations, and Michel
Bauwens reacted by providing a template for governing the global commons,
including labour. The final session was dedicated to talk about ?what is to
be done!? ? in order to draw a road map to continue with the fruitful

Further steps were identified to carry the ideas and energies coming out
from the seminar into our daily practices, research, organisational efforts
and activism. A concrete accessible publication has been drafted and ideas
have been collected to improve the website as an open platform which would
ideally serve as an effective tool for the continuation of exchange and
spreading its outcomes.

The spirits of Networked Politics encounters were back!



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